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Sea beets grown from seeds collected in 1989 and 2009 along the coasts of France and adjacent regions were compared for flowering date under controlled conditions. Seeds from both collection years were sown simultaneously and cultivated under the same glasshouse conditions. Date of flowering onset and year of first flowering were recorded. There was an overall northward shift in flowering time of about 0.35° latitude (i.e. 39 km) over the 20‐year period. The southern portion of the latitudinal gradient – that is, from 44.7°N to 47.28°N – flowered significantly later by a mean of 1.78 days, equivalent to a 43.2‐km northward shift of phenotypes. In the northern latitudes between 48.6°N and 52°N, flowering date was significantly earlier by a mean of 4.04 days, corresponding to a mean northward shift of 104.9 km, and this shift was apparently due to a diminished requirement of exposure to cold temperatures (i.e. vernalization), for which we found direct and indirect evidence. As all plants were grown from seed under identical conditions, we conclude that genetic changes occurred in the sensitivity to environmental cues that mediate the onset of flowering in both the northern and the southern latitudes of the gradient. Microevolution and gene flow may have contributed to this change. There was no significant change in the frequency of plants that flowered without vernalization. The lack of vernalization requirement may be associated with environmental instability rather than with climate conditions.  相似文献   

Global change is shifting both temperature patterns and the geographic distribution of pathogens, and infection has already been shown to substantially reduce host thermal performance, potentially placing populations at greater risk that previously thought. But what about individuals that are able to successfully clear an infection? Whilst the direct damage a pathogen causes will likely lead to reductions in host's thermal tolerance, the response to infection often shares many underlying pathways with the general stress response, potentially acting as a buffer against subsequent thermal stress. Here, by exposing Drosophila melanogaster to heat‐killed bacterial pathogens, we investigate how activation of a host's immune system can modify any response to both heat and cold temperature stress. In a single focal population, we find that immune activation can improve a host's knockdown times during heat shock, potentially offsetting some of the damage that would subsequently arise as an infection progresses. Conversely, immune activation had a detrimental effect on CTmax and did not influence lower thermal tolerance as measured by chill‐coma recovery time. However, we also find that the influence of immune activation on heat knockdown times is not generalizable across an entire cline of locally adapted populations. Instead, immune activation led to signals of local adaptation to temperature being lost, erasing the previous advantage that populations in warmer regions had when challenged with heat stress. Our results suggest that activation of the immune system may help buffer individuals against the detrimental impact of infection on thermal tolerance; however, any response will be population specific and potentially not easily predicted across larger geographic scales, and dependent on the form of thermal stress faced by a host.  相似文献   

One of the major questions in ecology and evolutionary biology is how variation in the genome enables species to adapt to divergent environments. Here, we study footprints of thermal selection in candidate genes in six wild populations of the afrotropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana sampled along a c. 3000 km latitudinal cline. We sequenced coding regions of 31 selected genes with known functions in metabolism, pigment production, development and heat shock responses. These include genes for which we expect a priori a role in thermal adaptation and, thus, varying selection pressures along a latitudinal cline, and genes we do not expect to vary clinally and can be used as controls. We identified amino acid substitution polymorphisms in 13 genes and tested these for clinal variation by correlation analysis of allele frequencies with latitude. In addition, we used two FST‐based outlier methods to identify loci with higher population differentiation than expected under neutral evolution, while accounting for potentially confounding effects of population structure and demographic history. Two metabolic enzymes of the glycolytic pathway, UGP and Treh, showed clinal variation. The same loci showed elevated population differentiation and were identified as significant outliers. We found no evidence of clines in the pigmentation genes, heat shock proteins and developmental genes. However, we identified outlier loci in more localized parts of the range in the pigmentation genes yellow and black. We discuss that the observed clinal variation and elevated population divergence in UGP and Treh may reflect adaptation to a geographic thermal gradient.  相似文献   

The association between fitness-related phenotypic traits and an environmental gradient offers one of the best opportunities to study the interplay between natural selection and migration. In cases in which specific genetic variants also show such clinal patterns, it may be possible to uncover the mutations responsible for local adaptation. The malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae, is associated with a latitudinal cline in aridity in Cameroon; a large inversion on chromosome 2L of this mosquito shows large differences in frequency along this cline, with high frequencies of the inverted karyotype present in northern, more arid populations and an almost complete absence of the inverted arrangement in southern populations. Here we use a genome resequencing approach to investigate patterns of population divergence along the cline. By sequencing pools of individuals from both ends of the cline as well as in the center of the cline- where the inversion is present in intermediate frequency- we demonstrate almost complete panmixia across collinear parts of the genome and high levels of differentiation in inverted parts of the genome. Sequencing of separate pools of each inversion arrangement in the center of the cline reveals large amounts of gene flux (i.e., gene conversion and double crossovers) even within inverted regions, especially away from the inversion breakpoints. The interplay between natural selection, migration, and gene flux allows us to identify several candidate genes responsible for the match between inversion frequency and environmental variables. These results, coupled with similar conclusions from studies of clinal variation in Drosophila, point to a number of important biological functions associated with local environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

Forest tree species provide many examples of well-studied adaptive differentiation, where the search for the underlying genes might be possible. In earlier studies and in our common conditions in a greenhouse, northern populations set bud earlier than southern ones. A difference in latitude of origin of one degree corresponded to a change of 1.4 days in number of days to terminal bud set of seedlings. Earlier physiological and ecological genetics work in conifers and other plants have suggested that such variation could be governed by phytochromes. Nucleotide variation was examined at two phytochrome loci (PHYP and PHYO, homologues of the Arabidopsis thaliana PHYB and PHYA, respectively) in three populations: northern Finland, southern Finland and northern Spain. In our samples of 12-15 sequences (2980 and 1156 base pairs at the two loci) we found very low nonsynonymous variation; pi was 0.0003 and 0.0002 at PHYP and PHYO loci, respectively. There was no functional differentiation between populations at the photosensory domains of either locus. The overall silent variation was also low, only 0.0024 for the PHYP locus. The low estimates of silent variation are consistent with the estimated low synonymous substitution rates between Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies at the PHYO locus. Despite the low level of nucleotide variation, haplotypic diversity was relatively high (0.42 and 0.41 for fragments of 1156 nucleotides) at the two loci.  相似文献   

Diapause is a life history strategy allowing individuals to arrest development until favourable conditions return, and it is commonly induced by shortened day length that is latitude specific for local populations. Although understanding the evolutionary dynamics of a threshold trait like diapause induction provides insights into the adaptive process and adaptive potential of populations, the genetic mechanism of variation in photoperiodic induction of diapause is not well understood. Here, we investigate genetic variation underlying latitudinal variation in diapause induction and the selection dynamics acting upon it. Using a genomewide scan for divergent regions between two populations of the butterfly Pararge aegeria that differ strongly in their induction thresholds, we identified and investigated the patterns of variation in those regions. We then tested the association of these regions with diapause induction using between‐population crosses, finding significant SNP associations in four genes present in two chromosomal regions, one with the gene period, and the other with the genes kinesin, carnitine O‐acetyltransferase and timeless. Patterns of allele frequencies in these two regions in population samples along a latitudinal cline suggest strong selection against heterozygotes at two genes within these loci (period, timeless). Evidence for additional loci modifying the diapause decision was found in patterns of allelic change in relation to induction thresholds over the cline, as well as in backcross analyses. Taken together, population‐specific adaptations of diapause induction appear to be due to a combination of alleles of larger and smaller effect size, consistent with an exponential distribution of effect sizes involved in local adaption.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Populations established by long-distance colonization are expected to show low levels of genetic variation per population, but strong genetic differentiation among populations. Whether isolated populations indeed show this genetic signature of isolation depends on the amount and diversity of diaspores arriving by long-distance dispersal, and time since colonization. For ferns, however, reliable estimates of long-distance dispersal rates remain largely unknown, and previous studies on fern population genetics often sampled older or non-isolated populations. Young populations in recent, disjunct habitats form a useful study system to improve our understanding of the genetic impact of long-distance dispersal.


Microsatellite markers were used to analyse the amount and distribution of genetic diversity in young populations of four widespread calcicole ferns (Asplenium scolopendrium, diploid; Asplenium trichomanes subsp. quadrivalens, tetraploid; Polystichum setiferum, diploid; and Polystichum aculeatum, tetraploid), which are rare in The Netherlands but established multiple populations in a forest (the Kuinderbos) on recently reclaimed Dutch polder land following long-distance dispersal. Reference samples from populations throughout Europe were used to assess how much of the existing variation was already present in the Kuinderbos.

Key Results

A large part of the Dutch and European genetic diversity in all four species was already found in the Kuinderbos. This diversity was strongly partitioned among populations. Most populations showed low genetic variation and high inbreeding coefficients, and were assigned to single, unique gene pools in cluster analyses. Evidence for interpopulational gene flow was low, except for the most abundant species.


The results show that all four species, diploids as well as polyploids, were capable of frequent long-distance colonization via single-spore establishment. This indicates that even isolated habitats receive dense and diverse spore rains, including genotypes capable of self-fertilization. Limited gene flow may conserve the genetic signature of multiple long-distance colonization events for several decades.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Seasonality is a prime selective factor expected to result in local adaptation of life cycles and dormancy. Genetic differentiation in diapause response was investigated along a European latitudinal cline in the dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria (Diptera: Scathophagidae). Such differentiation may be mediated by additive or dominance genetic and/or maternal effects, which need to be distinguished.
2. Replicate sibships from five European populations (Lugano, Switzerland: 46.00°N; Zurich, Switzerland: 47.37°N; Oxford, U.K.: 51.75°N; Lund, Sweden: 55.70°N; Reykjavik, Iceland: 64.15°N) were raised in a common laboratory environment known to induce pupal winter diapause (12 °C and 12 h light), revealing a genetic latitudinal cline in both the proportion of individuals entering diapause and diapause duration in response to winter length estimated from weather data.
3. Populations from the extremes of the cline (Lugano and Reykjavik) were further reciprocally crossed to investigate the underlying genetics. This experiment revealed evidence for diapause induction at 12 °C being dominant (i.e. not merely additive) and clearly rejected maternal effects as the primary source of this between-population variation.  相似文献   

Aim We explore geographic variation in body size within the wingless grasshopper, Phaulacridium vittatum, along a latitudinal gradient, and ask whether melanism can help explain the existence of clinal variation. We test the hypotheses that both male and female grasshoppers will be larger and lighter in colour at lower latitudes, and that reflectance and size will be positively correlated, as predicted by biophysical theory. We then test the hypothesis that variability in size and reflectance is thermally driven, by assessing correlations with temperature and other climatic variables. Location Sixty‐one populations were sampled along the east coast of Australia between latitudes 27.63° S and 43.10° S, at elevations ranging from 10 to 2000 m a.s.l. Methods Average reflectance was used as a measure of melanism and femur length as an index of body size for 198 adult grasshoppers. Climate variables were generated by BIOCLIM for each collection locality. Hierarchical partitioning was used to identify those variables with the most independent influence on grasshopper size and reflectance. Results Overall, there was no simple relationship between size and latitude in P. vittatum. Female body size decreased significantly with latitude, while male body size was largest at intermediate latitudes. Rainfall was the most important climatic variable associated with body size of both males and females. Female body size was also associated with radiation seasonality and male body size with reflectance. The reflectance of females was not correlated with latitude or body size, while male reflectance was significantly higher at intermediate latitudes and positively correlated with body size. Analyses of climate variables showed no significant association with male reflectance, while female reflectance was significantly related to the mean temperature of the driest quarter. Main conclusions Geographic variation in the body size of the wingless grasshopper is best explained in terms of rainfall and radiation seasonality, rather than temperature. However, melanism is also a significant influence on body size in male grasshoppers, suggesting that thermal fitness does play a role in determining adaptive responses to local conditions in this sex.  相似文献   

Retention of nonfunctional traits over evolutionary time is puzzling, because the cost of trait production should drive loss. Indeed, several studies have found nonfunctional traits are rapidly eliminated by selection. However, theory suggests that complex genetic interactions and a lack of genetic variance can constrain evolution, including trait loss. In the mustard family Brassicaceae the conserved floral condition includes four long and two short stamens, but we show that short stamens in the highly self‐pollinating mustard Arabidopsis thaliana do not significantly increase selfed seed set, suggesting that the trait has lost most or all of its function after the transition to selfing. We find that short stamen loss is common in native populations. Loss is incomplete and decreases with increasing latitude, a cline unexplained by correlations with flowering time or ovule count (which also vary with latitude). Using recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between plants at the latitudinal extremes of the native range, we found three QTLs affecting short stamen number, with epistasis among them constraining stamen loss. Constraints on stamen loss from both epistasis and low genetic variance may be augmented by high selfing rates, suggesting that these kinds of constraints may be common in inbred species.  相似文献   

The clock gene period determines biological rhythmicity in Drosophila melanogaster and encodes a protein characterized by an alternating series of threonine-glycine pairs. The minisatellite region encoding the threonine-glycine repeat is polymorphic in length in natural Drosophila melanogaster populations. In this paper we report the geographical analysis of this polymorphism within Europe and North Africa. A robust clinal pattern is observed along a north-south axis. We suggest the possibility that the length polymorphism could be maintained by thermal selection because the threonine-glycine region has been shown to provide thermostability to the circadian phenotype.  相似文献   

L. Jerling 《Plant Ecology》1988,74(2-3):161-170
Population fluctuations ofGlaux maritima, along a transect on a Baltle sea shore meadow, were recorded between 1979 and 1983. A bimodal distribution in numbers along the transect reflects the variation in factors regulating numbers: The two maintenance systems of the species, vegetative propagation and sexual reproduction play different roles. Vegetative propagation is fast and responds quickly to variations in the environment. The seeds germinate in strongly fluctuating temperatures which are triggered by disturbances such as flooding, damaging the vegetation.  相似文献   

Mark C. Urban 《Oikos》2008,117(7):1037-1049
General predictions of community dynamics require that insights derived from local habitats can be scaled up to explain phenomena across geographic scales. Across these larger spatial extents, adaptation can play an increasing role in determining the outcome of species interactions. If local adaptation is common, then our ability to generalize measures of species interaction strength across communities will be limited without an additional understanding of the genetic variation underlying interaction traits. In the context of predator–prey interactions, prey individuals commonly are expected to reduce risky foraging behaviors and subsequent growth under predation threat. However, rapid growth into a large body size can defend against gape-limited predators, creating a tradeoff between increased predation risk due to elevated foraging activity and decreased predation risk due to large size. Here I combine field observations, natural selection experiments, and common garden assays to understand potential adaptations of spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum larvae to gape-limited and gape-unconstrained predators. Field observations and natural selection trials suggested antagonistic selection on prey body size among ponds dominated by gape-limited predator salamanders A. opacum and gape-unconstrained beetle larvae Dytiscus . In common garden experiments, prey from sites with high gape-limited predation risk grew larger than those from other sites, suggesting the evolution of rapid growth into a prey size refuge. Larvae from all sites grew to a large size when exposed to the gape-limited N. viridescens predator's kairomones. Hence, induced rapid growth into a size refuge may be an adaptive response to gape-limited predation risk. Results point to an important role for cross-community generalizations based on functional classifications of predators by their gape constraints and inter-site genetic variation in prey growth rates and behaviors.  相似文献   

We addressed the general hypothesis that life history differences among eastern populations of the North American water strider, Aquarius remigis (Heteroptera: Gerridae), along a north-south gradient are manifestations of genetic differentiation due to natural selection. We raised offspring of two field-caught populations from each of three latitudes in a common laboratory environment at 20° C and two photoperiods. Nearly all Quebec (PQ) individuals (ca. 46° N) entered diapause to reproduce the following spring (univoltine life cycle), while intermediate proportions of New York (NY; ca. 43° N) and New Jersey (NJ; ca. 41° N) individuals reproduced directly, producing a second generation (bivoltine life cycle). PQ females were smaller, developed faster, and laid smaller eggs than NY and NJ individuals; NY and NJ populations differed little in these variables. NY females had longer life spans than either PQ or NJ females, but lower oviposition rates. Total reproductive output did not differ across latitudes. Photoperiod affected body length, development time, and reproductive pathway, resulting in a latitude by environmental interaction. PQ individuals reproduced directly under 15L : 9D (summer) conditions only, while the NY and NJ populations exhibited more direct reproduction under 13L : 11D (spring or fall) conditions. Some life history characters of the NY and NJ populations displayed the higher variability indicative of phenological transition zones. These results indicate local adaptation of populations to long-term climatic patterns. Water striders appear to adapt to longer seasons by extending development, growing larger, and breeding directly. Larger body size and extended or rapid development are associated with bivoltinism and increase in egg size, but not necessarily with higher fecundity or oviposition rate. The phenological transition zone appears to be unrelated to a transition zone a little further south established by allozyme data and morphology, as all populations studied here could be electrophoretically identified as northern "type".  相似文献   

Susceptibility to global warming relies on how thermal tolerances respond to increasing temperatures through plasticity or evolution. Climatic adaptation can be assessed by examining the geographic variation in thermal‐related traits. We studied latitudinal patterns in heat tolerance in Drosophila subobscura reared at two temperatures. We used four static stressful temperatures to estimate the thermal death time (TDT) curves, and two ramping assays with fast and slow heating rates. Thermal death time curves allow estimation of the critical thermal maximum (CTmax), by extrapolating to the temperature that would knock down the flies almost “instantaneously,” and the thermal sensitivity to increasing stressful temperatures. We found a positive latitudinal cline for CTmax, but no clinal pattern for knockdown temperatures estimated from the ramping assays. Although high‐latitude populations were more tolerant to an acute heat stress, they were also more sensitive to prolonged exposure to less stressful temperatures, supporting a trade‐off between acute and chronic heat tolerances. Conversely, developmental plasticity did not affect CTmax but increased the tolerance to chronic heat exposition. The patterns observed from the TDT curves help to understand why the relationship between heat tolerance and latitude depends on the methodology used and, therefore, these curves provide a more complete and reliable measurement of heat tolerance.  相似文献   

The swimbladder nematode Anguillicola crassus originates from Asia where it is a parasite of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica. After its introduction to Europe about 25 years ago, the parasite spread rapidly within the indigenous populations of the European eel Anguilla anguilla and subsequently the prevalence and mean intensity appeared to stabilize. Under experimental and aquaculture conditions the na?ve new host appears to be more susceptible to A. crassus compared to the original host. Both eel species develop a immune response against A. crassus. The antibody response is well characterized for the European eel, but poorly characterized for the Japanese eel. It remains unclear if antibodies have any protective function against A. crassus. Encapsulation of larvae of A. crassus can be observed in naturally infected European eels. However, encapsulation of larvae following experimental infection has not been detected in European eels, but only in Japanese eels. Reinfection experiments and intraperitoneal injection of A. crassus homogenates failed to demonstrate the development of acquired immunity in European eels. Immunization with irradiated third stage larvae provided preliminary evidence for acquired immunity against A. crassus in the Japanese eel, but not in the European eel.  相似文献   

Mammal Research - Genomic tools are now commonly used to assess the genetic diversity and genetic structure of species and populations, and they provide the ability to describe and address the...  相似文献   

The expression of phenotypic plasticity may differ among life stages of the same organism. Age-dependent plasticity can be important for adaptation to heterogeneous environments, but this has only recently been recognized. Whether age-dependent plasticity is a common outcome of local adaptation and whether populations harbor genetic variation in this respect remains largely unknown. To answer these questions, we estimated levels of additive genetic variation in age-dependent plasticity in six species of damselflies sampled from 18 populations along a latitudinal gradient spanning 3600 km. We reared full sib larvae at three temperatures and estimated genetic variances in the height and slope of thermal reaction norms of body size at three points in time during ontogeny using random regression. Our data show that most populations harbor genetic variation in growth rate (reaction norm height) in all ontogenetic stages, but only some populations and ontogenetic stages were found to harbor genetic variation in thermal plasticity (reaction norm slope). Genetic variances in reaction norm height differed among species, while genetic variances in reaction norm slope differed among populations. The slope of the ontogenetic trend in genetic variances of both reaction norm height and slope increased with latitude. We propose that differences in genetic variances reflect temporal and spatial variation in the strength and direction of natural selection on growth trajectories and age-dependent plasticity. Selection on age-dependent plasticity may depend on the interaction between temperature seasonality and time constraints associated with variation in life history traits such as generation length.  相似文献   

The population genetic structure of the butterfly Melitaea didyma was studied along the northern distribution range border in Central Germany by means of allozyme electrophoresis. Individuals were sampled from a total of 21 habitat patches from four regions, and two provinces. Sampling was designed to estimate local vs. regional differentiation. High levels of variability were found, H e= 0.14–0.21. The mean expected sample heterozygosity from one region, Mosel, was significantly lower than from the Hammelburg region, H e= 0.17 and 0.19, respectively. Two hierarchical levels of genetic differentiation were found. Within regions individuals sampled from different patches behaved as belonging to one population with high levels of gene flow (Hammelburg F ST= 0.015, Mosel F ST= 0.044), though local isolation barriers did create a substructuring of these populations. The inbreeding coefficients, F IS, were constant over all sample levels, suggesting a similar distribution of habitat patches within regions. Between regions gene flow was limited. An isolation by distance analysis indicated that the hierarchical structure, at the provincial level, may be breaking down due to isolation of regional populations. A more general observation was that the sampling design may greatly have influenced the estimation of genetic differentiation. Depending on which samples were included, overall F ST estimates ranged from 0.059–0.090.  相似文献   

Abstract Latitudinal geographic variation in Drosophila melanogaster is pervasive. Parallel clines in traits such as body size, egg size, ovariole number, and development time have been found on several continents throughout the world. However, a cline in starvation resistance and fat content in D. melanogaster has so far been found only in India. Here we investigate starvation resistance and fat content in 10 populations from South America, in which clines in body size, egg size, and development time have previously been found. We find no evidence for a cline in starvation resistance or fat content in South America. We therefore suggest that the cline in starvation resistance in India may have evolved in response to specific climatic variation found only in India.  相似文献   

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