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Mictyris guinotae is endemic to the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. During low tide, the crabs emerge onto the tidal flat to feed, and then burrow into the sand before the incoming tide. They feed in droves during daytime, but separately at night. Under constant conditions without sand sediment, crabs exhibited a bimodal daily activity pattern, with a free-running period of ~12.8 h, comprising an active phase of ~11 h alternating with a resting phase of ~1 h, and a lag of ~3 h between the activity peak and low tide. Crabs were more active during the notional night-time than during the notional daytime. In crabs placed in an arena with sand sediment, a free-running period of ~12.8 h comprised a surface-active phase of ~3 h and a subsurface resting phase of ~9 h, with a lag of 1.5 h. In contrast to the non-sand condition, more crabs were active during daytime than during night-time. Thus, M. guinotae possesses circatidal and circadian locomotor rhythms that are modified by the sediment.  相似文献   

American horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) exhibit clear circadian rhythms of visual sensitivity in the laboratory and in the field they exhibit seasonal patterns of mating behavior that are closely associated with the tides. Recent reports suggest that Limulus locomotor activity may be controlled by endogenous circadian and/or circatidal clocks and that light:dark (LD) cycles may affect the rhythmic output of both of these clocks. In this study, we examined locomotor behavior in the laboratory to determine the extent of this endogenous activity and to examine the influence of LD cycles on these rhythms. Thirty-three L. polyphemus were captured during the breeding season and their activity was monitored with activity boxes and “running wheels” in seawater kept at constant temperature and salinity. Activity patterns were analyzed using visual inspection of actograms and Chi-square and Lomb-Scargle periodograms. Overall, 36% of the animals was significantly more active during L, while only 12% was more active during D (52% showed no preference). Circatidal rhythms were observed in LD in 67% of the horseshoe crabs. Surprisingly, LD cycles appeared to synchronize these rhythms at times. In DD, the majority of animals tested (63%) exhibited circatidal rhythms that persisted for at least seven days. Overall, the results demonstrate that an endogenously controlled tidal rhythm of locomotion operates during, and significantly after, the breeding season in this species. In addition, the present results are consistent with the presence of circalunidian oscillators controlling these rhythms.  相似文献   


An age‐associated alterations in daily and circadian changes of cytochrome P‐450‐linked monooxygenases system activity were studied using 1‐, 6‐ and 12‐months old male Wistar rats, in winter and in spring season. Cytochrome P‐450 and NADPH‐cytochrome P‐450 reductase showed 12h rhythm in all investigated age groups of animals. Cytochrome b5 and NADH‐cytochrome b5 reductase were characterized by a 12h daily rhythm in 1‐month old rats, but in older ones 24h circadian rhythm was found. There was not significant changes of the rhythm pattern in the activity of investigated MFO system ingredients in rats of different age, between spring and winter.  相似文献   

The blue crab Callinectes sapidus settles and metamorphoses in areas of aquatic vegetation in estuaries. Crabs in the first-fifth instar stages (J1-5) then emigrate from these areas by walking on the bottom or pelagic dispersal throughout estuaries. The present study was designed to characterize the timing of this migration pattern relative to the light-dark and tidal cycles. Field sampling in Pamlico Sound, NC, USA indicated that J4-5 juveniles were most abundant in the water column during the night. J4-5 juveniles were collected from Pamlico Sound in an area near Oregon Inlet that has semi-diurnal tides, a Mid-Sound area where tides are weak, and on the West side where regular tides do not occur. Crabs from all three sites had a circadian rhythm in which they swam up in the water column during the time of darkness in the field. Peak swimming consistently occurred at about 0300 h, but was not related to the timing of the tidal cycle. Similar results were obtained for juvenile crabs from an adjacent estuary having semi-diurnal tides. Dispersal at night reduces predation by visual predators, and allows early juvenile blue crabs to disperse planktonically from initial settlement sites.  相似文献   

The mole crab Emerita talpoida migrates with the tide in the swash zone of sand beaches. A circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming underlies movement, in which mature male crabs show peak swimming activity 1-2 h after the time of high tides at the collection site. In addition, there is a secondary rhythm in activity amplitude, in which crabs are maximally active following low amplitude high tides and minimally active following high amplitude high tides. The present study determined the phase response relationship for entrainment of the circatidal rhythm with mechanical agitation and whether the cycle in activity related to tidal amplitude could be entrained by a cycle in the duration of mechanical agitation at the times of consecutive high tides. After entrainment with mechanical agitation on an orbital shaker, activity of individual crabs was monitored in constant conditions with a video system and quantified as the number of ascents from the sand each 0.5 h. Mechanical agitation at the times of high tide, mid-ebb and low tide reset the timing of the circatidal rhythm according to the timing relationship to high tide. However, mechanical agitation during flood tide had no entrainment effect. In addition, a cycle in duration of mechanical agitation entrained the rhythm in activity amplitude associated with tidal amplitude. Both rhythms and entrainment effectiveness over the tidal cycle may function to reduce the likelihood of stranding above the swash zone.  相似文献   

Ovigerous blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, are observed to undergo nocturnal ebb-tide transport (ETT) during their seaward spawning migration. A previous study found that females undergoing the spawning migration have a circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming, which serves as the biological basis for ETT. The present study asked three questions about this endogenous rhythm. First, does the rhythm occur in females with mature embryos regardless of whether they are undergoing ETT? Second, when exposed to a light/dark cycle in the laboratory, do ovigerous females only swim vertically at the time of ebb tide during the dark phase? Third, do attachments to the backs of ovigerous crabs affect the circatidal rhythm? The circatidal rhythm occurred in all crabs with mid-stage embryos that were prevented from undergoing ETT. The rhythm was unaffected by the light/dark cycle, which implies that migration can occur at lower light levels at depth during the day. Finally, attachments did not affect the rhythm, which suggests that tags and transmitters will not affect the spawning migration.  相似文献   

  1. Research into the visual shape discrimination abilities of compound‐eyed animals has almost exclusively been limited to insects, the crustaceans having been virtually ignored. The two groups have many dissimilarities, having primarily adapted in different habitats to different lifestyles. Differences may exist in visual systems and visually mediated behavior.

  2. Fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator), without training, differentially approached dissimilar silhouettes presented simultaneously, demonstrating visual discrimination between stationary, geometric shapes of equal‐area. The strength of response was ordered hierarchically: vertical rectangle, horizontal rectangle, triangle, square, circle.

  3. Basic geometric shapes were used to facilitate replication and comparison with research findings from other species.


Circadian rhythms of locomotor activity shown by freshwater decapods display different patterns among crayfish, Procambarus, and crabs, when exposed to artificial light-dark cycles. Crayfish are mainly nocturnal while a crepuscular activity is observed in crabs of the genus Pseudothelphusa. In constant darkness, free running rhythms are displayed in unimodal or bimodal patterns by crayfish Procambarus; however, Pseudothelphusa continues to show bimodal rhythms. The many studies using locomotor activity indicate that the rhythm in freshwater crabs is circadian in nature, but that a multioscillatory system may be controlling the overt rhythm. In the present study, the implications of different locomotor activity patterns are analyzed in selected freshwater decapods with regard to the interactions between light and the organisms. Crabs and crayfish are commonly found in similar habitats, often sharing the same environment; however, different patterns of locomotor activity as well as different sensitivities of the bouts of activity with regard to entrainment by light, indicate that distinct temporal niches may exist that result in temporal exclusion or low competition.  相似文献   


Many studies have investigated shell‐related behaviour in hermit crabs. Few studies, however, have focused specifically on the intraspecies aggression associated with shell competition. We examined intraspecies aggression in hermit crab (Pagurus samuelis) pairs as it relates to competition for a limiting resource, gastropod shells. Pairs of hermit crabs were observed in the laboratory in four different treatments that varied the presence or absence of shells for one or both of the crabs. Measurements of the latency to respond, the number of bouts, and the fight durations were recorded. There was a significant difference among treatments for all three measurements, and naked hermit crabs were much more aggressive than housed hermit crabs. There was no significant difference in aggression between males and females in any of the three treatments. The heightened aggression observed in naked P. samuelis is likely in service of acquiring a protective shell.  相似文献   


Freshwater crabs (Potamonautes perlatus) are the largest naturally occurring invertebrates in southern African rivers. The ecology of these animals in South African riverine ecosystems is little understood. This study investigates some aspects of the population and feeding ecology of P. perlatus in the upper reaches of the Buffalo River. The densities of crabs (carapace width larger than 25 mm) at two sites in the river ranged between 1.72 and 5.25 crabs m2, higher than previously recorded for freshwater crabs in rivers in southern Africa and southern Italy. Twenty-four hour observations revealed that P. perlatus has a nocturnal habit. The diet of P. perlatus was established by examination of the contents of the fore-gut. Crabs with a carapace width smaller than 40 mm fed predominantly on aquatic invertebrates while larger crabs fed on allochthanous material (leaf litter), detritus and algae. Through feeding, crabs reduced the surface area of leaves in the stream by 99.95%.  相似文献   


Adult blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) live in estuaries and release larvae near the entrances to estuaries. Larvae are then transported offshore to continental shelf areas where they undergo development. Postlarvae, or megalopae, remain near the surface and undergo reverse diel vertical migration. The behaviors underlying this migration pattern are responses to light and a solar day rhythm in activity, in which megalopae are active during the day and inactive at night. Onshore transport probably occurs by wind‐generated surface currents. Once in the vicinity of an estuary, megalopae move up the estuary by selective tidal stream transport, in which they swim in the water column on rising tides at night and are on or near the bottom at all other times. Light inhibits swimming during the day. The ascent into the water column on nocturnal rising tides does not result from a biological rhythm in activity, but rather is cued by the rate of increase in salinity during rising tides. Megalopae have separatebehavioural responses in coastal/shelf areas and in estuaries, which are induced by chemical cues in offshore and estuarine waters.  相似文献   


Pupal eclosion of Trichogramma evanescens Westw. was studied in different conditions of light‐darkness and temperature fluctuations. The results revealed that under natural light cycles Trichogramma exhibits a distinct rhythm of emergence from pupae. Maximum emergence takes place in the morning. This rhythm persists in constant dim red light and temperature, so it is endogenous in nature. The rhythm can be entrained by artificial 24‐h temperature cycles or by day‐night cycles of light with a very low intensity of illumination (<0.01 lux). Nevertheless a single pulse of bright light or of high temperature is not able to reset the rhythm. The emergence rhythm was also absent if the culture was grown in constant darkness and temperature.  相似文献   


The possible endogenous circadian rhythm in the feeding activity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was investigated using individual fish previously trained for self‐feeding. Under LD 12:12 conditions, the fish showed a diurnal behaviour, in many cases with a feeding rhythm with two main peaks of food demand at dawn and dusk, with an 8h interval of low feeding activity, and the actograms showed an expected 24 h rhythm. Fish kept under constant conditions (L : L, 15°±0.5°C), showed free‐running feeding activity for about 12 days. Food demands were concentrated at dawn, with a periodogram of 25.3 hour, under continuous environmental conditions. Results showed evidence for the endogenous origin of the circadian rhythm of feeding in this species.  相似文献   


A study was made on the developmental rhythms of Ephestia kuehniella during different photoperiods: constant lighting (L/L), under conditions of 12 hours light per day (L/D) and in constant darkness (D/D). Observations were made every 2 hrs, for 3 successive 24‐hr periods, of the number of wandering larvae emerging from food, the number of pupations and of imaginai moults. Emergence of wandering larvae is rhythmic only under L/D conditions, and in addition this is also affected by the density of the larvae. Rhythm is least apparent with greatest density of the larvae. Pupation in E. kuehniella is a non‐rhythmic process with each of the photoperiods examined, whereas the imaginai moult is characterized by an endogenous (existing under D/D conditions) rhythm. Emergence of imagines is non‐rhythmic under L/L, and also when pupae under L/D fail to receive the final period of darkness. The rhythm of the imaginai moult is possibly controlled by the biological clock, which stops under conditions of constant light.  相似文献   


The cardiorespiratory and hemolymph acid base status of bimodal breathing crabs, Cardisoma guanhumi, was monitored during the transition from breathing air to breathing water. Upon immersion, oxygen uptake (MO2) decreased by half. Ventilatory frequency (fsc) increased more than 5 fold, causing a decrease in hemolymph carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2). This was nearly fully compensated for by a gradual decrease in hemolymph bicarbonate concentration ([HCO3 ]) over 96 hours post‐immersion. After one to two weeks of immersion, when crabs were removed from the water, oxygen uptake initially increased, but eventually returned to the initial immersed value. Heart rate was unchanged but fsc slowed dramatically. The decreased ventilation resulted in a buildup of hemolymph PCO2, causing a respiratory acidosis that was slowly compensated for by increased hemolymph [HCO3 ]. C. guanhumi appears to be a truly amphibious crab with respiratory and acid‐base adaptations found in both fully aquatic and fully terrestrial species.  相似文献   


Endogenous rhythms in intertidal organisms are often very complex and imprecise. Thus, confusing results are sometimes obtained when applying various interpretive analytical techniques. In an attempt to resolve this problem, ten different models representing typical organismic tidal‐rhythm displays were created and examined with five different inferential statistical techniques. The exercise was designed to test the relative effectiveness of these techniques in detecting the presence of known cycles in the models, and estimating their period lengths. The same comparison was then repeated on sets of animal‐derived data.

All of the five methods had their merits, but, depending on the model being examined, the results from the various methods were not identical. Three of the techniques produce harmonics, making data that contain multiple periods especially difficult to decipher. Often both tidal and circadian periods are displayed by shore dwellers; all five methods were able to find these two periods. But when the difference in circa period length was close, only one technique (array analysis) could make a distinction. This technique was also the only one able to handle data in which the period was not constant. Interestingly, this simplest of methods is probably the best all‐round method of discovery. Many more subtle, but important, differences were also noted, and it is recommended that more than one method always be used to ensure accuracy.  相似文献   


Azadirachtin shortens the period length of the locomotor activity rhythm in the circadian rhythm of Leucophaea maderae and induces splitting of this rhythm in two components in about 40% of the animals. The phase relationship between the two components is 180°. Both shortening of period and splitting are more pronounced in animals possessing longer periods before the injection of azadirachtin.  相似文献   


The Locomotory activity of the Plains Garter snake was determined under L/D: 12/12 conditions at five constant temperatures and three light intensities during the light period. The snakes were diurnal at low temperatures with nocturnal activity increasing in various amounts at higher temperatures. The different light intensities had relatively small effects on the activity rhythm.

Activity was recorded under four constant light conditions at five constant temperatures and the characteristics of the free‐running rhythm measured. A comparison of the characteristics of the free‐running rhythm to Aschoff's circadian rule indicates that this snake is an exception to this rule.

Increase light intensity decreased total activity under all conditions. Under a L/D: 12/12 cycle the decrease in activity was more pronounced during the dark period than the light period.

It is suggested that crepuscular or nocturnal activity shown by snakes at high temperatures may be an effect the temperature level has on the biological clock and activity controlling mechanisms rather than temperature selection by the snake.  相似文献   


The terrestrial sand beach isopod Scyphax ornatus Dana exhibits circadian and circa-semilunar activity rhythms when kept in constant conditions in the laboratory. The circadian rhythm restricts activity to the subjective night and can be synchronised to artificial light cycles. The circa-semilunar rhythm is expressed as a cyclic variation in overall activity level, with isopods alternately active on 6–8 consecutive nights and then inactive on the next 6–8 nights. The circa-semilunar rhythm matches a fortnightly cycle in food availability on the isopods’ home beach, but does not appear to be causally related to the lunar cycle, the spring/neap tidal cycle, or to moulting. This and other evidence suggests that the ecologicalrole of the endogenous circa-semilunar rhythm is to allow Scyphax, within the protection of their burrows, to predict nightly foraging opportunities; a new role for such a long-period rhythm.  相似文献   

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