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【目的】鉴定柑橘溃疡病菌胞外水解酶减弱突变体Mxac56-20的Tn5插入位点,及其在柑橘上的致病力。【方法】采用质粒拯救方法获得Tn5旁侧序列,与基因组信息比对后明确突变体的插入位点;构建功能互补载体对突变体进行功能互补,检测互补菌株胞外蛋白水解酶、纤维素酶和淀粉酶的恢复情况;在寄主植物柑橘上观察致病力变化。【结果】Mxac56-20的Tn5插入位点是II型分泌系统xpsD基因,所构建的互补载体使突变体的胞外水解酶活性和致病力得到恢复。【结论】柑橘溃疡病菌xpsD基因的突变,导致胞外水解酶活性降低,在寄主上的致病力减弱,说明柑橘溃疡病菌的II型分泌系统在与寄主互作过程中起到致病因子的作用。  相似文献   

Copper sprays have been widely used for control of endemic citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri in citrus-growing areas for more than 2 decades. Xanthomonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis populations were also exposed to frequent sprays of copper for several years as a protective measure against citrus bacterial spot (CBS) in Florida citrus nurseries. Long-term use of these bactericides has led to the development of copper-resistant (Cu(r)) strains in both X. citri subsp. citri and X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis, resulting in a reduction of disease control. The objectives of this study were to characterize for the first time the genetics of copper resistance in X. citri subsp. citri and X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis and to compare these organisms to other Cu(r) bacteria. Copper resistance determinants from X. citri subsp. citri strain A44(pXccCu2) from Argentina and X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis strain 1381(pXacCu2) from Florida were cloned and sequenced. Open reading frames (ORFs) related to the genes copL, copA, copB, copM, copG, copC, copD, and copF were identified in X. citri subsp. citri A44. The same ORFs, except copC and copD, were also present in X. alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis 1381. Transposon mutagenesis of the cloned copper resistance determinants in pXccCu2 revealed that copper resistance in X. citri subsp. citri strain A44 is mostly due to copL, copA, and copB, which are the genes in the cloned cluster with the highest nucleotide homology (≥ 92%) among different Cu(r) bacteria.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing, a population density-dependent mechanism for bacterial communication and gene regulation, plays a crucial role in the symbiosis between alfalfa and its symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. The Sin system, one of three quorum sensing systems present in S. meliloti, controls the production of the symbiotically active exopolysaccharide EPS II. Based on DNA microarray data, the Sin system also seems to regulate a multitude of S. meliloti genes, including genes that participate in low-molecular-weight succinoglycan production, motility, and chemotaxis, as well as other cellular processes. Most of the regulation by the Sin system is dependent on the presence of the ExpR regulator, a LuxR homolog. Gene expression profiling data indicate that ExpR participates in additional cellular processes that include nitrogen fixation, metabolism, and metal transport. Based on our microarray analysis we propose a model for the regulation of gene expression by the Sin/ExpR quorum sensing system and another possible quorum sensing system(s) in S. meliloti.  相似文献   

The plant-pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri is the causal agent of Asiatic citrus canker, a serious disease that affects all the cultivars of citrus in subtropical citrus-producing areas worldwide. There is no curative treatment for citrus canker; thus, the eradication of infected plants constitutes the only effective control of the spread of X. citri subsp. citri. Since the eradication program in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, is under threat, there is a clear risk of X. citri subsp. citri becoming endemic in the main orange-producing area in the world. Here we evaluated the potential use of alkyl gallates to prevent X. citri subsp. citri growth. These esters displayed a potent anti-X. citri subsp. citri activity similar to that of kanamycin (positive control), as evaluated by the resazurin microtiter assay (REMA). The treatment of X. citri subsp. citri cells with these compounds induced altered cell morphology, and investigations of the possible intracellular targets using X. citri subsp. citri strains labeled for the septum and centromere pointed to a common target involved in chromosome segregation and cell division. Finally, the artificial inoculation of citrus with X. citri subsp. citri cells pretreated with alkyl gallates showed that the bacterium loses the ability to colonize its host, which indicates the potential of these esters to protect citrus plants against X. citri subsp. citri infection.  相似文献   

Microorganisms with biocontrol capabilities against plant pathogens are considered as one of the most promising approaches for healthy crop management. In this study, ethyl acetate extracts of 25 Bacillus strains were investigated for their antagonistic effect on Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), which causes the citrus bacterial canker (CBC) disease. Among them, 21 strains exerted antibacterial activity against wild-type Xcc strains. Based on the strength of the antibacterial activity, nine Bacillus strains were selected for 16S rRNA analysis. 16S rRNA sequence homology revealed that several strains were closely related to B. velezensis, where strains with no antibacterial activity grouped as the soil-associated community of B. amyloliquefaciens. B. velezensis Bv-21 exhibited the highest antibacterial activity against wild type and streptomycin resistant Xcc with inhibition zones of 22.91 ± 0.45 and 20.28 ± 0.53, respectively. Furthermore, B. velezensis Bv-21 strain was tested for biocontrol activity against a streptomycin-resistant XccM4 in detached susceptible citrus leaves. The strain reduced the incidence of CBC by 26.30% and pathogen density of XccM4 by 81.68% over control. The results of the study strongly suggest that B. velezensis can be used as an effective and eco-friendly biocontrol agent either by itself or as an active compound, against both, the wild-type and streptomycin-resistant Xcc.  相似文献   



Citrus canker is a disease caused by the phytopathogens Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolli and Xanthomonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis. The first of the three species, which causes citrus bacterial canker type A, is the most widely spread and severe, attacking all citrus species. In Brazil, this species is the most important, being found in practically all areas where citrus canker has been detected. Like most phytobacterioses, there is no efficient way to control citrus canker. Considering the importance of the disease worldwide, investigation is needed to accurately detect which genes are related to the pathogen-host adaptation process and which are associated with pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We provide the first conclusive evidence that Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri Asiatic strain (Xac-A) and, in particular, Xac-Aw, a unique citrus canker A strain isolated from Key lime in Wellington, Florida, induces a hypersensitive reaction (HR) in grapefruit leaves. Using the heterologous tomato pathogen X. perforans , as a recipient of the Xac-Aw genomic library, we identified a 1599-bp open reading frame responsible for HR in grapefruit, but not Key lime, and designated it avrGf 1. Xac-AwΔ avrGf 1 produced typical, although visibly reduced, citrus canker symptoms (i.e. raised pustules) in grapefruit and typical canker symptoms in Key lime. We also determined that the X. perforans transconjugant carrying an Xac-Aw hrpG elicited HR in grapefruit and Key lime leaves, and that xopA in X. perforans was partly responsible for HR. Xac-A transconjugants carrying the X. perforans xopA were reduced in ability to grow in grapefruit leaves relative to wild-type Xac-A. The X. perforans xopA appears to be a host-limiting factor. An avrBs3 homologue, which contained 18.5 repeats and induced HR in tomato, was designated avrTaw . This gene, when expressed in a pustule-minus Xac-Aw, did not complement pustule formation; however, pthAw , a functional pthA homologue, complemented the mutant strain to produce typical pustules in Key lime, but markedly reduced pustules in grapefruit. Both avrBs3 homologues, when expressed in a typical Xac-A strain, resulted in typical citrus canker pustules in grapefruit, indicating that neither homologue suppressed pustule size in grapefruit. Xac-Aw contains other unidentified factors that suppress development in grapefruit.  相似文献   

Cell‐to‐cell signals of the diffusible signal factor (DSF) family are cis‐2‐unsaturated fatty acids of differing chain length and branching pattern. DSF signalling has been described in diverse bacteria to include plant and human pathogens where it acts to regulate functions such as biofilm formation, antibiotic tolerance and the production of virulence factors. DSF family signals can also participate in interspecies signalling with other bacteria and interkingdom signalling such as with the yeast Candida albicans. Interference with DSF signalling may afford new opportunities for the control of bacterial disease. Such strategies will depend in part on detailed knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying the processes of signal synthesis, perception and turnover. Here, I review both recent progress in understanding DSF signalling at the molecular level and prospects for translating this knowledge into approaches for disease control.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri causes citrus canker disease, which is characterized by the formation of water-soaked lesions, white or yellow spongy pustules and brown corky canker. In this work, we report the contribution of extracellular endoglucanase to canker development during infection. The ectopic expression of nine putative cellulases in Escherichia coli indicated that two endoglucanases, BglC3 and EngXCA, show carboxymethyl cellulase activity. Both bglC3 and engXCA genes were transcribed in X. citri subsp. citri, however, only BglC3 protein was detected outside the cell in western blot analysis. The deletion of bglC3 gene resulted in complete loss of extracellular carboxymethyl cellulase activity and delayed the onset of canker symptoms in both infiltration- and wound-inoculation assays. When growing in plant tissue, the cell density of bglC3 mutant was lower than that of the wild type. Our data demonstrated that BglC3 is an extracellular endoglucanase required for the full virulence of X. citri subsp. citri.  相似文献   

BackgroundXanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), the causal agent of citrus canker is maintained as an epiphyte on citrus leaves until entering the plant tissue. During epiphytic survival, bacteria may encounter low water availability that challenges the infection process. Proteomics analyses of Xcc under saline stress, mimicking the conditions found during epiphytic survival, showed increased abundance of a putative NAD(P)H dehydrogenase encoded by XAC2229.MethodsExpression levels of XAC2229 and a Xcc mutant in XAC2229 were analyzed in salt and oxidative stress and during plant-pathogen interaction. An Escherichia coli expressing XAC2229 was obtained, and the role of this protein in oxidative stress resistance and in reactive oxygen species production was studied. Finally, Xac2229 protein was purified, spectrophotometric and cofactor analyses were done and enzymatic activities determined.ResultsXAC2229 was expressed under salt stress and during plant-pathogen interaction. ΔXAC2229 mutant showed less number of cankers and impaired epiphytic survival than the wild type strain. ΔXAC2229 survived less in the presence of H2O2 and produced more reactive oxygen species and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances than the wild type strain. Similar results were observed for E. coli expressing XAC2229. Xac2229 is a FAD containing flavoprotein, displays diaphorase activity with an optimum at pH 6.0 and has quinone reductase activity using NADPH as an electron donor.ConclusionsA FAD containing flavoprotein from Xcc is a new NADPH quinone reductase required for bacterial virulence, particularly in Xcc epiphytic survival on citrus leaves.General significanceA novel protein involved in the worldwide disease citrus canker was characterized.  相似文献   

Citrus canker is caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri and is one of the most devastating diseases on citrus plants. To investigate the virulence mechanism of this pathogen, a mutant library of strain 306 containing approximately 22,000 mutants was screened for virulence-deficient mutants in grapefruit (Citrus paradise). Eighty-two genes were identified that contribute to citrus canker symptom development caused by X. citri subsp. citri. Among the 82 identified genes, 23 genes were classified as essential genes, as mutation of these genes caused severe reduction of bacterial growth in M9 medium. The remaining 59 genes were classified as putative virulence-related genes that include 32 previously reported virulence-related genes and 27 novel genes. The 32 known virulence-related genes include genes that are involved in the type III secretion system (T3SS) and T3SS effectors, the quorum-sensing system, extracellular polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide synthesis, and general metabolic pathways. The contribution to pathogenesis by nine genes (pthA4, trpG, trpC, purD, hrpM, peh-1, XAC1230, XAC1548, and XAC3049) was confirmed by complementation assays. We further validated the mutated genes and their phenotypes by analyzing the EZ-Tn5 insertion copy number using Southern blot analysis. In conclusion, we have significantly advanced our understanding of the putative genetic determinants of the virulence mechanism of X. citri subsp. citri by identifying 59 putative virulence-related genes, including 27 novel genes.  相似文献   

The yeast Debaryomyces hansenii was investigated for its production of alcohol-based quorum sensing (QS) molecules including the aromatic alcohols phenylethanol, tyrosol, tryptophol and the aliphatic alcohol farnesol. Debaryomyces hansenii produced phenylethanol and tyrosol, which were primarily detected from the end of exponential phase indicating that they are potential QS molecules in D.?hansenii as previously shown for other yeast species. Yields of phenylethanol and tyrosol produced by D.?hansenii were, however, lower than those produced by Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and varied with growth conditions such as the availability of aromatic amino acids, ammonium sulphate, NaCl, pH and temperature. Tryptophol was only produced in the presence of tryptophane, whereas farnesol in general was not detectable. Especially, the type strain of D.?hansenii (CBS767) had good adhesion and sliding motility abilities, which seemed to be related to a higher hydrophobicity of the cell surface of D.?hansenii (CBS767) rather than the ability to form pseudomycelium. Addition of phenylethanol, tyrosol, tryptophol and farnesol was found to influence both adhesion and sliding motility of D.?hansenii.  相似文献   

Citrus canker disease is one of the most devastating diseases that attacks citrus, especially limes in the Southern parts of Iran, and is caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc). The efficacy of several formulations of copper compounds including Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride and copper sulphate in controlling Xcc in Key lime was estimated in vitro and in planta using artificial inoculation. Specific primers were used to detect copper-resistant genes copA, copB and copL in 30 isolates of Xcc. The copA and copL genes were present in all isolates, and copB was detected only in 6 strains. In this study, we observed a very good in vitro growth inhibition activity of copper compounds against Xcc pathotype A. S14 strain (pathotype A*) was the sole isolate that grew on media amended with 2/4 mM of Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride and copper sulphate. All other strains (pathotype A) failed to grow on media amended with this concentration. Bordeaux mixture exhibited high efficacy in controlling Xcc in both conditions. However, there were no significant differences in the efficacy of copper oxychloride and copper sulphate at 1.2 mM concentration in planta. A significantly minimum canker necrotic spot and highest disease control was achieved with Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride. There was a significant difference in disease severity of the type strain LMG9322 (pathotype A) and Xcc strain S14 (pathotype A*). Our experiments showed that Bordeaux mixture exhibited satisfactory efficacy in controlling the causal agent of citrus canker.  相似文献   

The Staphylococcus aureus Agr quorum-sensing system modulates the expression of extracellular virulence factors. The Agr system is controlled by an autoinducing peptide (AIP) molecule that is secreted during growth. In the AIP biosynthetic pathway, two proteolytic events are required to remove the leader and tail segments of AgrD, the peptide precursor of AIP. The only protein known to be involved in this pathway is AgrB, a membrane endopeptidase that removes the AgrD carboxy-tail. We designed a synthetic peptide substrate and developed an assay to detect peptidases that can remove the N-terminal leader of AIP. Several peptidase activities were detected in S. aureus extracts and these activities were present in both wild-type and agr mutant strains. Only one of these peptidases cleaved in the correct position and all properties of this enzyme were consistent with type I signal peptidase. Subsequent cloning and purification of the two known S. aureus signal peptidases, SpsA and SpsB, demonstrated that only SpsB catalysed this activity in vitro. To investigate the role of SpsB in AIP biosynthesis, SpsB peptide inhibitors were designed and characterized. The most effective inhibitor blocked SpsB activity in vitro and showed antibacterial activity against S. aureus. Importantly, the inhibitor reduced expression of an Agr-dependent reporter and inhibited AIP production in S. aureus, indicating a role for SpsB in quorum sensing.  相似文献   

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