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Synopsis The downstream transport of fish larvae is well known from temperate running waters, but there exists remarkably little information for tropical streams. We sampled drift in two Andean piedmont streams during the dry seasons of 1986–1988. Bryconamericus deuterodonoides (Characidae) larvae were found to be extremely abundant in some drift collections, with peak drift densities exceeding those of temperate streams by as much as an order of magnitude. Drift of fish larvae displayed pronounced diel periodicity, with more than one-quarter of a million larvae collected during the night compared to two individuals during the day. Fish larvae were more abundant during the latter compared to early part of the dry season, even in years when streams were reduced to small isolated pools by the end of the season. These observations indicate that the dry season represents an important period of reproduction for the characid, Bryconamericus deuterodonoides, and possibly other neotropical fish species.  相似文献   

Estimates of age derived from daily ring counts from otoliths and capture rates of larval June sucker Chasmistes liorus were used to determine the relationship between discharge rates of the Provo River and residence time and patterns of larval drift. During 1997, larval drift occurred over a 22 day period when discharge rates were low (mean ±s.d. 3·2 ± 0·0 m3 s?1). In 1998, larval drift occurred in two separate events over a 40 day period. Discharge was higher during the first larval drift period (19 days; 24·8 ± 1·3 m3 s?1) and lower during the second larval drift period (17 days; 7·0 ± 0·9 m3 s?1). In 1997, no larval fish were collected at the lowermost transect on the Provo River (nearest Utah Lake), and few larvae >21 days of age were found. During the first drift period of 1998, larval C. liorus were collected at all transects, and mean age of larvae collected between upstream and downstream transects increased by c. 7 days. During the second drift period of 1998, only a few were collected in the lowermost transects, and age did not increase with proximity to the lake. Patterns in catch and age distribution of larval C. liorus in the lower Provo River suggest that recruitment failure occurs during the larval drift period in years with insufficient discharge to transport larvae into the lake.  相似文献   

A small irrigation diversion dam near Chiloquin, Oregon, was removed and replaced with a pump station to improve fish passage for Lost River suckers (Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose suckers (Chasmistes brevirostris) entering the Sprague River on their spawning migrations. During the developmental phase of the pump station, a need was identified to better understand the larval drift characteristics of these endangered catostomids in order to reduce entrainment into the irrigation system. The spatial, seasonal, and diel distribution of drifting larvae was measured during the 2004 spawning season at two proposed sites on the Williamson River where the pump station could be located. Larval drift for both species coincided with the irrigation season making them subject to entrainment into the irrigation system. Drift occurred almost exclusively at night with larvae entering the drift at sunset and exiting the drift at sunrise. Nighttime larval densities were concentrated near the surface and at midchannel at both sites. Densities were generally greater on the side of mid-channel with greater flow. During early morning sampling we detected a general shift in larval drift from surface to subsurface drift. We also observed an increase in larval densities towards the shore opposite from the proposed pump station at the upper site whereas larval densities remained high at midchannel at the lower site. During daytime sampling, the few larvae that were collected were distributed throughout the water column at both pump sites. This study found that larvae drifting during all time periods were generally distributed further across the cross section, deeper in the water column, and closer to where the proposed water withdrawal structure would be built at the downstream site when compared to the upstream site. Recommendations were provided to locate the withdrawal facility at the upstream site and operate it in a manner such that larval entrainment would likely be minimized.  相似文献   

Downstream movements of young-of-the-year fish in Catamaran Brook and the Little Southwest Miramichi River, New Brunswick, Canada were monitored by drift sampling during June and July of 1994, 1995 and 1996. Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , white sucker Catostomus commersoni , Cyprinidae, and sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus , were the most commonly captured taxa. All taxa moved downstream almost exclusively at night. Movement was greatest near midnight then declined towards dawn. Drift abundances peaked in mid-June for Atlantic salmon, late June for white sucker, and early July for Cyprinidae. Dates of peak movement were earlier in the Little Southwest Miramichi River than in Catamaran Brook for all taxa. Salmon fry captured in drift samplers were shorter than salmon fry captured by electrofishing near the sampling sites. Salmon fry captured in Catamaran Brook drift samplers were heavier at length than those captured in Little Southwest Miramichi River drift samplers. Results suggest that Catamaran Brook provides relatively better habitat for Atlantic salmon fry growth and relatively poorer habitat for larval white sucker growth than the Little Southwest Miramichi River.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Quantitative variations in downstream movements of benthic macroinvertebrates were studied in a large European river, the Rhône, upstream from Lyon. Artificial substrates were suspended at three depths in the water column, both near a bunk and in mid-channel, monthly from December 1978 to March 1980. Drift nets were used to determine the diurnal rhythm in drift and to investigate the efficiency of our suspended artificial substrates in capturing the drifting macrofauna. 2. Drift densities (number and biomass) reached a maximum during summer, especially near the river bank, and at night. Mean individual weight of organisms was higher close to the bottom and at night. 3. Artificial substrates were reliable, but underestimated drift by about a quarter in number and a sixth in biomass. compared with drift nets. Two detailed analyses of the drift distribution across the width of the river revealed similar densities along both banks, and uniformity in the channel as a whole. 4. Mean annual drift densities estimated for the section of river were 100 individuals, per 100 m3 and 60 mg dry weight per 100 m3. These densities are similar to those obtained from other temperate rivers.  相似文献   

The ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) is an annual, amphidromous, plecoglossid fish, distributed in Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. To date, ayu have been found only in two rivers in northern Vietnam, where little is known about their life history. The Tien Yen River is believed to be the most southwestern habitat for this species. To determine whether newly hatched ayu larvae drift and to understand their downstream migration, intensive surveys were conducted in the Tien Yen River from October to March of 2013–2016. In total, 529 drifting ayu larvae were collected from four of six sampling stations along the river. Thus, ayu reproduction has been confirmed in this river for the first time, where only adult fish had been found previously. However, we did not successfully collect larvae in the eastern branch of the river, which has a hydroelectric dam, suggesting that ayu do not inhabit this branch or else do not reproduce there. The presence of drifting larvae in the western branch from mid-December to late January implies that they spawn from late November to mid-January. Drifting larvae were captured primarily at night, but peak occurrences varied depending upon the day and the sampling station. With the range of body sizes and variable diel abundance patterns, ayu in the Tien Yen River probably employ multiple spawning grounds. This study provides fundamental life history data for the vulnerable ayu populations in northern Vietnam.  相似文献   

The bayou darter, Etheostoma rubrum (Percidae), is endemic to the Bayou Pierre system in Mississippi. Adult and juvenile E. rubrum occupy swift, shallow riffles or runs over coarse gravel and pebble substrata. Habitat requirements of larval and post-larval stages, and the role of downstream dispersal of larvae in colonizing riffles are poorly known. The potential for movement and the high level of habitat specificity for the discontinuous riffle habitat suggest that E. rubrum may comprise a metapopulation of linearly arranged local populations. The greatest population densities of E. rubrum occur in the upper reaches of Bayou Pierre. We hypothesized that metapopulation structure of E. rubrum may include source–sink dynamics, whereby downstream areas are a sink for larvae/early juveniles originating upstream. We tested hypotheses that a transport mechanism, larval drift, occurred in E. rubrum, and that downstream riffles showed characteristics of population sinks. We captured larval stages of E. rubrum in cross-sectional and longitudinal drift nets, and rates of drift tended to increase during the day. Larval E. rubrum (n=19) occurred in samples above and below riffle areas, with no differences among longitudinal drift nets placed above and below riffles. Thus, larval drift is a viable transport mechanism. Relative abundance of adults and juveniles declined from upstream to downstream, and inter-riffle distances increased with cumulative downstream distance. However, both predictions of the source–sink hypothesis were not supported. The distribution of size classes did not change between upstream and downstream riffles nor did the mean size-adjusted body mass.  相似文献   

Benthic communities in tributary–mainstem networks might interact via downstream drift of invertebrates or material from tributaries and adult dispersal from the mainstem. Depending on the strength of these interactions, mainstem downstream communities are expected to be more similar to tributary communities due to drift or habitat alteration. Communities not connected by flow are expected to be similar due to adult dispersal but decreasing in similarity with distance from the mainstem. We investigated interactions between invertebrate communities of a 7th order river and 5th order tributary by comparing benthic community structure in the river upstream and downstream of the tributary confluence and upstream in the tributary. Non-metric multidimensional scaling showed invertebrate communities and habitat traits from river locations directly downstream of the tributary clustered tightly, intermediate between tributary and mid-channel river locations. In addition, Bray–Curtis dissimilarity increased between the mainstem and tributary with distance upstream in the tributary. Our results indicate that similarities between mainstem and tributary communities are potentially caused by direct mass effects from tributary to downstream mainstem communities by invertebrate drift and indirect mass effects by habitat restructuring via material delivery from the tributary, as well as potential effects of adult dispersal from the river on proximal tributary communities.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Based on in situ gutter trials we related the drift of caddis flies to their benthic densities and to various abiotic factors in streams in the Ivory Coast (West Africa). Members of the families Hydropsychidae, Philopotamidae. Hydroptilidae and Leptoceridae were considered in detail.
2. The drift of larvae peaked at night in both early and late larval instars.
3. Drift of a larval group (a certain instar, species or higher taxon) was more often related to the benthic density of other larval groups than to its own benthic density.
4. Self-regulation of an upper benthic density of a larval group by emigration through drift was not statistically evident.
5. There was no straightforward relationship between drift and abiotic factors.
6. Drift rates differed between taxa as well as between larval instars (size groups) within a taxon. Newly hatched larvae had very high drift rates, whereas the last larval instar usually had the lowest drift rate.
7. We related these results to the violently fluctuating discharge of the streams in the study area and the consequent variability of space for lotic insects.
8. Drift estimates, made at the same time as a monitoring programme on possible side-effects of insecticides (Onchocerciasis Control Programme), failed to reflect benthic densities except in the night drift of Hydropsychidae.  相似文献   

Seasonal and diurnal patterns of larval and juvenile fish drift were investigated in the Marchfeldkanal, a man‐made side branch of the Danube River near Vienna, Austria. A clear seasonal pattern with peak densities in mid‐June was found. Species composition varied over time, showed a site specific pattern and was dominated by tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus . Water temperature was the main factor responsible for the increase of drift densities until the median drift date and repeated occurrence of early larval stages in drift indicated repeated spawning for many species. Significant differences in drift densities between different time periods of the day (day, dusk, night and dawn) were found for common bream Abramis brama , barbel Barbus barbus , chub Leuciscus cephalus , tubenose goby and roach Rutilus rutilus . The highest drift rates occurred at night (2200–0400 hours), with 86% of all larvae drifting during the hours of darkness. Fish larvae of different lengths drifting at different phases of the day were found for common bream, bleak Alburnus alburnus and chub, with largest larvae drifting during dusk (chub) and day (bleak and common bream). For bleak, all gudgeon species Gobio spp., tubenose goby, roach and for all cyprinid species combined, one 2 h night sample was found to be sufficient to predict the total 24 h drift.  相似文献   

Mortality that occurs during larval dispersal as a consequence of environmental, maternal, and genetic effects and their interactions can affect annual recruitment in fish populations. We studied larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) drift for two consecutive nights to examine whether larvae from different females exposed to the same environmental conditions during dispersal differed in relative levels of mortality. We estimated proportional contributions of females to larval collections and relative larval loss among females as larvae dispersed downstream between two sampling sites based on genetically determined parentage. Larval collections were composed of unequal proportions of offspring from different females that spawned at upstream and downstream locations (~0.8 km apart). Hourly dispersal patterns of larvae produced from females spawning at both locations were similar, with the largest number of larvae observed during 22:00–23:00 h. Estimated relative larval loss did not differ significantly among females as larvae were sampled at two sites approximately 0.15 and 1.5 km from the last section downstream of spawning locations. High inter- and intra-female variation in larval contributions and relative larval loss between nights may be a common feature of lake sturgeon and other migratory fish species, and likely is a source of inter-annual and intra-annual variation in fish recruitment.  相似文献   

1. Small permanent streams are coming under increasing pressure for water abstraction. Although these abstractions might only be required on a short‐term basis (e.g. summer time irrigation), the highest demand for water often coincides with seasonal low flows. 2. We constructed weirs and diversions that reduced discharge in three small streams (<4 m width) to test the hypotheses that short‐term water abstractions would decrease habitat availability and suitability for invertebrates, resulting in increased invertebrate drift, reduced taxonomic richness and decreased benthic invertebrate densities. 3. We sampled benthic invertebrates, invertebrate drift and periphyton at control (upstream) and impact (downstream) sites on each stream before and during 1 month of discharge reduction. 4. Discharge decreased by an average of 89–98% at impact sites and wetted width decreased by 24–30%. Water depth decreased by 28–64% while velocity decreased by 50–62%. Water conductivity, temperature and dissolved oxygen showed varying responses to flow reduction among the three streams, whereas algal biomass and pH were unaffected in all streams. 5. The densities of invertebrate taxa tended to increase in the impact reaches of these streams, even though invertebrate drift increased at impact sites in the first few days following discharge reduction. There were a higher proportion of mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies at the impact site on one stream after flow reduction. There were no changes to the number of taxa or species evenness at impact sites. 6. Our results suggest that for these small streams, the response of invertebrates to short‐term discharge reduction was to accumulate in the decreased available area, increasing local invertebrate density.  相似文献   

Chironomus riparius is one of the insect species which inhabit polluted rivers in large densities, indicating a high adaptive capacity. Previous studies showed that this capacity is expressed by the occurrence of adapted strains in metal polluted rivers. Differences in life history between metal-exposed and non-exposed midges have been demonstrated in laboratory experiments, and therefore a comparative field study of seasonal dynamics was carried out at two metal polluted sites and one reference site. Just downstream from a massive metal discharge, seasonal dynamics were almost identical to the upstream reference site. Circa four generations per year were produced. Further downstream, lower larval densities were recorded, especially during the second half of the sampling period. The influx of upstream C. riparius larvae into polluted sites was estimated by measuring larval drift just upstream from the point source of metal contamination and indicated a massive input to the standing stock downstream. It is concluded that drift of non-tolerant larvae is dominating the seasonal dynamics of midges downstream. Accordingly, genetic uniformity of chironomids inhabiting upstream and downstream sites is expected most of the time. However, research performed during the last decade, demonstrated that genetically adapted strains of C. riparius may develop at certain stages in the seasonal cycle. However, a stable metal-adapted C. riparius population at the first downstream site, is most likely present on rare occasions only.  相似文献   

Aedes albifasciatus is a floodwater mosquito widely distributed in Argentina. It is important from economic and medical points of view. A 4-year survey of seasonal variation in allele frequencies in a population of this species was undertaken to determine possible changes in the genetic structure and their correlation with environmental conditions. Significant temporal variation was detected at most of the loci, but it did not follow a cyclic or seasonal pattern. Multivariate analysis of principal components showed a remarkable homogeneity of samples collected from December 1993 to April 1995 and a clear differentiation of the November 1991, March 1992, and November 1993 samples. This variation could be correlated with the magnitude of rainfall occurring in the area. Passive transport of larvae by water streams and river freshets produced by floods would have mixed larvae from breeding sites with different allele frequencies, causing the genetic differentiation observed.  相似文献   

1. Aquatic predators may influence drift periodicity either directly or indirectly (by non‐consumptive effects involving chemical cues). We took drift samples (eight successive 3‐h sampling intervals over a 24‐h period) on five dates (September 2007, March, April, June and August 2008). Samples were taken at three sites (one site with trout throughout the year, two sites without trout but with fire salamander larvae as top predators from April to August, but without vertebrate predators during the rest of the year) in a stream near Vienna, Austria, to examine the effects of predators on drift periodicity. 2. Of 45 331 specimens caught, the most abundant taxa were Ephemeroptera (32.3%; mainly Baetidae), Diptera (21.5%; mainly Chironomidae), Amphipoda (17.4%; all Gammarus fossarum), Plecoptera (5.4%), Coleoptera (3.5%) and Trichoptera (1.2%). For more detailed analyses, we chose Ephemeroptera (Baetidae; n = 13 457) and Amphipoda (G. fossarum; n = 7888), which were numerous on all sampling dates. 3. The number of drifting baetids and amphipods, as well as total drift density, was generally higher at night than by day, although without predators these differences were significant for Gammaridae but not for Baetidae. 4. When broken down to size classes, night–day drift ratios generally were not significantly different from equality in all size classes of baetids when larval fire salamanders and trout were absent. When predators were present, however, baetid drift density was usually higher at night, except in the smallest and largest size classes. In all size classes of G. fossarum, drift density was usually higher at night, whether with or without the top predators. 5. Although we could study predator effects on drift periodicity at three sites on only a single stream, it seems that non‐consumptive effects may affect Baetidae. Salamander larvae, most probably via kairomones, induced a shift towards mainly nocturnal drift, which could be interpreted as predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Ichthyoplankton drift is threatened by hydropower dams elsewhere. Here we evaluated whether eggs and larvae of fish can perform downstream movements along a large reservoir in a...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   We tested the hypothesis that the abundance of Brown-headed Cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) and their hosts, as well as parasitism rates, changed between 1992–1993 and 2001–2003 in riparian habitats in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada, where riparian habitat has been reduced in area by more than 85% over the past 60 years. Cowbird abundance declined from a mean of 2.1 and 1.9 individuals per census plot in 1992 and 1993, respectively, to 0.66 individuals per plot in 2001–2002. The mean number of potential host individuals per census plot was also lower in 2001–2002 (5.5) than in 1992 (7.0) and 1993 (7.8). Although the percentage of Yellow Warbler ( Dendroica petechia ) nests parasitized declined (77% in 1992–1993 to 50% in 2002–2003), Yellow Warblers and Song Sparrows ( Melospiza melodia ) in the Okanagan Valley continue to be parasitized at high rates and have low nesting success. Host species and the distance of nests from the edge of nest patches were the strongest predictors of both nest success and parasitism, indicating the importance of large continuous patches of shrubs that allow nests to be located further from edges.  相似文献   

1. Migratory shrimps are often major biotic components of tropical stream communities, yet spatial and temporal patterns of their migration have yet to be described. This information is of increasing importance given the continued fragmentation of tropical streams by damming and water abstraction/diversion, which can disrupt migratory life cycles. 2. Larval amphidromous shrimps are released by adult females in freshwater streams. They then drift passively to an estuarine habitat where they metamorphose before migrating back upstream. Drift of larval shrimps was sampled over two to five 24-h periods at each of three sites along two rivers that drain the Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico: the Espíritu Santo (10, 135 and 335 m a.s.l.) and the Mameyes (10, 90 and 290 m a.s.l.). A total of seventeen diel samplings were conducted. 3. Shrimp drift increased in the downstream direction in both catchments, and had a significant positive exponential relationship with length of stream channel above each site. There was no significant difference between catchments with respect to mean daily drift rate per km of stream channel. Maximum observed larval shrimp density was 69 102 larvae 100 m–3 (1.7 g dry mass 100 m–3), which is high relative to published invertebrate drift studies. 4. The pattern of shrimp drift agreed with the ’risk of predation hypothesis‘. In stream reaches with predatory fish, drift of larval shrimps occurred at night and was slight during the day. A nocturnal peak in drift occurred between 19.00 and 22.00 h. At a high-altitude site, where predatory fish were absent, no diel pattern was discernible. 5. The present study provides information on the timing of migratory drift of larval shrimps, which can minimize the adverse effects of water abstraction from streams draining the Luquillo Experimental Forest. Elimination of water withdrawal during peak larval drift after dark will significantly reduce shrimp mortality.  相似文献   

The Eastern English Channel is known for its strong hydrodynamics.Tidal and residual currents are reinforced by the south-westerndominant wind and drift waters from the English Channel to theNorth Sea. Previous spatial studies have shown that the advectionof larvae could differ from one species to another. Flounder(Pleuronectes flesus) larvae were found offshore, drifting tothe north until the fins were formed; then they were found nearthe coast. However, sole (Solea solea) larvae remained in coastalwaters during their development. The difference in larval spatialdistribution is assumed to be related to the interaction betweenvertical migration and advection by alternative tidal currents,leading to a selective tidal stream transport. To describe thevertical distribution of these larvae, two strategies were used.First, a Eulerian study was carried out with samples taken atthe same geographical location every 1.5 h for 41 h. Ichthyoplanktonwere collected in the water mass using a Bongo net and witha suprabenthic multi-net sledge, at four layers above the seabed, between 0.1 and 1.4 m. Secondly, to enable water movementto be disregarded, a Lagrangian study was carried out by usinga Bongo net every 3 h, following a drifting buoy for 3 days.The results show that even during the youngest stages, solelarvae are able to perform tidal and diel vertical migration.We assume that they may limit their advection to the North Seabecause of their upward migration during ebb and at night, whichmay enable them to remain in the same area dealing with thecurrents. Flounder larvae begin their vertical migration atthe stage of notochord flexion, which ends their drift to thenorth. The larvae reach the bottom of the water column, particularlyduring ebb when they are concentrated in the first 40 cm abovethe bottom. This behaviour favours their advection during flow,leading to efficient and fast transport towards the coast.  相似文献   

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