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We investigated the functional significance of raised black spots on the ray florets of Gorteria diffusa (Asteraceae) in South Africa. Field observations showed that G. diffusa is pollinated by a small bee-fly, Megapalpus nitidus (Bombyliidae), which is strikingly similar to the raised spots that occur on some of the ray florets. Removal of the spots resulted in a significant decrease in the rate of fly visits to capitula, but did not significantly affect seed set. Replacement of the spots with simple ink spots also significantly reduced the rate of pollinator visits, suggesting that flies respond to details in the structure of the spots. Investigations using scanning electron microscopy showed that the spots of G. diffusa consist of a complex of different cell types. Differences in epidermal sculpturing may partly explain the UV reflectance pattern of these spots, which is similar to that of the flies. Male flies are strongly attracted to the spots, as well as to other flies sitting in the capitula, although female flies also visit the capitula. We conclude that the spots of G. diffusa mimic resting flies, thereby eliciting mate-seeking and aggregation responses in fly pollinators. Similar dark spots have evolved in unrelated South African Gazania, Dimorphotheca, and Pelargonium species pollinated by bee-flies.  相似文献   

A group of representative species of the genus Puya was studied to determine if there are allometric relationships between vegetative and floral parts, whether these relationships correlate with their pollination system and if plant size is correlated with elevation and latitude. Fifty-three species representing the morphological variation and distribution of the genus were studied. Total plant height, as well as leaf, inflorescence, petal and sepal length were measured and these data subjected to univariate and multivariate analyses. To test for correlation between plant size and altitudinal and latitudinal distribution, ANOVAs were performed. When the pollination system of a species is known, additional multivariate and univariate analyses were also performed. The results indicate that the characters studied are correlated with a size component, exhibiting positive allometry for sepal and petal length and negative allometry for leaf length. Inflorescence length is an isometric character. There was no significant correlation between plant size and altitudinal or latitudinal distribution. The ANOVAs show that the only character correlated to pollinator type was petal length. Small plants with small flowers are correlated to pollinators such as insects, while medium to large plants with medium to large-sized flowers are correlated with pollinators such as birds and bats. Large plants have small flowers, that are more evident and attract more pollinators.  相似文献   

One of the most widely accepted explanations for floral diversification in angiosperms is the pollinator-shift model developed by Verne Grant and Ledyard Stebbins. According to this model, the most profound changes in floral traits (such as morphology, color, patterning and scent) occur when plants undergo adaptive shifts between pollinator classes. We tested this model through investigations of geographical variation in floral form and pollinator assemblages in the South African annual daisy Gorteria diffusa. This species has elaborate insect-like ornaments on the capitulum, which attract bee flies belonging to the genus Megapalpus. We found unprecedented levels of geographically structured intraspecific variation and identified 14 discrete forms that vary in the morphology and ornamentation of the capitulum. This variation is not due to phenotypic plasticity because differences among forms were maintained in plants grown from seed in a common garden experiment. Contrary to predictions from the pollinator-shift model, all populations, regardless of floral phenotype, were pollinated primarily by a single species of Megapalpus bee fly. Much of the extensive variation in floral form in G. diffusa therefore appears to have arisen without evolutionary shifts between pollinator types.  相似文献   

The family Asteraceae has a particular inflorescence, the capitulum, consisting of ray florets and disc florets. The ray florets function as petals that attract pollinators. Marked variation in the ray floret morphology is known in a natural population of Aster hispidus var. tubulosus (Asteraceae). We analyzed the variation and found two distinct types in the ray florets, the long tubular ray floret and the ligulate ray floret. In this species, therefore, the variation in floral morphology among capitula, each of which is the basic pollination unit, is caused by the variation in the composition of the two ray floret types among capitula. We evaluated the sources of the observed variation in the floral morphology among capitula within a population using a hierarchical analysis that separated within‐individual (i.e. among capitula within each individual) and between‐individual components of the variation. We found that the main source of the variation lay at the between‐individual level, not at the between‐capitulum level nested within individuals. This finding will provide the basic knowledge that enables future study exploring whether the between‐individual variation in floral morphology caused by the compositional variation of the ray floret types leads to differential pollination success of individual plants in species of Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic control of key reproductive traits/characters facilitates better understanding of systematics and evolution. Accordingly, we employed hybridization studies to investigate the Mendelian genetics of eight floral traits of two divergent populations of Jaltomata procumbens, which appear to have undergone an evolutionary shift in mating system. Marked phenotypic differences allowed us to analyze the genetics of morphological differentiation. Flowers per inflorescence, sepal, petal, filament, and anther length, and stigma diameter all show continuous variation, and therefore may be polygenic. The bimodal F2 distributions of the extent of nectar guides (petal spots) and staminal pubescence suggest that each is controlled primarily by a major gene. Our data supports the widespread idea that most phenotypic variation is controlled by numerous genes each having small effect, but also that a difference between two divergent populations is sometimes primarily due to one gene having a large effect.  相似文献   

Several floral microbes are known to be pathogenic to plants or floral visitors such as pollinators. Despite the ecological and economic importance of pathogens deposited in flowers, we often lack a basic understanding of how floral traits influence disease transmission. Here, we provide the first systematic review regarding how floral traits attract vectors (for plant pathogens) or hosts (for animal pathogens), mediate disease establishment and evolve under complex interactions with plant mutualists that can be vectors for microbial antagonists. Attraction of floral visitors is influenced by numerous phenological, morphological and chemical traits, and several plant pathogens manipulate floral traits to attract vectors. There is rapidly growing interest in how floral secondary compounds and antimicrobial enzymes influence disease establishment in plant hosts. Similarly, new research suggests that consumption of floral secondary compounds can reduce pathogen loads in animal pollinators. Given recent concerns about pollinator declines caused in part by pathogens, the role of floral traits in mediating pathogen transmission is a key area for further research. We conclude by discussing important implications of floral transmission of pathogens for agriculture, conservation and human health, suggesting promising avenues for future research in both basic and applied biology.  相似文献   

外来物种黄顶菊花器官分化的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察了黄顶菊(Flaveria bidentis(L.)Kuntz)花序发育过程中蝎尾状聚伞花序、头状花序和小花的形成.黄顶菊的花序由主轴及一至三级分枝组成,各级分枝交互对生,形成方式相同.植株主轴和侧枝顶端的每个花序由3~6个蝎尾状聚伞花序密集而成;每一蝎尾状聚伞花序由5~15个头状花序组成;每一头状花序中有4~11枚小花.小花分化顺序为5个花冠原基、5个雄蕊原基和2个心皮原基.2007年,天津地区黄顶菊的花期是7月下旬到9月下旬.7月中旬,花序和花器官原基不断形成并分化,至花器官成熟经历的时间约15 d.  相似文献   

Hybridization between closely related lineages is a mechanism that might promote substantive changes in phenotypic traits of descendants, resulting in transgressive evolution. Interbreeding between divergent but morphologically similar lineages can produce exceptional phenotypes, but the potential for transgressive variation to facilitate long‐term trait changes in derived hybrid lineages has received little attention. We compare pollinator‐mediated selection on transgressive floral traits in both early‐generation and derived hybrid lineages of the Piriqueta cistoides ssp. caroliniana complex. The bowl‐shaped flowers of morphotypes in this complex have similar gross morphologies and attract a common suite of small insect pollinators. However, they are defined by significant differences in characters that generate pollinator interest and visitation, including floral area and petal separation. In common garden experiments, patterns of pollen deposition in early‐generation recombinant hybrids indicate that Piriqueta's pollinators favour flowers with greater area and reduced petal separation. Changes in floral morphology in derived hybrid lineages are consistent with predictions from selection gradients, but the magnitude of change is limited relative to the range of transgressive variation. These results suggest that hybridization provides variation for evolution of divergent floral traits. However, the potential for extreme transgressive variants to contribute to phenotypic shifts may be limited due to reduced heritability, evolutionary constraints or fitness trade‐offs.  相似文献   

Effects of pollination on floral attraction and longevity   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
The end of a flower's attraction to pollinators may be due toa range of visible cues such as permanent flower closure, acolour change, and withering or abscission of the petals. Floralattraction may be reduced by pollination. Pollination-inducedconclusion of floral attraction is often due to a colour changeor to flower closure. This may or may not be followed by a reductionin floral longevity, defined as the time to petal withering,wilting or shattering. In a few species floral longevity isincreased following pollination-induced flower closure or apollination-induced change in colour. Floral attraction, therefore,has to be disting uished from floral longevity. A literature survey shows that pollination rapidly reduces floralattraction in numerous orchids, but among other plant familiesonly about 60 genera have been found to show pollination-inducedshortening of floral attraction. Although only a few specieshave been investigated, it was invariably established that theeffect of pollination is blocked by inhibitors of ethylene synthesisor ethylene perception, hence is mediated by ethylene. The flowersthat cease to be attractive to pollinators, shortly followingpollination, tend to be from families that are known mainlyto comprise species in which flower longevity, petal colour,or flower closure, is sensitive to exogenous ethylene. Thisindicates that the effect of pollination on floral attractionis generally mediated by endogenous ethylene. Numerous species reportedly show a decrease in the period offloral attraction after exposure to ethylene, whereas only fora small number of species a decrease in the period of floralattraction induced by pollination has been observed. This discrepancymay be due to the greater attention that has been paid to theeffects of ethylene. Nonetheless, the possibility remains thatendogenous ethylene has a role in changing perianth form andcolour in addition to signalling the occurrence of pollination. Key words: Ethylene sensitivity, flower closure, flower longevity, pollination, petal colour, petal wilting, petal withering, petal abscission  相似文献   

For a new, more complex floral form to become established in a population it must overcome the problem of frequency-dependent constancy to successfully attract pollinators. This may be achieved by complex floral forms offering absolute greater rewards than the simpler forms, or by complex flowers offering a higher probability of being rewarding because fewer pollinators are able to visit them. In this paper we examine the effect of three pollinator foraging strategies on the ratio of flights within and between floral morphs and hence on the probability of a new morph establishing in a population without offering a greater reward. We incorporate pollinator behaviour based around observations of two pollinator species systems into three models of competition for pollinators. In the first model the constancy of the pollinator of the new floral morph is a function only of the foraging strategy of the existing pollinator of the original floral morph. In the next model the constancy of the second pollinator is determined by the number of rewarding flowers of each floral morph left by the original pollinator and in the third model it is determined by the ratio of rewarding flowers of each morph left by the original pollinator. The results demonstrate that under conditions of intense competition for pollinators, new, more complex floral forms are indeed able to attract high levels of constant pollinators without offering intrinsically higher rewards. However, for this to occur constancy in one of the pollinators must be a function of the ratio of rewarding to non-rewarding flowers of both floral forms. One prediction from our results is that sympatric speciation of floral complexity based on a higher probability of reward is more likely to occur in flowers offering rewards of pollen rather than nectar. This is because the cost of visiting non-rewarding flowers is usually higher where the reward is pollen rather than nectar. We also predict that complex flowers occurring at low frequency, which offer rewards of nectar, may need intrinsically greater rewards if they are to successfully attract pollinators.  相似文献   

Aims Floral nectar plays a vital role in plant reproductive success by attracting pollinators. Nectar traits of a flower can depend directly on plant characteristics other than environmental factors and exhibit extensive flower- and plant-level variations. Studies on nectar traits frequently focused on intraplant variation for dichogamous plants, but few have paid attention to both intra- and interplant nectar variations in relation to plant characteristics. Revealing within- and among-plant variation and its relative magnitude is important for our understanding of how pollinator-mediated selection can act on nectar traits and evolution of nectar traits.Methods Through investigating protandrous Aconitum gymnandrum populations at the Alpine Meadows and Wetland Ecosystems Research Station of Lanzhou University, we examined the relationships between nectar production per flower and plant characteristics (e.g. flower position within inflorescences, floral sexual phases, flowering time, inflorescence size and floral attractive traits).Important findings A. gymnandrum exhibited a declining gradient in the nectar volume along inflorescences, with more nectar in basal flowers than distal ones. Protandrous flowers of A. gymnandrum did not show gender-biased nectar production while the nectar volume varied with different stages of floral sexual phases. The significant correlation between the first flowering date of individuals and the mean nectar volume per flower was positive in 2013, but became negative in 2014, suggesting complex effects of biotic and abiotic factors. The mean nectar volume per flower was not related to inflorescence size (the number of total flowers per plant). Furthermore, nectar production was weakly associated with floral attractive traits (the petal width and the galea height), even if the effect of flowering time of individuals was removed, suggesting that the honesty of floral traits as signals of nectar reward for pollinators is not stable in this species.  相似文献   

Flowering plants have modified their floral organs in remarkably diverse ways to optimize their interaction with pollinators. Although floral organs represent a major source of floral diversity, many plants also use extrafloral organs, such as bracts and bracteoles, in interacting with pollinators; however, the evolutionary dynamics of non-floral organs involved in pollination are poorly studied. The genus Macaranga is characterized by protective mutualisms with ants that potentially interfere with pollinators on flowers. Macaranga flowers lack perianths and, notably, bracteoles serve the dual function of rewarding pollinators and protecting them from guarding ants; in one group of species, bracteoles provide a nectar reward to generalist pollinators, while in another group, bracteole “chambers” protect thrips or hemipteran pollinators that use these structures as feeding and breeding sites. We examined the diversity and evolutionary dynamics of inflorescence morphology in Macaranga, focusing on bracteoles. We recognized three inflorescence types based on examination of herbarium materials: Discoid-gland, which possess disc-shaped glands on the bracteole surfaces (including all the generalist-pollinated species); Enclosing, in which bracteoles cover flowers (including all the thrips- and hemipteran-pollinated species); and Inconspicuous, in which bracteoles are small, narrow or absent. Ancestral state reconstruction indicated that inflorescence morphologies have changed multiple times in the genus. These findings suggest that morphological changes in non-floral characters (bracteoles) of Macaranga species have occurred as frequently as in the floral structures of many flowering plants. The multiple evolutions of the Enclosing bracteoles, which protect pollinators, might have been facilitated by pollination interference from mutualistic ants.  相似文献   

Certain species of Scrophularia (Scrophulariaceae), such as S. nodosa and S. umbrosa, are mainly pollinated by social wasps and are consequently described as wasp-flowers. Because plants attract their pollinators with the help of various floral cues, such as floral odour and/or optical cues, we have investigated the role of olfactory and visual floral signals responsible for wasp attraction in S. umbrosa. Using a combination of chemical (GC, GC-MS) and electrophysiological analyses (GC-EAD), we identified ten compounds in the complex floral odour bouquet that are detectable by the wasps' antennae. As in the wasp-flower Epipactis helleborine, we found so-called 'green leaf volatiles' (GLVs) in the floral odour; these GLVs are highly attractive to the wasps. GLVs, mostly six-carbon aldehydes, alcohols and acetates, and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are emitted by many plants infested with herbivores, e.g. caterpillars. In contrast to other investigated wasp-flowers, behavioural experiments have demonstrated that, in addition to the floral odour of S. umbrosa, visual cues are involved in pollinator attraction.  相似文献   

Floral development in Sonja white clover was examined usingscanning electron microscopy. Florets and bracts were foundto arise from common primordia initiated as protuberances fromthe apical meristematic area of the inflorescence. The patternof floret initiation on the inflorescence was acropetal, theoldest florets resting basally. Floral organ initiation withineach floret was acropetal, petals being initiated before stamens.Floret development was zygomorphic, each whorl of floral organsdeveloping unidirectionally from the abaxial side. There wasfound to be overlapping in the timing of initiation and developmentof these organs. Antesepalous stamens were found initially tooutgrow their antepetalous counterparts. Early petal developmentwas synpetalous. Eglandular hairs were found basally on thecalyx cup and on the pedicel. Procumbent hairs were found tobe more numerous and randomly distributed on the abaxial surfacesof the mature calyx cup. Trifolium repens L., Sonja cultivar, white clover, scanning electron microscopy, floral development, inflorescence  相似文献   

The genus Mentha is a taxonomically complex genus, characterized by large morphological variations. Only a few, frequently overlapping, characters are of value in taxonomy. Comparative floral developmental studies provide an opportunity for better understanding the systematic relationships among different species. The inflorescence and floral ontogeny of three Mentha L. species (M. piperita L., M. pulegium L. and M. suaveolens Ehrh.) were investigated using epi-illumination light microscopy. All three species studied have thyrses with the same developmental pathway. The lack of higher order bracts and the monochasial branching of the higher order inflorescence apices were found as special features of inflorescence ontogeny. Sepals appear unidirectionally from the adaxial side in all except for M. pulegium which shows a modified unidirectional sequence. Variable sequences of petal and stamen appearance from unidirectional to reversed unidirectional sequence are present in all. Significant ontogenetic features include (1) appearance of the corolla as a rim before petal lobes become visible and (2) instability in petal aestivation. Morphological features including densely hairy calyx, five-lobed corolla tube, smaller adaxial stamens and hairy ovary with included style distinguish M. pulegium from the other species. On the basis of our results floral ontogenetic features could be considered important characters for delimiting or diagnosing different sections in the genus Mentha. Variable sequences of petal lobe appearance and instability in petal aestivation were found as unusual developmental characters.  相似文献   

The normal pattern of maize floral development of staminate florets on the terminal inflorescence (tassel) and pistillate florets on the lateral inflorescences (ears) is disrupted by the recessive mutation tassel seed 2. Tassel seed 2 mutant plants develop pistillate florets instead of staminate florets in the tassel. In addition, the ears of tassel seed 2 plants display irregular rowing of kernels due to the development of the normally suppressed lower floret of each spikelet. The morphology of tassel and ear florets of the recessive maize mutant tassel seed 2 has been compared to those of wild-type maize through development. We have identified the earliest stages at which morphological signs of sex differentiation are evident. We find that sex determination occurs during the same stage on tassel and ear development. Early postsex determination morphology of florets in wild-type ears and in tassel seed 2 tassels and ears is identical.  相似文献   

In this study, flower color, nectar properties, and inflorescence scent composition of eight natural and one introduced Buddleja davidii populations were investigated. Flower color of B. davidii was determined using the Royal Horticultural Society Color Chart and ranged from purple to white. Volume of nectar produced by a single flower ranged from 0.36 μl to 0.64 μl and total sugar concentration produced by inflorescence ranged from 17.0% to 33.5% in all populations. Floral nectar volume and sugar concentration were not significantly different between two flower color morphs in the B. davidii populations. Floral scents of B. davidii were collected using dynamic headspace adsorption and identified with coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. In total, 33 compounds were identified from the inflorescences of B. davidii. The identified scents were divided into five chemical classes based on their biosynthetic origin: irregular terpenes, monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids, fatty acid derivatives, and benzenoids. The scent profiles in all populations were dominated by few components, such as: 4-oxoisophorone, E,E-α-farnesene, and 1-octen-3-ol. Given that inflorescence scents from natural and introduced individuals coming from the same population have discrepant chemical composition, we infer that phenotype plasticity may mediate floral scent composition. Based on the comparison of present and other data available on floral scent in B. davidii, we conclude that inflorescence scent may serve as a specific signal helping to attract pollinating butterflies to locate flowers as nectar sources, and may have evolved in conjunction with the sensory capabilities of butterflies and moths as a specific group of pollinators.  相似文献   

The maintenance of flower size variation within populations might be explained by conflicting selection pressures on floral traits that may involve biological agents, such as mutualists and antagonists, and allocation costs associated with floral display. The annual species Madia sativa (Asteraceae) exhibits ample variation in the number of ray florets in natural populations. This field study aimed at evaluating the costs and benefits associated with floral traits in M. sativa. In particular, we addressed two main questions: (1) Is the number of ray florets positively associated with pollinator visitation rate? (2) Is there a fitness cost of ray floret maintenance when pollinators are absent? We detected one benefit of conspicuous ray capitula: a strong preference by insect pollinators. We also confirmed the occurrence of costs: when pollinators were excluded conspicuous ray capitula had a reduced reproductive assurance via autogamous selfing, and there were trade-offs between the number of ray florets and seed mass and seed germination. Results suggest that the maintenance of within-population variation in the number of ray florets in M. sativa is explained, at least in part, by the balance between costs and benefits associated with this floral trait.  相似文献   

Ecological interactions between flowers and pollinators greatly affect the reproductive success. To facilitate these interactions, many flowers are known to display their attractive qualities, such as scent emission, flower rewards and floral vertical direction, in a rhythmic fashion. However, less is known about how plants regulate the relationship between these flower traits to adapt to pollinator visiting behavior and increase reproduction success. Here we investigated the adaptive significance of the flower bending from erect to downward in Trifolium repens. We observed the flowering dynamic characteristics (changes of vertical direction of florets, flowering number, pollen grain numbers, pollen viability and stigma receptivity over time after blossom) and the factors affecting the rate of flower bending in T. repens. Then we altered the vertical direction of florets in inflorescence of different types (upright and downward), and compared the pollinator behaviors and female reproductive success. Our results showed that florets opened sequentially in inflorescence, and then bend downwards slowly after flowering. The bending speed of florets was mainly influenced by pollination, and bending angle increased with the prolongation of flowering time, while the pollen germination rate, stigma receptivity and nectar secretion has a rhythm of “low-high-low” during the whole period with the time going. The visiting frequency of all the four species of pollinators on upward flowers was significantly higher than that of downward flowers, and they especially prefer to visit flowers with a bending angle of 30°–60°, when the flowers was exactly of the highest flower rewards (nectar secretion and number of pollen grains), stigma receptivity and pollen germination rate. The seed set ratio and fruit set ratio of upward flowers were significantly higher than downward flowers, but significantly lower than unmanipulated flowers. Our results indicated that the T. repens could increase female and male fitness by accurate pollination. The most suitable flower angle saves pollinators’ visiting energy and enables them to obtain the highest nectar rewards. This coordination between plants and pollinators maximizes the interests of them, which is a crucial factor in initiating specialized plant-pollinator relationships.  相似文献   

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