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Synopsis Chanos chanos belongs to a monotypic gonorynchiform family and is most closely related to the freshwater Ostariophysi. The earliest gonorynchiforms occurred in the Cretaceous of Brazil and west Africa. Chanos occurred in the freshwater Eocene deposits of Europe and North America, and probably invaded the circumtropical Tethys Sea during transgression episodes. At present, milkfish occurs near continental shelves and around oceanic islands throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. Milkfish populations throughout the range show high genetic variation but low genetic divergence, similar to many other commercially important teleosts. The natural life history of milkfish is one of continual migration. Adults are relatively large (to 1.5 m or 15 kg), long-lived (to 15 years), pelagic and schooling. They spawn offshore near coral reefs or small islands. The eggs, embryos and larvae are pelagic and relatively larger than those of most marine species. Larvae ≥ 10 mm long and 2–3 weeks old move inshore via a combination of passive advection and active migration. Passing shore waters and surf zones, they settle in shallow-water depositional habitats such as mangrove swamps and coral lagoons, where they metamorphose and spend a few months as juveniles. Some juveniles may enter freshwater lakes where they grow into sub-adults but do not mature. Both small juveniles and large sub-adults go back to sea when they reach the size limit supportable by the habitat. Little else is known of the dynamics of wild populations of milkfish. A fishery on inshore larvae supports the centuries-old aquaculture of milkfish in southeast Asia. During the past ten years, milkfish have matured and spawned under various conditions of captivity, and hatcheries have produced larvae to supply the culture ponds. Much remains to be learned concerning the milkfish, particularly its ecology and physiology.  相似文献   

Exposed sandy coasts are predominantly physically controlled environments where benthic communities are structured by the independent response of species to the physical environment, with minimal biological interactions (swash exclusion hypothesis). This prevalence of physical control may be regarded as a typical property of exposed coastal areas. In an offshore direction, the importance of wave effects on the benthos will diminish until a depth is reached where they are no longer significant [wave exclusion hypothesis (WEH)]. This loss of a coastal property may be used to define an offshore depth limit of the coastal zone. We used a large set of benthos data from the SE North Sea to test whether an offshore limit of the coast can be clearly recognised despite strong small-scale variability and how this limit would vary seasonally and from year to year. In accordance with WEH, both species density and total abundance of macrobenthos were low in the surf zone, strongly increased with depth, and averaged over all sampling dates became relatively constant below 30 m depth. Seasonally, these gradients were weaker during summer recruitment than during autumn. Species richness, by contrast, showed no significant difference with depth. In single years, the depth of the turning point from increasing abundances to constant abundances varied between 20 and 31 m (equivalent to 40–80 km off the coastline) depending on wave height. We conclude that this zone can be derived from benthic community gradients.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of subtidal laminarian and fucoid algae, echinoids, and four species of herbivorous gastropods were assessed. Line transects and stratified random quadrats were used, encompassing different depths and seven localities ranging over 1000km in northern New Zealand. This sampling was carried out to form a quantitative basis on which to pose hypotheses for later experimental work. Several patterns were apparent, both within and between localities. Fucoid algae were characteristic of depths between 0–6 m, while laminarian algae had peaks of abundance at 3–6 m and from 10–17 m. Intermediate depths were characterized by areas bare of large brown algae, with high densities of echinoids and gastropods. This pattern of a bimodal depth distribution of algae and abundant grazers at intermediate depth was a consistent feature of the northern coastal sites and the semi-exposed offshore islands. Size—frequency distributions for algae at these sites showed that the largest fucoids generally occurred in very shallow water, while the dominant laminarian alga tended to have larger individuals at depths of 10–14 m. In all cases, the biomass distribution with depth of the algal species mirrored their numerical abundance.

Differences between localities were associated both with environmental factors and the unique algal floras of some offshore islands. Echinoids and gastropods were rare at the two most exposed localities, which were also at the extremes of the geographic range. At these sites, depths between 6–10 m were occupied by large brown algae. Deep-water fucoid algae occurred at two offshore localities but the predominant species at one of them was peculiar to that island group.

Because of the general consistency between localities, and the few exceptions to these patterns, hypotheses are considered which could be tested on a local scale to account for echinoid and algal abundances and depth distributions. Our results indicate that the chief questions concerning the structuring of subtidal algal communities are demographic in nature and that an assessment of the status of individual organisms, rather than biomass or productivity, is the appropriate approach to resolve these questions.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between population size and geographic range size for British breeding birds and mammals. As for most other assemblages studied, a strong positive interspecific correlation is found in both taxa. The relation is also recovered once the phylogenetic relatedness of species has been controlled for using an evolutionary comparative method. The slope of the relation is steeper for birds than for mammals, but this is due in large part to two species of mammals that have much higher population sizes than expected from their small geographic ranges. These outlying mammal species are the only ones in Britain to be found only on small offshore islands, and so may be exhibiting density compensation effects. With them excluded, the slope of the abundance–range size relation for mammals is not significantly different to that for birds. However, the elevation of the relation is higher for mammals than for birds, indicating that mammals are approximately 30 times more abundant than birds of equivalent geographic range size. An earlier study of these assemblages showed that, for a given body mass, bats had abundances more similar to birds than to non-volant mammals, suggesting that the difference in abundance between mammals and birds might be due to constraints of flight. Our analyses show that the abundance–range size relation for bats is not different for that from other mammals, and that the anomalously low abundance of bats for their body mass may result because they have smaller than expected geographic extents for their size. Other reasons why birds and mammals might have different elevations for the relation between population size and geographic range size are discussed, together with possible reasons for why the slopes of these relations might be similar.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the diet of two abundant notothenioid fishes, rock cod Patagonotothen ramsayi (Nototheniidae) and frogmouth Cottoperca gobio (Bovichthidae) were studied on the Falkland Island shelf. The rock cod is a near-bottom browser, feeding mostly on gelatinous and crustacean plankton. The diet of juveniles [10–16 cm total length (TL)] includes mostly copepods in summer and comb jellies Mnemiopsis leydyi in winter. Adult rock cod (17–34 cm TL) in summer consumed mainly plankton, with comb jellies and salps being of primary importance. In winter they mainly took benthos, primarily ophiuroids and lobster krill ( Munida spp.), and the comb jelly. During the fishing season, rock cod also scavenge on fishing discards. The frogmouth is a benthic ambush predator; both small (11–30 cm) and large (31–80 cm) representatives feed on the rock cod throughout the year. During the seasonal offshore migration of the squid Loligo gahi (June–August), this prey predominated in the large frogmouth diet, with crab, Peltarion spinosulum , of secondary importance. The region is seasonally exploited by the squid trawl fishery. As the fishing season commences (August–September), discarded rock cod also becomes an important food item for the frogmouth. Seasonal offshore migrations of L. gahi into the common depth range of both notothenioids have a significant direct (change in the C. gobio diet) and indirect (scavenging on fishing discards and targeting bottom scavengers by P. ramsayi and C. gobio during the squid fishing) impact on their diets over the Falkland shelf. The niche breadth of rock cod varied from 2.63 to 3.21 and that of frogmouth varied from 2 to 6.29, depending on fish size and season.  相似文献   

Changes in demographic features of the lion population in the south-western Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park cause conservation concern. The ratio between adult males and females changed from 1♂:2♀ to 1♂:1♀ over a 32-year period (1977–2010). This is atypical for undisturbed lion populations. We evaluated mechanisms that on their own or together could explain the trend by using both a discrete- and continuous-time capture–recapture model to analyse 2 years of individual-based observation data (May 2013–June 2015). Although most vital rates were within expected parameters, shifts in the sex structure remained similar to that reported for sub-adults previously. The population comprised of 26.9% cubs and juveniles (<2 years), 14.2% sub-adults (2–4 years) and 59% adults (>4 years). Litters had equal sex ratios at first detection. Birth rates were lower (0.44 cubs per female per year) than between 1998 and 2001 (0.69 cubs per female per year). The continuous model indicated a higher survival effect for female cubs, while both models showed higher survival rates/effects for sub-adult and adult females relative to males. However, the sex ratio for sub-adults was male-biased. The shift in demographic signals may associate with changes in age-related immigration rates of sub-adult males.  相似文献   

传统圈养和半自然散放环境亚成年大熊猫的行为差异   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2001年7月20日至8月20日,在四川卧龙自然保护区中国保护大熊猫研究中心,采用连续观察法记录和分析了传统圈养和半自然散放环境下亚成年大熊猫(分别为3和9只)的几种行为的持续时间和发生次数。传统圈养环境亚成年大熊猫探究行为的持续时间、标记行为的频次显著多于半自然散放环境下的个体;刻板行为的持续时间有增加的趋势,但无显著差异。刻板行为的持续时间与标记行为的频次和探究行为的持续时间均呈显著正相关。表明圈养环境的改善有助于亚成年大熊猫探究和标记行为的明显减少。  相似文献   

 This study examined the effect of fishing on the abundance and species richness of families of coral reef fish at two islands (Sumilon and Apo) in the Philippines from 1983 to 1993. Natural fishing experiments occurred in marine reserves at each island, where long term estimates of fishing intensity were available. Responses to fishing were interpreted in terms of life histories of fish. The intensity of fishing and fish life histories were generally good predictors of the differential rates of decline and recovery of abundance in response to fishing. Large predators had vulnerable life histories (low rates of natural mortality, growth and recruitment) and were subjected to high intensity fishing. They declined significantly in density when fished and increased significantly but slowly when protected from fishing. Caesionidae, a family with a life history resilient to fishing (high rates of natural mortality, growth and recruitment) but fished intensively also declined rapidly in abundance when fished. Thus, knowledge of life history alone was insufficient to predict response to fishing. Acanthuridae were fished relatively hard and had a life history of intermediate vulnerability but displayed weak responses to fishing. Thus level of fishing intensity alone was also not sufficient to predict response to fishing. For Chaetodontidae, effects of fishing conformed to expectations based on life history and fishing intensity at one island but not the other. Three families with intermediate vulnerability and subjected to intermediate to light fishing (F. Scaridae, Labridae and Mullidae) displayed predictably weak responses to fishing, or counter-intuitive responses (e.g., increasing in abundance following fishing). These counter-intuitive responses were unlikely to be secondary effects of increase in prey in response to declines of predators. Two lightly-fished families with resilient life histories (F. Pomacentridae, Sub F. Anthiinae) predictably displayed weak numerical responses to fishing except during a period of use of explosives and drive nets. Accepted: 30 June 1998  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the ecological distribution and the effects of environmental factor oscillation on the life cycle of Penaeus schmitti along the coastal area of Cananéia, southern São Paulo state, Brazil. Shrimp and environmental factors were sampled monthly from July 2012 to May 2014 at seven sampling stations covering both estuarine and marine environments, using a shrimp fishing boat. A total of 273 juveniles and 829 adults were sampled, and there were significant differences in body size (carapace length – CL) throughout the seasons (ANOVA). Smaller animals were observed in the summers of 2013 and 2014 and at sites closer to the coast, which are under estuarine influence. Adults were observed mostly in autumn and in deeper regions. We detected a positive relationship between the abundance of juveniles and the bottom water temperature and between the abundance of adults and the water salinity (canonical correspondence analysis). The presence of smaller individuals in the estuarine environment demonstrates the importance of the estuaries in this species’ ontogeny, mainly concerning their protection, since this environment has physical (depth) and physiological (salinity) barriers to their predators. Furthermore, we could clearly observe the plasticity of juveniles in relation to environmental factors. In contrast, adults were less tolerant to the variation in environmental factors, mainly water salinity, which was a limiting factor of their distribution. Seasonal differences in body size could be directly associated to this species’ life cycle and characterized by trophic and reproductive migratory activities between the estuarine and oceanic regions.  相似文献   

云南省纳帕海自然保护区越冬黑颈鹤的集群特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2004年10月-2005年5月,在云南纳帕海自然保护区采用定点扫描法对越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的集群类犁和集群大小进行了观察.结果表明黑颈鹤夜间集群夜栖,形成较大的夜栖群,平均群体大小为67.9只(16-157,n=17):按照有无灰鹤加入,又将其分为同种集群和混种集群两种类型,其中同种集群的黑颈鹤数量占整个越冬种群的65.3%.在白昼,黑颈鹤以家庭鹤、集群鹤及特殊群体3种类型活动,家庭鹤和集群鹤的平均大小分别为2.7只(2-4,n=145)和16.1只(3-65,n=1017).黑颈鹤的集群大小并不稳定,在日内和月份间均有明显变化(P=0.000<0.05).存越冬期,最大集群形成于12月,其次为11月和1月;在日内,早上8时集群最大,随后减小并保持相对稳定,18时黑颈鹤开始向夜栖地靠拢,使得集群再次开始增大.随后观察中还发现,黑颈鹤的家庭解体过程开始于3月底,当幼鹤被成鹤驱逐离群后,逐渐加入集群鹤活动,从而使得家庭鹤和集群鹤的大小和组成发生改变.黑颈鹤的集群大小和组成受自身状况、种内关系、天气、食物等多种因素的共同影响,随时间和季节变动而发生变化,是对自身、种群和环境条件变化的综合反映.  相似文献   

Tropical reef corals are expanding on Japanese temperate coasts in response to rising sea surface temperatures, and many tropical fish juveniles have been observed routinely in these coral habitats. The present study explored how offshore tropical fish larvae locate coral habitat on the temperate coasts of Japan. Settlement-stage larvae were sampled between July and October 2009–2011 with light traps anchored on coral-replete and coral-free habitats (rocky habitats) at two-level distance (distance between each habitat type was 6 km and 500 m, respectively). Larval abundance was significantly higher on the coral-dominated habitat than that on the rocky habitat at both short and long distance sites, suggesting that coral habitats attract offshore tropical fish larvae. In underwater visual survey, Chaetodontidae and Pomacentridae juveniles were more abundant in coral habitats than in rocky habitats at both the sites, and a laboratory habitat choice experiment demonstrated that these larvae showed a preference for corals rather than rocks. In contrast, densities of juvenile Mullidae did not differ between the coral and rocky habitats, and the larvae did not show a substrate preference in the habitat choice experiment. These observations suggest that habitat choice at settlement possibly accounts for the differences in settlement patterns of tropical fishes between the two habitats. Taken together, our results showed that most tropical fish larvae colonize their settlement coast at a scale of ~0.5 km, and that they may locate coral habitats after reaching a reef. Moreover, the results suggest that coral habitat expansion on temperate coasts will lead to an increase in coral-associated tropical fishes and will change assemblage structures of fishes on temperate coasts.  相似文献   

The abundance, biomass, and life history traits of Mysis relicta were evaluated in the spring, summer, and autumn of 2000 at 8 nearshore (45 m) and 8 offshore (75–110 m) stations throughout central and southern Lake Michigan. Abundance was also evaluated on a smaller scale during June 2000 at 4 nearshore and 4 offshore stations in southeastern Lake Michigan. For large-scale sampling, the abundance of M. relicta did not differ among locations in the spring. In the summer and autumn the abundance of M. relicta was similar among offshore stations with the exception of one station each season; for nearshore stations, abundance was generally highest off Pentwater, Michigan. The abundance of mysids was not consistently high for central or southern basin sites, although overall biomass was higher in the southern basin each season. Abundance of Mysis was positively correlated with bottom depth, but not with bottom water temperature, surface water temperature, or mean chlorophyll concentration. Within the smaller region in southeast Lake Michigan, the abundance of M. relicta differed among locations for both nearshore and offshore stations. Brood size and size of reproductive females did not differ among lake wide locations, but the proportion of females with broods and the size distribution of M. relicta did.  相似文献   

Aim Species diversity is distributed heterogeneously through space, for reasons that are poorly understood. We tested three hypotheses to account for spatial variation in coniferous tree species diversity in a temperate island archipelago. The theory of island biogeography (ToIB) predicts that island area affects species diversity both directly (by increasing habitat diversity) and indirectly (by increasing abundances, which in turn reduce extinction rates). The ToIB also predicts that island isolation directly affects species diversity by reducing immigration rates. The passive sampling hypothesis predicts that island area and isolation both affect species diversity indirectly, by increasing and decreasing abundances, respectively. Community assembly rules (i.e. even partitioning of conifer abundances among islands) might also reduce tree species diversity beyond the core predictions of ToIB and the passive sampling hypothesis. Location Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada. Methods The abundances of eight coniferous tree species were quantified on 34 islands and two (1 ha) mainland plots. The predictions of the ToIB and the passive sampling hypothesis were tested using path analysis, and null models were used to test for abundance‐based assembly rules and to further test the passive sampling hypothesis. Results Path analysis showed that island area and isolation did not have direct, statistical effects on tree species diversity. Instead, both geographic variables had direct statistical effects on total tree abundances, which in turn predicted tree diversity. Results from several passive sampling null models were correlated with observed patterns in species diversity, but they consistently overestimated the number of tree species inhabiting most islands. A different suite of null models showed support for community assembly rules, or that tree species often reached higher abundances on islands that housed fewer heterospecific trees. Main conclusions Results were inconsistent with the ToIB. Instead, patterns in tree diversity were best explained by a combination of stochastic (passive sampling) and deterministic (assembly rules) processes. Stochastic and deterministic processes are commonly considered to be exclusive explanations for island community structure, but results from this study suggest that they can work synergistically to structure island tree communities.  相似文献   

The transparent goby, Aphia minuta, is one of the few pelagic species of the family Gobiidae. Its geographic range covers the eastern Atlantic Ocean, from Gibraltar to Norway and the Mediterranean basin including the Azov and Black seas. However, it does not occur along the north African coasts. The species is characterized by a unique larval morphology and precocious sexual maturation, i.e. a type of heterochrony known as progenesis. The transparent goby is an annual species that lives less than 1 year, with a maximum size of less than 60 mm. The breeding season is quite long and spawning takes place at least twice during its short lifespan. Just after spawning, all breeders quickly die probably as a consequence of the degeneration of the intestinal epithelium by apoptosis, marking the end of the entire cohort. Spending most of its life in the water column, it is a planktotrophic feeder, relying mainly on small copepods. In turn the transparent goby is preyed on by several species of fish and larger cephalopods. During ontogenesis, t hree phases characterize the species: a “pelagic phase”, composed of larval stages hatched from demersal eggs that inhabit shallow coastal waters; an “aggregated phase”, composed of juveniles that gather in schools in shallow waters during winter; finally, a “demersal phase”, composed of adults that in spring migrate offshore with a more dispersed distribution in proximity of the bottom. Despite its small size, this species is largely exploited by local small-scale fisheries developed mainly in the western and central Mediterranean. The fishing fleets, harboured in several sites in Spain and Italy, are generally composed of small vessels. Most of them use very selective gear such as purse-seine nets to catch schools of the transparent goby during winter. For these artisanal fisheries, the transparent goby represents, although seasonally, a very important source of income, yielding locally up to more than 100 tons per fishing season and 75 kg/vessel/day. This review critically examines the published literature on the biology and fisheries of the transparent goby, aiming to provide useful tools for appropriate management and for a sustainable exploitation of this important resource.  相似文献   

Fifteen Lophelia reefs from offshore to coastal areas off northern Norway were studied using video. Health status of the coral habitat (degree of physical impact, % cover of living tissue, colony size), occurrence of trawl marks and lost fishing gear, height of coral colonies and associated fauna were analysed from 44 video-lines. Fishing impact was more frequent on the offshore reefs (36.5% of the observed areas) than those in the coastal reefs (0.6%). The most visible effects of fishing were broken and displaced coral colonies. At some sites only small scattered fragments of live corals were observed, indicating recent impact. The mean colony height of Lophelia and gorgonian corals at impacted sites was around half the size of those at non-impacted sites. Both species richness and abundance was higher at non-impacted coral habitats compared to impacted. The actinarian Protanthea simplex and unidentified brittlestars were the only taxa with higher abundance on impacted compared with non-impacted habitats. The reefs at the offshore location were protected against bottom trawling in 2009 through the establishment of a marine protected area (MPA), but a general ban against trawling on known coral reefs had already been implemented in 1999. In the MPA, signs of regrowth were observed. Most of the observed damage probably occurred over 10 years earlier. Results show that live and non-impacted cold water coral reefs have an important ecological function by enhancing the local biodiversity and fish abundance. Preventing further damage to impacted reefs may lead to full recovery within a few decades.  相似文献   

北京地区黑鹳越冬期的取食行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2004年12月至2005年3月在北京十渡地区的二渡和涞水县野三坡两地采用目标取样法对越冬期黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)的取食行为进行了观察。每星期观察一次,累计观察246 h。黑鹳觅食处水深5~40 cm左右,以鱼类和螺类为食,其中鱼类占90%以上;平均每小时进食20次左右,黑鹳在两个研究地点取食的食物没有差别(P=0.439>0.05)。黑鹳取食长度小于4 cm的鱼类最多,占取食总次数的65.0%。成体和亚成体对不同大小鱼类的取食比例无差异(小于4 cm的鱼类,P=0.513>0.05;5~8 cm,P=0.979>0.05;≥9 cm,P=0.657>0.05)。在成体与亚成体对不同体型鱼类的搜寻时间中,成体搜寻较小食物的时间短于亚成体(P=0.008<0.05)。对食物的处理时间随着鱼类大小递增而延长,亚成体在处理较小食物上花费的时间相对较长(小于4 cm的鱼P=0.002<0.05;5~8cm的鱼P=0.001<0.05),表明亚成体的取食经验不足。保护越冬期黑鹳的最佳对策是减少对其取食活动和取食地的人为干扰。  相似文献   

1. The importance of native freshwater mussels for ecosystem processes depends on their density, size distribution and activity. In lakes, many of the factors that affect mussels (fish hosts, habitat, food) could be directly or indirectly related to wind‐driven physical processes. 2. We tested whether the abundance and size of Elliptio complanata in the shallow, nearshore areas of a medium‐sized lake were related to site exposure, substratum type and fish distribution. To disentangle some of the correlated variables known to affect mussel distribution, we used paired exposed and sheltered sampling sites along the 7‐km fetch of the lake basin. 3. The distribution of sediment characteristics in nearshore areas was highly predictable. The mean depth of accumulated soft sediments decreased with increasing fetch at wind‐exposed sites, but increased with increasing fetch at sheltered sites. Sediments were deeper along the main shoreline than around islands. Deeper sediments tended to be finer and higher in silt content and organic fraction. 4. The density and proportion of juvenile mussels along the main shoreline varied in a unimodal way with sediment depth. These results suggest that wind‐driven physical forces affect the transport of young juveniles to sediment depositional areas and create sediment conditions that influence their growth and survival. In contrast, the proportion of juvenile mussels around islands was not related to sediment characteristics, but decreased with remoteness of the island, suggesting that the distribution of juvenile mussels may be limited by fish movements. These results are tentative since they do not include buried juvenile mussels. 5. We also found a unimodal relationship between total mussel density (juveniles and adults) and sediment depth but, in contrast to the relationship for juveniles only, it applied to all sites with soft sediments, including islands. We conclude that factors related to sediment depth affect the growth and survival of adult mussels around islands and that these factors are strong enough to modify the pattern of distribution established via dispersal during earlier life stages. 6. The mean shell length of adults at different sites within the lake basin ranged from 60 to 85 mm. Mussel shell length decreased with increasing fetch at sites exposed to the prevalent winds, but was relatively constant on the sheltered side of peninsulas and islands. The size of unionid mussels in different parts of the lake seems to be determined both by their exposure to physical forces and by sediments. 7. The local distribution of E. complanata is determined, directly and indirectly, by wind‐driven forces. These processes are likely to be important for other benthic organisms affected by similar habitat conditions (e.g. sediment characteristics, physical disturbance).  相似文献   

Aim To determine the applicability of biogeographical and ecological theory to marine species at two remote island locations. This study examines how biogeography, isolation and species geographic range size influence patterns of species richness, endemism, species composition and the abundance of coral reef fishes. Location Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Methods Published species lists and underwater visual surveys were used to determine species richness, endemism, species composition and abundance of reef fishes at the islands. These data were statistically compared with patterns of species composition and abundance from the neighbouring ‘mainland’ Indonesian region. Results The two isolated reef fish communities were species‐poor and contained a distinct taxonomic composition with an overrepresentation of species with high dispersal potential. Despite low species richness, we found no evidence of density compensation, with population densities on the islands similar to those of species‐rich mainland assemblages. The mix of Indian and Pacific Ocean species and the proportional representations of the various regional faunas in the assemblages were not influenced by the relative proximity of the islands to different biogeographical provinces. Moreover, species at the edge of their range did not have a lower abundance than species at the centre of their range, and endemic species had substantially higher abundances than widespread species. At both locations, endemism was low (less than 1.2% of the community); this may be because the locations are not sufficiently isolated or old enough to promote the evolution of endemic species. Main conclusions The patterns observed generally conform to terrestrial biogeographical theory, suggesting that similar processes may be influencing species richness and community composition in reef fish communities at these remote islands. However, species abundances differed from typical terrestrial patterns, and this may be because of the life history of reef fishes and the processes maintaining isolated populations.  相似文献   

Despite a strong increase in research on seamounts and oceanic islands ecology and biogeography, many basic aspects of their biodiversity are still unknown. In the southwestern Atlantic, the Vitória-Trindade Seamount Chain (VTC) extends ca. 1,200 km offshore the Brazilian continental shelf, from the Vitória seamount to the oceanic islands of Trindade and Martin Vaz. For a long time, most of the biological information available regarded its islands. Our study presents and analyzes an extensive database on the VTC fish biodiversity, built on data compiled from literature and recent scientific expeditions that assessed both shallow to mesophotic environments. A total of 273 species were recorded, 211 of which occur on seamounts and 173 at the islands. New records for seamounts or islands include 191 reef fish species and 64 depth range extensions. The structure of fish assemblages was similar between islands and seamounts, not differing in species geographic distribution, trophic composition, or spawning strategies. Main differences were related to endemism, higher at the islands, and to the number of endangered species, higher at the seamounts. Since unregulated fishing activities are common in the region, and mining activities are expected to drastically increase in the near future (carbonates on seamount summits and metals on slopes), this unique biodiversity needs urgent attention and management.  相似文献   

Synopsis Since 1952, a sport fishery for the blue shark,Prionace glauca, has existed off the south coast of Cornwall in England. Annual catches from this fishery have ranged from < 200 to>6000 sharks. The fishery was based on a previously unexploited stock in the 1950s. The abundance of the species in the English Channel declined in the early 1960s and again in the mid-1970s. The declining abundance was investigated in relation to sea surface temperature (SST), prey abundance, and fishing pressure. Short-term fluctuations in SST were found to be responsible for changes in the distribution of the population, but not for changes in abundance. The abundance of prey species in the Channel was observed to be inversely related to the abundance of blue sharks. The reduced abundance of blue sharks lowered the level of effective predation on the prey populations, allowing their abundance to increase. It was concluded that the nature of the fishing practice off the Cornish coast was responsible for a significant part of the decrease in shark abundance. By killing large numbers of sub-adult females, the reproductive capacity of the population was lowered. Continued fishing pressure prevented the population from recovering; and as of 1987, the abundance of the species in the Channel is still declining. Various conservation measures have been proposed.  相似文献   

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