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In this study we investigated the male testicular activity and the reproductive condition of females in relation to their external reproductive characteristics (pregnant, lactating, post-lactating) in the phyllostomid bat Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818). Five hundred and twenty six individuals were examined (197 males and 329 females) in the period December 2001 to May 2003. Throughout the study most males displayed large scrotal testes. Thirty-three males were randomly selected for histological examination at various times throughout the year and were found to have spermatogenic testes. The reproductive characteristics of the females indicated that they were reproductively active mainly during the wet season. Pregnancy occurs at the end of the dry season and parturition in the wet season. Most individuals captured after this season, mainly the females, were sexually immature. Our results suggest a seasonal monoestrous reproductive pattern for the species; however, adult males being fertile throughout the year could suggest polyoestry. Seasonal polyoestry is a possibility. There was, however, no evidence that females had more than one pregnancy per year.  相似文献   

Felids are generally considered to be crepuscular and nocturnal in their activity, but few studies have attempted to analyze the variability of their activity patterns. We studied the daily activity of the Iriomote cat Prionailurus iriomotensis by radio-tracking on Iriomote Island, Japan. The general activity patterns of Iriomote cats showed slightly prevailing activity during dark periods of the day with particular peaks at dawn and dusk or during the early hours of the night. However, these patterns were clearly dependent on the sex and reproductive status of the cat. Peaks of cats’ activity coincided with those of their main prey. On average, the cats were active for thirteen hours per day. During the mating season, the rhythm of activity in males followed that of breeding females, but not that of non-breeding ones. Males exhibited 11% higher total daily activity and longer active bouts during the mating period than in the remainder of the year. Breeding females had additional mid-day activity peak during the nursing period, but their total time of activity per day was 16% lower than in the period of kittens’ independence. Their active bouts were shorter and more frequent during nursing than at other times. These results suggest that lactating females perform frequent movements to and from the den site to care for kittens. During the non-nursing period, females increased their activity, possibly in response to lowered prey abundance and the need of intensive foraging to recover after lactation. Seasonal and sexual variation of activity patterns in the Iriomote cats confirmed the existence of different reproductive strategies of males and females of these solitary carnivores.  相似文献   

We monitored individual reproductive timing and output in a common hamster population in Vienna over a 3-year period. Animals were live-trapped, weighed, individually marked, and reproductive status was determined at capture. Costs of reproduction were investigated by measuring body condition shortly before hibernation and overwinter survival. Our results indicated that early emerging females had more litters and weaned more offspring per season. Body mass throughout the active season did not differ significantly between females with high and low reproductive output. High reproductive output seemed to affect the duration of the active season. Successful females had a longer postreproduction period before hibernation than less successful ones, probably serving to balance the costs of reproductive effort by extended preparation for hibernation. Also, females that had emerged early in spring and had high reproductive success were more likely to survive the subsequent winter. Hence, we found female common hamsters to vary strongly in maternal investment capacity and to tailor reproductive strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids, a group of adrenal hormones, are secreted in response to stress. In male primates, variables such as breeding seasonality, dominance hierarchy stability, and aggressive and affiliative interactions can affect glucocorticoid levels. In this study, we examined interindividual differences in mean fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) levels among males in three groups of wild ring-tailed lemurs to better understand the physiological costs of group living for males in a female-dominant species that exhibits strict reproductive seasonality. Fecal and behavioral data samples were collected during one mating and two postmating seasons (2001 and 2003). The mean fGC levels were examined in relation to reproductive season, male rank, number of resident males, intermale and female-male agonism, and affiliative behavior with females. The mean fGC levels were not significantly elevated during mating season compared to the postmating period. During the mating season, male dominance hierarchies broke down and rank effects could not be tested; however, there was no relationship between male rank and fGC levels in the postmating periods. In 2001, males that resided in the group with the fewest males exhibited lower fGC levels during the postmating period. They also affiliated more with females than did males in the other groups. During the mating season of 2003, males engaged in more affiliative behaviors with females compared to the postmating season, but female-male agonism did not differ by season. However, rates of intermale agonism were significantly higher during mating compared to postmating periods, but such heightened agonism did not translate to a higher stress response. Thus, neither male-male competition for mates nor heightened agonism between males during the breeding season affected male fGC levels. Fewer males residing in a group, however, did have some effect on male-female affiliation and male fGC levels outside of the mating period. Males that live in a group with only a few (two or three) males may experience less physiological stress than those that live in groups with more males.  相似文献   

Dwarf seahorses, Hippocampus zosterae (Syngnathidae), are distinguished by extreme morphological specialization for paternal care, the formation of monogamous pair bonds and mating repeatedly over the course of a breeding season. To determine the potential reproductive rates of male and female dwarf seahorses, we measured (1) the maximum number of offspring produced per breeding cycle when sexually receptive mates were unlimited, and (2) the relative time each sex was unavailable for mating ('time out'). We paired sexually isolated males and females with sexually receptive partners and observed them from the day of introduction through to copulation, to determine the length of time it takes each sex to prepare to mate. We conducted additional experiments to determine the length of gestation, which when added to the time needed to prepare to mate and copulate gives an estimate of total reproductive cycle duration, T. We estimated potential reproductive rate by dividing the mean number of offspring produced per breeding cycle by the duration of the breeding cycle (T). We estimated reproductive 'time out' by identifying the period of time males and females were physiologically capable of mating ('time in', S) and subtracting time S from time T. When provided with sexually receptive partners, females took 2 days longer than males to complete courtship and copulation, but neither males nor females remated during gestation. Therefore, males could potentially produce 17% more offspring than females over the course of one breeding season. Females had reproductive 'times out' 1.2 times longer than did males, as they were only capable of mating during the 4 h directly preceding copulation. Thus, H. zosterae males have higher potential reproductive rates and shorter reproductive 'times out' compared with H. zosterae females. These results and previous work indicating that seahorses display traditional courtship roles support the prediction that the sex having the higher potential reproductive rate, or equivalently, the shorter 'time out', will compete more intensely for access to the opposite sex. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

I investigated sexual differences in activity levels, and their adaptive significance in gray mouse lemurs, Microcebus murinus, during the dry season. I studied them between April and September, 1999, at Kirindy Forest, a dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar. Six males and 6 females were radiocollared and followed using focal individual sampling. The males remained active throughout the dry season, whereas the females hibernated for up to 3 mo. Males exhibited a gradual decrease in activity from May to June and some of them remained inactive for periods of a few days to 1 wk. Males were more active in July. Though there were changes in the duration of time spent sleeping, there was no significant change in male body mass throughout the period. Males appear to prefer to rest in nests that are close to or coincident with those preferred by females, and multiple males may simultaneously share nests with multiple hibernating females. Males occupying nests that are close to or coincident with nests preferred by females tend to switch nests less frequently than others do. Researchers have suggested that high levels of activity prepare males for the mating season, which occurs at the end of the dry season. Presumably, by maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the dry season, certain males may position themselves to monopolize the best tree holes during the mating season. The reproductive advantages gained by this behavior may overshadow the costs of remaining active during the dry season when resources are scarce, temperatures are low, and predator pressure is high. Measurements on captured males confirm a weak (nonsignificant) positive correlation between body mass and activity levels. There is no indication that the heavier, more active males were better able to monopolize the best tree holes.  相似文献   

Gail R. Michener 《Oecologia》1992,89(3):397-406
Summary Over-winter torpor patterns of Richardson's ground squirrels hibernating in southern Alberta were monitored with temperature-sensitive radiocollars to determine if these patterns differed between males and females in a manner related to the greater costs of mating effort by males than females. The hibernation season (from immergence to emergence) was composed of three periods: post-immergence euthermy, heterothermy, and pre-emergence euthermy. The hibernation season was shorter for juveniles than adults both among males (< 150 versus 234 days) and females (185 versus 231 days), a reflection of the later immergence into hibernation by juveniles. However, regardless of the absolute duration of hibernation, heterothermy accounted for a smaller proportion of the hibernation season of males (93±5%) than females (98±1%) and, within the heterothermal period, males had shorter torpor bouts and longer inter-torpor arousals. Overall, males spent a smaller proportion of the hibernation season in torpor (85±6%) than females (92±1%). This sexual difference was largely attributable to the longer duration of preemergence euthermy for males than females. Males terminated torpor in January and February, when hibernacula were at their coldest, then remained euthermic for 8.8 days (range 0.5–25.0 days) before emergence. In contrast, females terminated torpor in March, when hibernaculum temperatures were increasing, then remained euthermic for only 1.1 days (range 0.5–2.0 days) before emergence. Males lost less mass per euthermic day during hibernation than females (7.0 versus 9.3 g/day). Males and females hibernated at similar depths (56 cm), but males had larger chambers than females (18 versus 16 cm3/g). Many males, but no females, cached seeds in the hibernaculum. Males met the costs of thermogenesis and euthermy from a combination of fat reserves and food caches, whereas females relied solely on fat. Access to food caches permitted males to terminate torpor several weeks in advance of emergence, during which time they recouped mass and developed sperm in preparation for the forthcoming mating season.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of sexual selection in the monogamous, sexually dimorphic barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) were studied during a seven-year period. First, the sex ratio of reproducing adults was male-biased, and mated males had significantly longer tail ornaments than unmated males. Secondly, some of the unmated individuals later committed infanticide and became mated with the mother of the killed brood. Fathers of killed broods had significantly shorter tails than other males, and there was a tendency for infanticidal males to have longer tail ornaments than other unmated males. Thirdly, long-tailed male barn swallows were more successful in acquiring extra-pair copulations than other males, and females involved in extra-pair copulations, as compared to females not involved in such copulations, had mates with shorter tail ornaments. Fourthly, male barn swallows having long tails as compared to short-tailed males acquired mates in better body condition. Females mated to long-tailed males reproduced earlier, laid more eggs and were more likely to have two clutches than were females mated to short-tailed males. Finally, females mated to long-tailed males put more effort into reproduction than did other females, as evidenced by their relatively larger contribution to feeding of offspring. Thus, at least five different components of sexual selection affected male reproductive success. Selection arising from differential success during extra-pair copulations, differential reproductive success and differential male reproductive effort thus accounted for most of the selection on tail ornaments in male barn swallows.  相似文献   

An adaptive decline in average clutch size with progressive date of laying is characteristic of most bird species with a single clutch of variable size per year. The effect of photoperiod on timing of laying, clutch size, and subsequent molt was investigated in kestrel pairs breeding and raising their young in captivity. In natural daylight (nLD), clutch size, under ad libitum feeding, showed the same decline with date as in nature. Birds breeding later also started molt later and molted faster (more feathers simultaneously), so that all birds completed molt more or less at the same time. Constant long days (LD 17.5:6.5 and LD 13:11) from December 1 onward advanced both reproduction and molt. The LD 17.5:6.5 group developed the reproductive system faster, had a shorter courtship period, and laid eggs earlier than the LD 13:11 group. In both photoperiods there was a decrease in clutch size with progressive laying date, similar to that in nLD. Molt started in both groups at about the end of the laying period and slowed down in the longer photoperiod, especially in males. Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) changes in the two photoperiods were different for males and females. Males showed the expected slower LH response in the shorter photoperiod, but the initial LH response by females was the same in both photoperiods. Data on LH, reproductive behavior, and body mass suggest that females have a wider annual reproductive window than males. Data on time of laying and number of eggs suggest that clutch size in the kestrel is determined by laying date itself, following an endogenous rhythm that is phase-locked to the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Young, sexually mature female rhesus monkeys copulate on more days prior to conception than do older females, and this prolonged discrete mating period is associated with an earlier rise in serum estradiol prior to the first ovulation of the breeding season. The influence of repeated ovulatory cycles and the presence of a suckling infant on the copulatory patterns were examined in two separate analyses. Extending previous work, young, nulliparous females copulated on more days at the first ovulation of the breeding season than did older, multiparous females. However, the duration of the copulatory period at the second ovulation of the breeding season was similar and significantly shorter for both age groups. Furthermore, the presence of a suckling infant did not influence the duration of the mating periods in adult, multiparous females. The onset of copulatory behavior for all females was associated with serum estradiol concentrations of approximately 90 pg/ml, indicating that the age and cycle differences in the duration of the copulatory periods are due to the time course of serum estradiol prior to ovulation. A separate, longitudinal analysis of the duration of the mating period associated with the first ovulation of three successive breeding seasons indicated that females copulated on more days during their first ovulatory cycle of their first breeding season. These data indicate that the copulatory interval is longer for females during the first ovulation of the breeding season, and this pattern is accentuated in young, sexually mature animals.  相似文献   

Parental favoritism in birds would be enhanced if parents cancontrol any egg feature influencing the ontogeny of the embryoduring incubation. Egg size and composition may influence theduration of incubation and hatching periods, and eggs bearingembryos of different sex may differ in size and composition.Therefore, the sex of the embryo could also influence its ontogenybefore hatching. We tested this prediction by investigatingthe duration of the embryonic period of different-sex embryosin the Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), a sexually dimorphicraptor in which adult females are approximately 20% heavierthan are adult males. We found the first evidence of sex differencesin the duration of the embryonic period in avian eggs. Femaleembryos had a shorter embryonic period than did male embryos,which allowed females to hatch earlier in the hatching sequenceand assume a higher rank than that of males in the intrabroodsize hierarchy. Embryos with a fast growth and development resultedin hatchlings with greater residual reserves and thus largermass, which suggests that a shorter embryonic period requiresless maintenance metabolism relative to growth. Our resultsalso indicated that early hatching may be advantageous to gaina high rank in the size hierarchy within the brood independentlyof the effect of sex on fledgling mass. Sex differences in avianegg ontogeny may therefore be a factor shaping life-historytraits associated with parental control of sibling competition,which should be addressed in any future work on optimal reproductiveinvestment.  相似文献   

Dominance relationships structure many animal societies, yet the process of rank attainment is poorly understood. We investigated acquisition of social dominance in winter flocks and its fitness consequences in male black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) over a 10-year period. Age was the best predictor of rank, and paired comparisons showed high-ranked males to be older than their low-ranked flock-mates. When controlling for age, morphological variables did not predict male social rank, but high-ranked males were heavier, had lower fat scores and were in leaner condition than low-ranked males. Males that survived between years tended to increase in rank over time; however, the rate of rank advancement varied individually. Rank reversals between familiar contestants were rare, and changes in male social rank were associated with changes in flock membership. Average lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of males and females was variable and best predicted by lifespan. Male rank history also influenced realized reproductive success. Birds with higher average rank over their lifespan were more likely to reproduce successfully. However, among successful birds, average rank did not significantly predict LRS. Thus, birds that lived longer and attained high social rank earlier had higher fitness, but this effect was not manifested as fine-scale differences among successful individuals. Taken together, these findings demonstrate the importance of social factors influencing individual fitness.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 85–95.  相似文献   

Using an individual identification technique, a population of worm pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis was followed during 19 months, in order to determine the exact use of the intertidal and, considering the specific movement patterns of males and females, the mating system exhibited by this population. Field observations showed that the number of adults increased during the breeding season, with males arriving 1 month earlier than females. Furthermore, males and females presented distinct permanence periods, showing that the intertidal is used as a mating arena. It was also observed that both male and female worm pipefish mated repeatedly over the span of a reproductive season, but females exhibited shorter remating intervals. Also, females stayed for longer periods on the mating grounds, the intertidal zone, whereas males typically left for the subtidal after mating, usually returning within 2 months. These inter‐sexual differences in the occupation of the intertidal suggest that females breed with different males but also that males accept eggs from various females since, on their return, a new group of mating partners was now available. Thus, N. lumbriciformis might be considered polygynandric. It is a clearly dimorphic species in spite of the observed polygynandry, suggesting that differences in remating intervals may be influential in determining the strength of sexual selection along with what may be expected from the polygynandrous mating system alone.  相似文献   

Assessing glucocorticoid levels in free-ranging nonhuman primates provides a means to determine the social and environmental stress load for individuals. We investigated the effect of four proximate variables--reproductive state, season, male rank stability, and dominance rank--on the level of fecal glucocorticoids (cortisol metabolites) in eight adult female white-faced capuchin monkeys in Costa Rica. Reproductive state, season, and male rank stability significantly affected fecal glucocorticoids while female dominance rank did not. Cortisol levels were significantly higher in pregnant females as compared with lactating or other reproductive states. Cortisol levels were higher among females during the dry season compared with the wet season, suggesting a metabolic adaptation to maintain homeostasis in drier, hotter conditions. Although unfamiliar males present a greater infanticidal threat than do familiar ones, we found that females experienced higher glucocorticoid levels during male rank instability events, regardless of whether the alpha male role was taken over by a familiar or an unfamiliar male. Our findings provide important benchmark and comparative data for future studies on the variables that affect glucocorticoid levels in this species and other mammals.  相似文献   

Thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus) have a single annual mating season in Michigan, beginning shortly after their spring emergence from hibernation. Captive females were studied during a 3-year period to determine relations among time of removal from the coldroom, vaginal estrus, and mating behavior. Following a 7-month period females spent in a coldroom, vaginal lavages were taken daily to monitor changes in estrous condition. Females removed from the coldroom about when free-living animals emerge from hibernation were in vaginal estrus within 24-48 hr and had an initial period of persistent estrus (ca. 3 weeks), followed by briefer (less than 1 week) and more sporadic estrous periods. Females left in the coldroom 3 weeks longer than normal had significantly briefer initial periods of vaginal estrus after being removed from the coldroom. Similarly, virgin Yearlings and virgin 2-Year-Olds had significantly briefer initial periods of estrus than nonvirgin Adults (greater than or equal to 2 years old). In 1985, eight of eight females paired with males mated within the first week after removal from the coldroom and subsequently produced litters. Mated females remained in vaginal diestrus from within a few days of mating until after parturition. In contrast, unmated females remained in prolonged vaginal estrus during this period. Females first paired with males 3 weeks after being taken from the coldroom failed to mate. In 1986, five of six females first paired with males 2 weeks after being removed from the coldroom similarly failed to mate. However, five of six females did mate that were removed from the coldroom 10 days after those in the previously described group and paired with a male 4 days after removal. This first report of reliable mating behavior in captive thirteen-lined ground squirrels should facilitate subsequent analysis of reproductive patterns in this species.  相似文献   

Captive breeding efforts of the threatened maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) have been plagued by a lack of reliable reproduction and a high rate of neonatal mortality. A particular problem for animal managers has been the ability to detect pregnancy in a noninvasive manner. Pseudopregnancies are common, and many staff hours are expended preparing for a birth that may not occur. The objectives of our study were to document changes in behavior during the breeding season in captive maned wolves in order to determine if behaviors other than sexual (i.e., copulation) could be used to distinguish nonbreeding from breeding pairs and, further, whether successful breeding pairs (young born) could be distinguished behaviorally from breeding pairs that did not produce young (pseudopregnant). Between 1988 and 1994, behavioral data were collected during the annual reproductive season from 52 maned wolf pairings (27 males, 26 females) housed at 17 North American institutions. Breeding animals showed significant increases in rates of affiliative behaviors (approach, friendly) and the amount of time spent in close association (social) during the estrous period, compared to pre- and post-estrous periods. In contrast, the behavior of nonbreeding pairs varied little throughout the breeding season. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) showed that several behavioral measurements during certain reproductive periods were useful in discriminating between nonbreeding and breeding animals (rates of friendly and social behavior for males, marking and social behavior for females). Unsuccessful (pseudopregnant) and successful breeding pairs could be further distinguished on the basis of agonistic and approach behavior frequencies (successful females showed higher rates of agonistic and lower rates of approach behavior during certain periods; successful males had higher rates of both behaviors). Discriminant equations for key behavioral measurements and examples of their practical application are presented. DFA provides animal managers with an effective, noninvasive technique for assessing the reproductive status of maned wolf pairs. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The reproductive strategy of a species depends upon the interaction between intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Examining the population of Leporinus friderici in two reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River basin in reference to first gonadal maturation and breeding season and sites, the present investigation tested whether the environment formed by damming promoted spatial and temporal changes in the reproductive strategy of this species. Analyses of sex ratios showed that females significantly predominated in Itaipu, while in Corumbá the sexes were about equal with a slight predominance of males. Size-associated sexual dimorphism was observed, that is females dominated the longer length categories, and males the shorter. The minimum size at which L. friderici initiated reproduction varied from year to year, and was larger in the periods soon after formation of both reservoirs. In Itaipu, stabilization between the maximum and minimum lengths at first maturation was also noted after year 6 following closure and continuing until year 15. In general, the breeding season lasted from October through April, although cyclic changes in the duration and intensity of this season were evident. Young individuals predominated during the entire study period in Corumbá. The formation of Itaipu Reservoir had a greater effect on the reproduction of L. friderici, where a gradual adaptation of the reproductive strategy of this species may possibly have been occurring. It is also possible that some of the characteristics of the Itaipu population will in the future be shown by the Corumbá population. It was concluded that reproductive strategies constitute ecological adaptations that are temporally and spatially altered and are fitted to resource availability and environmental pressure.  相似文献   

Individuals in free‐living animal populations generally differ substantially in reproductive success, lifespan and other fitness‐related traits, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this variation are poorly understood. Telomere length and dynamics are candidate traits explaining this variation, as long telomeres predict a higher survival probability and telomere loss has been shown to reflect experienced “life stress.” However, telomere dynamics among very long‐lived species are unresolved. Additionally, it is generally not well understood how telomeres relate to reproductive success or sex. We measured telomere length and dynamics in erythrocytes to assess their relationship to age, sex and reproduction in Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris borealis), a long‐lived seabird, in the context of a long‐term study. Adult males had on average 231 bp longer telomeres than females, independent of age. In females, telomere length changed relatively little with age, whereas male telomere length declined significantly. Telomere shortening within males from one year to the next was three times higher than the interannual shortening rate based on cross‐sectional data of males. Past long‐term reproductive success was sex‐specifically reflected in age‐corrected telomere length: males with on average high fledgling production were characterized by shorter telomeres, whereas successful females had longer telomeres, and we discuss hypotheses that may explain this contrast. In conclusion, telomere length and dynamics in relation to age and reproduction are sex‐dependent in Cory's shearwaters and these findings contribute to our understanding of what characterises individual variation in fitness.  相似文献   

Reproductive ecology, population structure, and diets of three common livebearing poeciliid fishes (Alfaro cultratus, Phallichthys amates, Poecilia gilli) from rainforest streams in Costa Rica were investigated over ten continuous months. The region experiences little annual temperature variation, and although monthly rainfall is continuous each year, two brief dry seasons typically occur. Monthly changes in indices of ovarian condition, percentages of females with developing embryos, and population size structure revealed that reproductive output by females of all three species varied seasonally. Based on testicular condition, males were reproductively active year-round, however the mean gonadal index for males of two algivorous species showed low levels of seasonal cycling that largely coincided with female variation in reproductive effort. All three species had seasonal differences in the female size-brood size relationship, whereby larger females tended to carry more embryos during the wet season. Several important adult and neonate food resources are more available in the flooded forest during the wet season, which is also the period when conspecifics and predators are at their lowest per-area densities. Three hypotheses are discussed: (1) brood size in relation to conspecific density-mating frequency, (2) reproductive allocation in response to variation in adult food resources, and (3) selection for greater reproductive effort during conditions optimal for juvenile growth and survival. Data for Alfaro were consistent with the latter two hypotheses. In Phallichthys and Poecilia, diets were poorer during wet seasons, indicating that reproductive effort does not coincide with availability of adult food resources, and that selection probably favors greater reproductive effort during periods optimal for juvenile growth and survival.  相似文献   

Body mass can impact reproductive performance in males and females. In nonhuman primates the relationship is often mediated by dominance. We measured body mass monthly in a provisioned group of bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) living at a Hindu temple. We also measured body mass on 3 occasions in a wild population of bonnet macaques. In the temple group, females that reproduced lost body mass, while females that did not reproduce gained body mass. Mass loss among females occurred primarily while they were nursing. Adult males from the temple group lost mass during the mating season and gained it during the non-mating season. Subadult males experienced less seasonal variation in body mass. Body mass and changes in mass were not related to dominance rank in either the temple or the forest group. Furthermore, maternal dominance rank did not affect infant mass. Females from the smallest forest group weighed significantly less than females from the two larger forest groups, which suggests intergroup competition in the population. Body mass was not related to dominance rank in a straightforward manner but may indirectly affect reproductive performance. The pattern of body mass change suggests that the period of lactation is critical for females and endurance rivalry is an important form of competition among males.  相似文献   

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