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Pleiotropic, immunomodulatory effects of type I IFN on T cell responses are emerging. We used vaccine-induced, antiviral CD8(+) T cell responses in IFN-beta (IFN-beta(-/-))- or type I IFN receptor (IFNAR(-/-))-deficient mice to study immunomodulating effects of type I IFN that are not complicated by the interference of a concomitant virus infection. Compared with normal B6 mice, IFNAR(-/-) or IFN-beta(-/-) mice have normal numbers of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, and CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T regulatory (T(R)) cells in liver and spleen. Twice as many CD8(+) T cells specific for different class I-restricted epitopes develop in IFNAR(-/-) or IFN-beta(-/-) mice than in normal animals after peptide- or DNA-based vaccination. IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha production and clonal expansion of specific CD8(+) T cells from normal and knockout mice are similar. CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T(R) cells down-modulate vaccine-primed CD8(+) T cell responses in normal, IFNAR(-/-), or IFN-beta(-/-) mice to a comparable extent. Low IFN-alpha or IFN-beta doses (500-10(3) U/mouse) down-modulate CD8(+) T cells priming in vivo. IFNAR- and IFN-beta-deficient mice generate 2- to 3-fold lower numbers of IL-10-producing CD4(+) T cells after polyclonal or specific stimulation in vitro or in vivo. CD8(+) T cell responses are thus subjected to negative control by both CD25(+)FoxP3(+) T(R) cells and CD4(+)IL-10(+) T(R1) cells, but only development of the latter T(R) cells depends on type I IFN.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the immune system achieves constant T cell numbers throughout life, thereby controlling autoaggressive cell expansions, are to date not completely understood. Here, we show that the CD25(+) subpopulation of naturally activated (CD45RB(low)) CD4 T cells, but not CD25(-) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cells, inhibits the accumulation of cotransferred CD45RB(high) CD4 T cells in lymphocyte-deficient mice. However, both CD25(+) and CD25(-) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cell subpopulations contain regulatory cells, since they can prevent naive CD4 T cell-induced wasting disease. In the absence of a correlation between disease and the number of recovered CD4(+) cells, we conclude that expansion control and disease prevention are largely independent processes. CD25(+) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cells from IL-10-deficient mice do not protect from disease. They accumulate to a higher cell number and cannot prevent the expansion of CD45RB(high) CD4 T cells upon transfer compared with their wild-type counterparts. Although CD25(+) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cells are capable of expanding when transferred in vivo, they reach a homeostatic equilibrium at lower cell numbers than CD25(-) CD45RB(low) or CD45RB(high) CD4 T cells. We conclude that CD25(+) CD45RB(low) CD4 T cells from nonmanipulated mice control the number of peripheral CD4 T cells through a mechanism involving the production of IL-10 by regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

IL-10 producing T cells inhibit Ag-specific CD8+ T cell responses and may play a role in the immune dysregulation observed in HIV infection. We have previously observed the presence of HIV-specific IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells in advanced HIV disease. In this study, we examined the suppressive function of the Gag-specific IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells. Removal of these IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells resulted in increased cytolysis and IL-2, but not IFN-gamma, production by both HIV- and human CMV-specific CD8+ T cells. In addition, these IL-10-positive CD8+ T cells mediated suppression through direct cell-cell contact, and had a distinct immunophenotypic profile compared with other regulatory T cells. We describe a new suppressor CD8+ T cell population in advanced HIV infection that may contribute to the immune dysfunction observed in HIV infection.  相似文献   

Frequency analysis of CD4+CD8+ T cells cloned with IL-4   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The coexpression of both CD4 and CD8 molecules on T cells occurs in the peripheral blood at a low frequency and can be generated transiently on CD4+ peripheral blood T cells by treatment with lectin which induces CD8 biosynthesis and cell surface expression. We have cloned T cells in a nonselective fashion from normal subjects in the presence of either IL-2, rIL-4 and IL-2, or rIL-4 and have examined the phenotypic expression of CD4 and CD8. The addition of excess rIL-4 increased the expression of CD8 on the surface of CD4+ T cell clones but did not increase CD4 expression on CD8+ T cell clones. There were three patterns of CD4 and CD8 expression observed: high density CD8 with no CD4 expression; high density CD4 with low CD8 expression; or high density CD4 with higher cell surface CD8 expression which was regulated by the presence of rIL-4. CD4+ T cell clones originally cultured in IL-2 and rIL-4 and subsequently grown in IL-2 alone exhibited decreased expression of the CD8 molecule. The increased expression of CD8 did not correlate with NK activity or lectin-dependent cytotoxicity in an antigen independent system. In addition, rIL-4 alone or in combination with IL-2 appeared to accelerate the growth curve of T cell clones as compared to IL-2 alone. These results show that IL-4 can upregulate CD8 expression on CD4+ T cell clones while not effecting CD4 expression on CD8+ T cell clones. As class I MHC is the ligand for the CD8 molecule, expression of CD8 induced by IL-4 on CD4+ T cells may allow for increased nonspecific cell to cell contact during the course of an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

NK T cells are an unusual subset of T lymphocytes. They express NK1. 1 Ag, are CD1 restricted, and highly skewed toward Vbeta8 for their TCR usage. They express the unique potential to produce large amounts of IL-4 and IFN-gamma immediately upon TCR cross-linking. We previously showed in the thymus that the NK T subset requires IL-7 for its functional maturation. In this study, we analyzed whether IL-7 was capable of regulating the production of IL-4 and IFN-gamma by the discrete NK T subset of CD4+ cells in the periphery. Two hours after injection of IL-7 into mice, or after a 4-h exposure to IL-7 in vitro, IL-4 production by CD4+ cells in response to anti-TCR-alphabeta is markedly increased. In contrast, IFN-gamma production remains essentially unchanged. In beta2-microglobulin- and CD1-deficient mice, which lack NK T cells, IL-7 treatment does not reestablish normal levels of IL-4 by CD4+ T cells. Moreover, we observe that in wild-type mice, the memory phenotype (CD62L-CD44+) CD4+ T cells responsible for IL-4 production are not only NK1.1+ cells, but also NK1.1- cells. This NK1.1-IL-4-producing subset shares three important characteristics with NK T cells: 1) Vbeta8 skewing; 2) CD1 restriction as demonstrated by their absence in CD1-deficient mice and relative overexpression in MHC II null mice; 3) sensitivity to IL-7 in terms of IL-4 production. In conclusion, the present study provides evidence that CD4+MHC class I-like-dependent T cell populations include not only NK1.1+ cells, but also NK1.1- cells, and that these two subsets are biased toward IL-4 production by IL-7.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells, particularly Th2 cells, play a pivotal role in allergic airway inflammation. However, the requirements for interactions between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in airway allergic inflammation have not been delineated. Sensitized and challenged OT-1 mice in which CD8+ T cells expressing the transgene for the OVA(257-264) peptide (SIINFEKL) failed to develop airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), airway eosinophilia, Th2 cytokine elevation, or goblet cell metaplasia. OT-1 mice that received naive CD4+IL-4+ T cells but not CD4+IL-4- T cells before sensitization developed all of these responses to the same degree as wild-type mice. Moreover, recipients of CD4+IL-4+ T cells developed significant increases in the number of CD8+IL-13+ T cells in the lung, whereas sensitized OT-1 mice that received primed CD4+ T cells just before challenge failed to develop these responses. Sensitized CD8-deficient mice that received CD8+ T cells from OT-1 mice that received naive CD4+ T cells before sensitization increased AHR and eosinophil numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid when challenged with allergen. In contrast, sensitized CD8-deficient mice receiving CD8+ T cells from OT-1 mice without CD4+ T cells developed reduced AHR and eosinophil numbers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid when challenged. These data suggest that interactions between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, in part through IL-4 during the sensitization phase, are essential to the development of CD8+IL-13+ T cell-dependent AHR and airway allergic inflammation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have investigated the ability of human T cells to secrete IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma. IL-4 and IFN-gamma were quantified with enzymatic immunoassays and IL-2 with a biologic assay by using the murine IL-2-dependent cell line CTLL-2. PBL, stimulated with Con A or with a combination of the phorbol ester 13-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-12-acetate and the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 secreted IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma. The kinetics of the secretion of the three lymphokines was investigated with two CD4+ clones; one (GEO-2) that produced IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma and another (HY640), that produced only IL-2 and IFN-gamma. Significant IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma production was observed after only 8 h of activation. Maximal levels of IL-2 and IL-4 were found 20 h after the onset of the stimulation which subsequently decreased. In contrast, IFN-gamma levels continued to increase in a period up to 40 h and then leveled off. In spite of these differences in secretion, the kinetics of accumulation of mRNA did not differ. The IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma mRNA were detectable 2 h after stimulation and continued to accumulate for a period up to 20 h. In a series of 22 CD4+ clones, 21 were able to secrete all three lymphokines upon stimulation. Almost all CD8+ clones were able to produce IL-2 and IFN-gamma, but only six of the 23 CD8+ T cell clones secreted IL-4. In addition, five CD4+ (allo)antigen-specific T cell clones were tested for IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma secretion upon specific stimulation. Two alloantigen-specific and two tetanus toxoid-specific T cell clones secreted IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma simultaneously, whereas one alloantigen-specific T cell clone secreted IL-2 and IFN-gamma, but not IL-4. A supernatant of the CD4+ T cell clone GEO-2, that contained high levels of IFN-gamma and IL-4, was unable to induce the low affinity receptor for IgE, CD23, on a Burkitt lymphoma cell line. However, after separation of IL-4 from IFN-gamma by using HPLC, the IL-4-containing fraction-induced CD23, which could be blocked by the fraction that contained IFN-gamma and by a polyclonal rabbit anti-IL-4 antiserum. Finally, the partly purified IL-4, that was devoid of IL-2, promoted the growth of the clone GEO-2.  相似文献   

Naive T cells undergo robust proliferation in lymphopenic conditions, whereas they remain quiescent in steady-state conditions. However, a mechanism by which naive T cells are kept from proliferating under steady-state conditions remains unclear. In this study, we report that memory CD4 T cells are able to limit naive T cell proliferation within lymphopenic hosts by modulating stimulatory functions of dendritic cells (DC). The inhibition was mediated by IL-27, which was primarily expressed in CD8(+) DC subsets as the result of memory CD4 T cell-DC interaction. IL-27 appeared to be the major mediator of inhibition, as naive T cells deficient in IL-27R were resistant to memory CD4 T cell-mediated inhibition. Finally, IL-27-mediated regulation of T cell proliferation was also observed in steady-state conditions as well as during Ag-mediated immune responses. We propose a new model for maintaining peripheral T cell homeostasis via memory CD4 T cells and CD8(+) DC-derived IL-27 in vivo.  相似文献   

We recently identified CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells that directly control CD8+ and CD4+ cells without intervention of APCs. In this study, we investigated the effector mechanism of CD8+CD122+ regulatory T cells by using an in vitro regulation system. The profile of cytokine expression revealed that IL-10 was predominantly produced by CD8+CD122+ cells, whereas other cytokines were similarly expressed in CD8+CD122+ cells and CD8+CD122- cells. Suppression of both proliferation and IFN-gamma production by CD8+CD122- cells by CD8+CD122+ cells was blocked by adding anti-IL-10 Ab to the culture but not by adding anti-TGF-beta Ab. When IL-10 was removed from the conditioned medium from CD8+CD122+ cells, the conditioned medium no longer showed regulatory activity. Finally, CD8+CD122+ cells from IL-10-deficient mice had no regulatory activity in vitro and reduced regulatory activity in vivo. Our results clearly indicate that IL-10 is produced by CD8+CD122+ cells and mediates the regulatory activity of these cells.  相似文献   



Virus infections are the major cause of asthma exacerbations. CD8+ T cells have an important role in antiviral immune responses and animal studies suggest a role for CD8+ T cells in the pathogenesis of virus-induced asthma exacerbations. We have previously shown that the presence of IL-4 during stimulation increases the frequency of IL-5-positive cells and CD30 surface staining in CD8+ T cells from healthy, normal subjects. In this study, we investigated whether excess IL-4 during repeated TCR/CD3 stimulation of CD8+ T cells from atopic asthmatic subjects alters the balance of type 1/type 2 cytokine production in favour of the latter.


Peripheral blood CD8+ T cells from mild atopic asthmatic subjects were stimulated in vitro with anti-CD3 and IL-2 ± excess IL-4 and the expression of activation and adhesion molecules and type 1 and type 2 cytokine production were assessed.


Surface expression of very late antigen-4 [VLA-4] and LFA-1 was decreased and the production of the type 2 cytokines IL-5 and IL-13 was augmented by the presence of IL-4 during stimulation of CD8+ T cells from mild atopic asthmatics.


These data suggest that during a respiratory virus infection activated CD8+ T cells from asthmatic subjects may produce excess type 2 cytokines and may contribute to asthma exacerbation by augmenting allergic inflammation.  相似文献   

Toka FN  Suvas S  Rouse BT 《Journal of virology》2004,78(23):13082-13089
It has become evident that naturally occurring CD25(+) regulatory T cells (T(reg) cells) not only influence self-antigen specific immune response but also dampen foreign antigen specific immunity. This report extends our previous findings by demonstrating that immunity to certain herpes simplex virus (HSV) vaccines is significantly elevated and more effective if T(reg) cell response is curtailed during either primary or recall immunization. The data presented here show that removal of CD25(+) T(reg) cells prior to SSIEFARL-CpG or gB-DNA immunization significantly enhanced the resultant CD8(+) T-cell response to the immunodominant SSIEFARL peptide. The enhanced CD8(+) T-cell reactivity in T(reg) cell-depleted animals was between two- and threefold and evident in both acute and memory stages. Interestingly, removal of CD25(+) T(reg) cells during the memory recall response to plasmid immunization resulted in a twofold increase in CD8(+) T-cell memory pool. Moreover, in the challenge experiments, memory CD8(+) T cells generated with plasmid DNA in the absence of T(reg) cells cleared the virus more effectively compared with control groups. We conclude that CD25(+) T(reg) cells quantitatively as well as qualitatively affect the memory CD8(+) T-cell response generated by gB-DNA vaccination against HSV. However, it remains to be seen if all types of vaccines against HSV are similarly affected by CD25(+) T(reg) cells and if it is possible to devise means of limiting T(reg) cell activity to enhance vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

This study follows our previous investigation describing the production of four cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha) by subsets of thymocytes defined by the expression of CD3, 4, 8, and 25. Here we investigate in greater detail subpopulations of CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) thymocytes. First we divided immature CD25-CD4-CD8-CD3- (CD25- triple negative) (TN) thymocytes into CD44+ and CD44- subsets. The CD44+ population includes very immature precursor T cells and produced high titers of IL-2, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma upon activation with calcium ionophore and phorbol ester. In contrast, the CD44- subset of CD25- TN thymocytes did not produce any of the cytokines studied under similar activation conditions. This observation indicates that the latter subset, which differentiates spontaneously in vitro into CD4+CD8+, already resembles CD4+CD8+ thymocytes (which do not produce any of the tested cytokines). We also subdivided the more mature CD3+ DN thymocytes into TCR-alpha beta- and TCR-gamma delta-bearing subsets. These cells produced cytokines upon activation with solid phase anti-CD3 mAb. gamma delta TCR+ DN thymocytes produced IL-2, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, whereas alpha beta TCR+ DN thymocytes produced IL-4, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha but not IL-2. We then studied alpha beta TCR+ DN T cells isolated from the spleen and found a similar cytokine production profile. Furthermore, splenic alpha beta TCR+ DN cells showed a TCR V beta gene expression profile reminiscent of alpha beta TCR+ DN thymocytes (predominant use of V beta 8.2). These observations suggest that at least some alpha beta TCR+ DN splenocytes are derived from alpha beta TCR+ DN thymocytes and also raises the possibility that these cells may play a role in the development of Th2 responses through their production of IL-4.  相似文献   

IL-2 and IL-15 regulate CD154 expression on activated CD4 T cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The cellular and humoral immune system is critically dependent upon CD40-CD154 (CD40 ligand) interactions between CD40 expressed on B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, and CD154 expressed primarily on CD4 T cells. Previous studies have shown that CD154 is transiently expressed on CD4 T cells after T cell receptor engagement in vitro. However, we found that stimulation of PBLs with maximal CD28 costimulation, using beads coupled to Abs against CD3 and CD28, led to a very prolonged expression of CD154 on CD4 cells (>4 days) that was dependent upon autocrine IL-2 production. Previously activated CD4 T cells could respond to IL-2, or the related cytokine IL-15, by de novo CD154 production and expression without requiring an additional signal from CD3 and CD28. These results provide evidence that CD28 costimulation of CD4 T cells, through autocrine IL-2 production, maintains high levels of CD154 expression. This has significant impact on our understanding of the acquired immune response and may provide insight concerning the mechanisms underlying several immunological diseases.  相似文献   

CCR8 was initially described as a Th2 cell-restricted receptor, but this has not been fully tested in vivo. The present study used ex vivo and in vivo approaches to examine the distribution and functional significance of CCR8 among CD4+ T cells. Populations of cytokine-secreting CD4+ T cells were generated in primed mice with Th1 or Th2 cell-mediated pulmonary granulomas, respectively elicited by i.v. challenge with either Mycobacteria bovis purified protein derivative- or Schistosoma mansoni egg Ag (SEA)-coated beads. Cytokine-producing CD4+ T cells were isolated from Ag-stimulated draining lymph node cultures by positive selection. Quantitative analysis of cytokine mRNA indicated enriched populations of IFN-gamma-, IL-4-, and IL-10-producing cells. Analysis of chemokine receptor mRNA indicated that IL-10+ cells selectively expressed CCR8 in the SEA bead-elicited type 2 response. The IL-10+CCR8+ populations were CD25+ and CD44+ but lacked enhanced Foxp3 expression. Adoptive transfer to naive recipients indicated that IL-10+ T cells alone could not transfer type 2 inflammation. Analysis of SEA bead-challenged CCR8-/- mice indicated significantly impaired IL-10 production as well as reductions in granuloma eosinophils. Adoptive transfer of CD4+CCR8+/+ T cells corrected cytokine and inflammation defects, but the granuloma eosinophil recruitment defect persisted when donor cells were depleted of IL-10+ cells. Accordingly, local IL-10 production correlated with CCR8 ligand (CCL1) expression and the appearance of CCR8+ cells in granulomatous lungs. Thus, IL-10-producing, CCR8+CD4+CD25+CD44+ T cells are generated during SEA challenge, which augment the Th2-mediated eosinophil-rich response to the parasite Ags.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1alpha) and its TCR activation-inducible short isoform I.1 in T cell functions, we genetically engineered unique mice with: 1) knockout of I.1 isoform of HIF-1alpha; 2) T cell-targeted HIF-1alpha knockdown; and 3) chimeric mice with HIF-1alpha gene deletion in T and B lymphocytes. In all three types of mice, the HIF-1alpha-deficient T lymphocytes, which were TCR-activated in vitro, produced more proinflammatory cytokines compared with HIF-1alpha-expressing control T cells. Surprisingly, deletion of the I.1 isoform, which represents < 30% of total HIF-1alpha mRNA in activated T cells, was sufficient to markedly enhance TCR-triggered cytokine secretion. These data suggest that HIF-1alpha not only plays a critical role in oxygen homeostasis but also may serve as a negative regulator of T cells.  相似文献   

An Ag-specific interleukin 1 (IL-1)-dependent bovine CD4+ Th cell clone, termed 300B1, was isolated and found to resemble the previously described IL-1-dependent murine CD4+ Th2 cell clone, D10.G4.1. Both the 300B1 and the D10.G4.1 T cell clones proliferated to bovine (Bo) IL-1 beta, human (Hu) IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta, and murine IL-1 alpha when cells were costimulated with concanavalin A (Con A). Proliferation of the 300B1 clone, when costimulated with Con A, appeared to be IL-1-specific in that proliferation could not be promoted by BoIL-2, HuIL-3, HuIL-4, HuIL-5, or HuIL-6. The 300B1 clone produced interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), but not IL-2 following stimulation with either Con A, Con A plus phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate or Ag plus antigen-presenting cells. Upon stimulation with Con A, the 300B1 clone expressed IL-4 mRNA and produced an autocrine growth factor (AGF) that could be inhibited by anti-HuIL-4 but not by anti-HuIL-2 Ab. The clonal derivation of the 300B1 clone was confirmed by isolating five 300B1 subclones, all of which produced IFN-gamma and an AGF but not IL-2. Collectively, these results suggest the IL-1-dependent bovine 300B1 Th cell clone produces IL-4, but not IL-2, as an AGF. Furthermore, the bovine Th cell clone appeared to share many characteristics of previously described murine Th2 cell clones except that the bovine clone produced IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Recent lines of evidence have demonstrated that IL-27, a newly identified IL-12-related cytokine, has two apparently conflicting roles in immune responses: one as an initiator of Th1 responses and the other as an attenuator of inflammatory cytokine production. Although the IL-27-mediated Th1 initiation mechanism has been elucidated, little is known about the molecular basis for the suppression of cytokine production. In the present study, we demonstrated that IL-27 suppressed the production of various proinflammatory cytokines by fully activated CD4+ T cells while it had no effect on the cytokine production by CD4+ T cells at early phases of activation. IL-27 also suppressed IL-17 production by activated CD4+ T cells, thereby counteracting IL-23, another IL-12-related cytokine with proinflammatory effects. In fully activated CD4+ T cells, STAT3 was preferentially activated by IL-27 stimulation, whereas both STAT1 and 3 were activated by IL-27 in early activated CD4+ T cells. Lack of STAT3 in fully activated cells impaired the suppressive effects of IL-27. These data indicated that the preferential activation of STAT3 in fully activated CD4+ T cells plays an important role in the cytokine suppression by IL-27/WSX-1.  相似文献   

IL-1 as a co-factor for lymphokine-secreting CD8+ murine T cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunologically important among the known biologic activities of IL-1 is its ability to function as a co-factor for responses mediated by lymphokine secreting CD4+ Th cells. In contrast to its known effects in CD4+ T cell responses, IL-1 is not known to play a role in CD8+ T cell responses. In the present study, we have assessed the ability of murine recombinant IL-1 to function as a co-factor for stimulating CD8+ T cells to secrete lymphokines such as IL-2. We found that, in conjunction with either Ag or mitogen, IL-1 is able to stimulate lymphokine-secreting CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, we found that, as a consequence of its stimulation of lymphokine-secreting CD8+ T cells, IL-1 is able to reconstitute MHC class I allospecific cytolytic T lymphocyte responses by cell populations depleted of both accessory cells and CD4+ T cells. These results demonstrate that the biologic activity of IL-1 is not restricted to CD4+ cell responses, and suggests that IL-1 can function as a co-factor for the stimulation of lymphokine-secreting Th cells regardless of their CD4/CD8 phenotype. If IL1 acts directly on lymphokine-secreting T cells or on the APC with which they interact is not yet certain.  相似文献   

The balance between immune activation and suppression must be regulated to maintain immune homeostasis. Tissue macrophages (MΦs) constitute the major cellular subsets of APCs within the body; however, how and what types of resident MΦs are involved in the regulation of immune homeostasis in the peripheral lymphoid tissues are poorly understood. Splenic red pulp MΦ (RPMs) remove self-Ags, such as blood-borne particulates and aged erythrocytes, from the blood. Although many scattered T cells exist in the red pulp of the spleen, little attention has been given to how RPMs prevent harmful T cell immune responses against self-Ags. In this study, we found that murine splenic F4/80(hi)Mac-1(low) MΦs residing in the red pulp showed different expression patterns of surface markers compared with F4/80(+)Mac-1(hi) monocytes/MΦs. Studies with purified cell populations demonstrated that F4/80(hi)Mac-1(low) MΦs regulated CD4(+) T cell responses by producing soluble suppressive factors, including TGF-β and IL-10. Moreover, F4/80(hi)Mac-1(low) MΦs induced the differentiation of naive CD4(+) T cells into functional Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells. Additionally, we found that the differentiation of F4/80(hi)Mac-1(low) MΦs was critically regulated by CSF-1, and in vitro-generated bone marrow-derived MΦs induced by CSF-1 suppressed CD4(+) T cell responses and induced the generation of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells in vivo. These results suggested that splenic CSF-1-dependent F4/80(hi)Mac-1(low) MΦs are a subpopulation of RPMs and regulate peripheral immune homeostasis.  相似文献   

The function of T cell subsets in tumor-bearing mice was examined using an in vitro culture system of anti-(sheep red blood cell) antibody production, which is known to be dependent on T cells. The helper function of T cells of fibrosarcoma-MethA-bearing mice in antibody production decreased with the tumor stage of the mice. T cells were separated into CD4+ and CD8+ cells for further analysis of T cell subsets by the panning method using monoclonal antibodies. The helper function of CD4+ T cells in antibody production began to decrease significantly in tumor-bearing mice 1 week after the tumor transplantation. On the other hand, the suppressive function of CD8+ T cells was retained and had not decreased in the mice even 3 weeks after the transplantation. The same changes in function of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were also observed in Methl-bearing mice. These results suggested that this tumor-associated immunosuppression in antibody production is attributable to the decrease in helper activity of CD4+ T cells and the maintenance of the suppressive activity of CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

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