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透射电子显微镜(TEM)具有优异的纳米尺度显微成像性能,因此被广泛应用于材料科学、物理学和生物学等学科的超微结构研究领域。文中根据应用TEM技术研究大孢子化石壁超微结构的实践体会,系统归纳和总结了大孢子化石TEM样品制备的前处理过程,主要步骤包括:材料选取、梯度脱水、包埋剂配比、梯度渗透、包埋、聚合、超薄切片和染色。运用上述TEM实验技术,文中以云南省曲靖市沾益区龙华山剖面中泥盆统吉维特阶上双河组分散拟网龙华山大孢(Longhuashanispora reticuloides Lu and Ouyang, 1978)的壁层超微结构为研究案例,揭示了这类孢子壁主要由三层薄壁组成,包括内部基底层、中部疏松层和外部致密层,其射线唇基底层下部具有近平行排列的多细纹带结构。此类大孢子的多细纹带结构与从加拿大新不伦瑞克省下泥盆统埃姆斯阶Campbellton组同孢植物化石Leclercqia complexa Banks et al., 1972中发现的原位小孢子射线唇基底层下部的多细纹带结构特征非常相似。此外,两者都具有相似的完全弓形脊和远极表面刺瘤状二型纹饰。因此综合外壁超微结构和纹饰形态特征,文中认为Longhuashanispora reticuloides的母体植物可能属于同孢植物向异孢植物演化过程中的过渡类型植物,并与Leclercqia complexa具有较近的亲缘关系。当前研究表明TEM技术在孢粉化石壁超微结构研究领域中具有独特优势,可为深入研究大孢子形态分类和揭示其与母体植物的亲缘关系提供新的线索,也可以被推广和应用到其他微体有机壁类化石的超微结构研究。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Bulk maceration of Early Devonian (Lochkovian) deposits from the Welsh Borderland has yielded eight specimens of a new type of sporangium characterized by its elongate shape and distinctive spores. The specimens have been examined using scanning electron, transmission electron and light microscopy. The elongate sporangia occur isolated and are fragmented to varying degrees. They contain trilete spores that possess a proximal surface with shallow murornate ornament and a distal surface that is laevigate. The spores belong to the dispersed spore genus Scylaspora , and this is the first report of such spores in situ . Ultrastructural studies demonstrate that the spore walls are bilayered with a lamellate inner layer overlain by an essentially homogeneous outer layer. There is little or no associated extra-exosporal material. To date this is the earliest reported example of lamellate wall ultrastructure in trilete spores. Models of spore wall development are suggested in the light of evidence provided by spore wall ultrastructure. Detailed comparisons of the characters preserved in the fossils (morphological, anatomical and ultrastructural), with those in other fossil and extant plants, currently shed little light on the phylogenetic relationships of these specimens, primarily due to the paucity of comparable data. It is proposed that the plant is probably of vascular status, but in the absence of evidence for vascular tissue, it must be classified as rhyniophytoid.  相似文献   

Our discovery of a ligule on Leclercqia complexa Banks, Bonamo and Grierson 1972 is the earliest occurrence of a ligulate lycopod in the fossil record. The ligule 1) occurs on a homosporous lycopod, differing with current concepts that the ligule is linked with the heterosporous condition; 2) is located on the leaf far distant from the attachment of leaf to stem, thus differing in position from any known ligulate lycopod, extinct or extant; 3) is comparable in morphology to ligules of extant lycopods, therefore providing no clues as to any earlier specialized function. These findings extend the enigma of the function of the ligule back in time, but necessitate a re-evaluation of the spatial relationship of the leaf and the ligule and of the link between heterospory and the ligule.  相似文献   

Prior to the mid-Silurian, evidence for the earliest embryophytes comes from dispersed spores, particularly permanent tetrads, there being no fossils showing gross morphology or anatomy of the producers. The fragmentary coalified mesofossils described here from the uppermost Silurian (Pridoli) and basal Devonian (Lochkovian) of the Welsh Borderland contain tetrads assigned to Tetrahedraletes, Velatitetras and Cheilotetras. These spores together with examples from spore masses have been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy and display diversity in ultrastructure of the exospore and envelope. Tetrads have been found, together with a putative elater, in the forking apex of an axial Lochkovian fossil, named Grisellatheca salopensis gen. et sp. nov., that anatomically, apart from spore characters, reveals no unequivocal evidence for hepatic affinity. The remaining fossils are equally as uninformative as regards affinity. Tetrads with ornamented envelopes are recorded in an isolated discoidal sporangium and in the bases of incomplete sporangia borne terminally on a bifurcating axis. Both ornament and ultrastructure suggest that the spores belong to quite distinct species within Velatitetras. Tetrahedraletes is recorded in an incomplete sporangium subtended by a forking axis, in which no cellular detail is preserved. Naked unfused tetrads also assigned to Tetrahedraletes are recorded in spore masses from both localities and again exospore ultrastructure demonstrates diversity. A final Lochkovian sporangium contains naked tetrads with sporadic Papiculate ornament and shows a unique trilayered exospore. Comparisons of exospore ultrastructure in these tetrads, which it is argued are mature and dispersed as such, provide no unequivocal evidence for affinities, be they tracheophyte or bryophyte. The bifurcating sporophytes are evidence against similarities with extant bryophytes. It is concluded that these very fragmentary fossils derive from small plants comprising relict populations of the vegetation that flourished on land in turfs through the greater part of the Ordovician and early Silurian, but that was gradually replaced by the tracheophytes.  相似文献   

Studies of wall structure in Mesozoic and Recent selaginellalean megaspores have been well documented. However, Palaeozoic examples have received minimal attention. The principal Palaeozoic megaspore genus of likely selaginellalean affinity is Triangulatisporites, extending from the Upper Devonian to the Upper Carboniferous. The particulate wall ultrastructure of a previously published Carboniferous (Duckmantian) megaspore assigned to this genus suggested that this form of wall construction may have been the ancestral wall structure of the group, an observation which posed difficulties in relating selaginellalean ultrastructure to that of other contemporaneous lycopsid megaspores. Subsequent investigation showed that the genus also contains more laminate exines similar to those of other extinct lycopsids and extant Selaginella species. Our new examples of Triangulatisporites ultrastructure from the Langsettian, Duckmantian and Westphalian D yield more information regarding early variation of wall structure within Carboniferous selaginellalean megaspores and suggest that a more laminate wall composition is at least as old as the particulate form. However, without further investigation of Lower Carboniferous forms, we are unable to state which is indeed ancestral. The laminate structure reported here and elsewhere is, none the less, more easily related to comparable ultrastructure in other groups of Carboniferous lycopsid megaspores and could suggest a link with such genera as Zonalesporites and early Lagenicula. This would be in keeping with current concepts regarding the most primitive ultrastructural type within lycopsid megaspore walls.  相似文献   

Fine structure of the stoma, including the cheilostom, gymnostom, and stegostom of Bunonema sp. and Teratorhabditis palmarum was compared with Caenorhabditis elegans to consider fine structural characters that may be phylogenetically informative. The stegostom, enclosed by the anterior end of the pharynx, includes a triradiate lumen surrounded by radial cells (interradial or pairs of adradial cells) repeated in the dorsal and subventral sectors; in Rhabditina, typically the stegostom includes anteriorly two sets of epithelial and posteriorly two sets of muscular radial cells. These muscle cells are anteriorly m1 and posteriorly m2. In Bunonema sp., unlike T. palmarum and C. elegans, the stegostom has a third set of interradial epithelial cells. In Bunonema sp., m1 is expressed by three interradial cells, whereas in T. palmarum and C. elegans m1 is three pairs of adradial muscle cells (i.e., six cells). In all three taxa m2 is expressed as three pairs of adradial muscle cells. Posterior processes of adjacent adradial cells fuse, and closely apposed nuclei may present a figure-eight shape. However, in Bunonema the three interradial m1 cells each have a long posterior process enclosing two separate round nuclei. In combination with additional characters, these diverse stoma features may prove phylogenetically informative. Specifically, the radial epithelial cells of the stegostom appear to be a synapomorphy consistent with a bunonemid-diplogastrid-rhabditid clade, whereas a thickening in the dorsal sector of the stoma cuticle lining is interpreted as a synapomorphy supporting a bunonemid-diplogastrid clade.  相似文献   

The enigmatic Lower Devonian plant Oocampsa catheta Andrews et al. (Can. J. Bot. 53 (1975) 1719) is considered intermediate between the trimerophytes and progymnosperms. In order to shed light on its evolutionary relationships, the morphology and ultrastructure of its sporangium and spores were analysed using light, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. In addition, dispersed spores (Grandispora douglastownense McGregor (Palaeontographica B 142 (1973) 1) and Grandispora ?macrotuberculata (Trudy VNIGNI 37 (1963) 18) McGregor (Palaeontographica B 142 (1973) 1), considered to possibly represent forms derived from O. catheta, were also examined. It is concluded that G. douglastownense and G. ?macrotuberculata are probably end members of the same spore complex and most likely are dispersed spores produced by O. catheta. Oocampsa catheta spores are bilayered. An inner body has an innermost part consisting of continuous, parallel-stacked, laminae and an outermost part consisting of more erratic, anastomosing, laminae. The inner body is surrounded by an homogeneous outer layer that is extended at the equator forming a pseudozona, and is folded on the proximal surface forming the trilete mark and on the distal surface forming spinose ornament. The spores are partially camerate. On the inside of the sporangium wall there is a layer probably representing the residue left following degeneration of a (probably secretory) tapetum. Spore morphology, gross structure and wall ultrastructure are compared to that of extant and fossil plant groups, and it is concluded that the spores of O. catheta are highly distinctive and do not conform closely to any plant group, although they show most in common with the spores of the progymnosperms.  相似文献   

Dispersed microfossils (spores and phytodebris) provide the earliest evidence for land plants. They are first reported from the Llanvirn (Mid-Ordovician). More or less identical assemblages occur from the Llanvirn (Mid-Ordovician) to the late Llandovery (Early Silurian), suggesting a period of relative stasis some 40 Myr in duration. Various lines of evidence suggest that these early dispersed microfossils derive from parent plants that were bryophyte-like if not in fact bryophytes. In the late Llandovery (late Early Silurian) there was a major change in the nature of dispersed spore assemblages as the separated products of dyads (hilate monads) and tetrads (trilete spores) became relatively abundant. The inception of trilete spores probably represents the appearance of vascular plants or their immediate progenitors. A little later in time, in the Wenlock (early Late Silurian), the earliest unequivocal land plant megafossils occur. They are represented by rhyniophytoids. It is only from the Late Silurian onwards that the microfossil/ megafossil record can be integrated and utilized in interpretation of the flora. Dispersed microfossils are preserved in vast numbers, in a variety of environments, and have a reasonable spatial and temporal fossil record. The fossil record of plant megafossils by comparison is poor and biased, with only a dozen or so known pre-Devonian assemblages. In this paper, the early land plant microfossil record, and its interpretation, are reviewed. New discoveries, novel techniques and fresh lines of inquiry are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

Spore masses and isolated sporangia, containing laevigate hilate cryptospores attributable to the dispersed taxon Laevolancis divellomedia sensu lato, have been recovered on bulk maceration of Upper Silurian (Pridoli) and Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) deposits from the Welsh Borderland. Detailed morphological, anatomical and ultrastructural analysis, using light microscope, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope techniques, reveals subtle differences between the specimens and they can be grouped into five distinct types. The different groups are distinguished principally by using sporangia-spore mass characteristics, presence or absence of extra-exosporal material and nature of spore-wall ultrastructure. Of the groups, one has a uniformly homogeneous exospore and the other four groups have a bilayered exospore. In the former the spores lack extra-exosporal material and occur in a discoidal sporangium. Of the bilayered groups, two have exospores of homogeneous composition but with the two layers differing in electron density. They occur in discoidal sporangia and spore masses and are distinguished on the presence or absence of extra-exosporal material and differences in the widths of the two layers. Finally, two bilayered groups possess a lamellate inner layer, but vary in presumed sporangial shape. Elongate sporangia have spores with concentric continuous lamellae, lacking further ultrastructure. In contrast, spores from a discoidal spore mass have white-line-centred, presumably tripartite, lamellae which are laterally discontinuous, overlapping and irregularly spaced. These findings, which suggest that morphologically similar spores were produced by a number of plant taxa, have important implications regarding the assessment of early land-plant diversity. The affinities of hilate cryptospore-producing plants are unknown and problematic, particularly as no extant non-angiosperm plants produce dyads, other than through meiotic irregularity, and spore-sporangial characters have no exact counterpart in coeval plants. Studies of specimens with in situ hilate cryptospores suggest that they derive from rhyniophytoids, i.e. plants that resemble the simplest of vascular plants but lack evidence of vascular tissue, although hilate cryptospore-containing examples show no axial branching. It might be argued, based on evidence from spore wall ultrastructure, that some of the plants have more in common with lycopsids and filicopsids than bryophytes, a surprising finding bearing in mind the stratigraphic distribution of hilate cryptospores-dyads and inferences that the producers were bryophyte-like. Detailed studies of wall structure in the hilate cryptospores permit consideration of spore wall development. It is suggested that extra-exosporal material derives from a tapetum and is thus produced by the diploid sporophyte. The white-line-centred lamellae in a single specimen provide the earliest evidence for the presence of such structures in early land plant spores and provide further evidence that sporopollenin deposition on such structures is the most primitive mode of sporopollenin deposition among land plants.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of modern and fossil spores were investigated using light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopes. We grouped spores into two groups according to ultrastructural features and sculptures of sporoderm: 1—exospore of Anemia and Klukia form the echini of sculpture; 2—exospore of Lygodium is smooth and perispore forms sculpture.  相似文献   

A new lycopsid family Kladnostrobaceae is proposed, based on the type of sporangia, their attachment by a pedicel and the type of reticulate spores enclosed. All these characteristics distinguish the Kladnostrobaceae from all other lycopsid families. A new lycopsid genus Kladnostrobus nov. gen., consisting of two new species Kladnostrobus clealii nov. sp. and Kladnostrobus psendae nov. sp., is described from the Kladno-Rakovník Basin (Lower Bolsovian) of the central and western Carboniferous continental basins of the Czech Republic. Helically arranged distal laminae and pedicels are relatively primitive, suggesting that Kladnostrobus may represent a new, primitive type of lycopsid cone produced by some unknown, probably arborescent lycopsid parent plant. Spores of Kladnostrobus are about 90-100 μm in diameter, and possess reticulate sculpture. The proximal contact area of spores is laevigate. In situ spores can resemble some dispersed species of the genera Convolutispora Hoffmeister, Staplin and Malloy, Camptotriletes (Naumova) Potonié and Kremp, Reticulatisporites (Ibrahim) Neves and mainly Dictyotriletes (Naumova) Smith and Buttterworth.  相似文献   

Abstract: The spore Rhabdosporites (Triletes) langii (Eisenack) Richardson, 1960 is abundant and well preserved in Middle Devonian (Eifelian) ‘Middle Old Red Sandstone’ deposits from the Orcadian Basin, Scotland. Here it occurs as dispersed individual spores and in situ in isolated sporangia. This paper reports on a detailed light microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis of both dispersed and in situ spores. The dispersed spores are pseudosaccate with a thick walled inner body enclosed within an outer layer that was originally attached only over the proximal face. The inner body has lamellate/laminate ultrastructure consisting of fine lamellae that are continuous around the spore and parallel stacked. Towards the outer part of the inner body these group to form thicker laminate structures that are also continuous and parallel stacked. The outer layer has spongy ultrastructure. In situ spores preserved in the isolated sporangia are identical to the dispersed forms in terms of morphology, gross structure and wall ultrastructure. The sporangium wall is two‐layered. A thick coalified outer layer is cellular and represents the main sporangium wall. This layer is readily lost if oxidation is applied during processing. A thin inner layer is interpreted as a peritapetal membrane. This layer survives oxidation as a tightly adherent membranous covering of the spore mass. Ultrastructurally it consists of three layers, with the innermost layer composed of material similar to that comprising the outer layer of the spores. Based on the new LM, SEM and TEM information, consideration is given to spore wall formation. The inner body of the spores is interpreted as developing by centripetal accumulation of lamellae at the plasma membrane. The outer layer is interpreted as forming by accretion of sporopollenin units derived from a tapetum. The inner layer of the sporangium wall is considered to represent a peritapetal membrane formed from the remnants of this tapetum. The spore R. langii derives from aneurophytalean progymnosperms. In light of the new evidence on spore/sporangium characters, and hypotheses of spore wall development based on interpretation of these, the evolutionary relationships of the progymnosperms are considered in terms of their origins and relationship to the seed plants. It is concluded that there is a smooth evolutionary transition between Apiculiretusispora‐type spores of certain basal euphyllophytes, Rhabdosporites‐type spores of aneurophytalean progymnosperms and Geminospora‐/Contagisporites‐type spores of heterosporous archaeopteridalean progymnosperms. Prepollen of basal seed plants (hydrasperman, medullosan and callistophytalean pteridosperms) are easily derived from the spores of either homosporous or heterosporous progymnosperms. The proposed evolutionary transition was sequential with increasing complexity of the spore/pollen wall probably reflecting increasing sophistication of reproductive strategy. The pollen wall of crown group seed plants appears to incorporate a completely new developmental mechanism: tectum and infratectum initiation within a glycocalyx‐like Microspore Surface Coat. It is unclear when this feature evolved, but it appears likely that it was not present in the most basal stem group seed plants.  相似文献   

Angiosperms and gymnosperms are two well-separated groups in seed plants according to the current understanding. The huge gap between these two groups constitutes a serious threat against the Darwinism, which expects a continuous transitional series between them. The Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China is famous for its megafossil angiosperms, including some early angiosperms and putative gnetalean plants. Here we document another Ephedra-like fossil plant, Pseudoephedra n. gen. n. sp., from the Yixian Formation on the basis of light microscopic (LM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations. Although its general morphology demonstrates a great resemblance to Ephedra, the expected micropylar tube characteristic of Ephedra is missing in Pseudoephedra. Instead a solid projection is seen on the top of the female parts. Such a puzzling character combination makes Pseudoephedra perplexing in seed plant phylogeny. If put in Ephedraceae (Gnetales), Pseudoephedra would destroy the only synapomorphy (micropylar tube) of the BEG clade. If put in angiosperms, Pseudoephedra would bridge the formerly huge gap between gymnosperms and angiosperms. Apparently, further investigation is needed to clarify the uncertain position of Pseudoephedra.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of aJaponochytrium sp. has been studied by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The wall has been shown to be multilamellate and persistent. Stages in zoospore cleavage are described and sagenogenetosomes reported in mature sporangia.  相似文献   

A recent innovation in paleobotanical studies of the Cretaceous has been the use of bulk sediment disaggregation and sieving techniques. This approach has identified numerous Cretaceous floras that contain well-preserved plant fossil debris (“mesofloras”), and many of these have yielded abundant fossil angiosperm flowers, as well as angiosperm fruits, seeds and dispersed stamens. On the Atlantic Coastal Plain of eastern North America recent research has identified a new series of fossil floras of Campanian age from central Georgia. These form part of a rich sequence of mesofloras that range in age from early Aptian (or perhaps late Barremian) to Campanian. Detailed studies of fossil flowers from these floras have clarified the systematic relationships of Cretaceous angiosperms and identified source plants of several characteristic dispersed angiosperm pollen grains. Taxa referable to extant angiosperm families appear suddenly in the Albian and Cenomanian, and the number of extant angiosperm families that can be recognized increases rapidly through the Late Cretaceous. Based on the record of Cretaceous fossil flowers, “modernization” of angiosperm lineages occurred much earlier than had been inferred previously from studies of dispersed fossil pollen. Major extinct monophyletic “higher” taxa of Cretaceous angiosperms have not yet been recognized.  相似文献   

The tetraradial or pentaradial fossil embryos and related hatched individuals from the early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation are of great interest for understanding the early evolution of medusozoans. The phylogenetic and evolutionary significance of their external and internal characters (e.g. manubrium, tentacles, septa and claustra) is still controversial. Here we describe a new pentamerous medusozoan, Hanagyroia orientalis gen. et sp. nov., characterized by five well-developed perradial oral lips around a remarkably large manubrium, a conspicuous equatorial groove, and five short interradial pairs of extensile tentacles at the bell margin. Internally, five broad and stout interradial septa join horizontally to form the claustra. Hanagyroia orientalis lacks the frenula, apertural lappet and velarium seen in coeval microfossils and extant cubozoans. Although H. orientalis resembles extant coronate scyphozoans in its round medusa-like bell margin and equatorial groove, cladistic analysis suggests close affinity with cubozoans. Hanagyroia may represent an intermediate morphological type between scyphozoans and cubozoans. The well-developed oral lips and paired short strong tentacles of Hanagyroia suggest direct development.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural details of dry (7% moisture content) and hydratedPyrus communis L. pollen are revealed following freezesubstitution preparation for electron microscopy. Dry pollen is characterized by tightly packed, multilamellate membranous profiles found in association with plasma membrane, vesicles, ER, dictyosomes and some double-membrane bound organelles. Dry pollen also shows unit-membrane bound, densely osmiophilic bodies often with tightly packed multilamellations contained within and, at times, in their bounding membranes. These features are not evident in hydrated pollen. Results suggest that multilamellate membranes form as the plasma membrane, vesicles, ER, and double-membrane bound organelles undergo dehydration, and that upon hydration they rapidly resume normal unilamellate structure.Abbreviations DOB densely osmiophilic body - IMP intramembrane particles - MO multilamellate organelle  相似文献   

Holocene dispersed pollen from two cores from the shelf zone of the Korean Bay and from the deep water zone of the south of the Sea of Japan were studied by means of light and electron (scanning and transmission) microscopy. Three sculpture types were observed: rod-like, rugulate-granulate and (micro)verrucate. Ten conventional groups were separated according to the sporoderm morphology and ultrastructure. Possible specific attribution was suggested based on the comparison with published data on modern and fossil oak pollen. The perspective of further application of electron microscopy for this taxon is discussed.  相似文献   

Amniote egg and eggshell morphology is a rich source of characters to link aspects of reproductive biology with systematics. Extensive work concerning both anatomy and phylogenetic assignability has been done on fossil bird and dinosaur eggs, but little is known for extant sauropsids. The utility of eggshell characters for phylogenetic analyses is tested and discussed for extant side-necked turtles (Pleurodira), and the diversity of egg ultrastructure is examined in several species. Egg gross morphology and eggshell ultrastructure of 12 species of extant side-necked turtles was documented using scanning electron microscopy. Thirteen eggshell characters were scored and mapped on a composite phylogeny and ancestral character states were reconstructed. Many of the characters do not show a phylogenetic signal according to a test comparing the number of steps on the chosen phylogeny with that on randomly generated trees. The presence of conservative, clade-supporting features could be demonstrated, and the following clades are supported by several characters: the Elseya-Emydura entity, short-necked Australasian chelids, is backed by two characters, and two additional characters could potentially support this group. Three characters support the monophyly of South American chelids, whereas two characters argue for the exclusion of Hydromedusa, a long-necked form resembling Australian chelids rather than South American forms, from this clade.  相似文献   

Located approximately 4000 km from the nearest continent, the Hawaiian Islands comprise the most isolated archipelago on Earth. This isolation has resulted in a unique flora that includes nearly 200 native ferns and lycophytes, 77% of which are endemic to the islands. Because the Hawaiian Islands are volcanic in origin, all abiotically dispersed organisms must have arrived there via the wind or the water. Fern spores are most likely dispersed through the air, and thus patterns of air movement have undoubtedly played a significant role in determining the geographic origins of the ancestors of the Hawaiian ferns. We have identified four possible climate-based or weather-based spore dispersal hypotheses that could have resulted in the movement of ancestral spores to the Hawaiian Islands: (1) the northern subtropical jetstream, moving spores from Indo-Pacific regions; (2) the trade winds, dispersing spores from Central and North America; (3) storms carrying spores from southern Mexico and/or Central America; and (4) a dispersal mechanism carrying spores from the South Pacific across the equator resulting from the combined influence of a seasonal southern shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), Hadley Cell air movement, and the trade winds. Utilizing recently published molecular phylogenetic studies of three fern genera (Dryopteris, Polystichum, andHymenophyllum) and new analyses of three additional genera (Adenophorus, Grammitis, andLellingeria), each of which is represented in the Hawaiian Islands by at least one endemic lineage, we reviewed the biogeographical implications for the Hawaiian taxa in light of the possible common dispersal patterns and pathways. We hypothesize that three of the five endemicDryopteris lineages, both of the endemicPolystichum lineages, at least one endemicHymenophyllum lineage in the Hawaiian Islands, and, perhaps, one endemicGrammitis lineage resulted from ancestral spores of each lineage dispersing to the Hawaiian Islands via the northern subtropical jetstream.Adenophorus is sister to a mostly neotropical clade, therefore, it is likely that the ancestor of the Hawaiian clade dispersed to the Hawaiian Islands via the trade winds or a storm system. The ancestor of the endemicLellingeria lineage may have dispersed to the Hawaiian Islands from the neotropics via the trade winds or a storm system, or from the South Pacific across the equator through the combination of a seasonal southern shift of the ITCZ, Hadley Cells, and the trade winds.  相似文献   

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