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Rhizobium bacteria produce different surface polysaccharides which are either secreted in the growth medium or contribute to a capsule surrounding the cell. Here, we describe isolation and partial characterization of a novel high molecular weight surface polysaccharide from a strain of Rhizobium leguminosarum that nodulates Pisum sativum (pea) and Vicia sativa (vetch) roots. Carbohydrate analysis showed that the polysaccharide consists for 95% of mannose and glucose, with minor amounts of galactose and rhamnose. Lectin precipitation analysis revealed high binding affinity of pea and vetch lectin for this polysaccharide, in contrast to the other known capsular and extracellular polysaccharides of this strain. Expression of the polysaccharide was independent of the presence of a Sym plasmid or the nod gene inducer naringenin. Incubation of R. leguminosarum with labelled pea lectin showed that this polysaccharide is exclusively localized on one of the poles of the bacterial cell. Vetch roots incubated with rhizobia and labelled pea lectin revealed that this bacterial pole is involved in attachment to the root surface. A mutant strain deficient in the production of this polysaccharide was impaired in attachment and root hair infection under slightly acidic conditions, in contrast to the situation at slightly alkaline conditions. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that rhizobia can use (at least) two mechanisms for docking at the root surface, with use of a lectin-glycan mechanism under slightly acidic conditions.  相似文献   

Electrotransformation of Rhizobium leguminosarum was successfully carried out with a 15.1-kb plasmid, pMP154 (Cmr), containing a nodABC-lacZ fusion by electroporation. The maximum transformation efficiency, 108 transformants/μg of DNA, was achieved at a field strength of 14 kV/cm with a pulse of 7.3 ms (186 Ω). The number of transformants was found to increase with increasing cell density, with no sign of saturation. In relation to DNA dosage, the maximum transformation efficiency (5.8 × 108 transformants/μg of DNA) was obtained with 0.5 μg of DNA/ml of cell suspension, and a further increase in the DNA concentration resulted in a decline in transformation efficiency.  相似文献   

Król JE  Mazur A  Marczak M  Skorupska A 《Genomics》2007,89(2):237-247
We applied a genomic approach in the identification of genes required for the biosynthesis of different polysaccharides in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 (RtTA1). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analyses of undigested genomic DNA revealed that the RtTA1 genome is partitioned into a chromosome and four large plasmids. The combination of sequencing of RtTA1 library BAC clones and PCR amplification of polysaccharide genes from the RtTA1 genome led to the identification of five large regions and clusters, as well as many separate potential polysaccharide biosynthesis genes dispersed in the genome. We observed an apparent abundance of genes possibly linked to lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis. All RtTA1 polysaccharide biosynthesis regions showed a high degree of conserved synteny between R. leguminosarum bv. viciae and/or Rhizobium etli. A majority of the genes displaying a conserved order also showed high sequence identity levels.  相似文献   

Electrotransformation of Rhizobium leguminosarum was successfully carried out with a 15.1-kb plasmid, pMP154 (Cmr), containing a nodABC-lacZ fusion by electroporation. The maximum transformation efficiency, 10(8) transformants/microg of DNA, was achieved at a field strength of 14 kV/cm with a pulse of 7.3 ms (186 Omega). The number of transformants was found to increase with increasing cell density, with no sign of saturation. In relation to DNA dosage, the maximum transformation efficiency (5.8 x 10(8) transformants/microg of DNA) was obtained with 0.5 microg of DNA/ml of cell suspension, and a further increase in the DNA concentration resulted in a decline in transformation efficiency.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841 was grown in liquid suspension culture to investigate how culture conditions could affect the expression of a developmentally regulated cell surface antigen associated with lipopolysaccharide. The antigen, which is recognized by monoclonal antibody AFRC MAC 203, was expressed when cultures were grown at neutral pH under low-oxygen conditions (less than 7.5% [vol/vol] O2 in the gas phase). Antigen was also expressed in aerobically grown cultures at pH values below 5.3. The nature of the nitrogen and the carbon sources had no effect on antigen expression except by indirect changes on the pH of the culture medium; similarly, growth in 0.3 M NaCl did not result in antigen expression. The induction of MAC 203 antigen by low-oxygen or low-pH culture conditions is discussed in the context of tissue-specific expression within the legume root nodule.  相似文献   

Of the nine genes comprising the L-rhamnose operon of Rhizobium leguminosarum, rhaU has not been assigned a function. The construction of a Delta rhaU strain revealed a growth phenotype that was slower than that of the wild-type strain, although the ultimate cell yields were equivalent. The transport of L-rhamnose into the cell and the rate of its phosphorylation were unaffected by the mutation. RhaU exhibits weak sequence similarity to the formerly hypothetical protein YiiL of Escherichia coli that has recently been characterized as an L-rhamnose mutarotase. To characterize RhaU further, a His-tagged variant of the protein was prepared and subjected to mass spectrometry analysis, confirming the subunit size and demonstrating its dimeric structure. After crystallization, the structure was refined to a 1.6-A resolution to reveal a dimer in the asymmetric unit with a very similar structure to that of YiiL. Soaking a RhaU crystal with L-rhamnose resulted in the appearance of beta-L-rhamnose in the active site.  相似文献   

The Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae genome contains several genes predicted to determine surface polysaccharides. Mutants predicted to affect the initial steps of polysaccharide synthesis were identified and characterized. In addition to the known cellulose (cel) and acidic exopolysaccharide (EPS) (pss) genes, we mutated three other loci; one of these loci (gmsA) determines glucomannan synthesis and one (gelA) determines a gel-forming polysaccharide, but the role of the other locus (an exoY-like gene) was not identified. Mutants were tested for attachment and biofilm formation in vitro and on root hairs; the mutant lacking the EPS was defective for both of these characteristics, but mutation of gelA or the exoY-like gene had no effect on either type of attachment. The cellulose (celA) mutant attached and formed normal biofilms in vitro, but it did not form a biofilm on root hairs, although attachment did occur. The cellulose-dependent biofilm on root hairs appears not to be critical for nodulation, because the celA mutant competed with the wild-type for nodule infection. The glucomannan (gmsA) mutant attached and formed normal biofilms in vitro, but it was defective for attachment and biofilm formation on root hairs. Although this mutant formed nodules on peas, it was very strongly outcompeted by the wild type in mixed inoculations, showing that glucomannan is critical for competitive nodulation. The polysaccharide synthesis genes around gmsA are highly conserved among other rhizobia and agrobacteria but are absent from closely related bacteria (such as Brucella spp.) that are not normally plant associated, suggesting that these genes may play a wide role in bacterium-plant interactions.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum secretes two extracellular glycanases, PlyA and PlyB, that can degrade exopolysaccharide (EPS) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), which is used as a model substrate of plant cell wall cellulose polymers. When grown on agar medium, CMC degradation occurred only directly below colonies of R. leguminosarum, suggesting that the enzymes remain attached to the bacteria. Unexpectedly, when a PlyA-PlyB-secreting colony was grown in close proximity to mutants unable to produce or secrete PlyA and PlyB, CMC degradation occurred below that part of the mutant colonies closest to the wild type. There was no CMC degradation in the region between the colonies. By growing PlyB-secreting colonies on a lawn of CMC-nondegrading mutants, we could observe a halo of CMC degradation around the colony. Using various mutant strains, we demonstrate that PlyB diffuses beyond the edge of the colony but does not degrade CMC unless it is in contact with the appropriate colony surface. PlyA appears to remain attached to the cells since no such diffusion of PlyA activity was observed. EPS defective mutants could secrete both PlyA and PlyB, but these enzymes were inactive unless they came into contact with an EPS(+) strain, indicating that EPS is required for activation of PlyA and PlyB. However, we were unable to activate CMC degradation with a crude EPS fraction, indicating that activation of CMC degradation may require an intermediate in EPS biosynthesis. Transfer of PlyB to Agrobacterium tumefaciens enabled it to degrade CMC, but this was only observed if it was grown on a lawn of R. leguminosarum. This indicates that the surface of A. tumefaciens is inappropriate to activate CMC degradation by PlyB. Analysis of CMC degradation by other rhizobia suggests that activation of secreted glycanases by surface components may occur in other species.  相似文献   

Two Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae bacteriophages with contrasting properties were isolated from a field site in which the survival of genetically modified R. leguminosarum inoculants had been monitored for several years. Inoculant strain RSM2004 was used as the indicator for phage isolation and propagation. One phage, RL1RES, was temperate and could not replicate in any of the 42 indigenous R. leguminosarum field isolates tested although nested PCR indicated that phage sequences were present in six of the isolates. The second phage, RL2RES, was virulent, capable of generalised transduction, contained DNA with modified cytosine residues, and was capable of infecting all field isolates tested although the GM inoculant strain CT0370 was resistant. Sequence with homology to RL2RES was detected by nested PCR in six of the 42 field-isolates. These were not the same isolates that showed homology to RL1RES. The implication of these findings for the survival of rhizobial inoculants, and the ecology of phages and their host bacteria, are discussed.  相似文献   

As part of a project meant to characterize molecules involved in nodulation, a semiquantitative microscopic assay was developed for measuring attachment of Rhizobium leguminosarum cells to pea root hair tips, i.e., the site at which R. leguminosarum initiates nodulation. This form of attachment, designated as cap formation, was dependent on the incubation pH and growth phase, with optimal attachment at pH 7.5 and with bacteria in the early stationary phase of growth. Addition of glucose to the growth medium delayed the initiation of the stationary phase and cap formation, suggesting a correlation between cap formation and carbon limitation. Attachment of R. leguminosarum was not inhibited by pea lectin haptens which makes it unlikely that lectins are involved under the tested conditions. Moreover, heterologous fast-growing rhizobia adhered equally well to pea root hair tips. Since the attachment characteristics of a Sym plasmid-cured derivative were indistinguishable from those of the wild-type strain, the Sym plasmidborne nodulation genes are not necessary for attachment. Sodium chloride and various other salts abolished attachment when present during the attachment assay in final concentrations of 100 mM. R. leguminosarum produced extracellular fibrils. A positive correlation between the percentage of fibrillated cells and the ability of the bacteria to form caps and to adhere to glass and erythrocytes was observed under various conditions, suggesting that these fibrils play a role in attachment of the bacteria to pea root hair tips, to glass, and to erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Ethylene inhibits nodulation in various legumes. In order to investigate strategies employed by Rhizobium to regulate nodulation, the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase gene was isolated and characterized from one of the ACC deaminase-producing rhizobia, Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 128C53K. ACC deaminase degrades ACC, the immediate precursor of ethylene in higher plants. Through the action of this enzyme, ACC deaminase-containing bacteria can reduce ethylene biosynthesis in plants. Insertion mutants with mutations in the rhizobial ACC deaminase gene (acdS) and its regulatory gene, a leucine-responsive regulatory protein-like gene (lrpL), were constructed and tested to determine their abilities to nodulate Pisum sativum L. cv. Sparkle (pea). Both mutants, neither of which synthesized ACC deaminase, showed decreased nodulation efficiency compared to that of the parental strain. Our results suggest that ACC deaminase in R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 128C53K enhances the nodulation of P. sativum L. cv. Sparkle, likely by modulating ethylene levels in the plant roots during the early stages of nodule development. ACC deaminase might be the second described strategy utilized by Rhizobium to promote nodulation by adjusting ethylene levels in legumes.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum strain VF39, isolated from nodules of field-grown faba beans in the Federal Republic of Germany, was shown to contain six plasmids ranging in molecular weight from 90 to 400 Md. Hybridisation to nif gene probes, plasmid curing, and mobilisation to other strains of Rhizobium and to Agrobacterium showed that the third largest plasmid, pRleVF39d (220 Md), carried genes for nodulation and nitrogen fixation. This plasmid was incompatible with pRL10JI, the Sym plasmid of R. leguminosarum strain JB300. Of the other plasmids, the two smallest (pRleVF39a and pRleVF39b, 90 and 160 Md respectively) were shown to be self-transmissible at a low frequency. Although melanin production is as yet unreported in strains of R. leguminosarum biovar viceae, strain VF39 produced a dark pigment, which, since it was not produced on minimal media and its production was greatly enhanced by the presence of tyrosine in the media, is probably melanin-like. Derivatives of VF39 cured of pRleVF39a no longer produced this pigment, but regained the ability to produce it when this plasmid was transferred into them. Strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, R. meliloti, and some strains of R. leguminosarum carrying pRleVF39a did not produce this pigment, indicating perhaps that some genes elsewhere on the VF39 genome are also involved in pigment production. Plasmid pRleVF39a appeared to be incompatible with the cryptic Rhizobium plasmids pRle336b and pRL8JI (both ca. 100 Md), but was compatible with the R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli Sym plasmids pRP1JI, pRP2JI and pRph51a, all of which also code for melanin production. The absence of pRleVF39a in cured derivatives of VF39 had no effect on the symbiotic performance or competitive ability of this strain.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation of Rhizobium leguminosarum by plasmid DNA.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We demonstrated the genetic transformation of Rhizobium leguminosarum by R68.45 plasmid DNA by freezing and thawing cell suspensions in the presence of R68.45 plasmid DNA and 20 mM MgCl2. Clones resistant to kanamycin and tetracycline were recovered at a frequency of 10(-8) per recipient cell. No colonies that were doubly drug resistant were recovered in parallel control experiments.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of attachment of Rhizobium bacteria to plant roots   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Attachment of bacteria to plant cells is one of the earliest steps in many plant-bacterium interactions. This review covers the current knowledge on one of the best-studied examples of bacterium-plant attachment, namely the molecular mechanism by which Rhizobium bacteria adhere to plant roots. Despite differences in several studies with regard to growth conditions of bacteria and plants and to methods used for measuring attachment, an overall consensus can be drawn from the available data. Rhizobial attachment to plant root hairs appears to be a two-step process. A bacterial Ca(2+)-binding protein, designated as rhicadhesin, is involved in direct attachment of bacteria to the surface of the root hair cell. Besides this step, there is another step which results mainly in accumulation and anchoring of the bacteria to the surface of the root hair. This leads to so-called firm attachment. Depending on the growth conditions of the bacteria, the latter step is mediated by plant lectins and/or by bacterial appendages such as cellulose fibrils and fimbriae. The possible role of these adhesions in root nodule formation is discussed.  相似文献   

During analysis of early events in the infection and nodulation of Vicia hirsuta roots inoculated with normal and mutant strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum and strains containing cloned nodulation (nod) genes, a number of novel observations were made. (i) Alternating zones of curled and straight root hairs were seen on roots of V. hirsuta inoculated with the wild-type strain of R. leguminosarum. This phasing of root hair curling was not seen if plants were grown under continuous light or continuous dark conditions. (ii) Reduced nodulation and delayed nodule initiation was observed with a strain carrying a Tn5 mutation in the nodE gene. In addition the phased root hair curling was absent, and root hair curling was observed along the length of the root. (iii) The nodABC genes cloned on a multicopy plasmid in a wild-type strain inhibited nodulation but induced a continuous root hair curling response. Those few nodules that eventually formed were found to contain bacteria which had lost the plasmid carrying the nodABC genes. (iv) With a strain of Rhizobium cured of its indigenous symbiotic plasmid, but containing the cloned nodABCDEF genes, continuous root hair curling on V. hirsuta was observed. However, no infection threads were observed, and surprisingly, it did appear that initial stages of nodule development occurred. Observations of thin sections of these early developing nodules indicated that early nodule meristematic divisions may have occurred but that no bacteria were found within the nodules and no infection threads were observed either within the nodule bumps or within any of the root hairs. It was concluded that for normal infections to occur, precise regulation of the nod genes is required and that overexpression of the root hair curling genes inhibits the normal infection process.  相似文献   

Shoot/root grafting studies showed organ and host cultivar effects on net H2 evolution from Pisum sativum L. root nodules. Net H2 evolution from those nodules represents the sum of H2 formed by Rhizobium nitrogenase and H2 oxidized by any uptake hydrogenase present in the bacteria. Grafts between pea cultivars `JI1205' or `Alaska' and `Feltham First' in symbioses with R. leguminosarum 128C53 showed that shoots of both JI1205 and Alaska increased H2 uptake significantly (P ≤ 0.05) in Feltham First root nodules. The same plants also had less net H2 evolution at similar rates of C2H2 reduction than plants formed by grafting Feltham First shoots on Feltham First roots. Although JI1205 and Alaska shoots increased H2-uptake activity of Feltham First root nodules 28 days after the graft was made, intermediate to high levels of H2 uptake activity were still present in nodules on roots of both JI1205 and Alaska grafted to Feltham First shoots. These results indicate the presence of a transmissible shoot factor(s) which can increase uptake hydrogenase activity in a Rhizobium symbiont and show that root genotype also can influence that parameter.

Parallel grafting experiments using the same pea cultivars in symbioses with R. leguminosarum strain 300, which lacks uptake hydrogenase activity, suggested that a transmissible shoot factor(s) altered H2 formation from nitrogenase by changing the electron allocation coefficient of that enzyme complex.

The root and shoot factor(s) detected in this study had no permanent effect on strain 128C53. Bacterial cells isolated from Feltham First nodules with low H2 uptake activity formed root nodules on JI1205 and Alaska with high H2 uptake activity. Bacteroids isolated from nodules on intact JI1205, Alaska, or Feltham First plants with high, medium, or low H2 uptake activity, respectively, maintained those phenotypes during in vitro assays.


Living and heat-killed bacterial cells of Rhizobium leguminosarum protected totally lentil plants against infection by the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum MR 84. Culture filtrate of this rhizobacterium was also able to protect the plants to a high degree. However, when they were inoculated separately of the pathogen, living bacterial cells did not protect the plants whereas culture filtrate and killed bacterial cells protected them. These results suggest that Rhizobium cannot protect lentil plants without interaction with the pathogen, but the culture filtrate and the killed bacterial cells can protect them even in the absence of this interaction. It seems that the culture filtrate and the killed bacterial cells contain signals able to induce plant resistance. Those signals would be suppressed once Rhizobium is in contact with the plant.  相似文献   

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