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Biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole by individual and mixed bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibiotic compounds, like sulfamethoxazole (SMX), have become a concern in the aquatic environment due to the potential development of antibacterial resistances. Due to excretion and disposal, SMX has been frequently detected in wastewaters and surface waters. SMX removal in conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) ranges from 0% to 90%, and there are opposing results regarding its biodegradability at lab scale. The objective of this research was to determine the ability of pure cultures of individual and mixed consortia of bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas putida, Rhodococcus equi, Rhodococcus erythropolis, Rhodococcus rhodocrous, and Rhodococcus zopfii) known to exist in WWTP activated sludge to remove SMX. Results showed that R. equi alone had the greatest ability to remove SMX leading to 29% removal (with glucose) and the formation of a metabolite. Degradation pathways and metabolite structures have been proposed based on the potential enzymes produced by R. equi. When R. equi was mixed with other microorganisms, a positive synergistic effect was not observed and the maximum SMX removal achieved was 5%. This indicates that pure culture results cannot be extrapolated to mixed culture conditions, and the methodology developed here to study the biodegradability of compounds under controlled mixed culture conditions offers an alternative to conventional studies using pure bacterial cultures or inocula from activated sludge sources consisting of unknown and variable microbial populations.  相似文献   

Microbial metabolites are of huge biotechnological potential and their production can be coupled with detoxification of environmental pollutants and wastewater treatment mediated by the versatile microorganisms. The consortia of cyanobacteria/microalgae and bacteria can be efficient in detoxification of organic and inorganic pollutants, and removal of nutrients from wastewaters, compared to the individual microorganisms. Cyanobacterial/algal photosynthesis provides oxygen, a key electron acceptor to the pollutant-degrading heterotrophic bacteria. In turn, bacteria support photoautotrophic growth of the partners by providing carbon dioxide and other stimulatory means. Competition for resources and cooperation for pollutant abatement between these two guilds of microorganisms will determine the success of consortium engineering while harnessing the biotechnological potential of the partners. Relative to the introduction of gene(s) in a single organism wherein the genes depend on the regulatory- and metabolic network for proper expression, microbial consortium engineering is easier and achievable. The currently available biotechnological tools such as metabolic profiling and functional genomics can aid in the consortium engineering. The present review examines the current status of research on the consortia, and emphasizes the construction of consortia with desired partners to serve a dual mission of pollutant removal and commercial production of microbial metabolites.  相似文献   

Microorganisms are recognized worldwide as the major source of secondary metabolites with mega diverse structures and promissory biological activities. However, as yet many of them remain little or under-explored like the microbiota from freshwater aquatic ecosystems. In the present review, we undertook a recompilation of metabolites reported with pesticidal properties from microalgae (cyanobacteria and green algae) and fungi, specifically from freshwater aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

The small average cell size of in situ bacterioplankton, relative to cultured cells, has been suggested to be at least partly a result of selection of larger-sized cells by bacterivorous protozoa. In this study, we determined the relative rates of uptake of fluorescence-labeled bacteria (FLB), of various cell sizes and cell types, by natural assemblages of flagellates and ciliates in estuarine water. Calculated clearance rates of bacterivorous flagellates had a highly significant, positive relationship with size of FLB, over a range of average biovolume of FLB of 0.03 to 0.08 microns3. Bacterial cell type or cell shape per se did not appear to affect flagellate clearance rates. The dominant size classes of flagellates which ingested all types of FLB were 3- to 4-microns cells. Ciliates also showed a general preference for larger-sized bacteria. However, ciliates ingested a gram-positive enteric bacterium and a marine bacterial isolate at higher rates than they did a similarly sized, gram-negative enteric bacterium or natural bacterioplankton, respectively. From the results of an experiment designed to test whether the addition of a preferentially grazed bacterial strain stimulated clearance rates of natural bacterioplankton FLB by the ciliates, we hypothesized that measured differences in rates of FLB uptake were due instead to differences in effective retention of bacteria by the ciliates. In general, clearance rates for different FLB varied by a factor of 2 to 4. Selective grazing by protozoa of larger bacterioplankton cells, which are generally the cells actively growing or dividing, may in part explain the small average cell size, low frequency of dividing cells, and low growth rates generally observed for assemblages of suspended bacteria.  相似文献   

As a result of high production costs, commercial products from microalgae must command high prices. Astaxanthin produced by Haematococcus is a product that has become a commercial reality through novel and advanced technology. Cultivation methods have been developed to produce Haematococcus containing 1.5-3.0% astaxanthin by dry weight, with potential applications as a pigment source in aquaculture, poultry feeds and in the worldwide nutraceutical market.  相似文献   

Marine snow aggregates are microbial hotspots that support high bacterial abundance and activities. We conducted laboratory experiments to compare cell-specific bacterial protein production (BPP) and protease activity between free-living and attached bacteria. Natural bacterial assemblages attached to model aggregates (agar spheres) had threefold higher BPP and two orders of magnitude higher protease activity than their free-living counterpart. These observations could be explained by preferential colonization of the agar spheres by bacteria with inherently higher metabolic activity and/or individual bacteria increasing their metabolism upon attachment to surfaces. In subsequent experiments, we used four strains of marine snow bacteria isolates to test the hypothesis that bacteria could up- and down-regulate their metabolism while on and off an aggregate. The protease activity of attached bacteria was 10-20 times higher than that of free-living bacteria, indicating that the individual strains could increase their protease activity within a short time (2 h) upon attachment to surfaces. Agar spheres with embedded diatom cells were colonized faster than plain agar spheres and the attached bacteria were clustered around the agar-embedded diatom cells, indicating a chemosensing response. Increased protease activity and BPP allow attached bacteria to quickly exploit aggregate resources upon attachment, which may accelerate remineralization of marine snow and reduce the downward carbon fluxes.  相似文献   

Competition between ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and benthic microalgae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The abundance, activity, and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) were studied in prepared microcosms with and without microphytobenthic activity. In the microcosm without alga activity, both AOB abundance, estimated by real-time PCR, and potential nitrification increased during the course of the experiment. AOB present in the oxic zone of these sediments were able to fully exploit their nitrification potential because NH(4)(+) did not limit growth. In contrast, AOB in the alga-colonized sediments reached less than 20% of their potential activity, suggesting starvation of cells. Starvation resulted in a decrease with time in the abundance of AOB as well as in nitrification potential. This decrease was correlated with an increase in alga biomass, suggesting competitive exclusion of AOB by microalgae. Induction of N limitation in the oxic zone of the alga-colonized sediments and O(2) limitation of the majority of AOB in darkness were major mechanisms by which microalgae suppressed the growth and survival of AOB. The competition pressure from the algae seemed to act on the entire population of AOB, as no differences were observed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of amoA fragments during the course of the experiment. Enumeration of bacteria based on 16S rRNA gene copies and d-amino acids suggested that the algae also affected other bacterial groups negatively. Our data indicate that direct competitive interaction takes place between algae and AOB and that benthic algae are superior competitors because they have higher N uptake rates and grow faster than AOB.  相似文献   

Autoradiography was used to examine critical questions for trophic studies concerning the uptake of radioactive tracers by a natural assemblage of sedimentary microorganisms. Labeled organic substrates ([3H]-acetate and [3H]-thymidine) were taken up only by heterotrophic bacteria, and [14C]-bicarbonate was taken up only by microalgae. Only approximately 2% of the bacterial assemblage took up detectable quantities of either [3H]-acetate or [3H]-thymidine, regardless of whether labeled substrates were delivered to sediments via slurries or by injection with a microliter syringe. Significantly more diatoms were labeled when [14C]-bicarbonate was delivered to sediments by the injection method (75%) as compared to the slurry method (50%). These results indicate that radio-active tracers can be used in natural sediments to selectively label potential microbial food of invertebrate grazers. Only a small proportion of bacteria, however, may actually use a labeled substrate, which introduces a large uncertainty into the conversion of radioactivity in grazers to the number of bacteria consumed. Finally, the use of disruptive methods (e.g., slurries) to deliver labels to sediments does not increase the proportion of microorganisms that become labeled. Thus, given the variety of artifacts that may be associated with the use of sediment slurries, it is probably advisable to use nondisruptive methods to deliver substrates to sediments.  相似文献   

Pure cultures of phototrophic sulfur bacteria were compared to natural populations that bloom in karstic lakes by electrophoretic analysis of low molecular mass RNA molecules (lmwRNA) and microscopy. Similarities between dominant community members, field isolates and reference strains were established by comparing the lmwRNA band patterns through dendrograms produced with Euclidean distances and the average linkage clustering method, by a single, quick, one-step method. The fingerprinting analysis had three objectives: (i) to compare microbial assemblages from different geographical locations, (ii) to compare those organisms which grow in pure culture to those forming planktonic blooms and (iii) to give a preliminary view of the identity of the predominant community members. The lmwRNA analysis yielded a number of clusters consistent with the microscopic observations and allowed rapid comparison of the microbial communities without the need to isolate their individual components. The fingerprints of natural communities were different from most of the laboratory strains tested. Purple sulfur bacteria responsible for the blooms analyzed in karstic lakes were more closely related to the Thiocystis group than to the classical strains extensively studied in the laboratory.  相似文献   

The massive increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere driven by human activities is causing huge negative consequences and new sustainable sources of energy, food and materials are highly needed. Algae are unicellular photosynthetic microorganisms that can provide a highly strategic contribution to this challenge as alternative source of biomass to complement crops cultivation. Algae industrial cultures are commonly limited by light availability, and biomass accumulation is strongly dependent on their photon‐to‐biomass conversion efficiency. Investigation of algae photosynthetic metabolism is thus strategic for the generation of more efficient strains with higher productivity. Algae are cultivated at industrial scale in conditions highly different from the natural niches they adapted to and strains development efforts must fully consider the seminal influence on productivity of regulatory mechanism of photosynthesis as well as of cultivation parameters like cells concentration, light distribution in the culture, mixing, nutrients and carbon dioxide availability. In this review we will focus in particular on how mathematical models can account for the complex influence of all environmental parameters and can be exploited for development of improved algae strains.  相似文献   

Natural prokaryotic assemblages from two multi-pond solar salterns and pure cultures of both marine bacteria and halophilic archaea were analyzed and compared by electrophoretic analysis of 5S rRNAs. A salinity gradient from seawater (3.7%) to NaCl precipitation (37%) was studied. The culture-independent, PCR-free, fingerprinting analysis covered two objectives: (i) to compare natural assemblages among them and with results previously obtained through a PCR-dependent approach and (ii) to estimate the in situ relevance of those prokaryotic groups obtained with classical culture methodologies. Natural assemblages were analyzed through cluster analysis of quantitative 5S rRNA band patterns. The resulting groups were in accordance with environmental parameters (i.e., NaCl concentration) and with the clustering obtained after a PCR-dependent approach, showing the formation of three salinity-based groups of samples (<10%, 10-25% and >25% salinity). Similarities between the laboratory strains tested and dominant community members were studied by comparing 5S rRNA band patterns. The lack of match obtained after cluster analysis indicated that the prokaryotic populations relevant in the ponds below 25% salinity were neither Flavobacteria nor haloarchaeal strains belonging to the genera Halococcus, Haloarcula and Halobacterium. Members of Proteobacteria and Gram-positive bacteria were found to match bands in these samples. The 5S rRNA fingerprint from the dominant community members in the ponds above 30% salinity did not fit any of the cultured halophilic archaea studied, in agreement with earlier PCR results. This is consistent with a greater bias introduced by culture-dependent methods than by those based on PCR, especially for archaeal populations.  相似文献   

There is a need to improve phosphorus removal for the tens of thousands of small communities around the world that currently rely on waste stabilisation ponds for their wastewater treatment. We now know that microalgae in pond systems are capable of accumulating phosphorus within their cells as polyphosphate in a process known as luxury uptake, but this knowledge has not yet been applied to engineer a new process to improve phosphorus removal. This paper summarises the current understanding of this mechanism, discusses the key factors influencing polyphosphate accumulation and provides future direction for research in this field. There have only been a limited number of studies that have focussed on luxury uptake of polyphosphate by microalgae in high phosphorus concentration environments such as those found in waste stabilisation pond systems. However, from this review it has been shown that the environmental factors which influence polyphosphate storage are the phosphate concentration, light intensity and temperature. Currently we are limited to a black box understanding of the bulk population and as a result future research needs to focus on a systematic evaluation of different microalgal genera under a wide range of environmental, biological and process variables in order to reveal the conditions needed to reliably trigger this phenomenon. This will then provide the basis for developing a new algal biotechnology optimised for luxury uptake of polyphosphate. While there are still several key questions that need to be answered there is potential for this to lead to a process which could be as significant to pond systems as the development of enhanced biological phosphorus removal was for the activated sludge process.  相似文献   

Mitton JB  Pierce BA 《Genetics》1980,95(4):1043-1054
Estimation of the distribution of the level of individual heterozygosity within natural populations is explored with both Monte-Carlo simulation studies and data from natural populations. Simulations indicate that heterozygosities estimated from as few as a dozen randomly chosen loci may, to some degree, reflect (r = 0.35) heterozygosity determined by 100 independent loci. The shape of the expected distribution of heterozygosity is heavily dependent upon levels of heterozygosity at the loci. Complete genetic data for 12 loci from 997 Fundulus heteroclitus are used to describe the distributions of heterozygosity for different localities, for age classes and for sexes. The distributions deviate from normality. Distributions from different localities are not different, but the distributions are heterogeneous among age classes at one of two localities and are heterogeneous between the sexes.  相似文献   

Many wetlands have been constructed in West Virginia as mitigation for a variety of human disturbances, but no comprehensive evaluation on their success has been conducted. Macroinvertebrates are extremely valuable components of functioning wetland ecosystems. As such, benthic and water column invertebrate communities were chosen as surrogates for wetland function in the evaluation of 11 mitigation and 4 reference wetlands in West Virginia. Mitigation wetlands ranged in age from 4 to 21 years old. Overall familial richness, diversity, density and biomass were similar between mitigation and reference wetlands (p > 0.05). Within open water habitats, total benthic invertebrate density was higher in reference wetlands, but mass of common taxa from water column samples was higher in mitigation wetlands (p < 0.05) Planorbidae density from benthic samples in emergent habitats was higher in reference than mitigated wetlands. Benthic Oligochaeta density was higher across open water habitats in mitigation wetlands. All other benthic taxa were similar between wetland types. Among the most common water column orders, Isopoda density was higher in reference wetlands, but Physidae density was higher in mitigation wetlands. Within mitigation wetlands, emergent areas contained higher richness and diversity than open areas. These data indicate that mitigation and reference wetlands generally support similar invertebrate assemblages, especially among benthic populations. The few observed differences are likely attributable to differences in vegetative community composition and structure. Mitigation wetlands currently support abundant and productive invertebrate communities, and as such, provide quality habitat for wetland dependent wildlife species, especially waterbirds and anurans.  相似文献   

Stimulative and inhibitory effects of bacteria on the growth of microalgae   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
Several examples of stimulative and inhibitoryeffects of bacteria on microalgal growth areintroduced, and the importance of bacteria in algalmass culture is investigated. Diatoms are often usedas live food for planktonic larvae of sea urchin andbivalves. Monodispersed Chaetoceros ceratosporum hasbeen cultivated by using clean, high nutrient content,deep seawater (DSW). However, the growth rate and cellyield of diatoms fluctuated, to relatively largeextent, with the season that DSW was collected. Whensome bacterial strains isolated from DSW were added tothe culture, diatom growth was often stimulated and arelatively constant cell yield was obtained. Anotherdiatom species, C. gracilis, was also stimulated byadding some bacterial strains to cultures. Thepositive effect of bacteria on diatoms was observednot only for planktonic species, but also on attachedspecies. A benthic diatom, Nitzschia sp., wasstimulated by a bacterial film of Alcaligenes on thesurface of the substratum. On the other hand, a strainof Flavobacterium sp. isolated from natural seawaterduring the decline period of an algal bloom had a strongalgicidal effect on the red tide plankton,Gymnodinium mikimotoi. Recent reports demonstratethat many bacterial strains have significantalgicidal effects on many species of red tideplankton. These results indicate that bacterialeffects should be taken into account to obtain stablemass culture of food microalgae.  相似文献   

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