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Vernalization is the promotion of flowering in response to the prolonged cold of winter. To survive sub‐zero winter temperatures, plants must first acclimate to low, non‐freezing temperatures (cold acclimation). Induction of VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 (VIN3), the first gene in the vernalization pathway, is initiated within the same time frame as the induction of genes in the cold acclimation pathway raising the question of whether there are common elements in the signal transduction pathways that activate these two responses to cold. We show that none of the signalling components required for cold acclimation, including the ‘master regulator’INDUCTION OF CBF EXPRESSION1 (ICE1) or HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENE1 (HOS1), which has been described as a link between cold acclimation and vernalization, play a role in VIN3 induction. We also show that the hormone abscisic acid (ABA) does not modulate VIN3 induction, consistent with earlier reports that ABA signalling plays no role in the vernalization response. The cold acclimation pathway is activated at 12 °C, at which temperature there is no induction of VIN3 expression. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the responses to low temperatures leading to cold acclimation and vernalization are controlled by distinct signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Vernalization requirement is an important trait in temperate crop plants such as wheat and must be considered when selecting varieties for cultivation under different climatic conditions. To determine the growth habit of wheat varieties, plants need to be grown under different vernalization regimes, a lengthy but necessary process for breeders involved in crossing winter with spring germplasm. If haplotypes can be associated with growth habit, then molecular marker assays that are reliable, cheap, and quick can be developed to assist in the selection of plants with the desired phenotype. We have analyzed 81 accessions that have different vernalization requirements and putative different origins of spring habit for sequence variation at the Apetala1 (AP1) locus, which underlies Vrn-1, and at the linked Phytochrome C (PhyC) locus. Good correspondence was found between the AP1 genotype and the PhyC haplotype for 77 of the 81 accessions. Two varieties displayed a recombination event between the AP1 and PhyC loci, and one variety carried a recombinant PhyC gene. In addition, one variety carried an apparent AP1 winter allele, but displayed the Vrn-A1 spring habit. The PhyC haplotype for this variety also indicated the presence of a Vrn-A1 spring allele. Our data suggest that both the AP1 promoter region and PhyC SNPs can be used as diagnostic markers for vernalization response at the vrn-A1 locus, but that neither are perfect tags.  相似文献   

Vernalization response (Vrn) genes play a major role in determining the flowering/maturity times of spring-sown wheat. We characterized a representative set of 40 western Canadian adapted spring wheat cultivars/lines for 3 Vrn loci. The 40 genotypes were screened, along with 4 genotypes of known Vrn genes, using previously published genome-specific polymerase chain reaction primers designed for detecting the presence or absence of dominant or recessive alleles of the major Vrn loci: Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, and Vrn-D1. The dominant promoter duplication allele Vrn-A1a was present in 34 of 40 cultivars/lines, whereas the promoter deletion allele Vrn-A1b was present in only 1 of the western Canadian cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. 'Rescue') and 2 of its derivative chromosomal substitution lines. The intron deletion allele Vrn-A1c was not present in any line tested. Only 4 of the western Canadian spring wheat cultivars tested here carry the recessive vrn-A1 allele. The dominant allele of Vrn-B1 was detected in 20 cultivars/lines. Fourteen cultivars/lines had dominant alleles of Vrn-A1a and Vrn-B1 in combination. All cultivars/lines carried the recessive allele for Vrn-D1. The predominance of the dominant allele Vrn-A1a in Canadian spring wheat appears to be due to the allele's vernalization insensitivity, which confers earliness under nonvernalizing growing conditions. Wheat breeders in western Canada have incorporated the Vrn-A1a allele into spring wheats mainly by selecting for early genotypes for a short growing season, thereby avoiding early and late season frosts. For the development of early maturing cultivars with high yield potential, different combinations of Vrn alleles may be incorporated into spring wheat breeding programs in western Canada.  相似文献   

不同发育时期小麦种子活力的变化及其对环境温度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以济麦22和山农23号为试验材料,利用标准发芽试验法对不同年份小麦种子发育过程中的种子活力变化进行研究,分析环境温度对不同发育时期小麦种子活力变化的影响,为早期小麦种子的利用及高活力种子的生产提供参考依据.结果表明: 伴随着小麦种子发育,鲜种子在花后26 d左右出现发芽能力,之后其发芽率整体呈上升趋势;干种子发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数在花后5~8 d迅速升高,之后保持相对稳定,活力指数主要受到幼苗单株干质量的影响而持续升高,一般在完熟前4~6 d达到最大值;不同发育时期小麦干种子的田间种植及其后代种子的活力测定表明,济麦22花后17 d以后的干种子田间出苗较好,并可成穗结实,其后代种子的发芽率和活力指数在不同样品间无显著差异.环境温度对不同发育时期小麦种子活力变化的影响显著,小麦花后日平均温度均值、日最高气温均值以及日最低气温均值均高,且花后日温差均值大的年份,种子发育时间短、百粒重及种子活力达到最大值的时间较早;反之,发育时间较长、百粒重及种子活力达到最大值的时间较晚,但完熟期积温高,种子活力较高.  相似文献   

The response to vernalization and the expression of genes associated with responses to vernalization (VRNH1, VRNH2, and VRNH3) and photoperiod (PPDH1 and PPDH2) were analysed in four barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) lines: 'Alexis' (spring), 'Plaisant' (winter), SBCC058, and SBCC106 (Spanish inbred lines), grown under conditions of vernalization and short days (VSD) or no vernalization and long days (NVLD). The four genotypes differ in VRNH1. Their growth habits and responses to vernalization correlated with the level of expression of VRNH1 and the length of intron 1. 'Alexis' and 'Plaisant' behaved as expected. SBCC058 and SBCC106 showed an intermediate growth habit and flowered relatively late in the absence of vernalization. VRNH1 expression was induced by cold for all genotypes. Under VSD, VRNH1 expression was detected in the SBCC genotypes later than in 'Alexis' but earlier than in 'Plaisant'. VRNH2 was repressed under short days while VRNH1 expression increased in parallel. VRNH3 was detected only in 'Alexis' under NVLD, whereas it was not expressed in plants with the active allele of VRNH2 (SBCC058 and 'Plaisant'). Under VSD, PPDH2 was expressed in 'Alexis', SBCC058, and SBCC106, but it was only expressed weakly in 'Alexis' under NVLD. Further analysis of PPDH2 expression in two barley doubled haploid populations revealed that, under long days, HvFT3 and VRNH2 expression levels were related inversely. The timing of VRNH2 expression under a long photoperiod suggests that this gene might be involved in repression of PPDH2 and, indirectly, in the regulation of flowering time through an interaction with the day-length pathway.  相似文献   

Many morphological features of the Pleistocene fossil hominin Homo neanderthalensis, including the reputed large size of its paranasal sinuses, have been interpreted as adaptations to extreme cold, as some Neanderthals lived in Europe during glacial periods. This interpretation of sinus evolution rests on two assumptions: that increased craniofacial pneumatization is an adaptation to lower ambient temperatures, and that Neanderthals have relatively large sinuses. Analysis of humans, other primates, and rodents, however, suggests that the first assumption is suspect; at least the maxillary sinus undergoes a significant reduction in volume in extreme cold, in both wild and laboratory conditions. The second assumption, that Neanderthal sinuses are large, extensive, or even ‘hyperpneumatized,’ has held sway since the first specimen was described and has been interpreted as the causal explanation for some of the distinctive aspects of Neanderthal facial form, but has never been evaluated with respect to scaling. To test the latter assumption, previously published measurements from two-dimensional (2D) X-rays and new three-dimensional (3D) data from computed tomography (CT) of Neanderthals and temperate-climate European Homo sapiens are regressed against cranial size to determine the relative size of their sinuses. The 2D data reveal a degree of craniofacial pneumatization in Neanderthals that is both commensurate with the size of the cranium and comparable in scale with that seen in temperate climate H. sapiens. The 3D analysis of CT data from a smaller sample supports this conclusion. These results suggest that the distinctive Neanderthal face cannot be interpreted as a direct result of increased pneumatization, nor is it likely to be an adaptation to resist cold stress; an alternative explanation is thus required.  相似文献   

Po inhibici jarovizace azidem sodnym byla u ozimé p?enice sle dována délka ?epele prvního listu. Srovnáním r?znych variant a jamí odr?dy se ukázalo, ?e zkrácení délky ?epele prvního listu nemá p?ímý vztah k jarovizaci.  相似文献   

Animal movement and habitat selection are in part a response to landscape heterogeneity. Many studies of movement and habitat selection necessarily use environmental covariates that are readily available over large‐scales, which are assumed representative of functional habitat features such as resource availability. For widely distributed species, response to such covariates may not be consistent across ecosystems, as response to any specific covariate is driven by its biological relevance within the context of each ecosystem. Thus, the study of any widely distributed species within a limited geographic region may provide inferences that are not widely generalizable. Our goal was to evaluate the response of a marine predator to a suite of environmental covariates across a wide ecological gradient. We identified two behavioral states (resident and transient) in the movements of shortfin mako sharks Isurus oxyrinchus tracked via satellite telemetry in two regions of the western North Atlantic Ocean: the tropical Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico marginal sea (CGM), and the temperate waters of the open western Atlantic Ocean (OWA). We compared patterns of resident behavior between regions, and modeled relationships between oceanographic variables and resident behavior. We tracked 39 sharks during 2013–2015. Resident behavior was associated with shallow, continental shelf and slope waters in both regions. In the OWA resident behavior was associated with low sea surface temperature and high primary productivity, however, sharks exhibited no response to either variable in the CGM. There was a negative relationship between sea‐surface height gradient (a proxy for oceanic fronts) and resident behavior in the OWA, and a positive relationship in the CGM. Our observations likely reflect shark responses to regional variability in factors responsible for the distribution and availability of prey. Our study illustrates the importance of studying widely distributed species in a consistent manner over large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Facultative wheat varieties adapt to a particular environment. But the molecular basis for the facultative growth habit is not clear relative to winter and spring growth habit. Two sets of wheat varieties were chosen for this study. Set 1 comprised ten spring accessions and Set 2 comprised ten facultative accessions. All accessions had been tested by the previously described allele-specific markers and shown having the same allelic composition of vrn-A1 vrn-B1 Vrn-D1 and vrn-B3. Here we examined whether differences in growth habit might be associated with as yet unidentified sequence variation at Vrn-D1 locus. A region including the intron 1 deletion, the entire reading frame from a cDNA template and a part of promoter region of the dominant Vrn-D1 gene in each of the accessions was sequenced, and a single nucleotide polymorphism was found between facultative accessions and spring accessions in the CArG-box at the promoter region. The novel allele in facultative accessions was designated as Vrn-D1b. The investigation of an F2 population segregating for Vrn-D1b and Vrn-D1a (previously, Vrn-D1) in the greenhouse under long days without vernalization showed that the plants with Vrn-D1b homozygous allele headed 32?days later and had about three more leaves than the plants with Vrn-D1a homozygous allele. As Vrn-D1b has the same deletion in intron 1 as Vrn-D1a, and, in addition, a single nucleotide mutation at promoter region, and is associated with facultative growth habit, we suggest that the promoter mutation may modify the basal activity level of an allele of VRN1 that is already active (due to the loss of segments in intron 1). Our finding further supports that both the promoter and intron 1 regulatory affect vernalization response and work independently.  相似文献   

Changes in wheat leaf phenolome in response to cold acclimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moheb A  Ibrahim RK  Roy R  Sarhan F 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(18):2294-2307
A study of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves phenolome was carried out during cold acclimation of the winter (Claire) and spring (Bounty) varieties using a combination of HPLC–ESI–MS techniques. A total of 40 phenolic and flavonoid compounds were identified, and consisted mainly of two coumarin derivatives, eight simple phenolic derivatives, 10 hydroxycinnamoyl amides and 20 flavonoid derivatives. Identification and quantification of individual compounds were performed using an HPLC system coupled with a photodiode array detector and two different ESI–MS systems, in combination with a multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) technique. The analyses indicated that, although there were no qualitative differences in their profiles, the winter variety exhibited a higher phenolic content compared to the spring variety when both were grown under non-acclimated (control) conditions. Cold acclimation, on the other hand, resulted in a significant differential accumulation of phenolic compounds in both varieties: mostly as luteolin C-glycosides and their O-methyl derivatives in the winter variety (Claire) and a derivative of hydroxycinnamoyl amide in the spring variety (Bounty). These compounds accumulated in relatively large amounts in the apoplastic compartment. The accumulation of the O-methylated derivatives was associated with a marked increase in O-methyltransferase (OMT) activity. In addition, the trimethylated flavone, 3′,4′,5′-trimethyltricetin was identified for the first time in the native extracts of both control and cold-acclimated wheat leaves. The accumulation of a mixture of beneficial flavonoids, such as iso-orientin, vitexin and tricin in cold acclimated wheat leaves, attests for its potential as an inexpensive source of a health-promoting supplement to the human diet.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Accurately representing development is essential for applying crop simulations to investigate the effects of climate, genotypes or crop management. Development in wheat (Triticum aestivum, T. durum) is primarily driven by temperature, but affected by vernalization and photoperiod, and is often simulated by reducing thermal-time accumulation using vernalization or photoperiod factors or limiting accumulation when a lower optimum temperature (Toptl) is exceeded. In this study Toptl and methods for representing effects of vernalization and photoperiod on anthesis were examined using a range of planting dates and genotypes.


An examination was made of Toptl values of 15, 20, 25 and 50 °C, and either the most limiting or the multiplicative value of the vernalization and photoperiod development rate factors for simulating anthesis. Field data were from replicated trials at Ludhiana, Punjab, India with July through to December planting dates and seven cultivars varying in vernalization response.

Key Results

Simulations of anthesis were similar for Toptl values of 20, 25 and 50 °C, but a Toptl of 15 °C resulted in a consistent bias towards predicting anthesis late for early planting dates. Results for Toptl above 15 °C may have occurred because mean temperatures rarely exceeded 20 °C before anthesis for many planting dates. For cultivars having a strong vernalization response, anthesis was more accurately simulated when vernalization and photoperiod factors were multiplied rather than using the most limiting of the two factors.


Setting Toptl to a high value (30 °C) and multiplying the vernalization and photoperiod factors resulted in accurately simulating anthesis for a wide range of planting dates and genotypes. However, for environments where average temperatures exceed 20 °C for much of the pre-anthesis period, a lower Toptl (23 °C) might be appropriate. These results highlight the value of testing a model over a wide range of environments.Key words: Wheat, Triticum aestivum, T. durum, air temperature, thermal time, shoot apex, phenology, growth stages, anthesis, flowering  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. HD 2285) was grown in control (C) and heated (H) open top chambers (OTCs) for entire period of growth and development till maturity. The mean maximum temperature of the entire period was 3 °C higher in H-compared to C-OTCs. Net photosynthetic rate (P N) measured at different temperature (20–40 °C) of C-and H-grown plants showed greater sensitivity to high temperature in H-plants. P N measured at respective growth temperature was lower in H-compared to C-plants. The CO2 and irradiance response curves of photosynthesis also showed lesser response in H-compared to C-plants. The initial slope of P N versus internal CO2 concentration (P N/C i) curve was lower in H-than C-plants indicating ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) limitation. In irradiance response curve, the plateau was lower in H-compared to C-plants which is interpreted as RuBPCO limitation. RuBPCO content in the leaves of C-and H-plants, however, was not significantly different. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC) initial activity was lower in H-plants, whereas activity of fully activated enzyme was not affected, indicating a decrease in activation state of the enzyme. This was further substantiated by the observed decrease in RuBPCO activase activity in H-compared to C-plants. RuBPCO activase was thus sensitive even to moderate heat stress. The decrease in P N under moderate heat stress was mainly due to a decrease in activation state of RuBPCO catalysed by RuBPCO activase.  相似文献   

Low temperature is among the most frequent stresses met by plants during their lifespan, and a plant's ability to cold‐acclimate is a determinant for further growth and development. Although intensive research has provided a good picture of the molecular and metabolic changes triggered by cold, the underlying regulatory mechanisms remain elusive and are thus being actively sought. Recent studies have shed light on the importance of nitric oxide (NO), a ubiquitous signalling molecule in eukaryotes, for plant tolerance to chilling and freezing. Indeed, NO formation following cold exposure has been reported in a range of plant species, and a series of proteins targeted by NO‐based post‐translational modifications have been identified. Moreover, key cold‐regulated genes have been characterized as NO‐dependent, suggesting the crucial importance of NO signalling for cold‐responsive gene expression. This review provides a picture of our current understanding of the function of NO in the context of plant response to cold. Particular attention is dedicated to the open questions left by the fragmented data currently available concerning NO formation, transduction and biological significance for plant adaptation to low temperature.  相似文献   

Sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) is a Calvin Cycle enzyme exclusive to chloroplasts and is involved in photosynthetic carbon fixation. The two cysteine residues involved in its redox regulation have been identified by site-directed mutagenesis. They are four residues apart in a predicted loop between two alpha helices and probably form a disulphide bond when oxidised. Three-dimensional modelling of SBPase has been performed using crystallographic data from the structurally homologous pig fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase). The results suggest that formation of the disulphide bridge in SBPase is directly analogous to the allosteric regulation of pig FBPase by AMP in terms of the resulting structural changes. Similar changes are thought to occur in chloroplast FBPase, which like SBPase, is also redox regulated and involved in carbon fixation. From the results presented here it appears that the same basic mechanism for the allosteric regulation of enzymic activity operates in the FBPases and SBPase but that the sites at which the regulatory ligands (AMP or thioredoxin) exert their effects are different in each  相似文献   

Yeasts have evolved numerous responsive pathways to survive in fluctuating and stressful environments. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is sensitive to adverse conditions, which are detected by response pathways to ensure correct protein folding. Calnexin is an ER transmembrane chaperone acting in both quality control of folding and response to persistent stress. Calnexin is a key protein required for viability in certain organisms such as mammals and the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe . Nevertheless, S. pombe calnexin-independent (Cin) cells were obtained after transient expression of a particular calnexin mutant. The Cin state is dominant, is stably propagated by an epigenetic mechanism and segregates in a non-Mendelian fashion to the meiotic progeny. The nucleolar protein Cif1p was identified as an inducer of the Cin state in a previous genetic screen. Here, we report the identification of novel inducers isolated in an overexpression genetic screen: pyruvate kinase (Pyk1p) and phosphoglycerate kinase (Pgk1p). Addition of pyruvate, the end product of pyruvate kinase and glycolysis, also induced calnexin independence in a dose-dependent manner. Remarkably, growth in respiration media or cold temperatures induced the appearance of Cin cells at high frequencies. Taken together, our results indicate that the Cin state can be triggered by extracellular changes, suggesting that this state represents an epigenetic adaptative response to environmental modifications.  相似文献   

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