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Rahman et al. (Rahman, N., Dunham, D.W. and Govind, C.K. (2001). Mate recognition and pairing in the big-clawed snapping shrimp, Alpheus herterochelis. Mar. Fresh. Behav. Physiol., 34, 213-226.) demonstrated discrimination by snapping shrimp between former mates and unfamiliar conspecifics, but did not test individual discrimination. In the present study, snapping shrimp showed discrimination between familiar and unfamiliar same-sex conspecifics by preferentially entering that arm of a Y-maze leading to familiar individuals. Furthermore, after being exposed to water from the home tanks of unknown individuals, they later showed an elevated response to this water, if the direction from which the water came into their tank was changed to be novel. This indicates that test subjects associated a familiar chemical stimulus with its location in the environment. This discrimination could only have been made if that chemical signature were recognised as different from that of another chemically familiar individual. This result also demonstrates that the water surrounding an individual contains sufficient (chemical) information to allow discrimination of one individual from another.  相似文献   

Chemosensory recognition of familiar conspecifics has been reported in studies with members of several lizard families and may be advantageous to distinguish between intruders and neighbors or group members. However, few species have been studied and information on the ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics by chemosensory means is lacking for most lizard families. In this paper we ask whether juveniles of the Iberian wall lizard Podarcis hispanica (Lacertidae), can discriminate between chemical signals from familiar conspecifics with whom they have shared a terrarium for several months and those from unfamiliar conspecifics housed in a different terrarium. Experimental trials were conducted by transferring juveniles to a test terrarium with a filter paper substrate. We tested the responses of lizards to paper substrates labeled by familiar cage-mates, unfamiliar conspecifics, or unlabeled. Tongue-flicks and other behaviors in response to pheromonal stimuli were recorded for 10 min Juveniles directed more chemosensory behavior towards paper substrates bearing chemicals from familiar conspecifics than towards similar paper substrates labeled by unfamiliar conspecifics. These results indicate that juveniles in this lizard species can recognize familiar conspecifics and discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals using only chemical stimuli. We discuss the role of habituation in familiar conspecific recognition and review possible explanations of the functional significance of this type of discrimination in lizards.  相似文献   

The snapping shrimp Alpheus heterochaelis uses its snapper claw to produce fast water jets in fights. Here we investigate whether these shrimp are able to recognise their opponents (individually or on a group level) in order to reduce fighting costs and risk of injury. Losers meeting familiar or unfamiliar winners differ from those meeting inexperienced opponents by showing immediate escapes after a contact as well as hardly any aggressive behaviours (e.g. water jets). There is a significant decrease in aggressiveness in these losers and this is maintained for days. In contrast, losers meeting inexperienced opponents show a slow stepwise decrease in aggressiveness after losing on several consecutive days. Thus, snapping shrimp can recognise the dominance status of the opponent. The lack of behavioural differences in losers meeting familiar or unfamiliar winners favours recognition on a group level rather than individual recognition.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether captive-reared juvenile Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni choose to aggregate and if familiarity is one of the mechanisms driving social preference. In a controlled binary-choice experiment, juvenile sharks were given the option to associate or not with unfamiliar conspecifics, or to associate or not with familiar conspecifics. In neither group did juvenile H. portusjacksoni actively choose to associate with conspecifics, but familiarity decreased the proportion of time spent near a conspecific only during the initial phase of the experiment. Treatment (1 or 3 shoal mates), sex and size had no effect on aggregation behaviour. These findings suggest that familiarity is not a driver of social preferences in juvenile H. portusjacksoni, contrary to results in another shark species. Additionally, adult H. portusjacksoni form large aggregations during the breeding season and actively associate with familiar sex and size-matched individuals, thus our results suggest the species undergoes an ontogenetic shift in social behaviour.  相似文献   

个体辨别对于减少同种争斗以及配偶选择具有重要意义。我们用棉棒粘取鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)尿液作为气味源,以香水作为对照,测定鳄蜥对熟悉个体气味、陌生个体气味以及香水的舔舌次数和舔舌潜伏期,来探讨鳄蜥通过化学信息辨别熟悉和陌生个体的能力。结果显示,不论是雌性还是雄性,对不同个体尿液的舔舌次数均显著高于对香水的,舔舌潜伏期显著短于香水的;尽管雄性对陌生同性个体气味与熟悉同性个体气味的舔舌次数无显著差异,但对前者的舔舌潜伏期显著短于后者;雄性对陌生雌性气味的舔舌次数显著多于熟悉雌性气味的,对前者的舔舌潜伏期显著短于后者;雌性对陌生雄性气味的舔舌潜伏期显著短于对熟悉雄性气味的;雄鳄蜥对陌生雌性气味的舔舌次数显著多于雌鳄蜥对陌生雄性的。结果表明,鳄蜥能辨别同种个体的化学信息,并能通过化学信息来辨别熟悉和陌生个体,推测鳄蜥的这种辨别能力对其领域分配以及繁殖交配有重要作用。  相似文献   

Individual discrimination provides animals the opportunity to adjust their exposure and behavior when interacting with other animals, both conspecifics and heterospecifics. Meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, were exposed to scents of house cats, Felis catus. Our first experiment tested whether meadow voles could discriminate between caudal, interdigital, and facial scents produced by a cat with a habituation–dishabituation paradigm. Upon exposure to the familiar scent and a novel one, meadow voles did not investigate either scent more than the other. Our second experiment tested whether meadow voles discriminate between the facial scents of different cats. When exposed to a familiar scent of one cat and the unfamiliar scent of another cat, the meadow voles did discriminate and investigated the unfamiliar scent more than the familiar scent. The results suggest that meadow voles will discriminate between cats using any scent that the cat may inadvertently leave within the environment, thereby reducing the vole's risk of predation by that individual.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate odour cues from different conspecifics has been demonstrated in a variety of small mammalian species. We used a habituation-dishabituation procedure to investigate whether 10-week-old female pigs,Sus scrofa , are able to discriminate between urinary odours from similar-aged conspecifics that were unfamiliar (not encountered for at least 7 weeks). We also examined whether environmental factors can affect the ease with which urine from different individuals is discriminated. Subjects receiving urine samples from the same unfamiliar individual in two successive 2-min exposures separated by a 15-min interval showed habituation in their investigation response to the urine in the second exposure. This habituation was maintained in a third 2-min exposure, 15 min later, if the urine sample was again from the same individual. However, if the urine sample was from a different unfamiliar individual, there was a dishabituation of the investigation response. This was taken to indicate an ability to discriminate the two samples. These data indicate that young pigs could use urinary cues to discriminate other individuals. Effective individual discrimination should facilitate the formation and maintenance of stable social groupings but could be disrupted if, for example, animals from the same group share common odour cues that mask individually distinctive scents. However, urine samples from individuals living in the same group appeared to be no more difficult to discriminate than those from individuals living in different groups. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, were tested for responses to water conditioned by conspecifics in two-choice tanks. The fish preferred water conditioned by unfamiliar non-siblings over blank water, but preferred water conditioned by both familiar and unfamiliar siblings over non-siblings. These preferences suggest that coho salmon recognize their siblings by matching the phenotype of their tank-mates with unfamiliar conspecifics, and that chemical cues are sufficient for recognition.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics is important in territorial animals as it allows animals to distinguish neighbours from non-neighbours. This prevents wasting time and energy in unnecessary aggressive interactions. I investigated the ability of adult males of a territorial lizard, the tawny dragon (Ctenophorus decresii), to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar rivals in a laboratory setting. Males significantly reduced their aggression levels in repeat interactions with familiar rivals and increased their aggression levels towards unfamiliar males. The time taken for interactions to be settled was also significantly lower towards familiar than unfamiliar males. The results of this study suggest that adult male tawny dragons can discriminate familiar from unfamiliar conspecifics. Furthermore, animals were presented with three new rivals in succession and showed a robust ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar males.  相似文献   

Activity is a key behavioral trait that often mediates a trade-off between finding food for growth and evading predation. We investigated how activity of the damselfly Lestes congener is affected by larval state and predator presence and if larval behavioral type (BT) can be used to predict larval emergence behavior. Activity level of individual larvae was studied without predators at two different physiological states (hungry, fed) and in two predator treatments (familiar or unfamiliar predator cues). Larvae did not adjust their activity depending on state or when subjected to unfamiliar predator cues but a general reduction in activity was seen in the familiar predator treatment. Hence, active individuals remained active compared to their conspecifics, independent of state or predator treatment illustrating the presence of a behavioral syndrome. However, we found no correlation between larval BT and emergence behavior. Active individuals did not differ from less active individuals in any emergence characteristics. The results illustrate that the larval BT occurs in many situations keeping active larvae active even in maladaptive situations. Furthermore, we show that damselfly emergence behavior can be completely decoupled from larval BT, indicating a loss of stability in individual BT during critical stages in ontogeny.  相似文献   

We measured temporal and spatial components of the waving display in a Uca tangeri population to look for inter-individual differences in male waving structure that may convey information about individual identity. We found evidence that the spatial components of wave structure, especially “Maximum amplitude” are responsible for most of the between-male variation of the display. This variation could reflect differences in individuals’ condition and/or could be used by conspecifics to discriminate amongst familiar and unfamiliar individuals.  相似文献   

Communication using chemical cues is important for many taxa, including birds, but the use of olfaction for intraspecific communication has been investigated only recently in passerines and is understudied in nestlings. To address this knowledge gap, we explored whether nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) would recognize and respond to chemical cues of conspecifics, specifically testing begging responses to familiar and unfamiliar nest and adult odours. For the nest odour experiment, nests were treated with either orange essential oil or distilled water to create scented and unscented (control) odour environments, respectively. For the adult odour experiment, adults attending the nestlings were considered “familiar adults” and adults attending a different brood in the population were considered “unfamiliar adults.” We found that begging responses of nestlings did not differ in response to orange oil odour or water, but nestlings begged significantly longer and more intensely in response to odours of a familiar than an unfamiliar adult, regardless of adult sex. This provides evidence that tree swallows use chemical cues to alter their behaviour and opens up many exciting avenues of future research.  相似文献   

Groups of newly-eclosed workers of two carpenter ant species (Camponotus floridanus and C. tortuganus) were reared in the presence of conspecific cocoons, cocoons of the other species, or were kept without cocoons. Groups of older workers (> 20 days), previously exposed to conspecific brood in their natal nest, were familiarized with either conspecific or heterospecific cocoons. After 14 days of exposure, groups were subjected to short-term (5 min) and long-term (10 day) preference tests. Young and older workers retrieved and retained many cocoons of both species, familiar and unfamiliar. However, a pattern of non-exclusive discrimination emerged: (1) Young workers exposed to conspecific cocoons picked up and retrieved conspecifics before unfamiliar heterospecifics, and retained conspecifics longer. (2) Young workers generally required experience with conspecifics to develop this preference, as those exposed to only heterospecifics and those deprived of cocoons were impartial in short-term tests. However, in long-term tests (5–10 days), naive young workers significantly preferred unfamiliar conspecifics. (3) Older workers preferred conspecific cocoons, whether familiar or unfamiliar, in short-term tests, but their tolerance for heterospecifics in the longer term (5 days) could be increased by recent familiarization. In no case did young or older ants significantly prefer familiar heterospecifics to conspecifics. These results confirm a role for early learning in brood recognition by carpenter ants, but suggest that it is less important than in Formica species studied by previous authors.  相似文献   

For territorial organisms, recognition of familiar individuals can reduce the frequency and intensity of aggressive encounters (‘dear enemy’ phenomenon), stabilize social systems, and reduce the cost of territory maintenance. Here, we investigated the behavioural events displayed during contests between familiar and unfamiliar individuals in the lizard Liolaemus tenuis (Liolaemidae), a species in which males are territorial. The behaviours recorded were attack, warning, evasion, and submission, and the latencies to the first aggressive (attack or warning) behaviour. Additionally, we assessed the ability of individuals to remember a familiar conspecific after a period without social interaction. Individual males reduced and delayed aggressive behaviour directed towards socially familiar individuals compared with unfamiliar ones. These results suggest that males distinguished between familiar and unfamiliar conspecific males and are in agreement with the ‘dear enemy’ phenomenon. Other behaviours were similar in the contests between familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Recognition of familiar conspecifics was lost after 20 d without social interactions. This may be relevant for interactions with floater males or with neighbours that lose their territory and subsequently attempt to fight for their ex‐neighbour's territory.  相似文献   

Memory of Social Partners in Hermit Crab Dominance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We investigated the possibility that invertebrates recognize conspecific individuals by studying dominance relationships in the long‐clawed hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus. We conducted three sets of laboratory experiments to define the time limits for acquiring and maintaining memory of an individual opponent. The results reveal two characteristics that make individual recognition in this species different from standard associative learning tasks. Firstly, crabs do not require training over many repeated trials; rather, they show evidence of recognition after a single 30‐min exposure to a stimulus animal. Secondly, memory lasts for up to 4 d of isolation without reinforcement. A third interesting feature of individual recognition in this species is that familiar opponents are recognized even before the formation of a stable hierarchical rank. That is, recognition seems to be relatively independent of repeated wins (rewards) or losses (punishments) in a dominance hierarchy. The experimental protocol allowed us to show that this species is able to classify conspecifics into two ‘heterogeneous subgroups’, i.e. familiar vs. unfamiliar individuals, but not to discriminate one individual of a group from every other conspecific from ‘a unique set of cues defining that individual’. In other words, we demonstrated a ‘binary’– and not a ‘true’– individual recognition. However, 1 d of interactions with different crabs did not erase the memory of a former rival, suggesting that P. longicarpus uses a system of social partner discrimination more refined than previously shown.  相似文献   

The ability of broad-headed skinks (Eumeces laticeps) to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar individuals of the opposite sex and themselves from other individuals of the same sex using only chemical stimuli was examined experimentally. Cloacal chemical stimuli were presented to lizards on moistened cotton swabs and numbers of tongue-flicks performed in 60 s were recorded. Males emitted significantly greater numbers of tongue-flicks in response to chemical cues from unfamiliar females than of female cagemates. Response rates of males housed with females and males housed alone to chemical stimuli from unfamiliar females did not differ. Chemical stimuli from unfamiliar males elicited significantly more tongue flicks from males than their own or deionized water, but their own stimuli elicited no more than the odourless control. Females tongue-flicked significantly more in response to cloacal chemical stimuli from unfamiliar males than from male cagemates. The findings indicate that both sexes of broad-headed skinks can discriminate between chemical stimuli of familiar and unfamiliar individuals of the opposite sex and that males can distinguish their own cloacal chemicals from those of unfamiliar males. The possible functions of these chemosensory capacities, including location of mates by scent-trailing and assessment of the presence of sexual competitors, are discussed in relation to the social behaviour of E. laticeps.  相似文献   

We conducted a field study to analyse the social relationships between males of the Iberian rock lizard (Lacerta monticola). The degree of familiarity was determined based on the degree of overlap between their home ranges. We then designed a laboratory experiment to test whether the same males were able to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics using faecal pellet odours. Differential tongue‐flick rates suggest that large males (snout‐to‐vent length, SVL > 75 mm), at least, may discriminate between odours of familiar and unfamiliar males. The behavioural responses were dependent on relative differences in body size between the responding male and the male that donated the faecal pellet. Thus, as responding small males increased in size relative to their corresponding familiar male, their rate of tongue‐flicking significantly decreased; this was not the case in response to unfamiliar males. In contrast, there were no significant correlations between the response of large males to familiar or unfamiliar male stimuli, regardless of size differences. These results suggest that chemical cues contained in faecal pellets allow individual recognition in male L. monticola, and that the response depends on body size. We suggest that faecal pellets might be used to scent‐mark home ranges, which would contribute to lowering the costs of aggressive interactions.  相似文献   

Mucus is applied to substrates as snails move and when they rest. Beyond the use of mucus in movement and adhesion, the wide array of chemicals in mucus allows for supplemental use in communication. This communication is apparent in trail-following behavior. This study addresses the potential communication via mucus in selecting resting sites in a laboratory assay. In a series of six experiments, individuals of Cornu aspersum (which often rest on above-ground surfaces) were placed into lidded plastic containers with three or four sections swabbed with water (the control) or mucus, which included the test snail's own mucus, mucus from conspecifics from the same or a different container holding snails from the same lab colony, or from a different colony, and mucus from three additional snail species. The resting location was recorded on the following day. In two additional experiments, the facultative predator Rumina decollata was tested against conspecific and other snails' mucus. Individuals of C. aspersum preferentially rested in areas with the mucus of familiar conspecifics over mucus of unfamiliar conspecifics, a behavior that may contribute to homing and aggregation behaviors. There was evidence that juveniles may be less selective than adults. The mucus of only one of the three other species was avoided by individuals of C. aspersum. Unlike individuals of C. aspersum, individuals of the predator R. decollata avoided the mucus of conspecifics, which may be associated with less need for mate-finding in this self-fertilizing species. Individuals of R. decollata did not select among potential prey species.  相似文献   

A growth‐related QTL on chicken chromosome 1 has previously been shown to influence domestication behaviour in chickens. In this study, we used Red Junglefowl (RJF) and White Leghorn (WL) as well as the intercross between them to investigate whether stress affects the way birds allocate their time between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics in a social preference test (‘social support seeking’), and how this is related to genotype at specific loci within the growth QTL. Red Junglefowl males spent more time with unfamiliar chickens before the stressful event compared to the other birds, whereas all birds except WL males tended to spend less time with unfamiliar ones after stress. A significant QTL locus was found to influence both social preference under undisturbed circumstances and social support seeking. The WL allele at this QTL was associated not only with a preference for unfamiliar individuals but also with a shift towards familiar ones in response to stress (social support seeking). A second, suggestive QTL also affected social support seeking, but in the opposite direction; the WL allele was associated with increased time spent with unfamiliar individuals. The region contains several possible candidate genes, and gene expression analysis of a number of them showed differential expression between RJF and WL of AVPR2 (receptor for vasotocin), and possibly AVPR1a (another vasotocin receptor) and NRCAM (involved in neural development) in the lower frontal lobes of the brains of RJF and WL animals. These three genes continue to be interesting candidates for the observed behavioural effects .  相似文献   

Snapping shrimp (Alpheus heterochaelis) produce a fast, well-focused water jet by rapid closure of their specialised snapper claw. As shown previously, water jets may injure the opponent in interspecific encounters (e.g. with small crabs) although no damage was observed in intraspecific encounters. For conspecific receivers the jet represents a potential hydrodynamic signal and can be analysed with the help of mechanosensory hairs. To gain more insight in the biophysical characteristics of the water jet we visualised and analysed jets of tethered snapping shrimp using standard and high speed video recordings. Water jet width increases with increasing distance from the snapper claw tip, and both width and distance increase with increasing snapper claw size. Water jet distances do not increase with increasing claw cocking duration (building up muscle tension) but medium cocking durations of about 550 ms result in longest distances. Mean water jet velocity is 6.5 m s−1 shortly after claw closure but rapidly decreases subsequently. At the mean distance between snapping conspecifics (9 mm) water jet velocities produced by snapping shrimp with larger snapper claws are significantly higher than those of animals with smaller claws. Interestingly, males with equal snapper claw size as females produce significantly faster water jets. Accepted: 31 March 1999  相似文献   

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