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Abstract A virus isolated from stunted eggplant (Solanum melanogena L.) with severe vein yellowing, was identified as a strain of eggplant mottled dwarf rhabdovirus (EMDV-J) on the basis of host range, transmissibility and serology.
The isolate is seemingly a unique strain of eggplant mottled dwarf virus that differs from the reported strains in the host range.
The virus was recovered from Withania somnifera , a perennial plant, which suggests the availability of a virus reservoir at times when the Jordan valley is practically free from cultivated eggplants.  相似文献   

The natural occurrence of eggplant mottled dwarf rhabdovirus (EMDV) in field-grown tobacco plants iti Italy is reported. The virus was identified by the differential reactions of herbaceous hosts, electron microscopy and serology. This seems to be the first record of natural itifection of tobacco by EMDV.  相似文献   

A rhabdovirus isolated in Tunisia by mechanical inoculation from honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.) plants with vein yellowing, was compared with a Tunisian isolate of eggplant mottled dwarf virus (EMDV). The two viruses had similar host ranges and caused the same symptoms in artificially infected hosts. The honeysuckle virus induced in eggplant a syndrome indistinguishable from that typical of EMDV. The two viruses could not be differentiated serologically, had particles of the same size and elicited identical cytopathological alterations in naturally and artificially infected hosts. Honeysuckle is the first host, besides eggplant, found to be naturally infected with EMDV.  相似文献   

When evaluated by electron microscopy, rhabdoviruslike particles (RLP) were found most frequently in petioles, less frequently in midribs, and not at all in roots or petals of Alpine strawberry plants leaflet graft-inoculated with strawberry crinkle virus (SCV). In graft-inoculated plants RLP were found only in mesophyll and phloem parenchyma cells and in sieve tubes. Numbers of RLP detected were highest within one week of the onset of symptoms, decreased with time, and were extremely variable, both among identically treated Alpine seedlings that showed similar crinkle disease symptoms and within Alpine clones. Through electron microscopy we were not able to predict if a given petiole sample from a graft-inoculated Alpine plant showing typical symptoms of crinkle disease would have no, moderate, or many RLP. The percentage of Alpine plants developing crinkle symptoms after leaflet graft inoculation with symptom-bearing leaves from a crinkle source was higher in summer than in winter. It was not increased after the source plants had broken dormancy in the spring, compared to plants kept vegetative all winter, and was not dependent on the length of time a symptom-bearing source plant had been infected. When symptomless leaves from SCV-infected Alpine plants were grafted to healthy Alpine indicator plants, no symptoms developed on the latter.  相似文献   

The genomic DNA of soybean crinkle leaf virus (SCLV) from Thailand has been sequenced. The single circular DNA molecule comprises 2737 nucleotides, and contains eight open reading frames each capable of encoding a protein with a molecular weight greater than 10 kDa. A 39‐base potential stem‐loop forming region occurs in the intergenic region (IR) that also includes the conserved nonanucleotide sequence TAATATTAC. The iterative sequence (TCAATCGGTGT), which is specific to SCLV, is also found in the IR. SCLV is most closely related (90% identity) to the monopartite geminivirus ageratum yellow vein virus. As the two viruses differ in host range, and the iterative sequence is specific to SLCV, the virus is a distinct monopartite geminivirus of soybean.  相似文献   

Resistance to Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV) in Arabidopsis ecotype Dijon (Di)-17 is conferred by the resistance gene HRT and a recessive locus rrt. In Di-17, TCV elicits a hypersensitive response (HR), which is accompanied by increased expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes and high levels of salicylic acid (SA). We have previously shown that HRT-mediated resistance to TCV is dependent on SA-mediated signal transduction and that increased levels of SA confer enhanced resistance to TCV via upregulation of the HRT gene. Here we show that HRT-mediated HR and resistance are dependent on light. A dark treatment immediately following TCV inoculation suppressed HR, resistance and activation of the majority of the TCV-induced genes. However, the absence of light did not affect either TCV-induced elevated levels of free SA or the expression of HRT. Interestingly, in the dark, transgenic plants overexpressing HRT showed susceptibility, but overexpression of HRT coupled with high levels of endogenous SA resulted in pronounced resistance. Consistent with these results is the finding that exogenous application of SA prior to TCV inoculation partially overcame the requirement for light. Light was also required for N gene-mediated HR and resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus, suggesting that it is an important factor which may be generally required during defense signaling.  相似文献   

During field surveys, three peanut green mosaic virus isolates differing in symptomatology on groundnut and a few other hosts were collected. Ultrathin sections of infected groundnut leaflets showed cytoplasmic inclusions with pin wheels and scrolls. In enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay they reacted strongly with antisera to peanut green mosaic and soybean mosaic virus antisera, and moderately with adzuki bean mosaic and peanut stripe virus antisera. All isolates also reacted positively with antisera to peanut eye spot, blackeye cowpea mosaic, pea seed-borne mosaic, potato virus Y and tobacco etch viruses, and did not react with antisera to peanut mottle, bean yellow mosaic, bean common mosaic, clover yellow vein and sugarcane mosaic viruses. SDS-PAGE analysis of purified virus preparations of the three isolates showed a single polypeptide with mol. wt. of 34,500 daltons. Based on these results, the three isolates are identified as biologically distinct strains of peanut green mosaic virus.  相似文献   

Plant viral infection and spread depends on the successful introduction of a virus into a cell of a compatible host, followed by replication and cell-to-cell transport. The movement proteins (MPs) p8 and p9 of Turnip crinkle virus are required for cell-to-cell movement of the virus. We have examined the membrane association of p9 and found that it is an integral membrane protein with a defined topology in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Furthermore, we have used a site-specific photo-cross-linking strategy to study the membrane integration of the protein at the initial stages of its biosynthetic process. This process is cotranslational and proceeds through the signal recognition particle and the translocon complex.Cell-to-cell transport of plant virus requires the virally encoded movement proteins (MPs). These proteins specialize in the translocation of the viral genome or, in some cases, the virions from the replication/encapsidation site to adjacent cells. This process takes place through the plasmodesmata (PD), the small pores formed by prolongations of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes trapped within the center of the plasma membrane-lined cytoplasmic cylinder that connect plant cells. MPs belong to different protein families with unique functional and structural characteristics. The most studied MP is p30 from the Tobacco mosaic virus, a 30-kDa RNA-binding protein (4) with two putative transmembrane (TM) segments (2) that has so far been considered an integral membrane protein (13, 42). At an early stage of infection, p30 associates with the ER network (18, 59). Given that the ER is continuous through PD, it was suggested that the movement complex transports cell to cell via the PD. On the other hand, passage through the connecting structure largely remains a mystery, although it seems reasonable that the process again occurs in close juxtaposition to the ER-derived membrane (desmotubule) that runs through the PD (12, 35). Many other plant viruses have a cell-to-cell transport system based not on one but on two (double-gene block [DGB]) or even three (triple-gene block [TGB]) MPs. In some of these cases it has been shown that at least one MP is closely associated with the ER membrane (28, 34, 41, 50, 55). Thus, it has been assumed that other MPs associate similarly with membranes.The targeting and insertion of an integral membrane protein can occur either posttranslationally, in which the protein is completely synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes before being inserted, or cotranslationally, in which protein synthesis and integration into the ER membrane are coupled. In the latter case, the targeting of the ribosome-mRNA-nascent chain complex to the membrane depends on the signal recognition particle (SRP) and its interaction with the membrane-bound SRP receptor (11), which is located in close proximity to the translocon. The translocon, a multiprotein complex composed of the Sec61α, -β, and -γ subunits (16) and the translocating chain-associated membrane protein (TRAM) (15) in eukaryotic cells, facilitates the translocation of soluble proteins into the ER lumen and the insertion of integral membrane proteins into the lipid bilayer (24).Plant virus infection depends on the proper targeting and association or insertion of the movement proteins with or into the ER membrane. In this report, we investigate the insertion into, topology of, and targeting to the membrane of the p9 MP from Turnip crinkle virus (TCV). This is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus that belongs to the Carmovirus genus and thus to the DGB. Its 4-kb genome encodes five open reading frames (ORFs) (3, 17). Translation of the first two yields p28 and p88, both implicated in viral RNA synthesis. In the central region, two overlapping ORFs encode the small proteins p8 and p9, which have been shown to be involved in cell-to-cell movement (6, 17, 31). The RNA-binding protein p8 (17, 58) overlaps the distal 3′ region of the replicase p88. The 3′ region of the genome encodes the viral coat protein p38, and its 5′ end overlaps p9 (3).A strong interaction with the membrane is expected for p9 due to the close similarities in the genomic arrangement of TCV (57) with other carmoviruses, like Carnation mottle virus (CarMV) and Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV). Both CarMV and MNSV have two small MPs, one an RNA-binding protein (39, 53, 54) and the other a cotranslationally inserted integral membrane protein (34, 47, 55). In this study, we present evidence of the integration of TCV p9 into ER-derived microsomal membranes. Using an in vitro translation system based on a model integral membrane protein, we have been able to identify two membrane-spanning domains. Additionally, the membrane topology of the p9 MP was analyzed in vitro and found to have an N terminus (N-t)/C terminus (C-t) luminal orientation. Finally, using a site-directed photo-cross-linking approach, we demonstrated that the mechanism of p9 insertion into the ER membrane involves SRP and the translocon.  相似文献   

1991年从沈阳地区茄子花叶病叶片中分离到了SY-Is分离物。经汁液摩擦接种7个科16种植物,这一分离物可浸染4个科8种植物,但不侵染黄瓜、两葫芦和蚕豆,也不能经桃蚜和萝卜蚜传播。该分离物体外抗性的致死温度(TIP)为90-95℃;稀释限点(DEP)为10 ̄(-6)-10 ̄(-7);体外保毒期(L)为一个月以上。光学显微镜下可见晶状胞质内含体。叶滴法电镜观察可见大小为±300×18nm的杆状病毒粒子。该病病叶汁液与烟草花叶病毒(TMV)普通株抗血清呈明显阳性反应。用TMV的一对引物进行多聚酶链反应(PCR),可扩增出一特异性核酸片段。根据上述实验结果,我们认为引起沈阳地区茄子花叶病的毒原种类为TMV,是茄子花叶病的新毒原。  相似文献   

During the systemic infection of plants by viruses, host factors play an important role in supporting virus multiplication. To identify and characterize the host factors involved in this process, we isolated an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant named RB663, in which accumulation of the coat protein (CP) of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in upper uninoculated leaves was delayed. Genetic analyses suggested that the phenotype of delayed accumulation of CMV CP in RB663 plants was controlled by a monogenic, recessive mutation designated cum2-1, which is located on chromosome III and is distinct from the previously characterized cum1 mutation. Multiplication of CMV was delayed in inoculated leaves of RB663 plants, whereas the multiplication in RB663 protoplasts was similar to that in wild-type protoplasts. This suggests that the cum2-1 mutation affects the cell-to-cell movement of CMV rather than CMV replication within a single cell. In RB663 plants, the multiplication of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) was also delayed but that of tobacco mosaic virus was not affected. As observed with CMV, the multiplication of TCV was normal in protoplasts and delayed in inoculated leaves of RB663 plants compared to that in wild-type plants. Furthermore, the phenotype of delayed TCV multiplication cosegregated with the cum2-1 mutation as far as we examined. Therefore, the cum2-1 mutation is likely to affect the cell-to-cell movement of both CMV and TCV, implying a common aspect to the mechanisms of cell-to-cell movement in these two distinct viruses.  相似文献   

Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) was detected in individual embryos of both dormant mottled (50%) and non-mottled (50%) seeds of certified soybean cvs Davis. Essex. Hutchinson, Ransom, Stonewall, and Young by using the double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA). SMV was not detected in individual strained seed coats of mottled or non-stained seed coats of non-mottled dormant seeds and endosperms of either type of seed. SMV was not detected m individual stained and nonstained seed coats, epicotyls, and endosperms of mottled and non-mottled seeds at 72 h post-germination. However, the virus was detected in individual hypocotyls at an average level of 31% in post-germinated seeds (mottled and non-mottled) of all cultivars. Symptomless glasshouse-grown 6–8-week-old seedlings from mottled and non-mottled seeds of certified soybean cultivars occurred twice as often as those showing early symptoms. However, almost half of these symptomless plants were found to be SMV-infected by DASELISA. Virus-free soybean plants grown to maturity from non-mottled seeds also produced mottled seeds.  相似文献   

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