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Three patients with a history of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura stretching back over 20 years are reported. Despite splenectomy and immunosuppressive therapy satisfactory control of their disease has not been achieved. They had remained refractory to all therapeutic manoeuvres with corticosteroids and immunosuppressives for years with thrombocyte counts between 5,000 and 25,000/microliters and the concommitant risk of bleeding. This report describes the treatment of bleeding complications in these patients with high dose intravenous immunoglobulin; the peripheral blood thrombocyte count increased in all three patients from subnormal towards normal, but 2 to 4 weeks later returned to its initial low value. During the therapeutically induced raised thrombocyte count a normal bleeding time and only a moderate inhibition of thrombocyte adhesion and aggregation was observed resulting in reasonable haemostasis. High dose intravenous immunoglobulin is therefore a practical method for the control of bleeding complications in patients with refractory chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. A clear explanation for its mode of action has not been found - the lymphocyte subpopulations remained unchanged and immunoglobulin production in vitro during the course of treatment was only minimally decreased.  相似文献   

A C Newland  M G Macey  P A Veys 《Blut》1989,59(1):82-87
With the ever widening group of autoimmune conditions that are beneficially affected by infusions of high dose immunoglobulin the possible mechanisms of action of such therapy appear increasingly complex. Fc mediated blockade of the mononuclear phagocyte system is an acknowledged early effect. This is, however, accompanied by a decrease of neutrophil counts which suggests that IgG binding to the neutrophil may be a mechanism of action. The decrease of neutrophil counts is transient but in immune thrombocytopenia is inversely proportional to the platelet response observed. In parallel to the effect on the neutrophil there are changes in the lymphocyte subsets with reversal of the T helper/suppressor ratio and alterations in the individual cellular constituents of each subset that correlate with the clinical response. The observed changes in B cell numbers and function suggest that T dependent and independent antibody production is effected by intravenous immunoglobulin. It is increasingly clear that in ITP at least the clinical response to IV IgG is a summation of several cellular events and their balance reflects the ultimate outcome. It may eventually be possible to use these observations to predict the likely outcome in the individual patient of this mode of therapy.  相似文献   

The cellular interactions involved in the platelet response after immunoglobulin infusion in acute and chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) are unknown. There have been a number of theories including the competitive inhibition of platelet-binding to macrophages by the preferential sequestration of immunoglobulin coated red cells. We report a study to examine this hypothesis. Adult acute and chronic patients were given infusions of immunoglobulin at a rate of 0.4 g/kg body weight, daily for 5 days. Serum haptoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase and the absolute reticulocyte counts were monitored and no significant change in any value was seen during the period of study. A red cell survival was performed on four of the patients and no increase in the rate of red cell clearance occurred during the infusion period. We conclude from this that in these patients no significant degree of haemolysis was provoked by the infusion although this does not preclude this as a mechanism of action in some individuals.  相似文献   

We present three cases of post-transfusion purpura (PTP) developing in the immediate post operative period after open heart surgery. All had developed platelet specific antibodies and severe anaphylactoid reactions occurred to platelet transfusion in two cases. Treatment with high dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IV IgG) led to complete recovery in two patients one of whom demonstrated a marked biphasic response pattern to therapy. The other died from congestive cardiac failure. PTP is a potentially fatal complication which may well become more frequent with increasing blood product usage.  相似文献   

Although intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) and other plasma therapeutics have had a relatively good safety record, improved methods for viral clearance are constantly being evaluated and incorporated into new manufacturing processes. Gamma irradiation has been used routinely to assure sterility of healthcare products and medical devices, but it has not been applied successfully as a viral inactivation method for biologics. We examine whether virucidal doses of gamma irradiation (50 kGy) can be delivered to a manufacturing intermediate form of IVIG, a fractionated plasma paste, with negligible effect on structural and functional integrity of purified IgG product. Immunoglobulins from paste were examined for radiation-induced damage by SDS-PAGE and ELISAs utilizing viral antigens specific for rubella, CMV and mumps. Fc domain integrity was assessed by immunoblotting, quantitatively comparing the binding of irradiated and non-irradiated materials to cell surface Fcgamma receptors, and by employing quantitative RT-PCR to study the kinetics of accumulation of mRNA for the immune modulatory cytokines IL-1alpha, IL-1beta, IL-4, IL-8, IFNgamma, and TNFalpha. The results demonstrate that Fab and Fc domains of IVIG remain essentially intact and functional after gamma irradiation to virucidal doses, suggesting that this method could be used to enhance the safety of IVIG products.  相似文献   

Five patients with common variable immunodeficiency treated in our hospital between December 1979 and December 1990 were given six kinds of intravenous immunoglobulin preparations (pepsin treated, S-sulfonated, polyethylene glycol treated, pH4 treated, alkylated, and pH4.25 formulation preparation) for replacement therapy. Duration of the therapy ranged from 7.6 to 11 years. Incidences of fever and acute infections were variable among patients, but no significant differences were seen in the incidences among periods given each preparation. Three cases revealed abnormal pulmonary functions in tests. Adverse reactions were rarely seen in our study periods, and no severe reactions were observed. No significant differences were seen in incidences of adverse reactions. Postinfusion levels of serum complement slightly decreased from preinfusion levels. However, the decrease in complement was not related to any adverse reaction. No long-term complications such as transmission of hepatitis have been observed. Our data suggest that no obvious differences exist between the efficacy and safety of each IVIG preparation. Differences of efficacy of IVIG replacement therapy may be due to the variable pathophysiology of each patient.Abbreviations CVID common variable immunodeficiency - IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin  相似文献   

Here we consider certain therapeutic effects that intravenous administration of pooled high dose immunoglobulin and anti-D IgG share. Despite million-fold difference in doses such an effect occurs at least in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). We postulate that spontaneous bleeding events may remit even when platelet numbers show refractoriness. We also mention the possible sparing of anti-D antibody-coated red blood cell (RBC) destruction and, finally, an acceleration of fibrotic involution. Fc receptors (FcRs) play a central role; beyond the well-established interactions with the immunoglobulin Fc fragment, FcRs are supposed to display special cognitive properties that enable them to pick out the therapeutic molecules from the recipient's IgG pool. Such subtle selection suggests some disarray in the host. On the other hand it may explain why the often-encouraging outcome of IVIG therapy remains unpredictable.  相似文献   

目的探讨静脉输注丙种球蛋白(IVIG)与新生儿溶血病(HDN)患儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)发生的关系。方法收集重庆医科大学附属儿童医院2013年1月1日至2014年1月1日确诊为HDN患儿的临床资料,采用倾向评分配比法建立回顾性队列研究,根据是否使用IVIG分为IVIG组和非IVIG组,比较两组患儿NEC发生情况。进一步以配比后病例建立病例对照研究,探讨溶血病患儿发生NEC的危险因素。结果共1 217例HDN患儿纳入研究,其中40例合并NEC,309例进行IVIG。进行1∶2的倾向评分配比后,共有199对匹配成功,其中NEC组25例,非NEC组572例。结果显示,倾向评分配比后,IVIG治疗并未增加溶血病患儿NEC的发生率,4.5%(9/199)vs 4.0%(16/398),χ2=0.083,P=0.773。单因素分析显示,早产、低出生体重、多胎、胎膜早破、产前糖皮质激素、静脉营养、先天性心脏病、最高胆红素值与溶血病患儿发生NEC有关。二元Logistic回归显示,先天性心脏病是溶血病患儿发生NEC的独立危险因素(OR:4.021,95%CI:1.286~12.578)。结论 IVIG治疗不增加溶血病患儿发生NEC的概率,合并先天性心脏病的HDN患儿更易发生NEC。  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Ebola virus is negative-sense,single stranded RNA virus of the family Filoviridae.Since their discovery in 1976,Ebola viruses have caused numerous outbreaks of severe hemorrhagic fevers in Africa.The emergence of Ebola virus disease(EVD)in Guinea and its spread to urban centers in neighboring West African countries recently has caused international alarm.These filovirus infections are characterized by acute onset of illness after an incubation period of2-21 days,with initial symptoms of fever,chills,myalgia,and malaise.The disease signs and symptoms frequently  相似文献   

Human intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) solutions were prepared by two different methods and compared to each other. The crude immunoglobulin fraction obtained from Cohn-Oncley fractionation of plasma was further purified and subjected to virus inactivation, either by polyethylene glycol precipitation and pasteurization at 60 degrees C for 10 hours, or by ion exchange chromatography and solvent/detergent treatment. The final preparations, formulated in 5% immunoglobulin solutions were characterized by in vitro analyses of biochemical and biological properties and compared with the samples of other manufacturer's IVIG solution products. The critical properties evaluated in this study were purity, molecular intactness, and the biological functions such as Fc function and anticomplementary activity. Virus inactivation and removal by processing steps and by deliberate virucidal steps, as described above, were tested on various human pathogenic viruses, such as human immunodeficiency and experimental model viruses. The tested viruses were successfully inactivated and removed. We conclude that the intravenous immunoglobulins prepared by two different methods, as described above, provide an equivalent viral safety and quality.  相似文献   

选用不同核酸类型的脂包膜病毒,其中RNA病毒为水疱性口炎病毒(VSV),DNA病毒为伪狂犬病毒(PRV),将两种指示病毒分别用于验证低pH孵放法对不同厂家生产的人血静脉注射用丙种球蛋白(IVIG)的病毒灭活效果。结果表明,液体IVIG的pH值为3.8~4.4,在23~25℃环境中,孵放21天可灭活VSV和PRV,两种指示病毒的灭活效果分别为≥5.50~6.62和≥5.38~6.62logTCID50/0.1ml。因此,低pH孵放法是一种安全、有效且简便实用的灭活脂包膜病毒的方法。  相似文献   

In vitro platelet function was inhibited in healthy volunteers by two different doses of aspirin, as confirmed by measurement of maximum serum production of thromboxane B2 (TXB2) by platelets. 75 mg aspirin did not fully inhibit serum TXB2 production after 24 hours, whereas 300 mg aspirin did. Inhibition of platelet function in vitro was maintained by both 75 mg/day aspirin or 300 mg/alternate day aspirin. In contrast, in vivo production of TXB2, measured as urinary levels of the 11-keto-TXB2 metabolite, was inhibited similarly by both doses of aspirin throughout the study. These findings suggest that 75 mg/day aspirin may be sufficient adequately to inhibit platelet aggregation in vivo.  相似文献   

Therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin preparations has been used effectively in a wide range of conditions. Although generally well tolerated, intravenous immunoglobulin preparations may be associated with transient hypotension in some patients. This study examined the role of different immunoglobulin G fractions in the development of intravenous immunoglobulin-induced hypotension in an anaesthetized rat model and assessed the effects of a new liquid immunoglobulin prepared at a low pH on both the formation of immunoglobulin G dimers and the development of hypotension. The effects of this new preparation in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model were also evaluated.Results from the haemodynamic studies indicated that immunoglobulin G dimers in polyclonal immunoglobulin G are responsible for the hypotensive events associated with some immunoglobulin preparations. They also showed that adjustment to an acidic pH results in the rapid dissociation of immunoglobulin G dimers and prevents the development of hypotension. Additional experiments demonstrated that only immunoglobulin G dimers with a functional Fc fragment can bind to Fcgamma receptors on macrophages to induce the release of blood pressure-lowering mediators. Moreover, essentially monomeric Fc fragments can block the blood pressure-lowering effects of immunoglobulin G dimers.Preparation of a new liquid intravenous immunoglobulin with the pH adjusted to 4.3 prevents the formation of immunoglobulin G dimers even over long-term storage and does not significantly affect blood pressure in a rat model. This preparation is as effective as other intravenous immunoglobulin preparations in ameliorating symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. These results, like those from previous studies, indicate that preparation of intravenous immunoglobulin at a low pH substantially reduces immunoglobulin G dimerization; this effect significantly decreases the potential for intravenous immunoglobulin to induce hypotension without reducing its clinically relevant biological activity.  相似文献   

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