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Many fish species have evolved feeding mechanisms and behaviours enabling them to feed on specific prey. However, such mechanisms may not be optimal for feeding on commercial-pelleted diets in aquaculture. Gilthead sea bream chew and occasionally eject pellets or parts of pellets from the mouth when feeding on commercial diets. This may result in an increase in nutritional waste from the intensive culture of this species. In this study we examined the prevalence of this food processing behaviour in two sizes of sea bream, feeding on three types of natural prey items in comparison to a commercial pellet, to give an insight into the circumstances in which excess chewing and ejection of food items from the mouth occurred. These included two hard-textured food items (commercial pellet and hard-shelled prey) and two soft-textured food items (larvae and small crustacean). Both sizes of sea bream frequently consumed the soft-textured food types, however large sea bream also frequently consumed hard-textured pellets. Hard-textured food required longer handling times and elicited more chewing and the ejection of food items from the mouth. These results suggest that future investigations on the food processing behaviour and consequent waste when fed commercial diets differing in texture could give an insight into improving diets and feeding efficiency for intensively cultivated gilthead sea bream.  相似文献   

Although sympatric populations of sticklebacks occur commonly along the north-eastern coast of North America, very few studies have considered the interspecific relationships within such populations. This paper investigates prey selectivity, feeding behaviour and potential prey availability within sympatric populations from five brackish-water sites in New Brunswick. Differences between the diets of species from different sites were related to differences in the range of prey available. Fish collected from sites with abundant aquatic vegetation consumed greater numbers of prey than those from vegetation-poor sites. The proportions of prey types eaten by both adults and juveniles reflected prey species abundance at the different sites; thus shifts in diet over time were found to be related to changes in the abundance of potential prey and not to shifts in prey preference on the part of the fish. The size of prey consumed was related to mouth size; adult and juvenile Gasterosteus wheatlandi , having the smallest mouths, consumed the smallest prey. Differences in prey size detected in the four species studied were due to differences in the types of prey consumed. Laboratory experiments on feeding behaviour showed that adult Apeltes quadracus and Pungitius pungitius were more efficient at capturing benthic prey than were Gasterosteus aculeatus and G. wheatlandi. Competition for food is thought not to occur in these populations, because of the abundance of potential prey and the morphological constraints on feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Predation and food consumption of five deep‐sea fish species living below 1000 m depth in the western Mediterranean Sea were analysed to identify the feeding patterns and food requirements of a deep‐sea fish assemblage. A feeding rhythm was observed for Risso's smooth‐head Alepocephalus rostratus, Mediterranean grenadier Coryphaenoides mediterraeus and Mediterranean codling Lepidion lepidion. Differences in the patterns of the prey consumed suggest that feeding rhythms at such depths are linked with prey availability. The diets of those predators with feeding rhythms are based principally on active‐swimmer prey, including pelagic prey known to perform vertical migrations. The diets of Günther's grenadier Coryphaenoides guentheri and smallmouth spiny eel Polyacanthonotus rissoanus, which did not show any rhythm in their feeding patterns, are based mainly on benthic prey. Food consumption estimates were low (<1% of body wet mass day?1). Pelagic feeding species showing diel feeding rhythms consumed more food than benthic feeding species with no feeding rhythms.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市区越冬期长耳鸮的食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009~2011年间,利用食团分析法对乌鲁木齐市越冬长耳鸮(Asio otus)的食性进行分析。3年累计收集长耳鸮食团683份,辨认出1 132只猎物。分析结果表明,长耳鸮在冬季共捕食小型哺乳类6种,鸟类2种。小家鼠(Mus musculus)是最常见的食物,占总捕食量的53.45%。小型哺乳类是长耳鸮的主要食物,它在食物组成中出现的总频率为88.16%,以生物量计,小型哺乳类占食物构成的95.13%。长耳鸮的食物组成年度间差异显著,与当地猎物资源多样性和可获得性密切相关,表明长耳鸮可能采用机会主义者的捕食策略。  相似文献   

Synopsis Stomach content data from 32 species of Japanese butterflyfishes of the family Chaetodontidae were used to classify them into feeding groups and to determine their important food resources. Four major feeding groups were distinguished: (1) obligative coral feeders which prey exclusively or mostly on Scleractinian corals, (2) facultative coral feeders that take both corals and other benthic organisms, (3) noncoralline invertebrate feeders which consume benthic invertebrates other than corals, and (4) zooplankton feeders. Ten species representing 31% of the butterflyfishes belong to the first category. The second and third categories include 13 (41%) and 8 (25%) species, respectively. The fourth category is represented by only one species which picks individual zooplankters, especially calanoid copepods, in midwater above the reefs. Facultative coral feeders consumed varying quantities of scleractinians (from 2 to 74% of food volume), along with a variety of benthic organisms including algae, alcyonarians, sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, sponges, hydroids, etc. Noncoralline invertebrate feeders, on the other hand, tend to have low diversified diets, predominated by one prey item such as sea anemones, zoanthideans, polychaetes, or colonial ascidians. These dietary data suggest that scleractinian corals are the most important food resource for the Japanese butterflyfishes, and next important are sea anemones, sedentary polychaetes, alcyonarians, and algae.  相似文献   

The diets and feeding periodicities of two small, riffle-dwelling fish, the torrentfish, Cheimarrichthys fosteri , and the bluegilled bully, Gobiomorphus hubbsi , were investigated in an unstable, braided New Zealand river from May 1985 to April 1986. Aquatic insect larvae dominated diets of all fish and dietary overlap between species was high in 10 of 12 months. Nevertheless, the relative importance of prey items, as assessed by the index of relative importance (IRI), differed between species. Gobiomorphus hubbsi fed almost exclusively on larval Deleatidium (Ephemeroptera), whereas C. fosteri consumed a greater variety of prey items, with Deleatidium and trichopteran, elmid and chironomid larvae numerically dominant. A dietary switch from Deleatidium to chironomid larvae occurred in both species during December 1985, when total and relative abundances of mayfly and other benthic macroinvertebrate larvae were severely reduced by two consecutive floods. A diel sampling programme indicated that the feeding periodicity of the two species differed: C. fosteri was a nocturnal feeder, whereas G. hubbsi exhibited a strong crepuscular peak in feeding activity. Overall, the two fish partition their food resource weakly by consuming prey items in different proportions and sizes and more strongly by utilizing the food resource at different times.  相似文献   

Prey selection and growth efficiency of juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka switched between live prey and pelleted diets were investigated. First feeding sockeye salmon fry were placed into one of three dietary treatments for 7 months prior to assessing potential differences with a growth and a behavioural assay. Dietary treatments were (1) adult Artemia franciscana for 1 month, followed by pelleted feed for an additional 6 months ( Art − BD), (2) pelleted feed from first feeding for 7 months (BD) and (3) adult A. franciscana for 1 month, and a combination of pelleted feed and live adult A. franciscana for 6 months ( Art + BD). Equal numbers from each treatment group were then tagged, pooled into replicate 'common garden' tanks and fed novel live prey items ( Daphnia sp. and mosquito Culex pipiens larvae) for an additional 3 weeks. No significant differences in the growth efficiency of sockeye salmon were found during the 3 week feeding trial on the novel prey items. Additional sockeye salmon from each dietary treatment were used in a behavioural assay to determine if the treatments had an impact on foraging efficiency (prey selection or time to capture prey). No significant differences in prey selection were found among treatment groups in time to capture pellets, A. franciscana or mosquito larvae. Also, no significant differences were found within treatment groups in time to capture different food sources. No substantive benefits in foraging efficiency of sockeye salmon associated with prior exposure to live prey were demonstrated. This suggests that altering existing hatchery practices for juvenile sockeye salmon by offering live food prior to release is unlikely to influence post-hatchery feeding behaviour or increase post-release survival.  相似文献   

This study investigated the feed handling efficiency and size selectivity of four size groups of Penaeus subtilis fed three commercial feed particle sizes. Shrimp feeding behaviour was recorded with a video‐camera, installed below a glass aquarium, where one shrimp at a time was introduced and allowed to feed. A total of 163 specimens of P. subtilis were examined. Results indicated that over 59% of all food particles placed in the mouth by shrimp were completely or partially consumed, regardless of size. Large pellets however were less preferred than small ones. Manipulation capacity and capture success were also greater when shrimp were fed small particles. Shrimp size had no significant effect on manipulation efficiency, indicating that within the feed size range examined, food handling by juvenile shrimp was as efficient as adults. These results suggest that in aquaculture systems, the use of crumbles and broken pellets may be preferable to large pellets.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to document under both field and laboratory conditions the phenomenon of size-biased feeding by the Gila topminnow, Poeciliopsis occidentalis, and to shed light on the mechanisms responsible for this process. Adult female Gila topminnows feed in Monkey Spring, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, on a variety of food items, but Hyalella azteca is an important element of its invertebrate diet. The size of the amphipods ingested by female topminnows is a function of the size of the fish, with larger fish taking larger prey. There is also a strong preference for topminnows to select large amphipods from within the size limits imposed by the width of the mouth.The correlation between fish size and prey size was also seen in the laboratory, utilizing Daphnia similis and food pellets as prey. The tendency to select large prey from a range of available sizes was prominent with both Daphnia and pellets. The feeding period in the laboratory is characterized by two distinct phases. During the first phase, feeding is rapid and nonselective. As the feeding progresses, the rate of feeding drops dramatically and selectivity increases.More complex laboratory feeding experiments gave equivocal results. When fish were presented pellets of two sizes at different densities and at different ratios of small to large, size biased feeding was not clearly evident. Both predator and prey densities, agonistic behavior, and reaction distance should be explored more thoroughly as next steps in attempts to mimic feeding behavior in nature.Extracted from a Ph. D. thesis written by the junior author  相似文献   

In the highly eutrophic lake, Frederiksborg Slotssø, the diet composition of the bream (Abramis brama L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) populations was examined during three periods with different food availability. The length range of bream and roach was 9–34 cm (TL) and 5–18 cm (TL), respectively. The relative food composition was examined for 2 cm and 1 cm length intervals of bream and roach, respectively. During all three periods, bream shifted from benthic cladocerans (Alona sp.) to zooplankton and chironomids within a transitional length of 15.0–20.0 cm. These foodshifts were coupled with a change in feeding behaviour from particulate to filter feeding. The biomass of chironomids was too low to sustain the consumption of larger bream (>20.0 cm) which initiated feeding in the pelagic zone even in periods when the mean length and biomass of the preferred zooplankton, Daphnia cucullata, were low. In contrast to bream, roach fed mainly on zooplankton. With increasing size, roach progressively shifted to larger zooplankton species due to the increasing mesh size of their branchial system. The importance of benthic animals in the diet of roach was minor due to low feeding efficiency on prey buried in the sediment. Detritus appeared in the diet of bream and roach in periods of low availability of animal food items. Feeding on detritus may provide an energetic advantage to bream and roach and increase the carrying capacity for these species in lakes, where detritus is highly abundant. Especially for the larger fish due to the decrease in their relative metabolic demands. However, the ability of bream to filter feed and with increasing size to retain food items smaller than those retained by roach may be the main mechanism for the dominance of bream over roach in highly eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of two sympatric species pairs of demersal fish ( Mullus barbatus-Mullus surmuletus, Serranus cabrilla-Serranus hepatus ) which occupy the shallow coastal area (25–30 m) in Iraklion Bay were investigated from samples collected on a monthly basis (August 1990 to August 1992). Stomach content analyses revealed that all of them were carnivores, feeding mainly on benthic invertebrates, and that each species consumed a narrow range of prey species with no significant dietary overlap. The morphology of their feeding apparatus was compared to examine the effect of any morphological differences on food selection and resource partitioning between the fish species. The species could be distinguished on the basis of the size of their mouth gape, the number of gill rakers and the length of their intestine. This study shows that each species pair follows a different strategy segregating along food niche dimensions. In particular, M. barbatus and M. surmuletus segregate their feeding niche consuming different prey taxa with similar sizes whereas S. cabrilla and S. hepatus differ considerably with respect to the degree to which prey species contribute to their diets coupled with differences in mean prey sizes.  相似文献   

This review examines our knowledge of the feeding ecology of the European Water shrew, Neomys fodiens. It describes and discusses the different methods which have been used to study the diets of Water shrews, from the first casual observations to the discovery of food caches and food remains in the wild, and the analysis of stomach contents and faecal pellets of trapped animals. These studies have revealed that Water shrews feed on a variety of invertebrate and vertebrate prey from tiny freshwater dip-teran larvae to sizable fish and frogs. Although aquatic prey are seen to be the major dietary component in most studies, terrestrial prey are also important and may be eaten in an equal proportion. Laboratory studies have increased our knowledge of the foraging behaviour of Water shrews but there is still much to be learnt, especially about underwater prey location.  相似文献   

Pinnipeds generally target relatively small prey that can be swallowed whole, yet often include larger prey in their diet. To eat large prey, they must first process it into pieces small enough to swallow. In this study we explored the range of prey‐processing behaviors used by Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) when presented with large prey during captive feeding trials. The most common methods were chewing using the teeth, shaking prey at the surface, and tearing prey held between the teeth and forelimbs. Although pinnipeds do not masticate their food, we found that sea lions used chewing to create weak points in large prey to aid further processing and to prepare secured pieces of prey for swallowing. Shake feeding matches the processing behaviors observed in fur seals, but use of forelimbs for “hold and tear” feeding has not been previously reported for other otariids. When performing this processing method, prey was torn by being stretched between the teeth and forelimbs, where it was secured by being squeezed between the palms of their flippers. These results show that Australian sea lions use a broad repertoire of behaviors for prey processing, which matches the wide range of prey species in their diet.  相似文献   

The diets and diel feeding behaviour of six O-group gadoid species are described, the cod Gadus morhua (L.), the haddock Melanogramus aeglefinus (L.), whiting Merlangius merlangus (L.), saithe Pollachius virens (L.), Norway pout Trisopterus esmarkii (L.) and the blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou (R.). There were differences, in the main food groups selected by each species with respect to the type, size and number. The main prey consumed did not vary with depth. Cod, saithe and Norway pout had only one period of feeding activity whereas haddock and whiting apparently had two. The diets of haddock and whiting varied in association with these two periods. It is suggested that the differences between the diets were the result of each species having a different feeding behaviour which reflects that adopted in adult life.  相似文献   

Understanding the variations of the functional response of an organism, i.e. the predation rate in relation to prey density, is necessary to understand the interactions between the animal and its food supply. This has received little attention in dabbling ducks so we investigated experimentally the shape of the functional response of mallard feeding on poultry pellets, and assessed the influence of several factors such as the size of food items, sex or individual performance on this functional response. Individual differences in intake rate are of crucial importance in group or gregarious foraging species. We used two approaches of the functional response: 1) the relation between feeding rate (pellets/s) and pellet densities (pellets/m2), and 2) the relationship between instantaneous intake rate (g/s) and biomass density (g/m2). For both approaches, we found that the Type II functional response gave better estimates than a Type I linear functional response but explained only a third of the variance. Our results show that pellet size has a large effect on instantaneous intake rate. The comparison of the functional response parameters suggest that handling time per prey may not reflect the real constraints on intake rate, but that handling time per gram ingested may be more appropriate to integrate the effect of item size in the functional response. We then discuss the possible mechanisms involved. We also found individual variations in the functional response for each of the experiments, with some consistency in the hierarchy regarding feeding efficiency. We did not find any differences between males and females. Our results provide an evaluation of individual variations in intake rate in interference-free conditions, which has rarely been done, and call for more controlled experiments to allow a finer understanding of the mechanisms of food acquisition in dabbling ducks.  相似文献   

Synopsis The wide variety of aquatic food is considered to be instrumental for the diversification in fish species. Yet their abilities and inabilities of handling food are poorly known. For these reasons the food processing and feeding repertoire of the adult carp, Cyprinus carpio, fed on a variety of food types, were analyzed by light and X-ray cinematography of the head parts and by electromyography of the head and body muscles during feeding. Nine stereotyped movement patterns (particulate intake, gulping, rinsing, spitting, selective retention of food, transport, crushing, grinding and deglutition) compose the feeding process, their sequence and frequency were adjusted to the type of food. Following quantitative morphological analysis at macroscopic, light- and electronmicroscopical level, the relations between the functioning and architecture of the feeding apparatus were established. The structure and dimensions of the mouth opening, the protrusible upper jaw, the slit-shaped pharyngeal cavity, the palatal and postlingual organ, the branchial sieve, the pharyngeal masticatory apparatus and the distribution of taste buds, mucous cells and muscle fibers along the oropharyngeal surface were the directive structural characters used for estimating the abilities in food processing. The specializations for utilizing food items and its limitations, derived from structural and functional data, are compared with diet data found in the literature in order to evaluate the relative position of the carp in competition for food in the aquatic environment. It is established that the ‘omnivorous’ carp is specialized in effective handling of several categories of aquatic food, even when these are mixed with non-food (bottom invertebrates <4% SL in diameter) since the palatal organ enables the carp to separate food from non-food. This includes very hard-skinned food items, processed with the powerful pharyngeal jaws of the fish, and to a lesser extent zooplankton (>250 μm). The carp is at the same time very limited in processing long and struggling prey (e.g. fish) as well as vegetable matter, due to the lack of oral teeth and the specialized morphology of its pharyngeal chewing apparatus. These feeding abilities agree with diet data from literature. The reported herbivorism of carp illustrates its opportunism in feeding behaviour. Specialization in feeding is discussed and the necessity to take into account the total series of post-capture feeding actions for a more complete view on trophic specialization. Food intake and the intra-oral food processing of carp are bound to the structures of its sensory, central processing and effector apparatus and to the plasticity in their functioning. These together determine its feeding efficiency in exploiting the available aquatic food resources. Next to ethological and ecological studies functional morphology is another important tool to explain the trophic interactions of fish.  相似文献   

Goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara suffered significant overfishing in the United States until they were protected from harvest in 1990. As the population recovers, interactions between Goliath grouper and anglers have increased, and are often reported to management agencies as complaints after grouper predation upon hooked fish. Goliath grouper are generally characterized as opportunistic predators capable of consuming a wide variety of prey types; however, minimal data are available regarding the prey capture behavior of this species. Kinematic analyses of adult Goliath grouper feeding events demonstrated the capacity of individuals to modulate feeding behavior based upon the mobility and position of ‘prey’ items. Mobile epibenthic food (tethered swimming fish) elicited larger maximum gapes, faster times to food capture, shorter times to mouth closing, and more rapid total bite durations than food items that were not moving (cut dead bait). Feeding sequences involving mobile food items were characterized by a significantly higher degree of ram feeding behavior, while immobile food elicited primarily suction feeding and were preceded by a slower and closer approach to the food item prior to the onset of mouth opening. The findings are discussed in light of predation upon angled species and demonstrate the ability of Goliath grouper to adjust their feeding strategy based upon prey type and condition. This behavior likely allows for the exploitation of a wide variety of prey and provides an expansive dietary breadth for these opportunistic predators.  相似文献   

B. Azoulay  M. Gophen 《Hydrobiologia》1992,246(3):251-258
Interactions between the larvae of Mirogrex terraesanctae (Steinitz, 1952) in Lake Kinneret, Israel, and their zooplankton prey were studied experimentally. Prey species preference and size selectivities were measured. Larvae were hatched in the lab from eggs collected in the field, and fed different food items in various concentrations. The food items included lake zooplankton, algae, and commercial pellets. It was shown that small, first feeding larvae (7–8.5 mm SL) prefer small bodied zooplankters (< 180 µ). The effect of these food sources on larval growth was measured. It was found that larval Mirogrex grew at a higher rate when fed zooplankton prey sized from 63 µ–250 µ. Food items smaller than 63 µ, larger than 250 µ and Scenedesmus sp., produced less than optimal growth rates. The importance of Mirogrex feeding habits and their potential influence on the Kinneret ecosystem is considered.  相似文献   

M. H. Wise    I. J. Linn    C. R. Kennedy 《Journal of Zoology》1981,195(2):181-213
The feeding habits and prey selectivity of Mink Mustela vison and otters Lutra lutra were compared in two localities in Devon: a eutrophic lake and a moorland river, in which both species occurred and had access to the same prey populations. The effects of prey availability on the predators' diets were assessed by comparing prey consumed, as revealed by scat analysis, with estimates of prey abundance and size range. Otters specialized in fish at all times of year but showed seasonal variation in species taken. Selection for slow-moving fish and seasonal changes in behaviour of some fish species were the probable causes of this variation. Otters diversified more into non-fish food in summer, when fish availability was reduced. The main alternative prey in the lacustrine habitat was waterfowl, but in the riverine habitat, rabbits. Mink were more generalized carnivores, taking a variety of fish, waterside and terrestrial prey in all seasons. These three prey categories were taken to an almost equal extent in the lake but terrestrial prey dominated in the riverine habitat. Fish were taken most frequently in winter and birds and mammals in summer. Neither predator showed selection in respect of prey size. In each area, about one third of the otter and Mink diets was common to both species. Fish was the principal group of the shared component, and dietary overlap in respect of them was greatest in autumn and winter. In view of the dietary preferences of each predator, the existence of alternative prey items and limited degree of dietary overlap, it is considered unlikely that the two species competed for food to any extent. Other factors must therefore be responsible for the spread of feral Mink and the decline in otter populations in many parts of Britain.  相似文献   

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