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A new genus and species of piscicolid leech in the Platybdellinae inhabits the oral cavity of Dasyatis akajei in the northwestern Pacific Ocean near Tanabe, Japan. The genus Rhopalobdella n. gen. is characterized externally by very small oral and caudal suckers and a smooth body that is widest just posterior to the clitellum. Eyespots and ocelli are lacking. The coelom is spacious with large segmental connecting sinuses between dorsal and ventral sinuses. There are 5 pairs of testisacs, an unusually extensive epididymis, and a very large bursa. Conducting tissue is absent. There are 2 pairs of esophageal diverticula and very well developed nephridia. Rhopalobdella japonica n. gen. n. sp. is characterized by a urosome that tapers strongly to the caudal sucker and by a single gonopore; the common oviduct opens into the posterior portion of the bursa. The coelomic and excretory systems resemble Aestabdella, but in other respects the genera are quite different. This is the first marine leech reported from rays in the northwestern Pacific.  相似文献   

Oceanobdella khani n. sp. is described from the plain sculpin, Myoxocephalus jaok, from Bristol Bay, Alaska, in the eastern Bering Sea. Prevalence was never greater than 10% in any single collection; maximum intensity was 12 leeches per host, but most fish had 5 or fewer leeches. Oceanobdella khani possesses generic characters of small oral sucker, 5 pairs of testisacs, unremarkable terminal male reproductive organs, coelomic system lacking pulsatile vesicles, and 3 pairs of eyes on the oral sucker-trachelosome. Oceanobdella khani is distinguished from other species in the genus by solid black pigmentation on the urosome, clitellum, trachelosome, and most of the oral sucker except for an unpigmented margin. The pigmentation of the caudal sucker is highly variable, ranging from overall mottled blackish gray to completely unpigmented. The caudal sucker lacks ocelli. Intestinal ceca are large, crop ceca are directed anteriorly, and postceca are separate for their entire length.  相似文献   

Malmiana buthi n. sp. is described from the body and fins of the fluffy sculpin, Oligocottus snyderi, the tidepool sculpin, Oligocottus maculosus, and the woolly sculpin, Clinocottus analis, collected from tidepools at Horseshoe Cove on the Bodega Marine Reserve in Sonoma County, California. Prevalence of the leech was 32.6% on live-caught O. snyderi; mean intensity on O. snyderi was 3.3 leeches per fish, with a range from 1 to 7. The leech is not known to exceed 8 mm total length. The body is smooth, lacking papillae, tubercles, or pulsatile vesicles. Two pairs of crescentiform eyes are present on the oral sucker, and 1 pair of punctiform eyes occurs on the second annulus of the trachelosome. The caudal sucker has 14 small punctiform ocelli spaced evenly around the margin. The last 9 segments of the urosome have pairs of large punctiform ocelli both dorsally and ventrally. Body and caudal sucker pigmentation is uniformly reddish brown dorsally and ventrally with segental, lateral, unpigmented areas on both the urosome and trachelosome; pigmentation on the oral sucker is in the form of a cross. There are 5 pairs of testisacs; accessory gland cells on the atrial cornua and vector tissue are absent.  相似文献   

Austrobdella coliumicus n. sp. is described from Coliumo Bay, Chile. It is characterized by a continuous, external coelomic canal (= marginal lacuna), 5 pairs of testisacs, accessory gland cells, a body not distinctly divided into trachelosome and urosome, 2 pairs of dorsal ocelli on the trachelosome, dorsal and ventral segmental ocelli present on the urosome, green overall pigmentation with transverse brown bands, and the absence of conducting tissue. Austrobdella coliumicus is distinguished from other species of Austrobdella by the presence of 2 pairs of ocelli on the trachelosome and a more cylindrical body. It is unusual that this leech was collected from inside the mantle cavity of the razor clam, Ensis macha. Austrobdella losmoliniensis n. sp. is described from the electric ray, Discopyge tschudii, collected at Los Molinos, Chile. It is characterized by a continuous, external coelomic canal; 5 pairs of testisacs; accessory gland cells; a body distinctly divided into trachelosome and urosome; 1 pair of eyes on the oral sucker; overall black pigmentation with unpigmented areas; and the absence of conducting tissue. Austrobdella losmoliniensis can be distinguished from other species of Austrobdella by the combination of 1 pair of eyes on the oral sucker and black pigmentation.  相似文献   

Collections of giant kelpfish at inner Cabrillo Beach, San Pedro, California revealed the presence of an undescribed species of Heptacyclus, described here as Heptacyclus cabrilloi n. sp. The leech is small, only up to 14 mm total length including suckers; it has 2 pair of slightly crescentiform eyes on the oral sucker, 1 pair of punctiform ocelli on the second annulus of the trachelosome, 13 pairs of punctiform ocelli dorsally and ventrally on the urosome, and 14 marginal punctiform ocelli on the caudal sucker. Pigmentation is yellowish-tan with an unpigmented mid-dorsal stripe on both trachelosome and urosome, and with unpigmented halos around eyespots and urosome ocelli. Male reproductive system with 5 pairs of large, spherical testisacs. Mycetomes present, accessory gland cells on atrial cornu absent. Prevalence was 24.1% in June, 2011 with a range of 1-2 leeches per fish and 25.8% in October, 2011 with a range of 1-6 leeches per fish.  相似文献   

We redescribe Orchispirium heterovitellatum based on the holotype and 3 original voucher specimens collected from the mesenteric blood vessels of scaly whiprays Himantura imbricata (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) (as Dasyatis imbricatus) captured in the western Bay of Bengal off Waltair, India. We emend the diagnosis of Orchispirium to include anterior sucker present, testis looping, cirrus sac enveloping large internal seminal vesicle, oviducal seminal receptacle present, and metraterm short and thin-walled. We describe Myliobaticola richardheardi n. gen., n. sp. based on live observations, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy of adult specimens collected from between the cardiac trabeculae of Atlantic stingrays Dasyatis sabina (Lesueur, 1824) captured in Mississippi Sound (type locality), Mississippi, and Apalachicola Bay, Florida. The new species has a minute, aspinous body lacking lateral tubercles; an aspinous and eversible anterior sucker lacking a peduncle; a posterior esophageal swelling; an inverse U-shaped intestine; smooth ceca terminating in the anterior body half; a looping testis lacking lobes; a cirrus sac enveloping a large internal seminal vesicle; a medial and primarily post-testicular ovary; an oviducal seminal receptacle; a postgonadal uterus flanking the internal seminal vesicle; a short and thin-walled metraterm; and a common genital pore. It lacks a pharynx and Laurer's canal. No other named aporocotylids infect a member of cohort Batoidea or have the combination of an aspinous body, an aspinous anterior sucker, a posterior esophageal swelling, an inverse U-shaped intestine, a looping testis, a cirrus sac enveloping a large internal seminal vesicle, and a common genital pore; these observations indicate that O. heterovitellatum and M. richardheardi are closely related. The discovery of a second species representing a second genus of Aporocotylidae in diamond stingrays (Dasyatidae) suggests that Batoidea is an undersampled host group for aporocotylid infections.  相似文献   

Iquius nipponicus Jordan 1919 was described on the basis of a single specimen from the Miocene of Iki Island, Nagasaki, Japan, and was tentatively assigned to the family Clupeidae. The holotype consists of the anterior portion of the body (lacking the anal and caudal fins and most of the caudal vertebrae), and is re-examined. The species is re-described based on additional specimens from the type locality. This species possesses an extremely stout third dorsal spine-like fin ray with a smooth posterior edge, an expanded anterior portion of the maxilla covering approximately half of the bone, 13 branched anal fin rays, and 22 abdominal and 16 caudal vertebrae. A phylogenetic study using the character matrix from a previous study suggests that the species forms a clade with xenocyprinins, but it differs from xenocyprinins in the form of the maxilla and the dentary and the numbers of branched anal fin rays and vertebrae. The present study concludes that the genus Iquius does not belong to the family Clupeidae. Iquius is a distinct and valid genus that is closely related to cultrins and xenocyprinins of the family Cyprinidae.  相似文献   

The cercaria morphology of Echinochasmus japonicus was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Cercariae, liberated from naturally infected snails (Parafossarulus manchouricus), had ovoid bodies and diminutive tails. The cercaria tegument was covered with minute spines. Four type II sensory papillae were observed on the dorsal side of the oral sucker, and type I papillae were distributed on the dorsal tegument surfaces. When cercariae were kept in the same bath as the freshwater fish, Pseudorasbora parva, which were free from trematode infections, parasites encysted only in the gills of fishes at day 4 postinfection (PI). The outermost metacercaria wall was fully formed in host tissues at day 7 PI. Adult worms were recovered from the intestines of rats, chicks, and ducks 28 days after experimental exposure to metacercariae. The head crown of the adult was armed with 24 collar spines, which were interrupted dorsal to the oral sucker, and the species was identified as E. japonicus.  相似文献   

This is the report of a new species of catfish, Kryptoglanis shajii nov. gen. and nov. sp., distinguished from all other genera of siluriform fishes by the combination of the following morphological characters: viz. the absence of dorsal fin; the presence of four pairs of barbels; an upwardly directed mouth, with a distinctly projecting lower jaw; subcutaneous eyes; anal fin completely confluent with the caudal fin; anal and caudal fins together carry 70–74 fin rays; and no spines in any of the fins. Kryptoglanis, which has a maximum recorded size of 59.1 mm in standard length, was collected from a well fed by subterranean springs. The type locality is a well located at the extreme western part of Western Ghats, near Chalakudy in Thrissur district, Kerala State, India.  相似文献   

The first species of the genus Helobdella in Australia is recorded from Victoria. Helobdella papillornata has all of the diagnostic features of the genus including: triannulate segments, one pair of eyes on somite II, diffuse salivary glands, five crop caeca, one annulus between the gonopores and one annulus between the anus and the caudal sucker. It is characterised by a subterminal mouth, lobed gastric caeca, five to seven darkly pigmented papillae per somite on the dorsal surface, 14 brown dorsal stripes, five pairs of compact testisacs and a resting length of 15 mm and a maximum extended length of 40 mm. Individuals lay between 20 and 50 eggs attached directly to the ventral surface of the parent. At 20 °C the eggs hatch after 2 weeks and the young immediately reattach to the parent for a further 2 to 4 weeks, during which time the attached young feed on snails captured by the parent. After leaving the parent, young forage on their own or in small groups of three or more until they reach reproductive maturity. Individuals become reproductively mature, producing eggs and young, 3 to 4 months after hatching.  相似文献   

During a study on the helminth fauna of Liophis anomalus specimens deposited in the Reptile Collection of the Secci6n Zoología Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias, Uruguay, a new genus of Opisthogoniminae was found. Paracotyletrema n. gen. is described from the buccal cavity and esophagus of specimens from Departamento de Flores, Uruguay. This new genus differs from the other 2 Opisthogoniminae, Opisthogonimus and Westella, by having much smaller body size; maximum width at level of posterior end of oral sucker; oral sucker length more than one-fourth of body length; oral sucker and acetabulum separated by a distance of about the diameter of pharynx; cirrus pouch length more than half of body length; and testes in completely coincident zones. The type and only species, Paracotyletrema poncedeleoni n. gen., n. sp., is defined by the following diagnostic characters: mean oral sucker length one-third to one-half of body length; cirrus pouch of about body length, contorted, mainly acetabular; large, round testes in nearly adjacent fields, and an ovary nearly adjacent to right testis. Besides the type locality, Paracotyletrema poncedeleoni has been found in L. anomalus specimens from the Departamentos of Artigas and Treinta y Tres; therefore, it has a widespread distribution in Uruguay.  相似文献   

Species of the Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914 with elaborate muscularisation of the oral sucker belong in three trematode genera, including three new species and a new genus from the intestine of fishes in Australian waters. Spiritestis Nagaty, 1948 is resurrected and S. herveyensis n. sp. is described from the mullet Moolgarda seheli (Forsskål) collected in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia; the latter differs from S. arabii Nagaty, 1948 in that the position of the genital pore is pharyngeal rather than post-pharyngeal and the geographical range is off Australia rather than the Red Sea. A new genus is proposed for two new species, with a uniquely ornamented oral sucker, which infect Australian scatophagids. Members of Capitimitta n. g. are distinguished from Waretrema Srivastava, 1937, species of which have a simple oral sucker with six radially arranged anterior muscular lobes, in that their oral sucker is V-shaped with six embedded muscular finger-like structures in the anteroventral portion. The relatively small C. darwinensis n. sp., collected from Selenotoca multifasciata (Richardson) at Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, is distinguished from C. costata n. sp., collected from Scatophagus argus (Linnaeus) in the same locality and S. multifasciata off Brisbane, Australia, and by having smaller eggs, a vitellarium commencing at a level close to the ventral sucker rather than at greater than one ovarian length posterior to the ventral sucker, and shorter tegumental body spines. Sequence data of a c.2,500 bp region of the 3′ end of 18S, the entire ITS region and the 5′ end of the 28S revealed that Spiritestis and Capitimitta are not as closely related as some morphological features would suggest and are probably not the closest relative of each other. What has been reported as Waretrema piscicolum Srivastava, 1937 probably consists of several species, some in different genera, and one, based on material collected by Dr Masaaki Machida, is proposed as Spiritestis machidai n. sp. from Crenimugil crenilabis (Forsskål) off Japan. Phylogenetic hypotheses, based on analysis of an alignment of partial 28S sequences with other haploporids, provide a framework for the evaluation of interrelationships within the Haploporidae. These analyses show that: (1) Spiritestis and Capitimitta are supported within the Haploporidae; (2) branches to Forticulcita Overstreet, 1982, Saccocoelioides Szidat, 1954, Spiritestis and Capitimitta create a clade that is sister to haploporines from the Mediterranean Sea; (3) the branch to Saccocoelioides, Spiritestis and Capitimitta create a polytomy; and (4) the two new species of Capitimitta, plus an immature specimen of an unnamed species, form a monophyletic clade.  相似文献   

Nakano T 《ZooKeys》2012,(181):79-93
A new sexannulate species of the genus Orobdella Oka, 1895, Orobdella mononokesp. n., is described on the basis of five specimens collected from Yakushima Island, Japan. Orobdella mononokesp. n. differs from other sexannulate Orobdella species in its possessing the following combination of characters: dorsal surface bicolor in life, I-XIII, XXVII and caudal sucker grayish purple, XIV-XXVI amber, male gonopore at XI c11/c12, female gonopore at XIII b2, 8 + 1/2 between gonopores, tubular but bulbous at junction with crop gastroporal duct, epididymides in XV-XIX, and atrial cornua ovate. Phylogenetic analyses using nuclear 18S rDNA and histone H3, and mitochondrial COI, tRNA(Cys), tRNA(Met), 12S rDNA, tRNA(Val) and 16S rDNA markers show that Orobdella mononokesp. n. is closely related to Orobdella esulcata Nakano, 2010 from Kyushu, Japan, and two species, Orobdella dolichopharynx Nakano, 2011 and Orobdella shimadae Nakano, 2011, from the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan.  相似文献   

Chad Walter  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):123-130
Two closely related and often confused species of Pseudodiaptomus from the Lobus-species group, P. lobipes and P. binghami are redescribed from various locations along the east coast of India. These species predominately occur in freshwater though they can survive temporary periods of increased salinity. The distinctive features of the species are found on: female caudal ramal setae, female and male urosome 1–2 spinulation patterns, and fifth legs. A new species P. mixtus from Bangladesh is described.  相似文献   

Priolepis akihitoi is described as new from Australia, New Caledonia and Japan. The species is distinctive in having a transverse papilla pattern, second dorsal rays usually I, 11, predorsal fully scaled and dark bars dorsally on the caudal fin. Priolepis cyanocephala is described as new from eastern Australia and Lord Howe Island. It differs from other species in having a reduced transverse papilla pattern, second dorsal rays I, 10, predorsal largely naked and head with vertical bands, but no bands on the body. Priolepis profunda is redescribed based on material from northwestern Australia and Thailand, and photos of specimens from Indonesia, New Guinea and the Philippines. Priolepis psygmophilia is redescribed based on recently obtained material from the Kermadec Islands and other material from Lord Howe Island, Easter Island and Rapa Island.  相似文献   

Gynaecotyla squatarolae (Digenea: Microphallidae) adult flukes were recovered from experimental chicks at day 4-6 post-infection and their tegumental ultrastructure was observed with a scanning electron microscopy. They were pyriform in shape, and their anterior halves were concaved ventrally. The whole body surface was covered with tegumental spines, which were wide and 16-17 digitated between oral and ventral suckers. The density of spines and number of digits decreased posteriorly. The oral sucker was subterminal and the excretory pore was at the posterior end of the worm. Two ventral suckers were similar in appearance and protruded near midline of the worm. The genital atrium was dextral to the small ventral sucker. The dorsal surface was covered with tegumental spines, but the spines were sparser than on the ventral surface. On the middle portion of the dorsal surface, a small opening presumed to be the Laurer's canal was seen. From these findings, it has been confirmed that the adult G. squatarolae has unique characteristics in the surface ultrastructure.  相似文献   

The surface morphology of Stictodora tridactyla recovered from a kitten that was fed the killifish, Aphanius dispar, naturally infected with the metacercariae was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The body comprised a rounded head, elongate neck, and widely pyriform hind-body. The head bore a circular oral sucker on the ventral side, and concentric rows of peg-like cephalic spines on the dorsal side. The oral sucker was armed with pre-oral spines similar in shape and size to the cephalic spines. The neck and hind-body were densely covered with scale-like multipointed spines, the size and density of which decreased from anterior to posterior parts of the body. Ciliated dome-shaped papillae were found solitarily or as conjugated groups on the head apex and lips of the oral sucker. Non-ciliated dome-shaped papillae were restricted to the lower lip of the oral sucker. The body was devoid of a ventral sucker. The genital opening appeared as a round depression of the tegument at about the anterior third of the body. This is the first record of the occurrence of S. tridactyla in the Arabian Gulf region and A. dispar is a new second intermediate host.  相似文献   


The platycephalid Platycephalus angustus Steindachner 1866, which has not appeared in recent publications, is recognized as valid and redescribed on the basis of 24 specimens collected from northern Australia and New Guinea. This species is easily separable from other congeners in having a combination of the first dorsal fin usually with two small anterior isolated spines, dorsal and anal soft rays usually 13, orbit relatively small (orbital diameter 11.2–21.5 % HL), postorbital region long (postorbital length 55.5–67.8 % HL), interorbital space wide (interorbital width 7.3–17.3 % HL), suborbital region narrow (suborbital width 4.7–7.2 % HL), vomerine tooth rows tending to increase in number with growth, with 2–4 rows in 106–184 mm SL specimens and a single broad band of numerous rows in larger specimens, teeth present on the dorsal surface of the premaxilla anterolaterally on the edge of the upper jaw in specimens ca. 76 mm SL or longer, and 3–5 dark brown to black bands and spots on its caudal fin. As the stated type locality, Surinam, is considered erroneous, and the holotype appears to have been lost, a neotype is designated with a type locality northeast of Darbilla Creek, Millingimbi, Northern Territory, Australia.


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