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Abstract. The efficacy of a commercial product (Margosan-O) to inhibit feeding in Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) larvae was compared to that of three pure triterpenoids of botanical origin: azadirachtin and salannin (occurring in Melia azedurach ), and toosendanin (occurring in M. toosendan ). In dual-choice behaviour tests the order of antifeedant efficacy was: Margosan-O > toosendanin > salannin > azadirachtin. The ranking order of their capacity to stimulate the deterrent receptor located in the medial sensillum styloconicum appears to be: Margosan-O = toosendanin > salannin > azadirachtin. In addition to stimulating the medial deterrent cell, toosendanin inhibits the sugar receptor and the glucosinolate receptor, both located in the lateral sensillum styloconicum. The amino acid receptor in this sensillum, however, is not affected. In contrast, neither azadirachtin nor salannin influences the sensitivity of any of the receptor cells in this sensillum.
The adaptation rate of the deterrent receptor is low in comparison to that of the two sugar receptors.
A significant correlation is found between the antifeedant indices of the four neem compounds tested at three different concentrations, and the responses of the deterrent receptor to these compounds at similar concentrations. It is concluded that when this insect species feeds on its natural foodplant (i.e. cabbage), the deterrent effect of neem compounds is mediated solely via the medial deterrent receptor, whereas inhibitory effects on the sugar and glucosinolate receptors do not play a significant role.  相似文献   

Behavioural responses of three linyphiid spiders to pitfall traps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The behaviour of three linyphiid spider species (Araneae: Linyhiidae) towards pitfall traps was investigated in an experimental arena. Capture efficiencies were low with a mean of between 16 and 57 traps being encountered before spiders were caught. Survival time, trap encounter rate, trap entry rate and reactions towards vegetation were all found to be species-specific. These behaviours are considered to affect differentially pitfall trap efficiency and may partially explain the lack of clear relationship between pitfall trap catch and density found in published studies.  相似文献   

Fifteen drimane compounds were tested for their feeding inhibiting activity in larvae of Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) when applied to leaf material of the host plant Brassica oleracea L. The antifeedant efficacy of the drimanes was related to their molecular structure in order to identify important functional groups. Of the drimanes tested, those with a lactone group on the B-ring were the most effective feeding inhibitors. Additionally, the sensory responses to 13 of the drimanes were measured. Neural activity was evoked in the deterrent cell in the medial sensillum styloconicum. Also, inhibition of sensory responses to feeding stimulants was found. Results of behavioural and electrophysiological tests were correlated in an attempt to elucidate the sensory code underlying feeding inhibition by drimanes in Pieris brassicae. It was concluded that the response of the deterrent cell in the medial sensillum styloconicum contributes significantly to inhibition of feeding behaviour in larvae of Pieris brassicae.  相似文献   

A major problem for communication research is to provide standardized stimuli and to disentangle the relative contribution of different sensory channels to the compound signal and its effectiveness. Video techniques have frequently been used for this purpose. Fifty Hertz cathode ray tube (CRT) screens cannot be used for birds because their flicker frequency is lower than the time resolution of at least songbirds. Thin film transistor (TFT) screens have successfully been used to present video clips of behaving conspecifics. We show here that they are indeed transmitting video images in a way that enables zebra finches to react appropriately to live video images of conspecifics and that the test birds are able to detect small differences in the behaviour of the stimulus animals. Adding acoustic information strongly enhanced the reaction to the video clips.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to compare the variations in cerebral oxygenation, blood pressure and center-of-foot pressure after standing from sitting and supine positions at normal (22 degrees C) and high (32 degrees C) room temperatures. Thirty young adults stood up from a resting posture (sitting or supine position) and kept the static standing posture for 90 sec. Meanwhile, their center-of-foot pressure (COP), blood pressure, and cerebral oxygenation kinetics were measured in continuity. The change of the frequency domain low-to-high frequency (LF/HF) ratio of the R-R interval before and after standing from a supine position was significantly higher than that from a sitting position under both temperature conditions. Blood pressure as well as total and oxygenated hemoglobin levels decreased immediately after standing up and the ratio of blood pressure change when moving from a supine position to standing at high room temperature was the largest as compared with the other conditions. Total hemoglobin (Hb) volume was found to temporarily decrease after standing and required 22-24 sec to recover when the subject started from the sitting position and 33-36 sec when the subject started from the supine position. Cerebral oxygenation kinetics tended to be larger under high, rather than normal, temperature conditions. All COP parameters after standing were significantly larger in the high temperature condition than in the normal temperature condition. Body sway after standing was larger in the high temperature condition than in the normal temperature condition and after standing from a supine position than from a sitting position. In conclusion, cerebral oxygenation kinetics and blood pressure measured after the subject moved to the standing position changed dramatically under high temperature conditions, and variations in this parameter may influence body sway.  相似文献   

Behavioural changes of four larval blackflies (Simulium noelleri, S. ornatum (complex), S. trifasciatum [syn. S. spinosum] and S. variegatum) to experimental reduction of dissolved oxygen were investigated with videotechniques. Since these species are characterised by different habitat preferences, they were expected to respond differently to oxygen depletion. During experiments lasting 120–140 min., dissolved oxygen (DO) was reduced to 0.3–0.6 mg/1 within the first hour and kept constant for another hour. Water velocity in the laboratory channel was 135 cm/s. Transparent plastic walls allowed video-recording of larval behavioural responses to oxygen depletion. Blackflies did not engage in undulative or other ventilation movements, and they did not increase locomotory activity, nor did they actively drift. Oxygen depletion mainly altered filter-feeding activity and non-locomotory movements (bending and sweeping). With decreasing DO concentrations larvae of all four species reduced and finally ceased filter-feeding. Non-locomotory movements first temporarily increased and then also ceased, except in S. variegatum, where these movements were immediately suspended. DO-threshold values for cessation of filter-feeding and movements, as well as mortality indicated S. variegatum to be the most sensitive species in respect to oxygen depletion, while S. noelleri seems to be the most tolerant among the four blackfly species tested here.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates make up a significant portion of dissolved organic carbon in waterways. Apart from studies demonstrating that chondroitin causes avoidance behaviours in some fish species, no work has been done to determine how fish respond to carbohydrates commonly found in their environment. In this study fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were attracted to N-acetyl-d -glucosamine, avoided d -arabinose and had no response to either d -xylose or d -glucose using a behavioural assay. This study provides further evidence that carbohydrates may be important chemosensory cues for fish.  相似文献   

The ability of dystrophic hamsters to maintain their body temperature despite abnormal muscle and brown adipose tissue, two organs involved in thermoregulation, was evaluated. Dystrophic hamsters (CHF 146) between the ages of 30 and 160 days kept at 21 degrees C had core (rectal) temperatures (TR) that were 0.5-1.5 degrees C lower than Golden Syrian controls. The reduced core temperatures of dystrophic hamsters were unlikely the result of an incapacity to generate heat since the dystrophic hamsters were able to maintain their TRs during 3 h of acute cold stress (4 degrees C) and to adapt to prolonged cold exposure. However, TRs of cold-acclimated dystrophic hamsters were still 1 degree C below TRs of cold-acclimated control animals. By contrast, increasing the ambient temperature raised TRs of both normal and dystrophic hamsters. When kept at 32 degrees C overnight, the TRs of dystrophic hamsters remained significantly below those of control animals. When heat-exposed dystrophic hamsters were returned to 21 degrees C, their TRs returned to values significantly lower than those of control hamsters. Thus, dystrophic hamsters showed a capacity to thermoregulate, like control hamsters, but appeared to do so at a lower temperature. The reduced core temperatures of dystrophic hamsters kept at 21 degrees C cannot be explained by a reduction in metabolic activity since newborns and 30- and 140-day-old dystrophic hamsters had rates of oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) that were similar to those of controls. These results suggest that the thermoregulatory set point may be altered in dystrophic hamsters.  相似文献   

Local cooling or heating of the hypothalamus of yellow bellied marmots elicited appropriate thermoregulatory responses to maintain body temperature. Increases in EMG, heart rate, and oxygen consumption were observed during hypothalamic cooling. Conversely, hypothalamic heating generally decreased thermogenic parameters toward minimal levels. Normothermic marmots retained thermoregulatory heat production throughout the year although loss of vasomotor regulation seemed to occur as they prepared for hibernation. The relationship between manipulated changes in hypothalamic temperature and induced changes in oxygen consumption was linear. This proportional relationship at one air temperature (15 °C) was parallel and displaced to the right of that relationship obtained at a lower air temperature (10 °C). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that hypothalamic regulation of body temperature in normothermic marmots is similar to that of nonhibernating mammals, although vasomotor regulation may differ.  相似文献   

1 Adult wheat stem sawflies Cephus cinctus, pests of cultivated cereals that also infests wild grasses, migrate into wheat fields where they oviposit in elongating, succulent stems.
2 Volatiles released by wheat plants at susceptible stages were analyzed to determine potential semiochemical compounds. Seven major compounds were identified and quantified.
3 A Y-tube bioassay was developed to evaluate upwind orientation of adult sawflies in response to an airstream that passed over elongated wheat plants. The bioassay was also conducted with synthetic volatile compounds. The compounds were tested using a range of concentrations spanning those identified in the airstream passing over wheat plants.
4 A significant number of adult females were attracted to wheat plants when given a choice of either purified air or the air passing over plants.
5 A significant number of female C. cinctus were attracted to ( Z )-3-hexenyl acetate, β-ocimene, and ( Z )-3-hexen-1-ol, but were repelled by 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one. Females did not respond to ( E )-2-hexenal, or ( E )-2-hexenyl acetate. The behavioural responses were concentration dependent; the highest tested concentration of ( Z )-3-hexenyl acetate was repellent to females of this species.
6 Adult males did not discriminate between air passing over wheat plants and air from a purified airstream. Males did not respond to any tested synthetic compound at any concentration.
7 The present study demonstrates for the first time that adult females of wheat stem sawfly display innate behaviours in response to synthetic volatiles. These results provide a basis for the potential development of resistant wheat varieties and for the development of semiochemically-based pest management.  相似文献   

One important impact of invasive species may be to modify the behaviour of native taxa. For example, the invasion of highly toxic cane toads (Bufo marinus) kills many anurophagous native predators, but other predators learn to recognize and avoid the toxic invader. We exposed native fish (northern trout gudgeons, Mogurnda mogurnda) and Dahl's aquatic frogs (Litoria dahlii) to cane toad tadpoles, then monitored the predator's responses during subsequent trials. Both the frogs and fish initially attacked toad tadpoles, but rapidly learned not to do so. Fish and adult frogs retained their aversion for at least a week, whereas recently metamorphosed frogs did not. Clearly, the spread of cane toads through tropical Australia can modify feeding responses of native aquatic predators. For predators capable of rapid avoidance learning, the primary impact of cane toads may be on foraging behaviour rather than mortality.  相似文献   

Intake of endophyte-infected tall fescue by cattle results in fescue toxicosis, which is characterized by increased hyperthermia during heat stress and concomitant reductions in feed intake and growth. Rats were monitored at 21 or 31 °C for short- or long-term periods to determine temporal changes associated with the intake of endophyte-infected (E+) or uninfected (E−) fescue seed diets. Core temperature only changed in rats fed E+ diet at 31 °C. Intake of E+ diet reduced feed intake, daily gain, and serum prolactin. There were temporal and thermal differences in the response to endophytic toxins, with short-term changes diminishing over time at 21 °C, but increasing for certain parameters at 31 °C.  相似文献   

Many wildlife species forage on sewage-contaminated food, for example, at wastewater treatment plants and on fields fertilized with sewage sludge. The resultant exposure to human pharmaceuticals remains poorly studied for terrestrial species. On the basis of predicted exposure levels in the wild, we administered the common antidepressant fluoxetine (FLUOX) or control treatment via prey to wild-caught starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) for 22 weeks over winter. To investigate responses to fluoxetine, birds were moved from their group aviaries into individual cages for 2 days. Boldness, exploration and activity levels showed no treatment effects but controls and FLUOX birds habituated differently to isolation in terms of the concentration of corticosterone (CORT) metabolites in faeces. The controls that excreted higher concentrations of CORT metabolites on day 1 lost more body mass by day 2 of isolation than those which excreted lower levels of CORT metabolites. CORT metabolites and mass loss were unrelated in FLUOX birds. When we investigated the movements of birds in their group aviaries, we found the controls made a higher frequency of visits to food trays than FLUOX birds around the important foraging periods of sunrise and sunset, as is optimal for wintering birds. Although individual variability makes interpreting the sub-lethal endpoints measured challenging, our data suggest that fluoxetine at environmentally relevant concentrations can significantly alter behaviour and physiology.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of wild (predator-experienced) and hatchery-reared (predator-naive) cod Gadus morhua to standardized mechano-acoustic (MA) stimuli were compared in the laboratory. Wild fish responded mainly with freezing and fast-start escapes away from the stimulus, whereas hatchery-reared fish often ignored or approached the stimulus. Wild fish also had stronger responses, turning faster during escapes and reducing activity immediately after the stimulus. Both fish types were less active on a 'risky' bare substratum after the stimulus. The antipredator responses of wild fish were consistent to repeated stimuli, whereas hatchery-reared fish that had generally only encountered harmless stimuli showed more variable responses with lower repeatability. This suggests that experience plays a role in shaping the behavioural response of fishes to MA stimuli.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The hypothesis that size-selective predation and species-specific prey behaviours facilitate the coexistence between larvae of invasive Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and U.S.A.-native Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Say) was tested experimentally with the predator Corethrella appendiculata (Grabham).
2. Larval behaviours associated with a higher risk of predation were identified, and prey behavioural responses were tested in either the physical presence of predators or in water containing predation cues. Larvae that thrashed on container bottoms had a higher risk of being captured by fourth instar C. appendiculata than did larvae resting on the water surface. Ochlerotatus triseriatus , but not A. albopictus , adopted low-risk behaviours in response to water-borne cues to predation. Both prey species reduced risky behaviours in the physical presence of the predator, but O. triseriatus showed a stronger response.
3. The vulnerability of 2nd and 3rd instar prey to predation was compared, and behavioural responses were correlated with prey vulnerability. Second instars of both species were more vulnerable to predation by C. appendiculata than were 3rd instars, and the 3rd instar A. albopictus was more vulnerable than O. triseriatus of the same stage. All instars of O. triseriatus showed a similar reduction of risky behaviours in response to the presence of C. appendiculata despite 4th instar prey being relatively invulnerable to size-selective predation.
4. Weaker predator avoidance, coupled with superior competitive ability, of invasive A. albopictus is likely to contribute to its coexistence with O. triseriatus in containers of the south-eastern U.S.A., where C. appendiculata can be abundant.  相似文献   

The initial response of individuals to human‐induced environmental change is often behavioural. This can improve the performance of individuals under sudden, large‐scale perturbations and maintain viable populations. The response can also give additional time for genetic changes to arise and, hence, facilitate adaptation to new conditions. On the other hand, maladaptive responses, which reduce individual fitness, may occur when individuals encounter conditions that the population has not experienced during its evolutionary history, which can decrease population viability. A growing number of studies find human disturbances to induce behavioural responses, both directly and by altering factors that influence fitness. Common causes of behavioural responses are changes in the transmission of information, the concentration of endocrine disrupters, the availability of resources, the possibility of dispersal, and the abundance of interacting species. Frequent responses are alterations in habitat choice, movements, foraging, social behaviour and reproductive behaviour. Behavioural responses depend on the genetically determined reaction norm of the individuals, which evolves over generations. Populations first respond with individual behavioural plasticity, whereafter changes may arise through innovations and the social transmission of behavioural patterns within and across generations, and, finally, by evolution of the behavioural response over generations. Only a restricted number of species show behavioural adaptations that make them thrive in severely disturbed environments. Hence, rapid human‐induced disturbances often decrease the diversity of native species, while facilitating the spread of invasive species with highly plastic behaviours. Consequently, behavioural responses to human‐induced environmental change can have profound effects on the distribution, adaptation, speciation and extinction of populations and, hence, on biodiversity. A better understanding of the mechanisms of behavioural responses and their causes and consequences could improve our ability to predict the effects of human‐induced environmental change on individual species and on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Antipredator behaviour of fathead minnows Pimephales promelas increased significantly on exposure to hypoxanthine-3-N-oxide at concentrations as low as 0·4 n with no further increase in response at concentrations up to 6·7.  相似文献   

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