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The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the current ecological status of the Groot Letaba River and to compare this information with historical data. The objective was to determine the effects of various impacts on the fish populations of the river. This was done by analysing the water quality and by considering the effect of weirs and dams, as well as various illegal angling activities, on the fish community.

The Groot Letaba River is not highly polluted and the decline in its flow seems to be the greatest threat to the system. During a preliminary study to develop the river's resource potential, it was stated that the annual water allocation from Tzaneen Dam was 103.9 million m3/annum for irrigation, 8.4 million m3/annum for domestic and industrial use and 14.7 million m3/annum for environmental purposes. However, the yield from Tzaneen Dam was only 98 million m3/annum, suggesting that more water had been allocated than was available. As a result only 20% of the simulated natural flow is observed at Letaba Ranch Weir at the lower end of the river.

Over the past few years many weirs and dams, none of which have fishways, have been constructed in the Groot Letaba River, impacting on the flow regime and on the migration potential of many fish species. Tiger fish (Hydrocynus vittatus) and the largescale yellowfish (Barbus marequensis) are two of the more prominent species influenced negatively by these barriers. This problem is aggravated by the illegal netting of fish stranded below these barriers during their spawning migrations.  相似文献   

The distribution, habitat association, group size, population structure, and prey availability of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) were studied from November 1993-June 1994 in the Cinaruco River, a tributary of the Orinoco River that forms the southern boundary of Venezuela's Santos Luzardo National Park. Dolphins were sampled from a boat using modified strip-width transects, for a total of 418 h. The study area was 1.67 km2, and contained 20 km of water courses. Like other rivers of this region, the Cinaruco River undergoes a seasonal flood cycle. Dolphins were seen most often during the period of falling water (41% of total sightings) and least often during the rising water period (24% of total sightings). Dolphins were seen most often in confluence areas (35% of total sightings) and were seldom seen in side channels (13% of total sightings). The presence of rocks or sandbanks was associated with a greater frequency of dolphin sightings, and sightings increased with habitat heterogeneity. Average group size for the 8-mo study was 2.0 (±1.0) and was largest during the rising water period. Calves were first sighted during the end of the dry season and became more common during the early flood season. Six individuals were photo-identified and resighted with one sighted eight times over 186 d. The fish diversity of the study area was high, with 161 species documented in our samples. The stomach of one Inia contained 15 fishes representing at least 4 species.  相似文献   

A small irrigation diversion dam near Chiloquin, Oregon, was removed and replaced with a pump station to improve fish passage for Lost River suckers (Deltistes luxatus) and shortnose suckers (Chasmistes brevirostris) entering the Sprague River on their spawning migrations. During the developmental phase of the pump station, a need was identified to better understand the larval drift characteristics of these endangered catostomids in order to reduce entrainment into the irrigation system. The spatial, seasonal, and diel distribution of drifting larvae was measured during the 2004 spawning season at two proposed sites on the Williamson River where the pump station could be located. Larval drift for both species coincided with the irrigation season making them subject to entrainment into the irrigation system. Drift occurred almost exclusively at night with larvae entering the drift at sunset and exiting the drift at sunrise. Nighttime larval densities were concentrated near the surface and at midchannel at both sites. Densities were generally greater on the side of mid-channel with greater flow. During early morning sampling we detected a general shift in larval drift from surface to subsurface drift. We also observed an increase in larval densities towards the shore opposite from the proposed pump station at the upper site whereas larval densities remained high at midchannel at the lower site. During daytime sampling, the few larvae that were collected were distributed throughout the water column at both pump sites. This study found that larvae drifting during all time periods were generally distributed further across the cross section, deeper in the water column, and closer to where the proposed water withdrawal structure would be built at the downstream site when compared to the upstream site. Recommendations were provided to locate the withdrawal facility at the upstream site and operate it in a manner such that larval entrainment would likely be minimized.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic telemetry was used to assess habitat features utilized by 36 endangered juvenile white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in the lower 120 km of the Kootenai River of Idaho, USA and British Columbia, Canada during the summer and early fall of 1999 and 2000. All 36 fish were initially captured in pools using gillnets and released there, but most of the subsequent telemetry contacts were in glides, indicating these fish moved freely between the two macro-habitats. The low electivity indices indicated little preference between glides and pools. Most contacts were in glides, in the outside bend of the river channel (50), and in or near a visually defined thalweg. Contacts were most often associated with sand substrates and no cover. Physical habitat characteristics (nose [bottom] water velocity, depth, substrate, and cover) were recorded at 168 contact locations. The combination of significantly greater velocities and depths at contact sites vs. non-contact sites (p < 0.01) indicated these fish actively found and used areas of higher velocity and greater depth within the Kootenai River. There was little cover found for fish in the river other than large sand dunes and depth. The combination of depth and nose velocity data supported the idea that large sand dunes are providing refugia in the form of velocity breaks.  相似文献   

Impacts of alien rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on critically endangered Berg River redfin (Pseudobarbus burgi), Cape kurper (Sandelia capensis) and Cape galaxias (Galaxias zebratus) in the upper Berg River were investigated in terms of predation and spatial interactions. Trout stomach contents revealed that invertebrates dominate trout diet within the study area, whilst only six fish were recovered from 45 stomachs. The apparent low fish predation success of O. mykiss within the stream suggests a smaller impact compared to that of other alien piscivores such as bass (Micropterus spp.). Galaxias zebratus was the only fish species identified as prey, and its conservation status in the river requires further investigation. Snorkelling surveys revealed that rainbow trout co-exist with S. capensis and adult P. burgi within pools on this river. Galaxias zebratus was absent from the pools, while P. burgi juveniles were segregated from rainbow trout along a depth gradient, possibly indicating avoidance behaviour. Sandelia capensis juveniles may avoid predation by hiding under rocks. Rainbow trout probably compete with indigenous fish for food and space in the pools, though this could not be quantified. The impacts of O. mykiss on all indigenous fauna within the river are likely to be density-dependent.  相似文献   

I assessed the short-term impact of two sequential scouring floods on the fish assemblage of a small prairie stream. I tested for changes in fish abundance, fish assemblage composition, and fish-habitat associations within individual pools and across a suite of pools following each flood. Before the second flood, 30–90% of fish were removed by seining in five of eight pools. Overall fish abundance was reduced by approximately 50% following the first flood, but effects varied widely among individual pools. Fish abundance was unaffected by the second flood, despite prior removal of a known proportion of fish, suggesting recolonization of defaunated pools during the flood. Fish assemblage similarity across the entire suite of pools was low following each flood, but varied considerably within individual pools. Defaunated pools were more similar to pre-flood assemblages than control pools, though the mechanism behind this pattern was unclear. Changes in abundance and assemblage composition were driven by interpool movement of two minnow species with the shared behavioral trait of shoaling: bigeye shiner Notropis boops and central stoneroller Campostoma anomalum. Shifts in abundance showed no upstream or downstream pattern, suggesting that flooding allowed fish to move actively among pools that are typically isolated by partial barriers (riffles). This study highlights the importance of considering species’ behavioral traits when assessing the impacts of flooding, and suggests that shoaling behavior may be useful trait for predicting fish assemblage change following flooding.  相似文献   

Ichthyofauna and fish community were investigated at 17 representative stations of the Dongjin River drainage system from spring to fall in 2014. The survey resulted in a list of 53 species belonging to 14 families structured into 4 distinctive parts along the river: uppermost-stream, upper-stream, mid-stream, and lower-stream. Comparison of species lists with 30-year interval exhibited significant decreases in peripheral freshwater fishes, Acheilognathinae, endemic, and indigeneity species, but increases in exotic, epipelagic, and lentic species. Moreover, in the estuary of the Dongjin River drainage system, peripheral freshwater fish species were replaced by pure freshwater fish species due to the Saemangeum sea-wall project. In the upper region of the river, introduced eight alien species from Seomjin River via water diversion tunnels. In the mid-lower region, the construction of floodgates and numerous small weirs caused expansion of lentic water areas, facilitating the spread of problematic exotic species such as Micropterus salmoides, Lepomis macrochirus, and Carassius cuvieri. Also, water deterioration in this region resulted in an increase of tolerant species and a decrease of sensitive and endemic species. Our results suggest that a recovery strategy for a healthy ecosystem in the Dongjin River drainage system should reflect this compartmentalized cause and effect on the changes of icthyofauna.  相似文献   

Growth in length, condition, and gonads of a food fish, Dormitator latifrons , were studied in the Chone River basin, Ecuador, in 1981. The river was bordered by floodplains in the upstream freshwater zone, and by mangrove swamps and shrimp farms in the downstream estuarine zone. The climate was marked by wet (January to April) and dry (May to December) seasons. During the dry season, an earth dam in the river prevented movement of water and fish between upstream and downstream zones. At the end of the dry season, most of the upstream floodplains were dry, and the main fish refuges were in downstream areas in deep pools in the river upstream. During the floods, fish migrated from downstream areas towards upstream floodplains. Growth rates and condition increased when water levels were high or salinity was low and decreased when water levels were low or salinity was high. Seasonal changes in gonads and abundance of juveniles indicated that reproduction occurred during the floods, but there was some reproduction in the dry season. Reproduction occurred in upstream and downstream zones and appeared to be stimulated by a complex of factors, including water levels, currents and salinity. The yield in flood plain sites was estimated as c. 115 kg ha−1 in 1981.  相似文献   

永宁河是长江上游右岸的一级支流,其干、支流上共建有20余座小型水坝。为探究梯级水电站对鱼类多样性的影响,在永宁河流域设置共42个采样点,覆盖干支流及各个水坝,分别于2018年7月、10月和2019年1月、4月进行了四次鱼类资源调查。调查期间通过刺网、地笼、电捕等方法共采集到鱼类69种7332尾,隶属于4目13科54属,其中有长江上游特有鱼类13种,列入《中国脊椎动物红色名录》濒危和易危鱼类3种,国家二级重点保护鱼类岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi)1种。Pinkas相对重要性指数(IRI)值较大主要为宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)乐山小鳔鮈(Microphysogobio kiatingensis)等小型鱼类,29种鱼类的IRI值小于10;平均全长<10cm的鱼类有24种3620尾,平均体重<50g的鱼类有47种6493尾,鱼类规格较小,小型化严重。永宁河干流下游种类最多,多样性最高,干流中游鱼类数量最多。受自然环境以及水坝等的影响,永宁河的鱼类分布具有明显的空间差异。水坝类型对鱼类多样性有显著影响;而季节对鱼类多样性影响不显著。无水坝阻隔河段鱼类多样性著高于低头坝和高头坝阻隔河段;夏季的短距离洄游鱼类种数显著高于冬季和春季,但由于数量较少对鱼类多样性的季节性变化影响不明显。各种结果表明水坝阻隔对永宁河鱼类多样性和时空分布存在明显影响,为保护受小型水电站影响河流的鱼类多样性,有必要修复重要鱼类栖息地,适当拆除部分小型水坝,并科学开展增殖放流。  相似文献   

拉萨河河流健康评价指标体系构建及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为全面反映拉萨河干流生态环境现状,基于拉萨河特征和国内外研究构建了包含水文、水质、生物、生境、服务功能5个要素12个指标的河流健康评价指标体系,提出了赋值标准,并在拉萨干流进行了应用。评价所用数据来自资料收集、文献调研、现场监测和调查。评价结果显示拉萨河干流整体处于较为健康状态,且上游健康状况优于中下游。上游河段枯水期水质达到I类水功能区水质目标,丰水期氨氮含量未达到I类水功能区水质目标,总达标率为50%,赋50分,其余指标赋值大于75分;中游河段受水电站运行和灌溉引水影响,流量过程变异程度、河流连通阻隔状况、大型底栖无脊椎动物科级耐污指数赋值较低,分别为0分、25分和45分,生态基流保障度、外来鱼类入侵率、河道稳定性指标较上游变差,赋值在50—75分之间,其余指标赋值大于75分;下游河段流量过程变异程度、外来鱼类入侵情况赋值为0分,河流连通阻隔状况与中游相同为25分,大型底栖无脊椎动物科级耐污指数赋45分,河道稳定性赋68分,其余指标赋值大于75分。从河流健康角度分析,未来拉萨河流域管理应重点关注上游湿地面源问题、中下游水利水电工程的综合效应、人类聚集区鱼类入侵等问题。  相似文献   

Environmental parameters and ichthyofauna were investigated over a 2 years period in three regions along the 200 km length of Cross River. The objective of the study was to quantify the relative importance of local environmental conditions prevailing within sampling sites and the composition and abundance of the principal fish species in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the river. Vegetation cover, size of river, flow velocity, water level, temperature, transparency, and food availability explained the observed seasonal and spatial changes in fish abundance. Forty-six species and 28 genera of fish belonging to 16 families were recorded among the 14,466 fish caught. Three fish families (Cichlidae, Bagridae, and Clariidae) yielded highest number (41.3%) of species while Denticeptidae, Protopteridae, and Osteoglossidae had the least. Oreochromis niloticus, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, and Clarias anguillaris numerically dominated (46.4%) catch composition. Species richness was higher for the river stretch in forest area than in savanna, and it was correlated significantly with width of the reach, water transparency, depth, and flow velocity (P < 0.001) of the river. Wet season samples were more diverse (>0.6) and had higher richness (>9.7) than those for dry season. Wet season and forest regions were therefore critical in maintaining fish stock of Cross River.  相似文献   

Synopsis G. multisquamatus is abundant in the Sepik River, preferring floodplain lakes and marginal areas of floodplain with moderate turbidity. It is the only rainbowfish documented to inhabit river floodplains. Migrations onto and off the floodplain occur in response to changes in flood conditions. Seasonality is evident in reproduction, condition factor and fat deposit and stomach fullness indices; all increasing in the flood season. Fecundity is high compared with stream dwelling rainbowfish species mainly due to decreased egg size. The reproductive strategy ofG. multisquamatus is interpreted as a response to increased adult mortalities encountered on floodplains in comparison to more stable stream habitats occupied by related species.G. multisquamatus is carnivorous, its diet being similar to other rainbowfishes, consisting of a variety of small invertebrates taken from mid-water or the water surface. The ecology and behaviour ofG. multisquamatus is explained as a partial colonisation of newly developed floodplains in this river.  相似文献   

1. Large river floodplains are considered key nursery habitats for many species of riverine fish. The lower Volga River floodplains (Russian Federation) are still relatively undisturbed, serving as a suitable model for studying the influence of flooding and temperature on fish recruitment in floodplain rivers. 2. We examined the interannual variability in recruitment success of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) fish in the lower Volga floodplain in relation to flood pulse characteristics and rising water temperatures in the spring. We sampled four areas with different flooding regimes, in three consecutive years (2006–2008). 3. Extensive areas with a long duration of flooding accommodated high densities of young fish. This suggests that extended inundation improves the recruitment success of river fish. In areas with extensive flooding, the biomass of YOY of most fish species was about three times higher in 2006 and 2007 than in 2008. We hypothesise that low spring temperatures in 2008 may have caused this reduced recruitment and that a flood synchronised with rising temperature enhances recruitment success. 4. Extensive flooding was particularly favourable for species characterised by large body size, delayed maturation, high fecundity and low parental investment, such as pike Esox lucius, roach Rutilus rutilus and ide Leuciscus idus. Gibel carp Carassius gibelio, a species tolerant of high temperature and hypoxia, did particularly well in small waterbodies in the driest parts of the floodplain. 5. Structural characteristics of floodplain waterbodies explained much of YOY fish density. These species–environment associations varied from year to year, but some species such as common bream Abramis brama, roach and gibel carp showed consistent relationships with structural habitat characteristics in all years, despite large interannual fluctuations in flood pulse and spring temperature.  相似文献   

A freshwater population of the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, was sampled during summer and autumn 1979, from the Bronx River, New York. Other occurrences in freshwater of this common estuarine cyprinodontid fish have been noted in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Canada. In the Bronx River, this species is a significant part of the fauna and is one of the few species found throughout the river system. Specimens were examined to determine the growth and diet. It appears that this freshwater population does not differ from its brackish water conspecifics with respect to age structure, growth rate and feeding behavior.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the rainy season dispersal of the fish Poecilia gillii (Poeciliidae) from pools in a steepgradient, intermittent stream in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. The stream consisted of about 20 pools separated by dry streambed except during two floods and subsequent brief periods of flow. Individually recognizable tags permitted mark-recapture estimates of population size and information on individual movements. The first flood was very severe, with pools losing an average of 75% of their populations (range 12–99%). Most of the lost fish died by becoming trapped in desiccating pools. Males and juveniles were more likely to be lost than were females. Population loss was negatively related to pool volume and positively related to streambed slope. In addition, population loss was positively related to preflood population size when the effects of pool volume and slope were removed indicating that pools with higher densities lost more fish. Of the fish recaptured after the flood, the average proportion found in the pool in which they had been tagged varied from 16%–96%, depending on the area of the stream. Of fish that moved, 92% went downstream. The second flood was less severe though stream flow lasted as long, and there was little effect on the pool populations. Involuntary flushing during the flood and voluntary departure apparently interacted to produce the observed patterns.  相似文献   


Very little information is available on the fishes of the Mkuze swamps and this paper presents the results of an ichthyofaunal survey conducted in March 1988. The study, which coincided with a major river flood, determined that the fish fauna was considerably more diverse than expected and 25 species were collected from 31 localities. Several distinct communities are recognized including a river channel/floodplain community, lagoonal community, feeder stream community and lower swamp community. The subtraction of tropical freshwater fish species in the region is documented and a complete checklist for the Mkuze River system, including several new records from this survey, is presented.  相似文献   

王超  李新辉  赖子尼  刘乾甫 《生态学报》2016,36(18):5657-5669
珠三角河网是珠江汇入南海的必经之地,2012年对该水域裸藻门及各属的多样性特征及影响因子进行系统阐析。调查期间共发现裸藻12属84种,其中裸藻属是最主要类群,其次为扁裸藻属和囊裸藻属。珠三角河网独特的地理位置和人类活动造成的水体富营养化是该水域裸藻物种多样性丰富的主要原因。季节特征显示,丰水期裸藻的种类丰富度和生物量均明显高于枯水期。除了洪水引发的裸藻物种的外源供给增大外,泄洪所带来的有机质的增加也是有利因素。此外,丰水期对应的高温也是有益条件。空间特征存在明显的季节差异,丰水期河网外侧站位的生物量和种类丰富度高于中部站位,主要原因是受径流影响较大;枯水季节除广州附近站位的值明显偏高外,其它站位间差异不大,营养盐的空间格局是主要决定因素。尽管裸藻主要依赖于沿江静水水体中的外源供给,分析表明,其在随水流下行的过程中存在增长过程。不同藻属相对组成的结果显示,扁裸藻属和囊裸藻属因属于生长缓慢的K-选择策略型,富集营养物质的能力不及裸藻属,仅在枯水期与裸藻属形成互补优势。裸藻门及主要属的生物量与种类丰富度呈线性正相关关系,偏重于多样性单峰模式的上升区。  相似文献   

The distribution of the biogeographically distinctive fish fauna of the Burdekin River, north-eastern Australia, is largely determined by the presence of a large waterfall located at the lower quarter of the river’s length. Downstream of the falls, assemblages are characterised by the presence of piscivorous fishes whereas such species are largely absent from upstream reaches. Sleepy cod (Oxyeleotris lineolatus), a large piscivorous gudgeon, was first introduced into the upper reaches of the Burdekin River in 1980 and other releases, both official and unofficial, have occurred subsequently. The population remained small and restricted to the site of introduction for a decade, but expanded in size and distribution after the occurrence of a large flood and entry into a prolonged period of drought. This gudgeon is now present in every tributary system of the Burdekin Basin. Despite the occurrence of substantial temporal variation in fish abundance due to a highly variable flow regime, negative impacts on one species, a small gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa), are evident. Both deliberate and accidental releases of other species into the upper Burdekin River have also occurred, often to satisfy recreational fishing demand. Such species are typified by large size and piscivorous habit, characteristics alien and inimical to the native fish fauna. It is hypothesised that these piscivorous species may have even greater impact than O. lineolatus in some tributary systems of the upper Burdekin River.  相似文献   

Intertidal movements of fish larvae and juveniles on a mudflat in the Tama River estuary, central Japan, were investigated by comparing the abundance and sizes of fishes caught in the intertidal zone during flood tides with those in the subtidal zone during low tides. A total of 28465 individuals, belonging to 9 families and 20 species, were collected by small purse seine. Among the abundant species, planktonic larvae and juveniles of gobiids and Konosirus punctatus were more abundant in the intertidal zone at flood tide than the subtidal zone at low tide. Similar occurrence patterns were found in juvenile Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis and Lateolabrax japonicus, having fully developed swimming abilities. In contrast to these species, much higher abundances of epibenthic juveniles of 2 gobiids (Acanthogobius flavimanus and Gymnogobius macrognathos) were found in the subtidal zone at low tide, although they also utilized the intertidal zone at flood tide.  相似文献   

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