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The Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus is a waterbird commonly found in saline and brackish lagoons throughout the Mediterranean Region. We have gathered existing data on Greater Flamingos in Turkey and carried out field surveys to present the most up to date information on wintering (1999–2014) and breeding (1969– 2014). The wintering population of flamingos shows an increasing trend with 54,947±20,794 individuals mainly concentrated in the Gediz, Büyük Menderes and Çukurova deltas, respectively. Breeding attempts were recorded in at least seven wetlands in Turkey in the past, yet after 1999 most of the colonies were abandoned due to basin scale intensive water management practices in Central Anatolia. Currently, only Tuz Lake and Gediz Delta are used as regular breeding sites, while breeding has been recorded sporadically in Ac?göl and Ak?ehir Lakes. The breeding colony of Tuz Lake is of prime importance at the Mediterranean scale, with the number of young chicks in 2011, 2012 and 2013 accounting for the highest number of fledglings in the Mediterranean Region and West Africa (18,418, 20,274 and 20,292 respectively). Finally, building upon the previous findings about Turkey and the western Mediterranean metapopulation links, recent resightings of Turkish flamingos (despite the limited numbers) confirm post-fledging and natal dispersal reaching the western Mediterranean Basin and West Africa. Flamingos from Turkey were also found to disperse to Israel and to a region outside the known flyways of the western Mediterranean and West African flamingos (i.e. to Israel and UAE). Thus, Turkey, due to its geographic position, appears to be a crossroad between the western and eastern Mediterranean Region and southwest Asia.  相似文献   

Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) monitoring was undertaken in the United Arab Emirates from 2003 to 2015 at 36 permanent sites to find key wintering and breeding sites. Bul Syayeef Marine Protected Area with monthly mean of 6553 (±3594) flamingos followed by Al Wathba Wetland Reserve with 1228 (±1190) flamingos topped the list. In addition, Shahama Wetland and Al Aryam Mudflats in Abu Dhabi Emirate form a complex of four nearby sites that hold the majority of nearly 15,000–20,000 birds wintering in the country. Lagoons (Khors) in the northern emirates are the other key wintering sites, that suffer habitat destruction and high disturbance. Breeding has been sporadic and infrequent since the first breeding attempt in 1993. Greater Flamingos have bred successfully only in the Abu Dhabi Emirate on 10 occasions at three sites with the highest eight breeding attempts at Al Wathba and one each at Shahama and Bul Syayeef. A total of 1,972 young have fledged with a high overall breeding success of 43%. The highest number of 801 young fledged at Bul Syayeef in 2009 followed by 420 at Al Wathba in 2015 and 350 at Shahama in 2007. Successful breeding occurred both in summer and winter seasons, breeding attempts were more (58%) in summer compared to winter. Flamingos have bred regularly at Al Wathba Wetland Reserve since 2011, this was made possible due to the provision of an artificial island to aid nesting and better control of predators. Breeding is successful at sites that maintain higher bird numbers and are free from disturbance.  相似文献   

Predicting how bird populations may respond to climate change is a major challenge which could be addressed by understanding how past environmental processes have driven the variations of breeding population size and productivity. In inhabited regions, this issue may be complicated by the interference associated with heterogeneous levels of habitat management. Here, we have explored how several hydrological variables influenced the breeding of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in the Camargue (Rhone delta, southern France) over a 28‐year period (1974–2001). In this region, Flamingos breed in a commercial salt pan. They forage in both salt pans and adjacent brackish lagoons. We hypothesized that breeding numbers, productivity and body condition of chicks at fledging were influenced positively by water levels of the Vaccares, the main lagoon of the delta, in spring (water and food availability) and the Rhone discharge in winter (nutrient availability in the salt pans). We controlled for variations of the flooding date of the breeding salt pan by the salt company and the size of the breeding island. We first found the Vaccares water levels and Rhone discharge to be negatively correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Secondly, the number of Flamingo breeding pairs (range 3560–22 200) increased by 1767 ± 1418 (95% CI) with a 10‐day advance of the flooding date of the breeding salt pan and by 1146 ± 1081 per 10‐cm water level rise in the Vaccares. Productivity was 0.46 ± 0.41 chicks per pair and could not be explained by any of the variables considered. Finally, chick body condition decreased with the number of breeding pairs and Rhone discharge. Our results show that (1) this intensely managed system remains sensitive to large‐scale climate variations, (2) the breeding of the Greater Flamingo is affected by both climate variations and management of the salt pan, and (3) the expected enhancement of delta productivity by high river discharge was absent, probably prevented by dykes and embankments along the river. The response of bird populations to climate variations can thus be complex in intensely managed biological systems as found in the Mediterranean. We encourage pursuing such analyses incorporating anthropogenic variables explicitly in order to expand our capacity to make inference on the future of these systems.  相似文献   

白鹤(Leucogeranus Leucogeranus)是国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,唯一一种极度濒危(CR)鹤类,分布和种群数量是评估其濒危程度的重要参数。无人机调查作为目前生态学研究的一个重要调查方法,为查明白鹤的越冬分布、种群数量及幼鸟比例,于2022年1月使用地面监测结合无人机调查的方法在江西、山东、安徽、湖南、湖北等地的湖泊和农田中开展越冬白鹤调查。野外调查共记录白鹤5607只,网络信息检索在调查区域外的8个地点记录白鹤9只,合计记录越冬白鹤5616只。其中江西鄱阳湖记录到越冬白鹤4813只,占总数的85.7%,主要分布在康山垦殖场、五星垦殖场和成新垦殖场;山东黄河三角洲记录到越冬白鹤625只,占总数的11.1%。安徽、湖南、湖北分别记录到越冬白鹤34,63和72只。对部分群体的白鹤幼鸟数量进行统计,4680只白鹤中,记录到幼鸟674只,幼鸟比例为14.4%,其中湖南越冬白鹤幼鸟比例最高,达28.6%,山东越冬白鹤幼鸟比例最低,为11.5%。调查刷新了白鹤种群数量,证实了山东黄河三角洲是目前除江西鄱阳湖外最重要的白鹤越冬地,缓解了白鹤越冬期过度集中的压力。基于本研究结果,我们...  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of the functional response of predators to prey density is essential for understanding food web dynamics, to parameterize mechanistic models of animal responses to environmental change, and for designing appropriate conservation measures. Greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus), a flagship species of Mediterranean wetlands, primarily feed on Artemias (Artemia spp.) in commercial salt pans, an industry which may collapse for economic reasons. Flamingos also feed on alternative prey such as Chironomid larvae (e.g., Chironomid spp.) and rice seeds (Oryza sativa). However, the profitability of these food items for flamingos remains unknown. We determined the functional responses of flamingos feeding on Artemias, Chironomids, or rice. Experiments were conducted on 11 captive flamingos. For each food item, we offered different ranges of food densities, up to 13 times natural abundance. Video footage allowed estimating intake rates. Contrary to theoretical predictions for filter feeders, intake rates did not increase linearly with increasing food density (type I). Intake rates rather increased asymptotically with increasing food density (type II) or followed a sigmoid shape (type III). Hence, flamingos were not able to ingest food in direct proportion to their abundance, possibly because of unique bill structure resulting in limited filtering capabilities. Overall, flamingos foraged more efficiently on Artemias. When feeding on Chironomids, birds had lower instantaneous rates of food discovery and required more time to extract food from the sediment and ingest it, than when filtering Artemias from the water column. However, feeding on rice was energetically more profitable for flamingos than feeding on Artemias or Chironomids, explaining their attraction for rice fields. Crucially, we found that food densities required for flamingos to reach asymptotic intake rates are rarely met under natural conditions. This allows us to predict an immediate negative effect of any decrease in prey density upon flamingo foraging performance.  相似文献   

Despite the fundamental dependence of human populations on water resources, a range of anthropogenic impacts, in particular the removal of riparian vegetation, threaten freshwater environments. One of the most effective means of evaluating the effects of anthropogenic disturbance in aquatic ecosystems is the use of bioindicators, and the insects of the order Odonata are among the most efficient indicators, due to their enormous sensitivity to environmental changes. In this context, the present study aimed to verify which parameters of the odonate community (species richness, abundance/biomass, composition, taxonomic diversity and taxonomic/phylogenetic distinctness) are most effective for the evaluation of the loss of environmental integrity. The study focused on 50 streams in the northeast of the Brazilian state of Pará. The streams were sampled during the dry season, between June and August 2011. The physical characteristics of each stream were evaluated using a Habitat Integrity Index (HII). The species composition provided the best parameter for the evaluation of ecological integrity, providing a relatively accurate assessment at a lower mean research cost than other parameters. Taxonomic diversity and distinctness also provided relatively reliable results, contributed additional information on the evolutionary relationships among the odonate taxa, and also provided a low-cost approach. Deconstructing communities is necessary to detect impacts, considering the considerable variation in the environmental requirements of the different species. Overall, the parameter that best responded to gradients of disturbance was species composition, followed by diversity and taxonomic distinctness. Given these findings, odonate-based biomonitoring should focus on these parameters to guarantee the optimal detection and evaluation of habitat alterations.  相似文献   

Fine-scale structures of intact modern and fossil coralline skeletons were analysed to determine alteration to secondary cements and phases using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). EBSD analysis revealed secondary aragonite cements in endolithic borings in the modern skeleton and whole dissepiments of the fossil skeleton replaced by calcite, despite X-ray diffraction (XRD) bulk analysis of the general area suggesting only aragonite was present. Non-destructive, in situ screening of coral samples by EBSD analysis provides a valuable tool for assessing the extent of alteration and can determine which areas may produce more reliable climate proxy data. Communicated by Geology Editor Dr. Bernhard Riegl  相似文献   

Primary human hepatocytes were immortalized by stable transfection with a recombinant plasmid containing the early region of simian virus (SV) 40. The cells were cultured in serum-free, hormonally defined medium during the immortalization procedure. Foci of dividing cells were seen after 3 months. Albumin- and fibrinogen-secreting cells were selected and cloned by limiting dilution to obtain homologous cell populations. The established IHH (immortalized human hepatocyte) cell lines were evaluated for their usefulness in studying the regulation of cell growth and of certain differentiated hepatocyte functions.IHH cells retain several differentiated features of normal hepatocytes. They display albumin secretion at a level comparable to cultured primary human hepatocytes (30 µg albumin/ml per day). A portion of the IHH cells are polarized, forming bile canaliculi-like vacuoles where exogeneous organic anions accumulate. The multidrug resistance (MDR) P-glycoprotein, known to be localized at the canalicular membrane, is also present in these vacuoles. The polarized features allowed the use of IHH cells for the study of localization of the newly characterized multidrug resistance protein MRP1. The homologues of MRP were found in hepatocytes, MRP1 and MRP2 (cMOAT), both functioning in ATP-dependent excretion of anionic conjugates. In differentiated hepatocytes, MRP1 expression is extremely low. In contrast, MRP1 is highly expressed in proliferating IHH cells, where it is localized in lateral membranes. A highly differentiated feature of short-term cultured primary hepatocytes which is not detectable in IHH cells is active uptake of the bile salt taurocholate. Furthermore, IHH cells secrete triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoproteins, apolipoprotein B (0.6 µg/ml per day), and apolipoprotein A-I (1 µg/ml per day). However, they secrete apoB-containing TG-rich lipoproteins mainly in the LDL density range, while short-term cultured primary hepatocytes mainly secrete TG-rich lipoproteins in the VLDL density range.In conclusion, functions that are rapidly lost in short-term hepatocyte cultures are, in general, not displayed by IHH cells. Immortalized human hepatocytes provide a valuable tool for studying the regulation of hepatocyte proliferation-related phenomena.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen are largely studied to obtain information about the atmospheric content of natural allergens. Aerobiological monitoring networks have been established to provide reliable data that facilitate the timely initiation of preventive actions aimed at minimizing allergic symptoms. Airborne pollen are usually identified and counted using an optical microscope, but as such procedures are extremely time-consuming, more expedient options are being explored. We have assessed the potential of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy as an alternative method for the rapid and reliable identification of allergenic pollen using six well-known allergenic pollen taxa and obtaining the respective FT-IR spectra. In doing this, a first IR spectral library has been created. The spectra of unknown pollen were compared to those of the reference library, and two pollen taxa of a mixed sample were identified.  相似文献   

Seaman ME  Peirce SM  Kelly K 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20807
Quantification of microvascular network structure is important in a myriad of emerging research fields including microvessel remodeling in response to ischemia and drug therapy, tumor angiogenesis, and retinopathy. To mitigate analyst-specific variation in measurements and to ensure that measurements represent actual changes in vessel network structure and morphology, a reliable and automatic tool for quantifying microvascular network architecture is needed. Moreover, an analysis tool capable of acquiring and processing large data sets will facilitate advanced computational analysis and simulation of microvascular growth and remodeling processes and enable more high throughput discovery. To this end, we have produced an automatic and rapid vessel detection and quantification system using a MATLAB graphical user interface (GUI) that vastly reduces time spent on analysis and greatly increases repeatability. Analysis yields numerical measures of vessel volume fraction, vessel length density, fractal dimension (a measure of tortuosity), and radii of murine vascular networks. Because our GUI is open sourced to all, it can be easily modified to measure parameters such as percent coverage of non-endothelial cells, number of loops in a vascular bed, amount of perfusion and two-dimensional branch angle. Importantly, the GUI is compatible with standard fluorescent staining and imaging protocols, but also has utility analyzing brightfield vascular images, obtained, for example, in dorsal skinfold chambers. A manually measured image can be typically completed in 20 minutes to 1 hour. In stark comparison, using our GUI, image analysis time is reduced to around 1 minute. This drastic reduction in analysis time coupled with increased repeatability makes this tool valuable for all vessel research especially those requiring rapid and reproducible results, such as anti-angiogenic drug screening.  相似文献   

Geometric morphometric techniques were employed to assess the diversity of lip shapes (305 samples from 83 populations) in flowers of European Russian Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae). We found significant agreement between the results from geometric morphometrics, classic morphometrics and the distribution of certain nuclear DNA markers. The lip shapes from Arctic Dactylorhiza samples occupied an intermediate position between D. maculata and D. fuchsii samples from Central Russia, supporting a hybrid origin of 'northern tetraploids'. Lip shapes of the taxonomically controversial allotetraploid D. baltica were found to form a distinct group, with members having definite relationships with diploid D. incarnata samples from the same localities, indicating either their local origin or introgression with D. incarnata . In addition to demonstrating the value of geometric morphometric methods in studies of plant taxonomy and hybridization, we suggest future applications designed to explore pollinator-driven directional selection, developmental constraints and fluctuating asymmetry.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 1–12.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of geometric morphometrics for describing the body shape of fish larvae and juveniles, and identifying them to species, in comparison with traditional linear measurements. Species of emperor fishes (Perciformes: Lethrinidae, genus Lethrinus) were chosen as the model group, as the late larval and early juvenile stages in this genus are particularly difficult to identify. Forty‐five individuals of different species of Lethrinus were collected from the south‐western lagoon of New Caledonia between May 2005 and March 2006. The individuals were first identified to species by their partial cytochrome‐b gene sequence. They were then morphologically characterized using eight linear measurements and 23 landmarks recorded on digital photographs. Except for a small proportion of individuals, geometric morphometrics gave better results to distinguish the different species than linear measurements. A ‘leave one out’ approach confirmed the nearly total discrimination of recently settled Lethrinus genivittatus and Lethrinus nebulosus, whereas traditional identification keys failed to distinguish them. Therefore, geometric morphometrics is a promising tool for identifying fish larvae and juveniles to species. An effective approach would require building image databases of voucher specimens associated with their DNA barcodes. These images could be downloaded by the operator and processed with the specimens to be identified.  相似文献   

We use data from three social groups of badgers (Meles meles) to illustrate how faecal DNA genotyping could be used in scent-marking studies. Faecal samples collected from latrines were genotyped to determine the individual identity and sex of badgers engaging in territorial behaviour and the frequency with which those individuals defecated at particular latrines. The method is potentially applicable to other species of carnivores that use latrines to mark their territories.  相似文献   

A new method for intermolecular cross-linking or bridging of protein has been proposed. The method is based on the spontaneous chelate formation process involving three components, salicylaldehyde, alpha-amino acid residue and copper(II). Reliability of the process as a tool for protein cross-linking was evaluated by chromatographic procedures. Behavior of salicylaldehyde in a column packed with Sepharose attached alpha-amino acid residue showed that salicylaldehyde was bound tightly to the gel in the presence of copper(II) ion and was eluted by the addition of EDTA. The association was shown strong enough to be applied for the purpose of cross-linking of proteins. It was also proved that BSA salicylaldehyde conjugate was immobilized specifically to the column, and the process was reversed by the addition of EDTA as well. The method is proposed to be useful not only for immobilization of enzyme but also for cross-linking of proteins since the method is free from unexpected random coupling products which are unavoidable with bifunctional cross-linking reagents.  相似文献   

Abstract Regurgitated pellets were collected from underneath roosts of rainbow bee-eaters in suburban Darwin, Australia, and examined for the presence of wings of honeybees. The proportion of pellets containing wings was compared prior to and after placement or removal of honeybee hives in the vicinity of four roosts. On each occasion, the addition or removal of hives was reflected in proportions of pellets containing wings. The results suggest that examination of pellets beneath bee-eater roosts would be a useful technique for monitoring the occurrence of feral honeybees. Potential uses for this technique in eradication of unwanted bees are discussed.  相似文献   

One flavone-C-glycoside and two flavonol-O-glycosides were recognized and isolated as the main flavonoidal components in nine different carnation cultivars, and their chemical structures have been determined by spectroscopic methods, including UV detection, MS and NMR. The distribution of these three compounds in flowers, leaves, stems, young sprouts, and roots of each cultivar was evaluated by a simple HPLC-UV method: the graphic representation of their content in the different tissues allows to identify and characterize unambiguously each considered carnation cultivar. The presented method could be an easy, inexpensive and reliable tool for carnation cultivar discrimination.  相似文献   

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