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This is a report of evidence of a close symbiotic relationship between the scyphomedusa, Stygiomedusa gigantea and the fish, Thalassobathia pelagica. Images from remotely operated vehicles (ROV) were obtained of the fish swimming on and around the large scyphomedusa. This is the first ever documented symbiosis between an Ophidiform fish and a medusa.  相似文献   

While epibiotic associations between macrobenthic invertebrates are common, the role they play in the feeding ecology of intervening species is often incompletely understood. The diets of epibiotic sea anemones Allantactis parasitica and their gastropod hosts were analyzed using digestive tract contents, lipid biomarkers and observations of live specimens in an attempt to detect dietary feedback from the facultative association. Comparisons were made using symbiotic individuals and asymbiotic counterparts collected at depths of 191-627 m from three neighbouring areas in the northwest Atlantic. Gastropods carrying one or two epibionts had higher stomach indices than those harbouring three epibionts or no epibiont. The diet of symbiotic gastropods was also more diversified based on stomach contents and lipid analysis. Among other things, symbiotic gastropods contained four times more lipids and a greater proportion of Σn−3 fatty acids. Gastrovascular cavity content indices of asymbiotic sea anemones were generally lower than those of symbiotic counterparts. Their cavities were more often empty, and their diet less diversified with fewer benthic items, suggesting that foraging of gastropods through the sediments makes more food available to sea anemones living as epibionts. Lipid analysis showed some disparities between symbiotic and asymbiotic sea anemones at the regional scale, including in percent phospholipids and in the proportion of certain fatty acids. Together these findings indicate that mutual protection against predators leads to prolonged and more efficient foraging for gastropods and increased time spent deployed (feeding) in food-rich areas for sea anemones, thus enabling both partners to fully exploit food resources that may be limited at bathyal depths.  相似文献   

We aimed at characterizing the methylmercury (MeHg) exposure through fish consumption in two populations (common general and fishing-related population (FRP)) using a probabilistic health risk assessment in children, women of childbearing age, and adults in Mazatlán. The hazard quotients (HQs) were obtained from fish consumption, defined through a survey, and the levels of mercury in fishery products, obtained from published information. The average fish ingestion rate (IRfood) was higher in the FRP (167.85 g d?1) than in the general population (GP) (140.9 g d?1). However, HQs were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in the GP (ranging from 0.18 to 10.91) compared to the FRP (0.20 to 2.48); significant differences were also found among groups of both populations. Remarkably, children in both populations exhibited the highest proportions of risk, reaching up to 97% in GP. For all populations, fish consumption was the most important variable influencing MeHg exposure. Overall, for MeHg exposure, there is no safe level of fish consumption without risk, and actions should be taken to mitigate possible risk; further research with current data is needed to assess potential health risks associated with MeHg exposure, particularly in children.  相似文献   

Synopsis This study describes an association between the temperate zone fish Oxylebius pictus and sea anemones in Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Fish were observed swimming and resting unharmed among the tentacles, or next to a column of Urticina lofotensis (98% of all observations) and U. piscivora (2% of all observations). These associations were most commonly observed at moderately exposed sites where there were relatively high densities of O. pictus and anemones. Most associations occurred at night when the fish were inactive. Small young-of-year fish (< 6 cm total length) associated closely with sea anemones, larger individuals spent less time with their hosts, and most adults (> 12 cm total length) sheltered in rock holes and crevices. Experiments demonstrated that small O. pictus were more vulnerable to predators than large individuals. Urticina lofotensis and U. piscivora were large, persistent structures in the study habitats that provided effective refuge for O. pictus from predators. Anemone size, shape, tentacular adhesive force, and presence of copepod associates influenced patterns of host specificity. Oxylebius pictus fed on copepods and other crustaceans that associated with U. lofotensis and host sea anemones served as both refuges and feeding habitats for the fish. The sea anemones did not appear to receive any significant benefit from the relationship and the fish was considered to be a facultative commensal.  相似文献   

Seven sites in Bahía de los Angeles, northern Gulf of California, were sampled seasonally over a three-year period. Five species of brown algae previously not recorded from this bay were identified: Ralfsia pacifica, Sporochnus balleanus, Hydroclathrus clathratus, Colpomenia sinuosa and Padina mexicana. Of these, H. clathratus also provided a new record for the northern Gulf of California. One species previously recorded from the bay, Dictyopteris undulata, was not observed. On a seasonal basis, temperature and biodiversity showed an inverse relationship: highest species numbers occurred in spring, when temperatures were lowest, and lowest species numbers occurred in autumn when temperatures were highest. Most species of brown algae in Baífa de los Angeles are annuals.  相似文献   

  • 1 The vaquita Phocoena sinus is a small porpoise that is endemic to the northern Gulf of California, Mexico. It is the most critically endangered marine small cetacean in the world. The most precise estimate of global abundance based on a 1997 survey is 567 (95% CI 177–1073).
  • 2 Vaquitas mainly live north of 30°45′N and west of 114°20′W. Their ‘core area’ consists of about 2235 km2 centred around Rocas Consag, 40 km east of San Felipe, Baja California. Genetic analyses and population simulations suggest that the vaquita has always been rare, and that its extreme loss of genomic variability occurred over evolutionary time rather than being caused by human activities.
  • 3 Gill nets for fish and shrimp cause very high rates of by‐catch (entanglement) of vaquitas. Estimates of bycatch rates are from 1993–94 and refer to one of three main fishing ports: 84 per year (95% CI 14–155) using only data collected by observers and 39 per year (95% CI 14–93) using combined data from observers and interviews with fishermen. Boats from other ports may experience similar rates, and the total is probably well above what would be sustainable.
  • 4 Other less well‐characterized and longer‐term risk factors include the potential for disturbance by trawling to affect vaquita behaviour, and the uncertain effects of dam construction on the Colorado River and the resultant loss of freshwater input to the upper Gulf. However, entanglement is the clearest and most immediate concern.
  • 5 Progress towards reducing entanglement has been slow in spite of efforts to phase out gill nets in the vaquita’s core range, and the development of schemes involving compensation for fishermen. The Biosphere Reserve in the northern Gulf has fallen far short of its potential for vaquita conservation. On 29 December 2005, the Mexican Ministry of Environment declared a Vaquita Refuge that contains within its borders the positions of approximately 80% of verified vaquita sightings. In the same decree, the state governments of Sonora and Baja California were offered $1 million to compensate affected fishermen. The effectiveness of this major initiative remains to be seen.
  • 6 The vaquita’s survival does not depend on more or better science but on improved management. As a funding priority, implementation of conservation measures and evaluation of their effectiveness should come ahead of more surveys or improved estimation of by‐catch.

Harpacticoid copepod community structure was analyzed at 43 stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico deep-sea to test regional and bathymetric patterns of diversity in relation to environmental variables and topographic complexity of the continental slope. Depth, longitude, and proximity to the Florida Escarpment significantly affect average phylogenetic diversity, but basins and canyons do not. Multivariate analysis reveals a significant inverse relationship between diversity and POM flux, which is confirmed by significant region-scale depth and longitude differences. Although species richness declines linearly with increasing depth, the expected number of species (rarefraction) is maximized at approximately 1200 m, and average taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity continue to increase with depth, suggesting greater morphological or functional harpacticoid diversity with increasing depth. Most stations have unique species compositions, suggesting high regional (2200 species) and global (105-106 species) diversity by extrapolation. Therefore, processes maintaining harpacticoid diversity in the northern Gulf of Mexico deep-sea seem to rely on both small-scale dispersal and large-scale food supply mechanisms.  相似文献   

The trophic role of snappers was evaluated on the continental shelves of the south-western Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan in the south-eastern Gulf of Mexico. Mass-balanced, steady-state trophic models of the two ecosystems were constructed with Ecopath and perturbations were simulated in the ecosystems with Ecosim by increasing fishing mortality. Impacts were measured by changes in biomass of snappers and other groups, and in some indices of stability: persistence, recovery time and resilience. The snapper populations differed between ecosystems. The western Gulf of Mexico system appeared more complex and more stable than the Continental Shelf of Yucatan. Although overall stability indices between ecosystem suggested a similar structure and function, there were clear differences at a group level. Correlation of stability attributes between groups suggested differences in the role of snappers between the ecosystems suggesting that each stock should be managed individually.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Population disjunctions, as a first step toward complete allopatry, present an interesting situation to study incipient speciation. The geological formation of the Baja California Peninsula currently divides 19 species of fish into disjunct populations that are found on its Pacific Coast and in the northern part of the Gulf of California (also called the Sea of Cortez), but are absent from the Cape (Cabo San Lucas) region. We studied the genetic makeup of disjunct populations for 12 of these 19 fish species. Phylogeographic patterns for the 12 species can be separated into two major classes: a first group (eight species) showed reciprocal monophyly and high genetic divergence between disjunct populations. A second group (four species) displayed what appeared to be panmictic populations. Population structure between Pacific Coast populations, across the Punta Eugenia biogeographic boundary, was also evaluated. While dispersal potential (inferred by pelagic larval duration) was a poor predictor of population structure between Gulf of California and Pacific populations, we found that population genetic subdivision along the Pacific Coast at Punta Eugenia was always positively correlated with differentiation between Pacific and Gulf of California populations. Vicariant events, ongoing gene flow, and ecological characteristics played essential roles in shaping the population structures observed in this study.  相似文献   

A toxic bloom of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. was observed in the Alabama coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) in June 2009 that resulted in the accumulation of domoic acid (DA) in fish. The bloom initiated following a large storm event that likely caused increased groundwater discharge 16–20 days prior to peak densities. Eleven sites, located in littoral shoreline waters and inshore embayments spanning the entire Alabama NGOM coastline, were sampled during peak densities to assess Pseudo-nitzschia species composition and toxicity, and associated water-quality parameters. Small fish (0.27–11.9 g body weight) were collected at six of these sites for analysis of DA content. High Pseudo-nitzschia spp. densities (8.27 × 104–5.05 × 106 cell l−1) were detected at eight sites located in the littoral shoreline and particulate DA was detected at six of these littoral sites (48.0–540 pg ml−1). The bloom consisted primarily (>90%) of Pseudo-nitzschia subfraudulenta, a species previously characterized as forming only a minor component of Pseudo-nitzschia assemblages and not known to produce DA. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. were at low densities or not detected at the inshore sites and DA was detected at these sites. Pseudo-nitzschia spp. density varied along an estuarine gradient, with greater densities occurring in the most saline, clear, and nutrient-poor waters. Cell density was strongly and negatively correlated with silicate (Si) concentrations and the ratios of silicate to dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate (Si:DIN and Si:PO4). Cell toxin quota was negatively correlated with phosphate, and strongly and positively correlated with the ratio of total nitrogen to total phosphorus (TN:TP). These relationships are consistent with previous observations that indicate Pseudo-nitzschia spp. density and toxicity are likely to be greater in high salinity, high irradiance, and nutrient-poor waters. DA was detected in 128 of 131 (98%) of the fish collected, which included seven primary and secondary consumer species. This is the first demonstration of trophic transfer of DA in this region of the NGOM, indicating that toxic blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. in Alabama coastal waters have the potential to transfer DA to recreationally and commercially important fish species.  相似文献   

A suite of 13 polymorphic tri- and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated from the ahermatypic deep-sea coral, Lophelia pertusa. Among 51 individuals collected from three disjunct oceanic regions, allelic diversity ranged from six to 38 alleles and averaged 9.1 alleles per locus. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 9.1 to 96.8% and averaged 62.3% in the Gulf of Mexico population. For some loci, amplification success varied among collections, suggesting regional variation in priming site sequences. Four loci showed departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in certain collections which may reflect nonrandom mating.  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic nuclear-gene (allozyme) loci were surveyed among 491 red drum ( Sciaenops ocellatus ) sampled in 1988 and 1989 from nearshore localities in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and the Atlantic coast of the southeastern United States (Atlantic). Data were combined with those from a previous study to generate a data set of 762 individuals representing 11 sample localities in the Gulf and 175 individuals representing five sample localities in the Atlantic. The combined data set included individuals from the 1986 and 1987 year classes and permitted rigorous testing of both temporal and spatial genetic heterogeneity. Average heterozygosity-per-locus values (estimated using 33 assumed monomorphic loci) were 0·048 (Gulf red drum) and 0·046 (Atlantic red drum). Tests of heterogeneity in allele frequencies between year classes at individual localities and across regions (Gulf and Atlantic) were non-significant. Tests of spatial (geographic) heterogeneity indicated that red drum are weakly subdivided: genetically-differentiated subpopulations occur in the northern Gulf and along the south-eastern Atlantic coast. Genetic data were consistent with the hypothesis that red drum within the Gulf and along the Atlantic coast comprise singie subpopulalions. Genetic differences between Gulf and Atlantic red drum seem likeiy to stem from historical or recent interactions between dispersal and impediments to gene flow.  相似文献   

This study described the nutrient dynamics in a tropical coastal lagoon that is affected by the infiltration of cold nutrient-rich groundwater. The spatial and time variation of physicochemical characteristics (e.g., temperature, salinity, oxygen) and nutrients (e.g., nitrate, ammonium, soluble reactive silicate, soluble reactive phosphorus) are depicted and show changes with respect to weather conditions. The lagoon shows a permanent salinity gradient from the inner zone (14–19). Nitrate and soluble reactive silicate (SRSi) are inversely correlated with salinity. Soluble phosphorus (SRP) shows highest levels in the inner zone during winter months (>9 µM). Ammonium shows two high peaks, one in the rainy season (15 µM) and the other during winter (11 µM). The intensity and quality of rainfall influences the nitrate and SRSi inputs, while biological activity influences the SRP and ammonium levels.  相似文献   

Hypoxia (low oxygen conditions) has been found in the southeastern region of Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, U.S.A. every summer since 1988. The objectives of the current study were to determine direct and indirect effects of hypoxia on macrofauna. Direct physiological effects of hypoxia include reduction of benthic abundance, biomass, diversity, species richness and species evenness because of physiological intolerance. Indirect ecological effects of hypoxia include predation of emerging benthic fauna from the sediment. Macrofaunal community characteristics were compared vertically within sediments in caged and uncaged sediment samples in hypoxic and normoxic areas. Cage effects were determined with partial cages, which had reduced flow and no predator exclusion. Dissolved oxygen concentrations during the experiment was monitored in water column profiles and continuous measurement of bottom water in the hypoxic and normoxic areas. Hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay in 1999 occurred as transient events, many of which were of short duration (less than 1 h) and moderate intensity (around 2 mg l− 1). The macrobenthic community characteristics (i.e., abundance, biomass, species richness, diversity, and evenness) were directly affected by hypoxia as indicated by depressed levels and few deeper-dwelling organisms in the hypoxic area. Community structure was also different between the hypoxic and normoxic areas because of loss of species (presumably due to intolerance to low oxygen) in the hypoxic areas. Benthic invertebrates were found primarily in the surface in the hypoxic area, but there was no significant indication of indirect effects, i.e., increased predation pressure in the hypoxic area. The increased exposure to predation risk may be mitigated by predator avoidance of hypoxic areas. In conclusion, hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay has negative direct effects on benthic organisms, but no indirect effects, such as increased predation pressure. The most significant finding is the interaction between hypoxia and vertical distributions of infauna, which drive hypoxia intolerant organisms to the surface and out of sediments.  相似文献   

Heron  Gayle A. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,480(1-3):145-154
A new species, Oncaea frosti, is described and compared to O. venusta Philippi and O. venella Farran. The three species are closely related and difficult to distinguish, except for the differences in size of females and males and dorsal dilation of pediger 2 of females of O. frosti.  相似文献   

The developmental stages of the gonads and the spawning season of the ocean whitefish, Caulolatilus princeps , were determined. Gonad maturation is annual, and the spawning season is prolonged, from late autumn to early spring. From November to March, around 80% of the females were in an advanced mode of gonadal development, and in April most gonads were spent. From May to October the gonads were at rest and preparing for the next spawning season.
The gonadosomatic index describes the reproductive activity of the species adequately.  相似文献   

The genus Amphictene is reported for the first time from Mexico. Previous records for America are restricted to Brazil (Amphictene catharinensis) (Grube, 1870), and Guatemala (Amphictene guatemalensis) (Nilsson, 1928). In this paper we describe a new species, Amphictene helenae sp. n., characterized by the presence of three pairs of tentacular cirri, while other species have only two pairs. The new species is closely similar to Amphictene catharinensis, and can be distinguished by the presence of a circular group of glandular papillae inserted between the lines of glandular cirri present from the second segment. Amphictene guatemalensis is redescribed based on type material; it differs from the new species in the presence of two pairs of tentacular cirri on segments 1 and 2, six pairs of glandular cirri on the third segment, and four glandular lobes fused in pairs on the fourth segment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Because female signal blennies, Emblemaria hypacanthus (Pisces: Chaenopsidae), exhibited a preference for the larger of two males in laboratory mate-choice experiments, male reproductive success was predicted to be positively correlated with male size in field populations. This prediction was met at one field site, but not a second where shelter size, rather than male size, was the primary correlate of male reproductive success. This finding appeared to be the consequence of the relatively small size of shelters (vacant gastropod shells) at the second site. At this site, significantly more males had their shelters filled with eggs and variance in male reproductive success was lower than at the first site. Limited area for deposition of eggs is potentially an important constraint on the short-term reproductive success of paternal males of shelter- or crevice-spawning fishes.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between the longitude of peak arrival of trans-Gulf migrants on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico in spring and wind trajectories over the Gulf at three different altitudes (500, 1,500, and 2,500 m above ground level). We used data from 10 WSR-88D radars (weather surveillance radar-1988-Doppler) from Brownsville, Texas, to Key West, Florida, to record the time and longitude of peak arrival on the northern Gulf coast for four spring migrations (2001–2004). We used the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Air Resources Laboratory HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model at the READY Web site to generate backward, 24-h atmospheric trajectories based on archived atmospheric data for each trans-Gulf flight. The trajectories began at the geographic location where radar indicated the greatest concentrations of arriving migrants. Although the longitude of peak arrival varied, peak densities of most trans-Gulf migrants arrived on the northern coast near longitude 95°W. Regression analyses showed that the relationship between the longitude of peak trans-Gulf arrival and the direction of atmospheric trajectory was significant but weak at the 500-m level, where few migrants occurred, and was insignificant for the 1,500- and 2,500-m altitudes, where migrant densities were greater. We conclude that winds aloft over the Gulf have little influence on the longitude of peak trans-Gulf arrival on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and we speculate that the arrival pattern may reflect the trans-Gulf migration pathways that evolved during the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   

Abstract Lamellibrachia luymesi is a long‐lived vestimentiferan polychaete that produces biogenic habitat at hydrocarbon seeps on the upper Louisiana slope of the Gulf of Mexico. Lamellibrachia luymesi relies on endosymbiotic, chemoautotrophic bacteria for nutrition which are supplied with hydrogen sulphide acquired from seep sediments by the tube worms. In this study, an individual‐based model is developed for L. luymesi aggregations. The results show that aggregations can persist for centuries because of extremely low mortality rates. Recruitment patterns reflect intraspecific competition for settlement space, with the recruitment period estimated between 11 and 68 years. Substantial hydrogen sulphide requirements are estimated for large aggregations of L. luymesi, exceeding 30 mmol h?1. In addition to modifying habitat through physical structure, L. luymesi may be considered to be an ecosystem engineer because of its profound effect on the chemical environment at hydrocarbon seep sites.  相似文献   

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