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An electron microscope study has been made of the distribution of membrane couplings between the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and either the plasmalemma or the T tubules in fetal and neonatal rat intercostal muscle. Within primitive muscle cells at 12 days of gestation, the SR forms both simple and specialized membrane junctions with the plasmalemma; caveolae are very few, and T tubules are not detected. Undifferentiated cells neighbor muscle cells. Occasionally these cells contain subsurface couplings between the endoplasmic reticulum and plasmalemmae. Possible relationships between these couplings and the peripheral couplings of muscle cells are discussed. By 15–18 days of gestation, caveolae and beaded T tubules, comparable to those of cultured muscle, develop; T tubules lie along-side myofibrils and are rarely transverse. SR couples both to T tubules and to plasmalemmae during this period. T tubules with lineal profiles appear after further development and their orientation transverse to A–I junctions becomes increasingly evident. Membrane couplings between SR and T tubules also increase in number, whereas the incidence of peripheral coupling declines rapidly Evidence suggests that peripheral couplings are swept into myotubes as caveolae proliferate and T tubules form. SR thus appears to initially couple with the plasmalemma and then to await T tubular growth. This contrasts with the developmental pattern described in cultured chick muscle in which peripheral couplings are not reported and T tubules with diads and triads occur at very primitive stages of muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and transverse tubular system (TTS) of a fast-twitch muscle (extensor digitorum longus-EDL) and a slow-twitch muscle (soleus-SOL) of the mouse were examined during postnatal development. Muscles of animals newborn to 60 days old were fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide and examined with an electron microscope. At birth the few T tubules were often oriented longitudinally, but at the age of 10 days most of them had a transverse orientation. In the EDL, the estimated volume of the TTS increased from 0.08% at birth to 0.4% in the adult; corresponding values for the SOL were 0.04% at birth and 0.22% in the adult. A similar relative change was observed in surface area of the TTS during development. Calculated on the basis of a 30 µm diameter fiber, the surface area of the TTS in the EDL increased from 0.60 cm2 TTS/cm2 fiber surface in the newborn to 3.1 cm2/cm2 in the adult, compared with 0.15 cm2/cm2 at birth to 1.80 cm2/cm2 in the adult for the SOL. The SR in the newborn muscles occurred as a loose network of tubules that developed rapidly within the subsequent 20 days, especially at the I band level. The volume of the SR increased in the EDL from 1.1% of fiber volume at birth to 5.5% in the adult. In the SOL the change was from 1.7% to 2.9%. The SOL approached the adult values more rapidly than the EDL, although the EDL had more SR and T tubules. Fibers of both EDL and SOL muscles showed variation in Z line thickness, mitochondrial content, and diameter, but over-all differences between the two muscles in amount of SR and TTS were significant. It is considered that the differing amounts of SR and TTS are closely related to the differing speeds of contraction that have been demonstrated for these two muscles.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of rabbit skeletal muscle was studied after isolation of a vesicle fraction and of vesicular subfractions by means of differential and density gradient centrifugations. The different fractions were examined electron microscopically by negative and positive staining; their content in protein and phospholipid and their ability to bind Ca++ were determined. After homogenization, differential centrifugation yielded a "sarcovesicular fraction" (SVF) which was mainly composed of numerous vesicles of different types mixed with fibrous proteins and mitochondrial fragments. This SVF contained 2% of the protein and 25% of the phospholipid of the initial tissue extract. It had a high Ca++ binding activity that was preserved for several days by storage in the presence of oxalate. After centrifugations of the SVF on sucrose density gradients, two vesicular subfractions were obtained which were characterized by different sedimentation rates, isopycnic banding, morphology, and composition in protein and phospholipid. (a) The low-density subfraction (ρ 1.10–1.12) contained a heterogeneous population of membranous structures: thick- and thin-walled vesicles, tubular formations, triads, and plasma membranes. Its content in protein and phospholipid was very low. (b) The high-density subfraction (ρ 1.13–1.17) was a very pure subfraction composed only of thin-walled vesicles. Its content in phospholipid was high and the ratio of phospholipid-phosphorus to protein was about 20. The calcium-binding activity found in the total SVF was recovered only in this latter homogeneous subfraction. The origin of these two subfractions from the SR is discussed.  相似文献   


The bat cricothyroid muscle is believed to participate in the production of the short bursts of frequency modulated ultrasound which these animals use as an echolocation device. The evidence seems to indicate that this muscle must be extremely fast acting. It possesses a very well developed sarcoplasmic reticulum, consisting of intercommunicating longitudinal and transverse tubular elements. The transverse elements, situated at the level of the junction between the A and the I bands, are tripartite complexes of tubules called triads, and these are sometimes replaced by more complex structures, the pentads. The intermediate element of the triad appears as a slender continuous tubule, which can be shown to come into close contact with the sarcolemma and also to share with it certain common staining properties. The longitudinal components of the reticulum consist of very numerous tubules which link successive triads to each other and anastomose to form multiple layers of close-meshed reticula in the interfibrillar sarcoplasm. Both the longitudinal and the transverse elements of the sarcoplasmic reticulum form a continuous network across the muscle fiber. It is suggested that the extraordinary development of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in the bat cricothyroid is related to the unusual physiological properties of this muscle.  相似文献   

PORES IN THE SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

钆对兔肌质网膜脂与膜蛋白的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用荧光偏振、顺磁共振波谱及圆二色谱研究了轧对肌质网膜脂和膜蛋白的影响。结果表明,Gd3+降低肌质网膜脂不同层次的流动性,并使Ca2+-ATP酶的旋转运动加快,低度的浓Gd3+使肌质网膜Ca2+-ATP酶的α-螺旋含量减少,随着其浓度的增加,则使其α-螺旋含量增加。  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of thin sections of muscle fibers in myotomes of Amblystoma larvae has revealed the presence of a complex, membrane-limited system of canaliculi and vesicles which form a lace-like reticulum around and among the myofibrils. This seems to correspond to the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the earlier light microscopists and the endoplasmic reticulum of other cell types. The elements constituting the reticulum are disposed in a pattern which bears a constant relation to the bands of the adjacent myofibrils and is therefore repeated in each sarcomere. At the H band the system is transversely continuous but not so at other levels. Longitudinally continuity is interrupted at the Z bands where large vesicles belonging to adjacent sarcomere segments of the system face off on opposite sides of the band. The opposing faces of these vesicles are flat and separated by a space of more or less constant width, in which are located small, finger-shaped vesicles. In view of these and other close structural relationships with the myofibrils it seems appropriate to assign to the system a role in the conduction of the excitatory impulse.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the abdominal musculature of the copepod Macrocyclops albidus was investigated by electron microscopy. Tubules penetrate into the muscle fibers from the sarcolemma, continuity between the wall of the tubules and the sarcolemma being clear. A dense network of tubules envelops the myofibrils, its interstices being occupied by cisternal elements. At the Z lines the tubules traverse the interior of myofibrils, giving off branches which course longitudinally within the substance of the myofibrils. These branches are also accompanied by elongate, non-intercommunicating cisternae. Comparison of this fast acting copepod muscle with other vertebrate and invertebrate muscles indicates that the complexity of the tubular system is a function of the myofibrillar geometry, whereas the degree of development of the cisternal system is related to the contraction speed of the muscle.  相似文献   

Fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum (FSR) from rabbit muscle was examined by positive staining, negative staining, and freeze-etch electron microscopic techniques in the absence and presence of calcium transport conditions. The existence of 30–40 A particles covering the outer surface of FSR vesicles was confirmed by two different negative stains in unfixed, glutaraldehyde-fixed and osmium tetroxide-fixed material. Freeze-etch microscopy revealed a second type of particle, 80–90 A in diameter, on the fractured surfaces of FSR vesicles. Following calcium oxalate accumulation, negative and positive staining techniques provided evidence for large nodular deposits within FSR vesicles which probably correspond to calcium oxalate crystals and are responsible for increments in turbidity during calcium oxalate accumulation. The most probable configuration of FSR vesicles in solution is spherical. "Tadpole" or tubular configurations were not seen by freeze-etch microscopy, positive staining, or in prefixed negatively stained material.  相似文献   

吴雁  杜继曾 《兽类学报》1998,18(4):299-303
模拟高原低氧条件研究高原鼠兔肝细胞内质网(Endoplasmicreticulum,ER)和心肌肌浆网(Sarcoplasmicreticulum,SR)钙泵功能变化。实验设对照组(海拔2300m)和两个低氧实验组(模拟海拔5000m和7000m)。24h急性低氧时,海拔5000m组高原鼠兔ER的Ca2+泵活性无变化,海拔7000m组高原鼠兔ERCa2+泵活性下降29.02%。7d亚急性低氧时高原鼠兔SR的Ca2+泵活性无显著变化。高原鼠兔ER的Ca2+泵活性在海拔5000m组和7000m组分别升高32.50%和33.33%。25d慢性低氧时高原鼠兔ER,SR的Ca2+泵活性均无显著变化.表明:急性低氧对Ca2+泵功能有抑制作用,低氧7d后抑制缓解,至25d低氧时趋于恢复。  相似文献   

The extrinsic eye muscles of the killifish (F. heteroclitus) were fixed in OSO4 (pH 7.6) and subsequently dehydrated, embedded, and sectioned for electron microscopy. The fine structures of neuromuscular junctions and of sarcoplasmic reticulum were then observed. The neuromuscular junction consists of the apposition of axolemma (60 to 70 Å) and sarcolemma (90 to 100 Å), with an intervening cleft space of 200 to 300 Å, forming a synaptolemma 400 to 500 Å thick. The terminal axons contain synaptic vesicles, mitochondria, and agranular reticulum. The subsynaptic sarcolemma lacks the infolding arrangement characteristic of neuromuscular junctions from other vertebrate skeletal muscle, making them more nearly like that of insect neuromuscular junctions. A comparison between the folded and non-folded subsynaptic membrane types is made and discussed in terms of comparative rates of acetylcholine diffusion from the synaptic cleft and resistances of the clefts and subsynaptic membranes. The sarcoplasmic reticulum consists of segmentally arranged, membrane-limited vesicles and tubular and cisternal elements which surround individual myofibrils in a sleeve-like arrangement. Triadic differentiation occurs at or near the A-I junction. Unit sleeves span the A and I bands alternately and consist of closed terminal cisternae interconnected across the A and I bands by tubular cisternae. The thickness of the sarcoplasmic membranes increases from 30 to 40 Å in intertriadic regions to 50 to 70 Å at the triads. The location of the triads is compared with previously described striated muscle from Ambystoma larval myotomes, cardiac and sartorius muscles of the albino rat, mouse limb muscle, chameleon lizard muscle, and insect muscle, with reference to their possible role in intracellular impulse conduction.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the transverse tubular system of the femoral muscle of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, was studied after prefixation in glutaraldehyde, postfixation in osmium tetroxide, and embedding in Epon. The sarcoplasmic reticulum in this muscle reveals features not previously reported. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is abundant, consisting mainly of a fenestrated envelope which surrounds each myofibril at all levels in the sarcomere. This sarcoplasmic reticulum envelope is continuous transversally as well as longitudinally along the myofibrils. Dyadic junctions are formed by a single T system element which contacts the unfenestrated sarcoplasmic reticulum of adjacent myofibrils in an alternating manner at the ends of the A band. At the dyads, regularly spaced thickenings of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes bordering the dyadic spaces are noted. These thickenings, however, do not contact the T tubule membrane. Typical dyadic contacts also are seen between the cell surface membrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum. Z line-like material is seen in contact with the membranes of the cell surface and longitudinal branches of the T systems.  相似文献   

Observations were made on the behavior of chondrocytes grown under various conditions in vitro. The chondrocytes in 10-day embryonic chick vertebrae were grown as cultures of intact vertebrae, as pellets of chondrocytes liberated from their matrix, and as monodispersed cells plated out on plasma clots. Cartilage matrix was stained metachromatically with toluidine blue. Radioautographs were made of incorporated H3-thymidine, H3-proline, and S35-sulfate to determine the extent of DNA synthesis, collagen synthesis, and chondroitin sulfate synthesis, respectively. Chondrocytes in intact vertebrae or in pellets are rounded and actively synthesizing chondroitin sulfate and collagen. There is little DNA synthesis by cells in either vertebrae or pellets. Chondrocytes grown as monodisperse cells rapidly cease synthesizing cytologically detectable chondroitin sulfate and are induced to synthesize DNA and divide. There is a change in the shape of these chondrocytes from a rounded to a more stellate condition which accompanies the shift in metabolic activity. Conversely, when the cells attain a certain cell density, they reacquire a rounded shape, cease dividing, and again synthesize chondroitin sulfate. Clusters of chondrocytes synthesize more chondroitin sulfate than isolated chondrocytes. It is concluded that most chondrocytes synthesizing chondroitin sulfate do not concurrently synthesize DNA. Interaction between associated chondrocytes is important in inducing and maintaining chondroitin sulfate synthesis in genetically determined chondrocytes. Failure of interaction between chondrocytes leads to DNA synthesis and cell multiplication.  相似文献   

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