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Paul A. Keddy 《Oecologia》1982,52(3):348-355
Summary A naturally-occurring sand dune population of the annual plant Cakile edentula (Brassicaceae) was studied for two years. The plants grew along an environmental gradient stretching from open sand beach (seaward) to densely vegetated dunes (landward). Survivorship and reproductive output were estimated from plants in permanent quadrats. The dispersal of seeds was documented by sifting fruits from the sand substrate at different seasons.Seedlings germinate in April and May and begin flowering in July and August. They may continue to flower until October unless destroyed by autumn winds or heavy frost. Although seaward plants germinate approximately a month later than landward plants, they grow more rapidly and by September may be two orders of magnitude larger than landward plants (dry weight of vegetative parts 6.86±3.97 g compared to 0.029±0.006 g; dry weight of fruits 5.92±4.27 g compared to 0.016±0.005 g; mean with 95% CI). In both years, seedling survivorship and mature plant reproductive output declined significantly with distance landward. The large plants at the seaward end of the gradient produced most of the fruits (144 and 278 fruits per capita in 1975 and 1976 respectively) but a large proportion of these were moved landward by wind and waves during the winter. Thus, at the seaward end of the gradient, the main influx on individuals was from reproduction, and the main loss of individuals was from dispersal landward during the winter. The small plants at the landward end of the gradient produced few fruits (1.8 and 1.2 fruits per capita in 1975 and 1976 respectively), and mortality greatly exceeded this reproductive output. Thus, at the landward end of the gradient, the main loss of individuals was through seedling mortality, but this was balanced by a large annual influx of individuals from the seaward end of the gradient. Plants at the landward end of the gradient therefore exist only because of annual dispersal of seeds landward. Most seeds produced at the seaward end of the gradient disperse from an area of good habitat (high survivorship and high reproductive output) to an area of poor habitat (low survivorship and low reproductive output).  相似文献   

Henrik Berg 《Ecography》2002,25(2):233-243
I studied demography in three populations of the clonal, cleistogamous herb Oxalis acetosella during three growing seasons, to assess the impact of seedling recruitment relative to ramet recruitment on its population dynamics. I followed each plant in permanent plots, and stage-classified it according to origin (sexually or vegetatively derived) and reproductive status. I calculated between-year transition probabilities, and sexual and vegetative fecundities, and used them in projection matrix analyses to simulate the development of populations and obtain the elasticity of each life-history event.
In general, non-flowering adults was the most numerous stage class and flowering new ramets the rarest, whereas the proportions of the other stage classes varied among populations and years. The negative correlation between plant density and survival was not very strong, and mortality seemed to be largely density-independent. Simulated population growth rates (λ) indicated that one of the populations is declining and the other two are growing, although slowly. The highest elasticities were usually those of stasis in adult plants, whereas elasticities of other matrix entries were low and highly variable. λ was positively correlated with the elasticities of seedling production and survival but negatively correlated with the elasticity of adult survival, indicating that seedling recruitment is more favourable for population growth than is adult stasis. There were no correlations between λ on the one hand and the elasticities of ramet production and survival on the other.
The results suggest that recruitment from seedlings is important for the growth and long-term maintenance of O. acetosella populations, as a complement to the rather low vegetative propagation. In this context cleistogamy is an adaptive strategy, maximizing total seed output.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of abundance, growth and sexual reproductionof the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita was examined over a 12 monthperiod in an isolated, shallow, brackish, man-made body of water:Horsea Lake, England. Strobilation started in December and ephyraewere present through June in varying numbers, suggesting a 7month period of near-continuous recruitment. Horsea Lake hasa dense A.aurita population, with the peak abundance of 24.9m–3 occurring in mid-May. Medusae (>10 mm) were presentin the water column from March through January. Maximum belldiameter of 105 mm was observed in late September. However,medusa growth was very poor (G ranged between –0.03 and0.07 day–1 over a 12 month period), and monthly mean belldiameters were typically <50 mm. For most of the year, theabundant A.aurita population was most likely severely food limitedas a result of a numerically and species-poor mesozooplanktoncommunity dominated by the calanoid copepods Acartia margalefiand Acartia tonsa. Nevertheless, the very small A.aurita medusaewere still able to attain sexual maturity and reproduce. Ripefemale medusae carrying fertilized eggs and planula larvae werefirst observed in May and June, although the main period ofplanula larva production was September-December. In November,all females were ripe, the smallest being 19–20 mm belldiameter. At both Horsea Lake and a nearby productive estuary,Southampton Water, planula larva production increased linearlywith wet weight, although compared with the larger A.auritamedusae from Southampton Water, reproductive output at HorseaLake was low. Aurelia aurita in Horsea Lake showed plasticityin its population characteristics in response to environmentalconditions, with both fecundity and size to maturity varyingon a seasonal basis. Medusae appeared to partition the availablefood resources into either somatic growth when food was abundantor reproductive effort when food was scarce.  相似文献   

A five-year mark-recapture study of small mammals was conducted with sampling every two months in a rural area of Sumidouro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from June 1991 to July 1996. Population sizes were estimated through MNKA estimator, survivorship and recruitment rates through Jolly-Seber estimator. Nectomys squamipes and Didelphis aurita were the most abundant species, followed by Akodon cursor, Philander frenata and Oligoryzomys nigripes. Marsupials reproduced from July/August to March, with the highest population sizes and recruitment rates in the end of the rainy periods and beginning of the dry period. Rodents were able to reproduce throughout the year. N. squamipes' population size was correlated with survivorship; peaks and the bulk of reproduction occurred during and after the rainy periods. A. cursor's population size increased in dry periods. These species displayed seasonal patterns of population dynamics related to reproduction, with some variations among years chiefly for the rodents.  相似文献   

1. Understanding which factors regulate population dynamics may help us to understand how a population would respond to environmental change, and why some populations are declining.
2. In southern Finland, vole abundance shows a three-phased cycle of low, increase and decrease phases, but these have been fading out in recent years. During five such cycles (1981–1995), all tawny owls Strix aluco were censused in a 250-km2 study area, and their reproduction and survival were monitored.
3. Males and females showed similar dynamics, but experienced breeders recruited more offspring and had higher survival than first breeders. Offspring recruitment, but not survival of breeding individuals varied in accordance with vole abundance.
4. The population's numerical response to prey abundance was primarily due to first-breeding individuals entering the population in the increase phase when immigration was the highest. First-breeding birds were younger, but experienced breeders were older in more favourable vole years.
5. A stage-specific matrix population model integrating survival and fecundity showed that, despite obvious variation in fecundity between vole cycle phases, this variation had limited importance for overall tawny owl population dynamics, but that the survival of experienced breeders during the low phase is most important for population growth.
6. Model and data agreed that the vole cycle drives the dynamics of this avian predator by limiting the recruitment of new breeders during the low phase. Population dynamics hence differ not only from the classic example of the species in a more temperate region in the UK where the number of territories is stable across years, but also from the dynamics of other avian vole predators in Fennoscandia where the recurring crash in vole abundance drastically lowers adult survival thereby creating vacancies.  相似文献   

Shellfish have been introduced to countries beyond their native distributions in order to develop new fisheries, but the success of such translocations has been variable. In 2003 and 2006, adult trochus (Rochia nilotica), a herbivorous coral reef gastropod, were translocated from Fiji and Vanuatu to Samoa. This translocation extended their natural range and created a new fishery in Samoa. In 2018, we had the opportunity to assess the population structure of trochus stocks at 28 sites around Samoa's two main islands using underwater visual censuses along transects. This assessment revealed that the distribution of populations showed no correspondence with initial translocation sites. Densities of trochus were spatially variable, and very high (>500 individuals/ha) at some sites. Size‐frequency distributions also varied among sites, yet all populations contained some large individuals. There was no evidence of competitive dominance of trochus over native gastropods or negative impacts to coral communities. This study shows that stocked shellfish such as trochus can develop to exploitable population levels within 15 years. Translocations of marine organisms must be considered with great caution. Our study indicates that livelihood benefits of introducing alien shellfish species are likely to be spatially variable. Translocations of the right species could support food webs and provide further food security and livelihood options to coastal fishing communities.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Titanotrichum oldhamii is a monotypicgenus distributed in Taiwan, adjacent regions of China and theRyukyu Isands of Japan. Its conservation status is vulnerableas most populations are small and widely scattered. Titanotrichumhas a mixed system of reproduction with vegetative bulbils andseeds. The aim of this study was to understand the populationgenetic structure of Titanotrichum in relation to its specificreproductive behaviour and to determine possible implicationsfor conservation strategies. • Methods After an extensive inventory of most wild populationsof Titanotrichum in East Asia, samples from 25 populations withinits major distribution were carried out utilizing RAPD and inter-SSRmolecular fingerprinting analysis. • Key Results The findings support the conclusion thatmany populations reproduce predominantly asexually but thatsome genetic variation still exists within populations. However,significant amounts of variation exist between populations,perhaps reflecting population differentiation by drift. Thispartitioning of genetic diversity indicates that the level ofinter-population gene exchange is extremely low. These findingsare consistent with field observations of very limited seedproduction. The Chinese populations are similar to those ofNorthern Taiwan, while the Ryukyu populations fall within therange of variation of the north-central Taiwan populations.The Taiwanese populations are relatively variable and differentiationbetween north, east and south Taiwan is evident. • Conclusions The distribution of Titanotrichum seems tobe consistent with a former land connection between China, Taiwanand the Ryukyu Islands at a glacial maximum during the Quaternary,followed by progressive fragmentation of the populations. North-centralTaiwan is the centre of genetic diversity, possibly due to theproximity of the former land bridge between the regions, togetherwith the variety of suitable habitats in north Taiwan. The significanceof these findings for conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied bromeliad selection by calling males of Phyllodytes melanomystax. The study site was a restinga environment in the northeastern state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. We sampled 202 bromeliads, 101 with and 101 without calling males. We used multiple logistic regression analysis and Wald test to identify which of nine environmental variables investigated could explain the occurrence of calling males within bromeliads. The presence/absence of calling males in bromeliads was influenced by the number of bromeliads in a 2 m radius and the amount of debris inside the rosettes, while physical variables of bromeliads and the volume of stored water inside their rosettes had no influence. The mark-recapture procedure of P. melanomystax revealed site fidelity. This study is the first to explain the pattern of bromeliad selection by a species of the bromeliad-dwelling frog genus Phyllodytes.  相似文献   

黄振英  董鸣  张淑敏 《生态学报》2005,25(2):298-303
沙鞭是鄂尔多斯高原流动沙丘上分布的多年生禾草。对位于沙层不同深度的种子萌发和幼苗出土进行了测定。结果表明 ,种子的萌发和幼苗的出土随着沙埋深度的增加而减少 ,最高的幼苗出土率来自 0 .5~ 2 .0 cm浅层沙埋的种子 ,并且沙埋的深度影响种子萌发的时间。沙埋越深 ,越多的种子不能萌发并且处于强迫休眠的状态。但是 ,当被埋较深种子上层的沙层被移走使种子位于较浅的沙层时 ,种子能够克服强迫休眠。种子的强迫休眠还能够通过改善沙层中的空气含量来克服。在自然生境中 ,沙丘的流动性能够使萌发后的幼苗整个暴露在空气中遭受干旱胁迫 ,或者萌发后的幼苗在因无后续的降雨而变干。但是 ,沙鞭在幼苗的早期具有忍受干燥 ,在下次水合后能够恢复生长的能力。幼根的长度和干燥时间影响幼苗的生长恢复率  相似文献   

Prevalence and abundance of Gyrodactylus sp. on the 1993 year-class of sand gobies Pomatoschistus minutus in the Oslo Fjord, Norway, decreased slightly during the cold months, increased as temperature increased in spring, reaching a peak in June, then decreased significantly, corresponding with a decline in the number of hosts from August. Abundance and, especially, prevalence increased again in September, and decreased in late autumn. Death of the most heavily infected hosts, and/or host resistance might be responsible for the decline in parasite numbers on post-spawners in summer. The young of the year (1994 year-class) were probably infected shortly after they commenced benthic life in July, and prevalence and abundance increased significantly throughout late summer and autumn. Parasite abundance on males was significantly higher than on females at the height of the breeding season in June, but significantly lower at the end of the breeding season in July. Two-thirds of the parasites infected the gills, oral cavity and pharynx. The proportion of parasites on the body, head and fins increased on both sexes, but significantly more so on males, during the breeding season of the host, when parasite intensity was highest. Possible routes of transmission of the parasite are discussed.  相似文献   

Rare plant species have extremely narrow distributions that can be reduced to a single or few populations. The rare long-lived plant Kosteletzkya pentacarpos is one such species because only two extant localities are known in the western Mediterranean. In this study, we analyse the population dynamics over nine years of the only population known in north-east Spain, which is located at the Llobregat delta (Barcelona). We collected basic demographic data to build a transition matrix model. We computed population growth rates λ and their confidence intervals for each year of study. We conducted elasticity and variance decomposition analyses to determine the relative importance of vital rates to overall population dynamics. On average, the K. pentacarpos population exhibited an increasing dynamics. Survivorship of adult plants contributed the most to each λ, whereas temporal variance in fecundity and juvenile fate explained the observed variation in λ. Despite the increasing dynamics of K. pentacarpos , important reductions in fecundity resulting from biotic agents and recruitment owing to habitat limitations are constraints for population growth. We conclude that the knowledge generated in this long-term study should be used to create new K. pentacarpos populations at the Llobregat delta in order to minimize the risk of extinction following catastrophic events that are nearly impossible to predict.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 455–462.  相似文献   

A total of 217 Barbus graellsii, 54 Barbus haasi, 417 Cyprinus carpio and 85 Leuciscus cephalus captured at 9 sampling stations in the central basin of the Llobregat River (NE Spain) were studied for Lernaea cyprinacea parasitism. Prevalence (B. graellsii 39.2, B. haasi 31.5, C. carpio 8.4, L. cephalus 48.2), intensity of infection (B. graellsii range 1 to 39, mean 4.6; B. haasi range 1 to 7, mean 2.6; C. carpio range 1 to 16, mean 3.1; L. cephalus range 1 to 8, mean 2.4), and abundance (B. graellsii 1.80; B. haasi 0.83; C. carpio 0.26; L. cephalus 1.15) varied with the fish species studied. Correlations between abundance and host size were positive and significant for B. graellsii and L. cephalus. Correlation was positive but non-significant for B. haasi. Correlation between intensity and fish size was positive but not significant for B. graellsii, C. carpio, and L. cephalus. This is the first record of L. cyprinacea infecting B. graellsii and B. haasi.  相似文献   

Panonychus osmanthi is a non-diapausing species of spider mite that superficially resembles P. citri. It infests Osmanthus species, which are evergreen roadside and garden trees. The population dynamics of P. osmanthi were studied on Osmanthus aurantiacus and O.×fortunei during a three-year period. Seasonal changes in P. osmanthi populations were fundamentally the same in each year, although their density differed greatly from year to year. TheP. osmanthi population was bimodal, with one peak in spring (May–June) and another in winter (November–January). Populations abruptly declined after the spring peak. Predators showed a delayed density-dependent response to changes in spider mites from spring to summer, whereas in autumn and winter, predators were few because they had entered diapause. To determine the effect of predators on the rapid decline of spider mites just after the spring peak, the predators were removed by treating the trees with a synthetic pyrethroid. As a result, spider mite density did not decline after the spring peak and remained at a high level during the June-August period when spider mite density is usually very low. This suggests that predators play an important role in the drastic decline of P. osmanthi density just after the spring peak. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In habitats where disturbance is frequent, seed banks are important for the regeneration of vegetation. Sand dune systems are dynamic habitats in which sand movement provides intermittent disturbance. As succession proceeds from bare sand to forest, the disturbance decreases. At Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, we examined the seed banks of three habitat types across a successional gradient: foredunes, secondary dunes, and oak savanna. There were differences among the types of species that germinated from each of the habitats. The mean seed bank density increased across the successional gradient by habitat, from 376 to 433 to 968 seeds m−2, but with foredune and secondary dune seed bank densities being significantly lower than the savanna seed bank density. The number of seeds germinated was significantly correlated with soil organic carbon, demonstrating for this primary successional sequence that seed density increases with stage and age. The seed bank had much lower species richness than that of the aboveground vegetation across all habitats. Among sites within a habitat type, the similarity of species germinated from the seed banks was very low, illustrating the variability of the seed bank even in similar habitat types. These results suggest that restoration of these habitats cannot rely on seed banks alone.  相似文献   

Felix Gugerli 《Oecologia》1998,114(1):60-66
Self-compatibility in high arctic and alpine areas is regarded as an adaptation to low pollinator abundance. However, high genetic variability as a consequence of outcrossing is, with regard to population persistence, favorable in highly stochastic environments such as tundra habitats. To evaluate these contradictory scenarios, I performed in situ pollination experiments to examine the breeding system of the predominant outcrosser Saxifraga oppositifolia in ten populations at two different elevations in the Swiss Alps. Pollinator limitation was detected at both elevations, but fruit set in naturally pollinated flowers was only slightly less at the higher elevation. Increased pollinator limitation at high compared with low elevation thus could not be demonstrated in this experiment. Hand-crossings yielded equal mean proportion seed set at both elevations, and so did hand-selfings. This constant pattern of the breeding system in S. oppositifolia indicates selective factors that lead to the maintenance of a high level of outcrossing even in high-elevation populations. Based on sex allocation models, it was expected that a high ovule number should be selectively advantageous in a plant-pollinator system where chance visitation or selfing play important roles. However, female reproductive offer in terms of ovule number per flower did not change from low to high elevation. Since neither increased pollinator limitation nor increased seed set in selfed flowers was found at high compared with low elevation, the prerequisites for testing the hypothesis were not given. This study contradicts the hypothesis that inimical environmental factors in alpine or arctic habitats necessarily select for increased selfing rates in a preferentially outcrossing species like S. oppositifolia. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 20 October 1997  相似文献   

Accurate inferences on population genetics data require a sound underlying theoretical null model. Nearly nothing is known about the gene dynamics of organisms with complex life cycles precluding any biological interpretation of population genetics parameters. In this article, we used an infinite island model to derive the expectations of those parameters for the life cycle of a dioecious organism obligatorily alternating sexual and asexual reproductions as it is the case for schistosomes (plathyhelminth parasites). This model allowed us to investigate the effects of the degree of mixing among individuals coming from different subpopulations at each new generation (represented in the model by the migration rates before and after clonal reproductions) and the variance in the reproductive success of individuals during the clonal phase. We also consider the effects of different migration rates and degrees of clonal reproductive skew between male and female individuals. Results show that the variance in the reproductive success of clones is very important in shaping the distribution of the genetic variability both within and among subpopulations. Thus, higher variance in the reproductive success of clones generates heterozygous excesses within subpopulations and also increases genetic differentiation between them. Migration occurring before and after asexual reproduction has different effects on the patterns of F(IS) and F(ST). When males and females display different degrees of reproductive skew or migration rates, we observe differences in their respective population genetic structure. While results of the model apply to any organism alternating sexual and clonal reproductions (e.g. all parasitic trematodes, many plants, and all aphididae), we finally confront some of these theoretical expectations to empirical data from Schistosoma mansoni infecting Rattus rattus in Guadeloupe.  相似文献   

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