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1. A method for the purification of horse serum lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase has been established. 2. The method involves the adsorption of the enzyme from diluted horse serum on DEAE-Sephadex A-50, (NH4)2SO4 fractionation, 1-butanol treatment, and chromatographic techniques of DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B, DEAE-Sephadex A-50, Affi-Gel blue and hydroxylapatite. 3. The resultant enzyme preparation essentially formed a single main band when subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. 4. The final purification of the enzyme was 20,000-fold with 7% yield. 5. The apparent mol. wt of the enzyme was 64,000. 6. The activity of the enzyme was stable for 3 days at 0 degree C.  相似文献   

In the majority of extant placental mammals the bulla tympanica is composed of two skeletal elements, the entotympanic and the ectotympanic. Former studies revealed that the presence of an entotympanic in the bulla tympanica of extant Perissodactyla is restricted to Rhinocerotidae. The existence of the entotympanic in Tapiridae and Equidae remained speculative. Here we present the first evidence of an entotympanic, strictly speaking rostral entotympanic, in the domestic horse, Equus caballus. The enchondrally ossified entotympanic can be easily separated from the desmal ectotympanic by its greater thickness and by its cancellous bone texture in a late fetal stage. Both elements are separated by a suture that is in the process of coalescence. The complete fusion of the two elements and the unification of bone texture are almost accomplished at birth but the entotympanic and ectotympanic assume the same thickness obviously not until early postnatal development. Based on modern phylogenetic hypotheses we can conclude that the common ancestor of Perissodactyla must have possessed a well-developed entotympanic, probably only evident in their fetal life. This must be considered as a plesiomorphic character state of this order, because the entotympanic is a neomorphic apomorphy of placental mammals. However, the prenatal fusion of the entotympanic and the ectotympanic is an apomorphy of Equus caballus and possibly of the Equidae as a whole.  相似文献   

1. Changes in lipid components of lipoproteins during incubation of horse serum at 37 degrees C were investigated. In non-incubated serum, cholesterol and lecithin existed predominantly in alpha-lipoprotein or in high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Lysolecithin was mainly associated with the fraction with density above 1.21. 2. When serum was separated into alpha- and beta-lipoproteins by the heparin precipitation method after 1 hr incubation, the decrease in alpha-lipoprotein free cholesterol and lecithin was about four times that in beta-lipoprotein counterparts. 3. When serum lipoproteins were separated by ultracentrifugation, the decrease in each lipoprotein free cholesterol was closely paralleled with that in lecithin. 4. HDL appeared to be a preferential substrate for the lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase reaction. 5. Disc electrophoretic patterns indicated significant differences in the composition of horse serum lipoproteins from those of human and rat.  相似文献   

Like many other herbivores, in a natural environment equids feed on rather evenly distributed resources. However, the vegetation in their vast habitats constantly changes. If food is plentiful only little competition occurs over food, and in non-competitive situations domestic horses tend to return to the same feeding site until it is overgrazed. In contrast, they compete over limited food for which the social status of the individuals appears to be important. Especially in ruminants several studies have proved an influence of social organisations, rank, sex and the depletion of feeding sites on the feeding behaviour of individuals. However, it is not yet understood whether and how social aspects affect horses' feeding decisions. Curiosity about the influence of social rank on the horses' feeding decisions between two, equally with high-quality surplus food-filled buckets placed in different social feeding conditions, led us to create the test below. The observer horses were alternately tested with a dominant and a subordinate demonstrator placed in one of the three different positions. We conclude that domestic horses use social cognition and strategic decision making in order to decide where to feed in a social feeding situation. When possible they tend to return to the same, continuously supplied feeding site and switch to an "avoidance tendency" in the presence of dominant horses or when another horse is already feeding there. Thus, the social rank and the position of conspecifics affect the feeding strategy of horses.  相似文献   

A 3-year study was carried out on the developmental behavior of foals from birth to 24 weeks of age and the behavior of mares living with foals. Mutual-grooming partners of foals were primarily other foals. The peak frequency of mutual grooming occurred during Weeks 9–12, when fillies mutual-groomed 1.6 times h−1 and colts mutual-groomed 0.9 times h−1. Fillies mutual-groomed more frequently than colts (P < 0.025). Fillies mutual-groomed randomly with colts and other fillies (P < 0.05), whereas colts mutual-groomed almost exclusively with fillies (P = 0.03). At all ages studied, if a foal's nearest neighbor was not its mother, it was more likely to be another foal than would be expected if the foal was associating randomly with non-mother ponies. Fillies were more likely than expected to have a filly rather than a colt as their nearest neighbor (P = 0.01). Thus, during their first few months of life, the foals studied exhibited patterns of behavior which were consistent with the development of the usual social milieu of unmanaged adults, in which several mares form a cohesive herd with one or more stallions associating with them.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Equine plasma contains lipoproteins corresponding to very low density (VLDL), low density (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL).
  • 2.2. HDL accounts for approximately 60% of plasma lipoprotein mass and consists of a single population of particles.
  • 3.3. LDL is heterogeneous comprising three discrete subfractions.
  • 4.4. Two proteins are found in the region of apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 in VLDL and LDL and a third similar to apo B-48 is in VLDL.
  • 5.5. Lecithin:cholesterol acyl transferase is active in plasma and hepatic lipase and lipoprotein lipase are evident in post-heparin plasma.
  • 6.6. There is no significant cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity.

 Horse (Equus caballus) immunoglobulin mu chain-encoding (IgM) variable, joining, and constant gene segments were cloned and characterized. Nucleotide sequence analyses of 15 cDNA clones from a mesenteric lymph node library identified 7 unique variable gene segments, 5 separate joining segments, and a single constant region. Based on comparison with human sequences, horse variable segments could be grouped into either family 1 of immunoglobulin (Ig) clan I or family 4 of Ig clan II subclan IV. All horse sequences had a relatively conserved 16 base pair (bp) segment in framework 3 which was recognized with high specificity in polymerase chain reaction by a degenerate oligonucleotide primer. Horse complementarity determining regions (CDR) had considerable variability in predicted amino acid content and length but also included the presence of relatively conserved residues and several canonical sequences that may be necessary in formation of the β chain main structure and conformation of antigen-binding sites through interaction with light chain CDR. Sequence analysis of joining regions revealed the presence of nearly invariant 3′ regions similar to those found in human and mouse genes. A single horse IgM constant region comprising 1472 bp and encoding 451 residues was also identified. Direct comparison of the horse constant region predicted amino acid sequence with those from eleven other species revealed the presence of 53 invariant residues with particularly conserved sequences within the third and fourth exons. Phylogenetic analysis using a neighbor-joining algorithm showed closest similarity of the horse mu chain-encoding constant region gene to human and dog sequences. Together, these findings provide insights into the comparative biology of IgM as well as data for additional detailed studies of the horse immune system and investigation of immune-related diseases. Received: 14 October 1996 / Revised: 10 December 1996  相似文献   

The ability of four horses (Equus caballus) to discriminate coloured (three shades of blue, green, red, and yellow) from grey (neutral density) stimuli, produced by back projected lighting filters, was investigated in a two response forced-choice procedure. Pushes of the lever in front of a coloured screen were occasionally reinforced, pushes of the lever in front of a grey screen were never reinforced. Each colour shade was randomly paired with a grey that was brighter, one that was dimmer, and one that approximately matched the colour in terms of brightness. Each horse experienced the colours in a different order, a new colour was started after 85% correct responses over five consecutive sessions or if accuracy showed no trend over sessions. All horses reached the 85% correct with blue versus grey, three horses did so with both yellow and green versus grey. All were above chance with red versus grey but none reached criterion. Further analysis showed the wavelengths of the green stimuli used overlapped with the yellow. The results are consistent with histological and behavioural studies that suggest that horses are dichromatic. They differ from some earlier data in that they indicate horses can discriminate yellow and blue, but that they may have deficiencies in discriminating red and green.  相似文献   

Articular injuries in athletic horses are associated with large forces from ground impact and from muscular contraction. To accurately and noninvasively predict muscle and joint contact forces, a detailed model of musculoskeletal geometry and muscle architecture is required. Moreover, muscle architectural data can increase our understanding of the relationship between muscle structure and function in the equine distal forelimb. Muscle architectural data were collected from seven limbs obtained from five thoroughbred and thoroughbred-cross horses. Muscle belly rest length, tendon rest length, muscle volume, muscle fiber length, and pennation angle were measured for nine distal forelimb muscles. Physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) was determined from muscle volume and muscle fiber length. The superficial and deep digital flexor muscles displayed markedly different muscle volumes (227 and 656 cm3, respectively), but their PCSAs were very similar due to a significant difference in muscle fiber length (i.e., the superficial digital flexor muscle had very short fibers, while those of the deep digital flexor muscle were relatively long). The ulnaris lateralis and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles had short fibers (17.4 and 18.3 mm, respectively). These actuators were strong (peak isometric force, Fmax=5,814 and 4,017 N, respectively) and stiff (tendon rest length to muscle fiber length, LT:LMF=5.3 and 2.1, respectively), and are probably well adapted to stabilizing the carpus during the stance phase of gait. In contrast, the flexor carpi radialis muscle displayed long fibers (89.7 mm), low peak isometric force (Fmax=555 N), and high stiffness (LT:LMF=1.6). Due to its long fibers and low Fmax, flexor carpi radialis appears to be better adapted to flexion and extension of the limb during the swing phase of gait than to stabilization of the carpus during stance. Including muscle architectural parameters in a musculoskeletal model of the equine distal forelimb may lead to more realistic estimates not only of the magnitudes of muscle forces, but also of the distribution of forces among the muscles crossing any given joint.  相似文献   

Endobiotic ciliates of native Yakut horse are investigated. 57 ciliate species have been found. From 17 up to 43 species of ciliates have been revealed in each host specimen. The specimens of Alloiozona trizona Hsiung, 1930 and Triadinium caudatum Fiorentini, 1890 were present in 100 % of the horses. The endemic genus and species of allantosomides, Strelkowella urunbasiensis Kornilova, 2004, has been found in 11 horses. Allantoxena japonensis (Imai, 1979) and Cycloposthium ishikawai Gassovsky, 1919 being recorded previously in Japan only were found for the first time in Russia. The species Cycloposthium ponomarevi Kornilova, 2001 peculiar to the Turkmenistan koulan has been found in the Yakut horses.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship between Equus przewalskii and E. caballus is often a matter of debate. Although these taxa have different chromosome numbers, they do not form monophyletic clades in a phylogenetic tree based on mtDNA sequences. Here we report sequence variation from five newly identified Y chromosome regions of the horse. Two fixed nucleotide differences on the Y chromosome clearly display Przewalski's horse and domestic horse as sister taxa. At both positions the Przewalski's horse haplotype shows the ancestral state, in common with the members of the zebra/ass lineage. We discuss the factors that may have led to the differences in mtDNA and Y-chromosomal observations.  相似文献   

Genes encoding the horse (Equus caballus) T-cell receptor beta chain (TCRB) were cloned and characterized. Of 33 cDNA clones isolated from the mesenteric lymph node, 30 had functionally rearranged gene segments, and three contained germline sequences. Sixteen unique variable segments (TCRBV), 14 joining genes (TCRBJ), and two constant region genes (TCRBC) were identified. Horse TCRBV were grouped into nine families based on similarity to human sequences. TCRBV2 and TCRBV12 were the most commonly represented horse families. Analysis of predicted protein structure revealed the presence of conserved regions similar to those seen in TCRB of other species. A decanucleotide promoter sequence homologous to those found in humans and mice was located in the 5 untranslated region of one horse gene. Germline sequences included the 5 region of the TCRBD2 gene with flanking heptamer/nonamer recombination signals and portions of the TCRBJ-C2 intron. Southern blot hybridizations demonstrated restriction fragment length polymorphisms at the TCRBC locus among different horse breeds.  相似文献   

Breathing strategy of the adult horse (Equus caballus) at rest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the mechanism underlying the polyphasic airflow pattern of the equine species, we recorded airflow, tidal volum, rib cage and abdominal motion, and the sequence of activation of the diaphragm, intercostal, and abdominal muscles during quiet breathing in nine adult horses standing at rest. In addition, esophageal, abdominal, and transdiaphragmatic pressures were simultaneously recorded using balloon-tipped catheters. Analysis of tidal flow-volume loops showed that, unlike humans, the horse at rest breathes around, rather than from, the relaxed volume of the respiratory system (Vrx). Analysis of the pattern of electromyographic activities and changes in generated pressures during the breathing cycle indicate that the first part of expiration is passive, as in humans, with deflation toward Vrx, but subsequent abdominal activity is responsible for a second phase of expiration: active deflation to below Vrx. From this end-expiratory volume, passive inflation occurs toward Vrx, followed by a second phase of inspiration: active inflation to above Vrx, brought about by inspiratory muscle contraction. Under these conditions the abdominal muscles appear to share the principal pumping duties with the diaphragm. Adoption of this breathing strategy by the horse may relate to its peculiar thoracoabdominal anatomic arrangement and to its very low passive chest wall compliance. We conclude that there is a passive and active phase to both inspiration and expiration due to the coordinated action of the respiratory pump muscles responsible for the resting adult horse's biphasic inspiratory and expiratory airflow pattern. This unique breathing pattern perhaps represents a strategy of minimizing the high elastic work of breathing in this species, at least at resting breathing frequencies.  相似文献   

精液平衡、冷冻及解冻是冻精制作过程中三个必不可少的环节,对精液冷冻效果起着决定性作用。在马(Equus caballus)精子冷冻中针对这三个过程的研究较少,为进一步优化马精液冷冻方法,提高精液冻后质量,本研究比较不同平衡时间、冷冻方法及解冻程序对冻融后精子运动参数、质膜完整性及线粒体膜电势的影响。平衡120 min、180 min和240 min组冻融后精液活力及质膜完整性明显高于平衡0 min、45 min、90 min及8 h平衡组;距离液氮面2 cm和4 cm高度熏蒸冷冻获得了与程序冷冻仪冷冻法相似的冷冻效果;采用高温瞬时解冻法(75℃7 s和46℃20 s)比常规方法(37℃30 s)获得了更高的冻后精液活力(P0.05)。综合上述结果,在马精液冷冻过程中综合采用120~240 min平衡,距离液氮面2~4 cm熏蒸法和高温瞬时解冻法(75℃7s和46℃20 s)可获得更好的精液冷冻效果。  相似文献   

A microassay requiring as few as 2 X 10(5) cells per assay was developed for systematic analysis of 9 purine enzymes in lymphocytes from equine peripheral blood, spleen, lymph node, thymus and bone marrow. The activities of adenosine deaminase (ADA), purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP), adenosine kinase (AK), deoxyadenosine kinase (dAK), deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), 5'-nucleotidase (5'-N), AMP deaminase, hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT or HPRT), and adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (APRT) were measured by this microassay in lymphocytes from peripheral blood from four different breeds of horses (Arabian, Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred and Shetland Pony). There were no significant differences in the enzyme activities among the various breeds. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from foals exhibited enzyme activities similar to those observed for adult animals. All lymphoid tissue contained similar levels of activity for each kinase (AK, dAK and dCK). Spleen had the highest activity for ADA, PNP, 5'-N, and HGPRT. The lowest activity for ADA, APRT, PNP and AMP deaminase was found in thymus. Enzymatic activities that varied the most among the tissue were 5'-N, ADA, APRT, HGPRT and AMP deaminase.  相似文献   

Postures have long been used and proved useful to describe animals' behaviours and emotional states, but remains difficult to assess objectively in field conditions. A recent study performed on horses using geometric morphometrics revealed important postural differences between 2 horse populations differing in management conditions (leisure horses living in social groups used for occasional "relaxed" riding/riding school horses living in individual boxes used in daily riding lessons with more constraining techniques). It was suggested that these postural differences may reflect chronic effects of riding techniques on the horses' kinematics and muscular development. In the present study, we tried to evaluate the interest of postural measures to assess welfare in horses. This study was separated into 2 parts. First, 18 horses coming from these 2 types of populations (leisure/riding school horses) were submitted to 2 back evaluations by 1) manual examination (experienced practitioner) and 2) sEMG measures along the spine. We then measured neck roundness on 16 of these 18 horses. The results highlighted high correlations between manual and sEMG examinations over the spine. sEMG measures at the different locations were strongly correlated all over the spine. Moreover, neck postures and muscular activities were strongly correlated, horses with concave necks having higher sEMG measures both at precise locations (i.e. cervical sites) but also when comparing neck postures to the whole spine muscular activity highlighting the functioning of horses' back as a whole. Lastly, strong differences appeared between the populations, leisure horses being evaluated as having sounder spines, exhibiting lower sEMG measures and rounder neck than the riding school horses. sEMG measures and neck "roundness" seemed therefore to be reliable indicators of back disorders, easy to evaluate in field conditions. This highlights the accuracy of using postural elements to evaluate the animals' general state and has important implications for animals' welfare evaluations.  相似文献   

Studies of parental investment in mammals have frequently used suckling behaviour to estimate energy transfer from mother to offspring, and consequently to measure maternal input. Such studies assume that the more an offspring sucks, the more milk it will receive. This assumption has been questioned, and a review of the literature found little support for it. To test if suckling behaviour provided an accurate index of milk or energy intake we used a radioactive isotope technique to label the milk of thoroughbred mares and to measure milk transfer to foals. We found no significant linear relationship between usual measures of suckling behaviour and milk or energy intake. No behaviours associated with suckling nor with characteristics of mares and foals improved the relationship; only the number of butts associated with each suck episode even approached significance. If we had used suckling behaviour to test theories on differential maternal investment our conclusions would have been in error. For example, female foals tended to suck for longer than males did but there was no difference in the amount of milk transferred. Consequently, we show that measures of suckling behaviour do not adequately predict milk intake in the domestic horse and we suggest that conclusions about differential maternal investment in mammals based on suckling behaviour are likely to be in error. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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