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Capsule Ortolan Bunting occurrence is associated with bare ground, Lucerne, shrub cover and hedgerows/tree rows.

Aims To assess the habitat features selected by Ortolan Buntings at the territory level in semi-open landscapes, in the northern Apennines of Italy.

Methods We mapped territories in ten different plots and built a habitat selection model comparing 52 occupied cells with 52 unoccupied ones (cell size: 1?ha). We built multivariate adaptive regression splines models based on ground-measured variables.

Results The model revealed an association with intermediate Lucerne cover (50% of the cell), high shrub cover, bare ground (≥5%) and hedgerows/tree rows (≥25?m/ha). The most important driver of occurrence was bare ground (optimum at 5–20%).

Conclusion The maintenance of the mosaic and low-intensity farmed landscape, the promotion of Lucerne and the conservation/restoration of hedgerows/tree rows, may be promoted through the Rural Development Programme. The conservation of bare soil, grassland and shrubs at optimum amount at fine-scale could be the object of an agri-environment scheme targeted specifically at the Ortolan Bunting.  相似文献   

The Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana is a long-distance migrant that has suffered major population declines across much of its European breeding range. While northern populations are bound largely to farmland, Mediterranean populations are largely confined to habitats subject to recurrent wildfires. Habitat selection of the Ortolan Bunting was assessed in a recently burnt area in Catalonia at landscape and habitat scales. A Zero-inflated Poisson procedure was used to model the abundance of birds in relation to landscape and habitat variables. The most parsimonious landscape model predicted the highest abundance on south-facing slopes, with a gradient above 10°. The most parsimonious habitat model showed a positive quadratic effect of bare ground and regenerating oak Quercus spp., with predicted optima for abundance around 20–30% and 20% cover, respectively. There was a clear relationship between predicted abundance of the Ortolan Bunting and post-fire regenerating oak shrubs. South-facing, moderately sloping areas were favoured and bare ground was a key feature of the species' habitat. A matrix combining patches of sparse oak shrubs and patches of bare ground appears to be the optimal breeding habitat in the Mediterranean. The maintenance or provision of similar habitat features, especially patches of bare ground, may prove crucial for the conservation of rapidly declining Ortolan Bunting populations on farmland across temperate Europe.  相似文献   

ÅKE BERG 《Ibis》2008,150(3):565-573
Many granivorous birds have shown severe population declines in Europe during recent decades. The aim of the present study was to analyse habitat preferences and reproductive success of one such species, the Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana, in different farmland habitats in south‐central Sweden. Four seemingly different land‐use types were preferred: permanent set‐asides, short rotation coppice, and grazed and unmanaged semi‐natural pastures. Territories and random sites differed considerably in the proportion of these preferred land‐use types; 39% of territories had > 70% preferred habitat (at the 100‐m scale) compared to 5% of random sites. In contrast, 22% of territories and 65% of random sites had no preferred habitats. All the preferred habitats had heterogeneous ground vegetation characterized by patches with bare ground, or at least sparse ground vegetation, intermixed with patches with taller vegetation. Ortolan Buntings also preferred a heterogeneous habitat structure with occurrence of field islets, shrubby edges, barns and electric wires, which could act as song posts or suitable nest‐sites, in 88% of territories. At a larger (1‐km square) scale, territories occupied by pairs aggregated strongly in areas with high proportions of preferred habitats. The number of territories with single males correlated positively with the number of pairs, which suggests that conspecific attraction may influence territory distribution. No measured habitat factors were related to reproductive success. However, due to habitat preferences and the higher proportion of paired males in one habitat type (set‐aside), the production of young (fledglings/ha) is expected to be higher in set‐asides, as well as in short‐rotation coppices and semi‐natural pastures. Thus, these habitats are important for the conservation of the Ortolan Bunting. Large areas with habitat structures such as field islets are especially important because the Ortolan Bunting breeds in aggregations in these areas.  相似文献   

红颈苇鹀被IUCN列为全球近危物种,在中国南方比较罕见。2014年3月15日,笔者在湖北省荆州市观音档镇 (30°22′55″N,112°21′27″E,海拔30 m)进行鸟类调查时,发现3-5只红颈苇鹀在油菜从中活动,拍到一组照片,经查阅文献,确定为湖北新纪录,并结合前人的观察,确定为冬候鸟。  相似文献   

The spatial ecology of the white‐tailed mongoose Ichneumia albicauda was studied during November 1998 to February 2000 on farmland adjacent to the Bale Mountains National Park in southern Ethiopia. Four male and one female white‐tailed mongooses were captured and radiotagged. The average range size was 3.2 km2 for three adult males and 2.6 km2 for the female which is larger than previously recorded in savannah habitat. Asymptotic range size was reached at approximately 50 locations for the males and twenty locations for the female. The ranges of the three adult male mongooses overlapped on average only 2% whereas the single female range overlapped with two adjacent males by 81 and 25%, respectively. Twenty per cent of mongoose sightings were of groups that consisted of a male and female. Diurnal resting sites were found amongst rocks or in empty buildings. The mongooses foraged on grassy areas within woodland and bush during nocturnal activity periods. We conclude that white‐tailed mongoose social organization in this agricultural landscape was similar to other solitary mongooses and was characterized by a mosaic of exclusive male ranges overlapping a separate mosaic of smaller female ranges.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of very high population densities and agricultural intensification on farm diversity and food security. Geertz and other researchers have suggested that intensification is likely to lead to crop specialization and a loss of diversity. Others, especially for Africa, have argued that intensification maintains or even increases agro-diversity. The case of Hamisi, in western Kenya, one of the most densely populated areas in all of rural Africa, supports the latter scenario. Farmers engage in a wide variety of sophisticated practices that maintain exceptionally high levels of agro-diversity. Their farming system includes complex patterns of intercropping, polyvariety, an emphasis on multi-purpose crops, and the close integration of crops and livestock. Despite this agro-diversity, we find that the intense population pressure in Hamisi has resulted in such small landholdings that diet quality and food security are seriously jeopardized. Despite the diversity of their farms, most families are highly dependent on market purchases and they consume very limited quantities of nutritionally dense foods, especially protein.  相似文献   

The effects of light wavelength on photoperiodic clock were determined in the migratory male blackheaded bunting (Emberiza melanocephala). We constructed an action spectrum for photoperiodic induction (body fattening, gain in body mass, and gonadal recrudescence) by exposing birds for 4.5 weeks to 13 h light per day (L:D = 13:11 h) of white (control), blue (450 nm), or red (640 nm) color at irradiances ranging from 0.028 to 1.4 W m?2. The threshold light irradiance for photoinduction was about 10-fold higher for blue, compared to red and white light. Phase-dependent effects of light wavelength on the photoperiodic clock were further examined in the next two sets of skeleton photoperiods (SKPs). In the first set of SKPs, birds were exposed for four weeks to asymmetrical light periods (L:D:L:D = 6:6:1:11 h) at 0.25 ± 0.01 W m?2; two light periods applied were of the same (450 nm: blue:blue, B:B; 640 nm, red:red, R:R) or different (blue:red, B:R or red:blue, R:B) wavelengths, or of white:white (W:W, controls). Photoperiodic induction occurred under R:R and B:R, but not under B:B and R:B light conditions; the W:W condition induced an intermediate response. The second set of SKPs used symmetrical light periods (L:D:L:D = 1:11:1:11 h), and measured effects also on the activity rhythm. Birds were first exposed to one of the four SKPs (R:R, B:B, R:B, or B:R) for three weeks, subsequently were released into dim constant light (LLdim; ?0.01 W m?2, the night light used in an L:D cycle) for two weeks, and then were returned to respective SKPs for another three weeks. Activity was greater in the R:R compared to B:B, and in B:R compared to R:B light condition. Zugunruhe (intense nighttime activity, indicating migratory restlessness in a caged situation) developed under the R:R and B:R, but not the B:B and R:B, light condition. Under LLdim, all birds free-ran with a period >24 h, the Zugunruhe had a circadian period longer than the daytime activity, and the re-entrainment to SKPs was influenced by the position of light periods relative to circadian phase of the activity rhythm. Photoperiodic induction at the end of 8 weeks was found in the R:R and B:R, but not in B:B, light conditions; in the R:B condition only one bird had initiated testes. Taken together, these results suggest that in the blackheaded bunting, the circadian photoperiodic clock is differentially responsive to light wavelengths; this responsiveness is phase-dependent, and the development of Zugunruhe reflects a true circadian function. Wavelength-dependent response of the photoperiodic clock could be part of an adaptive strategy in evolution of the seasonality in reproduction and migration among photoperiodic species under wild conditions.  相似文献   

Photoperiod is the most consistent environmental cue, and therefore, any change in anticipated light environment may affect subsequent response under long days. To test this hypothesis, photosensitive migratory redheaded buntings (Emberiza bruniceps) were exposed to altered photoperiods for 4 weeks [short days (SP, 8L:16D, group 1; control), short days alternated with constant dim light (SP/LLdim; group 2), constant dim light (LLdim; group 3) and constant bright light (LLbright; group 4)] before being transferred to long days (LP; 16L:8D) for 15 weeks. Group differences in long-day-induced responses were observed. The onset of migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) was earliest in LLbright but persisted for maximum period in LLdim group. The LLdim group attained peak testis size significantly delayed and had more food consumption under long days. The results suggest that the altered photoperiodic exposure during photosensitive stage affects the seasonal phenotypes such as migration and reproduction in migratory buntings.  相似文献   

Latitudinal preferences within the breeding range have been suggested for Breeding Stock G humpback whales that summer in different feeding areas of the eastern South Pacific. To address this hypothesis, humpback whales photo‐identified from the Antarctic Peninsula and the Fueguian Archipelago (southern Chile) were compared with whales photo‐identified from lower latitudes extending from northern Peru to Costa Rica. This comparison was performed over a time span that includes 18 austral seasons. A total of 238 whales identified from the Antarctic Peninsula and 25 whales from the Fueguian Archipelago were among those photo‐identified at the breeding grounds. Our findings showed that humpback whales from each feeding area were resighted unevenly across the breeding grounds, which suggests a degree of spatial structuring in the migratory pathway. Humpback whales that feed at the Antarctic Peninsula were more likely to migrate to the southern breeding range between northern Peru and Colombia, whereas whales that feed at the Fueguian Archipelago were more likely to be found in the northern range of the breeding ground off Panama. Further photo‐identification efforts and genetic sampling from poorly sampled or unsampled areas are recommended to confirm these reported connectivity patterns.  相似文献   

During spring migration, herbivorous waterfowl breeding in the Arctic depend on peaks in the supply of nitrogen‐rich forage plants, following a “green wave” of grass growth along their flyway to fuel migration and reproduction. The effects of climate warming on forage plant growth are expected to be larger at the Arctic breeding grounds than in temperate wintering grounds, potentially disrupting this green wave and causing waterfowl to mistime their arrival on the breeding grounds. We studied the potential effect of climate warming on timing of food peaks along the migratory flyway of the Russian population of barnacle geese using a warming experiment with open‐top chambers. We measured the effect of 1.0–1.7°C experimental warming on forage plant biomass and nitrogen concentration at three sites along the migratory flyway (temperate wintering site, temperate spring stopover site, and Arctic breeding site) during 2 months for two consecutive years. We found that experimental warming increased biomass accumulation and sped up the decline in nitrogen concentration of forage plants at the Arctic breeding site but not at temperate wintering and stop‐over sites. Increasing spring temperatures in the Arctic will thus shorten the food peak of nitrogen‐rich forage at the breeding grounds. Our results further suggest an advance of the local food peak in the Arctic under 1–2°C climate warming, which will likely cause migrating geese to mistime their arrival at the breeding grounds, particularly considering the Arctic warms faster than the temperate regions. The combination of a shorter food peak and mistimed arrival is likely to decrease goose reproductive success under climate warming by reducing growth and survival of goslings after hatching.  相似文献   

Understanding the winter distributions of migrant birds is important because productivity and recruitment are influenced by conditions at several locations and periods in the life cycle of individuals. The western loggerhead shrike, Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides , is a threatened species in Canada, and its decline is attributed to potential limitations on the wintering grounds. We examined patterns of stable-hydrogen isotope (δD) distributions in feathers of loggerhead shrikes, primarily of L. l. excubitorides , during winter at three regions in north and central Mexico, to establish relative abundance and origins of migrants. We also investigated potential movements of Mexican winter resident individuals. Using shrike museum specimens of known summer provenance, a shrike deuterium base map for Mexico was developed from isotopic measurement of feathers of resident shrikes and use of a recently established feather base map for raptors in North America. Stable hydrogen isotope analyses of inner secondary feather (s9) of all loggerhead shrikes examined in Mexico during winter indicated that north-central (Region A), north-eastern (Region B) and south-central (Region C) sites in Mexico consisted of 28.1%, 73.7% and 63.8% of migrant individuals from northern breeding grounds, respectively. Isotopic evidence suggested movements of a few local residents birds (7.9%) into the Chihuahuan desert from south-western USA and north-eastern Mexico to winter.  相似文献   

Abstract  To assess the relative impact of a range of habitat variables on spider abundance, field and laboratory experiments were conducted on populations of the urban wall spider Oecobius navus in suburban Perth, Western Australia. Habitat characteristics investigated were: substrate type, wind speed, rainfall, sunlight exposure, relative humidity, air temperature, substrate temperature, artificial lighting and prey type/abundance. In the field, O. navus was found to be associated with high humidity, low air temperature and shelter from sunlight and rainfall. Oecobius navus was more abundant at sites with greater prey abundance. The most common prey item was the red meat ant Iridomyrmex chasei . Juvenile spiders were more abundant than adult spiders; however, patterns between spider abundance and habitat variables were similar for both adults and juveniles. Laboratory experiments showed that O. navus preferred to build webs on wooden substrates, and pitted limestone walls. These findings indicate that O. navus may be vulnerable to desiccation and/or thermal stress, and thus survives better on sheltered walls.  相似文献   

Habitat preferences of the Andean bear Tremarctos ornatus were studied within two adjacent protected areas in the north-western Bolivian Andes. Standard transects measuring habitat variables and bear sign frequency were used spanning seven different vegetation types. Andean bears were present at 28 of 33 sampled sites and actively preferred high-elevation elfin forest and upper montane humid forests, and used high-elevation humid 'páramo' grasslands and middle montane humid forests according to their availability. Bears were absent from dry montane and Andean foothill forests and relative abundance was low in lower montane humid forests. Elevation and basal area of food items were the variables most closely related to the relative abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract: The incidence of SIVagm seropositivity in a natural population of Ethiopian grivet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops aethiops) is investigated using plasma samples collected in 1973, and shown to be similar to that reported from the same population in 1990–91. Results tend to support our previous conclusions: endemic SIVagm has little or no impact on the survival of wild grivet monkeys, and the virus is transmitted almost always by sexual contact, occasionally by trauma, and rarely if ever maternally. Small differences between 1973 and 1990–93 suggest that the stress of drought years may raise the incidence of traumatic transmission, and temporarily depress transmission by sexual activity, in this population.  相似文献   

Group formation in humpback whales has been described in relation to different components of the migratory cycle, yet it is debated whether such groups represent real social bonding or ephemeral aggregations. Cooperative behaviours are exhibited during feeding activities, and it has been suggested that males may cooperate during competition for mates. Since most cooperative behaviours are expected to originate among kin, genetic relatedness represents a critical variable in the understanding of any social phenomenon, especially when cooperation cannot be confirmed unequivocally. Using an approach combining multi-locus microsatellite genotyping and several genetic relatedness estimators, we analyzed whale associations for two different wintering grounds in the Southern Hemisphere. The analyses included 648 whales sampled from 292 groups off the coast of Gabon and Northeast Madagascar, and screened for eleven microsatellite loci. Through simulations, we assessed the performance of three pairwise relatedness estimators. The individuals were molecularly sexed and their associations were investigated in the context of sex and group type. No significant association among relatives was found with the exception of mother-offspring pairs, supporting previous indications of extended maternal care. The analysis from the Gabon population also suggests that related males may avoid each other during competitive activities. Our results demonstrate that if cooperative behaviours occur on wintering grounds they are not favoured by kin selection.  相似文献   

2006-2009年的3月中上旬,利用样方法、因子测定法、卡方检验等方法对内蒙古红花尔基樟子松林国家级自然保护区的黑琴鸡越冬末期的生境选择进行了调查分析.结果表明:越冬末期,红花尔基保护区黑琴鸡栖息生境包括食物和隐蔽2个要素;栖息生境选择分为2个层次(大生境层次和小生境层次)和2个过程(栖息生境类型选择和栖息区域选择);栖息生境类型选择具有普遍性与特殊性,以樟子松林或樟子松混交林为主(80.3%);栖息区域选择通过地形因子和人为干扰因子来实现,倾向于选择低海拔(800~900 m)、低坡度(<20°)、中下坡位、远离村镇(>12 km)和公路(1~2 km)及林缘(>600 m)的区域.  相似文献   

The forest buffalo Syncerus caffer nanus is one of the three subspecies of African buffalo inhabiting the rainforests of Western and Central Africa. Because of its secretive behaviour and main habitat (dense rainforests), there is little quantitative information on the habitat preferences of this buffalo. We present here the first data on the frequencies of this species along a habitat gradient ranging from clearings and rivers to forests, as well as the characteristics of the buffalo's resting places. We recorded information from a buffalo herd during the period January 2002–January 2004 in the Bai-Hokou area (Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Central African Republic). Resting places were firstly compared with available habitat (i.e. resting vs. random sites) and, successively, comparisons were made between diurnal versus nocturnal and wet versus dry season resting places. Forest buffalos were found to be highly dependent on clearings, as well as on the more open forest stands, characterized by large trees and open canopy. Such preferences could be due to the tendency of the buffalos to rest all together; open patches are likely to facilitate social interactions between the members of the herd.  相似文献   

Coccinellids (ladybird beetles) exhibit considerable diversity in habitat and dietary preference and specificity. This is evident even when comparing species within some coccinellid genera. Resource limitation and competition are suggested as of greatest importance in the evolution of coccinellid habitat preferences. Dietary and habitat specialization has probably occurred in some lineages within broader preferences possessed by generalist ancestors, to avoid the costs associated with migration between habitats and prey switching. Feeding in atypical habitats, on alternative food, when optimal prey are scarce, is likely to have been of great importance in facilitating evolutionary shifts to novel diets and habitats. The broad host ranges of many coccinellid parasitoids and observed interspecific differences in parasitoid prevalence resulting from physiological differences between coccinellid species argue that enemy free space has been of limited importance in habitat and prey shifts in this group. Rapid change may occur in coccinellid foraging patterns, perhaps due to conditioning, and coccinellids may swiftly adapt to new habitats through selection acting on the expression pre-existing traits. Diet, as a determinant of coccinellid migration and gene flow, is likely to affect probable modes of speciation in different coccinellid groups. Parapatric speciation and possibly sympatric speciation are suggested as of possible importance in the genesis of new coccinellid species through prey and habitat shifts.  相似文献   

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