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Plasticity and local adaptation have been suggested as two main mechanisms that alien species use to successfully tolerate and invade broad geographic areas. In the present study, we try answer the question if the mechanism for the broad distributional range of T. officinale is for phenotypic plasticity, ecotypic adaptation or both. For this, we used individuals of T. officinale originated from seeds collected in five localities along its latitudinal distribution range in the southern‐hemisphere. Seedlings were acclimated at 5 and 25°C for one month. After the acclimation period we evaluated ecophysiological and cytogenetic traits. Additionally, we assessed the fitness at each temperature by recording the seed output of individuals from different localities. Finally, we performed a manipulative experiment in order to assess the tolerance to herbivory and competitive ability between T. officinale from all origins and Hypochaeris scorzonerae a co‐occurring native species. Overall, individuals of T. officinale showed high plasticity and ecotypic adaptation for all traits assessed in this study. Changes both in physiology and morphology observed in T. officinale from different origins were mostly correlated, enhancing their ecophysiological performance in temperatures similar to those of their origin. Additionally, all localities showed the same chromosome number and ploidy level. On the other hand, all individuals showed an increase the seed output at 25°C, but those from northern localities increased more. T. officinale from all origins was not significantly affected by herbivory while native showed a negative effect. On the other hand, T. officinale exerted a strong negative effect on the native species, but this former not effected significantly to the invasive T. officinale. High plasticity and local adaptation in all ecophysiological traits, seed‐set and the low cytogenetic variability in T. officinale suggests that both strategies are present in this invasive plant species and are not mutually exclusive. Finally, higher tolerance to herbivory and competitive ability suggests that T. officinale could perform successfully in environments with different climatic conditions, and thus colonize and invade South‐America.  相似文献   

Studies of genotype × environment interactions (G × E) and local adaptation provide critical tests of natural selection’s ability to counter opposing forces such as gene flow. Such studies may be greatly facilitated in asexual species, given the possibility for experimental replication at the level of true genotypes (rather than populations) and the possibility of using molecular markers to assess genotype–environment associations in the field (neither of which is possible for most sexual species). Here, we tested for G × E in asexual dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) by subjecting six genotypes to experimental drought, mown and benign (control) conditions and subsequently using microsatellites to assess genotype–environment associations in the field. We found strong G × E, with genotypes that performed poorly under benign conditions showing the highest performance under stressful conditions (drought or mown). Our six focal genotypes comprise > 80% of plants in local populations. The most common genotype in the field showed its highest relative performance under mown conditions (the most common habitat in our study area), and almost all plants of this genotype in the field were found growing in mowed lawns. Genotypes performing best under benign experimental conditions were found most frequently in unmown conditions in the field. These results are strongly indicative of local adaptation at a very small scale, with unmown microsites of only a few square metres typically embedded within larger mown lawns. By studying an asexual species, we were able to map genotypes with known ecological characteristics to environments with high spatial precision.  相似文献   

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an abundant Asteraceae species of grassland and vasteland stands. Through the vegetative season each plant produces a number of short-lived inflorescens. Final stage of inflorescence development is seed dispersal that lasts 2 days. Despite its ephemeral persistence, inflorescences at this period host abundant fauna. In 2005–2010 the inflorescences were collected in regular intervals in May–October, at Prague-Ruzyně and selected sites of western Czech Republic. Typical fauna consist of Heteroptera adults and larvae (34 species), phytophagans feeding on receptacle and seeds (mainly Miridae, Pentatomidae, Rhopalidae) and predators consuming thrips (Anthocoridae). The composition of Heteroptera fauna varies through the vegetative season, and its abundance decreases with increasing altitude of the locality. Other fauna are relics of species consuming seeds in the post-flowering phase of inflorescence maturation (mainly Thysanoptera) and occasional visitors with no trophic relationship to dandelion (Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Araneae). The reasons for association of phytophagous Heteroptera and dandelion may be preferences for seed consumption and chemicals present in plant tissues and possibly used for sequestration of aposematic substances.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia minor Jagger is a promising biocontrol agent for dandelion in turfgrass. When a flowering dandelion population was treated with S. minor, flowering accelerated to the fruiting stage within 4 days. This developmental response was 4-5 days earlier than in the control, untreated plants and was not observed in herbicide-treated plants. Seeds obtained from the fungal-treated plants were smaller, lighter and their germination rate was reduced by 48.4 and 47.3% for spring and fall applications, respectively. S. minor was not detected in dandelion seeds from the fungal-treated plants. In addition to effective control of mature (flowering) dandelions, seeds dispersed by dying plants have reduced germination and are not transferring S. minor off target.  相似文献   

 Microsatellite markers were developed in Taraxacum officinale to study gene flow between sexual and apomictic plants and to identify clones. Twenty five thousand genomic DNA clones were hybridized with a (CT)12D probe. The density of (GA/CT) n repeats was estimated at one every 61 kb in the T. officinale genome, which translates to 13 500 repeats per haploid genome. Ninety two percent of 110 positive clones sequenced contained at least one (GA/CT) n≥5 repeat. Sixteen (CA/GT) n≥5 and 11 (AT) n≥5 arrays were also found in these sequences, suggesting some clustering of dinucleotide repeats. Among 50 PCR primer pairs tested, 32 produced bands and 28 of them were polymorphic. Of these polymorphic markers, 15 were putatively single-locus and the other 13 produced only polymorphic fingerprints. Six loci were further characterized for polymorphism and showed between 6 and 32 alleles per locus. Among eight primer pairs used to analyze the progeny of a sexual cross, seven were co-dominant single-locus Mendelian markers, but one (MSTA10) gave a dominant pattern in accordance with the hypothesis of a null allele segregating in a Mendelian fashion. Three pairs of loci among 28 showed significant linkages of 10, 21, and 39 cM. Observed and expected heterozygosities in two sexual populations indicate that null alleles may be present at two loci, including MSTA10. Received: 4 November 1997 / Accepted: 12 February 1998  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that dandelion clones (Taraxacum officinale Weber, sensu lato; Asteraceae) differ in their floral stage timing characteristics under a constant set of environmental conditions. To test this hypothesis, plants representing nine different dandelion clones (identified by DNA fingerprinting) were grown in groups of five (N = 45) in a growth chamber for a period of 8 mo, with chamber settings similar to environmental conditions at peak dandelion flowering time for their population sites. Five flowering phenology parameters were monitored daily for a total of 301 buds developing during this time: (1) time to bud; (2) time to full opening and inflorescence maturation (i.e., first anthesis); (3) time to re-closure of an inflorescence; (4) time to fruit (full re-opening of the inflorescence); and (5) total flowering time. Scape length at the appearance of a fully expanded infructescence was also measured for each individual. Significant differences in mean time to inflorescence, mean time to re-closure, mean time to fruit, and mean total flowering time were revealed among some dandelion clones (Kruskal-Wallis, P ≤ 0.0005). No differences in mean number of inflorescence buds per plant (P = 0.2217), mean time to bud (P = 0.2396), or mean scape length (P = 0.3688) were detected among the nine clones. These results suggest that differences in floral stage timing may in part involve varying genotypic environmental response characteristics and that these differences may have potential fitness effects. Further research is needed to determine if such clonal differences are observed under a broader range of uniform environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Urban environments expose species to contrasting selection pressures relative to rural areas due to altered microclimatic conditions, habitat fragmentation, and changes in species interactions. To improve our understanding on how urbanization impacts selection through biotic interactions, we assessed differences in plant defense and tolerance, dispersal, and flowering phenology of a common plant species (Taraxacum officinale) along an urbanization gradient and their reaction norms in response to a biotic stressor (i.e., herbivory). We raised plants from 45 lines collected along an urbanization gradient under common garden conditions and assessed the impact of herbivory on plant growth (i.e., aboveground biomass), dispersal capacity (i.e., seed morphology), and plant phenology (i.e., early seed production) by exposing half of our plants to two events of herbivory (i.e., grazing by locusts). Independent from their genetic background, all plants consistently increased their resistance to herbivores by which the second exposure to locusts resulted in lower levels of damage suffered. Herbivory had consistent effects on seed pappus length, with seeds showing a longer pappus (and, hence, increased dispersal capacities) regardless of urbanization level. Aboveground plant biomass was neither affected by urbanization nor herbivore presence. In contrast to consistent responses in plant defenses and pappus length, plant fitness did vary between lines. Urban lines had a reduced early seed production following herbivory while rural and suburban lines did not show any plastic response. Our results show that herbivory affects plant phenotypes but more importantly that differences in herbivory reaction norms exist between urban and rural populations.  相似文献   

We compared plastic responses to variation in the light environment for sympatric populations of native and exotic dandelion species, Taraxacum ceratophorum and Taraxacum officinale. Plasticity in leaf size, inflorescence height, reproductive phenology and dispersal-related traits were measured under experimentally altered light quality (red : far-red light ratio, R : FR) and light intensity (photosynthetically active radiation, PAR). To test whether differences in means and reaction norms of dispersal-related traits between species affected colonization potential, we created seed-dispersal models based on seed-fall rate and release height. Differences in plasticity between species were not systematic, but varied in direction and magnitude among traits. Taraxacum officinale produced larger leaves that exhibited greater plasticity in size under variable light intensity than T. ceratophorum. Plasticity in scape length at flowering occurred in relation to R : FR ratio in both species, but tended to be greater in T. ceratophorum. Seed-bearing scapes of T. officinale were taller and more canalized in height across light regimes than scapes of T. ceratophorum. Seeds of T. officinale were smaller than seeds of T. ceratophorum. Models predict greater dispersal in T. officinale within open and vegetated habitats. In contrast to the idea that plasticity promotes invasiveness, results suggest that the lack of plasticity in dispersal-related traits enhances the colonization potential of T. officinale.  相似文献   

The capitula ofTaraxacum officinale andT. japonicum open in response to temperature rise at lower temperatures (thermonasty), and in response to light at higher temperatures (photonasty), as was the case inT. albidum. The capitula ofT. officinale could respond to the same temperature rise more sensitively than those ofT. albidum orT. japonicum. The minimum temperature for photonastic opening is as low as 13 C forT. officinale, while that forT. albidum andT. japonicum is about 18 C. That is why the capitula ofT. officinale opened earlier than those ofT. albidum andT. japonicum in the morning in April under natural conditions. The capitulum continued to be open for about 13–14 hr inT. officinale and about 8–11 hr inT. japonicum and inT. albidum both under natural conditions in April and even under constant light-temperature conditions, suggesting that the time of capitula-closing in these three species is not controlled by changes in environmental factors (light and/or temperature).  相似文献   

Common dandelions (Taraxacum officinale Weber, sensu lato; Asteraceae) introduced to North America form an assemblage of asexual (agamospermous), clonal lineages derived from Eurasian mixed sexual and asexual populations. We investigated whether selection for more pollution tolerant clonal lineages occurs at polluted sites and selection for more pollution intolerant lineages occurs at unpolluted sites. We tested the above hypothesis by performing reciprocal greenhouse productivity experiments in which unique dandelion clones (12 clones, identified by DNA fingerprinting, from each site type) sampled from two unpolluted and two polluted (moderately enhanced Cu, Pb and Zn soil concentrations) sites were grown pairwise in both unpolluted (nutrient solution only) and polluted (nutrient solution + Cu, Pb and Zn) media (n?=?48 paired tests for each media type). Dandelion clones from polluted sites produced fewer and smaller leaves, shorter roots and smaller root diameters, reduced shoot and root dry weights, and reduced total biomass compared to clones from unpolluted sites when clones were grown in unpolluted-media (P?≤?0.05). In contrast, clones taken from unpolluted sites were shown to produce significantly fewer and shorter leaves, shorter roots and smaller root diameters, reduced shoot and root dry weights, reduced total biomass, a reduced shoot : root biomass ratio, and have much lower survival compared to clones from polluted sites when both were grown in polluted-media (P?≤?0.05). These results reveal that there was increased selection against unpolluted-site clonal lineages in polluted-media and against polluted-site clonal lineages in unpolluted-media. Across all treatments, clones from unpolluted sites growing in unpolluted-media had the highest proximate measures of fitness. Overall, these findings provide insight into the relationships among anthropogenic environmental contamination and the consequent effects of selective forces acting on dandelion clones and their population genetic architecture.  相似文献   

Aims Successful invasive plants are often assumed to display significant levels of phenotypic plasticity. Three possible strategies by which phenotypic plasticity may allow invasive plant species to thrive in changing environments have been suggested: (i) via plasticity in morphological or physiological traits, invasive plants are able to maintain a higher fitness than native plants in a range of environments, including stressful or low-resource habitats: a 'Jack-of-all-trades' strategy; (ii) phenotypic plasticity allows the invader to better exploit resources available in low stress or favorable habitats, showing higher fitness than native ones: a 'Master-of-some' strategy and (iii) a combination of these abilities, the 'Jack-and-Master' strategy.Methods We evaluated these strategies in the successful invader Taraxacum officinale in a controlled experiment mimicking natural environmental gradients. We set up three environmental gradients consisting of factorial arrays of two levels of temperature/light, temperature/water and light/water, respectively. We compared several ecophysiological traits, as well as the reaction norm in fitness-related traits, in both T. officinale and the closely related native Hypochaeris thrincioides subjected to these environmental scenarios.Important findings Overall, T. officinale showed significantly greater accumulation of biomass and higher survival than the native H. thrincioides, with this difference being more pronounced toward both ends of each gradient. T. officinale also showed significantly higher plasticity than its native counterpart in several ecophysiological traits. Therefore, T. officinale exhibits a Jack-and-Master strategy as it is able to maintain higher biomass and survival in unfavorable conditions, as well as to increase fitness when conditions are favorable. We suggest that this strategy is partly based on ecophysiological responses to the environment, and that it may contribute to explaining the successful invasion of T. officinale across different habitats.  相似文献   

We compared water relations and adaptations to drought stress in native and invasive exotic dandelions, Taraxacum ceratophorum and T. officinale. Photosynthesis (A), transpiration (E), and water use efficiency (WUE; carbon gained/water lost) were measured for the two species under extreme drought in the alpine tundra of Colorado, USA. We also subjected both species and F(1) hybrids to a dry-down experiment to determine how relative physiological performance varied with water availability. Photosynthesis and transpiration in the field were low and did not differ between Taraxacum congeners; however, native T. ceratophorum had higher WUE than T. officinale. After 6 days of greenhouse drought, photosynthesis and transpiration were reduced in T. officinale compared to T. ceratophorum. Taraxacum ceratophorum maintained high WUE under control and drought treatments. Conversely, WUE in T. officinale was highly plastic between watered (low WUE) and dry-down (high WUE) treatments. Hybrids did not exhibit heterosis; instead, they were similar to T. officinale in A and E and intermediate to the parental species in WUE. Overall, results suggest that native dandelions are more drought tolerant than invasive congeners or their hybrids, but have less plasticity in WUE. Arid habitats and occasional drought in mesic sites may provide native dandelions with refugia from negative interactions with invasives.  相似文献   

Phenological observations are a valuable source of information for investigating the relationship between climate variation and plant development. Potential climate change in the future will shift the occurrence of phenological phases. Information about future climate conditions is needed in order to estimate this shift. General circulation models (GCM) provide the best information about future climate change. They are able to simulate reliably the most important mean features on a large scale, but they fail on a regional scale because of their low spatial resolution. A common approach to bridging the scale gap is statistical downscaling, which was used to relate the beginning of flowering of Taraxacum officinale in Slovenia with the monthly mean near-surface air temperature for January, February and March in Central Europe. Statistical models were developed and tested with NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis predictor data and EARS predict and data for the period 1960-1999. Prior to developing statistical models, empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was employed on the predictor data. Multiple linear regression was used to relate the beginning of flowering with expansion coefficients of the first three EOF for the Janauary, Febrauary and March air temperatures, and a strong correlation was found between them. Developed statistical models were employed on the results of two GCM (HadCM3 and ECHAM4/OPYC3) to estimate the potential shifts in the beginning of flowering for the periods 1990-2019 and 2020-2049 in comparison with the period 1960-1989. The HadCM3 model predicts, on average, 4 days earlier occurrence and ECHAM4/OPYC3 5 days earlier occurrence of flowering in the period 1990-2019. The analogous results for the period 2020-2049 are a 10- and 11-day earlier occurrence.  相似文献   

David R. Cyr  J. Derek Bewley 《Planta》1990,182(3):370-374
Roots are the overwintering structures of herbaceous perennial weeds growing in temperate climates. During the fall they accumulated reserves which are remobilized when growth resumes in the spring. An 18kDa (kilodalton) protein increases in both chicory and dandelion roots during the fall months. The proteins in both species are antigenically similar, and are recognized also by an antibody to a storage-protein deposited in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) tubers. In chicory, the protein is root-specific, but in dandelion it is detectable in the flowers, vestigial stem and the seed. Electrophoretic characterization of the 18-kDa protein shows that it is a single polypeptide, without subunits, with charge isomers of pI values close to pH 6.5. The major protein present in chicory and dandelion roots is unlike the vegetative storage proteins recently found in soybean or the storage proteins in the bark of trees.  相似文献   

Lutein epoxide has been isolated from petals of dandelion (Taraxacum officinale F. Weber ex Wiggers) by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) on silica to be used for the accurate identification of this carotenoid in other sources. The extract was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a C(30) column, as a result of which six geometrical isomers were separated. The identification of these isomers was performed on the basis of their UV/vis spectroscopic features in the mobile phase. In quantitative terms, it was observed that all-E-lutein epoxide was the major carotenoid and that there were also high amounts of the (9Z)- and (9'Z)-isomers, although the latter may be an artifact.  相似文献   

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is widely consumed as a health food and a traditional medicine. However, the protective effect of dandelion bio-active peptides (DPs) against polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-induced blood vessel inflammation and oxidative damage is not well documented. In the current study, four novel DPs were isolated using an activity tracking method. The protective activity of the DPs against benzo(a)pyrene (Bap)-induced human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) damage was explored. The results indicated that DP-2 [cycle-(Thr-His-Ala-Trp)] effectively inhibited Bap-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) overproduction and reinforced antioxidant enzyme activity while inhibiting the production of inflammatory factors in HUVECs. Moreover, DP-2 increased NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1, heme oxygenase-1, and nuclear factor E2-releated factor 2 expression levels by activating the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway. In addition, DP-2 attenuated Bap-induced HUVEC apoptosis via the Bcl-2/Bax/cytochrome c apoptotic pathway. These results suggest that DP-2 is a promising compound for protecting HUVECs from Bap-induced inflammatory and oxidative damage.  相似文献   

A serine proteinase from roots of Taraxacum officinale Webb S. L. was isolated by affinity chromatography and gel-filtration on Superose 6R using FPLC. The enzyme is a 67-kD glycoprotein containing 54% carbohydrate which we have named taraxalisin. The substrate specificity of taraxalisin toward synthetic peptides and oxidized insulin B-chain is comparable with that of cucumisin from Cucumis melo and the subtilisin-like serine proteinase macluralisin from Maclura pomifera. The proteinase is inactivated by DFP and PMSF. Taraxalisin exhibits maximal activity at pH 8.0. The pH range for stability of the enzyme is narrow--6.0-9.0. The temperature optimum for the subtilisin-like activity is 40 degrees C. The N-terminal sequence of taraxalisin has 40% of its residues identical to those of subtilisin Carlsberg. Thus, the serine proteinase from dandelion roots is a member of the subtilisin family, which is evidently widespread in the plant kingdom.  相似文献   

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