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Models were presented to 102 specimens of the spider crab Microphrys bicornutus to test the importance of several appendage and body postures, which occur during agonistic interactions. The double first ambulatory raise posture and the cheliped spread posture both elicited a significant number of agonistic responses. Multiple ambulatory raise postures and raised or lowered body postures did not elicit significantly different response spectra. Size and sex of test animals seemed to have little effect on their responses.  相似文献   

Natural variation as well as human impacts can alter the light environment in lakes in ways that affect aquatic host-parasite interactions. In laboratory infection assays, Rogalski and Duffy (2020) determine that the bacterial parasite Pasteuria ramosa adapts to solar radiation by increasing its transmission potential to its zooplankton host, Daphnia dentifera. Local adaptation to light can allow P. ramosa spores to retain their infectivity following light exposure. Future work should determine the underlying drivers of P. ramosa light adaptation and how adaptation might alter ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

The Coleoptera provides an excellent example of the value of fossils for understanding the evolutionary patterns of recent lineages. We reevaluate the morphology of the Early Permian †Tshekardocoleidae to test alternative phylogenetic hypotheses relating to the Palaeozoic evolution of the order. We discuss prior interpretations and revise an earlier data matrix. Both Bayesian and parsimony analyses support the monophyly of Coleoptera excluding †Tshekardocoleidae (= Mesocoleoptera), and of Coleoptera excluding †Tshekardocoleidae and †Permocupedidae (= Metacoleoptera). Plesiomorphies preserved in †Tshekardocoleidae are elytra, which rest over the body in a loose tent-like manner, with flat lateral flanges, projecting beyond the abdominal apex, and abdomens that are flexible and nearly cylindrical. Apomorphies of Mesocoleoptera include shortening of the elytra and a closer fit with the flattened and probably more rigid abdomen. A crucial synapomorphy of Metacoleoptera is the tightly sealed subelytral space, which may have been advantageous during the Permian aridification. Taxon exclusion experiments show that †Tshekardocoleidae is crucial for understanding the early evolution of Coleoptera and that its omission strongly affects ancestral state polarities as well as topology, including crown-group taxa. By constraining the relationships of extant taxa to match those supported by phylogenomic analysis, we demonstrate that features shared by Archostemata with Permian stem groups are most reasonably supported as plesiomorphic and that the smooth and simplified body forms of Polyphaga, Adephaga, Myxophaga, and Micromalthidae were derived in parallel. Our study highlights the reciprocal illumination of molecular, morphological, and paleontological data, and paves the way for tip-dating analysis across the order.  相似文献   

Hypothermia, experienced by piglets, has been related to piglet deaths and high and early use of a heated creep area is considered important to prevent hypothermia. The aims of the present study were to investigate how a newly invented radiant heat source, eHeat, would affect piglets’ use of the creep area and whether light in the creep area works as an attractant on piglets. A total of 39 sows, divided between two batches, were randomly distributed to three heat source treatments: (1) standard infrared heat lamp (CONT, n=19), (2) eHeat with light (EL, n=10) and (3) eHeat without light (ENL, n=10). Recordings of piglets’ use of the creep area were made as scan sampling every 10 min for 3 h during two periods, one in daylight (0900 to 1200 h) and one in darkness (2100 to 2400 h), on day 1, 2, 3, 7, 14 and 21 postpartum. On the same days, piglets were weighted. Results showed an interaction between treatment and observation period (P<0.05) with a lower use of the creep area during darkness compared with daylight for CONT and EL litters, but not for ENL litters. Piglets average daily weight gain was not affected by treatment, but was positively correlated with piglets’ birth weight and was lower in batch 1 compared with batch 2. Seen from the present results, neither eHeat nor light worked as an attractant on piglets; in contrast, piglets preferred to sleep in the dark and it would therefore be recommended to turn off the light in the creep area during darkness. Heating up the creep area without light can be accomplished by using a radiant heat source such as eHeat in contrast to the normally used light-emitting infrared heat lamp.  相似文献   



α1,6-Fucosyltransferase-deficient (Fut8?/?) mice displayed increased locomotion and schizophrenia-like behaviors. Since neuroinflammation is a common pathological change in most brain diseases, this study was focused on investigating the effects of Fut8 in microglia and astrocytes.


Brain tissues were analyzed using immunohistochemical staining. Core fucosylation and protein expression were analyzed using lectin blot and western blot, respectively. Fut8-knockout (KO) cells were established by the CRISPR/Cas9 system.


The number of Iba-1 positive cells and GFAP positive cells were significantly increased in both untreated and lipopolysaccharide stimulated inflammatory conditional Fut8?/? mice by comparison with both wild-type (Fut8+/+) and hetero (Fut8+/?) mice. Stimulation with pro-inflammatory factors, such as IFN-γ and IL-6, induced expression levels of fucosylation in primary microglia and astrocytes, as well as in glial cell lines. Cell motility and iNOS expression were easily induced by IFN-γ in Fut8-KO BV-2 cells compared with wild-type (WT) cells. In a similar manner, both Fut8-KO C6 cells and primary astrocytes treated with 2-fluoro-L-fucose, a specific inhibitor for fucosylation, showed a higher response to IL-6-stimulated phospho-STAT3 signaling, compared with WT cells.


Core fucosylation negatively regulates the states of neuroinflammation by modulating the sensitivity of microglia and astrocytes to inflammatory mediators. The disorders of Fut8?/? mice are caused not only by neurons but also by glial cell dysfunction.

General significance

Core fucose is a novel regulator for neuroinflammation in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Congenital hereditary cataract, which is mainly caused by the deposition of crystallins in light-scattering particles, is one of the leading causes of newborn blindness in human beings. Recently, an autosomal dominant congenital cataract-microcornea syndrome in a Chinese family has been associated with the S129R mutation in βB1-crystallin. To investigate the underlying molecular mechanism, we examined the effect of the mutation on βB1-crystallin structure and thermal stability. Biophysical experiments indicated that the mutation impaired the oligomerization of βB1-crystallin and shifted the dimer–monomer equilibrium to monomer. Molecular dynamic simulations revealed that the mutation altered the hydrogen-bonding network and hydrophobic interactions in the subunit interface of the dimeric protein, which resulted in the opening of the tightly associated interacting sites to allow the infiltration of the solvent molecules into the interface. Despite the disruption of βB1-crystallin assembly, the thermal stability of βB1-crystallin was increased by the mutation accompanied by the reduction of thermal aggregation at high temperatures. Further analysis indicated that the mutation significantly increased the sensitivity of βB1-crystallin to trypsin hydrolysis. The digested fragments of the mutant were prone to aggregate and unable to protect βA3-crystallin against aggregation. These results indicated that the thermal stability-beneficial mutation S129R in βB1-crystallin provided an excellent model for discovering molecular mechanisms apart from solubility and stability. Our results also highlighted that the increased sensitivity of mutated crystallins towards proteases might play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of congenital hereditary cataract and associated syndrome.  相似文献   


The synthesis of the octadeoxyribonucleoside heptaphosphorothioate, d[Tp(s)Tp(s)Gp(s)Gp(s)Gp(s)Gp(s)Tp(s)T] by the phosphotriester approach in solution is described. The phosphorothioate internucleotide linkages are protected by the S-(2-cyanoethyl) group and 1-(mesitylene-2-sulfonyl)-3-nitro-1,2,4-1H-triazole (MSNT) is used as the coupling agent. A block synthesis strategy (2 + 2 → 4 and 4 + 4 → 8) is followed.


In semi‐intact preparations of the crab Cancer pagurus the normal output from the stomatogastric ganglion (StG) was a regular pyloric cycle (Figure 4). Repeated stimulation of the posterior stomach nerve (psn) of the posterior gastric mill proprioceptor (PSR) often induced series of spontaneous gastric cycles. We were therefore able to describe the normal gastric cycle as recorded in the output nerves from StG and to identify most of the relevant motor neurones by reference to the muscles that they innervate (Figure 10). The gastric cycle output was variable (Figures 5, 6), although in many preparations one complex type of output predominated (Figure 7). The basic feature of the gastric cycle was an alternation of activity between the single cardio‐pyloric neurone (CP) and a complex variable burst in the lateral cardiac (LC), the gastro‐pyloric (GP), the gastric (GM), and other associated neurones. During this normally occurring complex gastric burst significant changes occurred in the pyloric cycle, notably an increase in activity of the pacemaker pyloric dilator (PD) group and an inhibition of the lateral pyloric (LP), inferior cardiac (IC) and ventricular dilator (VD) neurones (Figures 6, 7, 8, 9). These changes are probably associated with an opening of the cardio‐pyloric valve and food passage into the pyloric filter. The gastric output was related to the normally observed movements of the dorsal ossicles of the gastric mill and thus to the operation of the teeth of the mill (Figure 11). Increased input from the PSR is associated with the grinding action of the teeth which is caused by the complex gastric burst (Figure 12).

Stimulation of the psn during an ongoing regular pyloric output caused changes in the cycle which mimicked those occurring during the spontaneous gastric cycle (Figure 13; Table 1). Stimulation of the psn during ongoing gastric activity also affected the gastric units (Figure 14). The input pathway from the PSR is shown to be through the stomatogastric nerve (sgn), the connection between the commissural ganglia and the stomatogastric ganglion (Figure 15). The commissural ganglia are known to receive most of the sensory input from the foregut and PSR input is probably processed there. Recordings from the sgn show that psn stimulation activates a small number of centrally originating units, and that the activity of these units coincides with the pyloric output changes (Figures 15, 16). We therefore label the units command interneurones. Their effects could be mediated by direct connections to only the PD pacemaker neurones of the pyloric cycle. Control experiments showed that PSR input is not necessary for the pyloric output changes to occur during gastric output but that similar output changes can be evoked by input resulting from induced gastric movements (Figure 15(E)). We think that the pyloric cycle output changes are normally controlled by a number of mechanisms at different levels (Figure 17). We cannot easily explain the effects of PSR input on the gastric cycle neurones.

These findings are important because they allow us to study a specific input to the StG without disrupting its normal input‐output pathways to the central nervous system. Further experiments on the system designed to test the assumption that the sgn units are in fact responsible for the pyloric output changes, and to investigate the processing of the PSR input are outlined.  相似文献   

An improved expression protocol is proposed for amino acid type-specific [13C], [15N]-isotope labeling of proteins in baculovirus-infected (BV) insect cell cultures. This new protocol modifies the methods published by Gossert et al. (J Biomol NMR 51(4):449–456, 2011) and provides efficient incorporation of isotopically labeled amino acids, with similar yields per L versus unlabeled expression in rich media. Gossert et al. identified the presence of unlabeled amino acids in the yeastolate of the growth medium as a major limitation in isotope labeling using BV-infected insect cells. By reducing the amount of yeastolate in the growth medium ten-fold, a significant improvement in labeling efficiency was demonstrated, while maintaining good protein expression yield. We report an alternate approach to improve isotope labeling efficiency using BV-infected insect cells namely by replacing the yeast extracts in the medium with dialyzed yeast extracts to reduce the amount of low molecular weight peptides and amino acids. We report the residual levels of amino acids in various media formulations and the amino acid consumption during fermentation, as determined by NMR. While direct replacement of yeastolate with dialyzed yeastolate delivered moderately lower isotope labeling efficiencies compared to the use of ten-fold diluted undialized yeastolate, we show that the use of dialyzed yeastolate combined with a ten-fold dilution delivered enhanced isotope labeling efficiency and at least a comparable level of protein expression yield, all at a scale which economizes use of these costly reagents.  相似文献   

The electrical activity in the static nerves of Aplysia limacina was studied in relation to the spatial orientation of the animal. Each sense cell shows a multi‐directional sensitivity. Hence, it responds during full‐circle rotations about all horizontal axes but only within a limited angular range. The statocyst receptor cells are found to be gravity receptors only, and their electrical behaviour suggests that main information about the spatial orientation of Aplysia is contained in the pattern of responding cells, i.e. which of the 13 cells are active at any one time, and not in their absolute discharge frequencies. Furthermore, evidence is given to a similar function of the statocysts of opisthobranch and pulmonate gastropods.  相似文献   

Following a long period of stability there was substantial ecological disruption in the late Ordovician, accompanied by widespread extinction. The ecological upheaval was spread over a period of time (1 My?) and varied in intensity between different groups.

The greatest change in brachiopod faunas occurred in the tropics, where there were widespread extinctions. In temperate regions the community structure, although disrupted, was not destroyed. The deep shelf associations (Benthic Assemblages 4–5) of the Rawtheyan persisted in an attenuated form into the Hirnantian when they were supplemented by genera of the ”Hirnantia fauna” and then became strongly re‐established in the Llandovery.

Trilobites, in contrast to brachiopods, suffered a worldwide extinction in the late Ashgill. Approximately 40% of trilobite genera became extinct at, or near, the Rawtheyan‐Hirnantian boundary.

Analysis of the distribution of Rawtheyan trilobite and brachiopod genera supports a correlation between geographical distribution and survival. Global range charts for brachiopod and trilobite genera, incorporating ecological and palaeogeographical data, have been compiled for this study.  相似文献   

Germination responses ofRhus javanica L. seeds to temperature and light were investigated with special reference to their gap-detecting mechanisms in germination, i.e., responses to elevated and/or fluctuating temperatures and sensitivity to leaf-canopy transmitted light. The seeds, which have water-impermeable coats to prevent imbibition, were shown to become permeable and germinable after exposure to higher temperatures of 48–74°C for a brief period depending on the temperature. Once the coat impermeability had been removed by such heat treatment, the seeds became readily germinable over a wide range of temperature and light conditions. The lower and higher temperature limits for germination were around 8° and 36°C, respectively, with an optimal temperature of around 25°C. Simple linear relationships were observed between the temperature and germination rates, i.e., the reciprocals of the time taken by the seed subpopulations to show 10–70% germination in the sub-optimal temperature range, where the required ‘thermal time’ for germination was 2300–3600 Kh. The presence or absence of light or a simulated ‘canopy light’ had little effect on the germination of this species. It was concluded that the seeds ofR. javanica are furnished with a gap-detecting mechanism in the form of a heat requirement for the breakage of water-impermeable seed dormancy, which may be fulfilled by either daytime elevation of the surface temperature of exposed soil, or more effectively by fire.  相似文献   

Lake Michigan mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi, respond to both live and artificial (e.g., vibrating sphere) prey with an unconditioned movement towards the source of vibration, followed by a step‐by‐step approach and final strike at the source. In addition to these well‐studied, whole‐body movements along the horizontal plane of the substrate, sculpin exhibit a little‐studied behavior in which the vertical position of the fish's head can vary from being flush with the substrate to several cm's above the substrate. To test the hypothesis that sculpin can determine source elevation via mechanosensory cues, we measured head elevation of blinded fish as a function of source elevation and distance as fish approached a small (3 mm radius), 50 Hz vibrating sphere. At distances associated with pre‐strike positions (< 2 cm), head elevations were positively correlated with source elevation before but not after pharmacological blocking of the lateral line with CoCl2. These results demonstrate that sculpin are able to determine source elevation using mechanosensory cues alone and that in the absence of visual and olfactory cues, vertical orientation of the head towards the source requires the lateral line system.  相似文献   

Agasicles hygrophila has been introduced worldwide as a control agent for the invasive weed Alternanthera philoxeroides.However,global warming has potential impact on its controlling efficacy.The aim of this research was to explore the primary factors responsible for the greatly reduced A.hygrophila population in hot summers.To imitate the temperature conditions in summers,different developmental stages of hygrophila were treated with high temperatures from 32.5℃ to 45℃ for 1-5 h.Based on the survival rate,the heat tolerance of each developmental stage was ranked from lowest to highest as follows:egg,1st,2nd,3rd instar larva,adult and pupa.Eggs showed the lowest heat tolerance with 37.5℃ as the critical temperature affecting larval hatching.Heat treatment of the A.hygrophila eggs at 37.5℃ for 1 h decreased the hatch rate to 24%.Our results indicated that when compared with the control at 25℃,1 h treatment at 37.5℃ prolonged the duration of the egg stage,shortened the duration of oviposition and total longevity,and changed the reproductive pattern of A.hygrophila.The net reproductive rate,intrinsic rate and finite rate were all significantly reduced.The results suggest that low heat tolerance of the eggs was the major factor responsible for the reduction of A.hygrophila populations,and the key temperature was 37.5°C.Therefore,appropriate measures should be taken to protect eggs in order to maintain the efficacy of A.hygrophila in the biological control of A.philoxeroides in hot summers.  相似文献   

To actualize the invention of all-Japanese medicines, the Department of Innovative Drug Discovery and Development (iD3) in the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) serves as the headquarters for the Drug Discovery Support Network. iD3 assists with creating research strategies for the seeds of medicines discovered by academia and provides technological support, intellectual property management, and aid for applying the seeds through industry-led efforts. In this review, from the perspective of a science coordinator, I will describe the current activities of the drug discovery support network and iD3 as well as the challenges and future developments of pharmaceutical research and development using the natural product drug discovery method.  相似文献   

The evolutionary strategies that emerge within populations can be dictated by numerous factors, including interactions with other species. In this paper, we explore the consequences of such a scenario using a host-parasite system of human concern. By analyzing the dynamical behaviors of a mathematical model we investigate the evolutionary outcomes resulting from interactions between Schistosoma mansoni and its snail and human hosts. The model includes two types of snail hosts representing resident and mutant types. Using this approach, we focus on establishing evolutionary stable strategies under conditions where snail hosts express different life-histories and when drug treatment is applied to an age-structured population of human hosts. Results from this work demonstrate that the evolutionary trajectories of host-parasite interactions can be varied, and at times, counter-intuitive, based on parasite virulence, host resistance, and drug treatment.  相似文献   

The plant mitochondrial respiratory system changes in its activity in response to light. This response has been thought to be important for ensuring cooperative function with the photosynthetic system. A recent study addressing light responses of the respiratory chain in Arabidopsis thaliana provided further insight into the role of mitochondria in illuminated leaves. Notably, the nonphosphorylating alternative oxidase is rapidly induced when plants are exposed to the high light stress, and appears to play a key role in keeping cellular redox balance.Key words: alternative oxidase, Arabidopsis thaliana, light acclimation, mitochondria, respiratory chain, organellar crosstalk  相似文献   

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