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The cleavage specificity of Pernisine, a subtilisin-like protease from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix, was established by mass spectrometry, analysing the peptides generated by digestion of oxidised bovine insulin B chain. The specificity was explored by changing several factors such as substrate/enzyme ratio, temperature and reaction media. Using a S/E ratio of 1000 (w/w) and a temperature of 60 °C, five primary cleavage sites in the insulin B chain were detected suggesting a broad specificity of Pernisine, which is different from that found for other bacterial subtilisin-like proteases. When the S/E ratio and/or temperature were increased, a higher selectivity of Pernisine was observed with a unique cleavage site occurring between Leu15 and Tyr16. In addition, the influence on the enzymatic hydrolysis of different organic solvent concentrations was investigated. The results demonstrated that Pernisine could specifically digest the peptide substrate even in the presence of 80% acetonitrile solution or 30% dimethyl sulfoxyde. Thereby the cleavage specificity of Pernisine can be opportunely modulated by controlling the in vitro digestion conditions, suggesting that this enzyme could be an attractive candidate to use in a variety of biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Insight into the dynamic properties of alpha-lytic protease (alpha LP) has been obtained through the use of low-temperature X-ray crystallography and multiple-conformation refinement. Previous studies of alpha LP have shown that the residues around the active site are able to move significantly to accommodate substrates of different sizes. Here we show a link between the ability to accommodate ligands and the dynamics of the binding pocket. Although the structure of alpha LP at 120 K has B-factors with a uniformly low value of 4.8 A2 for the main chain, four regions stand out as having significantly higher B-factors. Because thermal motion should be suppressed at cryogenic temperatures, the high B-factors are interpreted as the result of trapped conformational substates. The active site residues that are perturbed during accommodation of different substrates are precisely those showing conformational substates, implying that substrate binding selects a subset of conformations from the ensemble of accessible states. To better characterize the precise nature of these substates, a protein model consisting of 16 structures has been refined and evaluated. The model reveals a number of features that could not be well-described by conventional B-factors: for example, 40% of the main-chain residue conformations are distributed asymmetrically or in discrete clusters. Furthermore, these data demonstrate an unexpected correlation between motions on either side of the binding pocket that we suggest is a consequence of "dynamic close packing." These results provide strong evidence for the role of protein dynamics in substrate binding and are consistent with the results of dynamic studies of ligand binding in myoglobin and ribonuclease A.  相似文献   

The contributions of conformational dynamics to substrate specificity have been examined by the application of principal component analysis to molecular dynamics trajectories of alpha-lytic protease. The wild-type alpha-lytic protease is highly specific for substrates with small hydrophobic side chains at the specificity pocket, while the Met190-->Ala binding pocket mutant has a much broader specificity, actively hydrolyzing substrates ranging from Ala to Phe. Based on a combination of multiconformation analysis of cryo-X-ray crystallographic data, solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and normal mode calculations, we had hypothesized that the large alteration in specificity of the mutant enzyme is mainly attributable to changes in the dynamic movement of the two walls of the specificity pocket. To test this hypothesis, we performed a principal component analysis using 1-nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations using either a global or local solvent boundary condition. The results of this analysis strongly support our hypothesis and verify the results previously obtained by in vacuo normal mode analysis. We found that the walls of the wild-type substrate binding pocket move in tandem with one another, causing the pocket size to remain fixed so that only small substrates are recognized. In contrast, the M190A mutant shows uncoupled movement of the binding pocket walls, allowing the pocket to sample both smaller and larger sizes, which appears to be the cause of the observed broad specificity. The results suggest that the protein dynamics of alpha-lytic protease may play a significant role in defining the patterns of substrate specificity. As shown here, concerted local movements within proteins can be efficiently analyzed through a combination of principal component analysis and molecular dynamics trajectories using a local solvent boundary condition to reduce computational time and matrix size.  相似文献   

Earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component A (EFEa) from Eisenia fetida is a strong fibrinolytic enzyme that not only directly degrades fibrin, but also activates plasminogen. Proteolytic assays further revealed that it cleaved behind various P1 residue types. The crystal structure of EFEa was determined using the MIR method and refined to 2.3A resolution. The enzyme, showing the overall polypeptide fold of chymotrypsin-like serine proteases, possesses essential S1 specificity determinants characteristic of elastase. However, the beta strand at the west rim of the S1 specificity pocket is significantly elongated by a unique four-residue insertion (Ser-Ser-Gly-Leu) after Val217, which not only provides additional substrate hydrogen binding sites for distal P residues, but also causes extension of the S1 pocket at the south rim. The S2 subsite of the enzyme was partially occluded by the bulky side-chain of residue Tyr99. Structure-based inhibitor modeling demonstrated that EFEa's S1 specificity pocket was preferable for elastase-specific small hydrophobic P1 residues, while its accommodation of long and/or bulky P1 residues was also feasible if enhanced binding of the substrate and induced fit of the S1 pocket were achieved. EFEa is thereby endowed with relatively broad substrate specificity, including the dual fibrinolysis. The presence of Tyr99 at the S2 subsite indicates a preference for P2-Gly, while an induced fit of Tyr99 was also suggested for accommodation of bigger P2 residues. This structure is the first reported for an earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component and serine protease originating from annelid worms.  相似文献   

A new enzyme, Acetyl Coenzyme A: deacetylvindoline 0-acetyl transferase (EC 2.3.1. -) which catalyses the synthesis of vindoline from acetyl coenzyme A and deacetylvindoline was isolated from the soluble protein extract of Catharanthus roseus leaves and purified approximately 365-fold. The enzyme had an apparent pI of 4.6 upon chromatofocusing, an apparent molecular weight of 45,000 daltons and a pH optimum between 8.0 to 9.0. Dithiothreitol was essential to maintain enzyme activity.Substrate saturation studies of this enzyme resulted in Michaelis Menton kinetics giving Km values of 5.4 and 0.7µM respectively for acetyl coenzyme A and deacetylvindoline. Studies of the forward reaction demonstrated an absolute requirement for acetyl coenzyme A and deacetylvindoline derivatives containing a double bond at positions 6, 7, whereas the reverse reaction occurred only in the presence of free coenzyme A and vindoline derivatives containing the same double bond. The forward reaction was subject to product inhibition by coenzyme A with an apparent Ki of 8 µM, but was not inhibited by up to 2 mM vindoline. The rate of reaction could therefore be regulated by the level of free coenzyme A in the cell, unaffected by the accumulation of indole alkaloid product.It was suggested that this enzyme catalyses a late step in the biosynthesis of vindoline.  相似文献   

Lszl Polgr 《Proteins》1997,28(3):375-379
Basic amino acid pairs in polypeptides represent important markers for processing enzymes to produce biologically active products. Such enzymes related to the serine peptidase subtilisin have recently been identified in eukaryotes. Herein is described and kinetically characterized a new type of processing enzyme, oligopeptidase B, which is encountered in the prokaryote Escherichia coli, and belongs to the prolyl oligopeptidase family of serine peptidases. The enzyme hydrolyzes the peptides at the carboxy end of dibasic sites by two orders of magnitude faster with respect to monobasic substrates. The kcat/Km is extremely high, 63 μM−1 s−1, for the substrate benzyloxycarbonyl-L-arginyl-L-arginyl-7-(4- methylcoumaryl)amide. The bell-shaped pH dependence of the rate constant is perturbed by some ionizing group(s). This effect is abolished at 1 M NaCl. In addition, high ionic strength inhibits the reaction considerably by increasing Km, which is indicative of an electrostatic interaction between the arginyl residues and the enzymatic carboxy groups. In distinction from that found with most serine endopeptidases, kinetic deuterium isotope measurements with oligopeptidase B indicate that the rate-limiting step of the reaction is a physical step rather than a chemical one characterized by general acid/base catalysis. The present result will contribute to our understanding of the processing phenomena in prokaryotes, as well as in higher organisms. Proteins 28:375–379, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Panning of a substrate phage library with an -lytic protease mutant showed that substrate phage display can be used to isolate sequences with improved protease sensitivity even for proteases of relatively broad specificity. Two panning experiments were performed with an engineered -lytic protease mutant known to have a preference for cleavage after His or Met residues. Both experiments led to the isolation of protease-sensitive phage containing linker sequences in which His and Met residues were enriched compared with the initial library. Despite the relatively hydrophobic substrate binding site of the enzyme, the predominant protease-sensitive sequence isolated from the second library panning had the sequence Asp-Ser-Thr-Met. Kinetic studies showed that this sequence was cleaved up to 4.5-fold faster than rationally designed positive controls. Protease-resistant phage particles were also selected and characterized, with the finding that Gly and Pro appeared frequently at the putative P4 positions, whereas Asp dominated the putative P1 position.  相似文献   

In his 1875 monograph on insectivorous plants, Darwin described the feeding reactions of Drosera flypaper traps and predicted that their secretions contained a “ferment” similar to mammalian pepsin, an aspartic protease. Here we report a high‐quality draft genome sequence for the cape sundew, Drosera capensis, the first genome of a carnivorous plant from order Caryophyllales, which also includes the Venus flytrap (Dionaea) and the tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes). This species was selected in part for its hardiness and ease of cultivation, making it an excellent model organism for further investigations of plant carnivory. Analysis of predicted protein sequences yields genes encoding proteases homologous to those found in other plants, some of which display sequence and structural features that suggest novel functionalities. Because the sequence similarity to proteins of known structure is in most cases too low for traditional homology modeling, 3D structures of representative proteases are predicted using comparative modeling with all‐atom refinement. Although the overall folds and active residues for these proteins are conserved, we find structural and sequence differences consistent with a diversity of substrate recognition patterns. Finally, we predict differences in substrate specificities using in silico experiments, providing targets for structure/function studies of novel enzymes with biological and technological significance. Proteins 2016; 84:1517–1533. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

周晓群  高艳玲  赵奎军  樊东 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1008-1017
【目的】本研究旨在从苜蓿夜蛾Heliothis viriplaca中肠克隆出丝氨酸蛋白酶(serine protease, SP)基因的cDNA序列,测定原核表达后的蛋白经纯化及复性后的活性。【方法】运用RT-PCR和cDNA末端快速扩增方法(rapid amplification of cDNA ends, RACE)克隆苜蓿夜蛾幼虫中肠丝氨酸蛋白酶cDNA全序列,用大肠杆菌Escherichia coli表达系统进行表达。重组蛋白经纯化后,利用梯度透析法进行复性,以BApNA为底物,进行活性测定。【结果】克隆获得的苜蓿夜蛾中肠丝氨酸蛋白酶基因命名为HvSP(GenBank登录号:JX866720),该基因全长880 bp,开放阅读框长762 bp,编码254个氨基酸,推测分子量和pI值分别为26.9 kDa和9.49。由HvSP推导的氨基酸与鳞翅目昆虫SP氨基酸序列的一致性在52%~95%之间,其中与棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera SP(GenBank登录号:CAA72962)的氨基酸序列一致性最高,达95%。成功构建重组载体pET21b-HvSP进行原核表达,Western-blot鉴定确定为目的蛋白。蛋白可溶性分析发现重组蛋白为包涵体。在Glycine-NaOH缓冲液中,当pH为10.0时,复性的重组蛋白活性达到最高,为35.74 U/mL。【结论】本研究在苜蓿夜蛾体内获得了一个新的丝氨酸蛋白酶基因,且原核表达后的重组蛋白经过变性、纯化及复性后具有活性。该结果为进一步研究丝氨酸蛋白酶在鳞翅目昆虫体内的生理功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

AIMS: The isolation and identification of new Bacillus sp. capable of growing under highly alkaline conditions as alkaline protease producers. METHODS AND RESULTS: A Bacillus strain capable of growing under highly alkaline conditions was isolated from compost. The strain is a Gram-positive, spore-forming, motile, aerobic, catalase- and oxidase-positive, alkaliphilic bacterium and designated as GMBAE 42. Good growth of the strain was observed at pH 10. The strain was identified as Bacillus clausii according to the physiological properties, cellular fatty acid composition, G + C content of genomic DNA and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses. The result of 16S rRNA sequence analyses placed this bacterium in a cluster with B. clausii. The G + C content of the genomic DNA of the isolate GMBAE 42 was found to be 49 mol%. The crude extracellular alkaline protease produced by the isolate showed maximal activity at pH 11.0 and 60 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that isolated strain GMBAE 42 is a new type of B. clausii capable of growing at pH 10.0 and produce extracellular alkaline protease very active at pH 11.0. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Isolated strain could be used in commercial alkaline protease production and its enzyme can be considered as a candidate as an additive for commercial detergents.  相似文献   

Interleukin-1β converting enzyme is the first member of a new class of cysteine proteases. The most distinguishing feature of this family is a nearly absolute specificity for cleavage at aspartic acid. This enzyme has been the subject of intense research because of its role in the production of IL-1β, a key mediator of inflammation. These studies have culminated in the design of potent inhibitors and determination of its crystal structure. The structure secures the relationship of the enzyme to CED-3, the product of a gene required for programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans, suggesting that members of this family function in cell death in vertebrates.  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease is most active under weakly acidic conditions (pH 3.5-6.5), when the catalytic Asp25 and Asp25' residues share 1 proton. At neutral pH, this proton is lost and the stability of the structure is reduced. Here we present an investigation of the effect of pH on the dynamics of HIV-1 protease using MD simulation techniques. MD simulations of the solvated HIV-1 protease with the Asp25/25' residues monoprotonated and deprotonated have been performed. In addition we investigated the effect of the inclusion of Na(+) and Cl(-) ions to mimic physiological salt conditions. The simulations of the monoprotonated form and deprotonated form including Na(+) show very similar behavior. In both cases the protein remained stable in the compact, "self-blocked" conformation in which the active site is blocked by the tips of the flaps. In the deprotonated system a Na(+) ion binds tightly to the catalytic dyad shielding the repulsion between the COO(-) groups. Ab initio calculations also suggest the geometry of the active site with the Na(+) bound closely resembles that of the monoprotonated case. In the simulations of the deprotonated form (without Na(+) ions), a water molecule bound between the Asp25 Asp25' side-chains. This disrupted the dimerization interface and eventually led to a fully open conformation.  相似文献   

In this study, the extracellular thermostable alkaline protease out of A10 strain was purified 1.38-fold with 9.44% efficiency through the ammonium sulfate precipitation-dialysis and DE52 anion exchange chromatography methods. The molecular weight of the enzyme in question along with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was determined to be approximately 40.55?kDa, whereas the optimum pH and temperature ratings were identified as 9.0 and 70?°C, respectively. It was seen that the enzyme had remained stable between pH 7.5–10.5 range, protecting more than 90% of its activity in the wake of 1?h incubation at 60–70?°C. It was also observed that the enzyme enhanced its activity in the presence of Mg2+, Mn2+, K+, while Fe2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Ag+?and Co2+? decreased the activity. Ca2+, however, did not cause any change in the activity. The enzyme was seen to have been totally inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, therefore, proved to be a serine alkaline protease.  相似文献   

A novel protein showing strong antiviral activities against cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and tomato mosaic virus (TMV) was purified from the coelomic fluid of the earthworm Eisenia foetida. The protein was characterized as a cold-adapted serine protease. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 27,000 by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme was most active at pH 9.5 and 40–50 °C. The protease activity at 4 °C was 60% of that obtained at the optimal temperature. The activity was suppressed by various serine protease inhibitors. Partial N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme showed homology with serine proteases of earthworms, E. foetida and Lumbricus rubellus previously studied. Our results suggest that the enzyme can be applicable as a potential antiviral factor against CMV, TMV, and other plant viruses.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor activator (HGFA) is a serine protease that converts hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) into its active form. When activated HGF binds its cognate receptor Met, cellular signals lead to cell growth, differentiation, and migration, activities which promote tissue regeneration in liver, kidney and skin. Intervention in the conversion of HGF to its active form has the potential to provide therapeutic benefit where HGF/Met activity is associated with tumorigenesis. To help identify ways to moderate HGF/Met effects, we have determined the molecular structure of the protease domain of HGFA. The structure we determined, at 2.7 A resolution, with no pseudo-substrate or inhibitor bound is characterized by an unconventional conformation of key residues in the enzyme active site. In order to find whether this apparently non-enzymatically competent arrangement would persist in the presence of a strongly-interacting inhibitor, we also have determined, at 2.6 A resolution, the X-ray structure of HGFA complexed with the first Kunitz domain (KD1) from the physiological inhibitor hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor 1B (HAI-1B). In this complex we observe a rearranged substrate binding cleft that closely mirrors the cleft of other serine proteases, suggesting an extreme conformational dynamism. We also characterize the inhibition of 16 serine proteases by KD1, finding that the previously reported enzyme specificity of the intact extracellular region of HAI-1B resides in KD1 alone. We find that HGFA, matriptase, hepsin, plasma kallikrein and trypsin are potently inhibited, and use the complex structure to rationalize the structural basis of these results.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a cysteine protease ervatamin B, isolated from the medicinal plant Ervatamia coronaria, has been determined at 1.63 A. The unknown primary structure of the enzyme could also be traced from the high-quality electron density map. The final refined model, consisting of 215 amino acid residues, 208 water molecules, and a thiosulfate ligand molecule, has a crystallographic R-factor of 15.9% and a free R-factor of 18.2% for F > 2sigma(F). The protein belongs to the papain superfamily of cysteine proteases and has some unique properties compared to other members of the family. Though the overall fold of the structure, comprising two domains, is similar to the others, a few natural substitutions of conserved amino acid residues at the interdomain cleft of ervatamin B are expected to increase the stability of the protein. The substitution of a lysine residue by an arginine (residue 177) in this region of the protein may be important, because Lys --> Arg substitution is reported to increase the stability of proteins. Another substitution in this cleft region that helps to hold the domains together through hydrogen bonds is Ser36, replacing a conserved glycine residue in the others. There are also some substitutions in and around the active site cleft. Residues Tyr67, Pro68, Val157, and Ser205 in papain are replaced by Trp67, Met68, Gln156, and Leu208, respectively, in ervatamin B, which reduces the volume of the S2 subsite to almost one-fourth that of papain, and this in turn alters the substrate specificity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

2A protease of the pathogenic coxsackievirus B3 is key to the pathogenesis of inflammatory myocarditis and, therefore, an attractive drug target. However lack of a crystal structure impedes design of inhibitors. Here we predict 3D structure of CVB3 2Apro based on sequence comparison and homology modeling with human rhinovirus 2Apro. The two enzymes are remarkably similar in their core regions. However they have different conformations at the N-terminal. A large number of N-terminal hydrophobic residues reduce the thermal stability of CVB3 2Apro, as we confirmed by fluorescence, western blot and turbidity measurement. Molecular dynamic simulation revealed that elevated temperature induces protein motion that results in frequent movement of the N-terminal coil. This may therefore induce successive active site changes and thus play an important role in destabilization of CVB3 2Apro structure.  相似文献   

The effect of acidification on a typical commercial xanthan and on pyruvate-free xanthan (PFX), alone and in gelling mixtures with konjac glucomannan (KGM), has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and small-deformation oscillatory measurements of storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″). For both xanthan samples, progressive reduction in pH caused a progressive increase in temperature of the disorder–order transition in DSC, and a progressive reduction in gelation temperature with KGM. This inverse correlation is interpreted as showing that synergistic gelation involves disruption of the xanthan 5-fold helix, probably by attachment of KGM to the cellulosic backbone of the xanthan molecule (as proposed previously by a research group in the Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK). Higher transition temperature accompanied by lower gelation temperature for PFX in comparison with commercial xanthan at neutral pH is explained in the same way. However, an additional postulate from the Norwich group, that attachment of KGM (or galactomannans) can occur only when the xanthan molecule is disordered, is inconsistent with the observation that gelation of acidified mixtures of KGM with PFX can occur at temperatures more than 60 °C below completion of conformational ordering of the PFX component (as characterised by DSC). Increase in G′ on cooling for mixtures of commercial xanthan with KGM at pH values of 4.5 and 4.25 occurred in two discrete steps, the first following the temperature-course observed for the same mixtures at neutral pH and the second occurring over the lower temperatures observed for mixtures of KGM with PFX at the same values of pH. These two “waves” of gel formation are attributed to interaction of KGM with, respectively, xanthan sequences that had retained a high content of pyruvate substituents, and sequences depleted in pyruvate by acid hydrolysis. At pH values of 4.0 and lower, gelation of mixtures of KGM with commercial xanthan followed essentially the same temperature-course as for mixtures with PFX, indicating extensive loss of pyruvate under these more strongly acidic conditions. Mixtures prepared at pH values in the range 4.0–3.5 gave comparable moduli at room temperature (20 °C) to those obtained at neutral pH, but showed substantial softening on heating to body temperature, suggesting possible applications in replacement of gelatin in products where “melt-in-the-mouth” characteristics are important for acceptability to the consumer.  相似文献   

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