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In a survey of risk factors for coronary heart disease 14 102 middle aged men and women answered a questionnaire on lifestyle, diet, and health, including symptoms of functional abdominal disorders. The overall prevalence of reports of one or both of the abdominal symptoms of "bloating and rumbling" or "cramping abdominal pain" was 28% in men and 35% in women. Only a weak negative association between age and prevalence of reported pain was found in both sexes. Women reported abdominal symptoms, especially cramping abdominal pain, significantly more commonly than men. In a multiple regression analysis abdominal symptoms were much more strongly associated with symptoms of mental stress such as depression, sleeping difficulties, problems of coping, and the use of analgesics than with lifestyle, dietary, and social variables together. The association was stronger in subjects reporting both symptoms. This strong and consistent association between functional abdominal disorders and psychological and social problems suggests that action other than prescribing drugs, diets, or radiography is required.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: What are the relative influences of human impact, macroclimate, geographic location and habitat related environmental differences on species composition of boreal epiphytic macrolichen communities? Location: Troms county in northern Norway. Methods: Detrended Correspondence Analysis revealed the main gradient structure in lists of epiphytic macrolichen species from deciduous forests. By Canonical Correspondence Analysis with variance partitioning, the relative amount of variance in macrolichen species composition attributable to human impact, macroclimate, spatial context and environmental differences was quantified. Results: There was no significant effect of human impact on species composition of epiphytic macrolichens of deciduous forests. Macroclimate was the most important factor determining epiphytic macrolichen communities, which were also strongly influenced by ecological differences such as forest stand properties. Conclusions: Epiphytic macrolichen communities are determined by a macroclimatic gradient from the coastline to the interior of central north Norway. In marked contrast, the species composition of epiphytic macrolichen communities seems to be unaffected by human impact in the study area, where air pollution was marginal.  相似文献   

About 300 km line transect censuses of breeding land birds were made in northern Norway in 1974–76. The data (1020 pairs in 26 samples) were grouped into seven major habitats: stony ground and oceanic heath (C1), continental dry heath (C2). "'2Calcarius heath", dry peatland, wet peatland (C5), meagre and average birch forest, and rich birch forest (C7). Bird density ranged from 22 pairs km−2 (C2) to 364 pairs km−2 (C7), but most habitats had 67–96 pairs km−2. The bird communities are described.
Defining the Optimal habitat for a species as the maximum-density habitat, the 43 species observed were found to comprise three major groups: tundra species (optimal habitat C1), peatland species (C5) and forest species (C7). Species whose central range includes northern Norway had a broader habitat amplitude than those with a southern or a very northern distribution. A new index was devised for the evaluation of the conservational importance of a habitat or a species. From the North European standpoint. C1 is certainly the most important habitat in northern Norway, as C1 supports many species which are rare in other parts of North Europe. However, population trends should also be taken into account when conservational preferences are judged.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of 25 taxa of flowering plants from northern Norway and Svalbard are reported. Four species and one subspecies, Carex halophila F. Nyl. (2n = ca. 78), C. stenolepis Less. (2n = ca. 80), Salicorniapojarkovae N. Sem. (2n = 36), Alnus incano (L.) Moench ssp. kolaensis (Orlova) Love (2n = 28), and Saxifraga svalbardensis D. O. Øvstedal (2n = ca. 64), have not been studied karyologically before. Chromosome numbers of four additional species are reported for the first time from Norway; those of another six species for the first time from northern Norway. The hybrid Salix herbacea L. (2x) x 5. polaris Wahlenb. (6x) is proved tetraploid and may be fertile. A possible hybrid between Saxifraga hyperborea R. Br. and S. rivularis L. was revealed.  相似文献   

Benthic marine invertebrates collected from sub-Arctic regions of northern Norway, were found to be a promising source of novel bioactive compounds against human and fish pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Lyophilized material from seven species of ascidians, six sponges and one soft alcyonid coral were extracted with 60% acidified acetonitrile (ACN). After separation into an ACN-rich phase (ACN-extract) and an aqueous phase, and subsequent solid-phase extraction of the aqueous phase, fractions differing in polarity were obtained and screened for antibacterial and antifungal activities, along with the more lipophilic ACN-extracts. Antimicrobial activity was determined against two Gram-negative, two Gram-positive bacteria, and two strains of fungi. Notably, all the invertebrate species in the study showed activity against all four strains of bacteria and the two strains of fungi. In general, the aqueous fractions displayed highest antimicrobial activity, and the most potent extracts were obtained from the colonial ascidian Synoicum pulmonaria which displayed activity against bacteria and fungi at a concentration of 0.02 mg/ml; the lowest concentration tested.  相似文献   

Virgin female rats were mated at a freely cycling oestrus, and then again with the same males at the subsequent postpartum oestrus. Copulatory behaviour at each mating was compared and the temporal patterning of the female's mating and maternal behaviour was analysed. Postpartum females were found to conserve the number of ejaculatory series received, yet the series were shorter, resulting in a shorter time being occupied, by this mating. During mating, females spent little time with their litters, and then mainly in the post-ejaculatory intervals. Ejaculatory series were rarely disrupted by nesting. The postpartum female rat seems to engage in behavioural time-sharing.  相似文献   

To study the migratory behaviour in wild northern European silver eel Anguilla anguilla during sea entry and early marine migration, 32 individuals were tagged with acoustic transmitters and registered at four automatic listening station arrays from the mouth of the north Norwegian River Alta and throughout the Alta Fjord. The A. anguilla entered the fjord during all parts of the tidal cycle and did not seem to utilize the outgoing tidal currents. They migrated mainly during the night, in both the river mouth and the fjord. On average, they spent 2·7 days travelling from the river mouth to the outermost array, 31 km from the river mouth, corresponding to an average migratory speed of 0·5 km h(-1) . The A. anguilla generally migrated in the central part of the fjord and in the uppermost 10-25% of the water column, but with frequent dives to greater depths. Already 4 km after sea entry, A. anguilla were observed diving deeper than 130 m within 20-30 min periods. Hence, this study demonstrated that A. anguilla may perform an active diving behaviour during the early marine migration. The study took place in a pristine area with a minimum of anthropogenic interventions and by individuals from a population still uninfected by the introduced parasite Anguillicoloides crassus. The results may therefore be used as a baseline for future studies of the A. anguilla early marine migration.  相似文献   

Sublittoral hard bottom biocoenoses in Balsfjord, Norway (69°31′ N, 19°1′ E), were monitored using underwater stereophotogrammetry. The study includes manipulation of natural densities of organisms and testing the importance of biological interactions and “key species ” for the structure of biocoenoses. Underwater photography has the advantages of being a non-destructive method, but it is selective because small or hidden organisms cannot always be observed. Field experiments with exclusion of organisms from cages seem suitable for testing hypotheses concerning which animals are “key species ” in certain biocoenoses. Sea-urchins(Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, S. pallidus) were suspected to be “key species ” in the present study, and their removal from cages caused an increase in abundance of barnacles(Balanus balanoides), the limpetAcmaea testudinalis and algal cover.  相似文献   

Steller's Eiders responded to overflying Great Black-backed GullsLarus marinus by spooking — flushing from feeding and aggregating on open water. Birds did not react at high tide when aggregated into dense roosting flocks. The significant reduction in inter-bird distance associated with this escape behaviour suggests that rafting in this way (and at rest) serves an anti-predator function. In 32% of spooks, up to 56% of the flocks were displaced from feeding sites; even when all birds remained, they took an average of 3.5 minutes for half of the flock to resume feeding, representing a minimum total of 17% loss of feeding time throughout the 24 hour period. At observed rates, the cost of flight behaviour in response to gulls was estimated to equate to a minimum of 7.8% of daily existence energy. Hence such predator responses can cost Steller's Eiders loss of access to favoured feeding area, loss of feeding time (already restricted by tidal exposure) and additional energy costs.
Zusammenfassung Auf überfliegende Mantelmöwen reagieren Scheckenten, in dem sie überstürzt von ihren Nahrungsplätzen auffliegen und sich auf dem offenen Wasser zusammenscharen. Wenn sich die Enten bei Flut zu dichten Ruhegesellschaften zusammengeschlossen haben, ist keine Reaktion zu beobachten. Die Reduktion der Individualabstände in Verbindung mit Fluchtverhalten deutet darauf hin, daß der enge Zusammenschluß eine Reaktion gegen Räuber bedeutet. In 32% der Fluchtbewegungen entfernten sich bis zu 56% der Trupps von den Stellen der Nahrungssuche. Aber auch, wenn die Vögel am Ort bleiben, dauerte es im Mittel 3,5 min, bis die Hälfte der Trupps die Nahrungssuche wieder aufgenommen hatte. Dabei gingen innerhalb von 24 Stunden immerhin 17% der Zeit für Nahrungssuche verloren. Die Kosten für das überstürzte Abfliegen beim Auftauchen von Möwen wird auf etwa 7,8% des täglichen Mindestenergiebedarfs geschätzt. Daher kann eine derartige Raktion auf potentielle Räuber die Nutzung bevorzugter Nahrungsgründe einschränken sowie Verlust der ohnehin durch die Gezeiten beschränkte Zeit für Nahrungsaufnahme und zusätzliche Energiekosten nach sich ziehen.

A sample ofDelia puparia collected in late autumn from a brassica field at Tromsø, northern Norway, was investigated to study the level of parasitism byAleochara. BothA. suffusa andA. bilineata were reared from puparia of the cabbage root fly,Delia radicum, and the bean seed flies,D. florilega and/orD. platura. Only two specimens ofA. bilineata emerged from puparia of the turnip root fly,D. floralis. BothAleochara species hibernated in the larval state and both pupated inside the host puparium. Most specimens ofA. suffusa emerged from small hosts (D. florilega/D. platura), whereas the majority of A.bilineata emerged from host species of larger size (D. radicum/D. floralis). The time to develop from first instar larva to adult was similar for bothA. suffusa andA. bilineata. Parasitoids developing in large hosts emerged later than those in small hosts, the delay being the same for both species ofAleochara.  相似文献   

During the last 25 yr, Sami reindeer husbandry in parts of Finnmarksvidda in the Norwegian Arctic has been in a critical state because of overexploitation of lichen-dominated tundra, which serves as winter forage. To better understand the ecosystem’s capabilities for recovery we investigated vegetation cover changes over a 7-yr period, starting in 1998, at 52 sites dispersed over a large area at Finnmarksvidda. Two types of plots were established: one fenced from reindeer grazing and trampling and one open for reindeer. The investigations in 2005 showed that lichen cover had had a significant and rapid increase (up to 8.6-fold per year). The cover of vascular plants, mainly dwarf shrubs, also increased significantly, while barren areas and the cover of litter decreased significantly during the period. Mean relative growth rate of lichen biomass was 0.083 ± 0.011 per year in open plots, which is considered very rapid recovery compared to previous studies. Lichen recovery was significantly faster on leeward ridges than on exposed ridges, and fencing alone did not have any significant effects on lichen recovery, but in interaction with time, fencing contributed to increasing recovery rates. The lichen heath recovery was reciprocally correlated with reindeer density. In addition, lichen recovery was probably facilitated by recent climate changes, viz. shallower snow depths which made leeward tundra and forest floor vegetation accessible for reindeer, and increased summer precipitation rates which improved growth rates. The results from this study show that in a very short time there was a transition from an overexploited depauperate vegetation and barren ground state to a flourishing lichen-dominated vegetation state, suggesting that the injuries were repairable. The vegetation transitions which have taken place in the study area are considered to be reversible with fewer persistent effects.  相似文献   

Eight populations of Laminaria hyperborea from wave-exposed localities in Finnmark (70–71°N) were compared with two populations in Vega (65°N). Standing stock in shallow water (3–5 m) was within the same range in the two areas (6–16 kg fr. wt. m–2). Both the highest and lowest value of standing stock were registered in Finnmark. Degree of wave-exposure was determined by the numbers of sectors exposed to open sea at each locality, with each sector given a relative wind force value. The most wave-exposed locality in Vega had a slightly higher annual biomass production as a function of plant age compared with the populations from Finnmark within a similar range of wave exposure. Of the two localities in Vega the most wave-exposed one had a higher annual biomass production per plant than the more sheltered one. The most wave-exposed locality examined was situated in Finnmark and exhibited the lowest annual biomass production per plant. Recruits (one-year-old plants) were found at all the localities except at one locality in Finnmark. The plants reached a higher age in Finnmark (13–18 years) than in Vega (8–9 years).  相似文献   

We have quantified floristic changes in alpine snowbeds and wetland vegetation during three decades and analyzed to what extent these changes are related to initial variations in snow cover duration and distance to groundwater level. Vascular plant species richness and total plant cover were estimated along three transects in northern Norway. Three different vegetation zones were identified along the original transects: relatively dry snowbeds, wet snowbeds and wetlands. The resampling shows major changes in species richness and plant cover. In general, there was a net immigration of species and 13 new species were found. Five rare species with initial low cover were lost. In the dry and wet snowbeds, species richness and total plant cover increased, mostly because of invasion by shrubs, graminoids and herbs. A general trend was that species indicating high soil moisture were strongly reduced. In the wetland zones there were no significant floristic changes but hygrophilous species had decreased and were replaced by graminoids and shrub species with lower water requirements. These floristic changes were significantly related to snow and soil moisture conditions, important factors for rate and direction of change. Contrasting vegetation responses within very short distances demonstrate the importance of detailed knowledge of the actual microhabitats when effects of climate change in alpine habitats are considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the degree to which general body fatness variation, presented by body mass index (BMI), the sum of the three skinfold thicknesses (TST) (triceps, subscapular, abdominal) and percentage of body fat (%FAT), can be explained by socioeconomic status (SES) and lifestyle. The cross-sectional, population-based survey was of 259 healthy working males aged 20-30 from the city of Cracow, Poland. Objective anthropometric measurements, bioelectrical impedance analysis, the results of motor fitness tests and social and lifestyle data from a questionnaire were analysed. The independent variables were: age, socioeconomic status (birthplace, place of residence until the age of 14, social class, educational level and the type of work done) and lifestyle elements (smoking habits, dietary habits, family obesity resemblance, sport activity in the past, leisure time physical activity and level of motor fitness). Three separate full models were created using stepwise straightforward regression with BMI, TST and %FAT as dependent variables. The highest autonomous influence on BMI and %FAT was ascribed to age and family obesity resemblance, whereas variation in TST was explained by level of motor fitness, age, city as a place of residence until the age of 14 and family obesity resemblance. Although the analysed variables explained only from 8% (BMI) to 13% (TST) of body fatness variation, indicating at the same time that most variations are explained by other variables, the impact of lifestyle family-shared factors on body fatness seems to be significant.  相似文献   

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