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Snell dwarf mice (dw/dw) and normal mice (+/?) were injected with thyroxine (T4) (1 μg/animal, four injections) and growth hormone (GH) (20 μg/animal, four injections) from the 5th to the 15th day of life. In the untreated dw/dw mouse brain, the specific activities of UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase (CGalT), PAPS:cerebroside sulfotransferase (CST), and 2′,3′-cyclic nucleotide 3′-phosphohydrolase (CNP) were decreased by 28, 25, and 37%, respectively, compared with the control untreated +/? mice. The major effect of T4 was an increase of the brain CNP in the +/? mice (+40%) and dw/dw mice (+111%). The treatment with T4 also brought to normal the level of CGalT in dw/dw brain; a somewhat less marked effect on CST was observed. The treatment with GH had a great stimulatory effect on CNP: the specific activity of this enzyme increased by 40 and 69% in +/? and dw/dw mouse brain, respectively. On the contrary, no effect of GH on the CGalT activity was observe in this study. Our results suggest that T4 and GH may have both independent and complementary actions on the myelin-associated enzymes during the early postnatal period of brain development.  相似文献   

Abstract: UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase activity was assayed in the spinal cord and kidney of the recently discovered neurological mutant, the twitcher mouse, which is an enzymatically authentic model of human globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease). The activity in the spinal cord was essentially normal during the early myelination period up to 15 days. There was a slight reduction at 20 days. At 25 and 33 days, the galactosyltransferase activity was drastically reduced compared to controls. In contrast, the galactosyltransferase activity in the kidney of twitcher mice remained normal throughout the developmental stages examined. Activity of the control enzyme UDP-glucose:ceramide glucosyltransferase was always normal in both the spinal cord and kidney. Thus, reduction of galactosylceramide synthesis occurs in the CNS secondarily to the pathological alteration of the oligodendroglia. No such reduction occurs in the kidney, at least for the last step of galactosylceramide synthesis. Reduced synthesis as the result of metabolic regulation in the presence of the catabolic block is therefore unlikely to be the cause of the lack of abnormal accumulation of galactosylceramide in the kidney of patients with globoid cell leukodystrophy.  相似文献   

The sphingolipids galactosylceramide and sulfatide are important for the formation and maintenance of myelin. Transgenic mice overexpressing the galactosylceramide synthesizing enzyme UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase in oligodendrocytes display an up to four-fold increase in UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase activity, which correlates with an increase in its products monogalactosyl diglyceride and non-hydroxy fatty acid-containing galactosylceramide. Surprisingly, however, we observed a concomitant decrease in alpha-hydroxylated galactosylceramide such that total galactosylceramide in transgenic mice was almost unaltered. These data suggest that UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase activity does not limit total galactosylceramide level. Furthermore, the predominance of alpha-hydroxylated galactosylceramide appeared to be determined by the extent to which non-hydroxylated ceramide was galactosylated rather than by the higher affinity of UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase for alpha-hydroxy fatty acid ceramide. The protein composition of myelin was unchanged with the exception of significant up-regulation of the myelin and lymphocyte protein. Transgenic mice were able to form myelin, which, however, was apparently unstable and uncompacted. These mice developed a progressive hindlimb paralysis and demyelination in the CNS, demonstrating that tight control of UDP-galactose:ceramide galactosyltransferase expression is essential for myelin maintenance.  相似文献   

Background: Anesthetic-induced preconditioning (AIP) with volatile anesthetics is a well-known experimental technique to protect tissues from ischemic injury or oxidative stress. Additionally, plasmatic extracellular vesicle (EV) populations and their cargo are known to be affected by AIP in vitro, and to provide organ protective properties via their cargo. We investigated whether AIP would affect the generation of EVs in an in vivo rat model. Methods: Twenty male Sprague Dawley rats received a repetitive treatment with either isoflurane or with sevoflurane for a duration of 4 or 8 weeks. EVs from blood plasma were characterized by nanoparticle tracking analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Western blot. A scratch assay (H9C2 cardiomyoblast cell line) was performed to investigate the protective capabilities of the isolated EVs. Results: TEM images as well as Western blot analysis indicated that EVs were successfully isolated. The AIP changed the flotillin and CD63 expression on the EV surface, but not the EV concentration. The scratch assay did not show increased cell migration and/or proliferation after EV treatment. Conclusion: AIP in rats changed the cargo of EVs but had no effect on EV concentration or cell migration/proliferation. Future studies are needed to investigate the cargo on a miRNA level and to investigate the properties of these EVs in additional functional experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract :
The effect of chronic chloroquine intoxication on lipid composition, particularly the gangliosides, was studied in the nervous system of miniature pigs, type Göttingen. The tissues examined were cerebrum, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia and retina. Chloroquine was given in the diet in doses of 2.0-3.5 g/kg food. The intoxication of the pigs was started at the age of 100–240 days and continued for 177-219 days. The control pigs received the same diet without chloroquine. The ganglioside concentration was increased in all the tissues examined. Dorsal root ganglia and retina were the tissues affected most and showed a twofold increase. This corresponded to the light and electron microscopically demonstrated extensive storage process in the perikarya of dorsal root ganglion cells and inner ganglion cells of the retina. Under light microscopy the storage material was granular, intensely PAS-positive and dissolved by paraffin embedding. The electron microscopical equivalent consisted of conglomerates of membranous lysosomal residual bodies. In cerebrum the ganglioside concentration was increased by 12%. Storage in the brain varied widely between different systems and types of cells. The allocortex was much more affected than the isocortex. Certain inhibitory ganglion cell types, such as the basket cells, exhibited the most massive storage of all. The spinal medulla was morphologically less involved but showed approximately the same ganglioside increase, though not statistically significant. With the exception of cerebrum the increase in the tissues examined involved all the individual gangliosides, most severely ganglioside GM2 and three fucogangliosides. In cerebrum only the ganglioside GM2 was increased more than the other gangliosides. Chloroquine intoxication did not affect the concentration of phospholipids or cholesterol in the cerebrum, spinal cord or dorsal root ganglia, but in retina the acidic phospholipids were significantly increased.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ischemia-induced changes in 31P NMR relaxation were examined in 16 piglets. NMR spectra were acquired under control conditions and during complete cerebral ischemia induced via cardiac arrest. Changes in T 1 were assessed directly in six animals during control conditions and after 30–45 min of complete ischemia when changes in brain P1 levels had reached a plateau. The T 1 for P1 did not change, i.e., 2.3 ± 0.5 s during control conditions versus 2.4 ± 1.0 s during ischemia. To evaluate phosphocreatine and ATP, two types of spectra, with a long (25-s) or short (1-s) interpulse delay time, were collected during the first 10 min of ischemia (n = 10). Both types of spectra showed the same time course of changes in phosphocreatine and ATP levels, implying that the T 1 relaxation times do not change during ischemia. There were no changes in the linewidths of phosphocreatine, ATP, or P1 during ischemia, implying that the T *2 values remain constant. Our results suggest that the 31P T 1 and T *2 for phosphocreatine, Pi, and ATP do not change during ischemia, and therefore changes in 31P NMR peak intensity accurately reflect changes in metabolite concentrations.  相似文献   

The two major glycosphingolipids of myelin, galactosylceramide (GalC) and sulfatide (SGC), interact with each other by trans carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions. They face each other in the apposed extracellular surfaces of the multilayered myelin sheath produced by oligodendrocytes (OLs). Multivalent galactose and sulfated galactose, in the form of GalC/SGC-containing liposomes or silica nanoparticles conjugated to galactose and galactose-3-sulfate, interact with GalC and SGC in the membrane sheets of OLs in culture. This stimulus results in transmembrane signaling, loss of the cytoskeleton and clustering of membrane domains, suggesting that GalC and SGC could participate in glycosynapses between apposed OL membranes or extracellular surfaces of mature myelin. Such glycosynapses may be important for myelination and/or myelin function.  相似文献   

Diverse molecular species of sulfatide with differences in FA lengths, unsaturation degrees, and hydroxylation statuses are expressed in the kidneys. However, the physiological functions of specific sulfatide species in the kidneys are unclear. Here, we evaluated the distribution of specific sulfatide species in the kidneys and their physiological functions. Electron microscopic analysis of kidneys of Cst-deficient mice lacking sulfatide showed vacuolar accumulation in the cytoplasm of intercalated cells in the collecting duct, whereas the proximal and distal tubules were unchanged. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that vacuolar H+-ATPase-positive vesicles were accumulated in intercalated cells in sulfatide-deficient kidneys. Seventeen sulfatide species were detected in the murine kidney by iMScope MALDI-MS analysis. The distribution of the specific sulfatide species was classified into four patterns. Although most sulfatide species were highly expressed in the outer medullary layer, two unique sulfatide species of m/z 896.6 (predicted ceramide structure: t18:0-C22:0h) and m/z 924.6 (predicted ceramide structure: t18:0-C24:0h) were dispersed along the collecting duct, implying expression in intercalated cells. In addition, the intercalated cell-enriched fraction was purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorting using the anti-vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit 6V0A4, which predominantly contained sulfatide species (m/z 896.6 and 924.6). The Degs2 and Fa2h genes, which are responsible for ceramide hydroxylation, were expressed in the purified intercalated cells. These results suggested that sulfatide molecular species with ceramide composed of phytosphingosine (t18:0) and 2-hydroxy FAs, which were characteristically expressed in intercalated cells, were involved in the excretion of NH3 and protons into the urine.  相似文献   

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