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Krill maintenance and experimentation at the australian antarctic division   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Live Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, have been maintained for experimental purposes at the Australian Antarctic Division since 1981. This population has been replenished on an annual basis with animals taken from the wild. Techniques used to capture and maintain live krill are discussed here, with particular reference given to the development of systems for their maintenance. Details are also provided for specific experimental systems that have been used to conduct research into the behaviour and physiology of krill both at-sea and in shore-based laboratories.  相似文献   

Physiological data are needed for life history studies on krill, and as parameters for input into energy budgets and models. In conjunction with moult and growth data, these may also prove useful for assessing the fishable biomass of krill. Here, the development of physiological concepts in experimental krill research is briefly evaluated, with emphasis on the gaps to be filled. Krill growth is very flexible, as well as strongly temperature and nutrition dependent. The polar Antarctic krill Euphausia superba grows as fast as the boreal species Meganyctiphanes norvegica, at least during the first 2.5 years, and the species are comparable in terms of physiological plasticity. Accordingly, as krill appear to adjust quickly to specific laboratory conditions, short-term experiments are essential if field conditions are to be reflected as closely as possible. Furthermore, direct comparisons between laboratory experiments and swarming studies in the field are advantageous. For these, M. norvegica is particularly well-suited, as swarms can be followed over longer times and more easily than in E. superba. For example, processes of moult and reproduction were found to be highly coordinated in swarms and populations of Northern krill. For this species a conceptual model of reproduction was developed based on a combination of short-term laboratory observations coupled with field data on moult and ovary stages. In further physiological experiments krill should be studied as groups when swarming. Using proxies, that is applying physiological and/or biochemical methods side by side, is a promising way to enhance the reliability of life history data.  相似文献   

Physiological data are needed for life history studies on krill, and as parameters for input into energy budgets and models. In conjunction with moult and growth data, these may also prove useful for assessing the fishable biomass of krill. Here, the development of physiological concepts in experimental krill research is briefly evaluated, with emphasis on the gaps to be filled. Krill growth is very flexible, as well as strongly temperature and nutrition dependent. The polar Antarctic krill Euphausia superba grows as fast as the boreal species Meganyctiphanes norvegica, at least during the first 2.5 years, and the species are comparable in terms of physiological plasticity. Accordingly, as krill appear to adjust quickly to specific laboratory conditions, short-term experiments are essential if field conditions are to be reflected as closely as possible. Furthermore, direct comparisons between laboratory experiments and swarming studies in the field are advantageous. For these, M. norvegica is particularly well-suited, as swarms can be followed over longer times and more easily than in E. superba. For example, processes of moult and reproduction were found to be highly coordinated in swarms and populations of Northern krill. For this species a conceptual model of reproduction was developed based on a combination of short-term laboratory observations coupled with field data on moult and ovary stages. In further physiological experiments krill should be studied as groups when swarming. Using proxies, that is applying physiological and/or biochemical methods side by side, is a promising way to enhance the reliability of life history data.  相似文献   

由于近年实验用鱼作为新兴模式动物在国内外生命科技界发展迅速,因此实验用鱼的标准化特别是对其水环境的标准化已经成为实验用鱼类研究发展的必然趋势。本文分析和综述了实验用鱼类所需的水源及供水要求、水质和水环境的技术指标特点和对鱼类的影响,以期为斑马鱼、剑尾鱼等水生动物的实验动物化研究提供必要的资料。  相似文献   

Anastatus orientalis is a solitary endoparasitoid of Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) eggs. We investigated the development, longevity, fecundity, and sex ratio of A. orientalis on different temperatures to establish the optimal temperature condition for laboratory mass rearing. There were significant differences in its development and longevity between 15 °C and the rest of temperature conditions (20, 25, and 30 °C), among which were no significant differences. The average number of eggs laid by A. orientalis was higher at 20 and 25 °C, but there was no statistically significant difference in its fecundity between the two temperatures. More females emerged at 15 and 20 °C than higher temperatures.Parasitisms of A. orientalis varied with host egg ages and densities. Even in 14 day old eggs of L. delicatula, parasitoids successfully emerged from 92.3% of the parasitized eggs. On the other hand, parasitism was lowest (13.8%) on just before hatching eggs. Parasitism was negatively dependent on host density.Oviposition behavior for A. orientalis primarily occurred at 1400–1600 h, not at 2400–0800 h. The majority of this parasitoid's emergence occurred at 0800–1000 h, largely before noon. These results may be useful for controlling the adequate time for supplying host eggs and release density of this parasitoid as well as for potentially predicting the accurate time for securing parasitoid adults in laboratory mass rearing of A. orientalis.  相似文献   

The ecosystem approach to fisheries recognises the interdependence between harvested species and other ecosystem components. It aims to account for the propagation of the effects of harvesting through the food-web. The formulation and evaluation of ecosystem-based management strategies requires reliable models of ecosystem dynamics to predict these effects. The krill-based system in the Southern Ocean was the focus of some of the earliest models exploring such effects. It is also a suitable example for the development of models to support the ecosystem approach to fisheries because it has a relatively simple food-web structure and progress has been made in developing models of the key species and interactions, some of which has been motivated by the need to develop ecosystem-based management. Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, is the main target species for the fishery and the main prey of many top predators. It is therefore critical to capture the processes affecting the dynamics and distribution of krill in ecosystem dynamics models. These processes include environmental influences on recruitment and the spatially variable influence of advection. Models must also capture the interactions between krill and its consumers, which are mediated by the spatial structure of the environment. Various models have explored predator-prey population dynamics with simplistic representations of these interactions, while others have focused on specific details of the interactions. There is now a pressing need to develop plausible and practical models of ecosystem dynamics that link processes occurring at these different scales. Many studies have highlighted uncertainties in our understanding of the system, which indicates future priorities in terms of both data collection and developing methods to evaluate the effects of these uncertainties on model predictions. We propose a modelling approach that focuses on harvested species and their monitored consumers and that evaluates model uncertainty by using alternative structures and functional forms in a Monte Carlo framework.  相似文献   

对测量误差的处理、控制和评定方法是决定测量数据质量即实验室质量水平的基础。实验室条件建设是降低和控制测量误差的保障,实验室质量控制的有效手段是建立适合的实验室条件。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of three alternative (ALT) rearing systems for growing pigs (outdoor: 150 m2/pig; straw bedding: 1.30 m2/pig; and hut with access to a courtyard: 1.30 m2/pig) compared with a conventional system (fully slatted floor: 0.65 m2/pig, considered as control), on pre-slaughter stress indicators in relation with meat quality. To that end, the number of skin lesions on whole carcasses, as well as blood creatine kinase (CK) activity and urine levels in cortisol and catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) were determined at slaughter. Glycolytic potential (GP) and ultimate pH of the semimembranosus muscle were also measured. The global correlation network calculated between all these parameters shows that the indicators of pre-slaughter muscle activity (plasma CK) and/or stress indicators (e.g. adrenaline) are negatively (r=-0.26, P<0.01; r=-0.29, P<0.05, respectively) correlated with muscle GP and positively (r=0.17, P<0.05; r=0.44, P<0.001, respectively) with meat ultimate pH. Although some traits measured were sensitive to the degree of pre-slaughter mixing, they differed across rearing systems. The differences were most pronounced for the comparison of outdoors v. slatted floor. The lower levels of plasma CK and urinary catecholamines, and the lower number of carcass skin lesions of pigs reared outdoors, were related to a lower meat ultimate pH. Thus, ALT rearing systems influence animal welfare and meat quality, by providing enriched environmental conditions to the animals.  相似文献   

Free range pigs, born outdoors and reared after weaning in enriched indoor accommodation, were compared with conventionally raised pigs from a farm, matched for effects on meat quality, with respect to behaviour during transport and lairage, blood chemistry at slaughter and meat quality characteristics. Pigs were either kept in farm pen groups or were mixed at loading and kept in the groups, so formed, until slaughter. Free range pigs tended to settle faster during the 2½ h transport and 2 h lairage than conventionally raised pigs and were more likely to lie as resting posture during transport. Mixing at loading had no effect on posture during transport or during lairage for free range pigs but mixed conventionally raised pigs showed a greater variability in posture during lairage compared to non-mixed conventionally raised pigs, presumably as a result of disturbance from fighting conspecifics. Conventionally raised and free range pigs showed similar levels of aggression during transport but conventionally raised pigs were more aggressive during the lairage (average for mixed groups 12 v. 2 fights, P < 0.001). Aggressive interactions, such as one-way bites, were almost exclusively confined to mixed groups and all fights with mutual biting in mixed groups occurred solely between unfamiliar animals. The frequency of unacceptable skin damage in the middle and shoulder was highest in conventionally raised pigs and in mixed groups. Cortisol concentration and creatine kinase (CK) activity in slaughter blood were not affected by the rearing system. Mixing did not affect cortisol concentrations but led to higher CK activities compared to non-mixing (957 v. 588 U/l, respectively, P < 0.05). The rate of pH fall after slaughter was not affected by the rearing system but muscle temperatures early post mortem were highest in free range pigs. Mixing did not affect pH or temperature early post mortem. Neither rearing system nor mixing at loading affected ultimate pH or internal reflectance (meat quality marbling values).  相似文献   

The post-prandial rates of ammonia excretion (TAN) and oxygen consumption in the southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis) were assessed at 2 h intervals post-feeding until the rates returned to those of the fasting rates, at 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, and 32.5°C, respectively. Both fasting TAN and increased with temperature, and were lower than those previously reported for many fish species. The relationship between fasting TAN (mmol NH3–N kg−1 h−1) and temperature (T, °C) was described as: fasting TAN = 0.144e 0.0266T (= 0.526, = 27, < 0.05). The magnitude of ammonia excretion and its ratio to total N intake during the specific dynamic action (SDA) tended to increase initially, and then decrease with increasing temperature. The ammonia quotient (AQ), calculated as mol NH3–N/mol O2, following feeding decreased as temperature increased. The relationship between AQ during SDA and temperature was described as: AQduring SDA = 0.303e −0.0143T (= 0.739, = 21, < 0.05). Our results suggest that ammonia excretion and oxygen consumption post-feeding are operating independently of each other. Furthermore, it appears that the importance of protein as a metabolic substrate in postprandial fish decreases with temperature.  相似文献   

The social housing of males is of particular importance for captive managers of polygynous species. In this work, we highlight nine areas we believe are important to the successful formation and maintenance of all‐male gorilla groups. Although more data are still needed to complete our understanding of these groups, the general picture that emerges is that all‐male groups can be a functional social unit for male gorillas, the longevity of which might be improved by careful planning. It appears that the best time to form all‐male groups is when the animals are still immature, as males in this age class have been observed to form some of the most stable groups. Efforts should be made to diversify the groups in terms of rearing history, particularly with respect to hand‐reared males, and to limit the amount of hand rearing experienced by males. Groups probably should contain no more than three or four adult males. Exhibits should be designed to provide visual barriers, refuges for subordinate animals, the means to separate individuals, and possibly the means to isolate all‐male groups from mixed‐sex groups. Additionally, because it is likely that some males will have to be removed from all‐male groups, zoos need to design facilities that provide state‐of‐the‐art housing for solitary individuals. It is hoped that by identifying bachelor males early in life and establishing cooperative management plans across institutions, zoos will be able to provide beneficial, long‐term social situations for all male gorillas in captivity. Zoo Biol 23:189–203, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lagoon-treated wastewater was discharged to a natural peatland to remove nutrients. For thirty consecutive years, an average of 600,000 m3 of treated water was discharged to the Porter Ranch peatland near the community of Houghton Lake, Michigan. This discharge was seasonal, commencing no sooner than May 1 and ending no later than October 31. During the winter half-year, treated wastewater was stored at the lagoon site. This water contained 3.5 mg/L of total phosphorus, and 7 mg/L of dissolved inorganic nitrogen. Other wastewater quality parameters were CBOD5 = 15 mg/L, TSS = 34 mg/L, and fecal coliforms at 66 cfu/100 ml. The peatland was large, about 700 ha, but the zone that provided wastewater polishing was approximately 100 ha. Outflows from the larger peatland showed no effects of the discharge, and maintained concentrations of 40 μg/L of phosphorus, and 85 μg/L of ammonia nitrogen. Nutrients were stored in the 100-ha irrigation area, which removed 94% of the phosphorus (53 metric tons) and 95% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen. All other constituents were also removed in the irrigation area, except for pass-through substances such as chloride. Phosphorus was stored in new biomass, increased soil sorption, and accretion of new soils and sediments, the last being dominant. A simple growth and uptake model described the removal of phosphorus, with an uptake rate coefficient that did not change over time. Thus, rates in this system were stable over time, and the P-removal capacity did not diminish. The irrigation area underwent large changes in ecosystem structure. There was an initial fertilizer response, characterized by much larger standing crops of vegetation. There was also a plant community shift, from the initial sedge-willow cover type to a cattail-dominant cover type. This new cattail patch became a floating mat.  相似文献   

Leptodora kindtii, a pelagic predatory cladoceran, suffers high mortality on transfer to laboratory, which makes the experimental work difficult. We investigated the causes of high mortality, using four variables: water volume, animal density, light intensity, and origin of water for culturing, i.e., water from native or a non-native lake. For the experiments we used Leptodora and water from Lake Loosdrecht and Lake Maarsseveen (The Netherlands). Water was found to be the most important factor; the animals did not necessarily do better in lake water from which they were collected. Water volume and animal density were of limited importance, and light intensity did not affect survival.  相似文献   

卵形鲳鲹幼鱼耗氧率和排氨率的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
运用封闭流水式实验方法对不同体重和放养密度的卵形鲳鲹(Trachinoms ovatus)幼鱼耗氧率和排氨率进行了初步的研究。结果表明,卵形鲳鲹幼鱼的耗氧率随着鱼体重的增加而逐渐下降,排氨率总体上也呈降低的趋势,体重对卵形鲳鲹耗氧率、排氨率的影响均达到显著水平(P0.05);光照对卵形鲳鲹幼鱼的耗氧率和排氨率影响非常显著(P0.01),幼鱼在遮光条件下的耗氧率和排氨率分别比在自然光照条件下要低25.18%~40.76%和16.28%~40.28%;随着放养密度的增加,卵形鲳鲹幼鱼的耗氧率逐渐降低,排氨率随着密度的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势,放养密度对卵形鲳鲹耗氧率、排氨率的影响均达到显著水平(P0.05)。卵形鲳鲹的耗氧率和排氨率具有明显的昼夜变化,白天的耗氧率和排氨率均高于夜间值,耗氧率的低谷值为高峰值的69.68%,排氨率的低谷值为高峰值的30.91%。卵形鲳鲹幼鱼的窒息点溶解氧含量为(0.991±0.058)mg/L。  相似文献   

The Dongjiang River plays an important role in southern China, as a source for irrigation and potable water of Hongkong and the other parts of the Pearl River Delta (PRD). The water quality index (WQI) was calculated to assess the spatial and temporal variability and identify the classification of water quality in the river. In order to simplify the procedure and reduce the analytical costs of the water quality evaluation, a modified WQI (defined as WQImin) was introduced based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and correlations analyses of the water parameters detected in dry and wet seasons during 2011–2012. Compared with the previous index, similar spatial changing trend and classification of the water quality were obtained by WQImin, which was composed of pH, temperature, total suspended solid, NH4+-N, and NO3-N. The results showed an excellent water quality in the tributary site near the reservoir, a good water quality in the upstream of the river, and medium water quality in the downstream of the river, which suggested that the urban wastewater originated from increasing population size and industry development in the downstream mainly led to the deterioration of water quality along the river. Moreover, WQImin could more adequately reflect the seasonal changes of water quality which was slightly worse in dry season than wet season. Our results also suggest that continuous monitoring should be conducted to prevent pollution from industry and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of oxygen availability, which has been viewed as a minor factor in streams, on the seasonal and spatial microhabitat distribution of a stonefly. Surveys were conducted in winter and summer in a mountain stream by collecting stones from the streambed and determining the presence or absence of the insect. At each stone sampling, we also measured physical conditions. The probability of the stonefly presence increased significantly with current velocity in summer, but not in winter. Because current influences oxygen renewal rates, our results suggest that the distribution of the insect could be restricted by oxygen.  相似文献   

飞来峡水库水质现状及其向广州供水能力的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
水库供水(特别是对城市的供水)已成为缓解全球水资源供给不足的重要途径。于2001年至2003年的丰水期和枯水期调查分析了新建河流型水库-飞来峡水库的水质、浮游植物群落特征和营养状态。结果表明飞来峡水库水质良好,多数水质指标为地表水Ⅱ水质标准,其营养盐浓度、浮游植物的密度均较低,属于贫中营养。从近几年的水质变化来看,建库后,水质改善明显。通过对广州市饮用水源水水质现状及存在问题的分析,从水质和水量两方面探讨了飞来峡水水库作为广州优质水源地的优势。由于来水量大,水库水质净化能力强,飞来峡水库水质和水量均有保证,可作为广州市重要水源地之一。但今后,在流域管理和水土保持工作更应重视和加强。  相似文献   

From 1991 to 1993 inclusive, seven infant giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) were born at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. Average daily weight gain in the first 6 months for mother-reared infants (n = 5) was 71.3 g/day; for one partially mother-reared and partially hand-reared infant, 41.5 g/day; and for one completely hand-reared infant, 50.3 g/day. There was a significant difference in growth rates across the first 6 months in all methods of rearing. In addition, a comparison of growth rates across the three rearing methods showed significant differences in the first, second, third, fifth, and sixth months. Average daily body length increase for mother-reared infants was 4.1 mm/day; for partially mother-reared/partially hand-reared infants, 4.0 mm/day; and for the completely hand-reared infant, 2.8 mm/day. In mother-reared infants, body length increase during the first month was significantly greater than during the following months, and was slowest during the sixth month. At birth, infants were all pink in color with a light white coat of lanugo. Black pigmentation was first noted at 7–10 days of age, which was also the time that initial hair coat growth was seen. Eyes opened at 35–48 days of age. Ears opened at 31–50 days of age. Deciduous dentition was first seen at 82–121 days of age, while permanent dentition began to erupt at 350 days of age. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Irradiation doses 40, 80, 120 and 160 Gy were used on 6-, 7-, 8- and 9-days-old Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae. The larvae from the different age groups irradiated with different doses were exposed separately to Neotropical-native Doryctobracon crawfordi (Viereck), Utetes anastrephae (Viereck) and the Asian introduced Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). A significant increment in parasitoid emergence directly related to radiation increment on parasitoids D. crawfordi and U. anastrephae was observed. This effect was higher on irradiated young larvae; in D. longicaudata, emergence increment was related to age of larva but not with radiation doses. Similar results were obtained for sex ratio. Host larva weight increased with age, and irradiation had no effect on gaining weight of growing larvae. The host larval mortality 72 hr after exposition had an inverse relationship regarding to its age, although it did not have a negative effect as regards radiation doses. Immature stages of parasitoid/larva (>1 = superparasitism) were higher in 8-days-old larvae parasitized by D. Longicaudata, while in D. crawfordi and U. Anastrephae, superparasitism was absent (<1 immature stage per host larva). Superparasitism was not affected by increased radiation dose. No levels of melanin were detected as indicators of immunological reactions. However, these results are considered to be closely related to the lessening of these reactions due to irradiation. The positive relationship between emergence and irradiation dose to host larvae was present in native species D. crawfordi and U. anastrephae, but absent for exotic D. longicaudata. The data presented here are of great relevance for cost effective mass rearing of these parasitoids.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the relationship between the rapidity of increased gas exchange (i.e. oxygen uptake ) and increased cardiac output ( ) during the transient phase following the onset of exercise. Five healthy male subjects performed multiple rest-exercise or light exercise (25 W)-exercise transitions on an electrically braked ergometer at exercise intensities of 50, 75, or 100 W for 6 min, respectively. Each transition was performed at least eight times for each load in random order. The was obtained by a breath-by-breath method, and was measured by an impedance method during normal breathing, using an ensemble average. On transitions from rest to exercise, rapidly increased during phase I with time constants of 6.8–7.3 s. The also showed a similar rapid increment with time constants of 6.0–6.8 s with an apparent increase in stroke volume (SV). In this phase I, increased to about 29.7%–34.1% of the steady-state value and increased to about 58.3%–87.0%. Thereafter, some 20 s after the onset of exercise a mono-exponential increase to steady-state occurred both in and with time constants of 26.7–32.3 and 23.7–34.4 s, respectively. The insignificant difference between and time constants in phase I and the abrupt increase in both and SV at the onset of exercise from rest provided further evidence for a cardiodynamic contribution to following the onset of exercise from rest.  相似文献   

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