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以松嫩平原西部草甸草原中典型植物虎尾草、碱茅、芦苇和羊草群落为对象,分析了4种植被群落土壤呼吸速率日动态和季节动态及其影响因素,以及土壤盐碱度与土壤呼吸碳排放量的关系.结果表明: 4种植物群落的土壤呼吸速率日变化均呈明显的单峰曲线,峰值出现在11:00-15:00,而谷值大多出现在21:00-1:00或3:00-5:00;4种植被群落土壤呼吸速率的季节变化趋势一致,7、8月的土壤呼吸速率(3.21~4.84 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1)最高,10月最低(0.46~1.51 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1);各群落土壤呼吸速率与土壤和近地表大气温度之间呈极显著相关关系,其中,虎尾草群落的土壤呼吸速率与土壤表层含水量极显著相关,芦苇和羊草群落土壤呼吸速率与近地表的相对湿度显著相关.土壤盐分含量明显抑制了土壤CO2排放量,土壤pH、电导率和土壤交换性钠可以解释该草甸草原土壤呼吸空间变异的87%~91%.  相似文献   

以高原湿地纳帕海沼泽化草甸为研究对象, 采用稀释培养结合形态鉴定比较分析0—20 cm、20—40 cm土层的土壤真菌多样性及群落结构组成, 以及土壤理化性质对土壤真菌多样性及群落结构组成的影响。结果表明: 0—20 cm和20—40 cm土层中的真菌数量、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')、均匀度指数(JSW)和丰富度指数(DMA)均表现为0—20 cm土层> 20—40 cm土层; 分别分离得到土壤真菌12属和10属, 其中木霉属、青霉属、腐霉属、曲霉属同为沼泽化草甸两个土层的优势类群, 表现出较高的相似性, 同时20—40 cm未发现枝孢菌属和壳囊孢属, 又表现出一定的差异性。经RDA冗余分析, 土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾、速效磷、pH、容重和自然含水率可能是影响沼泽化草甸土壤真菌群落结构组成的主要因子。  相似文献   

中国湿地碳储量分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地巨大的碳储存能力使其在稳定全球气候变化中占有重要地位,并对全球土壤碳储量做出重要贡献.本文在阐明湿地碳储量估算方法的基础上,分析我国主要湿地区碳储量并讨论气候、植被、土壤性质、土地利用等因素对湿地碳储量的影响.结果表明:东北湿地区和青藏高原湿地区是八大湿地区中碳储量最高的两大区域;泥炭湿地的高稳定性、低分解率及酚氧化酶的作用使其成为内陆地区碳储量最高的湿地类型;单一因素的双向干扰及多重因素的交互作用使得湿地碳储量的影响因素和作用机理更加复杂.注重多重因素的交互作用,并结合数据同化技术,有利于湿地碳储量及湿地生态系统价值预测与评估.  相似文献   

农田土壤磷素淋溶及其预测   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:35  
吕家珑 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2689-2701
农田土壤磷的淋溶损失,不仅造成肥料利用率降低、农业生产成本上升,还能引起地下和地表水体富营养化。在综合大量中外文献的基础上,阐述了农田土壤磷素淋溶问题的提出、淋溶对水体富营养化的贡献、淋溶液中磷素的形态及其比例、影响土壤磷素淋溶的因子、淋溶机理、预测方法,并对农田土壤磷素淋溶及其预测作了展望。  相似文献   

可溶性有机碳在土壤剖面淋溶过程中的分馏   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选取中亚热带两种不同类型土壤为研究对象,采集0~10、10~20、20 ~ 40、40~60、60~80、80~ 100 cm土层土壤样品,提取米槠新近凋落物的可溶性有机碳(DOC)溶液为初始DOC,研究其在土样中淋溶时的分馏现象和截留特征.结果表明:初始DOC在土柱中淋溶时,其浓度随深度增加呈逐层下降的趋势,而且化学结构更为简单,被土壤截留的DOC中主要是疏水性组分,但随着土层深度增加,亲水性DOC的截留量呈上升趋势;红外光谱显示含有芳环的疏水性物质最易被吸附,而烷烃和简单的碳水化合物则最有可能随土壤溶液进入下层土壤;由于到达下层土壤的DOC中易被吸附组分含量的减少,限制了其吸附能力的发挥,因此主要的吸附过程发生在40 cm以上土层,表明DOC本身的化学性质比土壤性质更能影响其吸附行为;不同类型土壤的截留量具有显著差异,这与土壤黏粒和铁铝氧化物的含量呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

滨海湿地生态系统土壤微生物及其影响因素研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤微生物是滨海湿地生态系统中不可或缺的关键组分,在土壤发育、物质循环和污染物净化等诸多土壤生态过程中发挥着重要作用,对滨海湿地生态系统的维持与健康具有重大影响。系统梳理了滨海湿地土壤微生物群落结构特征和多样性,综述了土壤理化性质、植被状况、水文因素、生物入侵、全球变化、湿地开垦、石油污染等因素对滨海湿地土壤微生物的影响。在此基础上,对今后的研究重点提出了4个方面的展望:(1)加强全球变化多因子交互作用下滨海湿地土壤微生物的响应机制;(2)强化滨海湿地土壤微生物与环境因子的互作机理;(3)深化滨海湿地水动力条件对土壤微生物的影响机制;(4)开展土壤微生物与滨海湿地生态系统物质循环综合研究。研究以期为滨海湿地生态系统的保护和修复提供参考。  相似文献   

为研究高寒湿地、草甸的退化及恢复与土壤微生物碳代谢功能多样性的关系,以及影响土壤微生物碳代谢功能多样性的关键因素,利用BIOLOG Eco微平板法,分析了甘肃玛曲地区5类(湿地、沼泽化草甸、高寒草甸、退化草甸、人工恢复草甸) 14个退化与恢复样地的土壤微生物对单一碳源的利用情况。结果表明,从湿地到沙化草地的逐渐退化过程中,草甸的土壤微生物群落代谢活性差异显著;主要是由于在湿地干化过程中,微生物活性逐渐升高,沼泽草甸土壤微生物活性最高;随着草甸不断退化,微生物活性逐渐降低,沙化草地最低;而人工补播恢复使土壤微生物活性有所增加,表明退化对微生物碳代谢功能多样性造成显著影响,人工恢复措施在一定程度上提高了土壤微生物活性。聚合物类(吐温40、吐温80、环状糊精、肝糖)、氨基酸类及碳水化合物类是土壤微生物主要利用的碳源。冗余分析结果显示,土壤的碳氮比、含水量、有机碳、全氮、容重、氮磷比、p H及植被覆盖度是影响土壤微生物碳代谢功能多样性的关键因子。因此,可用土壤碳代谢功能多样性变化评价高寒湿地及草甸的退化和恢复及其变化程度。  相似文献   

三江平原不同湿地类型土壤活性有机碳组分及含量差异   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
肖烨  黄志刚  武海涛  吕宪国 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7625-7633
土壤活性有机碳对土壤干扰的反应较快,是土壤有机碳早期变化的敏感性指标。近50年来,三江平原湿地土壤有机碳库受农事活动影响较大。为了探讨不同湿地类型土壤活性有机碳主要组分土壤可溶性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon,DOC)、微生物量碳(Microbial biomass carbon,MBC)和易氧化有机碳(Easily oxidized organic carbon,EOC)的分布差异及主要影响因子,选择了三江平原洪河自然保护区4种典型的湿地类型(小叶章+沼柳湿地、小叶章湿地、毛苔草湿地和芦苇湿地)为研究对象。分析了不同湿地类型土壤可溶性有机碳,微生物量碳和易氧化有机碳在0—30 cm土层内的分布特征和分配比例及其与有机碳、土壤养分和酶活性指标(蔗糖酶、纤维素酶和过氧化氢酶)之间的相关关系。结果表明:(1)4种湿地类型土壤DOC、MBC和EOC含量均随土层深度的增加而减少。不同湿地类型之间土壤活性有机碳含量在0—30 cm土层内存在显著性差异(P0.05),相对于长期淹水的毛苔草湿地和芦苇湿地而言,未淹水的小叶章+沼柳湿地和小叶章湿地具有较高的DOC,MBC和EOC含量。(2)土壤DOC、MBC和EOC占有机碳比例分别为0.27%—0.63%,1.27%—5.94%和19.63%—41.25%。土壤DOC所占比例呈先增后减的变化趋势,最大的比例均出现在10—20 cm。MBC所占比例在土壤剖面上则未表现出一致的变化规律,而EOC所占比例则随土层深度的增加而逐渐减少。(3)土壤DOC占SOC比例以小叶章湿地最高,MBC和EOC占SOC的比例则以小叶章+沼柳湿地最高。而长期淹水的毛苔草湿地和芦苇湿地则具有更低的DOC,MBC和EOC比例。(4)综合分析表明,4种湿地类型土壤DOC,MBC和EOC两两之间存在极显著相关性关系,它们除了与碳氮比相关性不显著外,与土壤有机碳,全氮,全磷养分和酶活性指标间相关性均达到极显著水平,尤其是与有机碳和全氮的相关性系数更高,此外DOC与纤维素酶,MBC与过氧化氢酶相关性更大。由此可见,土壤碳氮磷养分和酶活性是影响土壤活性有机碳组分分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

植物α 和β 多样性的变化与土壤、地貌及人为干扰等生态因子有密切的关系。主要选择沿湖从博尔塔拉河(简称博河)B, 鸟岛N, 鸭子湾Y, 奎屯河K 和在距湖岸H0km(近湖岸带)、H5km(湖滨带)、H10km(湿地-绿洲过渡带)、H15km(近精河绿洲带)范围的8 个研究区, 于2012 年10 月分别对样地乔木、灌木和草本进行调查。结果表明: (1) 艾比湖湿地共出现植物16 科46 属32 种, 藜科和禾本科种类最多, 样地上分布的草本植物比较丰富。(2)植物α 多样性变化特征: 沿湖周4 个样地平均物种Margalef 丰富度指数表现一致为: 鸟岛N>鸭子湾Y>博河B>奎屯河K; Simposon 多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数和McIntosh 均匀度指数表现为奎屯河最大。在距湖岸不同生境样地中平均物种Margalef 丰富度指数、Simposon 多样性指数和Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数、McIntosh 均匀度指数表现为距湖H10km 值最大。植物α 多样性指标的变化主要与土壤养分指标中的全磷、pH、全氮显著相关, 其次是全盐指标显著相关。(3)不同生境下植物β 多样性特征为H0km H5km。H5km 到H10km生境间Cody 指数变大, 其中H5km 到H10km 生境间Cody 指数变化最大。H5km 与H10km、H10km 与H15km 其资源异质性明显, 物种替代速率达到了最大。  相似文献   

土壤活性有机碳及碳库管理指数对高寒湿地退化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探明高寒湿地土壤活性有机碳及碳库管理指数变化与湿地退化的关系,对退化湿地生态恢复具有重要意义。以若尔盖湿地自然保护区的相对原生沼泽(RPM)、轻度退化沼泽(LDM)、中度退化沼泽(MDM)、重度退化沼泽(HDM)和极重度退化沼泽(SDM)湿地土壤为对象,研究土壤总有机碳、活性有机碳组分含量及碳库管理指数对高寒湿地退化的响应。结果表明:0~100 cm范围内土层总有机碳(TOC)含量表现为RPM>LDM>MDM>HDM>SDM;与RPM相比,各退化湿地土壤的水溶性有机碳(WSOC)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)、易氧化有机碳(PXOC)含量均降低,尤以MDM、HDM和SDM降低显著,其WSOC、DOC和PXOC含量的降幅分别为25.79%~76.76%、35.90%~92.81%、32.07%~80.06%。随着湿地退化程度的加剧,3种活性有机碳的分配比例逐渐增加,碳库管理指数却逐渐减小。由此可见,高寒湿地退化可能会通过增加湿地土壤有机碳活性,降低土壤碳"汇"能力和湿地土壤质量。  相似文献   

The impact of sediment coring on measured rates of sulfate reduction(SRR) by the whole core 35S-injection technique was assessed inmarshsediment vegetated by Spartina anglica. Simultaneously,therole of extraction method (centrifugation vs. sippers) for determination ofporewater DOC in vegetated sediment was evaluated. SRR was measuredinsitu with radiotracer injected directly into the sediment and in atime series from 1 to 24 h after coring. SRR incubations carriedout within 6 h (June) or 12 h (August) of coringyielded up to an order of magnitude higher rates than measured insitu. The enhancement of SRR was instantaneous but temporary andcorrelated with measured porewater DOC concentrations. Cores sampled fromrootedsediments should therefore not be used for sulfate reduction incubations withinthe first 12 h due to the effect of DOC leaching from roots cutduring the coring procedure. The labile fraction of leached DOC appears to beexhausted after a pre-incubation period of at least 12 h.Measurement of porewater DOC is also problematic in vegetated sediment.Porewater extraction by centrifugation of sediment may result in up to oneorderof magnitude higher DOC concentrations than in porewater obtained by anondestructive sipper technique. DOC is probably forced out of roots duringcentrifugation resulting in erroneously high porewater DOC concentrations.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), humicsubstances (HS), polysaccharides (PS) and lowmolecular weight acids (LMWA) werecharacterized in water from the dystrophicLake Große Fuchskuhle over a period ofseven months. In addition, porewater from anadjacent fen was investigated in order toobtain information about the DOC in thecatchment area. Size-exclusion-chromatographycombined with UV- and organic carbon(IR)-detection was used to quantify DOC andits fractions. The lake had previously beendivided into four separate sections by largesheets of plastic, and the DOC compositiondiffered markedly between the fourcompartments. Spatial variations in HS and PSconcentrations were greater than seasonalvariations. The high amounts of HS (up to58%) in the western sections of the lake,indicated influence by subsurface water fromthe fen, whereas the eastern sections weredominated by PS (up to 35%) of algal origin.These differences could be explained byhydrological conditions, indicating thatcompletely different catchment areasinfluenced the water chemistry in the separatecompartments. By characterizing the HS bytheir average molecular weight and theiraromaticity, three different groups of HScould be distinguished depending on theirorigin and fate. Microbial degradation of DOCand its fractions differed between two of thecompartments during incubation studies over aperiod of six weeks.  相似文献   

The responses of soil enzyme activity of freshwater marsh, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and aboveground biomass to water gradients were studied with Carex lasiocarpa pot culture experiment. The relationships between soil enzyme activity and MBC, DOC and aboveground biomass were discussed. The water gradients were W1, 15 cm; W2, ?5 cm; W3, ?5–5 cm; W4, submerged. The results indicated that acid phosphatase, invertase and urease activities were decreased with the increase of water level, while catalase activity was increased with moisture content increasing. Drying-wetting alternation (W3) increased soil enzyme activities if compared with W1. MBC content followed the order of W3 > W1 > W2 > W4, and the activities of invertase, urease and catalase were significantly positively correlated with MBC (p < 0.05). DOC content presented the order of W4 > W1 > W3 > W2, and the activities of urease and acid phosphatase were most significantly negatively correlated with DOC (p < 0.01). In addition, drying-wetting alternation promoted the growth of Carex lasiocarpa. When water submerged plants, the growth of Carex lasiocarpa was significantly inhibited. The aboveground biomass was positively related to soil enzyme activities. There were close relationships between the activities of invertase, urease and catalase and the growth situation of Carex lasiocarpa.  相似文献   

毛苔草湿地土壤酶活性及活性有机碳组分对水分梯度的响应   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
万忠梅  宋长春  郭跃东  王丽  黄靖宇 《生态学报》2008,28(12):5980-5986
通过设置的W1(15cm)、W2(-5cm)、W3(-5~5cm)、W4(淹没)4种水分梯度的毛苔草(Carex lasiocarpa)盆栽培养实验,研究了湿地土壤酶活性、微生物量碳(MBC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)及毛苔草地上生物量对水分梯度的响应及土壤酶活性与MBC、DOC、地上生物量的关系。土壤酸性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶和脲酶活性随着土壤水分增加而降低,但过氧化氢酶活性随着土壤水分增加而增加。与持续淹水相比,于湿交替(W3)增加了土壤酸性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶和过氧化氢酶活性。土壤微生物量碳(MBC)含量表现为W3〉W1〉W2〉W4,蔗糖酶、脲酶、过氧化氢酶活性与MBC呈显著正相关(P〈0.05)。土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量表现为W4〉W1〉W3〉W2,脲酶和酸性磷酸酶活性与DOC呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01)。毛苔草地上生物量与土壤酶活性呈正相关,其中,蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶、脲酶活性与毛苔草生长状况密切相关。  相似文献   

The responses of soil enzyme activity of freshwater marsh, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and aboveground biomass to water gradients were studied with Carex lasiocarpa pot culture experiment. The relationships between soil enzyme activity and MBC, DOC and aboveground biomass were discussed. The water gradients were W1, 15 cm; W2, ?5 cm; W3, ?5–5 cm; W4, submerged. The results indicated that acid phosphatase, invertase and urease activities were decreased with the increase of water level, while catalase activity was increased with moisture content increasing. Drying-wetting alternation (W3) increased soil enzyme activities if compared with W1. MBC content followed the order of W3 > W1 > W2 > W4, and the activities of invertase, urease and catalase were significantly positively correlated with MBC (p < 0.05). DOC content presented the order of W4 > W1 > W3 > W2, and the activities of urease and acid phosphatase were most significantly negatively correlated with DOC (p < 0.01). In addition, drying-wetting alternation promoted the growth of Carex lasiocarpa. When water submerged plants, the growth of Carex lasiocarpa was significantly inhibited. The aboveground biomass was positively related to soil enzyme activities. There were close relationships between the activities of invertase, urease and catalase and the growth situation of Carex lasiocarpa.  相似文献   

Wan Z M  Song C C  Guo Y D  Wang L  Huang J Y 《农业工程》2008,28(12):5980-5986
The responses of soil enzyme activity of freshwater marsh, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and aboveground biomass to water gradients were studied with Carex lasiocarpa pot culture experiment. The relationships between soil enzyme activity and MBC, DOC and aboveground biomass were discussed. The water gradients were W1, 15 cm; W2, ?5 cm; W3, ?5–5 cm; W4, submerged. The results indicated that acid phosphatase, invertase and urease activities were decreased with the increase of water level, while catalase activity was increased with moisture content increasing. Drying-wetting alternation (W3) increased soil enzyme activities if compared with W1. MBC content followed the order of W3 > W1 > W2 > W4, and the activities of invertase, urease and catalase were significantly positively correlated with MBC (p < 0.05). DOC content presented the order of W4 > W1 > W3 > W2, and the activities of urease and acid phosphatase were most significantly negatively correlated with DOC (p < 0.01). In addition, drying-wetting alternation promoted the growth of Carex lasiocarpa. When water submerged plants, the growth of Carex lasiocarpa was significantly inhibited. The aboveground biomass was positively related to soil enzyme activities. There were close relationships between the activities of invertase, urease and catalase and the growth situation of Carex lasiocarpa.  相似文献   

可溶性有机碳在米槠天然林不同土层中的迁移特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取我国中亚热带典型的常绿阔叶林米槠天然林(Castanopsis carlesii)为研究对象,采集林内米槠凋落物并通过挖剖面法分6个土层采集土样至1m。通过浸提米槠凋落物得到可溶性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)溶液并在室内模拟其在不同土层的淋溶过程,不仅分析了土壤性质对DOC淋溶的影响,还研究了淋溶前后DOC化学结构的变化,以阐明DOC在不同土层中的迁移特征及影响因素,探寻米槠天然林土壤的固碳潜力和DOC在土壤有机碳循环中的作用。结果表明:(1)下层土壤比上层土壤吸附DOC的能力更强,亲水性DOC与疏水性DOC间会争夺土壤颗粒表面的吸附位点,而且芳香化合物和大分子物质等疏水性DOC组分会被优先吸附;(2)红外光谱表明,芳香类和醚类等疏水性物质会优先被吸附,烷烃类物质却不易被吸附,土壤中原有的酚、醇类亲水性物质会被初始DOC中的疏水性物质置换出来;(3)土壤DOC的截留能力与粘粒、游离氧化铁含量呈极显著正相关,而与土壤有机碳和砂粒含量呈极显著负相关,其中土壤有机碳的含量是影响米槠天然林不同土层DOC截留量的关键因素。  相似文献   

The degradability and chemical characteristics of water-extractable dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) from the humus layer of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands were compared in short-term incubation of soil solutions. For all extracts the degradation of DOC and DON was low (12-17% loss) and increased in the order: birch, spruce and pine. In the humus layer under pine a relatively larger pool of rapidly degrading dissolved soil organic matter (DOM) was indicated by the [3H]thymidine incorporation technique, which measures the availability of DOM to bacteria. The degradation of DOC was explained by a decrease in the hydrophilic fraction. For DON, however, both the hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions tended to decrease during incubation. No major differences in concentrations of hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions were detected between tree species. Molecular size distribution of DOC and DON, however, revealed slight initial differences between birch and conifers as well as a change in birch extract during incubation. The depletion of very rapidly degrading fractions (e.g., root exudates and compounds from the litter) may explain the low degradability of DOM in the humus layer under birch.  相似文献   

不同肥力棕壤溶解性有机碳、氮生物降解特性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
汪景宽  李丛  于树  李双异 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6165-6171
溶解性有机碳、氮在土壤全碳、全氮含量中所占的比例很小,但却是土壤有机质中最为重要和活跃的部分。研究利用土壤溶解性有机碳、氮生物降解的测定方法,分别选取沈阳农业大学试验站不同肥力及与定位试验地紧密相连的自然林地棕壤为研究对象,开展棕壤溶解性有机碳、氮的生物降解特性的研究,为了解溶解性有机碳、氮在土壤生态系统碳、氮循环中的作用,探讨棕壤溶解性有机碳、氮与土壤肥力的关系提供理论依据。研究结果表明,棕壤林地溶解性有机碳、氮的含量最高,高肥处理次之,低肥处理含量最低。棕壤溶解性有机碳、氮与全碳、全氮和微生物量碳、氮的相关性达到极显著水平,与土壤肥力紧密相关,可以作为指示土壤肥力的重要指标。不同肥力棕壤溶解性有机碳、氮的降解速率在培养初期较快,而后逐渐减慢,降解数据符合双指数衰变模型。棕壤溶解性有机碳分别由降解速率不同的两个库组成:周转时间在1d的易分解部分和周转时间大约为400d的难分解部分。棕壤溶解性有机氮是由周转速率大约为2d的易降解部分和周转速率在99~105d左右的难分解部分组成. 经过42d的培养,浸提液中剩余溶解性有机质碳氮比值较培养前有所增加。  相似文献   

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