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The Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge (SPNWR) near Cherokee, Oklahoma, contains a barren salt flat where Permian brine rises to the surface and evaporates under dry conditions to leave a crust of white salt. Rainfall events dissolve the salt crust and create ephemeral streams and ponds. The rapidly changing salinity and high surface temperatures, salinity, and UV exposure make this an extreme environment. The Salt Plains Microbial Observatory (SPMO) examined the soil microbial community of this habitat using classic enrichment and isolation techniques and phylogenetic rDNA studies. Rich growth media have been emphasized that differ in total salt concentration and composition. Aerobic heterotrophic enrichments were performed under a variety of conditions. Heterotrophic enrichments and dilution plates have generated 105 bacterial isolates, representing 46 phylotypes. The bacterial isolates have been characterized phenotypically and subjected to rDNA sequencing and phylogenetic analyses. Fast-growing isolates obtained from enrichments with 10% salt are predominantly from the gamma subgroup of the Proteobacteria and from the low GC Gram-positive cluster. Several different areas on the salt flats have yielded a variety of isolates from the Gram-negative genera Halomonas, Idiomarina, Salinivibrio, and Bacteroidetes. Gram-positive bacteria are well represented in the culture collection including members of the Bacillus, Salibacillus, Oceanobacillus, and Halobacillus.  相似文献   

The presence and density of methanotrophic bacteria has been shown to play an important role in the bioremediation of trichloroethylene (TCE). This article describes the methanotrophic bacterial densities in rhizosphere soils from two areas of the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina. A direct fluorescent antibody (DFA) technique was evaluated to determine the presence of methanotrophic bacteria in roots and rhizospheres from vascular plants. The first site, the Miscellaneous Chemical Basin (MCB), was contaminated with a mixture of chemicals, including chlorinated solvents. The second site will be potentially affected by outcropping of TCE-contaminated groundwater. Significantly higher numbers of methanotrophic bacteria were observed with DFA in rhizosphere soils and on roots of Lespedeza cuneata and Pinus taeda (that previously showed higher rates of 14C-TCE mineralization) compared with nonvegetated soils. In addition, viable and heterotrophic microbial counts were consistently higher in rhizosphere soils and on plant roots compared with nonvegetated soils. Therefore, the presence of these plant species may enhance 14C-TCE mineralization by selectively increasing the microbial population in the root zone. Methanotrophic bacteria were directly observed by DFA in soils, on the surface of root hairs, within plant roots, and in higher densities associated with mycorrhizal fungi. These experiments provide further evidence that specific types of bacterial interactions with vegetation in the rhizosphere may play an important role in remediation of TCE-contaminated soils and groundwater.  相似文献   

The second most abundant bacterium on the root surface of young sugar beet plants was identified as a Phyllobacterium sp. (Rhizobiaceae) based on a comparison of the results of 39 conventional identification tests, 167 API tests, 30 antibiotic susceptibility tests, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic fingerprints of total cellular proteins with type strains of Phyllobacterium myrsinacearum and Phyllobacterium rubiacearum. It was found on 198 of 1,100 investigated plants between the 2nd and 10th leaf stage on three different fields in Belgium and one field in Spain. Densities ranged from 2 × 104 to 2 × 108 CFU/g of root. Five isolates exerted a broad-spectrum in vitro antifungal activity. DNA-DNA hybridizations showed that Phyllobacterium sp. does not contain DNA sequences that are homologous with the attachment genes chvA, chvB, the transferred-DNA (T-DNA) hormone genes iaaH and ipt from Agrobacterium tumefaciens, iaaM from A. tumefaciens and Pseudomonas savastanoi, or the nitrogenase genes nifHDK from Klebsiella pneumoniae. Phyllobacterium sp. produces indolylacetic acid in in vitro cultures and induces auxinlike effects when cocultivated with callus tissue of tobacco. When Phyllobacterium sp. was transformed with a Ti plasmid derivative, it gained the capacity to induce tumors on Kalanchoe daigremontiana. The potential role of Phyllobacterium sp. in this newly recognized niche is discussed.  相似文献   

垃圾渗滤液中往往含有高浓度的有机物、氨氮等污染物。异养硝化-好氧反硝化型微生物能在脱氮的同时去除部分有机物,但目前对于相关混合菌剂直接应用于垃圾渗滤液处理的研究较少。从垃圾渗滤液中筛选出6株异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌株并组配成复合菌剂F6,探究菌剂在垃圾渗滤液中的脱氮效果。分别以单一菌株和复合菌剂F6为投放原料;以不同碳氮比、活性炭浓度、转速以及微量元素浓度为影响因素,研究复合菌剂对于垃圾渗滤液中氨氮(NH4+-N)、总氮(total nitrogen, TN)、化学需氧量(chemical oxygen demand, COD)的去除性能。结果表明,提高碳氮比和微量元素浓度能够促进复合菌剂F6的降解效果;当接种量为10%、碳氮比为15%时,F6对NH4+-N、TN、COD的去除率分别为74.69%、89.23%和83.50%,与不添加活性炭的处理相比,分别提高了约18.46%、20.97%和7.98%。复合异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌剂F6对高氨氮垃圾渗滤液去除NH4+-N、TN、COD等方面具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Forty-seven isolates representing all biovars of Pseudomonas fluorescens (biovars I to VI) were collected from the rhizosphere of field-grown sugar beet plants to select candidate strains for biological control of preemergence damping-off disease. The isolates were tested for in vitro antagonism toward the plant-pathogenic microfungi Pythium ultimum and Rhizoctonia solani in three different plate test media. Mechanisms of fungal inhibition were elucidated by tracing secondary-metabolite production and cell wall-degrading enzyme activity in the same media. Most biovars expressed a specific mechanism of antagonism, as represented by a unique antibiotic or enzyme production in the media. A lipopeptide antibiotic, viscosinamide, was produced independently of medium composition by P. fluorescens bv. I, whereas the antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol was observed only in glucose-rich medium and only in P. fluorescens bv. II/IV. Both pathogens were inhibited by the two antibiotics. Finally, in low-glucose medium, a cell wall-degrading endochitinase activity in P. fluorescens bv. I, III, and VI was the apparent mechanism of antagonism toward R. solani. The viscosinamide-producing DR54 isolate (bv. I) was shown to be an effective candidate for biological control, as tested in a pot experiment with sugar beet seedlings infested with Pythium ultimum. The assignment of different patterns of fungal antagonism to the biovars of P. fluorescens is discussed in relation to an improved selection protocol for candidate strains to be used in biological control.  相似文献   

Cyclic lipopeptides (CLPs) with antibiotic and biosurfactant properties are produced by a number of soil bacteria, including fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. To provide new and efficient strains for the biological control of root-pathogenic fungi in agricultural crops, we isolated approximately 600 fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. from two different agricultural soils by using three different growth media. CLP production was observed in a large proportion of the strains (approximately 60%) inhabiting the sandy soil, compared to a low proportion (approximately 6%) in the loamy soil. Chemical structure analysis revealed that all CLPs could be clustered into two major groups, each consisting of four subgroups. The two major groups varied primarily in the number of amino acids in the cyclic peptide moiety, while each of the subgroups could be differentiated by substitutions of specific amino acids in the peptide moiety. Production of specific CLPs could be affiliated with Pseudomonas fluorescens strain groups belonging to biotype I, V, or VI. In vitro analysis using both purified CLPs and whole-cell P. fluorescens preparations demonstrated that all CLPs exhibited strong biosurfactant properties and that some also had antibiotic properties towards root-pathogenic microfungi. The CLP-producing P. fluorescens strains provide a useful resource for selection of biological control agents, whether a single strain or a consortium of strains was used to maximize the synergistic effect of multiple antagonistic traits in the inoculum.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing activity and populations of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with two varieties of rice grown in dryland and wetland conditions were measured at various growth stages during the dry season. Acetylene reduction activities were measured both in the field and for the hydroponically grown rice, which was transferred from the field to water culture 1 day before assay. The activities measured by both methods were higher in wetland than in dryland rice. The population of nitrogen-fixing heterotrophic bacteria associated with rhizosphere soil, root, and basal shoots was determined by the most probable number method with semisolid glucose-yeast extract and semisolid malate-yeast extract media. The number of nitrogen-fixing bacteria was higher in wetland conditions than in dryland conditions. The difference between two conditions was most pronounced in the population associated with the basal shoot. The glucose medium gave higher counts than did the malate medium. Colonies were picked from tryptic soy agar plates, and their nitrogen-fixing activity was tested on a semisolid glucose-yeast extract medium. The incidence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria among aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in association with rhizosphere soil, root, and basal shoots was much lower in dryland rice than in wetland rice.  相似文献   

The possibility to improve the recovery of sugar beet plants after water stress by application of synthetic cytokinins N6-benzyladenine (BA) or N6-(m-hydroxybenzyl)adenosine (HBA) was tested. Relative water content (RWC), net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), chlorophyll (Chl) a and Chl b contents, and photosystem 2 efficiency characterized by variable to maximal fluorescence ratio (Fv/Fm) were measured in control plants, in water-stressed plants, and after rehydration (4, 8, 24, and 48 h). Water stress markedly decreased parameters of gas exchange, but they started to recover soon after irrigation. Application of BA or HBA to the substrate or sprayed on leaves only slightly stimulated recovery of PN, E, and gs in rehydrated plants, especially during the first phases of recovery. Chl contents decreased only under severe water stress and Fv/Fm ratio was not significantly affected by water stress applied. Positive effects of BA or HBA application on Chl content and Fv/Fm ratio were mostly not observed.  相似文献   

In meromictic Mahoney Lake, British Columbia, Canada, the heterotrophic bacterial production in the mixolimnion exceeded concomitant primary production by a factor of 7. Bacterial growth rates were correlated neither to primary production nor to the amount of chlorophyll a. Both results indicate an uncoupling of bacteria and phytoplankton. In the chemocline of the lake, an extremely dense population of the purple sulfur bacterium Amoebobacter purpureus is present year round. We investigated whether anoxygenic phototrophs are significant for the growth of aerobic bacterioplankton in the overlaying water. Bacterial growth rates in the mixolimnion were limited by inorganic phosphorus or nitrogen most of the time, and the biomass of heterotrophic bacteria did not increase until, in autumn, 86% of the cells of A. purpureus appeared in the mixolimnion because of their reduced buoyant density. The increase in heterotrophic bacterial biomass, soluble phosphorus concentrations below the detection limit, and an extraordinarily high activity of alkaline phosphatase in the mixolimnion indicate a rapid liberation of organically bound phosphorus from A. purpureus cells accompanied by a simultaneous incorporation into heterotrophic bacterioplankton. High concentrations of allochthonously derived dissolved organic carbon (mean, 60 mg of C(middot)liter(sup-1)) were measured in the lake water. In Mahoney Lake, liberation of phosphorus from upwelling purple sulfur bacteria and degradation of allochthonous dissolved organic carbon as an additional carbon source render heterotrophic bacterial production largely independent of the photosynthesis of phytoplankton. A recycling of inorganic nutrients via phototrophic bacteria also appears to be relevant in other lakes with anoxic bottom waters.  相似文献   

Five gram-negative bacteria, two gram-positive bacteria, and one yeast were isolated from "acid streamers" taken from acid mine water. One gram-positive rod which has been tentatively identified as a Bacillus species appeared to be the predominant organism in the streamers. This isolate produced copious amounts of extracellular polymer at 10 C in the laboratory and was considered to be the primary source of polymer in the "acid streamer" slime matrix. The organism grew slowly at pH 2.8 in mine water media, but the optimal pH was approximately 7.0.  相似文献   

The production of cyclic lipopeptides (CLPs) with antifungal and biosurfactant properties by Pseudomonas fluorescens strains was investigated in bulk soil and in the sugar beet rhizosphere. Purified CLPs (viscosinamide, tensin, and amphisin) were first shown to remain highly stable and extractable (90%) when applied (ca. 5 μg g−1) to sterile soil, whereas all three compounds were degraded over 1 to 3 weeks in nonsterile soil. When a whole-cell inoculum of P. fluorescens strain DR54 containing a cell-bound pool of viscosinamide was added to the nonsterile soil, declining CLP concentrations were observed over a week. By comparison, addition of the strains 96.578 and DSS73 without cell-bound CLP pools did not result in detectable tensin or amphisin in the soil. In contrast, when sugar beet seeds were coated with the CLP-producing strains and subsequently germinated in nonsterile soil, strain DR54 maintained a high and constant viscosinamide level in the young rhizosphere for ~2 days while strains 96.578 and DSS73 exhibited significant production (net accumulation) of tensin or amphisin, reaching a maximum level after 2 days. All three CLPs remained detectable for several days in the rhizosphere. Subsequent tests of five other CLP-producing P. fluorescens strains also demonstrated significant production in the young rhizosphere. The results thus provide evidence that production of different CLPs is a common trait among many P. fluorescens strains in the soil environment, and further, that the production is taking place only in specific habitats like the rhizosphere of germinating sugar beet seeds rather than in the bulk soil.  相似文献   

Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology - Six of 11 strains of endophytic bacteria from pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds were found in an aqueous medium of seedling-root growth under hydroculture...  相似文献   

Exopolysaccharide-Producing Bacteria from Sugar Beets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Six hundred microorganisms were isolated from sugar beets collected from different parts of Finland to study their slime production. A total of 170 of them produced exopolysaccharides, of which 35% were heteropolysaccharides. The yield of heteropolysaccharides from sucrose was lower than that of dextrans. Five isolates, which were chosen for closer study, were identified as Leuconostoc mesenteroides (two species), Rahnella aquatilis (two species), and Enterobacter amnigenus.  相似文献   

Sucrose Leakage from Isolated Parenchyma of Sugar Beet Roots   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinetics of sugar efflux from slices of sugar beet rootswas investigated using washing solutions of different osmoticpressure and calcium concentration. The leakage of sucrose isstrongly reduced in solutions of high osmotic pressure (>0·8MPa) or high calcium concentration (10 mM). Turgor-dependentnecrosis of parenchyma cells (plasmoptysis) is the main causeof sucrose efflux from the tissue in hypotonic media with lowcalcium activity. This was shown by good correlation betweenthe percentage of leaked sucrose and the percentage of tissuewater, which was in the free space after the washing procedure.The kinetics of sugar leakage from beet root parenchyma is nobasis for the estimation of the sugar contents of the free spaceor the cytoplasm in situ.  相似文献   

Investigations on the relationship between soil moisture and maize and sugar beet plant osmotic potential were carried out during three years under field trial conditions. It was established that between soil moisture and osmotic potential there is an inverse ratio dependence, expressed in significant correlation coefficients (r =?0.84** for maize and r =?0.88** for sugar beet on an average). The correlation appears more striking in the lower third of the active moisture range, where slight variations in soil moisture determine important changes in osmotic potential. The possibility of using the osmotic potential as an index in estimating plant water requirement is asserted and the limit values indicating a good water supply in maize and sugar beet plants are established according to growth stages.  相似文献   

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