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Paris MC  Snow M  Cox SL  Shaw JM 《Theriogenology》2004,61(2-3):277-291
The transplantation of reproductive organs, including ovaries and ovarian tissue, was pioneered over 100 years ago. In the 1960s, ovarian grafting was used as a tool to investigate ovarian function, but with the recent development of more effective cryopreservation protocols for ovarian tissue, germline preservation and propagation have now become realistic goals. This review describes progress in ovarian banking and ovarian tissue transplantation, with emphasis on how fresh and frozen ovarian tissue can be used in assisted reproduction for both humans and animals. This paper focuses most closely on the potential value of xenotransplantation, the transplantation of gonads from one species to another, to conserve rare and endangered species. Specific attention is drawn to the use of xenotransplantation as a strategy for generating viable gametes that can be used to produce live fertile offspring. Other upcoming xenogeneic technologies that may be of potential significance in animal conservation, such as transplantation of whole ovaries or isolated growing follicles, and even male germ cells, are discussed.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: The evolution of self-fertilization often occurs in association with other floral, life history, and fitness-related traits. A previous study found that field populations of Clarkia exilis (a predominantly autogamous selfer) and its sister species, Clarkia unguiculata (a facultative outcrosser) differ in mean photosynthetic rates and instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE(i)). Here, we investigate the strength and direction of selection on these traits in multiple populations of each taxon to determine whether natural selection may contribute to the phenotypic differences between them. ? Methods: In spring 2008, we measured instantaneous gas exchange rates in nine populations during vegetative growth (Early) and/or during flowering (Late). We conducted selection gradient analyses and estimated selection differentials within populations and across pooled conspecific populations to evaluate the strength, direction, and consistency of selection on each trait early and late in the season. ? Key results: The direction and relative strength of selection on photosynthetic rates in these taxa corresponds to the phenotypic difference between them; C. exilis has higher photosynthetic rates than C. unguiculata, as well as stronger, more consistent selection favoring rapid photosynthesis throughout the growing season. Patterns of selection on transpiration, WUE(i), and the timing of flowering progression are less consistent with phenotypic differences (or lack thereof) between taxa. ? Conclusions: We detected several examples where selection was consistent with the phenotypic divergence between sister taxa, but there were also numerous instances that were equivocal or in which selection did not predict the realized phenotypic difference between taxa.  相似文献   

Assuming that differences or similarities in morphology among congeneric parasite species living in the same habitat are not a random pattern, several hypotheses explaining morphological differences were tested: (i) reproductive isolation, (ii) niche restriction resulting from competition, and (iii) niche specialization. Congeneric monogenean (platyhelminth) ectoparasites parasitizing the gills of one host species were used as an ecological model. Morphometric distances of the attachment organ and morphometric distances of the copulatory organ between species pairs were calculated, Levin's niche size and Renkonen niche overlap indices were applied. Our results support the prediction that the function of niche segregation is to achieve reproductive isolation of related species in order to prevent hybridization (reinforcement of reproductive barriers). Parasite species living in the same niche differ greatly in the size of copulatory organ. Moreover, species coexistence is facilitated by an increase in morphometric distances of copulatory organ and niche centre distances. Our results also show that species living in overlapping niches have similar attachment organs, which supports the prediction that morphologically similar species have the same ecological requirements within one host and suggests small effects of interspecific competition for the evolution of morphological diversity of attachment organs. Specialist adaptations also seem to facilitate species coexistence and affect the niche distribution within host species. Parasite species that can colonize more than one host species, i.e. generalists, occupy more distant niches within host species than strictly host-specific parasites. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76, 125–135.  相似文献   

Gagea lutea and G. spathacea are spring geophytes naturally co-occurring in woodlands, characterised by contrasting reproductive strategies probably caused by divergent ploidy levels. The hexaploid G. lutea relies on vegetative reproduction by subterranean bulbils in young stages but completely switches to sexual reproduction once a certain bulb size is attained. The nonaploid G. spathacea seems to be sterile and reproduces only vegetatively; the plants continue to form bulbils even in the rare event of flowering. This study used AFLP genotyping to investigate the consequences of these reproductive strategies for genetic diversity. For 150 and 100 samples from three Western Pomeranian populations of G. lutea and G. spathacea, respectively, AFLP fingerprints were analysed for three different spatial scales, the patch, the transect, and the region. Applying a threshold for genotypic identity of <0.05 simple matching distance, 22?C30 genets were detected in the three G. lutea populations, with all genets confined to single populations. Clonal genets consisted of 2?C9 samples and extended over up to 28?m, but never occupied the whole length of a transect; 67?C75% of all patches had different genets. Genetic distances between genets within populations were similar to those recorded between populations. Genotyping of G. spathacea revealed a single clonal genet for all three populations sampled within a distance of 30?km. The absent genetic diversity confirms the suspected sexual sterility. Gagea spathacea seems to be one of the few non-apomictic, fully clonal vascular plants able to occupy a significant range solely by dispersal of vegetative diaspores.  相似文献   

1. Traits that benefit males through sexual selection are simultaneously expected to impair males by provoking costs through natural selection. If we consider the two male fitness components, mating success and viability, then we may expect that the increase in male mating success resulting from a larger trait size will be counterbalanced by an increase in viability costs.
2. We studied the benefits and costs of male mate searching and sexual signalling activity in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata . In the field, males search females actively and court them by drumming dry leaves with their abdomen. Females have been shown to prefer males with high drumming rate. Male moving and especially drumming is energetically highly demanding and drumming results in significant mortality costs.
3. Our objective in this study was to determine whether male mate-searching activity or drumming activity affect male mating success and the risk of males being predated.
4. It was evident that both higher mate-searching activity and higher drumming activity benefited males by increasing their mating success. Higher mate-searching activity clearly impaired males by causing direct increase in predation risk. There was also a slight tendency that more actively drumming males had higher risk of predation and from all of the predated males 13.3% were caught directly after they had drummed. Furthermore, male drumming activity decreased drastically in the presence of the predator.
5. We conclude that in H. rubrofasciata both increased mate-searching activity and drumming activity benefit males through sexual selection, but at the same time natural selection provokes direct balancing costs on the same traits.  相似文献   

Matrotrophy, the provisioning of embryos between fertilization and birth, creates the potential for conflict between mothers and embryos over the level of maternal investment. This conflict is predicted to drive the evolution of reproductive isolation between populations with different mating systems. In this study, we examine whether density‐driven mating system differences explain the patterns of asymmetric reproductive isolation observed in previous studies involving four populations of the matrotrophic least killifish, Heterandria formosa. Minimum sire number reconstructions suggested that two populations characterized by low densities had lower levels of concurrent multiple paternity than two populations characterized by high densities. However, low levels of genetic variation in the low‐density populations greatly reduced our probability of detecting multiple mating in them. Once we took the lower level of genetic variation into account in our estimations, high levels of multiple paternity appeared the rule in all four populations. In the population where we had the greatest power of detecting multiple mating, we found that multiple paternity in H. formosa typically involves multiple sires contributing to offspring within the same brood instead of different fathers contributing to distinct, simultaneously provisioned broods. Paternity was often skewed towards one sire. Our results suggest that differences between H. formosa populations in the levels of multiple paternity are not sufficient to explain the reproductive isolation seen in previous studies. We suggest that other influences on maternal–foetal conflict may contribute to the pattern of reproductive isolation observed previously. Alternatively, the asymmetric reproductive isolation seen in previous studies might reflect the disruption of maternal–foetal coadaptation.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterizations of plant K+ transport systems aside from Arabidopsis have been increasing over the past decade, favored by the availability of more and more plant genome sequences. Information now available enables the comparison of some of these systems between species. In this review, we focus on three families of plant K+ transport systems that are active at the plasma membrane: the Shaker K+ channel family, comprised of voltage-gated channels that dominate the plasma membrane conductance to K+ in most environmental conditions, and two families of transporters, the HAK/KUP/KT K+ transporter family, which includes some high-affinity transporters, and the HKT K+ and/or Na+ transporter family, in which K+-permeable members seem to be present in monocots only. The three families are briefly described, giving insights into the structure of their members and on functional properties and their roles in Arabidopsis or rice. The structure of the three families is then compared between plant species through phylogenic analyses. Within clusters of ortologues/paralogues, similarities and differences in terms of expression pattern, functional properties and, when known, regulatory interacting partners, are highlighted. The question of the physiological significance of highlighted differences is also addressed.  相似文献   

Su  Tongqing  Dijkstra  Feike A.  Wang  Peng  Cheng  Weixin 《Plant and Soil》2017,419(1-2):349-361
Plant and Soil - Soil seed banks are an important source of seedling recruits in grassland ecosystems, particularly following large-scale disturbance. Nonetheless, the relative importance of...  相似文献   

Bacterial infections in patients with hematologic malignancies still represent a severe and life-treating problem. Several observational studies during the last decade have revealed that neutropenic patients with fever are a heterogeneous population with various differences regarding response to initial therapy, development of serious complications and mortality. The role of neutropenia as main risk factor for infections in hematologic patients and the definition of different level of risk related to neutrophils count and duration of neutropenia have been extensively studied and different categories of patients based on the risk of infection, mostly the condition of neutropenia, have been clearly defined. The strategies on antimicrobial therapy and supportive care in hematologic patients need to be continuously assessed, in fact new conditions favouring the occurrence of infectious complications in patients with hematologic malignancies have progressively emerged. The use of oral prophylactic antibiotics in neutropenic cancer patients is still a matter of debate. Before 2005, several trials showed how the prevention of infection can be extremely important in this setting of patients but none was conclusive. In 2005 two meta-analysis and two large randomized clinical trials gave new evidence that antibacterial prophylaxis can reduce in neutropenic patients several important outcomes including mortality. The use of the empiric antibacterial therapy represents the cornerstone of the antimicrobial strategies in the febrile neutropenic patients leading, over the span of 20 years, to a dramatic decrease of deaths: Actually beta-lactam monotherapy is commonly used for the empiric treatment of febrile neutropenia. Recently, large randomized clinical trials and meta-analysis showed that the addition of an aminoglycoside and/or a glycopeptides results in a more favourable outcome only in selected severe infections. The use of antibiotics should be prudent and safe also in neutropenic hematologic patients to prevent emergence of microbial resistance, to save costs, to reduce toxicity. For this reasons, according to the evidence, antibacterial prophylaxis should be restricted to high risk hematologic patients and empiric parenteral antibiotic monotherapy should be recommended in case of febrile neutropenia limiting the use of amynoglicosides and glycopeptides. In the next future, a major effort should be made to state in hematologic patients new risk factors which could more accurately define subgroups for targeted anti-infective strategies.  相似文献   

Previously in this journal, Altaba (2015) presented an original hypothesis on the dispersal of small wetland snails in Central Europe after the Last Glacial Maximum, based on the discovery of rare species of the genus Vallonia at the foot of the Devín Hill (Slovakia). On the basis of the evidence available to us, it is our opinion that the existence of Vallonia declivis, Vallonia suevica, Vallonia enniensis, and Vallonia tenuilabris at Devín Gate has not been established, and that the hypothesis advanced in Altaba (2015) is therefore unsubstantiated by hard evidence.  相似文献   

Question: What relationship exists between productivity, plant species richness and livestock diet? Are the results dependent on scale? Location: A sheep‐grazed Koelerio‐Corynephoretea sandy habitat of the northern upper Rhine (Germany) as a low productivity model system. Methods: The investigation was carried out for three years at a fine scale (2 m2) and for two years at a broad scale (79 m2). Productivity was measured by means of weighed above‐ground phytomass for fine scale and colour‐infrared (CIR) aerial photographs of the same system for fine and broad scales. For both scales, total numbers of vascular plant species and numbers of endangered vascular plant species were extracted from current vegetation relevés. Additionally, we obtained data on livestock diet (grazed phytomass, crude protein content). Results: Statistical analyses show an influence of the year on all variables; relationships between variables are not significant in every year. Species richness and number of endangered species are negatively related to productivity at fine scale while crude protein content and grazed phytomass are positively related to productivity. At the broad scale the diversity‐productivity relationship shows a ‘hump’ with highest species numbers in middle pioneer stages; numbers of endangered species are highest in all pioneer stages. Conclusions: We found a strong impact of scale and year on the diversity‐productivity relationship. It is inappropriate to analyse only small plots (2 m2), and it is necessary to study different years. This vegetation complex is dependent on grazing impact; thus there is an inversely proportional relationship between nature conservation value (high diversity) and livestock nutrition.  相似文献   

Little is known about the reproductive biology of corals from the Philippines, despite this archipelago being at the center of coral reef biodiversity. Here, we report on the reproductive biology of a branching poritid species provisionally identified as Porites cf. cylindrica in the Bolinao‐Anda reef complex (BARC), northwestern Philippines. Histological examination and ex situ planulation observations reveal P.cf. cylindrica colonies to be gonochoric brooders that release actively swimming zooxanthellate larvae. Planulation appeared to occur throughout the year and there was significant lunar periodicity in planular release. The mean peak of release occurred from the 25th to 29th lunar day or just before the new moon, while peak in diel timing in planulation occurred during daytime between 08:00–11:00 h. Elsewhere in the Pacific, Porites cylindrica colonies are reported to broadcast spawn. If our species identification is correct, then this is the first report of brooding in P. cylindrica. Although there are no apparent morphological differences between the coral in this study and P. cylindrica reported from other sites, an alternative explanation for our findings is that our provisionally identified Porites cf. cylindrica is a different species. If so, our findings further highlight how difficulties with species identification in corals can influence our understanding of geographical variation in reproductive biology.  相似文献   

Jaborosa integrifolia exhibits stigma-height polymorphism. There are individuals with flowers where anthers and stigma are at the same height but the rule is variable herkogamy, the most common type (75%) being that with an exerted stigma. Self- and cross-tubes did not differ in their capability to reach the ovary (t = –0.67,P < 0.53); they had a high growth rate (6.95 ± 2.28 mm h–1). There is not autogamy but mostly self-incompatibility. Fruits from controlled cross-pollination showed the highest seed set and seed viability. The nectar sugar is characterized by a similar amount of glucose and fructose, and by the absence of sucrose. Although nectar secretion was continuous throughout the life of the flower, most nectar was secreted during the first 24 h after flower opening. Nectar production costs appear to be lower than in other species since nectar secretion is neither inhibited after a removal (i.e. a pollinator visit) nor reabsorbed as the flower ages. Sphingids visit the flowers mainly after midnight. They insert their proboscis down to the base of the corolla tube to reach the nectar. The upper limit to fruit production is set by pollinator visits. Fruits produced from open-pollinated flowers are often predated by numerous larvae (mainly lepidopteran ones). Considering that this species is mostly self-incompatible and pollination is limited, that each plant displays only a low number of flowers throughout the flowering season, and that there is a high rate of fruit predation, it is not surprising that fruits ofJ. integrifolia are so rare.  相似文献   

Some carabid species are not restricted to a single habitat only, but use various types of habitats. In these species, relatively little is known about the utilization of occupied habitats and factors affecting their movement within these habitats. In this study, we focus on the movement activity of ubiquitous Carabus ullrichii during its reproductive period at the border of two types of habitats, a meadow and a forest. We tracked 21 adult individuals using radio telemetry and recorded in total 1,687 position fixes. Movement activity was associated with the type of habitat and specific environmental conditions such as time of the day and air temperature. Both sexes activated preferably at dusk and during the night, although males were most active at temperatures around 15°C, while females showed no preference for temperature. Males were able to walk as fast as females, but they were more associated with forest edge. We assume that the inner edge of the forest could be used as a mating site and after mating males stay there and wait for new females with which to mate, while fertilized females disperse into the surroundings. They moved further into the closed forest where they were likely looking for oviposition sites and food resources to support reproduction. Exclusively females were recorded to visit the meadow at a greater distance from the forest edge and their movements there were almost always direct.  相似文献   

Optimal defence theory (ODT) attempts to explain variation in plant secondary compounds between different species, different growth conditions and different parts of individual plants. The theory is widely applied to vascular plants and more recently also to seaweeds. Surprisingly, ODT has gained little attention as potential explanation on the distribution of lichen secondary metabolites. In the present study, we analysed intrathalline variation in total phenol content and phenol spectra between reproductive and somatic structures of three foliose lichens, Xanthoria parietina , Vulpicida pinastri and Hypogymnia physodes . The results showed that the concentration of phenolic compounds is higher in sorediate than in non-sorediate lobe ends of V. pinastri and H. physodes as well as in apothecia of X. parietina compared to other parts of the thallus. These results were in accordance with ODT predicting higher allocation of phenols in structures that are most important for the fitness of an individual genet or ramet. This pattern was parallel in all species regardless whether the compounds originate from either acetate-mevalonate or shikimic acid pathways. Moreover, both sexual ( X. parietina apothecia) and asexual (soralia of V. pinastri and H. physodes ) reproductive structures were higher in phenols compared to somatic tissue.  相似文献   

Heterostylous reproductive systems are usually absent on oceanic island. Self-compatibility would, generally, be advantageous for long-distance dispersing species, as it provides reproductive assurance when density of mates is low. The heterostylous reproductive system, often associated with an incompatibility system, may be a constraint on the colonization of remote habitats. It is, therefore, surprising that the distylous shrub Waltheria ovata has colonized all of the Galápagos Islands, situated more than a thousand kilometres off the shore of Ecuador. The present study confirmed the reciprocal herkogamy of W. ovata. A comparison of mainland and the Galápagos Island populations showed a reduction in flower size, including distance between anthers and stigmas and size of anthers on the islands. Some reductions are quite large but not significantly different, mainly due to a high degree of variation among populations on the islands. The pin morph of W. ovata has undergone the most radical adaptive changes in morphology. Pollination experiments of W. ovata disclosed a leak in the incompatibility system on the Galápagos Islands, allowing higher selfing rates as well as intra-morph seed set compared to the mainland populations. This was most pronounced in the thrum morph. The deficient distylous reproductive system may be an adaptation to a pollinator and mate sparse environment on the Galápagos Islands. We conclude that the heterostylous mating system has changed in response to colonization of the Galápagos Islands, giving room for reproductive assurance by seed set after selfings and intra-morph pollinations.  相似文献   


Stichopus chloronotus (Brandt, 1835) is one among nine aspidochirotide holothurian species known to reproduce both sexually by broadcast spawning and asexually by transverse fission. New data on the sexual cycle of this species in La Réunion are presented here and information available on sexual and asexual reproduction in this species is summarised. Sexual reproduction on La Réunion shows a distinct seasonality with a main spawning period in the warm season (November-February). The spawning period the Great Barrier Reef appears to be at the same time. Some intriguing deviations from unity in sex-ratio, usually biased towards more male individuals, have been observed in both geographic regions (sex ratio at La Reunion 31:1). New data on the asexual reproduction of this species in La Réunion confirm the high rates of fission. The peak of asexual reproduction in both the Indian and Pacific Ocean was observed in winter (June-July). Thus, asexual reproduction in this species occurs outside the season for sexual reproduction. The rate of asexual reproduction appears to vary between sample locations. However, results of population genetic studies on S. chloronotus (Uthicke et al., 1999; Uthicke et al., 2001) indicated that in most populations investigated a maximum of about 60% of all individuals may be derived from sexual recruitment. Cluster analyses on genetic distances between populations grouped populations within Oceans together, with the exception of one sample from a nearshore reef of the GBR. Although genetic differences between the two regions exist, these are relatively small regarding the large geographic distance. We conclude that asexual reproduction in S. chloronotus is important to maintain local population sizes, but that larval exchange between populations mediated by sexual reproduction is important for colonisation of new areas and to provide connectivity between populations. Here, we present the first synthesis of these phenomena for a holothurian species.  相似文献   

The behavioural determinants of male mating success play a pivotal role in sexual selection, but remain poorly known for most kinds of organisms, including most reptiles. In Manitoba, Canada, large numbers of red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, court and mate in early spring near communal overwintering dens. To understand how a male's morphology and behaviour might influence his mating success, we videotaped 21 groups of snakes each comprising four males of varying body sizes plus a female. All males engaged in courtship, and mating occurred in all groups. Males with better body condition courted more vigorously and successfully than their smaller rivals did. The males that obtained matings were those that maintained their own cloaca closest to that of the female, aligned most of their body with the female, showed high rates of caudocephalic waving, chin pressing and tail searching, and did not allow other males to insert their body beside the female's. These behavioural differences between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ were apparent from the beginning of each trial. Thus, male mating success in this ‘scramble’ system is determined not by chaotic, stochastic struggle (as has often been inferred) but instead is strongly linked to male courtship tactics. Energy stores (as evidenced by good body condition) may be critical determinants of mating success in these vigorous courtship episodes.  相似文献   

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