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Protein translocation of cytosolically synthesized proteins requires signals for both targeting of precursor proteins to the surface of the respective compartment and their transfer across its membrane. In contrast to signals for peroxisomal and endoplasmic reticulum translocation, the signals for mitochondrial and chloroplast transport are less well defined with respect to length and amino acid requirements. To study the properties of signals required for translocation into chloroplasts in vitro and in vivo, we used fusion proteins composed of transit peptides and the Ig-like module of the muscle protein titin as passenger. We observed that about 60 amino acids—longer than the transit peptide length of many experimentally confirmed chloroplast proteins—are required for efficient translocation. However, within native chloroplast precursor proteins with transit peptides shorter than 60 amino acids, extension appears to be present as they are efficiently imported into organelles. In addition, the interaction of an unfolded polypeptide stretch of 60 or more amino acids with receptors at the chloroplast surface results in the unidirectionality of protein translocation into chloroplasts even in the presence of a competing C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal. These findings prove the existing ideas that initial targeting is defined by the N-terminal signal and that the C-terminal signal is sensed only subsequently.  相似文献   

Rad54 is a key component of the eukaryotic recombination machinery. Its presence in DNA strand-exchange reactions in vitro results in a significant stimulation of the overall reaction rate. Using untagged Rad54, we show that this stimulation can be attributed to enhancement of the formation of a key reaction intermediate known as DNA networks. Using a novel, single DNA molecule, dual-optical tweezers approach we show how Rad54 stimulates DNA network formation. We discovered that Rad54 oligomers possess a unique ability to cross-bridge or bind double-stranded DNA molecules positioned in close proximity. Further, Rad54 oligomers rapidly translocate double-stranded DNA while simultaneously inducing topological loops in the DNA at the locus of the oligomer. The combination of the cross-bridging and double-stranded DNA translocation activities of Rad54 stimulates the formation of DNA networks, leading to rapid and efficient DNA strand exchange by Rad51.  相似文献   

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The photoaffinity ligand 8-azidoadenosine 3′,5-monophosphate was employed to label cAMP binding proteins in both fractionated and freeze-thawed rabbit gastric glands. Fractionated glands incorporated the azido-cAMP label primarily into two cytosolic proteins with apparent molecular weights of 58 000 and 48 000. No enrichment of label was found in fractions containing basolateral or apical membranes. DEAE-cellulose chromatography of the cytosolic proteins resulted in the separation of two cAMP-dependent protein kinase peaks. Azido cAMP labelling of each peak suggested the initial peak contained type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase while the second peak contained the type II kinase. Labelling of ‘resting’ gastric glands resulted in radioactive proteins of apparent molecular weights of 58 000.and 48 000. When gastric glands were stimulated to produce acid by the addition of 10?4 M histamine or 1 mM dibutyryl cAMP there was 32–44% dimunition of ligand incorporation compared to control glands. The results strongly suggest that histamine- mediated stimulus-secretion coupling in gastric glands involves activation of parietal cell cAMP-dependent protein kinases.  相似文献   

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Photoaffinity labeling techniques have recently demonstrated that mammalian β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors reside on peptides of Mr 62 000–64 000. These receptor peptides are susceptible to endogenous metalloproteinases which produce peptides of Mr 30 000–55 000. Several proteinase inhibitors markedly attenuate this process, specifically EDTA and EGTA. In this study we investigated the functional significance of this proteolysis (and its inhibition) in the β2-adrenergic receptor-adenylate cyclase system derived from rat lung membranes. Membrane preparations containing proteolytically derived fragments of the receptor of Mr 40000–55 000 are fully functional with respect to their ability to bind β-adrenergic antagonist radioligands such as [3H]dihydroalprenolol and β-adrenergic antagonist photoaffinity reagents such as p-azido-m-[125I]iodobenzylcarazolol. They retain the ability to form a high-affinity, agonist-promoted, guanine nucleotide-sensitive complex thought to represent a ternary complex of agonist, receptor and guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. Nonetheless, after proteolysis, GTP is less able to revert this high-affinity receptor complex to one of lower affinity, and all aspects of adenylate cyclase stimulation are reduced. In addition, the functional integrity of the N protein in membranes prepared without proteinase inhibitors is reduced as assessed by reconstitution studies with the cyc[su? variant of S49 lymphoma cell membranes. These results suggest that endogenous proteolysis does not directly impair the ability of β-adrenergic receptors to either bind ligands or interact with the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. However, they imply that endogenous proteolysis likely impairs the functionality of other components of the adenylate cyclase system, such as the nucleotide regulatory protein.  相似文献   

A new purification technique for ‘single-stranded DNA-binding proteins’ from calf thymus permits the demonstration of a considerable heterogeneity within these proteins. Several molecular species are obtained with Mr between 24·103 and 30·103 and pI values between 6 and 8, showing significant differences with regard to the following functional properties: (1) strength of binding to single-stranded DNA; (2) lowering of melting temperature of poly[d(A-T)]; (3) stimulation of DNA polymerase α on a poly[d(A-T)] template. Analysis of trypsin digestion products demonstrates that the different molecular species share extensive primary sequence homology. Experiments with antibodies show that the different molecular species are antigenically related and that a 31 kDa protein present in low amounts in our preparations is very cross-reactive.  相似文献   

Serine recombinases promote specific DNA rearrangements by a cut-and-paste mechanism that involves cleavage of all four DNA strands at two sites recognized by the enzyme. Dissecting the order and timing of these cleavage events and the steps leading up to them is difficult because the cleavage reaction is readily reversible. Here, we describe assays using activated Sin mutants and a DNA substrate with a 3′-bridging phosphorothiolate modification that renders Sin-mediated DNA cleavage irreversible. We find that activating Sin mutations promote DNA cleavage rather than simply stabilize the cleavage product. Cleavage events at the scissile phosphates on complementary strands of the duplex are tightly coupled, and the overall DNA cleavage rate is strongly dependent on Sin concentration. When combined with analytical ultracentrifugation data, these results suggest that Sin catalytic activity and oligomerization state are tightly linked, and that activating mutations promote formation of a cleavage-competent oligomeric state that is normally formed only transiently within the full synaptic complex.  相似文献   

The effect of various inhibitors of DNA topoisomerase II, which has been shown to induce apoptotic cell death, on Ca2+ transport in isolated rat liver nuclei was investigated. Ca2+ uptake and release were determined with a Ca2+ electrode. The presence of aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA; 10-6 to 10-4 M), etoposide (10-4 M), genistein (10-5 and 10-4 M) or amsacrine (10-4 M) in the reaction mixture caused a significant increase in Ca2+ release from the nuclei. Also, these compounds (10-4 M) significantly inhibited Ca2+ uptake by the nuclei. However, the presence of ATA (10-5 and 10-4 M) in the enzyme reaction mixture did not significantly inhibit Ca2+-ATPase activity, which is involved in the nuclear Ca2+ uptake, in the liver nuclei, while etoposide (10-4 M), genistein (10-4 M) and amsacrine (10-4 M) appreciably decreased the enzyme activity. Meanwhile, addition of Ca2+ clearly activated DNA fragmentation in the liver nuclei. The Ca2+ activated DNA fragmentation was significantly prevented by the presence of etoposide, genistein and amsacrine with the concentrations of 10-5 and 10-4 M in the reaction mixture, although ATA (10-5 and 10-4 M) had no effect. The present study demonstrates that some apoptosis inducible compounds used can influence on Ca2+ transport system in isolated rat liver nuclei, suggesting a decrease of nuclear Ca2+ level involved in nuclear functions. (Mol Cell Biochem 166: 183-189, 1997)  相似文献   

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About ScienceDirect 《BBA》1982,682(3):369-371
The membrane-bound ATPase activity of Bacillus subtilis was inhibited by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). The DCCD-reactive proteolipid of B. subtilis was extracted, from labelled or untreated membranes containing F1 or depleted of F1, with neutral or acidic chloroform/methanol. Purification of the [14C]DCCD-binding proteolipid was attempted by column chromatography on methylated Sephadex G-50 and on DEAE-cellulose. The maximal amount of DCCD which could be bound to the purified proteolipid was found to exceed the amount bound by the purified proteolipid extracted from membranes labelled with the lowest [14C]DCCD concentration required for maximal inhibition of the membrane-bound ATPase activity. The radioactive protein peaks eluted by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography were analysed by urea-SDS polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Radioactivity was incorporated into two components of Mr 18 000 and 6000 when proteolipid was purified by methylated Sephadex. The 6000 polypeptide was always present, whatever the extraction and purification procedures. However, the 18 000 polypeptide was present in largest quantity only when proteolipid was extracted from membranes containing F1 and purified by methylated Sephadex. When proteolipid was purified on DEAE-cellulose this [14C]DCCD binding component of Mr 18 000 was absent.  相似文献   

V A Shepelev 《FEBS letters》1984,172(2):172-176
Binding constants have been measured for the interaction of the protein HMG1 with native DNA, denatured DNA and a number of polynucleotides at near-physiological ionic strengths, using gel filtration and thermal denaturation. The interaction of HMG1 with DNA is shown to be noncooperative and reversible. Nucleic acids form the following series in order of increasing binding constants: poly(U) integral of poly(A) less than poly(dA) less than dsDNA integral of poly(dA) X poly(dT) integral of poly(dG) X poly(dC) much less than poly[d(A-T]) integral of ssDNA.  相似文献   

When the entire adeno-associated virus (AAV) genome is inserted into a bacterial plasmid, infectious AAV genomes can be rescued and replicated when the recombinant AAV-plasmid DNA is transfected into human 293 cells together with helper adenovirus particles. We have taken advantage of this experimental system to analyze the effects of several classes of mutations on replication of AAV DNA. We obtained AAV mutants by molecular cloning in bacterial plasmids of naturally occurring AAV variant or defective-interfering genomes. Each of these mutants contains a single internal deletion of AAV coding sequences. Also, some of these mutant-AAV plasmids have additional deletions of one or both AAV terminal palindromes introduced during constructions in vitro. We show here that AAV mutants containing internal deletions were defective for replicative form DNA replication (rep-) but could be complemented by intact wild-type AAV. This indicates that an AAV replication function, Rep, is required for normal AAV replication. Mutants in which both terminal palindromes were deleted (ori-) were also replication defective but were not complementable by wild-type AAV. The cis-dominance of the ori- mutation shows that the replication origin is comprised in part of the terminal palindrome. Deletion of only one terminal palindrome was phenotypically wild-type and allowed rescue and replication of AAV genomes in which the deleted region was regenerated apparently by an intramolecular correction mechanism. One model for this correction mechanism is proposed. An AAV ori- mutant also complemented replication of AAV rep- mutants as efficiently as did wild-type AAV. These studies also revealed an unexpected additional property of the deletion mutants in that monomeric single-stranded single-stranded DNA accumulated very inefficiently even though monomeric single-stranded DNA from the complementing wild-type AAV did accumulate.  相似文献   

The nonstructural NS3 protein of the hepatitis C virus is a multifunctional enzyme with an N-terminal serine protease activity and a C-terminal helicase activity. The helicase is capable of unwinding both DNA and RNA duplexes; however, the overall processivity of the helicase is fairly low. We show here that single-strand binding (SSB) proteins enhance the unwinding processivity of both the NS3 helicase domain (NS3h) and the full-length protease-helicase NS3-4A. The detailed study of the effect of SSB on the DNA unwinding activity of NS3h indicates that the SSB stabilizes the helicase at the unwinding junction and prevents its dissociation. These results suggest a potential role for either cellular or virus-encoded SSB protein in improving the processivity of the NS3 in vivo.  相似文献   

Ricin A chain was radioactively labeled using reductive alkylation, lactoperoxidase catalyzed iodination, and reaction with iodoacetamide or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). The inhibition of cell-free rat liver protein synthesis by the modified A chains and the ribosome binding characteristics of each of the labeled derivatives was examined. [3H] NEM was found to quantitatively react with the A chain sulfhydryl group normally involved in a disulfide bond with the B chain in intact ricin. Labeling the protein with [3H] NEM had no effect on the in vitro inhibition of protein synthesis by the A chain. [3H] NEM-labeled A chain binds to rat liver ribosomes in a manner which is dependent on the concentrations of NaCl and Mg2+. At optimal Mg2+ concentration (5.5 mM), A chain binding to ribosomes is saturable and fully reversible either by dilution of the reaction mixture or by addition of unlabeled A chain. At 5.5 mM Mg2+, A chain was found to bind to a single site on rat liver ribosomes with a dissociation constant of 6.2 X 10?8 M. [3H] NEM-labeled A chain did not bind to isolated 40S ribosomal subunits and bound to 60S ribosomal subunits with a 1 : 1 molar stoichiometry and a dissociation constant of 2.2 X 10?7 M. The relationship between ribosome binding and A chain inhibition of eucaryotic protein synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Translocation of double-stranded DNA into a preformed capsid by tailed bacteriophages is driven by powerful motors assembled at the special portal vertex. The motor is thought to drive processive cycles of DNA binding, movement, and release to package the viral genome. In phage T4, there is evidence that the large terminase protein, gene product 17 (gp17), assembles into a multisubunit motor and translocates DNA by an inchworm mechanism. gp17 consists of two domains; an N-terminal ATPase domain (amino acids 1-360) that powers translocation of DNA, and a C-terminal nuclease domain (amino acids 361-610) that cuts concatemeric DNA to generate a headful-size viral genome. While the functional motifs of ATPase and nuclease have been well defined and the ATPase atomic structure has been solved, the DNA binding motif(s) responsible for viral DNA recognition, cutting, and translocation are unknown. Here we report the first evidence for the presence of a double-stranded DNA binding activity in the gp17 ATPase domain. Binding to DNA is sensitive to Mg2+ and salt, but not the type of DNA used. DNA fragments as short as 20 bp can bind to the ATPase but preferential binding was observed to DNA greater than 1 kb. A high molecular weight ATPase-DNA complex was isolated by gel filtration, suggesting oligomerization of ATPase following DNA interaction. DNA binding was not observed with the full-length gp17, or the C-terminal nuclease domain. The small terminase protein, gp16, inhibited DNA binding, which was further accentuated by ATP. The presence of a DNA binding site in the ATPase domain and its binding properties implicate a role in the DNA packaging mechanism.  相似文献   

The tetracycline resistance determinant in transposon Tn10 consists of two genes, the tetA resistance gene and the tetR repressor gene, that are transcribed from divergent overlapping promoters. We determined the levels of pulse-labeled tet messenger RNA in Escherichia coli strains with the Tn10 tet genes on a multicopy plasmid. Addition of the inducer 5a,6-anhydrotetracycline results in a 270- to 430-fold increase in tetA mRNA and a 35- to 65-fold increase in tetR mRNA. As judged by the relative molar amounts of tetA and tetR mRNA synthesized under maximally inducing conditions, the tetA promoter (tetPA) is 7 to 11 times more active than the two tetR promoters (tetPR1 and tetPR2) combined. We characterized ten mutations in tetPA, including nine single-base-pair substitutions and a 30-base-pair deletion. All of the single-base-pair changes reduce the agreement with the consensus sequence for promoters recognized by E. coli RNA polymerase. Mutations in highly conserved nucleotides result in a 200- to 600-fold reduction in tetPA activity in vivo. Unexpectedly, tetPA mutations reduce by two- to fourfold the combined activity in vivo of tetPR1 and tetPR2, in spite of their locations outside the -35 and -10 regions of tetPR1 and tetPR2. For two tetPA mutations, the negative effect on tetPR activity was also demonstrated in tetR- tetPR-lacZ operon fusion strains, thus eliminating the possibility that it is due to variations in either plasmid copy-number or induction efficiency. The pleiotropic effects of tetPA mutations are discussed in terms of the expectation that the overlapping tet promoters compete for RNA polymerase.  相似文献   

DNA replication in all organisms requires polymerases to synthesize copies of the genome. DNA polymerases are unable to function on a bare template and require a primer. Primases are crucial RNA polymerases that perform the initial de novo synthesis, generating the first 8–10 nucleotides of the primer. Although structures of archaeal and bacterial primases have provided insights into general priming mechanisms, these proteins are not well conserved with heterodimeric (p48/p58) primases in eukaryotes. Here, we present X-ray crystal structures of the catalytic engine of a eukaryotic primase, which is contained in the p48 subunit. The structures of p48 reveal that eukaryotic primases maintain the conserved catalytic prim fold domain, but with a unique subdomain not found in the archaeal and bacterial primases. Calorimetry experiments reveal that Mn2 + but not Mg2 + significantly enhances the binding of nucleotide to primase, which correlates with higher catalytic efficiency in vitro. The structure of p48 with bound UTP and Mn2 + provides insights into the mechanism of nucleotide synthesis by primase. Substitution of conserved residues involved in either metal or nucleotide binding alter nucleotide binding affinities, and yeast strains containing the corresponding Pri1p substitutions are not viable. Our results reveal that two residues (S160 and H166) in direct contact with the nucleotide were previously unrecognized as critical to the human primase active site. Comparing p48 structures to those of similar polymerases in different states of action suggests changes that would be required to attain a catalytically competent conformation capable of initiating dinucleotide synthesis.  相似文献   

The SOS response to DNA damage in Escherichia coli involves at least 43 genes, all under the control of the LexA repressor. Activation of these genes occurs when the LexA repressor cleaves itself, a reaction catalyzed by an active, extended RecA filament formed on DNA. It has been shown that the LexA repressor binds within the deep groove of this nucleoprotein filament, and presumably, cleavage occurs in this groove. Bacteriophages, such as λ, have repressors (cI) that are structural homologs of LexA and also undergo self-cleavage when SOS is induced. It has been puzzling that some mutations in RecA that affect the cleavage of repressors are in the C-terminal domain (CTD) far from the groove where cleavage is thought to occur. In addition, it has been shown that the rate of cleavage of cI by RecA is dependent upon both the substrate on which RecA is polymerized and the ATP analog used. Electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstructions show that the conformation and dynamics of RecA's CTD are also modulated by the polynucleotide substrate and ATP analog. Under conditions where the repressor cleavage rates are the highest, cI is coordinated within the groove by contacts with RecA's CTD. These observations provide a framework for understanding previous genetic and biochemical observations.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli UvrD is a superfamily 1 helicase/translocase involved in multiple DNA metabolic processes including methyl-directed mismatch DNA repair. Although a UvrD monomer can translocate along single-stranded DNA, a UvrD dimer is needed for processive helicase activity in vitro. E. coli MutL, a regulatory protein involved in methyl-directed mismatch repair, stimulates UvrD helicase activity; however, the mechanism is not well understood. Using single-molecule fluorescence and ensemble approaches, we find that a single MutL dimer can activate latent UvrD monomer helicase activity. However, we also find that MutL stimulates UvrD dimer helicase activity. We further find that MutL enhances the DNA-unwinding processivity of UvrD. Hence, MutL acts as a processivity factor by binding to and presumably moving along with UvrD to facilitate DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) plays essential roles in DNA replication, recombination and repair. SSB functions as a homotetramer with each subunit possessing a DNA binding domain (OB-fold) and an intrinsically disordered C-terminus, of which the last nine amino acids provide the site for interaction with at least a dozen other proteins that function in DNA metabolism. To examine how many C-termini are needed for SSB function, we engineered covalently linked forms of SSB that possess only one or two C-termini within a four-OB-fold “tetramer”. Whereas E. coli expressing SSB with only two tails can survive, expression of a single-tailed SSB is dominant lethal. E. coli expressing only the two-tailed SSB recovers faster from exposure to DNA damaging agents but accumulates more mutations. A single-tailed SSB shows defects in coupled leading and lagging strand DNA replication and does not support replication restart in vitro. These deficiencies in vitro provide a plausible explanation for the lethality observed in vivo. These results indicate that a single SSB tetramer must interact simultaneously with multiple protein partners during some essential roles in genome maintenance.  相似文献   

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