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In this study, we investigated the effects of light on both the locomotion of intact animals and the swim motor program expressed by isolated brains in the gastropod Melibe leonina. Spontaneous locomotion (crawling and swimming) was examined during a period of natural lighting (L:D) to establish normal behavior, and then under two different light regimes: constant darkness (D:D) and constant light (L:L). In L:D, there was significantly more locomotor activity at night than during the day and this pattern continued in D:D. However, in L:L, activity was substantially reduced at all times. Using isolated brain preparations, we further demonstrated that the swim motor program was rapidly inhibited by light, and that this inhibition was mediated by the eyes. These results indicate that M. leonina displays a nocturnal activity pattern, and that light has a strong inhibitory effect on locomotion in the intact animal and on the swim motor program expressed by the isolated brain.  相似文献   

The nudibranch Melibe leonina swims by rhythmically flexingits body from side to side at a frequency of 1 cycle every 2–5sec. Melibe swim spontaneously, when they are dislodged fromthe substrate, or when they come in contact with predatory seastars,such as Pycnopodia helianthoides. Intracellular recordings obtainedfrom semi-intact swimming Melibe reveal a population of 15 swimmotoneurons (SMNs) in each pedal ganglion. In general, SMNsin one pedal ganglion fire out-of-phase with SMNs in the oppositepedal ganglion, resulting in rhythmic side-to-side bending movements.In isolated brains, recordings from SMNs yield similar results,indicating the existence of a swim central pattern generator(CPG). There is no evidence for synaptic interactions betweenSMNs and either inhibiting or exciting SMNs has no impact onthe swim pattern. The SMNs are driven by a CPG consisting of4 interneurons; 2 in the cerebropleural ganglia and 1 in eachpedal ganglion. Appropriate bursting activity in the swim interneuronsis necessary for swimming to occur. Either hyperpolarizationor depolarization of any of the 4 CPG interneurons disruptsthe normal swim pattern. Swimming behavior, and the fictiveswim motor program expressed by the isolated brain, are inhibitedby light and nitric oxide donors. NADPH-diaphorase stainingand nitric oxide synthase (NOS) immunocytochemistry of Melibebrains suggests the source of nitric oxide might be a pair ofbilaterally symmetrical cells located in the cerebropleuralganglia.  相似文献   

The nudibranch Melibe leonina swims by rhythmically bending from side to side at a frequency of 1 cycle every 2-4 s. The objective of this study was to locate putative swim motoneurons (pSMNs) that drive these lateral flexions and determine if swimming in this species is produced by a swim central pattern generator (sCPG). In the first set of experiments, intracellular recordings were obtained from pSMNs in semi-intact, swimming animals. About 10-14 pSMNs were identified on the dorsal surface of each pedal ganglion and 4-7 on the ventral side. In general, the pSMNs in a given pedal ganglion fired synchronously and caused the animal to flex in that direction, whereas the pSMNs in the opposite pedal ganglion fired in anti-phase. When swimming stopped, so did rhythmic pSMN bursting; when swimming commenced, pSMNs resumed bursting. In the second series of experiments, intracellular recordings were obtained from pSMNs in isolated brains that spontaneously expressed the swim motor program. The pattern of activity recorded from pSMNs in isolated brains was very similar to the bursting pattern obtained from the same pSMNs in semi-intact animals, indicating that the sCPG can produce the swim rhythm in the absence of sensory feedback. Exposing the brain to light or cutting the pedal-pedal connectives inhibited fictive swimming in the isolated brain. The pSMNs do not appear to participate in the sCPG. Rather, they received rhythmic excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input from interneurons that probably comprise the sCPG circuit.  相似文献   

Locomotor systems are often controlled by specialized cephalic neurons and undergo modulation by sensory inputs. In many species, dedicated brain regions initiate and maintain behavior and set the duration and frequency of the locomotor episode. In the leech, removing the entire head brain enhances swimming, but the individual roles of its components, the supra- and subesophageal ganglia, in the control of locomotion are unknown. Here we describe the influence of these two structures and that of the tail brain on rhythmic swimming in isolated nerve cord preparations and in nearly intact leeches suspended in an aqueous, “swim-enhancing” environment. We found that, in isolated preparations, swim episode duration and swim burst frequency are greatly increased when the supraesophageal ganglion is removed, but the subesophageal ganglion is intact. The prolonged swim durations observed with the anterior-most ganglion removed were abolished by removal of the tail ganglion. Experiments on the nearly intact leeches show that, in these preparations, the subesophageal ganglion acts to decrease cycle period but, unexpectedly, also decreases swim duration. These results suggest that the supraesophageal ganglion is the primary structure that constrains leech swimming; however, the control of swim duration in the leech is complex, especially in the intact animal.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that American lobsters, Homarus americanus (Milne-Edwards), are nocturnally active. However, the degree to which this rhythm is expressed by different individuals and the underlying causes of lobster activity rhythms, are poorly understood. In order to address these issues we recorded daily patterns of lobster locomotion using two novel techniques. In the first, reed switch assemblies were used to monitor the distance traveled by freely moving lobsters (n=43), each fitted with a small magnet, as they walked around a 1 m diameter racetrack. The advantages of this technique included: (1) lobsters were freely moving; (2) the system could be deployed in laboratory tanks or in the field and; (3) actual distances moved were measured, not just relative activity. The second technique involved placing individual lobsters (n=10) into custom-designed running wheels. This allowed for continuous monitoring of locomotor activity for extended durations (>45 days) under normal light/dark (L/D) cycles, as well as in constant darkness (D/D) and constant light (L/L).Under ambient light conditions lobsters in the racetracks moved an average of 60.1±6.5 m/day in flow-through seawater tanks. Overall, lobsters were significantly more active at night, moving 4.1±0.4 m/h in the dark vs. 1.0±0.2 m/h in the light. However, many of the lobsters moved as much during the day as during the night.Lobsters in the running wheels moved an average of 36.6±11.7 m/day and 80% expressed clear daily rhythms of activity, with a mean periodicity of 24.0±0.1 h under L/D conditions. Under D/D conditions 90% of the animals expressed free-running circadian rhythms with a mean periodicity of 24.2±0.3 h, indicating that this species possesses endogenous rhythmicity. While the running wheel results show that the nocturnal pattern of locomotor activity for this species is strongly influenced by an endogenous circadian clock, the results from the racetracks show that there is remarkable variability in the extent to which they express this pattern under natural conditions.  相似文献   

In the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, thoracic leg motoneurons survive the degeneration of the larval leg muscles to innervate new muscles of the adult legs. The same motoneurons, therefore, participate in the very different modes of terrestrial locomotion that are used by larvae (crawling) and adults (walking). Consequently, changes in locomotor behavior may reflect changes in both the CNS and periphery. The present study was undertaken to determine whether motor patterns produced by the isolated CNS of adult Manduca, in the absence of sensory feedback, would resemble adult specific patterns of coordination. Pilocarpine, which evokes a fictive crawling motor pattern from the isolated larval CNS, also evoked robust patterned activity from leg motoneurons in the isolated adult CNS. As in the larva, levator and depressor motoneurons innervating the same leg were active in antiphase. Unlike fictive crawling, however, bursts of activity in levator or depressor motoneurons of one leg alternated with bursts in the homologous motoneurons innervating the opposite leg of the same segment and the leg on the same side in the adjacent segment. The most common mode of intersegmental activity generated by the isolated adult CNS resembled an alternating tripod gait, which is displayed, albeit infrequently, during walking in intact adult Manduca. A detailed analysis revealed specific differences between the patterned motor activity that is evoked from the isolated adult CNS and activity patterns observed during walking in intact animals, perhaps indicating an important role for sensory feedback. Nevertheless, the basic similarity to adult walking and clear distinctions from the larval fictive crawling pattern suggest that changes within the CNS contribute to alterations in locomotor activity during metamorphosis. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

To evaluate the influence of light and darkness on brain pyroglutamyl-peptidase I (pGluPI) activity, four experimental groups of rats were compared at the same time-point (10.00 h). Two groups were designed with a standard 12-12 h light-dark cycle: In group A, the lights were on from 7.00 h to 19.00 h, and the experiment was done under light conditions; in group B, the lights were on from 19.00 h to 7.00 h, and the experiment was done under darkness conditions. Two additional groups were designed with nonstandard light-dark conditions: In group C, the animals were subjected to constant light, and the experiment was done under light conditions. In group D, animals were subjected to constant darkness, and the experiment was done under darkness conditions. Light (vs darkness) and standard (vs nonstandard) conditions produced significant changes on pGluPI activity in specific structures; the data suggested that endogenous substrates of pGluPI such as thyrotropin-releasing hormone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone, might be modified in parallel. There was left predominance in the retina under light conditions on a standard schedule (group A). The regional pattern of distribution of activity was similar in groups on a standard schedule (A vs B) and in groups tested under constant light-dark conditions (C vs D). However, this pattern differed between groups subjected to standard vs constant light-dark conditions (A and B vs C and D). These results support an influence of environmental light and darkness on pGluPI activity, which may reflect concomitant changes in its susceptible substrates and consequently in their functions.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have shown that the flight motor pattern of the mature locust (Locusta migratoria L.) relies heavily on the input of the hindwing tegulae. Removal of the hindwing tegulae results in an immediate change in the motor pattern: the wingbeat frequency (WBF) decreases and the interval between the activity of depressor and elevator muscles (D–E interval) increases. In contrast, removal of the forewing tegulae has little effect on the motor pattern. Here we report adaptive modifications in the flight system that occur after the removal of the hindwing tegulae. Over a period of about 2 weeks following hendwing tegula removal, the flight motor pattern progressively returned towards normal, and in about 80% of the animals recovery of the flight motor pattern was complete. We describe the changes in the activity pattern of flight muscles and in the patterns of depolarizations in flight motoneurons and flight interneurons associated with this recovery. In contrast to the situation in the intact animal, the activity of the forewing tegulae is necessary in recovered animals for the generation of the motor pattern. Removal of the forewing tegulae in recovered animals resulted resulted in similar changes in the flight motor pattern as were observed in intact animals after the removal of the hindwing tegulae. Furthermore, electrical stimulation of forewing tegula afferents in recovered animals produced similar resetting effects on the motor pattern as electrical stimulation of the hindwing tegulae afferents in intact animals. From these observations we conclude that recovery is due to the functional replacement of the removed hindwing tegulae by input from the forewing tegulae.  相似文献   

In many moths, male attraction to the blend of synthetic sex pheromone releasing continuously in the field shows an apparent circadian rhythm similar to that of locomotion activity. In this study, the daily rhythms of electroantennography (EAG) and behavioral responses to sex pheromone, and the daily rhythms of locomotion activity were measured in male beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The peaks of males trapped by light and sex pheromone were all during the latter part of the night in the field. However, there was no significant variation among time intervals in the EAG responses of male antennae to sex pheromone stimuli. The principal period of locomotion activity under L15:D9 (LD) continued to occur during the scotophase and the subjective scotophase in the day of constant darkness (DD1) and the second of two consecutive days of constant darkness (DD2). The majority of males contacted the sex pheromone source in a wind tunnel during the latter part of the scotophase under LD and the subjective scotophase for DD1 and DD2. There were significant associations between the rhythm of the behavioral response to sex pheromone and locomotion activity. These results suggested that the male's behavioral response to sex pheromone in the beet armyworm could be observed only until locomotion activity of the male occurred at the end of the dark period, despite sex pheromone being released continuously from synthetic pheromone‐baited traps in the field.  相似文献   

The buccal ganglia of seven nudibranches (Aeolidia papillosa, Armina californica, Dirona albolineata, D. picta, Hermissenda crassicornis, Melibe leonina, and Tritonia diomedea) were examined to explore possible homologies between large cells that reacted with antibodies directed against small cardioactive peptide B (SCPB). The buccal ganglion of each species possessed a pair of large, dorsal–lateral, whitish neurons that contained an SCPB-like peptide. We refer to these neurons as the SLB (SCPB-immunoreactive Large Buccal) cells. In all species examined, the SLB cells project out the gastroesophageal nerves and appear to innervate the esophagus. In each species, an apparent rhythmic feeding motor program (FMP) was observed by intracellular recording from both SLB neurons and other neurons in isolated preparations of the buccal ganglia. SLB cells often fire at a high frequency, and usually burst in a specific phase relation to the FMP activity. Stimulation of SLB cells enhances expression of the feeding motor program, either by potentiating existing activity or eliciting the FMP in quiescent preparations. Finally, perfusion of isolated buccal ganglia with SCPB excites the SLB cells and activates FMPs. Thus, both the immunohistochemical and electrophysiological data suggest that the SLB cells within three suborders of the opistobranchia (Dendronotacea, Arminacea, and Aeolidacea) are homologous. A comparison of our data with previously published studies indicates that SLB cell homologs may exist in other gastropods as well.  相似文献   

Homologues of a neuron that contributes to a species-specific behavior were identified and characterized in species lacking that behavior. The nudibranch Tritonia diomedea swims by flexing its body dorsally and ventrally. The dorsal swim interneurons (DSIs) are components of the central pattern generator (CPG) underlying this rhythmic motor pattern and also activate crawling. Homologues of the DSIs were identified in six nudibranchs that do not exhibit dorsal–ventral swimming: Tochuina tetraquetra, Melibe leonina, Dendronotus iris, D. frondosus, Armina californica, and Triopha catalinae. Homology was based upon shared features that distinguish the DSIs from all other neurons: (1) serotonin immunoreactivity, (2) location in the Cerebral serotonergic posterior (CeSP) cluster, and (3) axon projection to the contralateral pedal ganglion. The DSI homologues, named CeSP-A neurons, share additional features with the DSIs: irregular basal firing, synchronous inputs, electrical coupling, and reciprocal inhibition. Unlike the DSIs, the CeSP-A neurons were not rhythmically active in response to nerve stimulation. The CeSP-A neurons in Tochuina and Triopha also excited homologues of the Tritonia Pd5 neuron, a crawling efferent. Thus, the CeSP-A neurons and the DSIs may be part of a conserved network related to crawling that may have been co-opted into a rhythmic swim CPG in Tritonia. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation, under Grant No. 0445768, and a GSU Research Program Enhancement grant to PSK.  相似文献   

Summary In the locust,Locusta migratoria, the pairs of connectives between the three thoracic ganglia and in the neck were transected in all possible combinations. Each of these preparations was tested for the production of rhythmic flight motor activity, with sensory input from the wing receptors intact and after deafferentation. The motor activity elicited in these preparations was characterized by intracellular recordings from motoneurons and electromyographic analyses.The motor patterns observed in locusts with either the neck or the pro-mesothoracic connectives severed (Figs. 2, 3, and 4) were very similar to the flight motor pattern produced by animals with intact connectives. The activity recorded in mesothoracic flight motoneurons of locusts with either only the meso-metathoracic connectives cut or both the meso-metathoracic and the neck connectives transected were similar to each other. Rhythmic motor activity could be observed in these preparations only as long as sensory feedback from the wing receptors was intact. These patterns were significantly different from the intact motor pattern (Figs. 5, 6, and 7). Similar results were obtained when the mesothoracic ganglion was isolated from the other two thoracic ganglia, although the oscillations produced under these conditions were weak (Fig. 8 upper). In the isolated metathorax no rhythmic flight motor activity could be recorded (Fig. 8 lower), even when wing afferents were intact.Considering the differences between the motor patterns observed in the various preparations these results suggest that the ganglia of the locust ventral nerve cord do not contain segmental, homologous flight oscillators which are coupled to produce the intact flight rhythm. Instead they support the idea that the functional flight oscillator network is distributed throughout the thoracic ganglia (Robertson and Pearson 1984). The results also provide further evidence that sensory feedback from the wing sense organs is necessary for establishing the correct motor pattern in the intact animal (Wendler 1974, 1983; Pearson 1985; Wolf and Pearson 1987 a).Abbreviations CPG central pattern generator - EMG electromyogram  相似文献   

Central mechanisms by which specific motor programs are selected to achieve meaningful behaviors are not well understood. Using electrophysiological recordings from pharyngeal nerves upon central activation of neurotransmitter-expressing cells, we show that distinct neuronal ensembles can regulate different feeding motor programs. In behavioral and electrophysiological experiments, activation of 20 neurons in the brain expressing the neuropeptide hugin, a homolog of mammalian neuromedin U, simultaneously suppressed the motor program for food intake while inducing the motor program for locomotion. Decreasing hugin neuropeptide levels in the neurons by RNAi prevented this action. Reducing the level of hugin neuronal activity alone did not have any effect on feeding or locomotion motor programs. Furthermore, use of promoter-specific constructs that labeled subsets of hugin neurons demonstrated that initiation of locomotion can be separated from modulation of its motor pattern. These results provide insights into a neural mechanism of how opposing motor programs can be selected in order to coordinate feeding and locomotive behaviors.  相似文献   

Summary N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity in pineal glands exhibits a circadian rhythm with peak activity occurring in the dark-time. We previously showed that inGallus domesticus chicks pretreated with LD12:12, NAT activity was increased by dark exposure (peak dark sensitivity occurred during the expected dark-time) or decreased by light at night (peak light sensitivity occurred early in the night during the time of dark sensitivity). In this study we mapped dark sensitivity vs time (for NAT activity increase in response to 2 h dark pulses), and light sensitivity vs time (for NAT activity decrease in response to 10 min or 30 min light pulses) over a cycle for 3-week old chicks,Gallus domesticus, pretreated with long (LD16:8) or short photoperiod (LD8:16). Sensitivity to light was increased in the second 8 h after L/D by LD8:16. Sensitivity to dark was increased in the first 8 h after L/D by LD16:8.Abbreviations LD16:8 a light-dark cycle consisting of 16 h of light alternating with 8 h of dark - LD8:16 a light-dark cycle consisting of 8 h of light alternating with 16 h of dark - DD constant dark - LL constant light - L/D lights-off - D/L lights-on - NAT pineal serotonin N-acetyltransferase - NAT activity is given in nmoles/pineal gland/h - chick used here to denote a young bird of either sex of the speciesGallus domesticus from hatching to three weeks of age  相似文献   

Entrainment experiments have been carried out with geographically widely separated populations of the sand beach isopod Eurydice pulchra Leach subjected to periods of simulated tidal agitation imposed concurrently with a 24-h light: dark (L: D) cycle. Circatidal swimming rhythms of greatest amplitude were induced when agitation was applied with the subjective timing, within the L: D cycle, of local spring high tides. This occurred in a normal L: D regime and also when the L: D regime was phase shifted through 90°. Animals previously maintained in constant darkness (D: D) and subsequently exposed to simulated tidal disturbance at various times in constant darkness were unable to modulate the amplitude of circatidal swimming activity. Isopods previously maintained in a normal L: D cycle and subsequently subjected to artificial tidal agitation in constant darkness were, however, able to modulate circatidal activity. This indicates that E. pulchra is capable of detecting tidal agitation and daily light cues and using them in conjunction with its circadian “clock” to modulate its endogenous circatidal rhythmicity. The free-running semilunar rhythm of swimming activity entrained only when the timing of agitation within the day/night cycle mimicked the pattern of local spring high tides. Agitation with the timing of neap high tides entrained no free-running circa-semilunar activity pattern.  相似文献   

The chronobiological basis of the daily dynamics of thermopreference was tested in adults of Triatoma infestans, continuously registering the preferred temperature of insects released over a temperature gradient for 13 days. We found that the thermopreference in T. infestans is a dynamic process that depends on the time of the day and the post-feeding time. When submitted to a 12:12 h light/darkness cycle (L/D), the preferred temperature reached the highest and the lowest values at the end of the light and dark phases, respectively. This daily rhythm persisted under constant conditions of illumination (D/D and L/L), suggesting the existence of an internal oscillator controlling this behaviour. Statistical analysis revealed that the thermopreference of insects kept under L/D exhibited a ca. 24 h periodicity, while insects kept in D/D and L/L showed free-running periods of tau((D/D))=23.35 and tau((L/L))=27.35 h, respectively. The persistence of a cyclic pattern of thermopreference under constant conditions, and free-running periods, close to, but different from 24 h, demonstrate the existence of an endogenous control of the thermopreference in this species. The biological relevance of these results is discussed in the light of the hypothesis that both the length of time elapsed since feeding and the time of the day modify thermopreference in these bugs. The gradual decline in preferred temperature following feeding may be associated with energy conservation during starvation. The rhythmic modulation of thermopreference may be associated with the daily rhythm of locomotion activity shown by these bugs.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP is a second messenger that has been implicated in the neuromodulation of rhythmically active motor patterns. Here, we tested whether manipulating cAMP affects swim motor pattern generation in the mollusc, Tritonia diomedea. Inhibiting adenylyl cyclase (AC) with 9-cyclopentyladenine (9-CPA) slowed or stopped the swim motor pattern. Inhibiting phosphodiesterase with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) or applying dibutyryl-cAMP (dB-cAMP) disrupted the swim motor pattern, as did iontophoresing cAMP into the central pattern generator neuron C2. Additionally, during wash-in, IBMX sometimes temporarily produced extended or spontaneous swim motor patterns. Photolysis of caged cAMP in C2 after initiation of the swim motor pattern inhibited subsequent bursting. These results suggest that cAMP levels can dynamically modulate swim motor pattern generation, possibly shaping the output of the central pattern generator on a cycle-by-cycle basis.  相似文献   

Summary Although it is generally agreed that locusts can generate flight similar rhythmic motor activity in the absence of sensory feedback from the wings, recent studies indicate that functional deafferentation produces significant changes in the flight motor pattern (Hedwig and Pearson 1984). These findings have raised doubts on the adequacy of the central pattern generator concept for the locust flight system (Pearson 1985). In this paper, we re-investigate the effects of deafferentation on the capacity of adult migratory locusts to generate the flight motor pattern. For this purpose, the experimental animals were dissected to various degrees, ranging from head-ventral nerve cord, to isolated pterothoracic nerve cord, and finally single isolated ganglion preparations. Flight motor activity was released by either wind stimulation, the more traditional method, or by applying octopamine (Sombati and Hoyle 1984; Stevenson and Kutsch 1986). In all cases the released motor activity was analysed, giving details of latency, and phase relationships between specific synergistic and antagonistic motor units, and then compared with the flight motor pattern generated by intact tethered locusts.This analysis shows that deafferentation, although reducing the frequency, does not necessarily disrupt the basic flight motor pattern. By using octopamine we could show that even isolated thoracic nerve cord preparations can generate activity, which in all major aspects corresponds to this motor program. This could also be shown for the fully isolated metathoracic ganglion and we provide some evidence that the mesothoracic ganglion may be capable of a similar performance. In addition to releasing flight activity, octopamine was also found to enhance the responsiveness of deafferentated locusts to wind stimulation. This resulted in a considerable elevation of the frequency and prolongation of the flight motor activity to values comparable to the performance of intact tethered locusts.  相似文献   

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