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一年多以前,我们报道了一种引致人类原发性皮肤毛霉病的病原真菌Rm6并定名为多变根毛霉((Rhizomucor variabilis Zheng & G.-q. Chen)。最近我们又发现了它的另外一个变种Rm7。它是北京医科大学第一医院的王端礼教授分离的,原编菌号4873。Rm7的病人和Rm6的情况很相近。她也是一个女病人,来自农村,患的同样是原发性皮肤病而没有患有其他的毛霉病或其他疾病,她的病也没有传染给她的家人。不同的是,她来自我国北部的河北省而不是南部的江苏省;她的病史更长,达16年之久;她的病部在脸上而不是在手上,并造成进食困难。Rm7和Rm6的培养物相似,也是亮黄色,但比较低矮。它与Rm6一样是非高温真菌,最适、最高、最低温度同样分别是24-30, 38,和9℃形态上的亲缘性也是显而易见的:两者都有匍匐菌丝和较发达的假根;孢子枝也是假轴分枝;孢子囊壁也是缓慢消解;有很不规则形状的囊轴;有明显的囊领;都有大量厚垣孢子。Rm7与Rm6的主要区别在于:(1)假根只从匍匐菌丝和气生菌丝上长出而不从孢子枝、孢子囊或囊轴等各处长出;(2)孢子枝可连续分枝达7次之多;(3)孢子枝在分枝处往往有一个隔膜;(4)往往在10天以上的培养物中才出现不规则形状的囊轴;(5)从未见有囊托;(6)孢囊孢子形状较规则,较短而不超过11 μm;(7)孢子囊和囊轴均较小,直径相应不超过70及30 μm.因此,我们将Rm7鉴定为Rm6的一个变种,并定名为较规则多变根毛霉新变种(Rhizomucor variabilis var. regularior Zheng & G.-q. Chen var.nov.)。这样,在根毛霉属内可以承认的共计5种6分类群。  相似文献   

陈法军 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):19-22
单囊霉属(Haplosporangium)是被孢霉科(Mortierellaceae)内的一个小属,由Thaxter在1914年建立的。它的主要特征为孢囊梗从高度分化、通常分隔的菌丝上长出。本文首次在中国报道了两个种(极尖单囊霉Haplosporangium attenuatissima sp. nov.和单孢单囊霉H.decipens Thaxter),其中极尖单囊霉是新种,其特征为孢囊梗基部强烈膨大、顶端极细,孢子囊内含1-9个孢子。  相似文献   

我们从江苏、浙江两省采到的一些样品中分离得到六株毛霉菌种并鉴定为分别属于三个变种的同一个新种,即单孢共头霉原变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al.sp. nov. var. monosporum),单孢共头霉冠囊变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al. var. cristatum Zheng et al. var. nov.),以及单孢共头霉多重生变种(Syncephalastrum monosporum Zheng et al. var. pluriproliferum Zheng et al. var. nov.).它们与共头霉属的唯一已知种总状共头霉(Syncephalastrum racemosum Cohn ex Schroeter)的主要区别在于全部孢子囊都是单孢的小型孢子囊(柱孢囊)而不是像后者一样孢子成单行排列的多袍柱孢囊.我们把这些菌归人共头霉属而没有为它们专门成立一个新属的理由除因它们与总状共头霉有明显的亲缘关系外,主要还因我们认为在不具备其它重要区别特征的情况下,在毛霉目的分类中,无论在科级或属级的水平上,都不应过分强调单孢孢子囊的作用.尽管单孢共头霉是毛霉目内唯一具单孢子柱孢囊的种,我们仍然把它们归入共头霉属内.至于我们为什么要把这六株菌鉴定为一个种的三个变种而不是三个各自独立的种,则是由于我们承认共头霉属的唯一已知种总状共头霉是一个变异性很大的种而并没有把它分成许多不同的种,因此,我们对这个属的另外一个种,即单孢共头霉同样采用较大的种概念.  相似文献   

【背景】丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza,AM)真菌具有广泛的寄主范围、环境适应性和优良的植物促生能力。然而,土壤的高磷水平严重抑制了AM真菌生长及AM形成。【目的】分离鉴定出耐较高有效磷含量的华南土著AM真菌菌株,为菌根学研究工作提供新颖材料。【方法】采用经典形态学和分子系统学方法鉴定高磷土壤中AM真菌。【结果】从有效磷含量为53-131 (平均值±标准差为88.2±17.6) mg/kg的根区土壤中鉴定出7属25种AM真菌,包括无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora) 12种、球囊霉属(Glomus) 7种、隔球囊霉属(Septoglomus) 2种、近明球囊霉属(Claroideoglomus) 1种、根孢囊霉属(Rhizophagus) 1种、硬囊霉属(Sclerocystis) 1种和类球囊霉属(Paraglomus) 1种,其中幼套近明球囊霉(Claroideoglomus etunicatum)和蜜色无梗囊霉(Acaulospora mellea)是优势种。在(87.7±8.0) mg/kg的高磷水平下,AM真菌仍能形成丛枝和泡囊。但当有效磷含量达到(99.7±1.2) mg/kg时,菌根侵染率和丛枝丰度显著下降,但仍能够形成泡囊。【结论】从广州市南沙区有效磷含量为(88.2±17.6) mg/kg的耕地植物根区土壤中,鉴定出具有耐高磷潜力的7属25种AM真菌,幼套近明球囊霉和蜜色无梗囊霉等分离株可作为后续高磷抑制机制解析及耐高磷AM真菌菌剂研发工作的试验菌株。  相似文献   

多形小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella polymorpha Pisnek)、暗孢小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella phaeospora Boedijn)和褐孢小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella brunnea J.N. Rai,S.C. Agarwal & J.P. Tewari)自分别在1929, 1958, 1968年发表以来,一直存在着不同意见上的争论,或承认或不承认,或合并到这个种或合并到那个种等等.我们在研究中国的小克银汉霉属的过程中,分离得到了九株多形小克银汉霉的菌株。为了确定这个种的分类地位以及澄清它与其他一些相关种的关系,我们将这些菌株与从国外交换获得的一些相关种的模式后代作了比较研究,所得结果表明多形小克银汉霉、暗孢小克银汉霉及褐孢小克银汉霉三种既不能相互合并亦不能合并到其他任何一种中去,而应作为独立的种被人们所接受。在我们的工作之前,这三个种的有性型均未有报道。我们在国内尚未发现暗孢小克银汉霉和褐孢小克银汉霉,只找到了多形小克银汉霉,但同时也找到了它的有性型.因此,多形小克银汉霉为我国的新记录种,其有性型的发现则为全世界的首次报道。多形小克银汉霉的主要区别性特征为孢囊梗主枝形成顶生泡囊或不形成而在顶部叉分为二至数个分枝,同一孢囊梗上的分枝长短不齐,接合孢子囊不正球形,配囊柄细长可达80微米等等.暗孢小克银汉霉的主要区别性特征为孢囊梗分枝很少或不分枝,在同一孢囊梗上分枝相距很远且都很短,泡囊形状多不规则且略呈多角形。褐孢小克银汉霉更易与其他种相区别,它的孢囊梗分枝很多,分枝成堆且指向不同的方向,泡囊典型地呈多角形,内外璧不重合。这三个种首次发表时以及后来经过不同作者重新研究后发表的描述及绘图均过于简单而未能充分显示出它们的区别性特征,因此我们在本文中再次作了描述并再次提供了详尽的线条图和显微照相。  相似文献   

荒漠生境油蒿根围AM真菌多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了阐明荒漠生境主要植被油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)根围AM真菌多样性, 2007年8月从毛乌素沙地和腾格里沙漠选取榆林、盐池、研究站和沙坡头4个样地, 按0–10、10–20、20–30、30–40、40–50 cm 5个土层采集油蒿根围土壤样品, 研究了油蒿根围AM真菌物种多样性和生态分布。在分离的4属28种AM真菌中, 球囊霉属(Glomus)16种, 无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)7种, 盾巨孢囊霉属(Scutellospora)4种, 多孢囊霉属(Diversispora)1种。4个样地的共同优势种为摩西球囊霉(G. mosseae), 共同常见种为双网无梗囊霉(A. bireticulata)和网状球囊霉(G. reticulatum), 共同稀有种为缩球囊霉(G. constrictum)。地球囊霉(G. geosporum)仅出现在盐池, 蜜色无梗囊霉(A. mellea)、帚状球囊霉(G. coremioides)、浅窝无梗囊霉(A. lacunosa)和宽柄球囊霉(G. magnicaule)仅出现在研究站, 黑球囊霉(G. melanosporum)仅出现在榆林。盐池与研究站样地AM真菌种类最多, 榆林样地孢子密度最大, 沙坡头样地种类和孢子密度显著偏低。总体上, 孢子密度、分离频度、相对多度和重要值依Glomus >Acaulospora > Scutellospora> Diversispora呈现显著减小趋势。结果表明, 油蒿与AM真菌之间有良好共生性, 这对进一步利用菌根生物技术维护荒漠生态系统结构的完整性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1988,7(Z1):269-272
裂孢黑粉菌属(Schizonella)是我国新记录属,其主要特征为孢子堆生叶上;黑粉成对,其萌发方式同黑粉菌属(Ustilago)苔草裂孢黑粉菌(Schizonella melanogramma(DC.) Schrot.)寄生于苔草属(Carex sp.)植物上,其孢子堆生叶上,条状,粉质;黑粉孢子卵形,近球形或不规则半球形,常成对,7.5 -12.5 (-14)×5.5-(-12)µm,橄榄褐色.另一我国新记录种是鬼灯檠条黑粉菌(Urocystis rodgersiae (Miyabe) Miyabe ex Zund.),寄生在鬼灯檠(Rodgersia aesculifolia Batal.)植物上.孢子堆生叶下;孢子球27-60(-75)×25-45.5(-57µm,由1-6个黑粉孢子组成;不育细胞10-15×9-l0µm,浅褐色.黑粉孢子14-20×10-14µm,暗褐色.此种孢子球比原产于日本的模式种略大,其它特征相同.  相似文献   

本文报告1例肺结核和糖尿病并发由微小根毛霉(Rhizomuror pusillus)所致的肺微小根毛霉病。首次在我国从病人的肺组织活检标本分离出该种真菌。此菌可在几种琼脂培养基20°—45℃条件下生长,最适温度为37℃。菌落在初期白色,然后变成褐色厚毡状。在光学显微镜下可看到孢囊梗假轴状分枝,初期无色,然后变为褐色。孢子囊直径50—90μm,呈灰色,后变为褐色。孢子囊成熟后囊壁消解。囊轴卵形或梨形,直径45—48μm。在有性期,接合孢子球形,直径43—63μm,初呈褐色,后变为黑色,表面粗糙或凹凸不平。在透射电子显微镜下,孢囊孢子呈不规则卵形,直径2—5μm;在扫描电子显微镜下,孢囊孢子形态与上述相同。本菌实验感染家兔、豚鼠和小白鼠显示毒力很强,动物于接种后3—10天内全部死亡。从感染动物的脏器分离出本菌。采用中、西医结合治疗,病人痊愈。  相似文献   

黄土高原柠条锦鸡儿AM真菌多样性及空间分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贺学礼  赵丽莉  杨宏宇 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3835-3840
通过对陕西安塞、绥德、横山和榆林等4个不同生态条件下柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii)AM真菌多样性和生态分布研究,共分离出4属11种AM真菌,其中球囊霉属(Glomus)5种,无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)3种,巨孢囊霉属(Gigaspom)1种和盾巨孢囊霉属(Scutellospora)2种。结果表明,缩球囊霉(G.constrictum)和摩西球囊霉(G.mosseae)是柠条锦鸡儿的优势种;不同AM真菌种类出现的生境不同,如刺无梗囊霉(A.spinosa)和美丽盾巨孢囊霉(S.calospora)只出现在绥德,浅窝无梗囊霉(A.lacunosa)仅出现在横山,而易误巨孢囊霉(Gi.decipiens)和红色盾巨孢囊霉(S.erythropa)仅发生在延安样地。AM真菌定殖率及孢子密度与样地生态条件密切相关,泡囊定殖率和孢子密度在绥德最高,丛枝定殖率在榆林最高。采样深度对AM真菌定殖率和孢子密度有显著影响,最大孢子密度发生在10~20cm土层;而AM真菌定殖率在0~10cm或20~30cm土层有最大值。孢子密度与泡囊定殖率呈正相关,与丛枝定殖率呈负相关。孢子密度与土壤有机质、速效P、速效K和Cl含量呈负相关;泡囊定殖率与土壤pH呈正相关,而与土壤湿度、速效K和Cl^-含量呈负相关。  相似文献   

多年前分离自湖北神农架林中采回的一份土样的一株小克银汉霉Cu137最近经我们研究定名为复轮生暗孢小克银汉霉新变种(Cunninghamella phaeospora Boedijn var.multiverticillata var. nov.)。它与暗孢小克银汉霉原变种(Cunninghamella phaeospora Boedijnvar. phaeospora)的异同在于:(1)两者均具有单轴分枝、分枝单生或成对的孢子枝,不同的是新变种的孢子枝除单轴分枝外还可轮状分枝,或单轴与轮状混合分枝,轮状分枝可多达3轮,每轮由3-8分枝组成,原变种则完全不形成轮状分枝;(2)两者的孢子枝主轴上的顶生泡囊均具各种形状并略呈棱角状,但新变种的侧枝上的饱囊常常是棒形的,原变种的侧枝上的饱囊则很少棒形;(3)新变种的假根很发达,可自菌丝、匍匐菌丝、孢子枝、泡囊等部位发生,而原变种的假根一般不很发达,而且只从菌丝或甸旬菌丝发生;(4)两者的小型孢子囊在形状、大小、刺等方面一致,但新变种的小型孢子囊无色至淡褐色,原变种的小型孢子囊则为淡褐色至深褐色;(5)新变种的菌落白色,至多在老后污白色至极浅的淡褐色,原变种的菌落自始即为深灰色。除暗孢小克银汉霉原变种外,同属中还有另外三个分类群与复轮生暗孢小克银汉霉较为接近:印度小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella indica Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra)与印度刺孢小克银汉霉[Cunninghamella echinulata(Thaxt.) Thaxt. ex Blakeslee var. indica Baijal & B. S. Mehrotra]因菌落白色及孢子枝分枝棒形,轮生小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella verticillaata Paine)因孢子枝具数轮轮生分枝而与复轮生暗孢小克银汉霉这个新变种有一定的相似。但是,新变种无论是顶生泡囊还是侧生泡囊的直径都较上述三个分类群小得多;新变种的顶生饱囊往往不规则形状且略带棱角,而上述三个分类群则不是这样。还有,新变种的孢子枝分枝方式与印度小克银汉霉的颇为不同,新变种的小型孢子囊比印度刺孢小克银汉霉的小得多,其小型孢子囊主要球形至近球形,与轮生小克银汉霉的椭圆形至卵形也不一样。此外,新变种的假根系统极其发达,与同属中任何一种均不相同。将复轮生暗孢小克银汉霉新变种Cu137(+)与暗孢小克银汉霉原变种的一株分离自香港山边土壤的Cu 136(一)配合时只形成配子囊,但与原变种的模式菌株CBS 692.68(-)配合时则可形成少量的接合孢子囊。为了获得更多的接合孢子囊以观察它们是否可育的,我们将Cu 137和CBS 692.68同时接种到许多培养皿上,然后制片观察。用姆指轻轻、重复压盖玻片,可使接合孢子囊破裂以观察其内含物。结果,从100个以上的接合孢子囊中,仅在其中4个发现有接合孢子的形成,其余的都是空的和不育的。由于原变种尚未发现(+)配合型菌株,新变种则未发现(-)配合型菌株,原变种与原变种之间及新变种与新变种之间配合形成的有性型尚未获得,而且全世界均未见有报道,无法和新变种与原变种之间配合形成的有性型相比较,因此目前尚不能肯定新变种与原变种之间形成的有性型在形态上是否能代表这个种的有性型。但是,尽管如此,暗孢小克银汉霉的这两个变种之间配合形成的有性型的形态仍然是很有特征性的,足以把它与其它种的已知有性型相区别。  相似文献   

In this study, the gene hmgR encoding the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) was cloned and characterized in the zygomycete fungus Rhizomucor miehei. The hmgR gene comprises a total of 3,585 bp including the coding sequence of a 1,058 amino acids length putative protein and five introns (137, 83, 59, 60 and 69 bp in length) dispersed in the whole coding region. Southern hybridization analysis revealed that the gene is present only in one copy in the R. miehei genome. The isolated Rhizomucor gene was expressed in the related fungus, Mucor circinelloides. Transformants harbouring the Rhizomucor hmgR gene in an autoreplicative plasmid proved to be more tolerant to statins (e.g. lovastatin, simvastatin, and fluvastatin), the competitive inhibitors of the HMG-CoA reductase, than the original M. circinelloides strain. At the same time, heterologous expression of the Rhizomucor hmgR did not affect the carotenoid production of M. circinelloides.  相似文献   

Cutaneous cryptococcosis caused by C. gattii, in immunocompent patients is a rare manifestation of disease, and may be one of the first manifestations of disseminated cryptococcosis. We report a case of disseminated cryptococcosis caused by Cryptococcus gattii presenting as cutaneous lesions in an immunocompetent patient. Previously to our report, only five cases of cutaneous involvement by Cryptococcus gattii in immunocompetent patients have been reported in the literature. Risk factors for C. gattii infection included exposure to the eucalypt reservoirs in tropical and subtropical areas. Skin involvement corresponded to the disseminated form of cryptococcosis in the majority of patients, and commonly affected the face and neck with different morphologies including papules, pustules, plaques, ulcers, subcutaneous masses, cellulitis or acneiform lesions. Due to the severity of this infection and the life threatening condition that it represents, clinicians must be aware that cutaneous involvement may be one of the first manifestations of disseminated cryptococcosis caused by C. gattii especially in patients living and coming from endemic areas.  相似文献   

Tinea Nigra: Report of Twelve Cases in Venezuela   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tinea nigra is a superficial mycotic infection produced by Hortaea werneckii, formerly known as Phaeoannelomyces werneckii, formerly known as Exophiala werneckii, and Stenella araguata, the latter autochthonous in Venezuela, it was first described and named as Cladosporium castellanii in 1973. The present report describes 12 cases in the period of 1972–2002, diagnosed at the Medical Mycology Section at the Tropical Institute of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, in Caracas. This mycosis is more prevalent among young people, with fair skin, from 3 to 28 years of age, who visited beaches and in whom the lesions are more evident. Out of these 12 patients, 8 (66.66%) had Phaeoannelomyces werneckii as the causal agent and 2 (16.67%) Stenella araguata was isolated. Two patients had more than one macule, and curiously in these cases, each lesion was caused by a different species of the aforementioned fungus.  相似文献   

We describe the first case of cutaneous infection caused by Chaetomium atrobrunneum and Clavispora lusitaniae in a one-and-a-half-year-old boy with acute and severe inflammation around his left eyelid. He presented to our outpatient center with a 6-day history and previously ineffective antibacterial therapy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed hyphae and spores were on the surface of the crusty exudates and also penetrated into it, and the microbiology study further showed their characteristic cultural features. Fungal isolates were identified by the amplification and sequencing of the 26S RNA gene and of the ITS region, as C. lusitaniae and C. atrobrunneum. Up until now, most known clinical records of these rare species have shown them as agents of deep mycosis. Due to the emergency situation, medications were administered promptly and confirmed by subsequent fungal identification and successful therapeutic outcome. This article illustrates the importance of recognizing fungal infections, especially those caused by uncommon pathogens. Limitations in the routine identification procedures and therapeutic options of this emerging opportunistic agent are also discussed in this report.  相似文献   

Walther  Grit  Wagner  Lysett  Kurzai  Oliver 《Mycopathologia》2020,185(5):765-781

The order Mucorales is an ancient group of fungi classified in the subphylum Mucoromycotina. Mucorales are mainly fast-growing saprotrophs that belong to the first colonizers of diverse organic materials and represent a permanent part of the human environment. Several species are able to cause human infections (mucormycoses) predominantly in patients with impaired immune system, diabetes, or deep trauma. In this review, we compiled 32 reports on community- and hospital-acquired outbreaks caused by Mucorales. The most common source of mucoralean outbreaks was contaminated medical devices that are responsible for 40.7% of the outbreaks followed by contaminated air (31.3%), traumatic inoculation of soil or foreign bodies (9.4%), and the contact (6.2%) or the ingestion (6.2%) of contaminated plant material. The most prevalent species were Rhizopus arrhizus and R. microsporus causing 57% of the outbreaks. The genus Rhizomucor was dominating in outbreaks related to contaminated air while outbreaks of Lichtheimia species and Mucor circinelloides were transmitted by direct contact. Outbreaks with the involvement of several species are reported. Subtyping of strains revealed clonality in two outbreaks and no close relation in two other outbreaks. Based on the existing data, outbreaks of Mucorales can be caused by heterogeneous sources consisting of different strains or different species. Person-to-person transmission cannot be excluded because Mucorales can sporulate on wounds. For a better understanding and prevention of outbreaks, we need to increase our knowledge on the physiology, ecology, and population structure of outbreak causing species and more subtyping data.



Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis caused by pathogenic species of the genus Sporothrix. Since 1998, the number of cases of sporotrichosis due to Sporothrix brasiliensis has grown significantly in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nearly all cases are related to cats as the main source of fungal infection. We report two cases of sporotrichosis following tattoos, a transmission form of S. brasiliensis not yet reported. The first patient, a 22-year-old female, had cutaneous sporotrichosis, fixed form, over a tattoo in her lumbar region. The lesion appeared 12 weeks after she was tattooed. The second patient, a 27-year-old female, had a lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis over a forearm tattoo. The lesion appeared two weeks after she was tattooed. In both cases there was no history of contact with cats or other plausible source of infection. The present study highlights that other non-zoonotic forms of transmission of S. brasiliensis may occur in endemic areas.


Since the first human infection by Saksenaea vasiformis in 1976 another 26 cases have been reported. Here is a report of a new case which involved an Ecuadorian adolescent who suffered serious burns after a car accident. It developed as a localized cutaneous infection which was successfully treated with surgical debridement and amphotericin B. This is the second report of this infection from South America and the third involving a burn patient. The previously reported 27 cases are reviewed.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is a family of diseases caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. Various Leishmania species can cause human infection, producing a spectrum of clinical manifestations. The current treatments are unsatisfactory, and in absence of a vaccine, there is an urgent need for effective drugs to replace/supplement those currently in use. Recent studies have shown that the antineoplastic drug, tamoxifen, had direct leishmanicidal effect on several Leishmania species in vitro. Moreover, in vivo testing was carried out on some of the species and showed promising results. The authors have carried out the present work to complement previous published studies by investigating in vivo activity of tamoxifen in an experimental model of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) caused by Leishmania major. Groups of infected mice were given tamoxifen, orally, at a dose of 20 mg/kg/day for 15 days. Efficacy was assessed clinically, parasitologically, histopathologically by light and transmission electron microscope (TEM). Results showed that untreated infected mice suffered from autoamputation of the inoculated foot pad. However, those which received tamoxifen showed marked improvement of the cutaneous lesions and reduction of parasite burden. TEM of the cutaneous lesions from infected mice revealed the fine structure of normal Leishmania amastigotes, whereas those from infected mice treated with tamoxifen showed considerable changes. All male mice that received tamoxifen showed scrotal swelling with evident histopathological changes in the testes that could seriously compromise fertility of male mice. In conclusion, although tamoxifen causes significant side effects to the male reproductive system in the mouse model, it could provide an alternative to current agents. Results of this study demonstrated in vivo activity of tamoxifen against Leishmania major, thus, suggesting that tamoxifen is a suitable lead for the synthesis of more effective and less toxic antileishmanial derivatives.  相似文献   

Growth on a wheat bran media induced production of an extracellular β-glucanase by Rhizomucor miehei (DSM 1330). The enzyme was purified to homogeneity. Substrate specificity studies coupled with protein database similarity searching using mass spectrometry-derived sequence data indicate it to be an endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase (EC The enzyme was characterised in terms of potential suitability for use in animal (poultry) feed. Significant activity was observed over the entire pH range typical of the avian upper digestive tract (pH 2.6–6.5). The enzyme was also found to be more thermostable than current commercialized β-glucanases, particularly when heated at a high enzyme concentration, and retained twice as much residual activity as the latter upon exposure to simulated avian digestive tract conditions. There are no previous reports of the production, purification or characterization of a β-glucanase from a Rhizomucor, and the enzyme’s application-relevant physicochemical characteristics render it potentially suited for use in animal feed.  相似文献   

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