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A microcosm experiment was conducted using a replicated factorial design to determine if a benthic fish modifies the effects of sediment-bound contaminants (diesel fuel and two levels of a Cu, Cr, Pb, Hg and Cd mixture) on saltmarsh benthic primary producers and consumers. The naked goby, Gobiosoma bosc, a burrowing fish that preys on small macrofauna, was added to experimental microcosms. Goby burrowing and foraging significantly increased turbidity and disrupted the sediment surface. Results were typified by complex and varied responses with many statistically significant effects and interactions among treatments. Although G. bosc modified the responses to both diesel and metal pollution in invertebrates (but not microalgae), bioturbation did not increase or decrease the toxic effects of metals or diesel, and diesel-metal interactions did not vary in response to G. bosc. Specifically, G. bosc inhibited a trend toward diesel-induced increases in nematode abundance, and diesel toxicity inhibited increases in ostracod abundance stimulated by G. bosc. Diatoms, nematodes and the copepod Pseudostenhelia wellsi decreased in treatments with G. bosc. However, G. bosc lead to increases in cyanobacteria and ostracods and a trend toward increases in the copepod Pseudobradya sp. Our findings suggest that microcosm experiments are potentially poor mimics of natural systems without bioturbation. Conclusions about the direct and indirect effects of contaminants may differ with and without bioturbation. Finally, our work suggests that the direct effects of toxicants may inhibit or mask bioturbation effects that stimulate population growth of some meiofauna.  相似文献   

1. Behavioural differences among prey species may result from evolutionary adaptations that facilitate coexistence with different predators and influence vulnerability to predators. It has been hypothesised that prey species modify their behaviour in relation to the risk posed by particular predators. 2. We examined the relationship between anti‐predator behaviour and predation risk in five species of larval odonates in combination with three predatory fish species (perch, gudgeon and rudd) that differ in foraging behaviour. The odonates, Platycnemis pennipes, Coenagrion puella, Lestes sponsa, Sympetrum striolatum and Libellula depressa, differ with regard to their life cycle and habitat, including water depth, occurrence in temporary ponds and co‐existence with fish. 3. The odonate species differed in their response to fish: (i) Two species showed a flexible response. Larval C. puella reduced activity in the presence of fish, regardless of species, whereas L. depressa altered their activity only in the presence of gudgeon. (ii) Independent of fish species, all odonates except L. depressa exhibited spatial avoidance of fish. This was interpreted as a more general anti‐predator response. (iii) In some cases the odonates showed no response to predators and their behaviour was thus independent of predation risk. 4. Our results confirm that all odonates responded to the presence of at least some predatory fish, and that some odonate species discriminated between fish species. However, we found no significant correlation between behavioural modifications and predation risk, indicating that anti‐predator responses and predation risk depend on the particular predator and the species being preyed on.  相似文献   

The effect of digestion by a predatory fish (largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides) on stable isotopic (δ13C and δ18O) and trace elemental (Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca) compositions of prey fish (bluegill Lepomis macrochirus) otoliths was investigated in a laboratory experiment. Trace element and stable‐isotopic signatures of L. macrochirus otoliths were not significantly altered for up to 16 h after L. macrochirus were consumed by M. salmoides. Prey fish otoliths recovered from predator digesta can retain environmental stable isotopic and trace elemental signatures, suggesting that determination of environmental history for prey fishes by stable‐isotope and trace‐element analysis of otoliths recovered from stomachs of piscivorous fishes will be feasible.  相似文献   

Upwelling regions where nutrients are transported from deep to surface waters are among the most productive in the oceans. Although it is well known that the upwelling affects fishery production through bottom-up trophic cascading, it remains unexplored how temporal variation in its intensity alters overall trophic energy flows within a focal food web. In the present study, we demonstrate that inter-annual variation in the intensity of upwelling-like bottom intrusion alters food web properties in coastal waters of the Uwa Sea by focusing on the levels of δ13C and δ15N for a demersal fish predator, Acropoma japonicum. This approach integrates information on prey–predator interactions. In the season following a stratification period when pelagic productivity is limited by nutrient availability, A. japonicum showed lower levels of δ13C in years with high bottom intrusion intensity than in those with low intensity. One possible cause for this isotopic depletion is that the bottom intrusion-induced nutrient supply enhances pelagic productivity and consequently facilitates a foraging shift by A. japonicum from ordinary benthic prey to supplementary pelagic prey with a lower δ13C. In conclusion, the increased intensity of bottom intrusion results in coupling of two major trophic energy flows, pelagic and benthic food chains, through the demersal predator’s foraging shift.  相似文献   

Foraging theory predicts that individuals should choose a prey that maximizes energy rewards relative to the energy expended to access, capture, and consume the prey. However, the relative roles of differences in the nutritive value of foods and costs associated with differences in prey accessibility are not always clear. Coral‐feeding fishes are known to be highly selective feeders on particular coral genera or species and even different parts of individual coral colonies. The absence of strong correlations between the nutritional value of corals and prey preferences suggests other factors such as polyp accessibility may be important. Here, we investigated within‐colony feeding selectivity by the corallivorous filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris, and if prey accessibility determines foraging patterns. After confirming that this fish primarily feeds on coral polyps, we examined whether fish show a preference for different parts of a common branching coral, Acropora nobilis, both in the field and in the laboratory experiments with simulated corals. We then experimentally tested whether nonuniform patterns of feeding on preferred coral species reflect structural differences between polyps. We found that O. longirostris exhibits nonuniform patterns of foraging in the field, selectively feeding midway along branches. On simulated corals, fish replicated this pattern when food accessibility was equal along the branch. However, when food access varied, fish consistently modified their foraging behavior, preferring to feed where food was most accessible. When foraging patterns were compared with coral morphology, fish preferred larger polyps and less skeletal protection. Our results highlight that patterns of interspecific and intraspecific selectivity can reflect coral morphology, with fish preferring corals or parts of coral colonies with structural characteristics that increase prey accessibility.  相似文献   

M. M. Coelho  M. Zalewski 《Hydrobiologia》1995,303(1-3):223-228
In most types of freshwater ecosystems fish diversity depends greatly on land/inland water ecotones. So, to maintain biodiversity of fish communities in inland waters, management and restoration of aquatic terrestrial ecotones will be an important tool. However, to provide a scientific background for such conservation activities, it will be desirable to test the importance of different types of ecotones in structuring and maintaining the genetic diversity of fish populations. The relevance of population genetics data to ecotone studies can only be understood in an ecological context as evolution is a function of environment. We suggest that as ecotone complexity increases opportunities for survival of individuals, improving trophic conditions and spatial habitat heterogeneity, so the population size and variation increase with increased genetic diversity and vulnerability to environment changes decreases.  相似文献   


Physalia physalis, the Portuguese man of war, consumes mostly fish and fish larvae. Intracellular recordings from nematocyst‐containing cells (cnidocytes) in small pieces of Physalia tentacle were used to quantify the electrical responses to diluted and filtered fish skin mucus, 1–100 x 10‐6 M amino acids, monosaccharides, and nucleosides, and seawater, which were delivered upstream of the tissue. Seawater caused responses (one pulse only) in about 10% of the applications. Fish mucus extract elicited responses in all applications, producing 1–18 depolarizing pulses (20 mV maximum amplitude). The pulses were characteristic of post‐synaptic potentials (EPSPs). Lucifer yellow and biocytin dye injections showed that the cnidocytes were not electrically coupled. Simultaneous records from two cnidocytes following mucus applications were identical.We propose, therefore, that the chemoreceptors are not on the cnidocytes, but are probably on sensory neurons that innervate clusters of cnidocytes. A < 3,000 MW fraction of mucus elicited responses indistinguishable from whole mucus extract. Higher molecular weight fractions caused no response. The various test solutions had lower percentages of response (47–92%) and produced significantly fewer pulses than the mucus extract. We conclude that prey capture in Physalia is facilitated by chemicals present in the mucus covering their fish prey. The chemical stimuli probably sensitize the nematocysts to discharge upon mechanical stimulation.  相似文献   

Community structure may differ dramatically between clear-water and turbid lakes. These differences have been attributed to differences in the cascading effect of fish on prey populations, owing to the reduced efficiency of fish predation in the presence of macrophytes. However, recent theoretical ideas suggest that water turbidity may shape predator–prey interactions, and it is predicted that prey will relax its antipredation behaviour in turbid water (H1). As a result, the nature of predator–prey interactions is expected to shift from both direct and indirect in clear water to dominantly direct in turbid water (H2). We tested these ideas in a fish–damselfly predator–prey system. In a first behavioural experiment, we looked at antipredation behaviour of damselfly larvae isolated from habitats that differ in turbidity, in the presence of fish in clear and turbid water. As predicted in H1, the larvae were more active in turbid than in clear water. In a complementary enclosure experiment, we reared larvae in a clear-water pond and a turbid pond, respectively, and manipulated the origin of the larvae (clear-water, turbid pond), fish presence (absent, present), and vegetation density (sparse, abundant). In both ponds, fish had a direct negative effect on survival of the larvae, which was mitigated in the presence of vegetation. In the fish treatment, the change in average body mass tended to be higher in the turbid pond than in the clear-water pond, suggesting indirect effects of fish were mitigated in the turbid pond. This was supported by a negative effect of fish on the effective growth rate of larvae in the clear pond, but not in the turbid pond. These results are compatible with the idea that predator–prey relationships are mainly governed by direct effects in turbid water, and by direct and indirect effects in clear water.  相似文献   

1. For predators, prey selection should maximise nutrition and minimise fitness costs. In the present study, it was investigated whether a generalist predator [Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) lacewing larvae] rejected harmful, chemically‐defended prey [Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus) aphids] when non‐defended prey [Myzus persicae (Sulzer) aphids] were available. 2. It was tested: (i) whether consuming different prey species affects predator mortality; (ii) whether naïve predators reject chemically‐defended prey while foraging when non‐defended prey are available; (iii) whether the relative abundance of each prey affects the predator's prey choice; and (iv) whether predators learn to avoid consuming chemically‐defended prey after exposure to both prey species. 3. Consumption of B. brassicae yielded greater C. carnea mortality than M. persicae consumption, but naïve C. carnea did not reject B. brassicae in favour of M. persicae during foraging. When presented at unequal abundances, naïve predators generally consumed each aphid species according to their initial relative abundance, although, predation of non‐defended prey was less than expected when defended prey were initially more abundant, indicating a high consumption of B. brassicae impeded M. persicae consumption. With experience, C. carnea maintained predation of both aphid species but consumed more M. persicae than B. brassicae, indicating a change in behaviour. 4. Although prey choice by C. carnea may change with experience of available prey, prey chemical defences do not appear to influence prey choice by naïve predators. This inability to avoid harmful prey could facilitate wider, indirect interactions. Myzus persicae may benefit where high consumption of B. brassicae hinders predators in the short term, and in the long term, increases predator mortality.  相似文献   

We present a complete parametric analysis of a predator–prey system influenced by a top predator. We study ecosystems with abundant nutrient supply for the prey where the prey multiplication can be considered as proportional to its density. The main questions we examine are the following: (1) Can the top predator stabilize such a system at low densities of prey? (2) What possible dynamic behaviors can occur? (3) Under which conditions can the top predation result in the system stabilization? We use a system of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations with the density of the top predator as a parameter. The model is investigated with methods of qualitative theory of ODEs and the theory of bifurcations. The existence of 12 qualitatively different types of dynamics and complex structure of the parametric space are demonstrated. Our studies of phase portraits and parametric diagrams show that a top predator can be an important factor leading to stabilization of the predator-prey system with abundant nutrient supply. Although the model here is applied to the plankton communities with fish (or carnivorous zooplankton) as the top trophic level, the general form of the equations allows applications of our results to other ecological systems.  相似文献   

Abstract The introduced and highly toxic cane toad (Bufo marinus) is rapidly spreading across northern Australia where it may affect populations of large terrestrial vertebrate predators. The ecological impact of cane toads will depend upon the diets, foraging modes and habitat use of native predators, and their feeding responses to cane toads. However, intraspecific niche partitioning may influence the degree of vulnerability of predators to toxic prey, as well as the time course of the impact of alien invaders on native species. We studied the diet of the northern death adder Acanthophis praelongus and their feeding responses to cane toads. In the laboratory, death adders from all size classes and sexes readily consumed frogs and cane toads. Diets of free ranging A. praelongus from the Adelaide River floodplain were more heterogeneous. Juvenile snakes ate mainly frogs (39% of prey items) and small scincid lizards (43%). Both sexes displayed an ontogenetic dietary shift from lizards to mammals, but adult males fed on frogs (49%) and mammals (39%) whereas adult females (which grew larger than males) fed mainly on mammals (91%) and occasionally, frogs (9%). Feeding rates and body condition of adult snakes varied temporally and tracked fluctuations in prey availability. These results suggest that cane toads may negatively affect populations of northern death adders in the Darwin region. However, we predict that different size and sex classes of A. praelongus will experience differential mortality rates over different timescales. The initial invasion of large toads may affect adult males, but juveniles may be unaffected until juvenile toads appear the following year, and major affects on adult female death adders may be delayed until annual rainfall fluctuations reduce the availability of alternative (rodent) prey.  相似文献   

Disentangling the effects of plant diversity on the control of herbivores is important for understanding agricultural sustainability. Recent studies have investigated the relationships between plant diversity and arthropod communities at the landscape scale, but few have done so at the local scale. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 32 papers containing 175 independent measures of the relationship between plant diversity and arthropod communities. We found that generalist predators had a strong positive response to plant diversity, that is, their abundance increased as plant diversity increased. Herbivores, in contrast, had an overall weak and negative response to plant diversity. However, specialist and generalist herbivores differed in their response to plant diversity, that is, the response was negative for specialists and not significant for generalists. While the effects of scale remain unclear, the response to plant diversity tended to increase for specialist herbivores, but decrease for generalist herbivores as the scale increased. There was no clear effect of scale on the response of generalist predators to plant diversity. Our results suggest that the response of herbivores to plant diversity at the local scale is a balance between habitat and trophic effects that vary according to arthropod specialization and habitat type. Synthesis and applications. Positive effects of plant diversity on generalist predators confirm that, at the local scale, plant diversification of agroecosystems is a credible and promising option for increasing pest regulation. Results from our meta‐analysis suggest that natural control in plant‐diversified systems is more likely to occur for specialist than for generalist herbivores. In terms of pest management, our results indicate that small‐scale plant diversification (via the planting of cover crops or intercrops and reduced weed management) is likely to increase the control of specialist herbivores by generalist predators.  相似文献   

This study presents a detailed, quantitative account of morphological evolution in the deep‐sea benthic foraminifer Parkiella through the last 10 million years of the Cretaceous (late Campanian to Maastrichtian). Cores taken at DSDP Sites 465 and 171, in the low‐latitude central Pacific, yielded a total of 437 specimens, from 53 samples. The shape of the apical outline of the foraminifer, its chamber arrangement, shell globularity, shell area and proloculus diameter were quantified. Significant, unidirectional changes in shell morphology were observed between sampling levels, indicating that the lineage was not in a state of morphological stasis. The occurrence of morphologically intermediate paleopopulations and the generally normal distribution of morphotypes at any given sampling level suggest that the observed pattern of evolution represents an anagenetic trend in a single, non‐branching lineage. These results confirm predictions of the plus ça change evolutionary model. Gradual evolution of this lineage may represent a reaction to changed oceanographic conditions that were established after the Maastrichtian deep‐water reversal.  相似文献   

Harmothoë imbricata is able to locate sources of vibration in the water and this response is an important part of the animal's prey‐capture mechanism. Animals having either palps, tentacular cirri, dorsal cirri or ventral cirri intact are able to locate a source of vibrations successfully. If none of these types of sensory appendage remain intact then the animals are unresponsive until regeneration of the appendages has occurred. The structure of the sensory appendages and the types of sensory endings which they carry have been described. After an object has been located there is a period of contact exploration by the animal's palps. The palps provide the animal with chemical information as to whether the object is suitable as prey and also about its exact position relative to the animal. Attack involves the rapid eversion of the proboscis which has four terminal jaws. The vibration source location response disappears after an animal has fed to satiation.  相似文献   

Fast-starts are distributed over a wide phylogenetic range of fish and are used for different purposes such as striking at prey or escaping from predators. Here we investigated 42 fast-starts of rainbow trouts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) elicited by a startle stimulus. We investigated the patterns of water movements left behind by the escaping fish and their possible value as a source of information to piscivorous predators that rely on hydrodynamic sensory systems. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements revealed a temporal extension of up to 25.5 min and a spatial extension of up to 1.53 m (extrapolated) for a certain flow structure called jet 1, that is the flow produced by the tail fin. Duration and spatial extension of jet 2, the flow produced by the body, were on average lower, and both jets differed in size. The fish escaped in a mean direction approximately parallel to jet 1, and antiparallel to jet 2, with a range well above 200°. This study quantified the flow patterns generated by escaping fish and, as piscivorous predators would greatly benefit from being able to analyse these flow patterns, provides cues for the behavioural and physiological investigation of hydrodynamic sensory systems.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):1272-1278
The Zoophytophagous predator, Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae) is one of the most important candidates for controlling Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in tomato crops. This predator uses different signals including morphological plant traits, prey insects, and volatile substances produced by the infested plants and prey signals to find its suitable prey. These signals are different in each cultivar of a plant. We aimed to understand how N. tenuis finds its prey using volatiles from tomato plants damaged or infested with T. absoluta. The predator’s responses to various plant treatments on two cultivars of tomato plants were tested in a flight tunnel and a four-choice olfactometer. The volatile compounds released from the treatments were also collected and identified. The results of the olfactory experiments showed that the predators even in the absence of light chose the plants bearing their insect prey. This behavior was not the same in both cultivars, and N. tenuis had a tendency toward mechanically damaged of Early Urbana Y cultivar more than Cal JN3 cultivar. The differences in the amount of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and eugenol between cultivars may play a role in the differential attraction of N. tenuis towards infested plants. The difference in the volatile compounds was evident in two cultivars, and this was consistent with our bioassay results. Therefore, the choice of appropriate cultivar and use of herbivore-infested plant volatiles are important for developing a control strategy against T. absoluta and attract its predators.  相似文献   

A number of methods commonly used in landscape genetics use an analogy to electrical resistance on a network to describe and fit barriers to movement across the landscape using genetic distance data. These are motivated by a mathematical equivalence between electrical resistance between two nodes of a network and the ‘commute time’, which is the mean time for a random walk on that network to leave one node, visit the other, and return. However, genetic data are more accurately modelled by a different quantity, the coalescence time. Here, we describe the differences between resistance distance and coalescence time, and explore the consequences for inference. We implemented a Bayesian method to infer effective movement rates and population sizes under both these models, and found that inference using commute times could produce misleading results in the presence of biased gene flow. We then used forwards‐time simulation with continuous geography to demonstrate that coalescence‐based inference remains more accurate than resistance‐based methods on realistic data, but difficulties highlight the need for methods that explicitly model continuous, heterogeneous geography.  相似文献   

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