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Both photoautotrophic and heterotrophic plant cells are capable of accumulating starch inside the plastid. However, depending on the metabolic state of the respective cell the starch-related carbon fluxes are different. The vast majority of the transitory starch biosynthesis relies on the hexose phosphate pools derived from the reductive pentose phosphate cycle and, therefore, is restricted to ongoing photosynthesis. Transitory starch is usually degraded in the subsequent dark period and mainly results in the formation of neutral sugars, such as glucose and maltose, that both are exported into the cytosol. The cytosolic metabolism of the two carbohydrates includes reversible glucosyl transfer reactions to a heteroglycan that are mediated by two glucosyl transferases, DPE2 and PHS2 (or, in all other species, Pho2).In heterotrophic cells, accumulation of starch mostly depends on the long distance transport of reduced carbon compounds from source to sink organs and, therefore, includes as an essential step the import of carbohydrates from the cytosol into the starch forming plastids.In this communication, we focus on starch metabolism in heterotrophic tissues from Arabidopsis thaliana wild type plants (and in various starch-related mutants as well). By using hydroponically grown A. thaliana plants, we were able to analyse starch-related biochemical processes in leaves and roots from the same plants. Within the roots we determined starch levels and the morphology of native starch granules. Cytosolic and apoplastic heteroglycans were analysed in roots and compared with those from leaves of the same plants. A. thaliana mutants lacking functional enzymes either inside the plastid (such as phosphoglucomutase) or in the cytosol (disproportionating isoenzyme 2 or the phosphorylase isozyme, PHS2) were included in this study. In roots and leaves from the three mutants (and from the respective wild type organ as well), starch and heteroglycans as well as enzyme patterns were analysed.  相似文献   

Possible target proteins of cytosolic thioredoxin in higher plants have been investigated in the cell lysate of dark-grown Arabidopsis thaliana whole tissues. We immobilized a mutant of cytosolic thioredoxin, in which an internal cysteine at the active site was substituted with serine, on CNBr activated resin, and used the resin for the thioredoxin-affinity chromatography. By using this resin, the target proteins for thioredoxin in the higher plant cytosol were efficiently acquired. The obtained proteins were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Thus we have identified proteins of the anti-oxidative stress system proteins (ascorbate peroxidase, germin-like protein, and monomeric type II peroxiredoxin), proteins involved in protein biosynthesis (elongation factor-2 and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A), proteins involved in protein degradation (the regulatory subunit of 26S proteasome), and several metabolic enzymes (alcohol dehydrogenase, fructose 1,6-bis phosphate aldolase-like protein, cytosolic glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, cytosolic malate dehydrogenase, and vitamin B(12)-independent methionine synthase) together with some chloroplast proteins (chaperonin 60-alpha and 60-beta, heat shock protein 70, and glutamine synthase). The results in this study and recent proteomics studies on the target proteins of chloroplast thioredoxin indicate the versatility and the physiological significance of thioredoxin as reductant in plant cell.  相似文献   

Nudix hydrolases are a family of proteins that catalyze the hydrolysis of a variety of nucleoside diphosphate derivatives. Twenty-four genes of the Nudix hydrolase homologues (AtNUDTs) with predicted localizations in the cytosol, chloroplasts, and mitochondria exist in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we demonstrated the comprehensive analysis of nine types of cytosolic AtNUDT proteins (AtNUDT1, -2, -4, -5, -6, -7, -9, -10, and -11). The recombinant proteins of AtNUDT2, -6, -7, and -10 showed both ADP-ribose and NADH pyrophosphatase activities with significantly high affinities compared with those of animal and yeast enzymes. The expression of each AtNUDT is individually regulated in different tissues. These findings suggest that most cytosolic AtNUDTs may substantially function in the sanitization of potentially hazardous ADP-ribose and the regulation of the cellular NADH/NAD(+) ratio in plant cells. On the other hand, the AtNUDT1 protein had the ability to hydrolyze 8-oxo-dGTP with a K(m) value of 6.8 mum and completely suppress the increased frequency of spontaneous mutations in the Escherichia coli mutT(-) strain, indicating that AtNUDT1 is a functional homologue of E. coli MutT in A. thaliana and is involved in the prevention of spontaneous mutation. The results obtained here suggest that the plant Nudix family has evolved in a specific manner that differs from that of yeast and humans.  相似文献   

Cytosolic Ca2+· ([Ca2+]i, and elongation growth were measured in the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Exposure of plant tissues to high NaCl and abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations results in a reduction in the rate of growth, but the mechanism by which growth is inhibited is not understood. Both NaCl and ABA treatments are known to influence [Ca2+]i, and in this study we measured the effects of salinity and ABA on [Ca2+]i in cells from the meristematic region of Arabidopsis roots. The Ca2+-sensitive dye Fura-2 and ratiometric techniques were used to measure [Ca2+]i in cells of the root meristem region. Resting [Ca2+]i was found to be between 100 and 200 μmol m?3 in roots of untreated plants. Resting [Ca2+]i changed in response to changes in the [Ca2+] surrounding growing roots. An increase of external [Ca2+] increased [Ca2+]i; conversely, a decrease of external [Ca2+] decreased [Ca2+]i. Exposure of roots to NaCl caused a rapid reduction of [Ca2+]i, a response that was proportional to the external NaCl concentration. Thus, as the NaCl concentration was increased, [Ca2+]i in root meristematic cells decreased. Root elongation was also inhibited in proportion to the external NaCl concentration, with maximal inhibition occurring at 120 mol m?3 NaCl. The [Ca2+]i of root meristem cells also changed in response to ABA, and the magnitude of the effect of ABA was dependent upon ABA concentration. Treatment with 0.2 mmol m?3 ABA caused a momentary increase in [Ca2+]i followed by a decrease after 15 min, but 10 mmol m?3 ABA caused an immediate decline in [Ca2+]i. There was a strong positive correlation between [Ca2+]i and root elongation rates. Experiments with the ABA-deficient Arabidopsis mutant aba-3 indicated that the reduction in [Ca2+]i brought about by NaCl was unlikely to be mediated via changes in endogenous ABA. Experiments with solutes such as sorbitol, KCl and NaNO3 indicated that the effects of NaCl could be mimicked by other solutes and was not specific for NaCl.  相似文献   

Plants exposed to stress pass the memory of exposure to stress to the progeny. Previously, we showed that the phenomenon of transgenerational memory of stress is of epigenetic nature and depends on the function of Dicer-like (DCL) 2 and DCL3 proteins. Here, we discuss a possible role of DNA methylation and function of small RNAs in establishing and maintaining transgenerational responses to stress. Our new data report that memory of stress is passed to the progeny predominantly through the female rather than male gamete. Possible evolutionary advantages of this mechanism are also discussed.Key words: transgenerational response to stress, Arabidopsis thaliana, maternal inheritance, methylation changes, homologous recombination frequency, genome instability, adaptive response, dcl2, dcl3Plants are sedentary organisms and thus can not respond to rapidly changing growth conditions by escaping to new environments as animals usually do. Moreover, since seed dispersal is rather limited in the vast majority of plants, the progeny is very likely to grow under the same environmental growth conditions as its parents did. The memory of pre-existing growth conditions can be advantageous for plant survival. The environmental experience of parents can be recorded in the form of induced epigenetic modifications that occur in somatic cell lineages. The very late, almost at the end of plant development, separation of germline cells from somatic tissues enables incorporation of acquired epigenetic changes in the gametes. Indeed, previous reports suggested that the progeny of exposed plants might have an advantage while growing in the same environment as its parents.13 Despite a growing number of experimental evidences that support the existence of the phenomenon of memory of stress, the data on adaptive changes in the progeny of stressed plants are scarce.Parental exposure to stress may not only lead to adaptive effects in progeny but also introduce a certain degree of changes in genome stability.49 Our early report showed that the progeny of tobacco plants infected with tobacco mosaic virus had an increased meiotic recombination frequency.8 A more recent report demonstrated that these progeny plants had a higher frequency of rearrangements at the loci carrying the homology to N-gene-like R-gene loci, allowing speculations about a possible role of these rearrangements in pathogen resistance evolution.9 Similarly, a study of Molinier et al. (2006) showed that the progeny of plants exposed to UVC or flagellin had an increased frequency of somatic homologous recombination events (HRF).4 The authors demonstrated that an increase in HRF triggered by a single exposure to UVC was maintained for five consecutive generations in the absence of stress. In contrast, our most recent reports demonstrated that maintaining an increase in HRF caused by ancestral exposure to heat, cold, flood, UVC or salt required exposure to stress in subsequent generations: if F1 plants were propagated for one more generation without stress, the effect diminished and HRF returned back to the level observed in the progeny of untreated plants.6,7 This scenario seems to be more probable from an evolutionary point of view. Within a given environmental niche, plants establish certain genetic and epigenetic traits needed to cope with the expected growth conditions. Drastic environmental changes or new unusual stresses may trigger a cascade of gene expression changes in attempt to survive and adapt to new conditions. Some of these potentially advantageous changes are most probably recorded in the form of DNA methylation and chromatin modifications and are passed to progeny as memory of stress exposure.It can be further hypothesized that if these new environmental conditions are no longer present during the lifespan of future generations, the newly established methylation patterns and chromatin organization will return to the original epigenetic landscape that was the most adequate fit for this environmental niche. If the same new stresses occur in consecutive generations, the newly established epigenetic changes will be maintained and possibly stabilized after many generations of exposure.  相似文献   

Analysis of the rate-limiting dehydrogenases of the oxidative pentosephosphate pathway (OPPP), as well as changes in the contributions of14C1- and 14C6-labelled glucose torespired CO2 during germination, indicated activation of the OPPPduring Arabidopsis seed germination. An approximatelyfour-fold increase in free proline (Pro) was also observed prior to radicleemergence in most seeds. Delayed radicle emergence in transgenicArabidopsis seeds which expressed an antisense copy of thegene encoding the Pro biosynthetic enzyme1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase correlated with anapproximately 35% reduction in the maximal concentration of Pro accumulated bythe antisense lines during germination. A dose-dependent inhibition ofArabidopsis seed germination by millimolar concentrationsof Pro capable of feedback inhibition of Pro synthesis reinforced the role ofPro synthesis in promoting germination. The ability of the artificial oxidantsmethylene blue and phenazine ethosulphate to overcome the inhibitory effects ofPro suggests a functional link between elevated Pro synthesis and increasedOPPPactivity and the importance of coupling of both pathways in stimulatinggermination.  相似文献   

One of the earliest responses of plants to environmental stress is establishing a temporary growth arrest that allows adaptation to adverse conditions. The response to abiotic stress requires the modulation of gene expression, which may be mediated by the alteration of chromatin structures. This alteration can be accomplished with the help of chromatin-remodeling enzymes, such as the various SWI/SNF classes of ATPases. Here, we investigate the role of the Arabidopsis SNF2/Brahma-type AtCHR12 chromatin-remodeling gene in plant growth and development in reaction to adverse environmental conditions. We show that the AtCHR12 chromatin-remodeling gene plays a vital role in mediating the temporary growth arrest of Arabidopsis that is induced upon perception of stress. Exposing an AtCHR12 overexpressing mutant to stress conditions leads to growth arrest of normally active primary buds, as well as to reduced growth of the primary stem. In contrast, the AtCHR12 knockout mutant shows less growth arrest than the wild-type when exposed to moderate stress. Without stress, mutant plants are indistinguishable from the wild-type, and the growth arrest response seems to depend on the severity of the stress applied. Modulation of AtCHR12 expression correlates with changes in expression of dormancy-associated genes. This is in agreement with the concept of AtCHR12 participation in priming the plants for the growth arrest response. Our data indicate that AtCHR12-associated growth arrest differs from DELLA-mediated growth restraint. This establishes AtCHR12 as a novel gene involved in the response repertoire of plants that permits flexible modulation of growth in adverse and/or otherwise limiting environments.  相似文献   

Oil bodies in seeds of higher plants are surrounded with oleosins. Here we demonstrate a novel role for oleosins in protecting oilseeds against freeze/thaw-induced damage of their cells. We detected four oleosins in oil bodies isolated from seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana , and designated them OLE1, OLE2, OLE3 and OLE4 in decreasing order of abundance in the seeds. For reverse genetics, we isolated oleosin-deficient mutants ( ole1 , ole2 , ole3 and ole4 ) and generated three double mutants ( ole1 ole2 , ole1 ole3 and ole2 ole3 ). Electron microscopy showed an inverse relationship between oil body sizes and total oleosin levels. The double mutant ole1 ole2 , which had the lowest levels of oleosins, had irregular enlarged oil-containing structures throughout the seed cells. Germination rates were positively associated with oleosin levels, suggesting that defects in germination are related to the expansion of oil bodies due to oleosin deficiency. We found that freezing followed by imbibition at 4°C abolished seed germination of single mutants ( ole1 , ole2 and ole3 ), which germinated normally without freezing treatment. The treatment accelerated the fusion of oil bodies and the abnormal-positioning and deformation of nuclei in ole1 seeds, which caused seed mortality. In contrast, ole1 seeds that had undergone freezing treatment germinated normally when incubated at 22°C instead of 4°C, because degradation of oils abolished the acceleration of fusion of oil bodies during imbibition. Taken together, our findings suggest that oleosins increase the viability of over-wintering oilseeds by preventing abnormal fusion of oil bodies during imbibition in the spring.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vascular continuity is established between a host plant and the root parasite broomrape. It is generally accepted that the direction of vascular continuity results from polar flow of auxin. Our hypothesis was that chemical disruptions of auxin transport and activity could influence the infection of the host by the parasite. METHODS: A sterile system for the routine infection of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings in Nunc cell culture plates by germinated seeds of Orobanche aegyptiaca was developed. This method permitted a quantitative assay of the rate of host infection. The three-dimensional structure of the vascular contacts was followed in cleared tissue. IAA (indole acetic acid) or substances that influence its activity and transport were applied locally to the host root. RESULTS: The orientation of the xylem contacts showed that broomrape grafts itself upon the host by acting hormonally as a root rather than a shoot. Local applications of IAA, PCIB (p-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid) or NPA (naphthylphthalamic acid) all resulted in drastic reductions of Orobanche infection CONCLUSIONS: Broomrape manipulates the host by acting as a sink for auxin. Disruption of auxin action or auxin flow at the contact site could be a novel basis for controlling infection by Orobanche.  相似文献   

In plants, 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase/7,8-dihydropteroate synthase (mitHPPK/DHPS) is a bifunctional mitochondrial enzyme, which catalyzes the first two consecutive steps of tetrahydrofolate biosynthesis. Mining the Arabidopsis genome data base has revealed a second gene encoding a protein that lacks a potential transit peptide, suggesting a cytosolic localization of the isoenzyme (cytHPPK/DHPS). When the N-terminal part of the cytHPPK/DHPS was fused to green fluorescent protein, the fusion protein appeared only in the cytosol, confirming the above prediction. Functionality of cytHPPK/DHPS was addressed by two parallel approaches: first, the cytHPPK/DHPS was able to rescue yeast mutants lacking corresponding activities; second, recombinant cytHPPK/DHPS expressed and purified from Escherichia coli displayed both HPPK and DHPS activities in vitro. In contrast to mitHPPK/DHPS, which was ubiquitously expressed, the cytHPPK/DHPS gene was exclusively expressed in reproductive tissue, more precisely in developing seeds as revealed by histochemical analysis of a transgenic cytHPPK/DHPS promoter-GUS line. In addition, it was observed that expression of cytHPPK/DHPS mRNA was induced by salt stress, suggesting a potential role of the enzyme in stress response. This was supported by the phenotype of a T-DNA insertion mutant in the cytHPPK/DHPS gene, resulting in lower germination rates as compared with the wild-type upon application of oxidative and osmotic stress.  相似文献   

Zhao XC  Schaller GE 《FEBS letters》2004,562(1-3):189-192
In hormone perception, varying the concentrations of hormone, receptor, or downstream signaling elements can modulate signal transduction. Previous research has demonstrated that ethylene biosynthesis in plants is regulated by abiotic factors. Here we report that exposure of Arabidopsis plants to NaCl reduced expression of the ethylene receptor ETR1. The change in gene expression was reflected at the protein level based on immunoblot analysis. Further analysis supports a general effect of osmotic stress upon the expression level of ETR1. The reduction in ETR1 levels should cause increased sensitivity of the plant to ethylene. These results suggest that plant responses to abiotic stress are modulated by changes in the expression level of ethylene receptors.  相似文献   

Müller J  Menzel D  Samaj J 《Protoplasma》2007,230(3-4):231-242
Summary. The cytoskeleton in plant cells plays an important role in controlling cell shape and mediating intracellular signalling. However, almost nothing is known about the reactions of cytoskeletal elements to heat stress, which represents one of the major environmental challenges for plants. Here we show that living epidermal root cells of Arabidopsis thaliana could cope with short-term heat shock stress showing disruption and subsequent recovery of microtubules and actin microfilaments in a time-dependent manner. Time-lapse imaging revealed a very dynamic behavior of both cytoskeletal elements including transient depolymerization and disassembly upon heat shock (40–41 °C) followed by full recovery at room temperature (20 °C) within 1–3 h. Reaction of microtubules, but not actin filaments, to heat shock was dependent on cell type and developmental stage. On the other hand, recovery of actin filaments, but not microtubules, from heat shock stress was dependent on the same parameters. The relevance of this adaptive cytoskeletal behavior to intracellular signalling is discussed. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Cellular and Molecular Botany, University of Bonn, Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

Content of reactive oxygen species (ROS): O2*-, H2O2 and OH* as well as activities of antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (POX) and catalase (CAT) were studied in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia, treated with Cu excess (0, 5, 25, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150 and 300 microM). After 7 days of Cu action ROS content and the activity of SOD and POX increased, while CAT activity decreased in comparison with control. Activities of SOD, POX and CAT were correlated both with Cu concentration (0-75 microM) in the growth medium and with OH* content in leaves. Close correlation was also found between OH* content and Cu concentration. Oxidative stress in A. thaliana under Cu treatment expressed in elevated content of O2*-, H2O2 and OH* in leaves. To overcome it very active the dismutase- and peroxidase-related (and not catalase-related, as in other plants) ROS scavenging system operated in A. thaliana. Visual symptoms of phytotoxicity: chlorosis, necrosis and violet colouring of leaves as well as a reduction of shoot biomass occurred in plants.  相似文献   

Using chlorophyll (chl) fluorescence imaging, we studied the effect of mild (MiDS), moderate (MoDS) and severe (SDS) drought stress on photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry of 4-week-old Arabidopsis thaliana. Spatio-temporal heterogeneity in all chl fluorescence parameters was maintained throughout water stress. After exposure to drought stress, maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (F(v)/F(m)) and quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Φ(PSΙΙ)) decreased less in the proximal (base) than in the distal (tip) leaf. The chl fluorescence parameter F(v) /F(m) decreased less after MoDS than MiDS. Under MoDS, the antioxidant mechanism of A. thaliana leaves seemed to be sufficient in scavenging reactive oxygen species, as evident by the decreased lipid peroxidation, the more excitation energy dissipated by non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) and decreased excitation pressure (1-q(p)). Arabidopsis leaves appear to function normally under MoDS, but do not seem to have particular metabolic tolerance mechanisms under MiDS and SDS, as revealed by the level of lipid peroxidation and decreased quantum yield for dissipation after down-regulation in PSII (Φ(NPQ)), indicating that energy dissipation by down-regulation did not function and electron transport (ETR) was depressed. The simultaneous increased quantum yield of non-regulated energy dissipation (Φ(NO)) indicated that both the photochemical energy conversion and protective regulatory mechanism were insufficient. The non-uniform photosynthetic pattern under drought stress may reflect different zones of leaf anatomy and mesophyll development. The data demonstrate that the effect of different degrees of drought stress on A. thaliana leaves show spatio-temporal heterogeneity, implying that common single time point or single point leaf analyses are inadequate.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the photosynthetic machinery is crucial for the fundamental understanding of plant physiology and the bioengineering of heat-tolerant varieties. In our study, Arabidopsis thaliana was exposed to mild (40°C), short-term heat stress in the dark to evaluate the heat-triggered phosphorylation and migration of light harvesting complex (LHC) II in both wild-type (wt) and mutant lacking STN7 kinase. The 77K emission spectra revealed an increase in PSI relative to PSII emission similar to increases observed in light-induced state I to state II transitions in wt but not in stn7 mutant. Immunoblotting results indicated that the major LHCII was phosphorylated at threonine sites under heat stress in wt plants but not in the mutant. These results support the proposition that mild heat stress triggers state transitions in the dark similar to light-induced state transitions, which involve phosphorylation of LHCII by STN7 kinase. Pre-treatment of Arabidopsis leaves with inhibitor DBMIB, altered the extent of LHCII phosphorylation and PSI fluorescence emission suggests that activation of STN7 kinase may be dependent on Cyt b(6)/f under elevated temperatures in dark. Furthermore, fast Chl a transient of temperature-exposed leaves of wt showed a decrease in the F(v)/F(m) ratio due to both an increase in F(o) and a decrease in F(m). In summary, our findings indicate that a mild heat treatment (40°C) induces state transitions in the dark resulting in the migration of phosphorylated LHCII from the grana to the stroma region.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+) are the main forms of nitrogen available in the soil for plants. Excessive NH4+ accumulation in tissues is toxic for plants and exclusive NH4+-based nutrition enhances this effect. Ammonium toxicity syndrome commonly includes growth impairment, ion imbalance and chlorosis among others. In this work, we observed high intraspecific variability in chlorophyll content in 47 Arabidopsis thaliana natural accessions grown under 1 mM NH4+ or 1 mM NO3 as N-source. Interestingly, chlorophyll content increased in every accession upon ammonium nutrition. Moreover, this increase was independent of ammonium tolerance capacity. Thus, chlorosis seems to be an exclusive effect of severe ammonium toxicity while mild ammonium stress induces chlorophyll accumulation.  相似文献   

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