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Sun JZ  Julin DA  Hu JS 《Biochemistry》2006,45(1):131-140
The 30 kDa C-terminal domain of the RecB protein (RecB30) has nuclease activity and is believed to be responsible for the nucleolytic activities of the RecBCD enzyme. However, the RecB30 protein, studied as a histidine-tagged fusion protein, appeared to have very low nucleolytic activity on single-stranded (ss) DNA [Zhang, X. J., and Julin, D. A. (1999) Nucleic Acids Res. 27, 4200-4207], which raised the question of whether RecB30 was indeed the sole nuclease domain of RecBCD. Here, we have purified the RecB30 protein without a fusion tag. We report that RecB30 efficiently degrades both linear and circular single- and double-stranded (ds) DNA. The endonucleolytic cleavage of circular dsDNA is consistent with the fact that RecB30 has amino acid sequence similarity to some restriction endonucleases. However, endonuclease activity on dsDNA had never been seen before for RecBCD or any fragments of RecBCD. Kinetic analysis indicates that RecB30 is at least as active as RecBCD on the ssDNA substrates. These results provide direct evidence that RecB30 is the universal nuclease domain of RecBCD. The fact that the RecB30 nuclease domain alone has high intrinsic nuclease activity and can cleave dsDNA endonucleolytically suggests that the nuclease activity of RecB30 is modulated when it is part of the RecBCD holoenzyme. A new model has been proposed to explain the regulation of the RecB30 nuclease in RecBCD.  相似文献   

The RecBCD enzyme is an ATP-dependent nuclease on both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA substrates. We have investigated the kinetics of the RecBCD-catalyzed reaction with small, single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates under single-turnover conditions using rapid-quench flow techniques. RecBCD-DNA complexes were allowed to form in pre-incubation mixtures. The nuclease reactions were initiated by mixing with ATP. The reaction time-courses were fit to several possible reaction mechanisms and quantitative estimates were obtained for rate constants for individual reaction steps. The relative rates of forward reaction versus dissociation from the DNA, and the fact that inclusion of excess non-radiolabeled single-stranded DNA to trap free RecBCD has no effect on the nuclease reaction, indicates that the reaction is processive. The reaction products show that the reaction begins near the 3'-end of the [5'-32P]DNA substrates and the major cleavage sites are two to four phosphodiester bonds apart. The product distribution is unchanged as the ATP concentration varies from 10 microM to 100 microM ATP, while the overall reaction rate varies by about tenfold. These observations suggest that DNA cleavage is tightly coordinated with movement of the enzyme along the DNA. The reaction time-courses at low concentrations of ATP (10 microM and 25 microM) have a significant lag before cleavage products appear. We propose that the lag represents ATP-dependent movement of the DNA from an initial binding site in the helicase domain of the RecB subunit to the nuclease active site in a separate domain of RecB. The extent of reaction of the substrate is limited (approximately 50%) under all conditions. This may indicate the formation of a non-productive RecBCD-DNA complex that does not dissociate in the 1-2 s time-scale of our experiments.  相似文献   

A method for sequencing single-stranded cloned DNA in both directions   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
A DNA sequencing method has been developed whereby DNA that has been cloned in a single-stranded bacteriophage vector can be sequenced from both ends. The method involves first making a minus-strand sense template from a single-stranded insert in the vector MJ3mp2 using a flanking primer, and then sequencing the synthesized template using the dideoxynucleotide termination method (Sangeret al., 1977, 1980) with a second primer. Special conditions are described under which the first primer is easily removed after making the templat% and sequencing in the opposite direction can be done in the normal way (Sangeret al., 1980) without separating the double strands. This method renders it possible to read up to twice the amount of sequence data from a long insert and also to check short inserts by producing complementary sequence patterns.  相似文献   

Cutting of chi-like sequences by the RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Chi, 5' G-C-T-G-G-T-G-G 3', stimulates coliphage lambda recombination mediated by the major recombination pathway of Escherichia coli, the RecBC pathway. Purified RecBCD enzyme makes a single strand endonuclease cleavage four to six nucleotides to the 3' side of the chi sequence. Three sequences similar to chi, 5' A-C-T-G-G-T-G-G 3', 5' G-T-T-G-G-T-G-G 3' and 5' G-C-T-A-G-T-G-G 3', have partial recombinational hotspot activity in genetic crosses. We report here that purified RecBCD enzyme preferentially cuts four nucleotides to the right of the two most active chi-like octamers. The degree of cutting correlated with the genetic activities of these sequences; this result indicates that these cleavages are essential to the genetic activity of chi and chi-like sequences.  相似文献   

After UV irradiation, recA mutants fail to recover replication, and a dramatic and nearly complete degradation of the genomic DNA occurs. Although the RecBCD helicase/nuclease complex is known to mediate this catastrophic DNA degradation, it is not known how or where this degradation is initiated. Previous studies have speculated that RecBCD targets and initiates degradation from the nascent DNA at replication forks arrested by DNA damage. To test this question, we examined which enzymes were responsible for the degradation of genomic DNA and the nascent DNA in UV-irradiated recA cells. We show here that, although RecBCD degrades the genomic DNA after UV irradiation, it does not target the nascent DNA at arrested replication forks. Instead, we observed that the nascent DNA at arrested replication forks in recA cultures is degraded by RecJ/RecQ, similar to what occurs in wild-type cultures. These findings indicate that the genomic DNA degradation and nascent DNA degradation in UV-irradiated recA mutants are mediated separately through RecBCD and RecJ/RecQ, respectively. In addition, they demonstrate that RecBCD initiates degradation at a site(s) other than the arrested replication fork directly.  相似文献   

Mapping the active site tyrosine of Escherichia coli DNA gyrase   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
We have identified tyrosine 122 of the A subunit of Escherichia coli DNA gyrase as the tyrosine that becomes covalently bound to DNA when the enzyme breaks the phosphodiester bonds of DNA. The covalent gyrase X DNA complex was isolated following cleavage of the DNA by gyrase in the presence of the gyrase inhibitor oxolinic acid. The active site tyrosine was first mapped to two overlapping peptides. Its precise position in the sequence of the A subunit of gyrase was then determined by sequencing of a peptide bound to DNA. We also present a method for mapping sites of DNA attachment in a protein of known amino acid sequence. The covalent complex of DNA and protein is treated with proteases that cut specifically. The electrophoretic mobilities of the resulting peptide-bound DNA molecules are correlated with the sizes of the bound peptides, allowing determination of the site of attachment of the DNA.  相似文献   

Aziz Sancar  W.Dean Rupp 《Cell》1983,33(1):249-260
The uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC proteins of Escherichia coli were purified from strains that greatly overproduce these proteins. Using the purified proteins, the UVRABC nuclease was reconstituted in vitro. The reconstituted enzyme acted specifically on DNA damaged with UV, cis-platinum, and psoralen plus near UV. When UV-irradiated DNA was used as substrate, the enzyme made two cuts on the damaged DNA strand, one on each side of the damaged region. The enzyme hydrolyzed the eighth phosphodiester bond on the 5′ side of pyrimidine dimers. On the 3′ side of pyrimidine dimers, the UVRABC nuclease cut the fourth or the fifth phosphodiester bond 3′ to pyrimidine dimers. The oligonucleotide with the damaged bases that is generated by these two cuts was released during treatment with the enzyme. We have also obtained evidence suggesting that the enzyme acts by the same mechanism on PydC photoproducts which are thought to be of primary importance in UV-induced mutagenesis.  相似文献   

RecBCD is an ATP-dependent helicase and exonuclease which generates 3′ single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) ends used by RecA for homologous recombination. The exonuclease activity is altered when RecBCD encounters a Chi sequence (5′-GCTGGTGG-3′) in double-stranded DNA (ds DNA), an event critical to the generation of the 3′-ssDNA. This study tests the effect of ssDNA oligonucleotides having a Chi sequence (Chi+) or a single base change that abolishes the Chi sequence (Chio), on the enzymatic activities of RecBCD. Our results show that a 14 and a 20mer with Chi+ in the center of the molecule inhibit the exonuclease and helicase activities of RecBCD to a greater extent than the corresponding Chio oligonucleotides. Oligonucleotides with the Chi sequence at one end, or the Chi sequence alone in an 8mer, failed to show Chi-specific inhibition of RecBCD. Thus, Chi recognition requires that Chi be flanked by DNA at either end. Further experiments indicated that the oligonucleotides inhibit RecBCD from binding to its dsDNA substrate. These results suggest that a specific site for Chi recognition exists on RecBCD, which binds Chi with greater affinity than a non-Chi sequence and is probably adjacent to non-specific DNA binding sites.  相似文献   

The RecB subunit of the Escherichia coli RecBCD enzyme has previously been reported to possess DNA-dependent ATPase activity (Hickson, I. D., Robson, C. N., Atkinson, K. E., Hutton, L., and Emmerson, P. T. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 1224-1229). Here we demonstrate that a specific interaction between RecB protein and ATP can also be shown by photoaffinity labeling with the ATP analogue 8-azido-ATP. Furthermore, the capacity of the RecB protein to support ATP hydrolysis varies with the structure and length of the DNA cofactor. Single-stranded linear and circular DNA are markedly better in promoting ATP hydrolysis than duplex DNA. The purified RecB protein can function as a DNA helicase, displacing oligonucleotides annealed to viral M13 DNA in an ATP-dependent and orientation-specific manner.  相似文献   

DNA replication of single-stranded Escherichia coli DNA phages   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Exonucleolytic degradation of [3]H-labeled DNA was examined in partially purified fractions of lysates obtained from nonirradiated RecBCD enzyme-containing cells of Escherichia coli and in the radiation-resistant mutant Gamr444. The degradative activity was shown to be lowered in these cells to the same extent as in the recBC mutant. The efficiency of plating of the mutant phage T4 2-, DNA of which can be degraded by exonuclease V, was 400-fold higher on the strain Gamr444 than on the wild-type strain AB1157. This value was shown to be only twice as low as that on the recB mutant or on the strain AB1157 carrying plasmid pGam26 with a radiation-resistance allele gam26 cloned from mutant Gamr444. The data obtained confirmed the hypothesis that the Gamr444 mutant contains a constitutive inhibitor of exonucleolytic activity of the RecBCD enzyme in nonirradiated cells. This inhibitor was shown to be encoded by the gam26 allele that had previously been mapped at 56.8 min of the E. coli chromosome. A possible mechanism of the involvement of this inhibitor in enhanced radiation resistance of the mutant Gamr444 is considered.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli MutY is an adenine DNA glycosylase active on DNA substrates containing A/G, A/C, or A/8-oxoG mismatches. Although MutY can form a covalent intermediate with its DNA substrates, its possession of 3' apurinic lyase activity is controversial. To study the reaction mechanism of MutY, the conserved Asp-138 was mutated to Asn and the reactivity of this mutant MutY protein determined. The glycosylase activity was completely abolished in the D138N MutY mutant. The D138N mutant and wild-type MutY protein also possessed different DNA binding activities with various mismatches. Several lysine residues were identified in the proximity of the active site by analyzing the imino-covalent MutY-DNA intermediate. Mutation of Lys-157 and Lys-158 both individually and combined, had no effect on MutY activities but the K142A mutant protein was unable to form Schiff base intermediates with DNA substrates. However, the MutY K142A mutant could still bind DNA substrates and had adenine glycosylase activity. Surprisingly, the K142A mutant MutY, but not the wild-type enzyme, could promote a beta/delta-elimination on apurinic DNA. Our results suggest that Asp-138 acts as a general base to deprotonate either the epsilon-amine group of Lys-142 or to activate a water molecule and the resulting apurinic DNA then reacts with Lys-142 to form the Schiff base intermediate with DNA. With the K142A mutant, Asp-138 activates a water molecule to attack the C1' of the adenosine; the resulting apurinic DNA is cleaved through beta/delta-elimination without Schiff base formation.  相似文献   

RecA- mutants of Escherichia coli extensively degrade their DNA following UV irradiation. Most of this degradation is due to the recBC DNase, which suggests that the recA gene is involved in the control of recBC DNase in vivo. We have shown that purified recA protein inhibits the endonuclease and exonuclease activities of recBC DNase on single-stranded DNA. The extent of inhibition is dependent on the relative concentration of recA protein, recBC DNase, and the DNA substrate; inhibition is greatest when the concentrations of DNA and recBC DNase are low and the concentrations of recA protein is high. At fixed concentrations of recA protein and recBC DNase, inhibition is eliminated at high concentrations of DNA. In the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), an ATP analog which stabilizes the binding of recA protein to both single- and double-stranded DNA, recA protein is a more potent inhibitor of the nuclease activities on single-stranded DNA and is a weak inhibitor of the exonuclease activity on double-stranded DNA. Inhibition of the latter is enhanced by oligodeoxynucleotides, which stimulate the binding of recA protein to double-stranded DNA. In the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), recA protein also inhibits the action of exonuclease I on single-stranded DNA and of lambda exonuclease on double-stranded DNA. These observations are most consistent with the idea that recA protein protects DNA from recBC DNase by binding to DNA. RecA protein also blocks the endonucleolytic cleavage of gapped circular DNA by recBC DNase. Since both recA protein and recBC DNase have the ability under certain conditions to unwind duplex DNA and to displace strands, we looked for evidence that their combined action would enlarge gaps but found no extensive enlargement. D-loops, a putative intermediate in genetic recombination, are effectively protected against the action of recBC DNase by the E. coli single strand binding protein and by recA protein in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate).  相似文献   

A Kuzminov  E Schabtach    F W Stahl 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(12):2764-2776
In Escherichia coli, unprotected linear DNA is degraded by exoV activity of the RecBCD nuclease, a protein that plays a central role in the repair of double-strand breaks. Specific short asymmetric sequences, called chi sites, are hotspots for RecBCD-promoted recombination and are shown in vitro to attenuate exoV activity. To study RecBCD-chi site interactions in vivo we used phage lambda's terminase to introduce a site-specific double-strand break at lambda's cos site inserted into a plasmid. We show that after terminase has cut cos in vivo, nucleases degrade linearized DNA only from the end that does not have a strong terminase binding site. Linearized cosmid DNA containing chi sites in the proper orientation to the unprotected end is degraded more slowly in rec+ E. coli than is chi-less DNA. Increased survival of chi-containing DNA is a result of partial inactivation of exoV activity and is dependent on RecA and SSB proteins. The linearization of chi-containing DNA molecules leads to RecA-dependent formation of branched structures which have been proposed as intermediates in the RecBCD pathway of double-strand break repair.  相似文献   

Modeling of the tetrahedral intermediate within the active site of Escherichia coli aspartate transcarbamoylase revealed a specific interaction with the side-chain of Gln137, an interaction not previously observed in the structure of the X-ray enzyme in the presence of N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA). Previous site-specific mutagenesis experiments showed that when Gln137 was replaced by alanine, the resulting mutant enzyme (Q137A) exhibited approximately 50-fold less activity than the wild-type enzyme, exhibited no homotropic cooperativity, and the binding of both carbamoyl phosphate and aspartate were extremely compromised. To elucidate the structural alterations in the mutant enzyme that might lead to such pronounced changes in kinetic and binding properties, the Q137A enzyme was studied by time-resolved, small-angle X-ray scattering and its structure was determined in the presence of PALA to 2.7 angstroms resolution. Time-resolved, small-angle X-ray scattering established that the natural substrates, carbamoyl phosphate and L-aspartate, do not induce in the Q137A enzyme the same conformational changes as observed for the wild-type enzyme, although the scattering pattern of the Q137A and wild-type enzymes in the presence of PALA were identical. The overall structure of the Q137A enzyme is similar to that of the R-state structure of wild-type enzyme with PALA bound. However, there are differences in the manner by which the Q137A enzyme coordinates PALA, especially in the side-chain positions of Arg105 and His134. The replacement of Gln137 by Ala also has a dramatic effect on the electrostatics of the active site. These data taken together suggest that the side-chain of Gln137 in the wild-type enzyme is required for the binding of carbamoyl phosphate in the proper orientation so as to induce conformational changes required for the creation of the high-affinity aspartate-binding site. The inability of carbamoyl phosphate to create the high-affinity binding site in the Q137A enzyme results in an enzyme locked in the low-activity low-affinity T state. These results emphasize the absolute requirement of the binding of carbamoyl phosphate for the creation of the high-affinity aspartate-binding site and for inducing the homotropic cooperativity in aspartate transcarbamoylase.  相似文献   

Single-stranded (ss) gapped regions in bacterial genomes (gDNA) are formed on W- and C-strands during replication, repair, and recombination. Using non-denaturing bisulfite treatment to convert C to U on ssDNA, combined with deep sequencing, we have mapped gDNA gap locations, sizes, and distributions in Escherichia coli for cells grown in mid-log phase in the presence and absence of UV irradiation, and in stationary phase cells. The fraction of ssDNA on gDNA is similar for W- and C-strands, ∼1.3% for log phase cells, ∼4.8% for irradiated log phase cells, and ∼8.5% for stationary phase cells. After UV irradiation, gaps increased in numbers and average lengths. A monotonic reduction in ssDNA occurred symmetrically between the DNA replication origin of (OriC) and terminus (Ter) for log phase cells with and without UV, a hallmark feature of DNA replication. Stationary phase cells showed no OriC → Ter ssDNA gradient. We have identified a spatially diverse gapped DNA landscape containing thousands of highly enriched ‘hot’ ssDNA regions along with smaller numbers of ‘cold’ regions. This analysis can be used for a wide variety of conditions to map ssDNA gaps generated when DNA metabolic pathways have been altered, and to identify proteins bound in the gaps.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA released from E. coli wild type and mutant cells by alkaline-EDTA-detergent was analyzed using the recently developed biophysical technique of viscoelastometry. Under the lysis conditions used, it was possible to detect single strands of molecular weight approximately 2 times 10-9 daltons. Little difference was detected in the size of single-stranded DNA from log phase vs. stationary phase cultures, or from cells treated with chloramphenicol to allow completion of replicating chromosomes. The largest single strands from ligase overproducing, endonuclease minus, and pol A1 mutants were likewise of approximately the same size as wild type, but were present in smaller yields. The reduction in single-strand molecular weight as a result of heating intact cells was investigated as a function of time and temperature. Heating at 37 degrees C for up to 20 min produced no additional single-strand breaks, but temperatures from 45 to 65 degrees introduced breaks. Solutions maintained at pH 12.5 were not stable indefinitely, and the relative viscosity of such solutions was found to decrease over a period of several hours.  相似文献   

A single amino acid substitution (Y78R) at the dimer-dimer interface of homotetrameric single stranded DNA binding protein from E. coli (EcoSSB) renders the protein a stable dimer. This dimer can bind single-stranded DNA albeit with greatly reduced affinity. In vivo this dimeric SSB cannot replace homotetrameric EcoSSB. Amino acid changes at the rim of the dimer-dimer interface nearby (Q76K, Q76E) show an electrostatic interaction between a charged amino acid at position 76 and bound nucleic acid. In conclusion, nucleic acid binding to homotetrameric SSB must take place across both dimers to achieve functionally correct binding.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I participates in DNA replication, DNA repair, and genetic recombination; it is the most extensively studied of all DNA polymerases. Motif A in the polymerase active site has a required role in catalysis and is highly conserved. To assess the tolerance of motif A for amino acid substitutions, we determined the mutability of the 13 constituent amino acids Val(700)-Arg(712) by using random mutagenesis and genetic selection. We observed that every residue except the catalytically essential Asp(705) can be mutated while allowing bacterial growth and preserving wild-type DNA polymerase activity. Hence, the primary structure of motif A is plastic. We present evidence that mutability of motif A has been conserved during evolution, supporting the premise that the tolerance for mutation is adaptive. In addition, our work allows identification of refinements in catalytic function that may contribute to preservation of the wild-type motif A sequence. As an example, we established that the naturally occurring Ile(709) has a previously undocumented role in supporting sugar discrimination.  相似文献   

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