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法国的Rhone-Poulenc(巴黎)在里昂的保健行业分公司Institut Merieux去年以超过8亿美元的价钱买下加拿大多伦多的Connaught Biosciences.今年要是谈判顺利的话,还要买下本国斯特拉堡的Transgène公司.Institut Merieux是世界上最大的疫苗厂商之一,占全球市场的30%,且因Wellcome(伦敦)刚刚退出这一行业,可能统治欧洲市场.Transgène本身在1989年的收入仅为1千  相似文献   

Claude Guérin 《Geobios》1982,15(4):593-598
For the Uppermost Miocene the already known zones MN 9 to MN 13 are used without any change; they prove to be particularly useful for the study of fossil rhinocerotids. The Plio-Villafranchian age corresponds to the zones 14 to 19, the definition of the first five being completed and the last being new. Middle to Upper Pleistocene age deals with the zones 20 to 26, all being new and defined following the same principles.  相似文献   

Dirk Nolf 《Geobios》1978,11(4):517-559
The study of approximately twenty three thousand otoliths from Plio-Pleistocene sites in the harbour region of Antwerp, as well as a critical revision of already published material allowed us to identify a teleostean fauna with fourty seven species (including two subspecies and seven species in open nomenclature). Two of these, Ophidion springeri and Uranoscopus septentrionalis are new to science. The fauna is typical for coastal waters slightly warmer than those of the actual North Sea and caracterized by the predominance of Gadidae. Biostratigraphically this fauna is well individualized with respect to preceeding ones (only seven species in common with the Miocene fauna) and those following twenty-three species in common with the extant fauna). The following biostratigraphical subdivision has been recognized in the Upper Miocene and the Plio-Pleistocene of the Antwerp region: (1) an association with «genus? Macrouridarum labiatus, Trisopterus sculptus, Gadiculus benedeni and Trisopterus luscus spectabilis, in the Sands of Deurne (Upper Miocene); (2) an association with Gadiculus benedeni and Merlangius pseudaeglephinus, in the Formation of Kattendijk (Pliocene); (3) an association with Gadiculus verticalis and Merlangius pseudaeglefinus in the Formation of Lillo (Plio-Pleistocene); (4) an association with Gadus morhua and Merlangius pseudaeglefinus in the so called «Icenian deposits not present in Belgium but found in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Medical responsibility means that the Doctor must assume his acts. It enables not only to repair prejudices met but also discourage prejudiciable acts to society by sanctioning them. Its founding is based on the principle of error, of the damage caused and the establishing of a cause link between error and damage. The authors report a clinical case observed during a medical expertise of an iatrogenic accident (priapism) secondary to the treatment of a psychogenic impotence with papaverine injection in intracavernous. It’s a 27 year old patient, single, teacher, without pathological antecedents, who, after a psycho-affective shock (break with his girl-friend), showed a diminished sewal desire and erectile power. These complaints led him to consult an urologist, who prescribed a hormonal check-up and a medical treatment based on Yohimbine* for two weeks. Seeing no improvement of his state, he consulted another urologist who gave him an intracavernous Papaverine chlorydrate injection (40 mg). The immediate main consequen?s were a priapism necessitating a surgical intervention (caverno-spongious anastomosis), practised one day after the injection. Following the intervention, the patient complains of a persistant impoten?, which led him to sue his Doctor for a professional error having led to a permanent sexual prejudice. The error retained against the Doctor consists in a bad control of his patient, which led to delay in taking the latter in charge, a classical complication resulting from the treatment prescribed. Because of the existence of an error, a damage caused and a cause link, the responsibility of the Doctor is in question. From this case, the authors insist on the necessity of a psychologic evaluation prior to every medicinal treatment of a psychogenic impotence.  相似文献   

Résumé L'auteur décrit en particulier à l'aide du microscope électronique les différentes couches constituant la paroi du proventricule de Syllidiens (Annélides Polychètes) en insistant spécialement sur celles (zones sous-épithéliales) situées de part et d'autre de la couche des muscles radiaires caractéristique de cet organe. II est montré que, contrairement à ce qu'il était admis jusqu'à présent, les zones sous-épithéliales sont constituées par des fibres de collagène noyées dans un matériel granuleux vraisemblablement de nature mucopolysaccharidique. D'autre part, un système d'attache particulier entre zones sous-épithéliales et musculature radiaire est mis en évidence.Les fibres de collagène de périodicité 560 Å constituent, autour de la musculature radiaire, un réseau à mailles rectangulaires hautement organisé. Dans l'assise la plus interne de ce réseau, les fibres sont allongées parallèlement à l'axe antéro-postérieur du Ver; dans l'assise la plus externe, elles sont disposées circulairement dans des plans transversaux.La signification de la présence de ces fibres de collagène (les seules existant dans tout le corps des Syllis étudiés) est évoquée. Les problèmes de leur origine et du rôle possible de cellules différenciées (musculaires) dans la synthèse de ce collagène sont analysés.
Presence of collagen in the proventriculus of Syllids
Summary The layers of the wall of the proventriculus of Syllids (Annelids Polychetes) were studied, mainly with the aid of the electron microscope. The areas on both sides of the radial musculature (subepithelial zones) were given special attention. Contrary to previous views, it was shown that the subepithelial zones contain collagen fibrils within a granular material probably of mucopolysaccharide nature. Furthermore, a system of special attachment devices between subepithelial zones and radial musculature was demonstrated.The collagen fibrils (periodicity 560 Å) form a highly organized network with rectangular meshes around the radial musculature. In the innermost layer of this network, the fibers run parallel to the antero-posterior axis of the worm; in the outermost layer, they run circularly.The significance of the presence of these collagen fibers, the only in existence in the entire organism studied, is discussed. The problem of their origin, and the possible role played by differentiated (muscular) cells in the synthesis of this collagen are analyzed.

Summary A new model, based on information theory, for determining the equation of Raunkiaer frequency curves in a homogeneous phytosociological table is proposed. The forms of these curves are explained in relation to the geographical area covered by the relevés of the phytosociological table involved. The statistical distribution of species in a syntaxon (and the variability of a syntaxon as measured, by (E/E m)-1, where E is the total number of species in the table, and E m is the average number of species per relevé) are closely correlated with the size of the distribution area of relevés. Many examples are given and several consequences for the phytosociological method are indicated.

Résumé Quelle que soit l'origine de la souche (sol, arthropodes, lésions humaines), les conidies de l'EntomophthoraleConidiobolus coronatus sont capables d'infecter le puceronAcyrthosiphon pisum (Hémiptères, Aphididae) et les chenilles deGalleria mellonella (Lépidoptères, Pyralidae). De plus, les filtrats, de culture en milieu liquide agité des huit souches éprouvées sont toxiques par inoculation à l'égard de ces derniers insectes; cette toxicité se traduit d'abord par une hémorragie au trou de pip?re, qui peut durer plusiers heures, puis par un noircissement du corps de l'insecte et enfin par la mort de celui-ci. L'effet anticoagulant de substances produites par une Entomophthorale est ici signalé pour la première fois. Les deux souches les plus virulentes à l'égard deAcyrthosiphon pisum, parmi lesquelles se trouve celle isolée de lésions humaines, sont également les plus toxinogènes. L'étude de la vitesse de croissancein vitro du champignon à des températures comprises entre 4 et 37°C révèle une adaptation des souches aux conditions thermiques en relation avec la région d'origine de l'isolat. Notamment, les souches d'origine tropicale se développent plus, rapidement à 26–29°C que les souches originaires de France. La vitesse maximale de croissance est constatée à 29°C pour les différentes souches, sauf pour celle isolée de lésions humaines qui se développe le plus rapidement à 37°C. Cette température est létale pour les autres souches sauf pour une souche isolée d'un myriapode de l'?le de la Réunion. C'est la première fois que l'aptitude à cro?tre à cette température est reconnue chez un isolat deConidiobolus coronatus provenant d'un arthropode.
Summary Whatever the substrate of origin of the strain (soil, arthropods, human phycomycosis), conidia ofConidiobolus coronatus (Zygomycotina, Entomophthorales) are able to infect the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera, Aphididae) and the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Moreover, intrahemocoelic injections of filtrates from shake cultures of all the 8 strains tested proved to be toxic for the later insect; the symptoms are successively haemorrhage, which could last for a few hours, blackening of the blood and at last death. This is the first mention of an anti-coagulant effect of metabolic products from any Entomophthorale. The strain isolated from an human phycomycosis is both the most virulent against the pea aphid and the most effective with regard to toxicity. Comparison of fungal growthin vitro at different temperatures, ranging from 4 to 37°C, revealed a certain relation between the temperature for the optimal growth and the locality of origin of a strain. In particular, strains from tropical areas were growing at 26–29°C faster than those from temperate regions. The higher growth rate was noticed at 29°C for all the 8 tested strains, except for the strain from human phycomycosis, for which the optimum temperature was 37°C. This temperature was lethal for the other strains, but for a strain isolated from a myriapod from the Reunion Island. It is the first time that the ability of a strain ofC. coronatus isolated from an arthropod to growth at 37°C is ascertained.

Crocodilian remains collected at the turn of the centuryin the early Bartonian locality of La Livinière (Hérault, southern France) belong to a ziphodont mesosuchian. They include compressed, serrated teeth, primitive jugals, amphicoelous vertebrae, dermal scutes, and elongated, slender limb bones. The systematic position of this animal is difficult to determine, but it is more reminiscent of some forms from the upper Cretaceous of South America than of the Tertiary Sebecidae. It may be related to Iberosuchus, a ziphodont mesosuchian from the Eocene of the Iberian peninsula. Its peculiar limb bones confirm the terrestrial habits of ziphodont crocodilians.  相似文献   

Prostasomes are particular lipid vesicles secreted by the human prostate and found in the semen. No specific action has yet been attributed to prostasomes, but they appear to act at various levels. For example, prostasomes enhance sperm motility in vitro and participate in the immunomodulation properties of seminal plasma. Excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human semen has a negative influence on the functional capacities of spermatozoa. The presence of leukocytes in semen is associated with increased production of ROS that can be harmful to sperm cells, under certain conditions. Previous results tend to suggest a possible role of prostasomes on ROS production in human semen. After reviewing the literature concerning the structural and functional characteristics of prostasomes and the role of ROS in human semen, we report our results concerning the influence of prostasomes on ROS production and the consequences on semen. We have demonstrated that prostasomes exert an antioxidant function in human semen. This function is effective both on polymorphonuclear neutrophils and on sperm cells. The mechanism of action of prostasomes is unusual, as they act on ROS production mainly on the plasma membranes of neutrophils. They induce a decrease of NADPH-oxidase activity associated with rigidification of the plasma membrane. Prostasomes protect the functional capacities of spermatozoa during an oxidative stress created by the presence of NADPH in the incubation medium.  相似文献   

Evolutionary lineages of several limnic gastropod genera (Viviparus, Melanopsis, Theodoxus) from the Neogene of Kos island (Dodecanese, Greece) are described and interpreted. The attempt is made to analyse the paleoecological development of a limnic sedimentary basin in the eastern portion of Kos by means of Diatoms. Obviously, there is no relation between the chemical parameters of the water of the former lake and the morphological development of the gastropods. The lineages of Viviparus brevis, Theodoxus doricus and Melanopsis gorceixi are suggested to be caused by phyletic transformations and not by changing environmental conditions. It is, thus, possible to establish a local biostratigraphy based on subspecies, and moreover, a more regional one based on longer ranging species.  相似文献   

Geomorphological investigations have been carried out in Camerota surroundings where marine microfaunas have been discovered. So, we can separate the Late Pliocene deposits from Calabrian and post-Calabrian levels. Preliminary palynological results show a vegetational evolution in relation with the climate. Leaf-remains give informations on the structure of the vegetation.  相似文献   

The Upper Pleistocene in Tunisia is characterized by cyclic climatic alternations between rainy and arid phases. The steppic landscape occupies a large area of the country, in particular in the Centre and the South. Even during the humid phases, the savannah landscape still dominant. The Upper Pleistocene prehistoric sites in Tunisia, such as Oued el Akarit, Aïn Mhrotta, Oued el Bey, El Guettar, Aïn Métherchem and Aïn el Guettar, which are the subject of this study, are all open-air sites, located mainly in Central and southern Tunisia, usually to the south of the springs that are still functioning today, or on the border of the wadis from which their names derive. Prehistoric occupations and human behavior are mainly subject to the climatic shifts occurred during the Upper Pleistocene.  相似文献   

M. Laraichi 《BioControl》1978,23(2):121-128
Résumé L'étude du superparasitisme chez les parasites oophages desAelia a été réalisée avec 3 espèces d'Ooencyrtus: O. fecundus Ferr. & Voeg.,O. nigerrimus Ferr. & Voeg., etO. telenomicida Vass. Ces 3 espèces apparaissent comme ayant un pouvoir de discrimination leur permettant d'éviter le superparasitisme lorsqu'elles ont suffisamment d'h?tes à leur disposition. Dans le cas contraire ou lorsque le nombre de femelles dans un même tube de ponte s'accro?t, la tendance au superparasitisme augmente. Le superparasitisme se traduit par une baisse de la fécondité, une diminution de la taille et une modification du taux sexuel de la descendance.
Summary The study of superparasitism in the oophagous parasites of theAelia spp has been realized with 3Ooencyrtus species:O. fecundus Ferr. & Voeg.,O. nigerrimus Ferr. & Voeg. andO. telenomicida Vass. These 3 species appeared to have a discriminating ability which enable them to avoid superparasitism when the host population at their disposal is sufficient. In the opposite case or, when the number of females increases in the same tube, superparasitism tends to increase. Superparasitism results in a decrease in fecundity as well as in size and the sex-ratio of the offspring.

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(4):227-234
Two viperid snakes, Vipera natiensis sp. n. (belonging to the Vipera aspis group) and Vipera sp., have been found in the Pliocene of Minorca. On the other hand, an indeterminate viperid extends back the fossil record of the family in the Balearic Islands, to the Middle Miocene. These fossils represent the first report of viperids from the Balearic Islands. Vertebra of Vipera natiensis sp. n. are characterised by a concave anterior border of zygosphene, dorsoventrally flattened, short (as wide as long) and blunt prezygapophyseal processes. Centrum convex in transverse section, subcentral margins poorly marked and presence of two well defined subcotylar tubercles. Hypapophysis located posteriorly on the centrum and not prolonged anteriorly, or only slightly prolonged as a keel. The dorsal border of the neural spine is slightly thickened; the posterior border of the neural spine is markedly inclined posteriorly; as a result, the spine forms a posterior point, which is more or less developed, depending on the position of the vertebra along the vertebral column. The presence of Viperidae in the Neogene of the Balearic Islands involves the existence of a terrestrial connection between this archipelago and the continent during the Early Miocene and/or Middle Miocene and perhaps the presence of a later connection during the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

Three new species and one new subspecies, Tremogasterinacookae, Cribrilina messiniensis, Emballotheca mediterranea and Herentia thalassae alboransis (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) are described from various Messinian deposits (Uppermost Miocene) of the Mediterranean province of Alboran: Algeria, Morocco, Spain.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2005,4(5):405-412
A new fish-bearing Miocene site, south of the ‘Chaîne des Chotts’ (southern Tunisia). Palaeoenvironment and palaeobiogeography. A systematic excavation in the Miocene continental sands of the Béglia Formation (southwestern Tunisia), south of the ‘Chaîne des Chotts’, yielded a rich fossil-fish assemblage. These sands, with soft rollers and oblique stratifications are in unconformity on the Cretaceous and are covered by Miocene clays. The organisation and the nature of the facies, as well as the palaeocurrent figures testify to a proximal fluvial-deltaic regime. It is SW–NE prograding. The three fish taxa (polypterid, clariid, latid) are typical of modern Nilo-Sudanese assemblages, but are absent from Maghreb. The regional palaeobiogeographic relations are discussed. To cite this article: B. Mannaï-Tayech, O. Otero, C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

The Upper Paleocene of E-Tademaït and W-Tinrhertis characterized by a new macrofauna and the appearance of Ranikothalia bermudezi. This is followed by Lower Eocene (Lowermost Ilerdian) Nummulites fraasi and N. deserti, in E-Tademaït.We note in relation with the uplifting of Saharo-Nubianshelf a regressive evolution towards the North, where successively later Nummulites species (deserti, globulus, rollandi, gizehensis) appear during the Lower Eocene.  相似文献   

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