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OBJECTIVE--To confirm or refute reports that vasectomy may increase the risk of cancers of the testis and prostate. DESIGN--Computerised record linkage study of cohort of men with vasectomy and comparison of cancer rates with those in the whole Danish population; manual check of all records of patients with testicular and prostate cancer diagnosed within the first year of follow up. SETTING--Denmark 1977-89. SUBJECTS--Cohort of 73,917 men identified in hospital discharge and pathology registers as having had a vasectomy for any reason during 1977-89. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Observed incidences of testicular, prostate, and other cancers up to the end of 1989. RESULTS--The overall pattern of cancer incidence in the study cohort was similar to that expected nationally. No increased incidence in testicular cancer was observed (70 cases; standardised morbidity ratio 1.01 (95% confidence interval 0.79 to 1.28)). The incidence during the first year of follow up was also close to that expected (nine cases; standardised morbidity ratio 0.80 (0.36 to 1.51)). The incidence of prostate cancer was not increased (165 cases; standardised morbidity ratio 0.98 (0.84 to 1.14)). CONCLUSIONS--The incidence of testicular cancer in men with vasectomy is no higher than in other men. Vasectomy does not cause testicular cancer and does not accelerate the growth or diagnosis of pre-existing testicular neoplasms. Data concerning a causal relation between vasectomy and prostate cancer were inconclusive.  相似文献   

The goal of the paper was the analysis of patients over the age of 60 suffering from the urinary bladder cancer that underwent radical surgical treatment of the urinary bladder and establishing urine derivation. In the 1972-2008 period 2405 patients with the urinary bladder cancer were treated, 296 (12.3%) of whom underwent radical surgical treatment. The average age was between 60 and 80 years--in 207 (70%) patients. In our patients there were 190 patients (91.6%) with transitional cell cancers. According to TNM classification, T3 stage in 92 (44.4%) patients and T2 stage in 85 (41%) patients were predominant in our study. According to histological criteria, the most common stage was G3 stage--in 151 (73%) patients. Radical cystectomy or combined with urethrectomy was performed in 178 (86%) patients. Unfortunately, in 12% of them (T3 and T4 stages) the inner iliac blood vessels were tied off due to a progressive cancer. The outer supravesical urine derivation (Bricker, U-tubing nephrostomy, and ureterocutaneostomy) was done in 163 (78.7%) patients. The inner derivation (Coffey, ureteroileosigmoidostomy, Mainz-Pouch II) was performed in 17 (8.2%) patients and neovesica (Hautmann, Studer) in 24 (11.5%)patients. There were 74 (35.7%) patients with early postoperative complications. Among them the most dominant were the surgical complications--in 28 (13.5%) patients and distant organ complications--in 22 (10.6%) patients. In 75 (36%)patients with negative nodes the survival rate was 55% after five years. In 73 (35%) patients with positive nodes the survival rate was 27% after five years.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To determine the age related incidence of severe acute renal failure in adults in two health districts in England. DESIGN--Prospective study of patients identified as having severe acute renal failure within a two year period; subsequent monitoring of outcome for a further two years. SETTING--Two health districts in Devon. SUBJECTS--Those adults in a population of 444,971 who developed severe acute renal failure (serum creatinine concentration > 500 mumol/l) for the first time during two years, with subsequent fall of the serum creatinine concentration below the index value. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES AND RESULTS--125 adults (140 per million total population yearly, 172 per million adults) developed severe acute renal failure, of whom 90 (72%) were over 70. Age related incidence rose from 17 per million yearly in adults under 50 to 949 per million yearly in the 80-89 age groups. In 31 patients (25%) the cause was prostatic disease, which was related to a good prognosis (84% (26) alive at three months). Overall survival was 54% (67) at three months and 34% (42) at two years and was not significantly age related. 18 per million total population yearly (22 per million adult population) received acute dialysis. Referral rate for specialised opinion was 51 per million total population yearly with an estimated appropriate referral rate of 70 per million per year. CONCLUSIONS--The incidence of severe acute renal failure in the community is at least twice as high as the incidence reported from renal unit based studies. Prostatic disease, a preventable and treatable problem, is the most common cause. Survival figures indicate that age alone should not be a bar to specialist referral or treatment.  相似文献   

A multidimensional slit-scan flow system was developed for the automated recognition of abnormal cells derived from cancer of the uterine cervix and its precursors. It provides great sensitivity in both its ability to recognize cellular abnormality and to deal with the myriad potential causes of false alarms in an automated flow system. While its initial application was the automated recognition of the spectrum of neoplasia in gynecologic cytology samples, a preliminary study was carried out using specimens obtained from the urinary bladder. Cellular material was collected by bladder irrigation and stained with the fluorochrome acridine orange. One hundred fifty-three bladder irrigation specimens, including 115 abnormal specimens containing cells derived from neoplastic lesions of the bladder epithelium, were analyzed. For the purposes of this study, abnormal specimens from the urinary bladder included specimens containing cells derived from the following lesions of the urothelium: dysplasia (atypical hyperplasia), carcinoma-in-situ, and transitional cell carcinoma, grades 1-3. Approximately 50,000 cells were analyzed for most specimens. Of the 38 presumed normal specimens (specimens containing only normal urothelial components), four were instrument classified abnormal. For the 69 specimens containing cells derived from transitional cell carcinoma, grade 1, 1-2, 2, 66 were correctly classified as abnormal while three were classified as normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In a three-year period a community hospital of 40 beds discharged 2086 patients, their mean length of stay being 14.8 days. Some 68% of the patients treated were over 65, and 8.9% died in hospital. While the most common diagnosis on admission was disease of the respiratory tract, this does not indicate the actual cause of admission. For 142 patients from one practice this was acute illness in 44% of the cases, assessment in 20%, and a need for nursing care in 36%. If the community hospital had not been available about half these patients would have been admitted to the general hospital.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the association between subfertility in men and the subsequent risk of testicular cancer.DesignPopulation based case-control study.SettingThe Danish population.ParticipantsCases were identified in the Danish Cancer Registry; controls were randomly selected from the Danish population with the computerised Danish Central Population Register. Men were interviewed by telephone; 514 men with cancer and 720 controls participated.ResultsA reduced risk of testicular cancer was associated with paternity (relative risk 0.63; 95% confidence interval 0.47 to 0.85). In men who before the diagnosis of testicular cancer had a lower number of children than expected on the basis of their age, the relative risk was 1.98 (1.43 to 2.75). There was no corresponding protective effect associated with a higher number of children than expected. The associations were similar for seminoma and non-seminoma and were not influenced by adjustment for potential confounding factors.ConclusionThese data are consistent with the hypothesis that male subfertility and testicular cancer share important aetiological factors.

Key messages

  • The incidence of testicular cancer has increased in the past 50 years, and there is some evidence to suggest that sperm quality has decreased in the same period
  • It has been hypothesised that common aetiological factors may exist for testicular cancer and for male subfertility
  • The association between male subfertility and subsequent risk of testicular cancer is strong and consistent with the hypothesis of a common aetiology
  • The association is similar for seminoma and non-seminoma, and it persists when several potentially confounding factors are taken into account

Survival from cancer of children whose cancer was diagnosed during the 30 years 1954-83 was analysed. The study was population based with nearly 3000 cases covering about 30 million child years at risk. When survival during the three decades 1954-63, 1964-73, and 1974-83 was compared striking improvements were observed. For all childhood cancer five year survival increased from 21% in the first decade to 49% in the third decade. During the first and third decades five year survival rates for acute lymphocytic leukaemia increased from 2% to 47%, Hodgkin''s disease from 44% to 91%, non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma from 18% to 45%, Wilms''s tumour from 31% to 85%, and germ cell tumours from 10% to 64%. Twenty patients developed second primary tumours, but otherwise there were few late deaths. Less than 1% of children who survived without a relapse for 10 years subsequently died of their initial cancer.Survival from childhood cancer is no longer rare, and people who have been cured of cancer during childhood should be accepted as normal members of society.  相似文献   

Aquatic communities are one of the most studied systems where alternative states or regime shifts have been detected. We used data spanning a century of time to test whether the zoobenthic community of Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, USA, was relatively stable through time, variable, or whether there was any evidence of alternative community states. We used multivariate statistical analyses to test for community structure similarity and whether detected differences corresponded to major changes in the local environment. Surprisingly, the benthic community in Lake Mendota was not statistically different from the mid 1960s to the present. Similarly, the benthic community was not significantly different from 1914 to the 1950s. However, between the 1950s and mid 1960s there was a dramatic change in the zoobenthic community, including the loss of key taxa and a decrease in the diversity of several major taxa. This dramatic change cannot be attributed to any single environmental factor, and is correlated with multiple factors acting simultaneously, including increased urban development, human population density, intensive agriculture, and the introduction of a major invasive species, Eurasian watermilfoil. The long-term similarity in the benthic community before and after the shift suggests two alternative states that switched with the confluence of multiple stressors.  相似文献   

The validity and reliability of haematuria when used as screening criteria in community diagnosis of urinary schistosomiasis is presented. Between May and July, 1998, 1173 persons were screened for haematuria and examined for the presence of eggs of Schistosoma haematobium in their urine from all participating households in the Ozitem area of Bende Local Government Area, Abia State, Nigeria. Haematuria showed a sensitivity rate of 41.0% and specificity of 82.0% when used to identify cases of urinary schistosomiasis. Some factors that influenced the validity of haematuria as a diagnostic criterion are discussed. The use of haematuria amongst subjects in the first twenty years of their life is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper describes the relative frequencies and changes in the morphologic patterns of lung cancer, as documented in the histologic and cytologic specimens from 2,580 patients diagnosed and treated at Duke University Medical Center over a period of 15 consecutive years. During the first five years, the relative frequencies of the various types of lung cancers were, in descending order, squamous cell carcinoma (43.1%), large cell undifferentiated carcinoma (22.5%), adenocarcinoma of the acinar type (18.6%), small cell undifferentiated carcinoma (11.6%), bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (3.5%) and adenosquamous carcinoma (0.7%). During the second and third five-year periods, squamous cell carcinoma remained the most common neoplasm, but declined to 35.7%, while adenocarcinoma of the acinar type became the second most common lung cancer at 22.0%. The absolute and relative incidences of lung cancer in women showed a striking increase from 21.8% to 29.9%. During this same period, adenocarcinoma of the acinar type replaced squamous cell carcinoma as the most common primary lung cancer in women.  相似文献   

There are considerable racial disparities in prostate cancer risk, with a 60% higher incidence rate among African-American (AA) men compared with European-American (EA) men, and a 2.4-fold higher mortality rate in AA men than in EA men. Recently, studies have implicated several African-ancestry associated prostate cancer susceptibility loci on chromosome 8q24. In the current study, we performed admixture mapping in AA men from two independent case–control studies of prostate cancer to confirm the 8q24 ancestry association and also identify other genomic regions that may harbor prostate cancer susceptibility genes. A total of 482 cases and 261 controls were genotyped for 1,509 ancestry informative markers across the genome. The mean estimated individual admixture proportions were 20% European and 80% African. The most significant observed increase in European ancestry occurred at rs2141360 on chromosome 7q31 in both the case-only (P = 0.0000035) and case–control analyses. The most significant observed increase in African ancestry across the genome occurred at a locus on chromosome 5q35 identified by SNPs rs7729084 (case-only analysis P = 0.002), and rs12474977 (case–control analysis P = 0.004), which are separated by 646 kb and were adjacent to one another on the panel. On chromosome 8, rs4367565 was associated with the greatest excess African ancestry in both the case-only and case–control analyses (case-only and case–control P = 0.02), confirming previously reported African-ancestry associations with chromosome 8q24. In conclusion, we confirmed ancestry associations on 8q24, and identified additional ancestry-associated regions potentially harboring prostate cancer susceptibility loci.  相似文献   

Cytokine levels in blood are not yet fully considered as biomarkers for disease even if some significant progresses have been made in linking certain cytokines to some diseases. The aim of this study was to look for the stability of some cytokines in blood collected in two different days separated by one month. Fifteen healthy young men aged 20–30 years were selected for this study. Each subject participated in two 24-h sessions spaced a month apart. Blood sample was taken at 11:00, 17:00, 22:00, 01:00, 04:00, 06:00, and 08:00. Concentrations of interleukin-6, interleukin-1-receptor antagonist, soluble IL-2 receptor, interleukin-1 beta, and interleukin-2 were measured in serum. The circadian pattern of each variable was compared between the two days. The results show that there is no reliability for the measured cytokines. This study shows that cytokine levels measured in blood are neither reliable variables nor considered as stable markers in healthy subjects.  相似文献   

The effects of competitive suppression by vines on the non-vine plant community have received little attention in temperate habitats. This study investigated the impact vines have on their herbaceous hosts in a wetland community at two soil fertility levels. Plots in an oligohaline marsh were treated in a 2 × 2 factorial design with vine removal and fertilization over two growing seasons. There was no significant interaction between removal and fertilization treatments on any of the measured variables. Vine removal initially caused an increase in light penetration through the canopy, but by the end of the study, plots with vines removed had less light due to a 25% increase in biomass by the plants released from competition with vines. For plots with vines removed, species richness was higher during a brief period in the spring of the second year, but by the end of the study, richness in removal plots decreased relative to controls. Fertilization caused a 40% increase in biomass overall, although only two species, Sagittaria lancifolia L. and Polygonum punctatum Ell., showed dramatic increases. Despite fertilization causing a 40% decrease in light penetration to the ground, no change in species richness was observed. Overall, these results show that vine cover in this wetland suppresses non-vine species and reduces community biomass. Removal of vines increased biomass of non-vine dominants but resulted in only an ephemeral change in species richness. Fertilization did not increase the effects of vines on the non-vine community. Received: 14 November 1996 / Accepted: 10 June 1997  相似文献   



It is evident that professional driving is associated with substantial changes in lifestyle habits. Professional drivers are prone to metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its complications because their working environment is characterized by numerous stress factors such as lack of physical activity due to working in a fixed position, disruption in diet, and irregular sleep habits. The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of MetS among long distance drivers residing in West Azerbaijan province in Iran.


To assess the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among professional long distance drivers, 12138 participants were enrolled in this cross sectional study. The MetS was defined using International Diabetes Federation criteria.


Among12138 participants, 3697 subjects found to be MetS. The crude and age-adjusted rates of MetS were 30.5% and 32.4% respectively. Based on Body mass index (BMI), 5027 subjects (41.4%) were overweight (BMI ≥25.01–30 kg/m2), and 2592 (21.3%) were obese (BMI ≥30.01 kg/m2). The presence of central obesity was more common than other components. The associations of MetS with BMI, pack-year smoking, age, weekly driving duration and driving experiences were significant in the logistic regression. By increasing BMI, pack-year smoking, age, weekly driving duration and driving experiences, odds ratio of MetS was increased.


The study suggests that MetS has become a noteworthy health problem among Iranian long distance drivers. This might be due to the following facts: sitting in a fixed position for long hours while working, cigarette smoking, job stress, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. Educational programs should be established for promoting healthy lifestyle and also for early detection and appropriate interventions  相似文献   

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