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Many fish species have evolved feeding mechanisms and behaviours enabling them to feed on specific prey. However, such mechanisms may not be optimal for feeding on commercial-pelleted diets in aquaculture. Gilthead sea bream chew and occasionally eject pellets or parts of pellets from the mouth when feeding on commercial diets. This may result in an increase in nutritional waste from the intensive culture of this species. In this study we examined the prevalence of this food processing behaviour in two sizes of sea bream, feeding on three types of natural prey items in comparison to a commercial pellet, to give an insight into the circumstances in which excess chewing and ejection of food items from the mouth occurred. These included two hard-textured food items (commercial pellet and hard-shelled prey) and two soft-textured food items (larvae and small crustacean). Both sizes of sea bream frequently consumed the soft-textured food types, however large sea bream also frequently consumed hard-textured pellets. Hard-textured food required longer handling times and elicited more chewing and the ejection of food items from the mouth. These results suggest that future investigations on the food processing behaviour and consequent waste when fed commercial diets differing in texture could give an insight into improving diets and feeding efficiency for intensively cultivated gilthead sea bream.  相似文献   

Reproduction in most fish is typically a seasonal process, as spawning takes place usually at a given time of the year, depending on the reproduction strategy of the species, to ensure maximal survival of offspring. Nevertheless, fish reproduction cannot be considered an exclusively annual phenomenon, because spawning may also show daily rhythmicity. In this study, we investigated the existence of a daily spawning rhythm in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L) exposed to different light‐dark (LD) cycles and at different times of the year using an automatic and programmable egg collector. Floatability and fertilization rates were analyzed at different times throughout the 24 h. The results showed a daily spawning rhythm with spanning occurring from 14:30 to 21:30 h, with the acrophase (peak time) being 18:29 and 18:08 h in fish exposed to an artificial photoperiod of 9L∶15D in winter and in spring, respectively. Nevertheless, in fish exposed to a natural photoperiod of 12L∶12D in spring, the acrophase of the rhythm was recorded later, at 21:28 h. The average fertilization rate was 87%, and no significant differences were found between the different hours of spawning. Moreover, when the LD cycle (9L∶15D) was shifted by 12 h, the daily spawning rhythm gradually re‐synchronized, resuming a stable phase‐relationship after 4–5 transient days, which is characteristic of a endogenous circadian rhythm. Our results clearly demonstrated the existence of a 24 h period of spawning in gilthead sea bream, with a peak anticipating the forthcoming night, and its capacity to gradually re‐synchronize after a 12 h shift in the LD cycle, pointing to the endogenous nature of this rhythm. These findings will be valuable for better understanding the reproductive physiology of this species and for optimizing the protocols of egg collection and larvae production in aquaculture. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

A long-term epidemiological study of Cryptosporidium molnari in aquacultured European sea bass (ESB) and gilthead sea bream (GSB) was performed in different types of facilities on the Atlantic, Cantabric, and Mediterranean coasts. Four types of studies were carried out. In study A, fish raised from juveniles to marketable size (ongrowing stage) were periodically sampled in three different types of cultures. Studies B and C focused on hatchery and nursery facilities. In study D, occasional samplings were performed during mortality or morbidity outbreaks. As a general trend, C. molnari was more prevalent in GSB than in ESB. Data on the distribution pattern of C. molnari in total sampled GSB (studies A, B, and D) had a variance higher than the mean (overdispersion). In GSB (study A), the type of ongrowing system (sea cages, earth ponds, or indoor tanks) was found to have no significant effect. There was a significant relationship between the presence of the parasite and both fish weight and season. The highest infection values were recorded in spring. Prevalence and intensity had convex weight profiles, with a peak in 30- to 100-g fish. In study D, the prevalence of infection was higher in fish recently introduced in sea cages and in preongrowing systems. In studies B and C, fish were almost never infected before entering the postlarval and nursery facilities. The parasite seems to enter the host mainly through the water in production steps with less stringent water treatment. Recirculation systems and fish cannibalism could contribute to oocyst concentration and dispersion in aquaculture facilities.  相似文献   

In transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), a group of fatal neurodegenerative disorders affecting many species, the key event in disease pathogenesis is the accumulation of an abnormal conformational isoform (PrPSc) of the host-encoded cellular prion protein (PrPC). While the precise mechanism of the PrPC to PrPSc conversion is not understood, it is clear that host PrPC expression is a prerequisite for effective infectious prion propagation. Although there have been many studies on TSEs in mammalian species, little is known about TSE pathogenesis in fish. Here we show that while gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) orally challenged with brain homogenates prepared either from a BSE infected cow or from scrapie infected sheep developed no clinical prion disease, the brains of TSE-fed fish sampled two years after challenge did show signs of neurodegeneration and accumulation of deposits that reacted positively with antibodies raised against sea bream PrP. The control groups, fed with brains from uninfected animals, showed no such signs. Remarkably, the deposits developed much more rapidly and extensively in fish inoculated with BSE-infected material than in the ones challenged with the scrapie-infected brain homogenate, with numerous deposits being proteinase K-resistant. These plaque-like aggregates exhibited congophilia and birefringence in polarized light, consistent with an amyloid-like component. The neurodegeneration and abnormal deposition in the brains of fish challenged with prion, especially BSE, raises concerns about the potential risk to public health. As fish aquaculture is an economically important industry providing high protein nutrition for humans and other mammalian species, the prospect of farmed fish being contaminated with infectious mammalian PrPSc, or of a prion disease developing in farmed fish is alarming and requires further evaluation.  相似文献   

The in vivo and in vitro pathogenic activities of whole cells and extracellular products of Vibrio alginolyticus for cultured gilt-head sea bream were evaluated. The 50% lethal doses ranged from 5.4 × 104 to 1.0 × 106 CFU/g of body weight. The strains examined had the ability to adhere to skin, gill, and intestinal mucus of sea bream and to cultured cells of a chinook salmon embryo cell line. In addition, the in vitro ability of V. alginolyticus to adhere to mucus and skin cells of sea bream was demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. The biological activities of extracellular products of V. alginolyticus were hydrolytic activities; the products were able to degrade sea bream mucus. V. alginolyticus was cytotoxic for fish cell lines and lethal for sea bream. Moreover, the extracellular products could degrade sea bream tissues. However, experiments performed with the bath immersion inoculation technique demonstrated that V. alginolyticus should be considered a pathogen for sea bream only when the mucus layer is removed and the skin is damaged.  相似文献   

Vibrio anguillarum and Vibrio alginolyticus exhibited significant adhesion to and chemotactic abilities towards mucus collected from the skin, gills, and intestine of gilt-head sea bream. Quadratic polynomial models for chemotaxis designed to estimate the influence of temperature demonstrated a differential bacterial chemotaxis depending of the source of the mucus, with the chemotaxis towards intestinal mucus being the least influenced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The ultrastructure of the developmental stages of the myxozoan Enteromyxum leei parasitizing gilthead seabream ( Sparus aurata ) intestine and sharpsnout sea bream ( Diplodus puntazzo ) intestine and gallbladder are described. The earliest stage observed was a small dense trophozoite located among enterocytes. Proliferative stages, observed intercellularly in the epithelium of the intestine and gallbladder as well as in the lumen, possessed the typical cell-in-cell configuration throughout their development. Secondary cells were seen undergoing division within a common vacuolar membrane that also encompassed pairs of tertiary cells. Cytochemical studies showed that primary cells stored mainly lipids whereas secondary cells stored abundant β-glycogen granules. Sporogonic development resembled that described for other disporous myxozoans. Within sporogonic stages, nonsporogonic secondary cells were observed accompanying two developing spores. Mature spores had a binucleated sporoplasm in which glycogen stores were abundant and no sporoplasmosomes were found. Our observations are discussed in relation to our knowledge on other myxozoans of the genus Enteromyxum .  相似文献   

Inulin, a fructooligossacharide, is a prebiotic that plays an important role in the immune function in mammals, but it has never been assayed in other vertebrate groups. Thus, we have studied the inulin effects on the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) innate immune response both in vitro and in vivo. For the in vitro study, head-kidney leucocytes were incubated with inulin (ranging from 0 to 1000 microg ml(-1)) for 30, 90, 180 and 300 min and 24h and any effect was observed on leucocyte viability or the main innate cellular immune responses (leucocyte peroxidase, phagocytic, respiratory burst and natural cytotoxic activities). For the in vivo study, seabream specimens were fed for 1 or 2 weeks with a commercial diet supplemented with inulin: 0 (control), 5 or 10 g inulin kg(-1) diet (0.5 and 1%, respectively). Inulin produced a significant inhibition in phagocytosis and respiratory burst in leucocytes from specimens fed diets containing 0.5% or 1% of inulin for 1 week. Based on the present results, inulin does not seem to be a good immunostimulant for seabream, though its effects in other species and combined with other immunostimulans (i.e. probiotics) might be of great interest.  相似文献   

A new myxosporean, Leptotheca sparidarum n. sp., is described from the trunk kidney of two sparid fish, Sparus aurata and Dentex dentex, in several culture facilities from the Western Mediterranean coasts. It is distinguished from all the previously described species by spore morphometrics. Spores with two equal polar capsules and one binucleated sporoplasm. Spore measurements from D. dentex were 5-7.1 micron long x 8.8-12.3 micron thick x 5.88-6.18 micron wide; polar capsules 2.6-3.5 micron in diam. Spore measurements from S. aurata were 5.1-8.24 micron long x 9.41-11.76 micron thick; polar capsules 2.4-3.2 micron in diam. No significant differences were detected between either host. Prevalence could reach 21.4% in D. dentex and 19% in some stock of S. aurata. Renal tubules were the typical site of infection, which was also found in ureters and glomeruli, but seldom in the epiepithelial position of the gut. Spores were formed in disporous sporoblasts, and spore maturation seemed to proceed from the host epithelium towards the lumen. Trophozoites were attached to the host epithelial cells of renal tubules by pseudopodial-like projections, which were inserted into gaps between epithelial cells. Also, cell junctions were observed between primary cells and between neighboring spores.  相似文献   

A comparative study of gastric evacuation rates (GERs) and digesta content, moisture and pH values along the gastrointestinal tract was performed between gilthead sea bream and European sea bass. In order to distinguish species-specific differences from diet-elicited effects, all parameters were determined under either a fishmeal diet or a carob seed germ meal diet that contained high levels of total and soluble non-starch polysaccharides. GERs were significantly different between species and they were not affected by diet. Similarly, species-specific patterns were revealed in the distribution of digesta and water content along the gastrointestinal tract. In sea bream, stomach digesta and water content decreased with time, whereas in sea bass stomach retained the highest digesta and water content throughout the sampling period. The anterior and distal intestine exhibited the lowest accommodating capacities of digesta and water in either species. Overall, sea bream performed stomach digestion at lower hydration levels and higher pH compared with sea bass. Diet affected stomach moisture in both species and pH of stomach digesta in sea bass and of all intestinal sections in sea bream. The results obtained indicated that water and inorganic ion exchanges through the gut may differentiate between the species and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Acid-soluble, undenatured, type I collagen (BSC) isolated, for the first time, from gilthead bream skin and the novel fabricated 3D porous wound dressing were analyzed for physicochemical and biological properties, in order to offer a safe alternative to commercial bovine collagen (BC) products. SDS-polyacrylamide analysis confirmed the purity of BSC preparation. The hydroxyproline content and temperature of denaturation of BSC were lower than those of BC, in accordance with the structural data recorded by FT-IR spectroscopy. However, certain concentrations of BSC stimulated the cell metabolism of L929 fibroblasts in a higher proportion than BC. The 3D wound dressing presented high porosity and low surface hydrophobicity that could help cell attachment and growth. The rapid biodegradation of BSC wound dressing could explain the improved in vitro cell migration and wound closure rate. In conclusion, the skin of gilthead bream from the Black Sea coast represented a valuable source for the biomedical industry, providing biocompatible, biodegradable collagen and 3D porous wound dressing, as novel material with enhanced wound healing activity.  相似文献   

Temperature variation affects the growth, maturation and distribution of fish species due to increasing constraints on physiological functions therefore, the aim of the present study is to evaluate effect of temperature on thermal tolerance and standard metabolic rate (SMR) of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). For this purpose, tolerable temperature ranges of juvenile gilthead seabream acclimated at 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C for 30 days were estimated using dynamic and static thermal methodologies. The SMRs of the fish were also determined based on oxygen consumption rate (OCR). The dynamic and static thermal tolerance zones of gilthead seabream were calculated as 737 °C2 and 500 °C2, respectively, with a resistance zone area of 155.5 °C2. The SMR of the fish at the above acclimation temperatures (AT) was determined as 138, 257, 510, and 797 mg O2 h−1 kg−1, respectively and were significantly different (P < 0.01, n = 10). The temperature quotient (Q10) in relation to the SMR of the fish was calculated as 3.45, 3.91, and 2.44 for acclimation temperature ranges of 15–20, 20–25, and 25–30 °C, respectively. The fact that the SMR increased with rising temperatures and then decreased gradually after 25 °C indicates that the temperature preference of juvenile gilthead seabream lies between 25 and 30 °C. This study shows that gilthead seabream tolerates a relatively narrow temperature range, and consequently, a low capacity for acclimatisation to survive in aquatic systems characterised by temperature variations.  相似文献   

The effects of the oral administration of heat-inactivated Lactobacillus delbrüeckii ssp. lactis and Bacillus subtilis, individually or combined, on gilthead seabream immune responses were investigated both systemically and locally in the gut. In a first experiment, seabream (65 g) were fed for 3 weeks different diets supplemented with 1 x 10(7)CFU g(-1)Lactobacillus, 1 x 10(7)CFU g(-1)Bacillus, or 0.5 x 10(7)CFU g(-1)Lactobacillus plus 0.5 x 10(7)CFU g(-1)Bacillus. Controls were fed non-supplemented diet. Six fish per group were sampled at the end of the trial and some humoral and cellular systemic innate immune parameters were evaluated. Feeding the mixture of the two killed bacteria species significantly increased natural complement, serum peroxidase and phagocytic activities compared with controls. In a second experiment, juvenile seabream (13 g) were fed for 3 weeks the same experimental diets and total serum IgM and numbers of gut IgM(+) cells and acidophilic granulocytes were evaluated. All these parameters were significantly higher in the multispecies probiotic group compared to monospecies and control fed groups. The advantages provided by administration of killed probiotic bacteria as well as multispecies versus monospecies formulations are discussed in light of the results obtained and for their possible application in aquacultural practices.  相似文献   

Dirar H. Nasr 《Hydrobiologia》1984,110(1):241-245
Plankton samples and gut contents of P. margaritifera were analysed monthly from April 1972 to March 1973. Coscinodiscus sp. was the most ingested food by pearl oysters of all ages. However, food variety increased as the oyster grew older. Experiments confirmed the absence of food selectivity in P. margaritifera. Unlike the young ones, the adult showed reduced growth during summer (July–September), which coincides with its spawning season.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new Myxosporea, Ceratomyxa sparusaurati n. sp., was found in the gall bladder and bile of cultured gilthead sea bream ( Sparus aurata L.) from different Spanish fish farms. It is clearly different from all the previously reported Ceratomyxa from sparids, and it is distinguished from other members of the genus by the shape and size of the spores. Prevalence of infection was 2.15% in an Atlantic farm, 48.7% in a Mediterranean farm and 28.6% in the facilities of the Instituto de Acuicultura de Torre de la Sal. The cell-in-a-cell pattern was found through all the sporogenesis and the general ultrastructure resembled other Myxosporea. Primary cells with two developing spores, harbored other secondary cells. Disporous sporoblasts contained numerous membrane-bound inclusions, a few lipid droplets and polysaccharides as evidenced by cytochemistry. In mature spores, binucleate sporoplasmic cells contained abundant Thièry-negative sporoplasmosomes.  相似文献   

This study presents data on inheritance of a darkened caudal peduncle (ebony) and yellow body coloration (yellow) in the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Fifteen progeny groups, obtained by crossing fish with three color phenotypes and of known origin, were analyzed. Analyzes of segregation in F1 progeny involving groups from parental crosses of wild‐type colored × wild‐type colored; ebony × ebony; yellow × yellow, showed that the parents produced the offspring only with the same phenotypes (true breeding). Crosses involving F1 wild‐type colored parents (that resulted from crosses of wild‐type parents with either ebony or yellow fish) showed in their F2 progeny groups of which their phenotypic segregations did not differ significantly from a 3 : 1 Mendelian ratio. The progeny of back‐cross of ebony × (F1 wild‐type colored × ebony) showed phenotypic segregations that did not differ significantly from the 1 : 1 Mendelian ratio. Overall, the results of the crossing experiments demonstrated that, similar to albinism described in a number of aquacultured species, ebony and yellow body coloration in S. aurata are both due to a single recessive allele. However, the yellow mutation of a gene controlling yellow pigment synthesis affects the yellow color of the whole fish body, whereas the ebony mutation causes production of melanin only in a specific area of the fish body, resulting in the development of a black coloration of the caudal peduncle. Experiments to assess culture performance showed that the color genes controlling ebony and yellow coloration had significant detrimental pleiotropic effects on growth, survival and body shape. Color mutations in the gilthead sea bream may be used as models for the study of: (i) genetic and physiological mechanisms of sterility, (ii) stress and disease resistance, (iii) effects of heterosis, (iv) genetic polymorphism in populations, and (v) methods of genetic protection in selected sea bream strains as well as in experiments on chromosome set manipulation.  相似文献   

The search for new sustainable aquafeeds for the species with greater economic importance, such as the gilthead sea bream in Europe, is one of the main challenges in the aquaculture sector. The present work tested fishmeal replacement by a mixture of plant meals at different levels, as well as the use of marine by-products with attractant properties and high-quality protein in high plant protein diets. In order to do that, effects on growth and biometric parameters, digestibility, amino acid retention, excreted ammonia and proteases and amylase activity were assessed, using six different diets: FM100 (100% of protein provided by fishmeal), FM50 (50% of replacement), FM25 (75% of replacement) and FM0 (100% of replacement), but also FM25+ (75% of replacement and 15% of squid and krill meal inclusion), and FM0+ (100% of replacement and 15% of squid and krill meal inclusion). In group FM0, a clear impact of dietary changes was observed on growth, survival and ammonia excretion. Amino acid retention in group FM0+ was also significantly affected, which can be explained by the limited content of certain amino acids in this diet. On the other hand, no significant differences were observed in most biometric parameters or in enzyme activity. In conclusion, complete fishmeal replacement can be achieved by using a mixture of plant-based sources, but supplementation with complementary marine ingredients can prevent detrimental effects on growth, survival, nutritional parameters and protein metabolism.  相似文献   

Teleost gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) consists of leucocyte populations located both intraepithelially and in the lamina propria with no structural organization. The present study aims to assess different protocols for the isolation of GALT cells from an important fish species in the Mediterranean aquaculture, the gilthead seabream. Mechanical, chemical and enzymatic treatments were assayed. Nylon wool columns and continuous density gradients were used for further separation of cell subpopulations. Light microscopy and flow cytometry showed that the highest density band (HD) consisted of a homogeneous lymphocytic population, whereas the intermediate density band (ID) corresponded to epithelial and secretory cells and some lymphocytes. Respiratory burst activity of total cell suspensions revealed very low numbers of potential phagocytic cells, reflecting results from light microscopy and reports in other teleost species. The present data set up the basis for future functional characterization of GALT in seabream.  相似文献   

Lack of operculum, a neurocranial deformity, is the most common external abnormality to be found among industrially produced gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.), and this entails significant financial losses. This study conducts, for the first time in this species, a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of the lack of operculum. A total of 142 individuals from a paternal half‐sibling family (six full‐sibling families) were selected for QTL mapping. They had previously shown a highly significant association with the prevalence of lack of operculum in a segregation analysis. All the fish were genotyped for 106 microsatellite markers using a set of multiplex PCRs (ReMsa1–ReMsa13). A linear regression methodology was used for the QTL analysis. Four QTL were detected for this deformity, two of which (QTLOP1 and QTLOP2) were significant. They were located at LG (linkage group) nine and LG10 respectively. Both QTL showed a large effect (about 27%), and furthermore, the association between lack of operculum and sire allelic segregation observed was statistically significant in the QTLOP1 analysis. These results represent a significant step towards including marker‐assisted selection for this deformity in genetic breeding programmes to reduce the incidence of the deformity in the species.  相似文献   

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