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Natronobacterium pharaonis phoborhodopsin (ppR; also called N. pharaonis sensory rhodopsin II, NpsRII) is a photophobic sensor in N. pharaonis, and has a shorter absorption maximum (lambdamax, 500 nm) than those of other archaeal retinal proteins (lambdamax, 560-590 nm) such as bacteriorhodopsin (bR). We constructed chimeric proteins between bR and ppR to investigate the long range interactions effecting the color regulation among archaeal retinal proteins. The lambdamax of B-DEFG/P-ABC was 545 nm, similar to that of bR expressed in Escherichia coli (lambdamax, 550 nm). B-DEFG/P-ABC means a chimera composed of helices D, E, F, and G of bR and helices A, B, and C of ppR. This indicates that the major factor(s) determining the difference in lambdamax between bR and ppR exist in helices DEFG. To specify the more minute regions for the color determination between bR and ppR, we constructed 15 chimeric proteins containing helices D, E, F, and G of bR. According to the absorption spectra of the various chimeric proteins, the interaction between helices D and E as well as the effect of the hydroxyl group around protonated Schiff base on helix G (Thr-204 for ppR and Ala-215 for bR) are the main factors for spectral tuning between bR and ppR.  相似文献   

Organisms utilize light as energy sources and as signals. Rhodopsins, which have seven transmembrane α-helices with retinal covalently linked to a conserved Lys residue, are found in various organisms as distant in evolution as bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. One of the most notable properties of rhodopsin molecules is the large variation in their absorption spectrum. Sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) and sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) function as photosensors and have similar properties (retinal composition, photocycle, structure, and function) except for their λ(max) (SRI, ~560 nm; SRII, ~500 nm). An expression system utilizing Escherichia coli and the high protein stability of a newly found SRI-like protein, SrSRI, enables studies of mutant proteins. To determine the residue contributing to the spectral shift from SRI to SRII, we constructed various SRI mutants, in which individual residues were substituted with the corresponding residues of SRII. Three such mutants of SrSRI showed a large spectral blue-shift (>14 nm) without a large alteration of their retinal composition. Two of them, A136Y and A200T, are newly discovered color tuning residues. In the triple mutant, the λ(max) was 525 nm. The inverse mutation of SRII (F134H/Y139A/T204A) generated a spectral-shifted SRII toward longer wavelengths, although the effect is smaller than in the case of SRI, which is probably due to the lack of anion binding in the SRII mutant. Thus, half of the spectral shift from SRI to SRII could be explained by only those three residues taking into account the effect of Cl(-) binding.  相似文献   

B Scharf  B Hess  M Engelhard 《Biochemistry》1992,31(49):12486-12492
The photoreceptor sensory rhodopsin II (sR-II) was enriched 120-fold from cell membranes of Halobacterium halobium. The final preparation yields sR-II with a specific content of 3 nmol of sR-II/mg of protein. The spectroscopic measurements were performed on the enriched photoreceptor solubilized in digitonin. In the absolute absorption spectrum of the partially purified receptor, the main peak in the visible range corresponded to sR-II with a maximum at 488 nm. Cytochromes contributed to the spectrum only in a minor band at 415 nm. The extinction coefficient of sR-II was estimated from difference spectra during bleaching with hydroxylamine to be 48,000 M-1 cm-1. The reduced chromophore displayed a pronounced fine structure which is due to the coplanarity of the retinyl residue. The isomeric composition of the chromophore from the enriched photoreceptor was determined in retinal extracts in HPLC. The dark-adapted sR-II contains 80% all-trans- and 20% 13-cis-retinal. After illumination, the ratio changed to 1:1, indicating a trans-cis isomerization during the photocycle of sR-II.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) in Halobacterium salinarum membranes is a phototaxis receptor that signals through its bound transducer HtrII for avoidance of blue-green light. In the present study we investigated the proton movements during the photocycle of SRII in the HtrII-free and HtrII-complexed form. We monitored sustained light-induced pH changes with a pH electrode, and laser flash-induced pH changes with the pH indicator pyranine using sealed membrane vesicles and open sheets containing the free or the complexed receptor. The results demonstrated that SRII takes up a proton in M-to-O conversion and releases it during O-decay. The uptake and release are from and to the extracellular side, and therefore SRII does not transport the proton across the membrane. The pH dependence of the SRII photocycle indicated the presence of a protonatable group (pK(a) approximately 7.5) in the extracellular proton-conducting path, which plays a role in proton uptake by the Schiff base in the M-to-O conversion. The extracellular proton circulation produced by SRII was not blocked by HtrII complexation, unlike the cytoplasmic proton conduction in SRI that was found in the same series of measurements to be blocked by its transducer, HtrI. The implications of this finding for current models of SRI and SRII signaling are discussed.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequences of eight primate photopigment genes led to the proposal that three amino acid substitutions produce the approximately 1,000 cm-1 difference in the absorption maxima of human red and green pigments (Neitz, M., Neitz, J., and Jacobs, G.H. (1991) Science 252, 971-974). We tested this proposal by mutating these three residues in rhodopsin and evaluating the effects on spectral properties. Nonpolar residues normally present in rhodopsin and in the green pigment were substituted by hydroxyl-bearing residues normally present in the red pigment. Two of these substitutions (Phe-261 to Tyr or Ala-269 to Thr) caused significant red shifts in the absorption maxima of the resulting mutant pigments. A third substitution (Ala-164 to Ser) caused only a slight effect. Combinations of substitutions caused additive shifts in absorption maxima. A double mutant (Phe-261 to Tyr/Ala-269 to Thr) displayed an absorption maximum that was red-shifted by 775 cm-1. Wavelength modulation in the visual pigments responsible for red-green color vision is likely to be governed by retinal-protein interactions involving primarily these two amino acid residues. Furthermore, interactions of hydroxyl-bearing amino acids with the chromophore may be a general mechanism of the opsin shift in visual pigments.  相似文献   

We studied the photochemical reaction cycle of sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) by flash photolysis of Halobacterium salinarum membranes genetically engineered to contain or to lack its transducer protein HtrII. Flash photolysis data from membranes containing HtrII were fit well in the 10 micros-10 s range by three rate constants and a linear unbranched pathway from the unphotolyzed state with 487 nm absorption maximum to a species with absorption maximum near 350 nm (M) followed by a species with maximum near 520 nm (O), as has been found in previous studies of wild-type membranes. Data from membranes devoid of HtrII exhibited similar M and O intermediates but with altered kinetics, and a third intermediate absorbing maximally near 470 nm (N) was present in an equilibrium mixture with O. The modulation of SRII photoreactions by HtrII indicates that SRII and HtrII are physically associated in a molecular complex. Arrhenius analysis shows that the largest effect of HtrII, the acceleration of O decay, is attributable to a large decrease in activation enthalpy. Based on comparison of SRII photoreactions to those of sensory rhodopsin I and bacteriorhodopsin, we interpret this kinetic effect to indicate that HtrII interacts with SRII so that it alters the reaction process involving deprotonation of Asp73, the proton acceptor from the Schiff base.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin II (pSRII), the photophobic receptor from Natronobacterium pharaonis, has been studied by time-resolved resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy using the rotating cell technique. Upon excitation with low laser power, the RR spectra largely reflect the parent state pSRII(500) whereas an increase of the laser power leads to a substantial accumulation of long-lived intermediates contributing to the RR spectra. All RR spectra could consistently be analysed in terms of four component spectra which were assigned to the parent state pSRII(500) and the long-lived intermediates M(400), N(485) and O(535) based on the correlation between the C = C stretching frequency and the absorption maximum. The parent state and the intermediates N(485) and O(535) exhibit a protonated Schiff base. The C = N stretching frequencies and the H/D isotopic shifts indicate strong hydrogen bonding interactions of the Schiff base in pSRII(500) and O(535) whereas these interactions are most likely very weak in N(485).  相似文献   

In haloarchaea, sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) mediates a photophobic response to avoid photo-oxidative damage in bright light. Upon light activation the receptor undergoes a conformational change that activates a tightly bound transducer molecule (HtrII), which in turn by a chain of homologous reactions transmits the signal to the chemotactic eubacterial two-component system. Here, using single-molecule force spectroscopy, we localize and quantify changes to the intramolecular interactions within SRII of Natronomonas pharaonis (NpSRII) upon NpHtrII binding. Transducer binding affected the interactions at transmembrane alpha helices F and G of NpSRII to which the transducer was in contact. Remarkably, the interactions were distributed asymmetrically and significantly stabilized alpha helix G entirely but alpha helix F only at its extracellular tip. These findings provide unique insights into molecular mechanisms that "prime" the complex for signaling, and guide the receptor toward transmitting light-activated structural changes to its cognate transducer.  相似文献   

The opsin from the John Dory Zeus faber rod visual pigment (maximum spectral sensitivity =492 nm) was cloned and sequenced. Comparison of the John Dory rod opsin sequence with those from other fish with blue-shifted scotopic spectral sensitivity provides further evidence for the spectral tuning of this group of visual pigments.  相似文献   

MD simulation of sensory rhodopsin II was executed for three intermediates (ground-state, K-state, M-state) appearing in its photocycle. We observed a large displacement of the cytoplasmic side of helixF only in M-state among the three intermediates. This displacement was transmitted to TM2, and the cytoplasmic side of TM2 rotated clockwise. These transient movements are in agreement with the results of an EPR experiment. That is, the early stage of signal transduction in a sRII-HtrII complex was successfully reproduced by the in silico MD simulation. By analyzing the structure of the sRII-HtrII complex, the following findings about the photocycle of sRII were obtained: (1) The hydrogen bonds between helixF and other helices determine the direction of the movement of helixF; (2) three amino acids (Arg162, Thr189, Tyr199) are essential for sRII-HtrII binding and contribute to the motion transfer from sRII to HtrII; (3) after the isomerization of retinal, a major conformational change of retinal was caused by proton transfer from Schiff base to Asp75, which, in turn, triggers the steric collision of retinal with Trp171. This is the main reason for the movement of the cytoplasmic side of helixF.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(15):2790-2809
Sensory rhodopsin II (pSRII), a retinal-binding photophobic receptor from Natronomonas pharaonis, is a novel model system for membrane protein folding studies. Recently, the SDS-denatured states and the kinetics for reversible unfolding of pSRII have been investigated, opening the door to the first detailed characterisation of denatured states of a membrane protein by solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) using uniformly 15N-labelled pSRII. SDS denaturation and acid denaturation of pSRII both lead to fraying of helix ends but otherwise small structural changes in the transmembrane domain, consistent with little changes in secondary structure and disruption of the retinal-binding pocket and tertiary structure. Widespread changes in the backbone amide dynamics are detected in the form of line broadening, indicative of μs-to-ms timescale conformational exchange in the transmembrane region. Detailed analysis of chemical shift and intensity changes lead to high-resolution molecular insights on structural and dynamics changes in SDS- and acid-denatured pSRII, thus highlighting differences in the unfolding pathways under the two different denaturing conditions. These results will form the foundation for furthering our understanding on the folding and unfolding pathways of retinal-binding proteins and membrane proteins in general, and also for investigating the importance of ligand-binding in the folding pathways of other ligand-binding membrane proteins, such as GPCRs.  相似文献   

Rhodopsins possess retinal chromophore surrounded by seven transmembrane α-helices, are widespread in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes, and can be utilized as optogenetic tools. Although rhodopsins work as distinctly different photoreceptors in various organisms, they can be roughly divided according to their two basic functions, light-energy conversion and light-signal transduction. In microbes, light-driven proton transporters functioning as light-energy converters have been modified by evolution to produce sensory receptors that relay signals to transducer proteins to control motility. In this study, we cloned and characterized two newly identified microbial rhodopsins from Haloquadratum walsbyi. One of them has photochemical properties and a proton pumping activity similar to the well known proton pump bacteriorhodopsin (BR). The other, named middle rhodopsin (MR), is evolutionarily transitional between BR and the phototactic sensory rhodopsin II (SRII), having an SRII-like absorption maximum, a BR-like photocycle, and a unique retinal composition. The wild-type MR does not have a light-induced proton pumping activity. On the other hand, a mutant MR with two key hydrogen-bonding residues located at the interaction surface with the transducer protein HtrII shows robust phototaxis responses similar to SRII, indicating that MR is potentially capable of the signaling. These results demonstrate that color tuning and insertion of the critical threonine residue occurred early in the evolution of sensory rhodopsins. MR may be a missing link in the evolution from type 1 rhodopsins (microorganisms) to type 2 rhodopsins (animals), because it is the first microbial rhodopsin known to have 11-cis-retinal similar to type 2 rhodopsins.  相似文献   

It was found recently that Anabaena sensory rhodopsin (ASR), which possibly serves as a photoreceptor for chromatic adaptation, interacts with a soluble cytoplasmic transducer. The X-ray structure of the transducer-free protein revealed an extensive hydrogen-bonded network of amino acid residues and water molecules in the cytoplasmic half of ASR, in high contrast to its haloarchaeal counterparts. Using time-resolved spectroscopy of the wild-type and mutant ASR in the visible and infrared ranges, we tried to determine whether this hydrogen-bonded network is used to translocate protons and whether those proton transfers are important for interaction with the transducer. We found that the retinal Schiff base deprotonation, which occurs in the M intermediate of the photocycle of all-trans-ASR, results in protonation of Asp217 on the cytoplasmic side of the protein. The deprotonation of the Schiff base induces a conformational change of ASR observed through the perturbation of associated lipids. We suggest that the cytoplasmic shuttling of protons in the photocycle of all-trans-ASR and the ensuing conformational changes might activate the transducer. Consequently, the M intermediate may be the signaling state of ASR.  相似文献   

The eyes of flower-visiting butterflies are often spectrally highly complex with multiple opsin genes generated by gene duplication, providing an interesting system for a comparative study of color vision. The Small White butterfly, Pieris rapae, has duplicated blue opsins, PrB and PrV, which are expressed in the blue (λ max = 453 nm) and violet receptors (λ max = 425 nm), respectively. To reveal accurate absorption profiles and the molecular basis of the spectral tuning of these visual pigments, we successfully modified our honeybee opsin expression system based on HEK293s cells, and expressed PrB and PrV, the first lepidopteran opsins ever expressed in cultured cells. We reconstituted the expressed visual pigments in vitro, and analysed them spectroscopically. Both reconstituted visual pigments had two photointerconvertible states, rhodopsin and metarhodopsin, with absorption peak wavelengths 450 nm and 485 nm for PrB and 420 nm and 482 nm for PrV. We furthermore introduced site-directed mutations to the opsins and found that two amino acid substitutions, at positions 116 and 177, were crucial for the spectral tuning. This tuning mechanism appears to be specific for invertebrates and is partially shared by other pierid and lycaenid butterfly species.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) from Halobacterium salinarum is heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli with a yield of 3-4 mg of purified SRII per liter cell culture. UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy display bands characteristic for native SRII. The resonance Raman spectrum provides evidence for a strongly hydrogen-bonded Schiff base like in mammalian rhodopsin but unlike to the homologous pSRII from Natronobacterium pharaonis. Laser flash spectroscopy indicates that SRII in detergent as well as after reconstitution into polar lipids shows its typical photochemical properties with prolonged photocycle kinetics. The first functional heterologous expression of SRII from H. salinarum provides the basis for studies with its cognate transducer HtrII to investigate the molecular processes involved in phototransduction as well as in chemotransduction.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin II (also called phoborhodopsin) from the archaeal Natronobacterium pharaonis (pSRII) functions as a repellent phototaxis receptor. The excitation of the receptor by light triggers the activation of a transducer molecule (pHtrII) which has close resemblance to the cytoplasmic domain of bacterial chemotaxis receptors. In order to elucidate the first step of the signal transduction chain, the accessibility as well as static and transient mobility of cytoplasmic residues in helices F and G were analysed by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The results indicate an outward tilting of helix F during the early steps of the photocycle which is sustained until the reformation of the initial ground state. Co-expression of pSRII with a truncated fragment of pHtrII affects the accessibility and/or the mobility of certain spin-labelled residues on helices F and G. The results suggest that these sites are located within the binding surface of the photoreceptor with its transducer.  相似文献   

Phoborhodopsin, a repellent phototaxis receptor in Halobacterium halobium, exhibits vibrational fine structure, a feature that has not been identified for any other rhodopsin pigment at physiological temperatures. This conclusion follows form analysis of the absorption properties of the pigment in H. halobium membranes containing native retinal and an array of retinal analogues. The absorption spectrum of the native pigment has a maximum at 487 nm with a pronounced shoulder at 460 nm; however, the bandwidth is that expected for a single retinylidene species. Gaussian band-shape simulation with a spacing corresponding to the vibrational frequencies of polyene stretching modes reproduces the structured absorption spectra of native pigment as well as of analogue phoborhodopsin. Absorption shifts produced by a series of dihydroretinal and other retinal analogues strongly indicate that the dominant factor regulating the color of the pigment is planarization of the retinal ring with respect to the polyene chain.  相似文献   

The photoactivation mechanism of the sensory rho-dopsin II (SRII)-HtrII receptor-transducer complex of Natronomonas pharaonis was investigated by time-resolved Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy to identify structural changes associated with early events in the signal relay mechanism from the receptor to the transducer. Several prominent bands in the wild-type SRII-HtrII spectra are affected by amino acid substitutions at the receptor Tyr(199) and transducer Asn(74) residues, which form a hydrogen bond between the two proteins near the middle of the bilayer. Our results indicate disappearance of this hydrogen bond in the M and O photointermediates, the likely signaling states of the complex. This event represents one of the largest light-induced alterations in the binding contacts between the receptor and transducer. The vibrational frequency changes suggest that Asn(74) and Tyr(199) form other stronger hydrogen bonds in the M state. The light-induced disruption of the Tyr(199)-Asn(74) bond also occurs when the Schiff base counterion Asp(75) is replaced with a neutral asparagine. We compared the decrease in intensity of difference bands assigned to the Tyr(199)-Asn(74) pair and to chromophore and protein groups of the receptor at various time points during the recovery of the initial state. All difference bands exhibit similar decay kinetics indicating that reformation of the Tyr(199)-Asn(74) hydrogen bond occurs concomitantly with the decay of the M and O photointermediates. This work demonstrates that the signal relay from SRII to HtrII involves early structural alterations in the deeply membrane-embedded domain of the complex and provides a spectroscopic signal useful for correlation with the downstream events in signal transduction.  相似文献   

Demonstration of a sensory rhodopsin in eubacteria   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We report the first sensory rhodopsin observed in the eubacterial domain, a green light-activated photoreceptor in Anabaena (Nostoc) sp. PCC7120, a freshwater cyanobacterium. The gene encoding the membrane opsin protein of 261 residues (26 kDa) and a smaller gene encoding a soluble protein of 125 residues (14 kDa) are under the same promoter in a single operon. The opsin expressed heterologously in Escherichia coli membranes bound all-trans retinal to form a pink pigment (lambda max 543 nm) with a photochemical reaction cycle of 110 ms half-life (pH 6.8, 18 degrees C). Co-expression with the 14 kDa protein increased the rate of the photocycle, indicating physical interaction with the membrane-embedded rhodopsin, which we confirmed in vitro by affinity enrichment chromatography and Biacore interaction. The pigment lacks the proton donor carboxylate residue in helix C conserved in known retinylidene proton pumps and did not exhibit detectable proton ejection activity. We detected retinal binding to the protein in Anabaena membranes by SDS-PAGE and autofluorography of 3H-labelled all-trans retinal of reduced membranes from the organism. We conclude that Anabaena rhodopsin functions as a photosensory receptor in its natural environment, and suggest that the soluble 14 kDa protein transduces a signal from the receptor. Therefore, unlike the archaeal sensory rhodopsins, which transmit signals by transmembrane helix-helix interactions with membrane-embedded transducers, the Anabaena sensory rhodopsin may signal through a soluble cytoplasmic protein, analogous to higher animal visual pigments.  相似文献   

Takahashi Y  Ebrey TG 《Biochemistry》2003,42(20):6025-6034
Previously we reported the sequence of the member of the short wavelength sensitive 2 (SWS2) family of vertebrate visual pigments from the retina of the Japanese common newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster[Takahashi, Y. et al. (2001) FEBS Lett. 501, 151-155]. Now we have expressed the apopigment and regenerated it with A1 retinal. Its absorption maximum, 474 nm, is greatly red shifted compared to other known SWS2 pigments (418-455 nm). To determine the amino acid residues that control its spectral tuning, we replaced the residues that were near the chromophore and which differed between the newt and the bullfrog (lambda(max) = 430 nm) wild-type SWS2 pigments: Pro91Ser, Ser94Ala, Ile122Met, Cys127Ser, Ser211Cys, Tyr261Phe, and Ala292Ser. Each of these site-directed mutants led to blue shifts of the newt pigment with five of them causing substantial shifts; their sum was about equal to the difference between the absorption maximum of the bullfrog and newt pigments, 44 nm. The 32 nm shift of the absorption maximum of the multiple seven-residue mutant to 442 nm is fairly close to that of the wild-type bullfrog pigment. Thus, the seven amino acid residues that we replaced are the major cause of the red shift of the newt SWS2 pigment's spectrum. Two of the residues, 91 and 94, have not previously been identified as wavelength regulating sites in visual pigments. One of these, 91, probably regulates color via a new mechanism: altering of a hydrogen bonding network that is connected via a water to the chromophore, in this case its counterion, Glu113.  相似文献   

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