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Although NF-kappaB plays an important role in pancreatitis, mechanisms underlying its activation remain unclear. We investigated the signaling pathways mediating NF-kappaB activation in pancreatic acinar cells induced by high-dose cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8), which causes pancreatitis in rodent models, and TNF-alpha, which contributes to inflammatory responses of pancreatitis, especially the role of PKC isoforms. We determined subcellular distribution and kinase activities of PKC isoforms and NF-kappaB activation in dispersed rat pancreatic acini. We applied isoform-specific, cell-permeable peptide inhibitors to assess the role of individual PKC isoforms in NF-kappaB activation. Both CCK-8 and TNF-alpha activated the novel isoforms PKC-delta and -epsilon and the atypical isoform PKC-zeta but not the conventional isoform PKC-alpha. Inhibition of the novel PKC isoforms but not the conventional or the atypical isoform resulted in the prevention of NF-kappaB activation induced by CCK-8 and TNF-alpha. NF-kappaB activation by CCK-8 and TNF-alpha required translocation but not tyrosine phosphorylation of PKC-delta. Activation of PKC-delta, PKC-epsilon, and NF-kappaB with CCK-8 involved both phosphatidylinositol-specific PLC and phosphatidylcholine (PC)-specific PLC, whereas with TNF-alpha they only required PC-specific PLC for activation. Results indicate that CCK-8 and TNF-alpha initiate NF-kappaB activation by different PLC pathways that converge at the novel PKCs (delta and epsilon) to mediate NF-kappaB activation in pancreatic acinar cells. These findings suggest a key role for the novel PKCs in pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Although ethanol abuse is the most common cause of pancreatitis, the mechanism of alcohol's effect on the pancreas is not well understood. Previously, we demonstrated that in vitro ethanol treatment of pancreatic acinar cells augmented the CCK-8-induced activation of NF-kappaB, a key signaling system involved in the inflammatory response of pancreatitis. In the present study, we determine the role for individual PKC isoforms in the sensitizing effect of ethanol on NF-kappaB activation. Dispersed rat pancreatic acini were treated with and without ethanol and then stimulated with CCK-8; 100 nM CCK-8 caused both NF-kappaB and PKC-delta, -epsilon, and -zeta activation, whereas 0.1 nM CCK-8 did not increase PKC-epsilon, PKC-zeta, or NF-kappaB activity. CCK-8 (0.1 nM) did activate PKC-delta. PKC-epsilon activator alone did not cause NF-kappaB activation; however, together with 0.1 nM CCK-8, it caused NF-kappaB activation. Ethanol activated PKC-epsilon without affecting other PKC isoforms or NF-kappaB activity. Of note, stimulation of acini with ethanol and 0.1 nM CCK-8 resulted in the activation of PKC-delta, PKC-epsilon, and NF-kappaB. The NF-kappaB activation to 0.1 nM CCK-8 in ethanol-pretreated acini was inhibited by both PKC-delta inhibitor and PKC-epsilon inhibitor. Taken together, these results demonstrate the different modes of activation of PKC isoforms and NF-kappaB in acini stimulated with ethanol, high-dose CCK-8, and low-dose CCK-8, and furthermore suggest that activation of both PKC-epsilon and -delta is required for NF-kappaB activation. These results suggest that ethanol enhances the CCK-8-induced NF-kappaB activation at least in part through its effects on PKC-epsilon.  相似文献   

Pancreatic lobules were isolated from 2 groups of male Wistar rats after 23 days of diet. A control group (C) fed on a 20% protein diet (16% gluten + 4% casein) and an experimental group (E) on a 5% protein diet (4% gluten + 1% casein). After isolation, lobules were preincubated 10 min with 10 muCi [3H]-leucine, washed, then incubate within Krebs Ringer bicarbonate Hepes. Basal secretion, then stimulated secretion (50 pM of cholecystokinin (CCK] of radioactive and non-radioactive protein and amylase outputs were measured. During basal secretion, in (E) group, lobules secreted more proteins than (C) one, the same outputs of amylase and radioactive protein were observed in both groups. The stimulated secretion by CCK increased the outputs of non-radioactive protein and amylase of lobules (T) (2-3 fold), but was without effect on lobule (E) outputs. Therefore, a low-protein diet involved a decrease of CCK sensibility on acinar cells, this fact might be mediated by a decreasing number and/or affinity of their CCK receptors.  相似文献   

Digital imaging fluorescence microscopy was used to study the effect of two antioxidants, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and glutathione, on the cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) induced by cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) of mouse pancreatic acinar cells. When acinar cells were preincubated with either NAC or glutathione, subsequent stimulation with CCK-8 in the presence of each antioxidant had no significant effect on the typical pattern of [Ca2+]i transient evoked by the gastrointestinal hormone. However, application of NAC to acinar cells pretreated for 60 min with the same antioxidant, strongly blocked the oscillatory pattern initiated by CCK-8, inhibiting both amplitude and frequency of calcium oscillations. By contrast, glutathione had no effect on the oscillatory pattern evoked by CCK-8. The present results allow us to speculate that during [Ca2+]i oscillation there is a production of oxidants that facilitate oscillations by enhancing release of calcium from internal stores.  相似文献   

Digital-imaging microscopy of Fura-2-loaded pancreatic acinar cells revealed that the C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CCK8) dose-dependently recruited 94% of freshly isolated acinar cells in terms of receptor-evoked Ca2+ mobilization. Maximal and half-maximal cell-recruitment were reached with 0.1 nM and 16.8 pM CCK8, respectively. The upstroke of the dose-recruitment curve consisted of cells displaying oscillatory changes in free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). After having reached its maximum, the percentage oscillating cells dose-dependently decreased upon further increasing of the CCK8 concentration. Pretreatment of the acinar cells with 0.1 μM TPA caused a rightward shift of the dose-recruitment curve but did not change the maximal effect of CCK8 on the recruitment of oscillating cells. Half-maximal recruitment was obtained with 287 pM CCK8. This observation demonstrates that high levels of protein kinase C activation do not inhibit Ca2+ oscillations at a level downstream to receptor activation. Moreover, this observation demonstrates that protein kinase C-mediated inhibition of Ca2+ oscillations evoked by submaximal CCK8 concentrations occurs at the receptor level, converting it from a high-affinity state into a low-affinity state. This conclusion is supported by the observation that TPA completely inhibited the recruitment of acinar cells in response to the high-affinity receptor agonist JMV-180. The inhibitory action of TPA on CCK8-evoked cell-recruitment was paralleled by an inhibitory effect of the phorbol ester on the CCK8-evoked peak increase in average inositol trisphosphate concentration in a population of acinar cells. This observation indicates that low concentrations of CCK8 interact with the high-affinity CCK receptor to increase [Ca2+]i through the intermediation of inositol trisphosphate.  相似文献   

Although both tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and H2O2 induce activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) kinase cascades, it is not known whether they utilize distinct intracellular signaling pathways. In this study, we first examined a variety of pharmacological inhibitors on TNF and H2O2-induced JNK activation. Go6983 or staurosporine, which inhibits protein kinase C isoforms had no effects on TNF or H2O2-induced JNK activation. However, Go6976 and calphostin, which can inhibit protein kinase C as well as protein kinase D (PKD), blocked H2O2- but not TNF-induced JNK activation, suggesting that PKD may be specifically involved in H2O2-induced JNK activation. Consistently, H2O2, but not TNF, induced phosphorylation of PKD and translocation of PKD from endothelial cell membrane to cytoplasm where it associates with the JNK upstream activator, apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1). The association is mediated through the pleckstrin homology domain of PKD and the C-terminal domain of ASK1. Inhibition of PKD by Go6976 or by small interfering RNA of PKD blocked H2O2-induced ASK1-JNK activation and endothelial cell apoptosis. Interestingly, H2O2 induced 14-3-3 binding to PKD via the phospho-Ser-205/208 and phospho-Ser-219/223 and H2O2-induced 14-3-3 binding of PKD was specifically blocked by Go6976 but not by Go6983. More significantly, the 14-3-3-binding defective forms of PKD failed to associate with ASK1 and to activate JNK signaling, highlighting the importance of 14-3-3 binding of PKD in H2O2-induced activation of ASK1-JNK cascade. Thus, our data have identified PKD as a critical mediator in H2O2- but not TNF-induced ASK1-JNK signaling.  相似文献   

Acinar cell injury early in acute pancreatitis leads to a local inflammatory reaction and to the subsequent systemic inflammatory response, which may result in multiple organ dysfunction and death. Inflammatory mediators, including chemokines and substance P (SP), are known to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis. It has been shown that pancreatic acinar cells produce the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in response to caerulein hyperstimulation, demonstrating that acinar-derived MCP-1 is an early mediator of inflammation in acute pancreatitis. Similarly, SP levels in the pancreas and pancreatic acinar cell expression of neurokinin-1 receptor, the primary receptor for SP, are both increased during secretagogue-induced experimental pancreatitis. This study aims to examine the functional consequences of exposing mouse pancreatic acinar cells to SP and to determine whether it leads to proinflammatory signaling, such as production of chemokines. Exposure of mouse pancreatic acini to SP significantly increased synthesis of MCP-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha), as well as MIP-2. Furthermore, SP also increased NF-kappaB activation. The stimulatory effect of SP was specific to chemokine synthesis through the NF-kappaB pathway, since the increase in chemokine production was completely attenuated when pancreatic acini were pretreated with the selective NF-kappaB inhibitor NF-kappaB essential modulator-binding domain peptide. This study shows that SP-induced chemokine synthesis in mouse pancreatic acinar cells is NF-kappaB dependent.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have employed confocal laser scanning microscopy to investigate the effect that stimulation of mouse pancreatic acinar cells with the secretagogue cholecystokinin (CCK) has on mitochondrial activity. We have monitored changes in cytosolic as well as mitochondrial Ca2+ concentrations, mitochondrial membrane potential and FAD autofluorescence by loading the cells with fluo-3, rhod-2 or JC-1, respectively. Our results show that stimulation of cells with cholecystokinin led to release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores that then accumulated into mitochondria. In the presence of the hormone a depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential was observed, which partially recovered; in addition a transient increase in FAD autofluorescence could be observed. Similarly, treatment of cells with thapsigargin induced increases in mitochondrial Ca2+ and FAD autofluorescence, and depolarized mitochondria. Pretreament of cells with thapsigargin blocked cholecystokinin-evoked changes. Similar results were obtained when the cells were incubated in the presence of rotenone, which blocks the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Our findings are consistent with changes in mitochondrial activity in response to stimulation of pancreatic acinar cells with cholecystokinin. Following stimulation, mitochondria take up Ca2+ that could in turn activate the mitochondrial machinery that may match the energy supply necessary for the cell function during secretion, suggesting that Ca2+ can act as a regulator of mitochondrial activity.  相似文献   

The signaling pathways mediating lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-stimulated PKD2 activation and the potential contribution of PKD2 in regulating LPA-induced interleukin 8 (IL-8) secretion in nontransformed, human colonic epithelial NCM460 cells were examined. Treatment of serum-deprived NCM460 cells with LPA led to a rapid and striking activation of PKD2, as measured by in vitro kinase assay and phosphorylation at the activation loop (Ser706/710) and autophosphorylation site (Ser876). PKD2 activation induced by LPA was abrogated by preincubation with selective PKC inhibitors GF-I and Ro-31-8220 in a dose-dependent manner. These inhibitors did not have any direct inhibitory effect on PKD2 activity. LPA induced a striking increase in IL-8 production and stimulated NF-B activation, as measured by NF-B-DNA binding, NF-B-driven luciferase reporter activity, and IB phosphorylation. PKD2 gene silencing utilizing small interfering RNAs targeting distinct PKD2 sequences dramatically reduced LPA-stimulated NF-B promoter activity and IL-8 production. PKD2 activation is a novel early event in the biological action of LPA and mediates LPA-stimulated IL-8 secretion in NCM460 cells through a NF-B-dependent pathway. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, the involvement of a member of the PKD family in the production of IL-8, a potent proinflammatory chemokine, by epithelial cells. NCM460 cells; protein kinase C; CXCL8; phorbol esters  相似文献   

PKD is the founding member of a novel protein kinase family that also includes PKD2 and PKD3. PKD has been the focus of most studies up to date, but little is known about the mechanisms that mediate PKD3 activation. Here, we demonstrate that PKD3 immunoprecipitated from COS-7 cells transfected with a constitutively active G alpha q subunit (alpha(q)Q209L) exhibited a marked increase in basal activity. Addition of aluminum fluoride to cells co-transfected with PKD3 and wild type G alpha(q) also induced PKD3 activation. G alpha(q)-mediated PKD3 activation is associated with persistent translocation of PKD3 from both cytosol and nucleus to plasma membrane. Expression of a COOH-terminal fragment of G alpha q that acts in a dominant-negative fashion attenuated PKD3 activation in response to bombesin receptor stimulation. Our results indicate that G alpha q activation is sufficient to stimulate sustained PKD3 activation and show that the endogenous G alpha q is a major component in the signaling pathway that mediates bombesin-induced PKD3 activation.  相似文献   

In the cholecystokinin (CCK)hyperstimulation model of acute pancreatitis, two early intracellularevents, activation of trypsinogen and activation of nuclear factor-B(NF-B), are thought to be important in the development of thedisease. In this study, the relationship between these two events wasinvestigated. NF-B activity was monitored by using a DNA bindingassay and mob-1 chemokine gene expression. Intracellulartrypsin activity was measured by using a fluorogenic substrate.Protease inhibitors including FUT-175, Pefabloc, and E-64d preventedCCK stimulation of intracellular trypsinogen and NF-B activation.Likewise, the NF-B inhibitors pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate andN-acetyl-L-cysteine inhibited CCK stimulation ofNF-B and intracellular trypsinogen activation. These resultssuggested a possible codependency of these two events. However, CCKstimulated NF-B activation in Chinese hamster ovary-CCKAcells, which do not express trypsinogen, indicating that trypsin is notnecessary for CCK activation of NF-B. Furthermore,adenovirus-mediated expression in acinar cells of active p65 subunitsto stimulate NF-B, or of inhibitory B- molecules to inhibitNF-B, did not affect either basal or CCK-mediated trypsinogenactivation. Thus trypsinogen and NF-B activation are independentevents stimulated by CCK.


Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) initiates multiple signaling events in vascular endothelial cells that can result in activation and/or cell death. LPS-induced activation of endothelial cells elicits a wide array of vascular endothelial responses, many of which are dependent on NF-kappaB activation. Several of the signaling molecules that mediate LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation, including Tlr-4, MyD88, and IRAK-1, have been similarly reported to mediate LPS pro-apoptotic signaling. Recently, a new signaling molecule, TIRAP, has been identified that mediates LPS-induced NF-kappaB signaling in monocytes and macrophages. Using a TIRAP dominant negative construct, we have identified a role for TIRAP in mediating LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation and apoptosis in human endothelial cells. These data identify TIRAP as a dual functioning signaling molecule and suggest the presence of a MyD88-independent LPS signaling pathway in human endothelial cells.  相似文献   

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