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Abstract DNA probes were applied to detect spiroplasmas and uncultivable mycoplasma-like organisms (MLOs) in infected plants and insects. The probes consisted of pMC5, a plasmid carrying the RNA genes of Mycoplasma capricolum and pRA1, a plasmid recovered from Spiroplasma citri . Southern blot hybridization of pMC5 with digested DNAs of periwinkle plants infected with S. citri , or with various MLOs, yielded 2 heavy and several weaker bands. The heavy hybridization bands were shown to represent rRNA genes of the plant chloroplasts, indicating significant nucleotide sequence homology between the mycoplasmal rRNA genes and those of plant chloroplasts. Some of the weaker hybridization bands, not revealed in DNA of healthy plants, appeared to represent rRNA gene sequences of the infectious agent. Use of the spiroplasma plasmid as a probe enabled the detection of S. citri in infected plant material and in hemolymph of infected leafhoppers at a high sensitivity level.  相似文献   

A ppp(A2′p)nA binding protein and synthetase, but no double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase, have been found in extracts from reptilian tissues. A binding protein is also present at low levels in amphibia. No evidence was obtained for the presence of any of these proteins or of ppp(A2′p)nA in extracts from differently pretreated tobacco plant leaves with or without tobacco mosaic virus infection, despite reports (1,2) of the sensitivity of the latter to interferon and (A2′p)2A. This is consistent with our inability to detect the ppp(A′p)nA system in any of the lower eukaryotes or prokaryotes investigated.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reviews the evidence for impacts of metals on the growth of selected plants and on the effects of metals on soil microbial activity and soil fertility in the long-term. Less is known about adverse long-term effects of metals on soil microorganisms than on crop yields and metal uptake. This is not surprising, since the effects of metals added to soils in sewage sludge are difficult to assess, and few long-term experiments exist. Controlled field experiments with sewage sludges exist in the UK, Sweden, Germany and the USA and the data presented here are from these long-term field experiments only. Microbial activity and populations of cyanobacteria,Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.trifolii, mycorrhizae and the total microbial biomass have been adversely affected by metal concentrations which, in some cases, are below the European Community's maximum allowable concentration limits for metals in sludge-treated soils. For example, N2-fixation by free living heterotrophic bacteria was found to be inhibited at soil metal concentrations of (mg kg–1): 127 Zn, 37 Cu, 21 Ni, 3.4 Cd, 52 Cr and 71 Pb. N2-fixation by free-living cyanobacteria was reduced by 50% at metal concentrations of (mg kg–1): 114 Zn, 33 Cu, 17 Ni, 2.9 Cd, 80 Cr and 40 Pb.Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.trifolii numbers decreased by several orders of magnitude at soil metal concentrations of (mg kg–1): 130–200 Zn, 27–48 Cu, 11–15 Ni, and 0.8–1.0 Cd. Soil texture and pH were found to influence the concentrations at which toxicity occurred to both microorganisms and plants. Higher pH, and increased contents of clay and organic carbon reduced metal toxicity considerably. The evidence suggests that adverse effects on soil microbial parameters were generally found at surpringly modest concentrations of metals in soils. It is concluded that prevention of adverse effects on soil microbial processes and ultimately soil fertility, should be a factor which influences soil protection legislation.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is a small, relatively inert, but highly volatile gas that not only gives beer its bubbles, but that also acts as one of the primary driving forces of anthropogenic climate change. While beer brewers experiment with the effects of CO2 on flavor and climate scientists are concerned with global changes to ambient CO2 levels that take place over the course of decades, many animal species are keenly aware of changes in CO2 concentration that occur much more rapidly and on a much more local scale. Although imperceptible to us, these small changes in CO2 concentration can indicate imminent danger, signal overcrowding, and point the way to food. Here I review several of these CO2-evoked behaviors and compare the systems insects, nematodes, and vertebrates use to detect environmental CO2.  相似文献   

Critical to defining photosynthesis in C(4) plants is understanding the intercellular and intracellular compartmentation of enzymes between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells in the leaf. This includes enzymes of the C(4) cycle (including three subtypes), the C(3) pathway and photorespiration. The current state of knowledge of this compartmentation is a consequence of the development and application of different techniques over the past three decades. Initial studies led to some alternative hypotheses on the mechanism of C(4) photosynthesis, and some controversy over the compartmentation of enzymes. The development of methods for separating mesophyll and bundle sheath cells provided convincing evidence on intercellular compartmentation of the key components of the C(4) pathway. Studies on the intracellular compartmentation of enzymes between organelles and the cytosol were facilitated by the isolation of mesophyll and bundle sheath protoplasts, which can be fractionated gently while maintaining organelle integrity. Now, the ability to determine localization of photosynthetic enzymes conclusively, through in situ immunolocalization by confocal light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, is providing further insight into the mechanism of C(4) photosynthesis and its evolution. Currently, immunological, ultrastructural and cytochemical studies are revealing relationships between anatomical arrangements and photosynthetic mechanisms which are probably related to environmental factors associated with evolution of these plants. This includes interesting variations in the C(4) syndrome in leaves and cotyledons of species in the tribe Salsoleae of the family Chenopodiaceae, in relation to evolution and ecology. Thus, analysis of structure-function relationships using modern techniques is a very powerful approach to understanding evolution and regulation of the photosynthetic carbon reduction mechanisms.  相似文献   

Characteristics of aeroponics are discussed. Contrast is made, where appropriate, with hydroponics and aero-hydroponics as applies to research and commercial applications of nutrient mist technology. Topics include whole plants, plant tissue cultures, cell and microbial cultures, and animal tissue cultures with regard to operational considerations (moisture, temperature, minerals, gaseous atmosphere) and design of apparati.  相似文献   

Although the nonlinear optical effect known as second-harmonic generation (SHG) has been recognized since the earliest days of laser physics and was demonstrated through a microscope over 25 years ago, only in the past few years has it begun to emerge as a viable microscope imaging contrast mechanism for visualization of cell and tissue structure and function. Only small modifications are required to equip a standard laser-scanning two-photon microscope for second-harmonic imaging microscopy (SHIM). Recent studies of the three-dimensional in vivo structures of well-ordered protein assemblies, such as collagen, microtubules and muscle myosin, are beginning to establish SHIM as a nondestructive imaging modality that holds promise for both basic research and clinical pathology. Thus far the best signals have been obtained in a transmitted light geometry that precludes in vivo measurements on large living animals. This drawback may be addressed through improvements in the collection of SHG signals via an epi-illumination microscope configuration. In addition, SHG signals from certain membrane-bound dyes have been shown to be highly sensitive to membrane potential. Although this indicates that SHIM may become a valuable tool for probing cell physiology, the small signal size would limit the number of photons that could be collected during the course of a fast action potential. Better dyes and optimized microscope optics could ultimately lead to the imaging of neuronal electrical activity with SHIM.  相似文献   

Hypervariable polymorphic patterns were detected with M13 phage DNA as a probe in genomic DNA of organisms belonging to different taxonomic groups including animals (vertebrates and invertebrates), plants and microorganisms. Individual-specific restriction pattern analysis (DNA fingerprinting) with this probe proved to be useful for individual identification, analysis of somatic stability and paternity testing in man. The nuclear type of inheritance indicates that the hypervariable DNA regions in question are located in the chromosomes, not in the mitochondrial DNA. The data obtained also demonstrate a potential range of M13 DNA applications as a probe for DNA fingerprinting of animals, plants and microorganisms, particularly for the determination of inbred lines, identification of bacterial strains and establishing stock, variety and strain distinctions.  相似文献   



Gene duplication is considered a major driving force for evolution of genetic novelty, thereby facilitating functional divergence and organismal diversity, including the process of speciation. Animals, fungi and plants are major eukaryotic kingdoms and the divergences between them are some of the most significant evolutionary events. Although gene duplications in each lineage have been studied extensively in various contexts, the extent of gene duplication prior to the split of plants and animals/fungi is not clear.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods have been developed for the detection of uniconazole-P [(E)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4,-dimethyl-2-(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-1-penten-3-ol; XE-1019; the active ingredient in Prunit and Sumagic] in soil and plant tissue samples. Methanolic extracts of soil and plant samples were dried to the aqueous phase, the pH adjusted to 11, and partitioned against methylene chloride. The methylene chloride phases were washed with pH 11 water and then passed through C-18 solid phase extraction (SPE) columns. The soil extracts were then dried and the residues taken up in 1 ml acetonitrile of which 20 l were injected directly onto a C-18 reverse phase analytical column for HPLC analysis. Plant tissue extracts were purified by partitioning and passing through a sequence of Florisil/C-18/Florisil SPE columns before HPLC analysis. Recovery of uniconazole-P was 70% from soils and 40% from plant tissues. Quantitative detection of 10 parts per billion (ppb) uniconazole-P in plant tissues and soil samples was feasible following these procedures. The soil cleanup procedures were also used to detect uniconazole-P in leachates collected from container-grown plants.  相似文献   

The action of alkaloid cytisine on protein biosynthesis in eukaryotic cells was studied. It was shown that the alkaloid had no effect on mRNA translation. Cytisine inhibited the release of mRNP particles from rat liver and wheat embryos nuclei. Sedimentation properties and distribution in CsCl gradient of the material extracted from alkaloid-treated nuclei did not differ from control one and were similar to informosomes from animal and plant cells described earlier. The main part of mRNA with sedimentation coefficients 14-18S, capable for translation in the cytoplasm is retained in alkaloid-treated nuclei.  相似文献   

We present here the hologenome theory of evolution, which considers the holobiont (the animal or plant with all of its associated microorganisms) as a unit of selection in evolution. The hologenome is defined as the sum of the genetic information of the host and its microbiota. The theory is based on four generalizations: (1) All animals and plants establish symbiotic relationships with microorganisms. (2) Symbiotic microorganisms are transmitted between generations. (3) The association between host and symbionts affects the fitness of the holobiont within its environment. (4) Variation in the hologenome can be brought about by changes in either the host or the microbiota genomes; under environmental stress, the symbiotic microbial community can change rapidly. These points taken together suggest that the genetic wealth of diverse microbial symbionts can play an important role both in adaptation and in evolution of higher organisms. During periods of rapid changes in the environment, the diverse microbial symbiont community can aid the holobiont in surviving, multiplying and buying the time necessary for the host genome to evolve. The distinguishing feature of the hologenome theory is that it considers all of the diverse microbiota associated with the animal or the plant as part of the evolving holobiont. Thus, the hologenome theory fits within the framework of the 'superorganism' proposed by Wilson and Sober.  相似文献   

Cotyledons cut from axenic seedlings were immersed inAgrobacterium tumefaciens suspension which was treated with acetosyringone and nopaline at low pH overnight. The infected cotyledon explants were cultured on MSB medium (MS salts + B5 Vitamins) containing 6-BA 3mg/1 for 2–3 days, and transferred onto selective medium (MSB with kanamycin 50–100 mg/l). Kanamycin-resistant shoots were selected. More than 60 regenerated plants were obtained. About 60% of the plants showed high NPT II activity. Southern blot hybridization showed that some of the plants gave a positive signal with the insecticidal crystal protein gene (cry IA gene) probe, and exhibited tolerant to insects such asPieris rapae (cabbage caterpillar) in leaf feeding experiments. Kanamycin-resistance and insect-resistance were maintained in the progeny.Abbreviations 6-BA 6-benzylaminopurine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - CryIA gene bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal crystal protein genecryIA - NPT II neomycin phosphotransferase II  相似文献   

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