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The aim of the present study was to investigate the distribution of uranium (uranyl nitrate hexahydrate, UN) in muscle and organs (kidney, liver, and brain) of broilers, after a 7-day contamination with UN and administration of two different adsorbents (organobentonite and organozeolite). The birds were contaminated during 7 days with 25 mg/UN per day. Adsorbents were given via gastric tube, immediately after contamination with UN. In group 1 that did not receive any adsorbents, histopathological changes in the contaminated broilers were observed in small intestine, liver, and kidney in the form of necrosis of intestinal villi, oedema and cytoplasmic vacuolation of hepatocytes, and dystrophic changes in the kidney tubules epithelium. Organobentonite administered via gastric tube (group 2) reduced uranium distribution by 66 % in kidney, 81 % in liver, and 34 % in brain. In group 3, administration of organozeolite reduced uranium distribution by 67 % in kidney, 68 % in liver, and 49 % in brain. In groups 2 and 3, where the broilers received adsorbents immediately after the UN contamination, no histopathological lesions were observed.  相似文献   

The authors examined 137Cs accumulation and distribution in different structures and tissues of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated under laboratory conditions. The fungi were shown to concentrate 137Cs. A higher concentrations of the radionuclides in the fungi compared to their substrate is manifested at the first stages of the fruit body formation, the maximum content of 137Cs is accumulated by fungi in the middle of bearing stage. The fungus tissues are different by their accumulative capacity as follows (ascending range): central, more dense part of the stipe < stipe < mycelium < cap < generative tissues. 137Cs accumulation in the fruit bodies depends also on the fungus size and age.  相似文献   

Stationary and mobile field gamma spectrometry is a useful tool for rapid estimation of environmental radioactivity inventories on and in the ground. A weak point however, is that the depth distribution of the activity in the ground must be known in order to calculate the true activity per unit area or unit mass from an observed photon fluence rate. A promising method for converting incoming spectral data into both true activity content and depth distribution in real time is the peak-to-valley method, which is based on an analysis of the ratio between count rates from primary and forward-scattered photons. In this study the peak-to-valley method was adapted to car-borne mobile gamma spectrometry, where the depth distribution of (137)Cs is fitted to a Lorenz function. Results from field experiments with a large HPGe detector, utilising point sources at different depths, are presented. It was found that the method can be useful for mobile measurements with a measuring time of 5-10 min for activity concentrations of about 100 kBq.m(-2) or higher, resulting in an uncertainty in the estimate of the true activity of about 50%.  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特坡地土壤137Cs的剖面分布特征及其指示意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
分析了137Cs及土壤有机碳(SOC)在桂西北典型峰丛坡地及岩溶裂隙中的剖面分布特征,探讨了137Cs方法在喀斯特坡地的适用性及其指示的坡面土壤侵蚀特征.结果表明:所有剖面137Cs与SOC均显著相关,两者可能有相同的流失途径;次生林坡地137Cs主体分布深度在24 cm以内,中上及中坡剖面随深度呈指数递减分布,地表无侵蚀或侵蚀轻微,坡脚剖面呈较严重侵蚀形态;坡耕地剖面137Cs在耕层内均匀分布,中上坡及中坡主体分布深度在15 cm左右,面积活度远低于背景值,土壤侵蚀剧烈,坡脚分布深度至45 cm,呈堆积形态;次生林坡脚剖面、耕地中上坡剖面及所有裂隙剖面,137Cs在主体分布深度以下有断续极微量的分布,指示了喀斯特坡地土壤颗粒有随降雨沿地表负地形向地下流失的趋势,但流失量轻微.  相似文献   

The paper deals with a comparative study of 137Cs contamination in forest, old arable and cultivated soils of Tula Region. Initial interception of Chernobyl derived 137Cs is higher in forest ecosystems: oak-forest > birch-forest > pine-forest > agricultural ecosystems. Vertical migration of 137Cs in deeper layers of soils was intensive in agricultural ecosystems: cultivated soils > old arable soils > birch-forest soils > oak-forest soils > pine-forest soils. In study have been evaluated spatial variability of 137Cs in soil and asymmetrical distribution, that is a skew to the right. Spatial heterogeneity of 137Cs in agricultural soils is much lower than in forest soils. For cultivated soil are determined the rate of resuspension, which equal to 6.1 x 10(-4) day(-1). For forest soils are described the 137Cs concentration in litter of different ecosystems. The role of main accumulation and barrier of 137Cs retain higher layers of soils (horizon A1(A1E) in forest, horizon Ap in agricultural ecosystems) in long-term forecast after Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

The most spread mechanisms and models of 137Cs migration in soil were considered and the advantage of the models, which take into account the kinetics of sorption-desorption above the models with two components were presented.  相似文献   

Dynamics of 137Cs specific activity (SA) in woody plants was examined. It was found that interseasonal variations of SA are connected mainly with precipitations and related oxygen in soil as well as Eh level. The rate of daily variation in SA in an individual tree can reach 19%. Acropetal or basipetal 137Cs distribution in the bole depends on physiological condition category (PCC) of a tree, weather and environment; SA ratio of higher and lower PCC depends on the same factors. In winter compared to summer higher SA correlation of tree separate parts was observed. Trees with 137Cs acropetal distribution in bark had proven lower general CA level.  相似文献   

On five forests plots varying in species composition of woody plants and soil properties, 137Cs vertical distribution and 137Cs forms occurring in different horizons of forest soils have been studied. It was found that bulk 137Cs and contents of physico-chemical forms of this radionuclide in different horizons of forest soils vary considerably within both plots with different characteristics and individual horizons. The reported regularities can explain observed differences in 137Cs distribution in forest ecosystems of various types.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of 137Cs migration in forest ecosystem is presented, which describes the behaviour of this radionuclide in the forest litter-soil system, trees, understory and forest animals. The model's parameters for different types of forest ecosystems are estimated and model's adequacy is tested through the use of independent experimental data. The sensitivity of the model's output variables is analyzed to variations in the most significant parameters. The differences in the seasonal and mean annual dynamics of 137Cs concentration in muscles of roe deers and mooses are shown to be defined by specific features of the diets of these animals and variations in 137Cs content in the main diet components.  相似文献   

Potential for phytoextraction of137 Cs from a contaminated soil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Potential for phytoremediation of a soil contaminated with radiocesium was investigated in three phases: (1) hydroponic screening for plant species capable of accumulating elevated levels of cesium in shoots, (2) investigation of several amendments for their potential to increase the bioavailability of 137Cs in the contaminated soil, and (3) bioaccumulation of radiocesium in shoots of plants grown in137 Cs-contaminated soil.The bioaccumulation ratio for Cs in shoots of hydroponically grown plants ranged between 38 and 165. From solution, dicot species accumulated 2- to 4-fold more cesium in shoots than grasses. In studies investigating the bioavailability of 137Cs in aged contaminated soil, ammonium salts were found to be the most effective desorbing agents, releasing approximately 25% of the137 Cs. The extent of 137Cs desorption from the soil increased with ammonium concentration up to 0.2 M. In a pot study conducted in a greenhouse, there was significant species-dependent variability in the ability to accumulate 137Cs in the shoot from contaminated soil. The ability to accumulate 137Cs from the soil increased in the order: reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) < Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) < tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius)< cabbage (B. oleracea var. capitata). It was also found that addition of NH4NO3 solution to the soil elicited a two- to twelve-fold increase in 137Cs accumulation in the shoot. The greatest amount of 137Cs (40 Bq g-1 dw) was removed in shoots of cabbage grown in contaminated soil amended with 80 mmols NH4NO3 kg-1 soil. Bioaccumulation ratios of 2–3 were obtained with the best performing plant species. These values are significantly greater than those previously reported in the literature (usually <0.1) for plants grown on aged contaminated soil. These results indicate that careful species selection along with amendments that increase the bioavailability of137 Cs in the soil could greatly enhance the prospects for the use of plants to remediate 137Cs-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The soil-potato transfer factor for 137Cs (TF) was estimated by using results of 137Cs activity concentration measurements in 214 samples of soil and potato taken at fields with various level of contamination with 137Cs. The relationships between the coefficient TF and soil characteristics (acidity pH (KCl), content of K2O, P2O5, CaO and MgO in soil) and soil contamination with 137Cs have been analysed. The results show that the TF values tend to decrease with increasing concentration of 137Cs, K2O, P2O5, and CaO in considered sod-podsolic sandyloam soil. The regression function describing the TF dependence of 137Cs, K2O, P2O5, and CaO content in soil has been derived.  相似文献   

A method of calculation of radiocaesium concentration ratio in plants and mushrooms as a function of radionuclide and soil properties distribution within the root (myzelium) zone is presented. The method allows to predict the long-term dynamics of radiocaesium content in field and forest plants and mushrooms.  相似文献   

Summary The137Cs content of 118 species (668 samples) of higher fungi collected in the period from August 1984 to October 1989 at three different locations in Styria, Austria, was determined by gamma-spectrometry. The Cs-content of most mushrooms has been increasing since September 1986. In order to find out which factors determine the137Cs-contamination of mushrooms and the transfer-value soil to mushroom, the concentration of total and plant-available radiocesium in soils as well as the pH-value, the content of humus, clay, silt, sand, exchangeable cations, the composition of the clay minerals, and the particle size distribution of the soils of two different locations were examined. The higher the137Cs contamination of the soil, the thicker the layer of humus and the higher the content of humus, the lower the pH-value, and the lower the amount of essential cations, especially of K+, the higher the amount of137Cs plant-available will be. Therefore, the contamination of the mushrooms in the coniferous forest of Koralpenblick (1000 m) is higher than in the mixed forest at the Rosenberg around Graz at approx. 500 m height. Of 26 different species of mushrooms measured at both sites, only 61% show the highest TF-values soil to mushrooms also at the Koralpenblick. In the spruce forest at Koralpenblick there are many species of mushrooms with high137Cs-contamination which were not found at the Rosenberg. However, the properties of the species to which a mushroom belongs are more important than environmental conditions and soil properties. The transfer values of40K stay within narrow bounds, whereas those of137Cs differ widely.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Otto Härtel on the occasion of his 80th birthday  相似文献   


Radionuclide contamination is a concerning threat due to unexpected nuclear disasters and authorized discharge of radioactive elements, both in the past and in present times. Use of atomic power for energy generation is associated with unresolved issues concerning storage of residues and contaminants. For example, the nuclear accidents in Chernobyl 1986 and Fukushima 2011 resulted in considerable deposition of cesium (Cs) in soil, along with other radionuclides. Among Cs radioactive variants, the anthropogenic radioisotope 137Cs (t½?=?30.16 years) is of serious environmental concern, owing to its rapid incorporation into biological systems and emission of β and γ radiation during the decaying process. To remediate contaminated areas, mostly conventional techniques are applied that are not eco-friendly. Hence, an alternative green technology, i.e., phytoremediation, should in future be considered and implemented. This sustainable technology generates limited secondary waste and its objectives are to utilize hyper-accumulating plants to extract, stabilize, degrade, and filter the radionuclides. The review highlights plant mechanisms for up-taking radionuclides and influences of different environmental factors involved in the process, while considering its long-term effects.


A mathematical model of the dynamics of radiocaesium transport in the aquatic phase—algae system is suggested in this work. Allowance is made for algae growth and for both reversible and irreversible absorption of this radionuclide by the algae. The algae biomass is divided hypothetically into two compartments with different exchange kinetics. The parameters of the model are time dependent. The model is quantified using experimental data for the concentrations of 137Cs in Cladophora glomerata filamentous algae and in water, obtained in situ in the environment of a nuclear power station. The model fits the data reasonably well and can be applied, for example, in bioindication of radioactivity in aquatic recipients in the environment of nuclear power stations.  相似文献   

The range of researches was made on 137Cs and 90Sr distribution regularities in pine tree plantations depending on different edaphic conditions. It is shown that total radionuclide amount in the forest litter depends on its thickness and is thought to be 10 to 70% for 137Cs and 20 to 60% for 90Sr. When soil fertility come increases from trophotop "A" to "C", 137Cs and 90Sr transfer factors for wood reduce. Soil humidity increase for each grade of trophic net results in increase of 137Cs transfer factors to wood and decrease for 90Sr. Total activity of 37Cs and 90Sr in pine wood plantation depends on plantation productivity and radionuclide transfer factors depending on different plantation conditions. In the most prevailing edaphotops pine wood accumulates 1-3% of 137Cs and 6-11% of 90Sr from total activity of radionuclides in biogeocenosis.  相似文献   

It is shown, that the roots of plants concentrate 137Cs and 90Sr from water solutions in different zones: 137Cs--mainly in a meristem zone, 90Sr--in a stretching zone. The similar character of radionuclide distribution was established regarding water and soil cultures. The real dose loading on critical tissues of main root have appeared to be much higher than it was expected from the assumption of uniform distribution of radionuclides in tissues.  相似文献   

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