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T, B, and NK cells appear to represent separate lymphocyte lineages, but indirect evidence suggests that they may be related via a common lymphoid precursor cell. We have produced two monoclonal antibodies, HB-10 (IgM) and HB-11 (IgG1), by fusing spleen cells from mice immunized with the human B cell line SB, and have shown that both antibodies react with lymphocyte-specific cell surface antigens present on T, B, and NK cells, but not on other types of blood cells. The antibodies were reactive with most cell lines and malignancies of B cell origin and with some of T and NK cell lineage. Although the populations of cells expressing these two antigens were virtually identical, the HB-10 and HB-11 antibodies identified separate protease-sensitive determinants on the cell surface. The HB-11 antigenic determinant was also sensitive to neuraminidase and periodate treatments, but the HB-10 determinant was not. Antigen expression by lymphocytes from fetal, newborn, and adult tissues was examined. Within the B cell lineage, these antigens were expressed by most pre-B cells in bone marrow (88% +/- 5) and almost all B cells, but were not expressed by mature plasma cells. Virtually all of the granular lymphocytes in blood marked by the Leu-7 and Leu-11 (anti-Fc receptor) antibodies were HB-10+ and 11+. Among T lineage cells, the HB-10 and 11 antigens were expressed by a subset of relatively mature T3+ thymocytes and by greater than 90% of the T cells in newborn blood. In adults, however, only 65% of blood T cells and 24 to 30% of splenic or tonsillar T cells expressed the HB-10 and HB-11 antigens. The postnatal emergence of T cells which, like plasma cells, do not express these antigens suggests that post-thymic T lymphocyte maturation occurs and may be an activation-dependent process.  相似文献   

Human B lymphocytes can be induced to differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells by Leu-3+ T lymphocytes stimulated with pokeweed mitogen (PWM), a polyclonal T cell activator. In contrast, other polyclonal T cell mitogens, such as phytohemagglutinin (PHA), also activate Leu-3+ T cells but are relatively ineffective inducers of B cell differentiation. We have performed a series of experiments to investigate the mechanism underlying this apparent paradox. When human B cells were cultured with unfractionated T cells and PWM or PHA, only PWM was able to induce plasma cell formation and immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. However, when the T cells were treated with mitomycin C (MMC) before culture, both PWM and PHA were able to induce significant B cell differentiation. These data indicated that both mitogens were able to activate the helper T cells required for B lymphocyte differentiation and suggested that MMC-sensitive suppressor T cells were responsible for inhibiting the induction of antibody-secreting cells by MMC-untreated T cells stimulated with PHA. Phenotypic analysis of the T cells capable of suppressing PHA-induced B cell differentiation revealed that small numbers of either Leu-2+ or Leu-3+ T cells could profoundly suppress the B cell differentiation induced by PHA. In contrast, significant suppression of PWM-stimulated B cell differentiation was observed only with relatively large numbers of Leu-2+ T cells. These data confirm previous reports that OKT4+/Leu-3+ T cells can suppress human B cell differentiation and indicate that the difference in B cell differentiation induced by PWM and PHA with MMC-untreated T cells is largely a reflection of the relative potency of these mitogens to activate these phenotypically distinct suppressor T cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

The concanavalin A- (Con A) stimulated supernatant of normal spleen cells (normal Con A SN) was shown to contain a set of helper factors sufficient to allow T cell- and macrophage- (M phi) depleted murine splenic B cells to produce a plaque-forming cell response to the antigen sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The activity of normal Con A SN could be reconstituted by a mixture of three helper factor preparations. The first was the interleukin 2- (IL 2) containing Con A SN of the T cell hybridoma, FS6-14.13. The second was a normal Con A SN depleted of IL 2 by extended culture with T cell blasts from which the 30,000 to 50,000 m.w. factors were isolated (interleukin X, IL X). The third was a SN either from the M phi tumor cell line P388D1 or from normal M phi taken from Corynebacterium parvum-immune mice. The combination of all three helper factor preparations was required to equal the activity of normal Con A SN; however, the M phi SN had the least overall effect. The M phi SN and IL 2 had to be added at the initiation of the culture period for a maximal effect, but the IL X preparation was most effective when added 24 hr after the initiation of culture. These results indicate that at least three nonspecific helper factors contribute to the helper activity in normal Con A SN.  相似文献   

Human tonsil non-T cells were successfully separated into surface IgM+G-ve (sIgM+G-), sIgM+G+, sIgM-G-, and sIgM-G+ B cell fractions. The two-step separation technique used did not affect the pokeweed mitogen- (PWM) induced plasma cell differentiation of the B cells. The highest percentages of plasma cells after PWM stimulation were found in the sIgM- fractions, and the lowest percentage was in the sIgM+G- fraction (20.8 +/- 2.3%), the latter predominantly cytoplasmic mu-chain-positive (c mu +) (84.1 +/- 3.5%) plasma cells. In this fraction, almost no c gamma + plasma cells were found. The sIgM+G+ produced c mu + (47.5 +/- 7.5%), c gamma + (35.7 +/- 5.8%), and c alpha + (16.8 +/- 4.0%) plasma cells. All three isotypes were found on the surface of the B cells in this fraction before PWM stimulation. The sIgM-G- fraction contained about 10% plasma cells before stimulation, which were predominantly c gamma +. After PWM stimulation, primarily c alpha + (64.2 +/- 4.3%) plasma cells were found. The sIgM-G+ fraction produced both c gamma + (75.0 +/- 2.3%) and c alpha + (24.1 +/- 2.5) plasma cells. A mu to gamma class switch did not occur in vitro in the sIgM+G- fraction on PWM stimulation, and the sIgM+G+ fraction did not complete in vitro the mu to gamma switch it had started in vivo.  相似文献   

On the basis of the pattern of lymphokines they secrete, murine T helper clones can be divided into two subsets, TH1 and TH2. This concept of two different T helper effector cells helps to explain the diversity of immune reactions occurring in different parts of the body. The in vivo localization of T helper subtypes is of great interest, but up to now no biochemical or surface markers were available to distinguish between them. We analyzed the glycolipids from altogether 12 murine TH1 and TH2 cell lines or clones. A comparison of the gangliosides by thin-layer chromatography showed differences between the TH1 and TH2 cells. Binding studies with specific antibodies to asialo backbone structures after degradation by neuraminidases showed that the main gangliosides from these lymphocytes shared a common GgOse4 backbone and thus differed only in their degree or position of sialylation. Two disialogangliosides appeared to be characteristic. They were isolated from the D10.G4.1 TH2 cell clone and identified by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry as IVNeuAc,IINeuAc-GgOse4Cer (GD1a) and IVNeuAc,IIINeuAc-GgOse4Cer (GD1 alpha), respectively. GD1a was characteristically only detected in TH2 cells, whereas GD1 alpha was preferably, but not exclusively, expressed by TH1 lymphocytes. Although GD1a was also found in the lung, heart, kidney, and spleen, its expression within the murine immune cells under investigation was unique to TH2 lymphocytes. Scarcely any GD1a was found in thymocytes, B cells, or CD8 positive (cytolytic) T cells, but significant expression was seen in CD4 positive (helper) T cells which include the TH2 subpopulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (5/9) was obtained that reacts with the majority of alloactivated human T cells but only with 15 to 20% peripheral T cells. The populations reactive with the 5/9 antibody were separated from the remaining T cells by rosetting techniques using 5/9-coated ORBC. 5/9+ and 5/9- populations were analyzed for different in vitro activities. The helper activity of PWM- driven B cell differentiation appeared to be restricted and highly enriched in the 5/9+ population. In addition, 5/9+ cells contained all the cells capable of proliferation to tetanus toxoid and allogeneic cells. Thus, in vitro activities commonly used for evaluation of T cell function seem to be confined to a small fraction of peripheral T cells.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of soluble T cell products during B cell differentiation more fully, we have produced T cell hybridomas by the fusion of normal helper T cells with the T cell lymphoma BW5147. In this report we describe the production of one such hybrid, 14G3, the subclone 14G3.1F2, and the functional activity of the constitutive product. The hybrid supernatant acts exclusively in antigen-nonspecific, but antigen-dependent, promotion of B cell differentiation. It is optimally effective in the presence of small amounts of EL4 supernatant. It does not itself contain any detectable IL 2 or BCGF or interferon activity, however. 14G3.1F2 activity is probably an important component of the conventional TRF preparations produced by mixed lymphocyte populations, and will be useful in further dissection of the contributions of different soluble T cell products to B cell differentiation.  相似文献   

In vitro human plasma cell generation induced by both T-dependent (PWM) and T-independent (NWSM) mitogens was found to be suppressed by peripheral blood lymphocytes preincubated with human aggregated IgG. T cells, but not B lymphocytes, were able to mediate the suppressive activity; since aggregated (Fab)'2 fragments were found unable to generate suppressor cells, it was concluded that the suppressor cell was a T lymphocyte bearing Fcgamma receptors. These cells appeared to be largely radiosensitive. In most cases the proliferative responses remained unchanged. Since NWSM-induced activation is not dependent on the presence of T cells, these results show that, at least in this case, T cells exert their suppressor function directly on B lymphocytes. Whether PWM-induced B cell differentiation is suppressed by the same mechanism or/and by inactivation of T helper lymphocytes remains under investigation.  相似文献   

Helper activity of several murine CD4+ T cell subsets was examined. Effector Th, derived from naive cells after 4 days of in vitro stimulation with alloantigen, when generated in the presence of IL-4, secreted high levels of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-6, and low levels of IL-2 and IFN-gamma, and induced the secretion of all Ig isotypes particularly IgM, IgG1, IgA, and IgE from resting allogeneic B cells. Effectors generated with IL-6 secreted IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IFN-gamma, and induced similar levels of total Ig, 25 to 35 micrograms/ml, but with IgM, IgG3, IgG1, and IgG2a isotypes predominating. Helper activity of these Th was significantly greater than that of effectors generated with IL-2 (10-15 micrograms/ml Ig) and of 24-h-activated naive and memory cells (2-4 micrograms/ml), both of which induced mainly IgM. Unlike other isotypes, IgE was induced only by effector Th generated with IL-4. Blocking studies showed that secretion of all isotypes in response to IL-6-primed effectors was dependent on IL-2, IL-5, and IL-6. IL-4 was required for optimal IgM, IgG1, and IgA secretion, but limited secretion of IgG2a, whereas IFN-gamma was required for optimal IgG2a secretion, and limited IgM, IgG1, and IgA. In contrast, secretion of all isotypes in response to IL-4-primed effectors was dependent on IL-5, although IL-4 and IFN-gamma were also essential for IgE and IgG2a, respectively. Addition of exogenous IL-5 to B cell cultures driven by IL-6-primed effectors did not obviate the requirement for IL-2, IL-4, and IL-6, suggesting that interaction of IL-4-primed effectors with B cells was qualitatively different from that of IL-6-primed effectors, driving B cells to a stage requiring only IL-5 for differentiation. Addition of exogenous factors to IL-2-primed effector Th, particularly IL-4 in the presence of anti-IFN-gamma, resulted in levels of Ig, including IgE, comparable to those induced with other effectors. These results show that functionally distinct Th cell subsets can be generated rapidly in vitro, under the influence of distinct cytokines, which vary dramatically in their levels of help for resting B cells. The cytokines involved in responses to distinct Th cells differ depending on the quality of interaction with the B cell, and the extent of help is strongly determined by the quantity and nature of cytokines secreted by the T cells.  相似文献   

A single monoclonal T helper (Th) clone can activate B cells in two distinct pathways; a cognate pathway requiring a major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted T-B cell interaction, and a noncognate pathway not requiring an MHC-restricted T-B cell interaction. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether Th cells mediating a given immune response provide further regulatory function to B cells other than helper function. It was demonstrated that conditions of high antigen concentration which activate a noncognate B cell activation pathway simultaneously inhibit IgG responses. The inhibition is shown to be mediated by the T cell factor interleukin 4, produced by activated cloned Th cells. The inhibitory effect of this factor is directed to B cells and is MHC-unrestricted, antigen-nonspecific, and IgG class-specific. In addition to being susceptible to the effects of augmenting cells and suppressor cells, cloned Th cell populations can therefore themselves function as regulatory cells to inhibit IgG responses when stimulated with high dose of specific antigen. These results indicate that Th cells function to regulate B cells both positively and negatively, depending upon the activation conditions.  相似文献   

We determined the B cell subpopulations that produce the major cross-reactive idiotype (CRIA) associated with the anti-phenylarsonate (ARS) antibody response of A/J mice. Specifically, we examined the B2 subpopulation found in normal mice which, in H-2b mice, bears the I-Ab-encoded determinant Ia.W39; the B1 subpopulation found in mice expressing the CBA/N X-linked immunodeficiency trait (xid); and the B1 subpopulation found in normal mice after the cytotoxic elimination of B2 cells with anti-Ia. W39 and complement. CRIA is expressed in each of these B cell subpopulations. Antigen plays a selective role in the stimulation of distinct B cell sets. ARS conjugates of keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) can activate both the B1 and B2 subpopulations. In contrast, ARS conjugates of synthetic polypeptides under Ir gene control selectively activate the B2 subpopulation in strains that are genetic responders to the carrier. This leads to the establishment of CRIA dominance where CRIA+ anti-ARS antibody is 70 to 95% of the total anti-arsonate antibody response. This class of antigens fails to activate the B1 cells in either normal or xid mice. We compared the CRIA+ antibody produced by selectively activated B2 cells to that produced by the B1 subpopulation in xid mice. For these comparisons, we used competitive radioimmunoassays that employed polyspecific anti-CRIA antiserum or monoclonal anti-CRIA antibodies specific for distinct idiotopes on the heavy chain of CRIA+ antibody. B2 cells produce a CRIA+ anti-ARS antibody that is idiotopically uniform among individual mice, and that closely approximates the hybridoma protein 36-65 (the heavy chain of 36-65 represents the germ line-encoded sequence of the unique CRIA structural gene (25]. In contrast, the CRIA+ antibody produced by the B1 cell subset of xid mice is idiotopically diverse among individual mice, and differs markedly from the 36-65 hybridoma protein. The extent of diversification found in CRIA+ antibody depends on the B cell subpopulation that produces it.  相似文献   

The phenotype of intrahepatic (IHL) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) was determined, and the production of cytokines by T lymphocytes analyzed in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Three-color fluorescence-activated cytometric analysis was done for 36 patients with untreated CHC. The percentage of peripheral blood memory T cells was higher in patients with CHC than in healthy controls (all data in %, significant atp<0.001; 74.6±2.7vs. 58.3±4.5), and a greater proportion of them were observed in the intrahepatic compartment (IHL—94.2±2.8vs. PBL—74.6±2.7). There was a higher percentage of peripheral blood T helper 1 lymphocytes expressing IFN-γ (IFN-γ/IL-4) in these patients (4.6±0.7vs. control—2.2±0.5). The expression of CXCR3 chemokine receptors on peripheral blood T helper cells was also high compared with the control (39.8±4.8vs. 26.8±2.5) and a large percentage of T cells expressing CXCR3 or CCR5 chemokine receptors was observed in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected liver (CXCR3: IHLvs. PBL—74.9±5.7vs. 39.8±4.8; CCR5: IHLvs. PBL—65.9±5.9vs. 19.1±2.1). The intrahepatic compartment contains a greater proportion of activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and natural killer-T (NK-T) cells than peripheral blood (CTL: IHLvs. PBL—69.5±3.2vs. 59.9±3.1; NK-T: IHLvs. PBL— 10.6±2.5vs. PBL: 3.99±0.5). The data suggest that in HCV-infected subjects, memory TH1 lymphocytes, activated CTL and NK-T cells compartmentalize in liver tissue and could play an important role in pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis.  相似文献   

The present studies were carried out to characterize the cellular events involved in the induction and function of carrier-specific Ts cells, which selectively regulate the generation of IgG responses by Lyb-5- B cells. It was demonstrated that this regulation is in fact mediated by two distinct suppressor pathways. In one pathway, carrier-primed Lyt-1 + 2 - Ts cells are specifically activated by in vitro reexposure to the priming antigen. After this specific activation, these Lyt-1 + 2 - Ts cells are able to suppress IgG responses in an antigen-nonspecific manner. This suppression requires the participation of unprimed Lyt-1 - 2 + T cells, and is effective in both the early and the late phases of antibody responses. A second suppressor pathway requires the antigen-specific activation of primed Lyt-1 - 2 + Ts cells. Suppression of antibody responses by activated Lyt-1 - 2 + Ts cells is highly carrier specific, in contrast to the nonspecific effector function of Lyt-1 + 2 - Ts cells, appears to act without requirement for additional T cell populations; and is effective only early in the course of the antibody response. Thus, it appears that two Ts cell populations may function through distinct mechanisms to regulate the generation of IgG Lyb-5- B cell responses.  相似文献   

Blood mononuclear cells (MNC) develop into T cell colonies when the cells are sensitized with PHA and seeded in a two-layer soft agar system. Conditioned medium (CM) derived from MNC enhanced lymphocyte colony formation when it was added to the culture system. CFU-TL appear to be stimulated into colony formation by molecules secreted by lymphocyte subpopulations contained in the seeded cells. In this study, human peripheral blood MNC were fractionated by a battery of techniques into adherent, E+, CD4+, CD8+, B and null cells. CM was prepared from each of the subpopulations and its effects on T cell colony growth assayed. All the lymphocyte subpopulations were found to generate lymphocyte colony enhancement factor (LCEF). After several purification procedures, CM prepared from CD4 and CD8+, displayed LCEF activity corresponding to proteins of molecular weight 30-40 and 100-140 kD.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with a supraoptimal dose of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) results in splenic T cell populations capable of specifically suppressing recipients' plaque forming cell (PFC) and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to SRBC when tested in an adoptive transfer system. By localization on discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradients and relative sensitivity to Cytoxan, two distinct T cell subpopulations suppressing DTH reactivity were identified. One population could not be distinguished from T cells capable of inhibiting direct and indirect PFC responses. However, another population appeared quite distinct and capable of inhibiting DTH, but not PFC responses.  相似文献   

Rabbit lymph node cells (Ig+Ig?) were separated into Ig+ and Ig? populations by rosette formation with anti-Ig antibody-coated erythrocytes and centrifugation on Ficoll-Hypaque. Subpopulations of Ig+ cells were obtained by treating rosetted cells with autologous serum which dissociated approximately half of the rosettes. The stable rosetted cells (Ig+ S) were separated from the labile unrosetted cells (Ig+L) by centrifugation on Ficoll-Hypaque. The Ig+S population contained most of the Ig-secreting cells and responded poorly to mitogens. The Ig+L population contained few Ig-secreting cells and responded well to mitogens. Approximately 50% of Ig+L cells became Ig+S when cultured with Ig? cells but this transition did not occur if Ig+S cells were added to the culture at the start of the incubation period. Purified Ig+ L cells lost their ability to form rosettes when cultured by themselves but retained their ability to form rosettes when cultured wih Ig? cells. The data indicate that the Ig+S and Ig+L populations are at different stages in the differentiation of Ig+ cells (B cells) and that the Ig+L cells are subject to the regulatory influences of both Ig? and Ig+S cells.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells release a lymphocyte chemotactic factor. This lymphocyte chemotactic factor is produced optimally after 24 to 48 hr of culture and is not found before 3 hr of culture, which suggests that the factor is synthesized de novo and is not preformed and secreted after Con A stimulation. This is further supported by experiments showing that the protein synthesis inhibitors cycloheximide and puromycin totally prevent the production of the chemotactic factor. Experiments using cultured and uncultured T lymphocytes as responding cells show that cultured T cells respond more efficiently than uncultured T cells to this factor. Furthermore, the lymphocyte chemotactic factor preferentially stimulates T lymphocyte locomotion as compared to peripheral blood non-T lymphocyte migration. Fractionation of mononuclear cells into glass nonadherent lymphocytes, monocyte-enriched preparations, T lymphocytes, and non-T lymphocytes shows that lymphocyte chemotactic factor is produced by Con A-stimulated, glass nonadherent lymphocytes and T cells but not by monocytes or non-T lymphocytes. Further fractionation of T lymphocytes into Leu-2 and Leu-3 T cell subpopulations shows that the production of T lymphocyte chemotactic factor can be attributed to the Leu-2 suppressor/cytotoxic T cell subset. The generation of a T lymphocyte chemotactic factor by Leu-2 T cells may represent a means of recruiting other T cells to the site of its release.  相似文献   

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