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Adhesive conidia of the nematophagous fungus, Drechmeria coniospora (Drechsler) W. Gams and Jansson (Moniliales: Deuteromycetes), would occasionally attach but never penetrate the infective stages of insect parasitic Neoaplectana carpocapsae, N. glaseri, N. bibionis, N. intermedia, and Heterorhabditis helfothidis (Rhabditida). However, adult and pre-infective stages of Neoaplectana spp. became infected by the fungus.  相似文献   

Verticillium dahliae infection leads to Verticillium wilt in cotton and other dicotyledon crops. To reduce the loss of economic crops, more attention has been focused on the key genes involved in pathogenicity of this soil‐borne plant fungal pathogen. Sho1 encodes a conserved tetraspan transmembrane protein which is a key element of the two upstream branches of the HOG‐MAPK pathway in fungi. Sho1 is required for full virulence in a wide variety of pathogenic fungi. In this study, sho1 mutant in V. dahliae (designated ΔVdsho1) was generated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens‐mediated transformation. ΔVdsho1 strain was highly sensitive to menadione (at concentration of 120 μm ) and hydrogen peroxide (at concentration of 250 μm ), displayed delayed spore germination and reduced spore production compared with the wild type and the complemented strains. During infection of host cotton plants, ΔVdsho1 exhibited impaired ability of root attachment and invasive growth. Results from the present work suggest that VdSho1 controls external sensing, virulence and multiple growth‐related traits in V. dahliae and might serve as a potential target for control of Verticillium wilt.  相似文献   

Ten antimicrobial metabolites, produced by Bacillus subtilis NCIB 8872, have been categorized into 3 groups on the basis of their antimicrobial spectra, chromatographic mobility and solvent solubility. The maximum concentration of the different groups occurred at different times during fermentation. The accumulation of one antibiotic group was characteristic of the logarithmic growth phase. Groups also differed in their persistence. The intracellular antibiotics contributed little to the total antibiotic activity of the culture. The onset of production and the maintenance of the extracellular accumulation of the 3 antibiotic groups were linked to sporulation and associated specific changes in the intracellular and extracellular protein complement. Production of the antibiotics was not controlled by glucose catabolite repression, since the presence or absence of glucose in the medium did not affect the pattern of antibiotic accumulation.  相似文献   

The Ccr4-Not complex is evolutionarily conserved and important for multiple cellular functions in eukaryotic cells. In this study, the biological roles of the FgNot3 subunit of this complex were investigated in the plant pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. Deletion of FgNOT3 resulted in retarded vegetative growth, retarded spore germination, swollen hyphae, and hyper-branching. The ΔFgnot3 mutants also showed impaired sexual and asexual sporulation, decreased virulence, and reduced expression of genes related to conidiogenesis. Fgnot3 deletion mutants were sensitive to thermal stress, whereas NOT3 orthologs in other model eukaryotes are known to be required for cell wall integrity. We found that FgNot3 functions as a negative regulator of the production of secondary metabolites, including trichothecenes and zearalenone. Further functional characterization of other components of the Not module of the Ccr4-Not complex demonstrated that the module is conserved. Each subunit primarily functions within the context of a complex and might have distinct roles outside of the complex in F. graminearum. This is the first study to functionally characterize the Not module in filamentous fungi and provides novel insights into signal transduction pathways in fungal development.  相似文献   

Growth and sporulation of Clostridium perfringens type A in Duncan and Strong (DS) sporulation medium was investigated. A biphasic growth response was found to be dependent on starch concentration. Maximal levels of heat-resistant spores were formed at a starch concentration of 0.40%. Addition of glucose, maltose, or maltotriose to a sporulating culture resulted in an immediate turbidity increase, indicating that biphasic growth in DS medium may be due to such starch degradation products. Amylose and, to a lesser extent, amylopectin resulted in biphasic growth when each replaced starch in the sporulation medium. A levels of heat-resistant spores approximately equal to the control was produced with amylopectin but not amylose as the added carbohydrate. Addition of glucose or maltose to a DS medium without starch at stage II or III of sporulation did not alter the level of heat-resistant spores as compared with the level obtained in DS medium with starch. Omission of starch or glucose or maltose resulted in an approximately 100-fold decrease in the number of heat-resistant spores, although the percentage of sporulation (90%) was unaffected. The role of starch and amylopectin in the formation of heat-resistant spores probably involves the amyloytic production of utilizable short-chain glucose polymers that provide an energy source for the completion of sporulation.  相似文献   

Tween 70 at 0.1% provided the best conditions for germination of Aschersonia placenta. Optimum germination and growth of the germ tube occurred over a temperature range of 25–30°C and a pH range of 5.0–6.0. A temperature of 30°C resulted in the longest germ tube at 45 μm. Apparently, temperature and pH did not affect the type of germination, with polar germination being consistently recorded for in excess of 60% of conidia. In general, growth and sporulation seemed to be much better in semi‐solid than in liquid media. Amongst several plant media tested, pumpkin consistently gave the most mycelial growth and sporulation. The ability of A. placenta to sporulate on the surface of liquid culture has increased the possibilty of its mass production for the purpose of formulating a microbial pesticide against the indigenous scale insects of tropical fruits such as durian and guava in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Chaetomium globosum grows vigorously on media containing, assource of nitrogen, ammonium pyruvate, lactate, succinate ortartrate, or urea. Most common amino-acids, except lysine, permitgrowth to varying degrees. The carbon of those compounds whichsustain growth is also utilized by C. globosum, but usuallyonly when glucose is also available. Sporulation is vigorouson media containing ammonium pyruvate or lactate, -alanine oraspartic acid; less so on other amino-acids, and very weak onammonium tartrate. Vigour of fruiting was apparently connectedwith the presence of organic phosphates in the media, and itis suggested that the favourable influence of pyruvate, lactate,and -alanine is due to their ready transformation into 3-phosphoglycericacid; this transformation has been demonstrated for -alanineby the use of the 14C-labelled compound.  相似文献   


Filamentous fungi are important organisms industrially and continue to attract research interest as microbiologists attempt to overcome the problems associated with their behavior in submerged culture. This review critically examines the literature describing these problems and where available suggests possible solutions to them. The influence of the chemical and physical environment on culture morphology, the process engineering challenges presented by different fungal morphologies, and the relationship between fungal morphology and metabolite production are all discussed.  相似文献   

The levels of fatty acids and their distribution were determined in cultures of Bacillus megaterium during growth, sporulation, and germination. Branched-chain pentadecanoates (br-C15) were the principal fatty acids of log-phase cells. Synthesis of branched-chain tetradecanoates (br-C14) during sporulation increased the relative proportion of these branched fatty acids in sporulating cells and in mature spores. The log-phase distribution was reestablished during outgrowth of the spore. The ratio of br-C15 to br-C14 could be radically altered by addition of their respective amino acid precursors, isoleucine and valine, without seriously affecting the sporulation process. The fatty acid composition of each of the purified phospholipids from log-phase cells was the same, indicating that each phospholipid receives a portion of the fatty acid pool present in the cell at the time of its synthesis. Similarly, the fatty acids of each of the spore phospholipids resembled those of the spore extract. Phospholipids accounted for two-thirds of the fatty acids of the log-phase but only one-third of those of the spore.  相似文献   

Growth and morphogenesis of seven species of nematode-trapping fungi and the activity of a collagenase produced by Arthrobotrys amerospora were measured in the presence of various concentrations of divalent cadmium, zinc, or lead. In general, growth varied with species and was dependent on the metal present and the concentration at which it was tested. Cadmium was found to exhibit the greatest toxicity followed by zinc and lead, respectively. In most cases, inhibition of growth was directly correlated with a decreased capacity to form traps. However, in a few cases, trap formation was inhibited either more or less than was growth. The activity of the collagenase was less sensitive than was growth or trap formation to heavy-metal inhibition.  相似文献   

The nematophagous fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia (Clavicipitaceae) and entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Cordycipitaceae) have great potential for biological control. However, a significant barrier to their commercial development as mycopesticides is the high costs associated with production. Carbon (C) concentration and C to nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) greatly affect fungal growth and sporulation. Effects of C concentration and C:N ratio differed when the fungi were cultivated using two different methods: the conventional (continuous cultivation) method and a novel “two-stage” method. Sporulation of P. chlamydosporia (HSY-12-14) was the highest when the media contained 6 g l−1 C and a C:N ratio of 40:1 or 8 g l−1 C and C:N ratios of 20:1 or 40:1 for the conventional method but 8 g l−1 C and a C:N ratio of only 10:1 with the novel “two-stage” method. Sporulation of B. bassiana (IBC1201) was the highest when the media contained 12 g l−1 C and a C:N ratio of 40:1 with the conventional method but only 4 g l−1 C and a C:N ratio of 5:1 with the novel “two-stage” method. In addition, the nutritional requirements as determined by the conventional method differed for mycelial growth and sporulation. Understanding the effects of nutrition on sporulation can help programs seeking to use these organisms as biological control agents and is essential for their mass production and commercialization.  相似文献   

尖顶羊肚菌液体培养基质与条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对尖顶羊肚菌液体培养基质与条件的研究,明确其菌丝生长的最适pH值、最适温度、适宜光照条件、适宜葡萄糖和蛋白胨浓度、适宜培养基,以便应用于尖顶羊肚菌液体菌种的生产和工业发酵。结果表明:菌丝的最适生长温度为2 5℃;最适生长pH值为6 ;葡萄糖和蛋白胨最适浓度分别为2 0 0g/L和10g/L ;菌丝在黑暗环境下生长良好,光照对菌丝生长具有抑制作用;用胡萝卜酵母膏培养基振荡培养形成的菌丝球多,菌丝生长量大;菌丝球在不同培养基中生长,可引起培养液pH值的上升或者下降;菌丝球可利用培养基内的氨基酸,使氨基酸降解,在胡萝卜酵母膏培养基中振荡培养8d的菌液总氨基酸含量较原液减少了36 71% ,亮氨酸、异亮氨酸和甲硫氨酸含量的下降幅度最大  相似文献   

Ethyl picolinate inhibited outgrowth and sporulation of Bacillus cereus T and laboratory isolates of B. megaterium AH2 and AV1 and B. brevis AG4. The outgrowth-inhibition was relieved by supplementing the medium before inoculation with any of the following: aspartate, asparagine, leucine, lysine, phenylalanine, tyrosine and vitamin-free casamino acids. The uptake of radioactive precursors in the synthesis of proteins, ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid was prevented when ethyl picolinate was added before inoculation. Cultures incubated for a short period before the addition of ethyl picolinate assimilated radioactive precursors, outgrew and divided after a lag. None of the cultures containing ethyl picolinate sporulated. Growth was not inhibited when a portion of vegetatively growing culture was transferred to medium containing ethyl picolinate.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature regimes on conidia germination, radial growth and virulence of Beauveriabassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae against the spotted stalk borer Chilo partellus was investigated with Ethiopian isolates. Conidia germination, radial growth and sporulation of all isolates were retarded at 15 and 35°C. A suitable temperature range for the isolates was between 20 to 30°C. Conidia germination was less tolerant of low temperature (15°C) than radial growth. Radial growth and sporulation reacted differently to temperature. At both 25 and 30°C, all isolates induced 100% mortality to C. partellus larvae in six days. The LT50 decreased for the isolates with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

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