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The Palauan archipelago contains one of the most ecologically diverse coral reef systems in the Indo-Pacific that was as attractive for humans prehistorically as it is today. New evidence is emerging that during the past few thousand years there has been increasing exploitation of coral reef resources, particularly finfish and mollusks, leading to a decline in taxa numbers, richness, and diversity in various locales. This paper examines the historical interactions between human populations and coral reef ecologies in Palau by combining known archaeological data and results from modern biological data of different reef fauna. The integration of these data sources provides a framework for attempting to explain variations in taxa composition between islands in the archipelago and how this may relate to human exploitation or other phenomena through time. By using this perspective to link past events with present-day conditions, we can gain a better sense of the extent to which anthropogenic changes may have affected island environments in western Micronesia during the Late Holocene. The study also illustrates the many difficulties researchers face in attempting to synthesize and explain past and present human predation behavior when using disparate sources of data.
S. M. FitzpatrickEmail:

黄土高原吕二沟流域侵蚀产沙对土地利用变化的响应   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了甘肃天水黄土高原吕二沟流域土地利用变化对流域产沙的影响.结果表明,与1982年相比,1989年该流域林草面积增加约5%,梯田增加2.09%,裸地略有增加,坡耕地减少约1.5%,灌木林略有减少.1998~2000年,在植被覆被增加、陡坡坡耕地减少情况下,随降水增多,其减沙效应明显,如803mm和78 mm降雨条件下,后期较前期(1982~1989年)分别减少85 326 t和52 937 t,降水较少,减沙效应较不明显;从年内含沙量变化来看,后期土地利用的减沙效应主要集中在5~10月,与降水的季节分配一致,各月降水越多,月日均含沙量减少越多,50 mm的月降水月日均含沙量减少6kg·m-3,100mm月降水月日均含沙量减少12kg·m-3.两期土地利用在重现期小于5年时,后期土地利用洪水含沙量较前期稍大,主要由于两期的降水频率分布曲线不一致;若两期降水频率分布曲线一致,则同一频率降水产洪的洪水含沙量后期将小于前期.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of various phosphorus (P) forms and their relation to physico-chemical properties of estuary sediment material were studied to better understand the potential release and burial of P. Core samples were taken from two dissimilar estuaries in the Baltic Sea: one in the Archipelago Sea (AS) and one in the Gulf of Finland (GoF). The P reserves were characterized by a sequential extraction procedure including the analysis of simultaneously dissolved elements in two extraction steps. The sediment material was also analysed for particle size distribution and total elements. In addition, several environmental variables were determined. The occurrence of the various forms of P varied with sediment depth among different sites. Reductant soluble, iron (Fe) bound P was the most dynamically changing P form in the sediment, while P bound to other metal oxides and apatite-P were the most stable fractions. High sedimentation rate was a dominating factor for sediment P burial. In addition, the content of organic matter, the amount of erosion-transported sorption components, and the oxygen (O2) conditions in the near-bottom water were important determinants of the behaviour of sediment P. The results indicate that, over the long term, both estuaries have acted as sinks for deposited P and restricted the transport of P to the AS and the open GoF, thereby partly alleviating the eutrophication process.  相似文献   

Eutrophication resulting from nutrient enrichment decreases water quality and harms ecosystem structure and function, and its degree is significantly affected by land use in the catchment. Quantifying the relationship between eutrophication and land use can help effectively manage land use to improve water quality. Previous studies principally utilized land use quantity as an indicator to link water quality parameters, but these studies lacked insight into the impact of land use intensity. Taking the upper catchment of Miyun Reservoir as a case study, we developed a method of aggregating land use quantity and intensity to build a new land use indicator and tested its explanatory power on water quality. Six nutrient concentrations from 52 sub-watersheds covering the whole catchment were used to characterize the spatial distribution of eutrophication. Based on spatial techniques, empirical conversion coefficients, remote sensing data, and socio-economic statistical data, land use intensity was measured and mapped visually. The new land use indicator was calculated and linked to nutrient concentrations by Pearson correlation coefficients. Results demonstrated that our new indicator incorporating intensity information can quantify the different nutrient-exporting abilities of different land use areas. Compared to traditional indicators that only incorporate land use quantity, most Pearson correlation coefficients between the new indicator and water nutrient concentrations increased. This new information enhanced the explanatory power of land use on water nutrient concentrations, and so will be able to help us understand the impact of land use on water quality and guide decision making for better land use management.  相似文献   

Terrestrial runoff increases siltation and nutrient availability on coastal coral reefs worldwide. However the factors determining stress in corals when exposed to short-term sedimentation, including the interactions between sediments and nutrients, are little understood. We exposed corals to ten different sediment types at environmentally relevant concentrations (33 to 160 mg DW cm−2) and exposure times (12 to 60 h) in laboratory and field experiments. The sediments originated from 2 estuaries, 2 nearshore and one offshore locations and also included ground-up aragonite. For two of these sediments, three grain size fractions were used (silt < 63 μm, fine sand: 63-250 μm, medium sand: 250-500 μm). Sediments were characterised by 19 parameters grouped into “physical”, “organic and nutrient-related” and “geochemical” parameters. Changes in the photosynthetic yield of the coral Montipora peltiformis was measured by pulse-amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorometry (PAM) as proxy for photophysiological stress from exposure, and to determine rates of recovery. Different sediments exerted greatly contrasting levels of stress in the corals. Our results show that grain size and organic and nutrient-related sediment properties are key factors determining sedimentation stress in corals after short-term exposure. Photophysiological stress was measurable after 36 h of exposure to most of the silt-sized sediments, and coral recovery was incomplete after 48 to 96 h recovery time. The four sandy sediment types caused no measurable stress at the same concentration for the same exposure time. Stress levels were strongly related to the values of organic and nutrient-related parameters in the sediment, weakly related to the physical parameters and unrelated to the geochemical parameters measured. M. peltiformis removed the sandy grain size classes more easily than the silt, and nutrient-poor sediments were removed more easily than nutrient-rich sediments. Anoxia developed on the sediment surfaces of the nutrient-rich silts, which had become slimy and smelled of hydrogen sulphide, suggesting increased bacterial activity. Our finding that silt-sized and nutrient-rich sediments can stress corals after short exposure, while sandy sediments or nutrient-poor silts affect corals to a lesser extent, will help refining predictions of sedimentation threats to coral reefs at given environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We analyzed a time series of aerial photographs and Landsat satellite imagery of the Pioneer River Estuary (near Mackay, Queensland, Australia) to document both natural and anthropogenic changes in the area of mangroves available to filter river runoff between 1948 and 2002. Over 54 years, there was a net loss of 137 ha (22%) of tidal mangroves during four successive periods that were characterized by different driving mechanisms: (1) little net change (1948–1962); (2) net gain from rapid mangrove expansion (1962–1972); (3) net loss from clearing and tidal isolation (1972–1991); and (4) net loss from a severe species-specific dieback affecting over 50% of remaining mangrove cover (1991–2002). Manual digitization of aerial photographs was accurate for mapping changes in the boundaries of mangrove distributions, but this technique underestimated the total loss due to dieback. Regions of mangrove dieback were identified and mapped more accurately and efficiently after applying the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite imagery, and then monitoring changes to the index over time. These remote sensing techniques to map and monitor mangrove changes are important for identifying habitat degradation, both spatially and temporally, in order to prioritize restoration for management of estuarine and adjacent marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The egg production of the copepod Acartia bifilosa was measured and related to environmental variables and food availability in two estuaries located in the same biogeographic region (Bay of Biscay) but showing very strong differences in abiotic and biotic features: the Gironde estuary (France) and the estuary of Mundaka (Spain). The study was conducted during the spring-summer-autumn period of 1994. Food availability was evaluated by analysing the chlorophyll a (Chl a), the particulate organic carbon (POC) and the easily extractable macromolecular compounds such as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids of the seston. The egg production of copepods was estimated from field incubations with natural water, and phytoplankton feeding of adult females was estimated by means of the gut fluorescence method. The nutritional environment of the Gironde was characterised by high amounts of suspended particulate matter (SPM) with low food value, emphasising the mainly detrital origin of the organic matter (OM). In Mundaka, the higher contribution of phytoplankton to the seston led to marked increases in particulate food value accounting for up to 35% of organic matter. The weight-specific egg production was found to be sharply higher in Mundaka (ranging from 0.2 to 0.63×10−3 day−1) than in the Gironde (ranging from 0 to 0.13×10−3 day−1), but the seasonal trend of variations was similar, the highest weight-specific egg production rates occurring in early summer and the lowest in autumn in both estuaries. Egg production was not correlated linearly with temperature since maximal egg production occurred at intermediate temperatures. In Mundaka, the egg production showed a significant positive correlation with the chlorophyll and the Chl/SPM and the POC/SPM ratios. This coupled with higher values of algal food availability (Chl a/SPM: 10 to 1870 μg g−1) and gut fluorescence (between 0.12 and 0.38 ng Chl a Eq ind−1) indicate that a herbivorous diet could cover the energy requirements of A. bifilosa and support egg production. In the Gironde, the algal food availability and the gut fluorescence were lower (Chl a/SPM: 10 to 80 μg g−1; GF: 0.09 and 0.25 ng Chl a Eq ind−1), and the egg production showed significant positive correlation with the particulate food value, suggesting that other sources of carbon rather than phytoplankton were responsible for the observed changes in egg production. Results indicate that the particular seston properties of each system may be responsible for the noticeable differences in A. bifilosa fertility among estuaries.  相似文献   

Red list species densities of birds (maximally 22 km−2), and angiosperms (maximally 39 km−2) were used as biodiversity indicators in 21 larger complexes of wetlands across the Netherlands. Their covariability with a range of indicators of human land use was assessed, including population, road and visitor density, area covered by agriculture, open water, forest and residential housing. Data were collected on the wetland complexes as well as for a perimeter with 10 km radius. In a principal components analysis (PCA) with all land use variables, it was found that the population-density-related complex of urbanisation, fragmentation (by roads), and intensity of fertilizer use together explained most of the variability present (i.e. the first PCA axis explained 50%), whilst land use within these complexes was second with an additional 19% and waterside recreation third with 12%. Red list bird species density did not correlate with that of angiosperms, nor with any of the indicators used. For the 13 complexes on organic peatland, we observed an increase in maximum red list angiosperm species density with the proportion of open marshland (P < 0.01, r 2 > 0.55), which, in turn, was negatively and closely correlated with the first PCA axis reflecting an urbanisation gradient across the Netherlands.  相似文献   

为研究太子河大型底栖动物摄食功能群对河岸带土地利用类型的响应关系,于2012年5月对太子河流域底栖动物和水环境因子和土地利用类型进行野外调查及数据分析。结果表明:1)太子河流域底栖动物群落在4种不同土地利用类型内具有极显著差异,平均丰度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在森林用地中最高,分别为8.86、0.73和0.94,平均密度在森林耕作用地中最高(782.75个/m2),除食碎屑者功能群(S),其他摄食功能群在不同土地利用类型内无差异(P > 0.05)。2)太子河土地利用类型与水环境因子之间的Pearson分析表明,森林用地与EC、TDS、TN、NH3-N、CODMn之间呈显著负相关性,与DO、IOS之间呈显著正相关性;耕地与DO和IOS之间呈显著负相关性;城镇用地与EC、TDS和TN之间呈正相关性。3)太子河土地利用类型与底栖动物功能群之间的Spearman分析表明森林用地与食碎屑者(S)、刮食者(SC)和收集者(GC)呈正相关性。耕地与食碎屑者(S)、滤食者(FC)之间呈负相关性,城镇用地与刮食者(SC)和收集者(GC)之间呈显著负相关性。4)底栖动物功能群和水环境因子之间的典范对应分析表明,食碎屑者(S)功能群主要受底质指数(IOS)驱动,其他功能群与环境因子之间无相关性。因此,水环境因子和底栖动物群落参数比摄食功能群更能反映人类活动对土地利用的改变,水环境和底栖动物群落研究可为河岸带土地利用保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Nutrients, conductivity and other physical and chemical parameters were measured seasonally in the main channel and in tributaries of the Salado River basin during the period March 1997–June 1999. The sampling began in a low water period and later included flood events. High water events were associated with high proportions of allochthonous compounds (polyphenols, suspended solids and organic matter). Nutrients and conductivity were related to hydrological conditions and different land uses in the catchment. A relationship was found between the land-use and nutrient concentrations due to the inflow of diffuse sources from agricultural lands. High nutrient concentrations and conductivity recorded in the headwaters were, respectively, related to the intensive agriculture in this area and the inflow of saline groundwater, drained by canals from endorheic basin to the main channel. Their effects on the middle and lower reaches were related to the discharge and inputs of other sub-catchments. Nutrients, sulphates, alkalinity and conductivity declined downstream towards the river mouth. The consequences for the plankton community of these spatio-temporal changes in the chemical characteristics are discussed. The heterogeneity of the Salado River is related to seasonality, land use and the geomorphological features of the basin.  相似文献   

Protein metabolism and body composition have been identified as major determinants of residual feed intake (RFI) in beef cattle fed high-starch fattening diets. This study aimed to evaluate if these two identified RFI determinants in beef cattle are the same across two contrasting silage-based diets. During two consecutive years, an 84-day feed efficiency test (Test A) immediately followed by a second 112-day feed efficiency test (Test B) was carried out using a total of 100 animals offered either one of two diets (either corn silage- or grass silage-based) over 196 days. At the end of Test A, the 32 animals most divergent for RFI (16 extreme RFI animals per diet, eight low RFI and eight high RFI) were identified and evaluated during Test B for their i) N use efficiency (NUE; N retention/N intake) calculated either from a 10-d nitrogen balance trial or from estimations based on body composition changes occurring during the whole experiment (Test A and Test B; 196 days), ii) carcass and whole-body protein turnover rates analysed through the 3-methyl-histidine urinary excretion and the N isotopic turnover rates of urine, respectively, and iii) body composition measured at the slaughterhouse at the end of Test B. Oxygen consumption was measured during Test B for the 100 animals by two GreenFeed systems. Irrespective of the diet, efficient RFI animals tended (P = 0.08) to improve their NUE when N retention was estimated for 196 days or when considering their lower urinary urea-N to total N ratio (P = 0.03). In contrast, NUE calculated during the 10-d N balance showed no differences (P = 0.65) across RFI groups suggesting that this method may not be suitable to capture small NUE differences. Efficient RFI individuals presented higher dressing percentage and muscle deposition in the carcass (P = 0.003) but lighter rumen (P = 0.001), and a trend for lower oxygen consumption (P = 0.08) than inefficient RFI animals irrespective of the diet. Lower protein degradation rates of skeletal muscle and lower protein synthesis rates of plasma proteins were found in efficient RFI cattle but only with the corn silage-based diet (RFI × Diet; P = 0.02). The higher insulinaemia associated with the corn silage-based diet (P = 0.001) seemed to be a key metabolic feature explaining the positive association between protein turnover and RFI only in this diet. Feed N was more efficiently used for growth by efficient RFI animals regardless of the diet but lower protein turnover rates in efficient RFI animals were only observed with corn silage-based diets.  相似文献   

The health of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) within southern Georgia estuaries is of particular concern due to high levels of anthropogenic contaminants in their tissues. Dolphins in this region have the highest polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations recorded for any marine mammal and these concentrations correlate to distance from a Superfund point‐source in the Turtle/Brunswick River Estuary (TBRE). Currently, little is known about the population structure of dolphins in this region. This study identifies and compares baseline data on abundance, habitat use, site‐fidelity, and ranging patterns of dolphins across two adjacent field sites; Brunswick, including the TBRE, and Sapelo, including the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve. Sapelo is relatively undeveloped and was selected for comparison to the more contaminated TBRE. Dolphin densities increased with tributary size in both sites but dolphin density and total abundance were significantly higher in Sapelo than in Brunswick. Anthropogenic stressors within the TBRE may be an important factor contributing to the differences in abundance, density, and habitat use observed in this study.  相似文献   

Question: Can species compositional dissimilarity analyses be used to assess and improve the representation of biodiversity patterns in a priori ecological classifications? Location: The case study examined the northern‐half of the South‐east Queensland Bioregion, eastern Australia. Methods: Site‐based floristic presence–absence data were used to construct species dissimilarity matrices (Kulczynski metric) for three levels of Queensland's bioregional hierarchy – subregions (1:500 000 scale), land zones (1:250 000 scale) and regional ecosystems (1:100 000 scale). Within‐ and between‐class dissimilarities were compiled for each level to elucidate species compositional patterns. Randomized subsampling was used to determine the minimum site sampling intensity for each hierarchy level, and the effects of lumping and splitting illustrated for several classes. Results: Consistent dissimilarity estimates were obtained with five or more sites per regional ecosystem, 10 or more sites per land zone, and more than 15 sites per subregion. On average, subregions represented 4% dissimilarity in floristic composition, land zones approximately 10%, and regional ecosystems over 19%. Splitting classes with a low dissimilarity increased dissimilarity levels closer to average, while merging ecologically similar classes with high dissimilarities reduced dissimilarity levels closer to average levels. Conclusions: This approach demonstrates a robust and repeatable means of analysing species compositional dissimilarity, determining site sampling requirements for classifications and guiding decisions about ‘lumping’ or ‘splitting’ of classes. This will allow more informed decisions on selecting and improving classifications and map scales in an ecologically and statistically robust manner.  相似文献   

1. Increased fine sediment input caused by agricultural development is expected to act as a stressor for stream ecosystems. In a large‐scale field experiment, we added fine river sand to 50‐m reaches of three second‐order streams in each of four categories of catchment development (ungrazed tussock grasslands, grazed pasture, dairying and deer farming) and measured the responses of macroinvertebrates and aquatic moss. 2. Before addition, fine sediment cover differed between land uses, being lowest in tussock (7%), intermediate in pasture (30%) and dairy (47%) and highest in deer streams (88%). Sediment addition increased cover by one land‐use category (e.g. augmented sediment cover in tussock streams was similar to pre‐existing cover in pasture streams), and cover remained high in impact reaches (compared with controls) throughout the 5‐week experiment. Sediment addition did not change concentrations of phosphate, nitrate and ammonium, which were generally highest in dairy streams and lowest in tussock streams. 3. Aquatic mosses (most common in tussock, absent in dairy and deer), invertebrate density (highest in deer, lowest in tussock), taxon richness (highest in pasture, lowest in deer) and diversity (highest in pasture and tussock, lowest in dairy and deer) all differed between land uses. Sediment addition resulted in reductions of moss cover, invertebrate taxon richness and richness of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera in impact relative to control reaches. 4. The impact of sediment addition was strongest in pasture streams where pre‐existing sediment cover was moderate and richness and diversity of the invertebrate community highest. However, even in the already sediment‐rich and species‐poor deer streams, density of one common taxon was reduced significantly by sediment addition, and another two were affected in the same way in dairy streams, the second‐most intense land use. 5. Our experiment has disentangled the impact of sediment addition from other concomitant land‐use effects that could not be reliably distinguished in previous research, which has mainly consisted of correlative studies or unrealistically small‐scale experiments.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of land-derived nitrogen loads on fish populations, we estimated the abundance and growth rate of Fundulus heteroclitus and Menidia menidia, the most common fish species found in estuaries of Waquoit Bay, from June through September in 1996, 1997 and 1998 in six estuaries subject to different rates of nitrogen loading. Abundance of F. heteroclitus was greater in estuaries with greater nitrogen loading rates, but growth rates of F. heteroclitus obtained from growth rings on scales and otoliths did not vary among estuaries. Abundance and growth rates of M. menidia did not change with increased nitrogen loading rates. Increased nitrogen load may increase abundance of some fish species within an assemblage but not others. Such bottom up controls are effective at producer trophic levels, but appear to be less pervasive with secondary consumers. Higher trophic levels, therefore, may only be loosely coupled to nutrient supply rates.  相似文献   

In coastal intertidal flats, assemblages of deposit-feeders often vary seasonally and according to the availability of food in sediments. In the mudflat where this study has been done, the deposit-feeder assemblage changed after a sharp increase of fresh detritus, which occurred in summer 1997. The number of the animals increased and abundances of some worms (Streblospio shrubsolii, Desdemona ornata and Capitella cf. capitata) were correlated with the nutritive value of the sediment. In addition, there was evidence that increasing food in summer would increase recruitment of juveniles and adults of S. shrubsolii.In this paper, the concentration of food was manipulated in situ in sediments of an intertidal mudflat in different seasons. Food of high nutritive value was added to small plots of sediments to test hypotheses about effects on the distribution of deposit-feeders. It was predicted that addition of food would change composition and abundance of the assemblage and densities of the deposit-feeders that were correlated to the availability of food. Furthermore, it was tested whether juveniles and adults of S. shrubsolii were affected by the availability of food consistently through seasons.Densities of deposit-feeders increased in plots where the sediment was organically enriched. The composition of the assemblage, however, was not affected. S. shrubsolii, D. ornata and C. cf. capitata responded to the addition of food. However, the nutritive value of the sediment affected the dynamics of these animals variably through seasons. Abundances increased in the experimental treatment E in winter and spring for D. ornata and in winter and autumn for C. cf. capitata. Furthermore, in summer and autumn juveniles and adults of S. shrubsolii were more abundant in plots where food was added.  相似文献   

The urbanization of watersheds is a highly dynamic global phenomenon that must be monitored. With consequences for the environment, the population, and the economy, accurate products at adequate spatial and temporal resolutions are required and demanded by the science community and stakeholders alike. To address these needs, a new Impervious Surface Area (ISA) product was created for a Portuguese Watershed (Mondego river) from Landsat data (a combination of leaf-on multispectral bands, derived products, and NDVI time series), using Regression Tree Models (RTM). The product provides 30-m spatial resolution ISA estimates (0–100%) with a Mean Average Error (MAE) of 1.6% and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 5.5%.A strategy to update the baseline product was tested in earlier imagery (2001 and 2007) for a subset of the watershed. Instead of updating the baseline product, the strategy seeks to identify stable training samples and remove those where change was detected in a time series of Change Vector Analysis (CVA). The stable samples were then used to create new ISA models using RTM. The updated maps were similar to the original product in terms of accuracy metrics (MAE: 2001: 2.6%; 2007:3.6%).The products and methodology offer a new perspective on the urban development of the watershed, at a scale previously unavailable. It can also be replicated elsewhere at a low cost, leveraging the growing Landsat data archive, and provide timely information on relevant land cover metrics to the scientific community and stakeholders.  相似文献   

High power, nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) effects have been focused on bacterial decontamination, but the impact on mammalian cells is now being revealed. During nsPEF applications, electrical pulses of 10, 60 or 300 ns durations were applied to cells using electric field amplitudes as high as 300 kV/cm. Because of the ultra-short pulse durations, the energy transferred to cells is negligible, and only non-thermal effects are observed. We investigated the genotoxicity of nsPEF on adherent and non-adherent cell lines including 10 human lines and one mouse cell line with different origin and growth characteristics. We present data examining the effects of nsPEF exposure on cell survival assessed by clonogenic formation or live cell count; DNA damage determined by the comet assay and chromosome aberrations; and cell cycle parameters by measuring the mitotic indices of exposed cells. Using each of these indicators, we observed differential effects among cell types with non-adherent cells being more sensitive to the genotoxic effects of nsPEF exposures than adherent cells. Non-adherent cultures showed a rapid decrease in cell viability (90%), induction of DNA damage, and a decrease in the number of cells reaching mitosis after one 60 ns pulse with an electric field intensity of 60 kV/cm. These effects were not observed in cells grown as adherent cultures, with the exception of the mouse 3T3 cell line, which showed survival characteristics similar to non-adherent cultures. These data suggest that nsPEF genotoxicity may be cell type specific, and therefore have potential applications in the selective removal of one cell type from another, for example, in diseased states.  相似文献   

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