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Mechanics of carpal tunnel soft tissue, such as fat, muscle and transverse carpal ligament (TCL), around the median nerve may render the median nerve vulnerable to compression neuropathy. The purpose of this study was to understand the roles of carpal tunnel soft tissue mechanical properties and intratunnel pressure on the TCL tensile strain and carpal arch area (CAA) using finite element analysis (FEA). Manual segmentation of the thenar muscles, skin, fat, TCL, hamate bone, and trapezium bone in the transverse plane at distal carpal tunnel were obtained from B-mode ultrasound images of one cadaveric hand. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to examine the dependence of TCL tensile strain and CAA on TCL elastic modulus (0.125–10 MPa volar-dorsally; 1.375–110 MPa transversely), skin-fat and thenar muscle initial shear modulus (1.6–160 kPa for skin-fat; 0.425–42.5 kPa for muscle), and intratunnel pressure (60–480 mmHg). Predictions of TCL tensile strain under different intratunnel pressures were validated with the experimental data obtained on the same cadaveric hand. Results showed that skin, fat and muscles had little effect on the TCL tensile strain and CAA changes. However, TCL tensile strain and CAA increased with decreased elastic modulus of TCL and increased intratunnel pressure. The TCL tensile strain and CAA increased linearly with increased pressure while increased exponentially with decreased elastic modulus of TCL. Softening the TCL by decreasing the elastic modulus may be an alternative clinical approach to carpal tunnel expansion to accommodate elevated intratunnel pressure and alleviate median nerve compression neuropathy.  相似文献   

High lethality of aortic dissection necessitates accurate predictive metrics for dissection risk assessment. The not infrequent incidence of dissection at aortic diameters <5.5 cm, the current threshold guideline for surgical intervention (Nishimura et al., 2014), indicates an unmet need for improved evidence-based risk stratification metrics. Meeting this need requires a fundamental understanding of the structural mechanisms responsible for dissection evolution within the vessel wall. We present a structural model of the repeating lamellar structure of the aortic media comprised of elastic lamellae and collagen fiber networks, the primary load-bearing components of the vessel wall. This model was used to assess the role of these structural features in determining in-plane tissue strength, which governs dissection initiation from an intimal tear. Ascending aortic tissue specimens from three clinically-relevant patient populations were considered: non-aneurysmal aorta from patients with morphologically normal tricuspid aortic valve (CTRL), aneurysmal aorta from patients with tricuspid aortic valve (TAV), and aneurysmal aorta from patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV). Multiphoton imaging derived collagen fiber organization for each patient cohort was explicitly incorporated in our model. Model parameters were calibrated using experimentally-measured uniaxial tensile strength data in the circumferential direction for each cohort, while the model was validated by contrasting simulated tissue strength against experimentally-measured strength in the longitudinal direction. Orientation distribution, controlling the fraction of loaded collagen fibers at a given stretch, was identified as a key feature governing anisotropic tissue strength for all patient cohorts.  相似文献   

Excised anterior mitral leaflets exhibit anisotropic, non-linear material behavior with pre-transitional stiffness ranging from 0.06 to 0.09 N/mm2 and post-transitional stiffness from 2 to 9 N/mm2. We used inverse finite element (FE) analysis to test, for the first time, whether the anterior mitral leaflet (AML), in vivo, exhibits similar non-linear behavior during isovolumic relaxation (IVR). Miniature radiopaque markers were sewn to the mitral annulus, AML, and papillary muscles in 8 sheep. Four-dimensional marker coordinates were obtained using biplane videofluoroscopic imaging during three consecutive cardiac cycles. A FE model of the AML was developed using marker coordinates at the end of isovolumic relaxation (when pressure difference across the valve is approximately zero), as the reference state. AML displacements were simulated during IVR using measured left ventricular and atrial pressures. AML elastic moduli in the radial and circumferential directions were obtained for each heartbeat by inverse FEA, minimizing the difference between simulated and measured displacements. Stress–strain curves for each beat were obtained from the FE model at incrementally increasing transmitral pressure intervals during IVR. Linear regression of 24 individual stress–strain curves (8 hearts, 3 beats each) yielded a mean (±SD) linear correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.994±0.003 for the circumferential direction and 0.995±0.003 for the radial direction. Thus, unlike isolated leaflets, the AML, in vivo, operates linearly over a physiologic range of pressures in the closed mitral valve.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of pontic and cantilever designs (mesial and distal) on 3-unit implant-retained prosthesis at maxillary posterior region verifying stress and strain distributions on bone tissue (cortical and trabecular bones) and stress distribution in abutments, implants and fixation screws, under axial and oblique loadings, by 3D finite element analysis. Each model was composed of a bone block presenting right first premolar to the first molar, with three or two external hexagon implants (4.0 × 10 mm), supporting a 3-unit splinted dental fixed dental prosthesis with the variations: M1 – three implants supporting splinted crowns; M2 – two implants supporting prosthesis with central pontic; M3 – two implants supporting prosthesis with mesial cantilever; M4 – two implants supporting prosthesis with distal cantilever. The applied forces were 400 N axial and 200 N oblique. The von Mises criteria was used to evaluate abutments, implants and fixation screws and maximum principal stress and microstrain criteria were used to evaluate the bone tissue. The decrease of the number of implants caused an unfavorable biomechanical behavior for all structures (M2, M3, M4). For two implant-supported prostheses, the use of the central pontic (M2) showed stress and strain distributions more favorable in the analyzed structures. The use of cantilever showed unfavorable biomechanical behavior (M3 and M4), mainly for distal cantilever (M4). The use of three implants presented lower values of stress and strain on the analyzed structures. Among two implant-supported prostheses, prostheses with cantilever showed unfavorable biomechanical behavior in the analyzed structures, especially for distal cantilever.  相似文献   

Five overlapping clones covering the full genome of Enterovirus 71 China strain SHZH98 were obtained and then the sequences were determined by the chain termination method. It showed that the full length of EV71 SHZH98 genome (not including Poly A tail) is 7408 bp. There are some diversities on the lengths and sequences of 5′ UTR and 3′ UTR between SHZH98 and the other EV71 strains. In P1 capsid region, which is closely associated with viral immunogenicity, EV71 strain SHZH98 shares the highest homology with Taiwan strains; but in P2 and P3 non-structural gene regions there are higher identities with Coxsakievirus A16 and EV71 strains MS, BrCr than with Taiwan strains. Phylogenetic tree constructed by structural gene region indicates that China strain SHZH98 has a closer relationship with Taiwan strains, however, in the non-coding region it has a closer relationship with Coxsakievirus A16, EV71 strains MS and BrCr. EV71 China strain was analyzed at the molecular level. The results will contribute to the basic study on enteroviruses and the EV71 prevention in China.  相似文献   

Analysis of rare cells in heterogenous mixtures is proven to be beneficial for regenerative medicine, cancer treatment and prenatal diagnostics. Scarcity of these cells, however, makes the isolation process extremely challenging. Efficiency in cell isolation is still low and therefore, novel cell isolation strategies with new biomarkers need exploration. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of using the mechanical stiffness difference to detect and isolate the rare cells from the surrounding cells without labelling them. Fluid and solid mechanics simulations have shown that cell isolation can be performed at high efficiency using stiffness-based isolation. Accuracy of the numerical simulations is established using microfluidic flow chamber experiments.  相似文献   

Five overlapping clones covering the full genome of Enterovirus 71 China strain SHZH98 were obtained and then the sequences were determined by the chain termination method. It showed that the full length of EV71 SHZH98 genome (not including Poly A tail) is 7408 bp. There are some diversities on the lengths and sequences of 5' UTR and 3' UTR between SHZH98 and the other EV71 strains. In P1 capsid region, which is closely associated with viral immunogenicity, EV71 strain SHZH98 shares the highest homology with Taiwan strains; but in P2 and P3 non-structural gene regions there are higher identities with Coxsakievirus A16 and EV71 strains MS, BrCr than with Taiwan strains. Phylogenetic tree constructed by structural gene region indicates that China strain SHZH98 has a closer relationship with Taiwan strains, however, in the non-coding region it has a closer relationship with Coxsakievirus A16, EV71 strains MS and BrCr. EV71 China strain was analyzed at the molecular level. The results will contribute to the  相似文献   

Surrogate methods for rapid calculation of femoral strain are limited by the scope of the training data. We compared a newly developed training-free method based on the superposition principle (Superposition Principle Method, SPM) and popular surrogate methods for calculating femoral strain during activity. Finite-element calculations of femoral strain, muscle, and joint forces for five different activity types were obtained previously. Multi-linear regression, multivariate adaptive regression splines, and Gaussian process were trained for 50, 100, 200, and 300 random samples generated using Latin Hypercube (LH) and Design of Experiment (DOE) sampling. The SPM method used weighted linear combinations of 173 activity-independent finite-element analyses accounting for each muscle and hip contact force. Across the surrogate methods, we found that 200 DOE samples consistently provided low error (RMSE < 100 µε), with model construction time ranging from 3.8 to 63.3 h and prediction time ranging from 6 to 1236 s per activity. The SPM method provided the lowest error (RMSE = 40 µε), the fastest model construction time (3.2 h) and the second fastest prediction time per activity (36 s) after Multi-linear Regression (6 s). The SPM method will enable large numerical studies of femoral strain and will narrow the gap between bone strain prediction and real-time clinical applications.  相似文献   

Synthetic polypropylene meshes were designed to restore pelvic organ support for women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse; however, the FDA released two notifications regarding potential complications associated with mesh implantation. Our aim was to characterize the structural properties of Restorelle and UltraPro subjected to uniaxial tension along perpendicular directions, and then model the tensile behavior of these meshes utilizing a co-rotational finite element model, with an imbedded linear or fiber-recruitment local stress–strain relationship. Both meshes exhibited a highly nonlinear stress–strain behavior; Restorelle had no significant differences between the two perpendicular directions, while UltraPro had a 93% difference in the low (initial) stiffness (p=0.009) between loading directions. Our model predicted that early alignment of the mesh segments in the loading direction and subsequent stretching could explain the observed nonlinear tensile behavior. However, a nonlinear stress–strain response in the stretching regime, that may be inherent to the mesh segment, was required to better capture experimental results. Utilizing a nonlinear fiber recruitment model with two parameters A and B, we observed improved agreement between the simulations and the experimental results. An inverse analysis found A=120 MPa and B=1.75 for Restorelle (RMSE=0.36). This approach yielded A=30 MPa and B=3.5 for UltraPro along one direction (RMSE=0.652), while the perpendicular orientation resulted in A=130 MPa and B=4.75 (RMSE=4.36). From the uniaxial protocol, Restorelle was found to have little variance in structural properties along these two perpendicular directions; however, UltraPro was found to behave anisotropically.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand the mechanics of ship-whale collision and to reduce the associated mortality of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, a comprehensive biomechanical study has been conducted by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of New Hampshire. The goal of the study is to develop a numerical modeling tool to predict the forces and stresses during impact and thereby the resulting mortality risk to whales from ship strikes.Based on post-mortem examinations, jaw fracture was chosen as a fatal endpoint for the whales hit by a vessel. In this paper we investigate the overall mechanical behavior of a right whale mandible under transverse loading and develop a finite element analysis model of the bone. The equivalent elastic modulus of the cortical component of right whale mandible is found by comparing full-scale bending tests with the results of numerical modeling. The finite element model of the mandible can be used in conjunction with a vessel-whale collision event model to predict bone fracture for various ship strike scenarios.  相似文献   

Incisional hernia development is a significant complication after laparoscopic abdominal surgery. Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is known to initiate the extrusion of intestines through the abdominal wall, but there is limited data on the mechanics of IAP generation and the structural properties of rectus sheath. This paper presents an explanation of the mechanics of IAP development, a study of the uniaxial and biaxial tensile properties of porcine rectus sheath, and a simple computational investigation of the tissue. Analysis using Laplace?s law showed a circumferential stress in the abdominal wall of approx. 1.1 MPa due to an IAP of 11 kPa, commonly seen during coughing. Uniaxial and biaxial tensile tests were conducted on samples of porcine rectus sheath to characterise the stress–stretch responses of the tissue. Under uniaxial tension, fibre direction samples failed on average at a stress of 4.5 MPa at a stretch of 1.07 while cross-fibre samples failed at a stress of 1.6 MPa under a stretch of 1.29. Under equi-biaxial tension, failure occurred at 1.6 MPa with the fibre direction stretching to only 1.02 while the cross-fibre direction stretched to 1.13. Uniaxial and biaxial stress–stretch plots are presented allowing detailed modelling of the tissue either in silico or in a surrogate material. An FeBio computational model of the tissue is presented using a combination of an Ogden and an exponential power law model to represent the matrix and fibres respectively. The structural properties of porcine rectus sheath have been characterised and add to the small set of human data in the literature with which it may be possible to develop methods to reduce the incidence of incisional hernia development.  相似文献   

The two major problems that have been reported with the use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement are thermal necrosis of surrounding bone due to the high heat generation during polymerisation and chemical necrosis due to unreacted monomer release. Computer models have been used to study the temperature and monomer distribution after cementation. In most of these models, however, polymerisation is modelled as temperature independent and cancellous bone is modelled as a continuum. Such models thus cannot account for the expected important role of the trabecular bone micro-structure. The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of temperature and monomer leftover at the cancellous bone–cement interface during polymerisation for a realistic trabecular bone—cement micro-structure and realistic temperature-dependent polymerisation kinetics behaviour.

A 3-D computer model of a piece of bovine cancellous bone that underwent pressurization with bone–cement was generated using a micro-computed tomography scanner. This geometry was used as the basis for a finite element model and a temperature-dependent problem for bone cement polymerisation kinetics was solved to simulate the bone cement polymerisation process in the vicinity of the interface. The transient temperature field throughout the interface was calculated, along with the polymerisation fraction distribution in the cement domain.

The calculations revealed that the tips of the bone trabeculae that are embedded in the cement attain temperatures much higher than the average temperature of the bone volume. A small fraction of the bone (10%) is exposed to temperatures exceeding 70°C, but the exposure time to these high temperatures is limited to 50 s. In the region near the bone, the cement polymerisation fraction (about 84%) is less than that in the centre (where it is reaching values of over 96%). An important finding of this study thus is the fact that the bone tissue that is subjected to the highest temperatures is also subjected to high leftover monomer concentration. Furthermore the maximum bone temperature is reached relatively early, when monomer content in the neighbouring cement is still quite high.  相似文献   

Improvements in data gathering technology have made it possible to quickly and accurately digitize large numbers of objects. The three dimensional coordinates of 44 homologous landmarks were obtained from a sample of 104 squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) crania. After sorting by sex, the crania were assigned to one of four dental age groups. Two quantitative methods, Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA) and finite element scaling analysis (FESA), were used to study craniofacial form change during growth within each sex. Form differences between the sexes at each developmental age were also examined. Both sexes show a small amount of cranial growth overall; however, there are areas of substantial local growth. These areas include the anterior neurocranium and basicranium, the basioccipital, and the anterior palate. Sexual dimorphism in the craniofacial complex is minimal. The most dimorphic regions are the orbitonasal portion of the lower face, the cranial base, and the palate.  相似文献   

Finite element analysis (FEA), CT based structural rigidity analysis (CTRA) and mechanical testing is performed to assess the compressive failure load of rat tibia with simulated lytic defects.  相似文献   

In the literature, the periodontal tissue reaction to dissimilar occlusal stress has been described, including clinical and histologic changes caused by stresses in periodontal structures. With respect to occlusal forces, periodontal assembly demonstrates varying adaptive capacity from individual to individual and period to period within the same individual. Unfortunately, these occlusal stresses are yet to be quantified. As a result, determining the effect of normal occlusal force on periodontal elements in various angulations is of interest. Based on CBCT images, one FEA of the maxillary First molar was created, consisting of tooth pulp, periodontal ligament (PDL), and alveolar bone; the effect of normal occlusal force on the pdl in alternate angulations was assessed. Occlusion will occur at three contact areas representing the centric occlusion contact points, each of which will share a 150 N force. The analysis was performed for four force inclinations (0, 22.5°, 45°, and 90°). Maximum stresses are observed in cases of 90-degree loading. These stresses, however, are insignificant and will not cause the periodontal components to rupture. These tensile stresses, which are concentrated in the apical and cervical regions, may obstruct blood flow, resulting in tooth decay or, in some cases, periodontal breakdown in PDL. There have been attempts to express numerical data of stress to be provided for normal and hyper function loads to simulate occlusal situations at various angulations that are known to be accountable for healthy and diseased periodontium.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot is an invalidating complication of diabetes that can lead to foot ulcers. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA) allows characterizing the loads developed in the different anatomical structures of the foot in dynamic conditions. The aim of this study was to develop a subject specific 3D foot FE model (FEM) of a diabetic neuropathic (DNS) and a healthy (HS) subject, whose subject specificity can be found in term of foot geometry and boundary conditions. Kinematics, kinetics and plantar pressure (PP) data were extracted from the gait analysis trials of the two subjects with this purpose. The FEM were developed segmenting bones, cartilage and skin from MRI and drawing a horizontal plate as ground support. Materials properties were adopted from previous literature. FE simulations were run with the kinematics and kinetics data of four different phases of the stance phase of gait (heel strike, loading response, midstance and push off). FEMs were then driven by group gait data of 10 neuropathic and 10 healthy subjects. Model validation focused on agreement between FEM-simulated and experimental PP.  相似文献   

Patient-specific QCT-based finite element (QCTFE) analyses enable highly accurate quantification of bone strength. We evaluated CT scanner influence on QCTFE models of long bones.A femur, humerus, and proximal femur without the head were scanned with K2HPO4 phantoms by seven CT scanners (four models) using typical clinical protocols. QCTFE models were constructed. The geometrical dimensions, as well as the QCT-values expressed in Hounsfield unit (HU) distribution was compared. Principal strains at representative regions of interest (ROIs), and maximum principal strains (associated with fracture risk) were compared. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to evaluate strain prediction reliability for different scanners. Repeatability was examined by scanning the femur twice and comparing resulting QCTFE models.Maximum difference in geometry was 2.3%. HU histograms before phantom calibration showed wide variation between QCT scans; however, bone density histogram variability was reduced after calibration and algorithmic manipulation. Relative standard deviation (RSD) in principal strains at ROIs was <10.7%. ICC estimates between scanners were >0.9. Fracture-associated strain had 6.7%, 8.1%, and 13.3% maximum RSD for the femur, humerus, and proximal femur, respectively. The difference in maximum strain location was <2 mm. The average difference with repeat scans was 2.7%.Quantification of strain differences showed mean RSD bounded by ∼6% in ROIs. Fracture-associated strains in “regular” bones showed a mean RSD bounded by ∼8%. Strains were obtained within a ±10% difference relative to the mean; thus, in a longitudinal study only changes larger than 20% in the principal strains may be significant. ICCs indicated high reliability of QCTFE models derived from different scanners.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first briefly describe the mechanical model of cupula deformation with the appropriate analytical solution. Then, we present the numerical solution of the same problem and compare it with the analytical one. Besides, we provide another numerical solution based on the Finite Element Method procedure, in an effort to encompass a more realistic approach to the problem such as considering the real geometry of the SCCs and the obstruction of the fluid flow during head movement due to the presence of otoconia. As a result, we obtain fifty solutions for a head rotation angle in a range from 0° to 120°, taking into account that such a manoeuvre lasts exactly 3?seconds. In the end, we present a mobile client–server application for visualising the finite element solutions in a way that is convenient for the clinical practice.  相似文献   

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